


How To Receive By Natalie Glasson & Master Kuthumi

Greetings beloved light beacons on the Earth, I am Master Kuthumi. It is an honour to be in your presence today and I wish to support you in recognising, embodying and experiencing fulfilment within your being, your reality, and your spiritual growth.

I wish to support you in creating what you wish to experience for yourself and for the Earth. I wish to guide you so that you may feel more connected to yourself, to those around you, the Earth and the Creator.
There is a very special technique, an understanding that I wish to share with you. It is not necessarily something that will blow your mind. It is most likely that you already understand and are aware of what I will share with you. However, I wish to bring it into your awareness.
I encourage you to focus in a certain way now because of the Ascension energies flowing at this time from the Creator. In order to experience fulfilment, connection, and being more grounded in your being, your reality, and your dreams, there is a need to focus upon receiving.
It is very easy to say to yourself that you are open to receive, that you are willing to receive all of the gifts that the Creator wishes to share with you. You are willing to receive gift after gift, you are willing to receive riches and plenty, abundance and prosperity. You are there waiting, ready and willing to receive.
However, it may be that you are not experiencing fulfilment in your reality, or the manifestation of your dreams or the advancement of your spiritual growth. Even gaining assistance from yourself and others in your reality might be challenging.
Often within your being, there is an energy that is resistant to receiving, and this energy that resists receiving from the Creator can be found in every being on the Earth and even the Inner Planes. I will share that there is still some resistance even within ascended masters.
Be aware that resistance to receiving is natural. Every being holds an element of this resistance, and it acts as a doorway to connection with yourself and the Creator.
If within your being, there is a resistance to receiving, how do you overcome this?  You may not even be aware that you don’t really want to receive all the Creator wishes to share with you.
I, Master Kuthumi, first invite you to contemplate when someone gives you a gift or shares something with you. How do you feel? What is your first reaction? What are your first thoughts? Do you feel happy? Are you willing to receive? Do you feel supported, loved?
Video - How To Receive By Master Kuthumi -
Or does a part of you say that it isn’t what you wanted, maybe you feel awkward or uneasy and uncomfortable? Maybe you even throw the gift away. When you begin to acknowledge how you feel when you receive a gift you can also acknowledge how you feel when you do not receive, when you ask the Creator or someone in your reality for something or to do something for you. How do you feel when it doesn’t manifest? What is your first reaction?
Through these acknowledgments you begin to recognise the energies of resistance within your being, and this offers you an insight into the beliefs and energies that you are holding on to that are acting as blocks to you receiving.
I wish to share an activity with you and you may feel that this might be a childish activity, but sometimes there is a need to access that inner innocence, that joy, that childlike nature in order to soften the energies and open your being to receive. 
I, Master Kuthumi, invite you to sit peacefully or you may stand, whatever feels appropriate. Imagine or call forth the Creator to shower you in light blessings, blessings made of light. Imagine a downpour of blessings made of light that are flowing over and through you. 
Imagine or physically achieve the next part. I, Master Kuthumi, invite you to catch each blessing in your hand as it flows over and through your being. Say, ‘Thank you, I readily receive or I openly receive,’ and place it into your heart space. 
You may need to use your imagination, think of it as a game. You may need to imagine presents falling from the sky or you may be able to  sense the energy flowing. You may find yourself imagining it or you may physically find yourself running around the room trying to catch the blessings of the Creator.
Catching them, holding them in your hand saying thank you with such gratitude, and then placing them in your heart space. When you have completed the process, when it feels complete, sit for a few moments, place your hands upon your heart space, and feel, sense or acknowledge all that you received, all the light, the blessings like good wishes.
The connection with the Creator, everything that is within your being, let it flood. Let it flood into all aspects of your body and your being and feel yourself opening, expanding to receive even more, and you might even feel yourself receiving.
It is that moment where you expand, where you are ready to receive that is most important because in that state of being, anything and everything is possible. You can place an intention of what you wish to receive. You can ask to connect with a guide, ask to receive wisdom. In that moment anything and everything is possible. There is only a need to ask, and to remain in that expansive space, knowing that you are receiving.
Emotions, limitations, beliefs may come up. Observe them, acknowledge them, thank them, and breathe them away. The more you can enter into this space of expansive, openness and receiving knowing that you are safe, that you are protected, that this is a natural state for you, the more it will become a habit. It will naturally and automatically occur because of past experiences.
Many people do not remember how to constantly exist in a space of receiving because it feels too exposed, and they are used to cradling, protecting their own energy, withdrawing, contracting their own energy inside, this causes the resistance to receiving.  It is like trying to receive something when you cannot open your hands or extend your arms to receive it.
So there is a need to enter back into this natural way of being where you are, constantly learning and in an expansive safe space of receiving. Then receiving becomes very natural. You create an intention, and you receive, there is a power, there is a flow to it.
I hope that my words and my understanding have served you today.
I Am Master Kuthumi and I Thank You.
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OmNa Sanctuary Natalie Glasson



