

Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-01-2013

Beloved masters, the God Rays which RAY-diated the Divine Blueprint/Seed Atoms for the Piscean Age have gradually diminished in power, for they are no longer receiving the Sacred Fire Seed Atoms of Creator Consciousness supplied primarily by the luminous frequencies of the Sixth Ray. The major focus for humanity during the Age of Pisces was the lower emotional nature.

Humanity had emerged from the stupefying, vibrational forces of the lower, instinctual animal/human nature whereby the focus was on scarcity, survival and security. In the last 500 years of the Piscean age, many of the more mature Souls were beginning to tap into powerful forces of the Third Chakra / the physical Solar Power Center.

They began to concentrate on their earthly-mental/human nature, developing their creative abilities on the physical plane of existence, and acquisition of material goods became their major focus. Some of the even more advanced Souls began to tap into the vibrational forces of the Heart Chakra, as well as the Solar Plexus Chakra, thereby initiating the development of their Spiritual Power Center (the Solar Plexus, heart, throat and thymus gland) as they gradually began the process of spiritual awakening.

In this Sub-Universe, the sacred geometric pattern for that era was the Vesica Piscis symbol, which portrayed the unified Trinity of our Father/Mother God and the first born sons/daughters. ARCHANGEL URIEL and LADY GRACE are the bearers of the Sixth Ray, which was the predominant radiance of God Consciousness for the Piscean Age. Archangel Uriel is often referred to as the Dove of Peace, and he and Lady Grace embody the Father/Mother God’s virtues, aspects and attributes of the Sixth Ray of devotion, forgiveness, mercy, grace and faith. This is the Ray of peace, tranquility and devotional worship. It was the vibrational patterns of the Sixth Ray that the beloved Lord Jeshua, Lady Mary and Lord Maitreya, along with many other great Beings of Light, anchored on Earth in preparation for these glorious times of transformation. They came to Earth to plant the Memory Seed Atoms of the resurrection and ascension process. A great host of angelic Beings assisted them from the higher realms in activating the Sacred Fire Seed Atoms and the powerful Violet Flame of transformation which were stored deep within the Earth’s great labyrinths and caverns. The powerful radiance of the Sixth Ray and the activated Seed Atoms’ radiance from within the Earth were the means of stopping humanity’s descent into the darkness and illusion of the third and lower-fourth dimensions so that the spiral of ascension back into the realms of Light and higher consciousness could begin.

As Christianity flourished, the golden center of the Vesica Piscis symbol – () – became the fish symbol of the Christian faith. Later on this symbol was replaced by the cross as a representation of the crucifixion. However, the true meaning of the cross, as a sacred symbol, was a vertical column of God Light and a smaller horizontal column of matter. The tall column of Light anchored within the Earth was symbolically reaching for the heavens, while the smaller horizontal column represented the accepted narrow spectrum of duality. The column of duality/polarity grew much longer, it became unwieldy and difficult to balance, thus increasing the pain and suffering of humanity. There has been far too much emphasis on the crucifixion and the pain and suffering it represents. It is time to rectify those negative thought forms, and to understand the true meaning of so many of the metaphors that were given during those dark times of the Piscean era.

We are relaying this information to you, for it has vast importance as to what is occurring at the present time. You, the Star Seed, who are diligently striving for Self-mastery, have a measure of crystalline Memory Seed Atoms stored within your Sacred Heart/Mind such as those we have just described to you. The majority of you who are now firmly on the path were either embodied on Earth or assisted from the higher realms of Light to steadily hold the Sacred Hologram in our minds as we all radiated forth the Piscean Sacred Fire Seed Atoms of resurrection and ascension. For those of you who were on Earth, this was done while in a deep dream state; nevertheless, the contribution humanity made was invaluable.

You, the Wayshowers, are preparing to play much the same role by joining the mighty heavenly forces of our Father/Mother God as we anchor the new Divine Blueprint, the vibrational patterns for the emerging Age of Aquarius. However, this time, you will perform this most important task while fully conscious and aware that it is taking place. The new Crystalline Grid is now firmly in place and active, and it is time for you, the Star Seed, to begin to magnetize to you, integrate and then radiate the new Divine Blueprint/Sacred Fire Seed Atoms for the Aquarian Age down into the Earth’s grid system and out into the world of form. This is your NEW GALACTIC MISSION, beloveds. This is what you have been preparing for during these chaotic, stressful years of awakening to your Divine Nature.


