
        • Archilles, your post TOTALLY resonates with me. TOTALLY. 

          However (there's always an however) a series of slightly odd things have been happening to me lately. The ringing in my ears (which I've been calling tinnitus for about 40 years) has transitioned to other types of 'noises' (like radio static, but different) in recent weeks, and several times (5?) I've heard my name called inside my head. A male voice. When the static begins, I feel as if I could hear a voice if I could only tune my ear just right. Also in recent weeks synchronicity seems to have quadrupled or more. Some events have really caught me by surprise and then I ask myself if I've been ignoring an awful lot until now. Ignoring co-incidences. I never thought I would be confessing to these things. And it may well be that I'm going a trifle lala. All I can do for now is wait and see. It will either all go away until it becomes a vague memory, or else I'll become some sort of channeler also, LOL.  God forbid!

          I might write to you all and say, "I heard a voice inside my head today and it said 'so and so'. What do you all make of that?"  I don't think I'll be saying, "I spoke with Lord Such'n'Such today and he said we should be prepared for this and that."  How do these channelers continue to write with so much conviction when they are repeatedly shown to be wrong? That is the part I'm currently trying to understand. So far the only answer I have is that they DO INDEED suffer from personality disorders. 

          I am a poet and fiction writer, and can manufacture unlimited scenarios under the headings of poetry and/or fiction, but I would never want to mislead anyone by claiming that anything I write is more than my own imagination. Maybe some people just have trouble differentiating between fact and fiction? Heck, I have a sister like that. I think it's fairly commonplace. 

          • What a coincidence (or synchronicity?) - I am ALSO a poet / fiction writer!

            I've noticed the ringing in my ears increasing a lot lately, although I can't say I've experienced any other sorts of noises. Tinnitus or not, it's interesting to speculate on :)

            I think beginning with "I heard a voice inside my head today and it said 'so and so'. What do you all make of that?" is a wonderful idea, and one that people should take on board. I think channelers write with such conviction because, perhaps, they are also trying to convince themselves as they go along. That's my theory, at least. When they are shown to be wrong, they have two options:


            1. Accept that they were wrong, which means questioning everything that they believe in, resulting in a faith crisis and potential breakdown, or
            2. Make excuses ("earth isn't ready yet", etc) that enable them to maintain their beliefs

            I could easily be wrong, of course. And to anyone offended by reading this, please note that I believe you have the right to believe in whatever you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. However, I have to draw the line when it comes to giving people false hope and setting them up for repeated disappointment. That's not cool.

            Love to all x

  • I found out that Greg is a musician and plays the bass..have listened to some of his music and it is awesome.  He is in a group called BROOKLYN and he has a twin brother also in the group.  I cannot judge his authenticity about channeling as I don't resonate with most of his predictive channels, but I have to say I like his music.  Here is a picture of him and the rest of the group, and one of he and his girlfriend. I like to think of him as a human being and I am going to cut him some slack and not bash him here on the board, because there are many who feel they have benefited from his channelings, and to each their own.  I prefer to think of him as an awesome musician, he plays a mean Bass and he has a pretty girlfriend too, lol.  Some times it is too easy to bash people behind their backs and forget they are humans too.  I was hoping this would put him in a human light where we are all flawed and far too eager to judge, forgetting he is just a human just like we are.  We are all valuable and deserve respect in our own right.  I have openly bashed people on here but I am trying to be a better human and try to be more thoughtful and forgiving, as I would like people to treat me.


    Here is a link to lots of his music, it is kind of funky and different and I like it, maybe you will too.!8114335273?profile=original  


    • Awesome!! Who knew..this sheds a totally different light on the man!

    • Nice work Marique!

      Maybe he is a channeling artist. 

      Very bizarre!

      What is the world coming to?

      • Sometimes I like to find the man behind the myth, and find out what I can.  I found out I like his music, it is quite edgy.  So now I think of him as a musician and not so much as a channeler.  I find that many musicians are very much inclined to march to their own drummer, pardon the pun.  I was a music major in college and I met some very deeply spiritual and very "out there" people too, but I always was awed by their talent and depth and devotion to their music.   I think of him as a musician with a talent for telling a story and dam good writer.  As for the content, I do not believe. You have to admit though that he has one hell of a good imagination and a way with words as well.  As for the truth or motive of those words, I will leave it up to everyone to figure that out on their own. 

        • Marique, why are you being so nice?

          I really do think you had a walk-in when you were under anesthesia.

          Will someone please send back the other Marique!

          So, you don't think Greg Giles is a starving artist musician who sold his portfolio of glamour shots to the CIA for spreading psy-ops?

          And you really do believe that Greg writes all of those feel-goody channelings himself late at night after his swinging gigs on the strip?

          Will the real Marique please stand up?!

          • LOL! LOL!  We will talk later TF.....

            • Or maybe I have a groupie crush....gotta admit he issss cute, lol. 

  • I think Greg Giles is absolutely legit, however all you need do is read his channeled messages from the GFOL and if the message resonates with you well enough said. But if not then walk away, you are not ready to receive it. We are all at different levels of consciousness and some souls are not ready for this.

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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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Ashtar, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY via James McConnell

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