Salutations, Beautiful Dreamers!  I needed a little pick-me-up from the research and debates, everything is so serious these days…  

I would like to connect with those people who are on board for ascension and see how they are doing, and compare notes.  I’m so grateful for this experience, I want to enjoy every second if I can.  I’ve evolved past the questioning and doubts, I have a good grasp on what is going to occur, and I am trying to just ride it out the best I can, with grace and Love. 

I’m interested to see how the rest of you are feeling, how your bodies are changing… how you compare to last year.  And what you think about your changes and how we can help them along without hurting our growth. 

Here is a list of changes and experiences I have been having, only the recent ones—some symptoms have passed now, and I’m sure some I’ve forgotten to add, but you get the general idea.  Please share your ideas and how you’ve dealt with some of the more extreme symptoms of Light growth. 

I should add that I’ve left out some of the more personal revelations I’ve had, some out of discretion and some because I am still wrapping my mind around them.  Some things need to percolate in your brain for a while before they see the light of day :)  

Physical changes:  

-          Less sleep needed.  I wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed most days, at least an hour before I need to get up. 

-          Cell regeneration accelerated.  My hair grows super fast and has gotten so soft it is like baby hair now.   I heal fast, have great digestion and stamina… no problems with my cells. 

-          No more headaches! 

-          Sensitivity to sound, vibrations are felt more keenly… a deep voice makes my teeth go on edge.

-          Food choices have changed- eat very little meat, was craving sugar a few weeks ago but have moved to fresh fruit and veggies.  Have kicked my fast food burger habit. 

-          Unable to drink more than a glass or two of wine.  I have lost tolerance, I get drunk very easily now so have had to cool it, though I really love to sit with a glass of wine and good company. 

-          I’m not sure about this one, because your voice is heard in your head and it’s different than what others hear… but I think my voice tone has changed- my singing has improved, my voice is smoother and higher (though still kind of low for someone my size, lol)

-          Chakra pains have mellowed out and are not as intense as they were a few months ago.  The current chakra awareness seems to be based in my high heart area which gives what I call angel wing pain through my upper back and into my neck and shoulders.  My crown chakra is very accessible nowadays too, almost like I have an invisible wire stuck in the top of my head that connects me to the unseen kingdom.

Mental Changes:

-          LOL, my outlook has really changed.  I used to think I HAD to have all the answers… but I had quite a breakthrough and understand so much more.  I still enjoy learning but I am doing it without a clock, at my own speed and feel no urgency anymore. 

-          Yes, I am relentlessly positive here at this site.  I have to be, there is much confusion here and negative thoughtforms… but I do not carry this into “real” life as much as I used to.  I have learned the art of Compassionate Detachment… I don’t hold the weight of so many expectations.  I was NEVER allowed to be unhappy or express myself before.  Now, frankly, I don’t care- I’ve shaken off the worst of the energy parasites I knew. 

-          A big mental change I’ve experienced lately is the joy and connection I feel to relative strangers, I can be in a line at the grocery store and be moved to tears by someone who is brave and Lighted, I can see someone and get a “reading” of their life and energy and it moves me so much. 

-          Okay, this one is sooo important to me and I need help with it somehow.  I cannot get ANY time to myself.  I know I should be grateful for having a busy life and being needed; but I just want to run away and not return.  If I didn’t have so many lives counting on me I would disappear gladly.  I really need space to myself, I have such a hard time even finding time to meditate.  I’ve always had a time of it with people draining my energy but these days it is really intense… I feel like I am the center of the universe and no one can function without me.  It sucks.

Spiritual Changes: 

-          Okay this heading is subjective, what is for me will not be for other people etc.  My largest spiritual change so far has been my complete acceptance of the GFL.  LOL, what is funny, is that I always believed in them, have seen craft and had many experiences that allow me to believe in them.  However, I finally understood what it means when they have stated that there are gradients of Light amongst the galactic culture,…gasp!  There are actually politics, which surprised me but allows me to place myself that much more firmly in the role of Light Warrior.  I’m reassured that I will serve the Light, in whichever capacity I can, and since I’ve put away my rose colored glasses, I have a stronger grip of what is happening “up there”.

-          I cannot express how much my research on sacred geometry has changed my perspective and spirit.  I am still getting a hold on it and not quite ready to share, but trust me, I had my mind blown.  I am not good with numbers, math, or geometry- I think my left sided brain has finally connected to my right side- this was likely the cause of the intense migraines I was experiencing earlier this year.