When you achieve a certain level of harmony within, you open the physical body gateways or portals to the higher dimensions: the ascension chakra or medulla oblongata at the base of the skull; the back portal of your Sacred Heart; your Sacred Mind which is located in the upper, back portion of the brain; and the expansion of the opening of the crown chakra. These are major physical steps in the ascension process, for they reinstate your connection with the River of Life, which contains the Living Light particles of Creation called Adamantine Particles. At that point, you begin to build a force field of full-spectrum Light as you strive to become a master of Self and a conscious cocreator who only creates those things which are for the greatest benefit of all. From that time forward, your breathing exercises and affirmations take on a whole new meaning.

When you are practicing the Infinity Breath exercise, you are breathing through the Sacred Heart, which creates a continuous flow of cosmic energy throughout the physical body. This process floods the system with Adamantine Particles of Divine, Sacred Fire Light.

In order to become a living tributary for the River of Life, you must prepare yourselves to allow the Essence of life to flow into and through you. You must use what you need and then allow the remainder to flow forth, ready and available to be molded into wondrous new creations. In this way, you will become bearers and servers of the Light. This is the ultimate message of all the teachings we have given you over these past years. This is the goal of Self-mastery. This is the way of ascension.

As you become more proficient as cocreators on the earthly plane, you must constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You must strive for sustained harmony and refined godly expression. You must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire within, which has lain dormant for many thousands of years. You must learn to direct and focus your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change. By establishing and constantly upgrading your Twelve Ray Creator Wheel of Life, you are planting the seeds of focused change; and you are supplying the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have envisioned. When you can do this proficiently, your personal world will become a wonderland, and you will become a beacon of Light for all to see.

When the awesome power of Creation connects with physical matter as an opposing force, there is always chaos. However, when this wondrous power is drawn into a compatible sensory receptacle, miracles abound. You must change the expectations you have of the people around you. You must release the fear of taking a stand, setting boundaries, and speaking your truth with an overlay of loving energy. It is imperative that you learn to remain centered when experiencing criticism. Do not respond with anger or low frequency energy. You must learn to rise above the everyday stressful situations so that you may transform moments of discord into hours of serenity.

The universe and especially the Sub-Universe in which we exist is in the midst of a monumental transformational process. Planets are shifting places and moving closer to the sun of the solar system of which they are a part; galaxies and Sub-Universes are expanding and moving upward, outward or downward depending on the viewpoint of the observer. New galaxies are in the formation stages as the impetus for expansion is ignited by a great infusion of Creator Particles of Light/Life, and the seed thoughts for new Creation are permeating the consciousness of all sentient Beings.

Never before have you had such an opportunity to serve humanity and the Creator. You are at a crossroads in your evolutionary process, for the world as you have known it is slowly fading away. As Divine Sparks of the Creator, you were given a great gift, a treasure chest of Creator Essence to use in any way you desired. You began this lifetime with a portion of Adamantine Particles of Light stored within your Sacred Heart and a reserve tucked away within your Root Chakra, the Sacred Fire Seed Atoms sometimes called Kundalini and portrayed as a coiled serpent. You have always had access to the Sacred Fire stored within your heart; however, you have to remember how to use your Keys to the Kingdom in order to ignite and effectively use this power source of Divine Light. The Kundalini or Serpent Fire is a different matter, for you must clear 51% of the distorted energy you have created in the past in order to tap into this reservoir of Metatronic Full Spectrum Light.

You are in the midst of a cosmic reunion process, my brave friends, and you will evolve in due time, in one way or another. You must be aware that this transformation process is a long and complex cycle; however, it can be a grand journey if you will take advantage of the wisdom teachings and the tools we are offering to you. The Law of the Circle states that every new creative endeavor must begin from within the Still Point of Will-Power, the Core Essence of the Creator/cocreator.

There is great concern that the devastation around the world is accelerating. We acknowledge that this is true and will continue for some time as the Earth releases the negative patterns and constrictive energies, for your Earth mother is striving to repair the damage that has been done to the planet over the aeons of time through humanity’s negative thoughts and actions. Humanity is responsible for the present state of the Earth, and it is up to all of you, along with the assistance of the Beings of the Higher Realms, to strive to correct as much of the damage as possible. You are being supplied with the tools and the Sacred Fire energy necessary to accomplish this task; however, you must incorporate and direct the energy appropriately. Your ascension and the Earth’s ascension are inexorably tied together, and we are committed to assist you in every way possible.