How To Feel More Connected By Natalie Glasson &

The Arcturians


Greetings, we are the Arcturians, we come forth with our love, wisdom and light to share with you in this moment. We wish to encourage a deeper connection with all that is the Creator so that you may feel more grounded into the Earth, into your reality, into your existence, your life, your spiritual growth and in your relationships, your creations, and your abilities upon the Earth. 

When you feel more grounded in all that you are and all that you do - you feel safe, you experience divine freedom, and freedom of expression. You experience the Divine flow cascading through your being, and most importantly, you feel more connected.   
We can imagine the world being more grounded and more connected. Take a moment to realise how this would transform every being upon the Earth, if they felt more anchored into their realities, into their beings and into their spiritual growth; also into their relationships and abilities to manifest their dreams. 
When you are more anchored you are more able to be present. You allow illusions to fall away. You are able to think with clarity, and you are able to recognise the truth, the truth in all matters. That which we are sharing with you today is not only appropriate for you, but for every being upon the Earth.
Simply contemplating what we are sharing allows a calmness within your being, a calmness to be experienced by many upon the Earth. As you approach each other with calmness, it is so much easier to connect. With connection comes a feeling of unity, of belonging, again safety. 
We first wish to share that there is a need to contemplate anchoring/grounding into all that you are and all that you experience, and this can simply be a conscious process where you ask, you state, or you affirm that you are grounded into your reality, into your being, into Mother Earth, into your existence, into anything and everything that you can think of. You will find that instantly you will feel more connected.
When we contemplate feeling more connected, the first question that comes forth is what or who do you wish to feel more connected with? The easy answer is to say that you wish to feel more connected with the Creator and this may be the truth. 
However, there are so many different aspects of yourself and others. It is important to be clear in your attention, and in your intention because when you are clear, the connection, the alignment occurs simply and easily. You may feel as if there is a need to connect with the Creator more, but actually it might be that there is a need to connect with self or with soul, or with body. 
You may wish to ask yourself are there any parts of your being or your reality that you are ignoring that will allow you to recognise where connection is required. Again, with your intention, you can ask to connect with all the different aspects of your being, your body, your soul, and the Creator. Allowing this intention to come forth and then allowing yourself to be in a space of receiving the connection.
This brings us to the next stage of how to feel more connected. It is to allow yourself to receive the connection. It is often that many souls and people reject the one thing that they desire. Some wish to be loved, but find it challenging to love self, it can be the same with connection. You wish for a connection and yet you resist it. 
It is important to allow yourself to be open to receive all forms of connection. When you create this intention the universe responds, the Creator responds and begins to send you some beautiful energies and vibrations. Connecting you to those energies and vibrations, reminding you of your connection that is always present and allowing you to experience it fully. The most important thing for you in that moment is to allow yourself to experience fully, to receive, to accept, to embody, knowing that it is safe to do so and will only support you.
When we are contemplating this topic, another question comes to mind. 
What do you expect when you talk about connection? For example, connection with yourself, what would that look like? What would that feel like? How would it manifest in your reality? 
Video - How To Feel More Connected - https://youtu.be/SBxSx-lCcLk
It’s the same with connection with other people. Maybe you feel that you cannot connect with like-minded people. If you did, what would it look like? What would it feel like? How would you experience it in your reality? 
And again, with the Creator, if you wish to connect on a deeper level with the Creator, what would it look like? How would you experience it? What would it feel like? 
It is not that your answer is correct or even set in stone because you will experience what is most appropriate for you. By asking the questions and exploring for yourself, you open yourself up to new experiences of connection. It is often when you discover what connection is that you realise that you have been experiencing the complete opposite in your reality and that allows for a transformation to take place. 
It is important to be aware that most transformations are instigated from your thought forms, from the realisations, the dawning, the understanding, the enlightenment within your mind. The more that you explore, discover, ask yourself questions, invite yourself to be adventurous. Then, you begin to open yourself up to receive new understandings, new energies, new activations, and new ascension.
When you have an enlightened thought or a realisation, it changes the energy system of your being completely, there is a major transformation. It allows certain blocks to be released, certain beliefs to be released, and then upliftment in energy. 
It is important to be aware that often insights within the thought process, do not necessarily come from thinking hard, but come from asking questions and taking time to be present, to meditate, to be aware or observant. 
An example of this could be, you might sit in front of a river and ask a question, such as how fast does the river flow? Who is present within the river, or maybe even what colour is the river? It can be any form of question.
As you observe the river and it’s in your observation, your question about it allows the answers, the understanding, and the enlightenment to be gained because you create space for it, and you observed. You are ready, you are open to receive, and when you are open to receive, everything that you need and require is gifted to you. 
There is always a need for a deeper connection. It is something that you can contemplate throughout your entire ascension process on the Earth. We will say that many seek connection with the Creator, and this is appropriate and necessary.
However, connection with everything that you are and everything around you, the reality that you exist within, is also essential and can actually bring you closer to the Creator because the Creator is within everything and everyone. 
We invite you in the coming days to explore your connection. Allowing yourself to receive fully. 
We are the Arcturians, and we Love you deeply and Thank You.
Video - Unite In Love - Guided Healing -











