Make - believe; ´unable to exist, but produced in such a manner as appears to exist´. Since the term ´make - believe´apparently escapes the attention of most people let me clarify it; make - believe is something created to appear to be real which is not. In other words it has the appearance of reality but is ´that which is not reality´. Meaning that it is simply not a real thing. Because it is not a real thing in a very unsettling manner to most people who learn that something they had hold dear to most of their lives is actually make - believe they will try to search for it no matter what. Women who suffer from fake pregnancy syndromes try to search for imaginary embryos nobody feels but them and sometimes they are right but those very few sometimes are far too few to justify that just because one thinks one´s got an embryo it doesn´t necessarily have to mean that a virgin birth is likely - if no sex has been had in the past 2 years or at least last year.

Cm´on people. It´s time to stop this silly nonsense. It´s time to stop treating ´the make - believe people´as if they´re being someone or something ´else´than make - believe. And just like we know that nobody died when everybody had been lied to and told that Charlie Hebdo happened for real so do we know that there is, never has been and never shall be an Ashtar Command. Because a galactic federation wouldn´t have to be named anything if it got to be set up by some miraculous means. And when people keep lying to each other like that - it just means that there are some people who hate the ones they are selling these lies to. And that is why the people who did the Charlie Hebdo thing for example hate Charlie Hebdo subscribers. Similarly Charlie Hebdo´s subscribers are hated by the magazine´s owners. Hated enough that they are willing to lie to these people. Similarly most subscribers to New Age magazines are hated by most of the people who own these magazines. Why is this so? Why do people who own some magazines hate their subscribers? Here is why. When you subscribe to a magazine and you give the people who run it too much information about yourself they will loose interest in you. Afterwards they start to hate you. Therefore if they want you to believe a lie and a nonsense so nonsential that everybody else is seeing through that but you - then it´s because they hate you. They don´t want you to create your own magazine and achieve a large fanbase. That threatens their interests because then people are not buying their products.

Everything in the world of the Virgin Mary, Sananda or John Lennon or JFK is like this. And once less people take such nonsense seriously and people become more serious - then the people who´re mass selling the nonsense with the intent to mass distribute it afterwards become the ones most affected by new and more reliable information. This is thus the basic content of make - believe. It is material which has been spread and then sold by the people who hate the people who have to buy this content. Example. And if people want to believe in stories like the one of Abraham or Moses why do they have to go through the trouble of having to buy so much of expensive items associated with them?

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  • Yoare welce!!

  • Thank you for sharing this interesting perspective.  Belief systems are a very strong thing.  What people believe is a very personal thing indeed.  There are many people out there that perpetuate lies for their own benefit, whether it be for monetary gain, personal aggrandizement, fame or recognition, for gaining admiration and envy or respect from others, for many many reasons, and of course for making money.  Make believe comes in handy when one is trying to do all of the things aforementioned.  The new age communities are rife with people spreading make believe ideas and passing it off as fact, and many followers ensue and follow..... and a bundle of money can be made.  Make believe is big business and many people are pray to deceptions.  I have been burned by make believe and I am sure most all of you here have been at one time or another.  Like the time I was told that a woman could do a past life reading on me for a price and I paid the price, only to be lied too and ridiculed after I paid her. She told me she thought it was a riot that she told me that I was a directionally challenged goldfinch in my previous incarnation and that I died trying to fly out of the nest and smacked into a tree and dropped dead.  She even told me after it was a lie but too bad cause she already had my money.  So I was told something make believe for the purpose of fleecing me of my money.  Once burned twice learned.  I had to reevaluate my belief system to allow for far more discernment!  I quite frankly am way too poor to be fleeced.  Now I have to say I am a very tough cookie when it comes to believing things without proof of something's existence.  I am a questioner and a researcher and not easily sold on what I read and watch and see in the new age arena.  There is so much make believe in the new age movement that I cannot even begin to fathom how people believe the things that they do.  Things that were looked upon as fantasy in past generations are now actually believed without any proof whatsoever, believed because people want and feel the need to believe what they believe, because some people think if they believe something they can make it reality, and because they want to manifest it as a reality.  Not criticizing that but asking for a little bit of a shred of evidence of truth is a desirable thing.  The new age movement as a whole wants everyone to blindly believe everything being served up by the media, books, videos, lectures, workshops etc because to put it succinctly fantasy and make believe is profitable as hell and it is an easy way to manipulate people into spending more money on make believe. From my perspective, this present generation of new agers are the most gullible generation I have ever heard about (just my perspective). As for your statement about people who spread fantasy for profit....I agree that those who do this do not have a love of the people they are fleecing, they think that the people buying into their fantasies are suckers, and that is just what they are.  I know I have been a sucker in the past but have turned into a questioner needing proof...If I want fantasy I will make up my own lol, and it won't cost me a penny.  But anyone who profits from taking advantage of others' innocense or naivity is not a good person at all.  They may not hate the people they fleece or mislead, but they certainly have no respect for those they decieve.

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