During this shifting of the Ages cycle, you are experiencing a great variety of transformative changes. You are reclaiming all the personal fragments of energy/thought forms that you created during your long journey into the physical expression. You are reuniting with the many Sparks of consciousness that make up your Divine Self and your Soul family, and you are also striving to become a spiritual/human adult while existing in an ever-expanding, multidimensional realm of physicality.

The Holy Spirit or your Higher Mental Self is the discerning higher intelligence which monitors and regulates the Light infusions and the gifts of Spirit that are allotted to you according to your level of spiritual awareness and your present needs. Special dispensations are also monitored and dispersed by your Holy Mental Self, which is the intermediary between you and your Divine I AM Presence / God Self. However, these special gifts must always be used for the greatest good. Remember, you are cocreators and you must always do your part.

There is a path open for each of you to follow, no matter in what station or circumstances you may find yourselves. There is a golden opportunity waiting to enable you to assume your power, tap into your creativity, and bring to the fore those many latent abilities you have stored deep within your memory banks. And now, as never before, we are close by, observing, waiting to assist, to encourage, create the miracles, smooth the way and assist you in moving onward and upward.

Your Soul Song is composed of mid-fourth and higher-dimensional vibrational patterns of unconditional love, wisdom, balance and harmony. As a Self-master, your Energetic Signature and your Soul Song will merge into a Celestial Mandala of Light, sound and color by which you will be identified in the higher Realms. You are recognized by the brilliance of your inner Light. The more Light Essence you incorporate into your physical vessel, the more brilliantly your aura will glow.

If you can view all that is presently in your life as transitory except the Love/Light and Spiritual Fire within your Sacred Heart and Soul, then you will know what we are trying to convey to you. Release your fear of the past and future, eliminate the emotional and mental controls others have over you and become the free Spirit you were meant to be.

True spirituality means adhering to the living truth, which is lived every day, and not practiced just one or two hours a week as is done in most religious ceremonies. It is an incessant burning desire to be in constant communion with Spirit. Humanity must move past the shallow waters of orthodox worship into the mystical river of life. Akashic records are vibrational patterns--positive or negative--which are stored within the cosmic library where the total history of Creation is recorded and maintained.

The vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame are the only ones which are accessible both from above, via the Crown Chakra and the Sacred breathing techniques, as well as from within the Earth. Envision this beautiful Flame blazing up from beneath your feet, surrounding your body, as it transmutes any discordant vibrational frequencies you may have around you, before radiating this Sacred Flame forth out into the world in greater and greater concentric circles. Remember, one person who is centered within his/her Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind can convey cosmic truths and inspired thoughts to millions of people, while the loving vibrations of his/her auric field blesses everyone with whom he/she comes in contact.

The World Pyramid is a Mid-way Station for your multiple Soul-Selves. Your good deeds are stored within the Treasury of Light Storehouse within the World Pyramid. There is a harvesting of good deeds every year, and your loving thoughts and deeds are magnified and stored there. The greater portion is melded with Creator Light to be used to create the greatest good for all humanity. You will receive your special gifts and Divine dispensations in accordance to that which you have contributed to the Storehouse of Light.

We ask you to put us to the test. With an open mind, study the basic concepts we have given, and slowly, but faithfully, implement some of them within your daily life. Give us permission to guide and inspire you, and by doing so, you will have the forces of Heaven behind you. You can only fail if you do not make an effort or if you give up, beloveds.


I AM Archangel Michael

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

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            • Thank you very much Michael.. I really appreciate that.. ok I will certainly do my best to call on Sunday, I live in Berlin, Germany so its 5 hours later .. but no worries, it would be an honor for me ..

              thank you again..and much Love to you Michael..


  • Interesting post but I aggree a bit with indigo1955  .. I feel some of the wording might get lost in translation.. so to speak.

  • Always great to get another rung and encouragement. Thanks Ben-Arion, Ronna and AAM.

  • thank  lou fr thisl message- so important .. it trains us to remeber our galactic origins..

    i was surprised to read that the author was MICHAEL ARCANGEL..

    going to share most immportant past during our  final meditation of  2012

    with metafisical school

    blessings from ascended MASTERS

    Annaluce--ITLAY FREE

  • I/we and I am speaking for my husband, can't feel anything......ok we only meditate for 1/2 hr daily but I work (on commission which is why I am freaking out because I do not get paid until Feb) anyway, I'm IN my office "working" because I apparently work for free, naw, just in the travel industry, no money in it and it's all I know how to do as I've been an agent for 33 yrs, so I work very hard with very little compensation but I do love what I do!! Point is there is no time to feel anything.

