Orion The Hunter is located between 11 degrees Gemini and 29 degrees Gemini. This is a basic description of the stars in Orion and their basic meanings or natures relative to planetary energies:

Notable stars in Orion:
11 Gem 55TabitJupiter Saturn3.3Northern star in left hand15S7N
16 Gem 50RigelJupiter Saturn1Left knee31S8S
21 Gem 37BellatrixMars Mercury1Left shoulder17S6N
22 Gem 24MintakaJupiter Saturn2Orion's belt (on the west)23S00N
22 Gem 59EnsisMars Moon4Nebula on sword sheath29S06S
23 Gem 00HatsyaJupiter Saturn3Sword tip29S06S
23 Gem 15AlnilamJupiter Saturn2Centre of belt25S01S
23 Gem 41AlnitakJupiter Saturn2Orion's belt (on the east)25S02S
26 Gem 24SaiphJupiter Saturn2Right knee33S10S
28 Gem 45BetelgeuzeMars Mercury1vRight shoulder16S7N

From http://www.skyscript.co.uk/orion.html :

There are many variations in the myth of Orion but the most consistent classical myth claims that he was born at the request of Hyrieus, who asked for a son in return for his hospitality to the gods. Jupiter, Neptune and Mercury obliged by passing urine on a bull's hide which was then buried for nine months. (The original name for the child was Urion which afterwards became Orion.) The child grew up to be a giant warrior; mighty and brave but also handsome. He fell in love with Bacchus's daughter but was blinded by her father whilst in a drunken stupor and only regained his sight after traveling to the furthest east and exposing his eyes to the light of the rising Sun. 

Orion later became the lover of Artemis, goddess of hunting, but offended her with his boast that he could hunt and destroy any creature on the Earth. Artemis conspired with a scorpion to prove the boast false - hence, unafraid of any mighty beast Orion was defeated and killed by a lowly scorpion with its deadly sting. Afterwards Artemis, beset by grief, begged Jupiter to place her belated lover in the sky opposite to Scorpio - so that he might escape in the west whenever his murderer rose in the east.

Orion was mentioned in the works of Homer, who referred to its rising in May and setting in November. Both were notorious amongst classical authors for their association with wind, rain and stormy turbulent weather. Such meteorological conditions reflect the overall characteristics of the constellation for it is known to cause many upsets and disturbances, though with the kind of qualities in its natives which enables them to persist against all odds. Said Manilius: - Orion will fashion... hearts which press on with unflagging energy in spite of every trial.

Manilius appears to have made an error in recording the position of Orion, claiming that it rose with the 10th degree of Aries. Yet his description of the constellation is accurate:

Near neighbour to the Twins, Orion may be seen stretching his arms over a vast expanse of sky and rising to the stars with no less huge a stride. A single light marks each of his shining shoulders, and three aslant trace the downward line of his sword; but three mark Orion's head, which is imbedded in high heaven with his countenance remote. It is Orion who leads the constellations as they speed over the full circuit of heaven. At his heels follows the Dog, outstretched in full career.
Hence, the energy of Orion can be somewhat viewed as "probability for unsuccessful venture," at least in terms of reflecting upon the pre-Pisces Age or archaic meaning of  "the hunt for food:" successful some of the time, unsuccessful most of the time, and dangerous on rare occasions.  
And I predict that this next Full Moon (and the time-frame going into Summer Solstice 2014) may fall under either one of the last two descriptions of the three descriptions that were just presented. 

Orion will not be visible since the Sun will be "blocking it out." Here is a basic picture of Orion:

7 main stars of Orion

And this is what Orion looks like during the winter:

Orion Constellation (ground-based image)

And here's the classic picture of "Orion The hunter," with the Bellatrix placement indicated:


The sun lines up with Bellatrix on June 13th, transits the three star belt of Orion the early portion of following week, and then lines up with Betelgeuse on Thursday, June 19th.  Summer Solstice 2014 is June 21, 7:10 AM (EST. More on this next week).

Because the line-up of the Sun with Bellatrix takes place during a Full moon, the pending Full moon will be worth watching. Full Moons are very important to watch in regards to world events due to Uranian and Mundane astrology methods defining the Moon as "the population" or "the people,"  and defining the Sun as "the focus or attention upon," or "the leader or initiator of the action."  Full Moons do represent a "crisis of consciousness," as many astrologers like to use with defining a Full Moon (which is a Carl Jung interpretation under his "crisis" definitions).  Hence, with human-entity-based astrology, the Sun can represent the personality we display on an open and public basis, the Moon can represent our personality that we display only with people we are close to (i.e. family, loved ones), and the Full Moon can represent a crisis or trade-off between these two personalities (since the Sun and Moon are in opposite positions of the zodiac.  But note that the way one behaves and maintains composure under a Full Moon is strictly up to the individual, not the Sun or Moon ("the stars impel and do not compel.")       