Video - The Rainbow Bridge Transmission -



Steve Nobel:

We are at a point where the timelines are splitting. In this transmission you will learn to unhook from the old karmic earth grid and more fully connect to the new ascending crystalline 5D grid.
This transmission will also help you open the inner channel and thus connect more deeply with the Christ Grid and open to the new 5D chakra system waiting to be birthed inside of you. This transmission will help Starseeds prepare for the current energy shifts
Below are details of the 5D Chakra Upgrade. These are suggestions and not fixed rules. They may appear differently to you and that is fine. The other suggestion is that all energy centres will be experienced as they shift into 5D from cones to spheres:
1st Base – shimmering platinum.
2nd Sacral – pale pearlescent pink.
3rd Solar plexus – gold with rainbow light.
4th Heart – pure starlight
5th Throat – majestic royal blue.
6th Third eye – crystal clear with emerald green fire.
7th Crown – crystal clear with golden tint.
8th Causal moon – Silver-white. Your Lower Akashic Records.
9th Earth Star – Copper. Connects you to the earth and to your bloodlines.
10th Soul star – brilliant light magenta. Your Higher Akashic Records.
11th Stellar Gateway - golden orange sun. This connects you to your Higher Self.
12th Universal – whatever colour comes. This connect you to your Monadic Self.









Decrees For Ascension


Greetings and Blessings of Divine Love.

Beloved family of the One God, the mighty I Am Presence.

Today marks the real ascension anniversary of our world teacher,

The ascended master Lover Jesus, The Christ!

May you too earn your ascension as soon as possible, according to your Divine Plan.

God Bless, protect, illumine, heal, sustain and supply you without limit!


The Ascension


I feel my God Flame touch my brow,

The breath of Love - Eternal Now!

I raise my eyes, and lo I see,

My eternal Self over me.


A dazzling cloud envelopes all,

I hear my own God Presence call.

I feel a surge of Love's great Might,

And enter deeply, its breath, its Light!


I see within this pulsing Flame,

And listen, hear, its pulsing Name.


I feel the glow - the Great Flame's Breath,

I Am the Victor over Death.


I stand forth free - ascended now!
To my heart's Light - I bow to all things.
I Am a Being of Divine cause alone,
And that cause - Love - The Sacred Tone.


I pour out life - I lift, I raise,

My heart overflows and sings its praise.


My power strengthens and inspires,

My great Light Rays are God's own Fires.


I Am a Sun, My Love, Its Light,

All else grows dim, earth lost to sight,

I know that I Am God - The One,

The Source - The Great Central Sun.


I pour out life, I lift, I raise,
My heart overflows & sings its praise,
My power strengthens and inspires.
My Great Light Rays are God's Own Fires.
I Am a Sun, My Love, Its Light
All else grow dim-earth lost to sight;
I know that I Am God - The One



Video - I Am Expanding My Heart Chakra -By Patricia Cota-Robles




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