    Point is when our bodies are this stressed out and nervous over "the unknown" and it's not fear it's just feeling stuck inbetween places. I didn't pay our mortgage this month because we don't have the money. If I were not a lightworker I know me, I would be freaking out about "losing the house" but since deep down I know all mortgages are fraud it's ok at least that's what we've been telling ourselves I am not as concerned as I probably should be, the unknown........

    Oh I want to feel something, I want my powers back, I want to see a spaceship, now change all those wants to need....WE NEED YOU!!!     XO   

    • There is so much going here and you are the creator.  This is a great site to share.  As for your situation Joanne I would highly recommend that with your mortgage situation contact your lender and let them know about your husband's job and financial situation.  They may be able to revise your payment as many people have been helped.  The reality is you need a place to stay and if you could hold on to your house make sure you have done all you can.  It may be simple and even if we do not like what has happened in the mortgage industry you want to make sure you have a place to be comfortable in.  I am hoping that would bring less stress as not having housing is not where you want to be. Living in the now is important and taking care of where you will be is important.  Good luck with your housing and hopefully your husband we get motivated knowing that you may have to get a different place to live and you could still save your current house if you choose to do so.  I wish you the best for 2013.

  • WE give you permission to guide and inspire us PLEASE!!! We feel so alone, lost, we are in Rhode Island, USA, let us help because we aren't doing anything else, as we are waiting for you.........we're stuck. I've already tried my Community Pods idea and that got me no where just a lot of heartache with name calling, you know I AM crazy (because I CHOOSE to believe!!!)so yes please help us.

    What I don't get is we told you we would be flat out of money by Dec and well we are. YOU promised things would be better I can assure you the leak in my ceiling, appliances breaking, bills just sitting in a pile is VERY stressful, WE gave you all our needs, we asked for help, we begged for help and now we may lose our home. How is one to stay in the light when we have one foot in 3D and one foot in 5D? No I don't worry about money or the bills like I normally do yes, I have a calm BUT it does not ease the phone calls from collectors who call every hour.

    So, how much longer can a light holder be of HOPE? Where are the changes? Heck we haven't even seen a UFO. RI is a tiny state and word is already out about us and NOT in a good way so if nothing is done by the end of this year, I honestly don't think we can this mentally anymore as you are asking alot from a human, ME, US!!!

    I/we need proof, knock at our door, come to our window, just come over please!!! We can do nothing to help you and for the love of me do not tell me to go meditate. I'm busy trying to stay alive here. Yes, I am mad. I am sick of being here, sick of being poor, sick of struggling, just like everyone else.

    Now where are you???????


    Love and Smiles,

    Joanne Griffing 

    • "WE give you permission to guide and inspire us PLEASE!!! We feel so alone, lost"

      Joanne this is an open invitation for your enslavement. When an entity speaks like this, not only are they not ready to ascend, they are openly seeking STS polarized ETs to come and basically occupy or destroy them.

      Which is what happened to Earth in the past.

      The guidance, the inspiration must come from inside of you if you are to be truly equal to those you seek.

      As soon as you give authority to an outside savior you have given all your power, all your sovereignty away. That "saviour" can then do with you as they will. And that's where STS ETs come in and will continue to come it for as long as they exist. And they must exist in this free will universe. The Creator has provided that path and it is valid as much as the benevolent path of STO.

      Be very, very careful who you invite to yourself and to Earth. People in desperate need are easy targets and victims. They are emotionally unbalanced and this blinds both their higher emotions and their logical center. If you are acting from your lower emotions you are ripe for control by more powerful entities, whether they are of the Earth or off-world or of a higher density.

      STO polarized ETs (the benevolent loving ETs) will never come in and save you because you are having a shitty life. You are suppose to have a shitty life, you chose it, you chose to incarnate into your country, into that specific family that provided you with that specific genetic line (body), upbringing and education.... so you are here to learn from it all and heal it. And besides, the fear of mortality is another fear STS entities play on, by providing technology to supplement the body, instead of looking toward spiritual/natural solutions.

      If it is your life to make the best of it, to find solutions to it. If you are taken out of it and saved, you might thank your rescuer, but your soul will not have learned to something it wanted to learn. Maybe you are not suppose to live in mainstream society. Maybe you need to live in spiritual communities.... Maybe this, maybe that....