In terms of Uranian and Mundane astrology, it is my opinion that the Sun acts as a "magnifying lens" when lining up with certain stars and planets (and yes, to a certain extent, this includes the Moon, Venus, and Mercury, which are bodies between the Earth and the Sun).  Energies from the conjunction of the Sun with planetary or stellar bodies can act together as a focused "flashlight" or "laser beam" in a certain way (with the energies of the planet or star getting emphasized outwards and "shining outwards").  And since this "focused light" or "laser beam" is pointed at the Moon (in the Full Moon phase, with the Moon on the opposite side of the zodiac relative to the Sun), the combination of the Sun and another stellar or planetary body will be focusing the energy of the conjuncted bodies upon the Moon.  This can be significant per probable events taking place with the Moon representing "the people" or "the population" per Uranian and mundane astrology definitions.

Full Moons can thus define the Moon as receiving this "focus of energy" or "spotlight of energy" (or the light of this conjunction) and focused on "the masses" or "the people."  And with the Full Moon of June 13, 2014 taking place with the Sun at Bellatrix (on the left shoulder of Orion), this can be an interesting time in regards to how populations respond to the energy of Orion (with the Sun transiting the rest of Orion after this Full Moon).

Here are what my notes say about Bellatrix:


Orion's Left


 Loquaciousness, accidents,

 sudden dishonor







γ (Gamma) Orionis
B2 (pale yellow) Mg.1.7

And here are other notes, from http://www.skyscript.co.uk/orion.html:

Bellatrix - the Female Warrior', is a 2nd magnitude, pale yellow star on the left shoulder. Ptolemy recorded its nature as like Mars and Mercury and, again, its influence is to promote civil or military honours. It has a particularly beneficial influence for women, though it is said to make them loquacious - or as the 16th century astronomer Thomas Hood wrote: women born under this constellation shall have mighty tongues.  If badly placed there is a danger of sudden dishonor and ruin, particularly when the Moon is directed to the star, which Lilly noted as a portent of waste of substance and fortune. Robson adds to this, quarrels, hatred, fraud and perjury.

Here's the basic astrology chart, using the Washington Monument as the point for analysis:

8110760853?profile=originalThe Moon is lined up wit the Star of Ras Alhague, the "Head of the Serpent-Charmer. "  This star seems to be related to poisons (as in snake venom), and can either be dangerous or beneficial (there are snake handlers who have been bitten by snakes that live past age 90; snake venom is a reported outstanding blood anticoagulant and liver strengthener (if one survives the bite)).

Now let's look at this Full Moon relative to the chart of the United States:


Malcolm's Interpretations And Predictions


The Moon in Sagittarius is placed in the area of the U.S. horoscope chart that astrologer Robert Hand called "the area of open enemies."  With the Moon defining "the masses" and "the population," this can define news that may concern the sudden presence of some very angry U.S. (or non-U.S.) citizens, or a citizens inquiry or protest over U.S. government mismanagement (and this is a very long list of possibilities); areas of concern may be those that affect U.S. citizens in ways that involves Sagittarius aspects (i.e. freedom, the law, religion, the wilderness, sports, travel, education).  The probability of a severe protest or conflict from citizens is further strengthened with transiting Uranus in a strong opposition with the U.S. natal Saturn position and with Mars forming a square to the U.S. natal Sun position.  There may be some "loud voices" displaying discontent as we approach Summer Solstice.


The lineup of the Sun and Bellatrix (attention on quarrels, conflict, fraud, military-involvement) with the Moon conjunct the Ras Alhague placement (poison, accidents, scientific breakthroughs or disasters) may define some important event involving an argument or conflict relative to financial fraud or banking abuses, military-involvement (especially with weapons that are biological or chemical), drugs and drug-safety issues, chemical spills or accidents, religious-based conflicts, or re-heating or flareups of old conflicts that were thought to be settled at one time.  The square between Mars and Pluto is strong, and Jayj Jacobs defined this placement as "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead," indicating a tendency for reckless (but brave) behavior that can invite accidents or desperate acts of individuals aimed at government abuses or abuses of others (i.e. the elite, banking, legal authorities).  As with most Full Moons and New Moons, earthquakes and natural disasters are also a possibility, but not strongly probable.