-          I’m not sure if this should be under spiritual changes, but my relations with animals and nature have exploded with joy.  I’ve always been an animal lover but sometimes I feel like Snow White, and if I didn’t have such a coterie around me all the time, the animals would gather around me where ever I went.  And nature sustains me soooo much!  I feel almost as if I am getting high on nature and sunshine.  Does anyone else feel that way? 

-          One thing I’ve noticed, is that it feels like I am emotionally vulnerable, like I don’t have any skin to protect me.  I cry easily, laugh a lot, and get angry really fast.  A few weeks ago I had a rage attack, where I was angry for no reason- I know this is part of clearing detritus from your karma, but it was like I was two people at times. 

-          Not sure if this fits either, but I had a dream last night about star ships again.  This time there were a few sparkly little ones and one GIANT massive mother ship near earth that was so large that the reflection of earth’s clouds and oceans were reflected off of the silver hull and it almost looked like another earth.  These dreams are increasing in frequency, though I haven’t remembered my dreams very well for years… I used to be an accomplished lucid dreamer. 


So, these are just a few of the changes I’ve experienced, I hope you can relate or it’s going to be lonely being the only one ascending, lol, just kidding.  Seriously, thank you for your time and I am interested to hear what the rest of you have been experiencing.  And also, it’s nice to see the “normals” are going through their own personal enlightenment journey. 

What times we live in! 

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    • LOL, I wish I was as positive, sometimes its hard to be kind when you are releasing all the karma you've accumulated as well as the physical detrius of poor living. 

      But I try, I like to think that positivity moves mountains- thanks for sharing :)

  • I don't think there is anything wrong with you.  We're all on different levels of evolution and perhaps you don't feel the connection because, unlike me, you don't need them for shielding.  You're lucky. :-)
  •  It really is a miraculous Alchemical Process of you going through the transmuting of your inner 3D Lead into higher frequency, non-polarized and integrated 5D Gold via kundalini fires activated by the ongoing Ascension Process.

    • Inner heat or kundalini fire that radiates outward and extends a good foot or more beyond the surface of your skin and physical body.
    • This same inner heat/fire in your spine/back repeatedly moving partially or completely up and down your spine/back.
    • This same inner heat in your spine/back stopping at different chakras to work on the emotional energetic junk you’ve got stored in each of them, some more than others.
    • Kundalini fire stirs up the emotional/mental/etheric issues you’ve stored and/or suppressed in each of your chakras which you will now FEEL emotionally and need to resolve and eventually fully release. This is a Process and is typically done repeatedly, layer-by-layer so we get the majority of our inner energetic junk transmuted and gone. It doesn’t happen in a couple weeks or months. Give it time to do all it must within you.
    • Strange, vivid dreams because we do the majority of our Inner Work while asleep and dreaming on the Inner Planes. We can discover, FEEL emotionally, resolve and integrate so much more in a vastly shorter time while we’re asleep and out-of-body doing this Inner Work. Expect strange but informative or symbolic and archetypal dreams and pay attention to what they reveal to you about yourself and what you’re transmuting.
    • Physical sweating…lots and lots of sweating day and night. I’d suggest you stop using chemical deodorants so you can sweat out the toxins. Try using a natural deodorant like a crystal stick or stone instead.
    • Emotional imbalances and difficult almost “crazy” periods due to past emotional issues/wounds/pains/fears/guilt etc. and their energies being brought to the surface of your consciousness and transmuted in and through your physical and emotional bodies primarily.
    • When kundalini fire is working in your solar plexus chakra, your physical belly/gut area will oftentimes bloat due to the intense energies and transformational Inner Work taking place inside. Fear not and know it will eventually decrease. Know too it will return a few times before you’re done with this Alchemical process.
    • When kundalini fire is working in your heart chakra you’ll often feel a heat, pressure, and possibly movements in this area of your body along with intense and uneven heart beats or thumps and poundings. You’ll also emotionally FEEL plenty and cry and rage and be moved by very simple and beautiful things, and very evil things too. Fear not as this is your heart being cleared and expanding to feel and house so much more of the higher energies, Light, and consciousness.
    • When kundalini fire is working in your throat chakra you’ll often feel a heat and pressure radiating out of the back of your neck. Aches and pains in your throat and jaw is common. You’ll also find yourself speaking (or yelling and demanding) things you’ve suppressed or have not been allowed to verbalize before. Finally give voice to what you’ve not so far and take your power back.
    • When kundalini fire is working in your two lower chakras, old sexual issues, feelings of guilt, and suppressed energies will demand your attention. Also fears and/or a sense of being a victim and so on will come to the surface to be consciously recognized, felt emotionally, finally dealt with and integrated and eventually released.
    • You know where each chakra exists within you and it’s pretty easy to know which physical organs exist in those areas. Those are the organs that will have more stress in them while your kundalini fire is burning and surfacing old emotional energies you’ve stored in them. Take care of yourself during these intense transformational periods. Drink plenty of water to help with the heat and fire, the constant sweating and potential mineral loss, and the constant detoxing and purging that this entire Process creates.
    • When kundalini reaches your head, just let it do what it does and don’t intellectualize the process much because you can’t and don’t need to! You’ll feel the fire and pressures inside your skull pushing and changing things in there and it all pouring up and out of the top of your head  (Crown chakra) too. Let the kundalini fire transmute your brain glands and clear and expand your Brow and Crown chakras for what will happen next.
    • This is so awesome!  wow- thanks very much for sharing.
      • excuse me can anyone explain me the symptoms in brief words?