      Maybe you are thinking it is all an accident, well there are no accidents. Every single little thing is pushing you this way and that, trying to awaken within you an even higher level of awareness of self, of other-selves and of all reality. The reason why you are disappointed is simply because you have attached yourself to a reality that is false, a creation of either your mind or your mind in conjunction with external reality (ie: things you are drawn to)

      This means you have focused yourself in the direction that would lead to your current result, in order to orchestrate larger changes in your life.

      Joanne seek to lead yourself in your life, not follow "fantastic" events/people outside of yourself. They are not there to provide you with an answer, they are only there to inspire you to find your own answers, solutions...

      Many of the things you've hooked on, I've seen others on this site and others like it, be hooked on. All I can say to you is that there are New Age sites that say things that never happen for the majority and there are sites that never even say anything will happen but focus on the internal work toward one's own personal self-empowerment in this world and understanding without attachment. Without beliefs that can easily bring a person tumbling down.

      The first one builds up expectations (with which many end up being disappointed); the other provides comfort in the knowing that you are learning/growing every day - and that when the time comes you will experience everything you've ever dreamed of and more. 

      The first focuses on living in the future; the other on living in the now.

      One breaks people; the other builds them up.

      One teaches people things the hard way; the other teaches them the comfortable and fun way. (doesn't sensationalize spirituality)

      One is fully of promises and quick solutions and distracting marvels of all kinds; the other is humble and peace giving.

      Focus less on UFOs and more on your immediate life situation in front of you. You will grow from it a thousandfold than you would if ET's came and made you your home, dumped a million bucks (or higher technology) on you and went on their merry way. You might be able to help yourself and others with that million bucks, but you might also in the process rob yourself and others of important lessons of compassion, self knowledge, inner-strength/courage, humility, wisdom, altruism, collaboration, inspiration, manifestation, respect, higher-sensory development, a turn towards the spiritual ways of being instead of materialistic ways of being with that quick "million buck" solution. Prime Creator did not create this level of reality for quick solutions if you truly want to gain something of worth that is not a gift from another but a soul lesson.

      And until certain lessons are learned no STO ET's will be sharing their superior technology with humanity. STS certainly will, they will share it in order for us to enslave or destroy ourselves with it.

      Your dependency on being saved in your life by another will be your undoing. You must be the one to "save" yourself.

      Heed the lessons of Atlantis, Lemuria and of modern day Abrahamic religions. This is what true spirituality is all about. Self-empowerment - when you know the eternal truth that whatever happens externally has no effect on you, whatsoever.

      Seek to become the Creator, not a victim!

      All the best to you! :)

      • Thank you and I really do know all this. I know I am from Lemuria, I really know WHO I AM, this message was for my wonderful husband who is in la la land.

        I AM building my future/life as if nothing is going on as someone has to try to work here. That's me! I AM building by adding on assistants (thinking outside the box) I own my own travel agency so I am asking those I trust (because it's MY license so I do have to be very careful) to join me in building my travel agency. I have one more spot left so if anyone loves to travel, wants to do groups that you formed and you are the travel leader. If anyone wants to be a travel agent please contact me.

        I know all this, it's my better half that is moping around doing nothing....waiting so yes I do hope he read this, he won't like it but I have been trying to tell him this for eons. Stop sitting around waiting, do something!!! So believe me it's very hard for me to hold my own light when my husband goes into depression. Today he seems fine. I can tell his "mood" just by his face, so hopefully today will be a good day for him.

        I am the one who wants to start the Community Pods. I am the one trying to do something. Brad being the man of the house worries about paying bills which is why he is having a hard time holding HIS light.

        Brad is a warrior and has been out of work for over a year, personally I would have already been bored out of my mind. Brad likes the "retired" aspect (he's only 52 yrs old) ok we've all been working since we were 15 yrs old but I've been trying to explain to Brad USE YOUR BRAIN, but Brad prefers to do nothing. So yes Brad, I love you very much, but I do hope you read the above answer.

        I did this on purpose so Brad could see every single thing I've been telling him YOU just told me. So two people can't be wrong eh?

        I AM a creator! I enjoy creating. I however do not wish to meet a STO, I just wanted to let you know whatever you need we are ready!!!

        Thank you for your words of wisdom. One last thing, I thought we were to not buidling a future but live in the NOW, which one is it? I have always lived in the NOW because I HAD lupus and could have died anyday so I always lived like it was my last day, everyday. I've been doing that since I was 18 yrs old and got sick. "Don't put off what you can do today because you don't know what tomorrow will bring" as there were many days I was bedridden (years actually) so I know LIVE LIFE!!!!

        Brad, did you read this?  

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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
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