Love to all,


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  • I don't do extensive long-distance readings at the present time due to demands of my job and the lack of presence of the client I do a reading on. However, if you have a horoscope chart that is accurate with location and is within four to eight minutes of accurate birth timne and is sent to me via Ashtar message function, I can do a basic freebie with a quick overview of the chart and important transits in the future year.

    Please note that there are many very talented astrologers in Great Britain; Englishman Charles CEO Carter (R.I.P) was my very, very first astrology source before I met Jayj Jacobs (R.I.P.)  I apologize for my inability to do extensive work, but I like the individual to be in my presence so I can read and feel their energy. I have had some serious a$$holes in my presence during readings, and I like to know who is for real and who is an a$$hole.  My postings on Ashtar and Facebook reveal the type of a$$holes that I am referring to. 

  • I'm sort of a historian on Jimi Hendrix; I've read many books on him.  He had bipolar disorder, and also a sleep apnea problem. The sleep apnea problem would become a sticking point for rationale that he was murdered since he didn't take downers (THEY WERE USELESS).  

    Hendrix used the excessive time he spent awake learning to master all those guitar licks from the many years of touring with different acts; his resume is actually impressive prior to making it big in Great Britain (it includes James Brown (fired), Curtis Mayfield (fired), Ike & Tina Turner (left), the Isley Brothers (left), Little Richard (left), King Curtis (left), and Jimmy James and The Blue Flames (left)).

    It is estimated that he "shoved" 35 years of guitar playing into 5 years; he may be the most important musician of the 20th century.

    For a good read by someone who was a close friend of Hendrix, read "Jimi Hendrix: The Story Of A Betrayed Musical Legend" by Sharon Thomas. It is definitely the most accurate account of the man and his life, and quietly reveals the strong possibility that he was murdered and why it happened.

  • You will be at a good vantage point with sunrise being close for the time of the exact 180 degree formation that entails the Full Moon. HEY, you get to watch the Sun rise from the bottom of the sea!!!!!!

    "If you can just get your mind together
    then come across to me
    We'll hold hands an' then we'll watch the sun rise
    from the bottom of the sea
    But first....

    Are You Experienced?"

    - Jimi Hendrix, 1967, from LP "Are You Experienced?"

  • Malcolm, I am sure you are correct.  You are correct in ALL your interpretations.

    • Here is one thing important that took place in Israel during the last Full Moon that "stopped peace" from happening or manifesting:

      Israeli troops combed several nearby Palestinian villages in search of the gunman or gunmen and imposed a curfew and checkpoints, but they had not made any arrests by midnight.

      It was the first killing of an Israeli civilian in the West Bank since last October, the army spokeswoman said, and it came as Israeli and Palestinian negotiators have been trying to salvage peace talks that have been teetering on the brink of collapse for two weeks.

      And this resulted:

      Middle East peace talks meeting postponed after killing

      A Palestinian holds up a Palestinian flag near the village of Nabi Saleh (14 April 2014)
      The US wants both sides to approve a "framework" accord that would extend the negotiations beyond April

      A meeting between Palestinian and Israeli peace negotiators has been postponed in the wake of a killing of an Israeli in the West Bank.

      A spokesman for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said it had been rescheduled for Thursday.

      Israeli officials declined to give a reason, but the shooting of an off-duty policeman on Monday has caused outrage.

      The US has been struggling to persuade both sides to agree extend their direct talks beyond a 29 April deadline.

      The negotiations, which resumed last July after a three-year hiatus, appeared on the verge of collapse earlier this month when both sides took what Washington called "unhelpful steps".

      The Palestinians submitted applications to join 15 UN treaties and conventions, while Israel refused to release a fourth group of 26 long-term Palestinian prisoners and re-issued tenders for more than 700 new homes at a Jewish settlement in occupied East Jerusalem.

      Israel has since said it will also deduct debt payments from tax revenues collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (PA) - which governs parts of the West Bank not under Israeli control - and limit its access to deposits in Israeli banks.


      Israeli minister calls for annexing West Bank’s Area C

      Tuesday, April 29, 2014 10:49

      An Israeli minister has proposed grabbing more Palestinian land in reaction to a recent agreement between the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

      According to Israeli media reports, Israeli Communications Minister Gilad Erdan on Sunday called for Tel Aviv to annex Area C of the occupied West Bank.

      “I suggest we begin to prepare to annex Area C. Where there is a Jewish population that needs to stay where it is, we can begin preparations to annex it if there is no Palestinian partner and the situation is unlikely to change,” he said.

      Erdan noted that Israel needs to send a clear message to the Palestinian groups by the move…. http://www.presstv.ir

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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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