        i am experiencing nothing,   i want to ascend, what to do.  is this bullshit?


        are you taking this seriously?      what to do to ascend.   why are someone feeling things and not me.


        please explain----

        • The reason for this blog was to share our symptoms, but they change over time and not all of us have the same. 

          If you do not have any I would say it is because you are in balance, or do not know you are experiencing symptoms as they often look like other things (ex. ascension flu). 

          If you are having emotional releases that is a good sign, or if you are having strange dreams. 

          It is as Rune says, LOVE is really all you need. 

        • Leerial: Dont worry if you have no Ascension sympthms!, or if symphtoms are so mild that you didnt notice them.

          To Ascend with Earth, its wise to : - Have balance/harmony inside your being. - Seek the good-feeling every day. - Meditate. - Be free, and go for Joy and Peace..

          If you do not have any symphtoms at the moment be happy for that. Symphtoms is not for everybody, and you Ascend as almost everybody do. Peace!

          White Clode/Blossom and Keisha Crowther say; To Ascend its enough to BE LOVE.

    • thanks for the list! a new read for me :)
  • Where to start?  Well I haven't been sick with anything in years.  I do not claim to be immune to everything, but since the Ascension kicked in, I just stopped getting sick.  It also forced me to become vegan.  Seriously.  I'm a person who loves seafood, pastries, dairy and more.  One day I'm able to eat what I want with no problems, then literally the next day, I started to feel pain.  It registered as a psychic pain at first and then filtered down the physical level.  For a while I was fine just eating all natural foods but eventually that wasn't enough.  I had to go organic.  I resisted the changes at first but it was getting harder to eat dairy, especially meat.  It was getting to the point of nausea.  And the energy was just awful!  I could actually feel the pain of the animal and at one point the words, "I'm dying" popped out of my mouth.  I realized that seemingly low intelligence animals can indeed comprehend death.


    At one point, my own emotions were too much for me.  I recall feeling really sad and the energy of the sadness was causing me psychic pain.  I had to ask the angels for help.  It's only happened once since the first incident.  I've become very much more clairsentient and empathic.  My psychic accuracy has also improved.  The worst thing is that I can't be around people with lower vibratory rate than my own.  It causes me alot of pain and no amount of shielding protects me completely.  There have been times when I felt like I've been psychically ripped to shreds simply because I was near those with lower energies.


    I recall one incident in particular when I was helping an old lady and her energy was so harsh that I became dizzy and almost collapsed.  I've learned that there are very few people like me.  I've only run across about 5 or 6, literally, people who are like myself.  That is, their vibratory rates are on my level or higher.  A much welcomed reprieve.  When I'm in nature, I feel so much better.  The energy of nature is so much like a healing balm, just like organics.  And I've yet to encounter an animal that has a lower vibratory rate than my own.


    I have a strong urge to be surrounded by quartz crystal, I'm thinking it has shielding properties.  For some reason onyx is just too much for me.  I can only hold it for a few seconds.  I'm also feeling the emotions of others more and communication with angels has become less of an effort.  There is more, but then this thing would get too long, but you get the picture.

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