Anything Health Related

While out on one of my walks the idea of starting a page on here that gets into anything health came to mind and since we post health related videos on the comment wall all the time I figured why not start a health discussion page. All our welcome as usual to post on here. 

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  • Yes as Benny said here Fauci was a major player in the Covid scam. Others who are guilty are those involved in the CDC, FDA, the WHO, those who made the unnecessary vaccines, and many others. This info gaining momentum is a good start, but it's really going to get good when the truth about the vaccines and the harm they have caused gains more momentum and then is officially made public. there was never a need for vaccines, lockdowns, and social distancing. They lied about everything.
  • Cooking oil...Which do you use...?? Best advice is to avoid "vegetable" oil, which is highly processed....and is actually a seed oil...and belongs here🗑️, not in your stomach...
    Chuck out all the seed oils....cotton, canola, rapeseed, corn, et al....

    Do use extra virgin olive oil, or grass fed butter, or organic raw coconut oil...✅
  • These Deep Staters are terrified of RFK Jr. They know what's coming. As mentioned earlier when he gets done with his investigations all the corruption that Big Pharma, The CDC, The FDA, The WHO, Fauci, companies like Moderna, Pfizer, and others will be revealed. Decades worth of corruption which include them hiding actual cures and the truth about the many unnecessary vaccines they created which have caused many problems will be brought to light. Those who scream the loudest have the most to lose so Elizabeth Warren and her friends there who are trying to act all tough and gang up on RFK have a lot they are hiding.
  • Game over for Bill Gates soon. His involvement in the Covid scam, his involvement in other harmful vaccines, and what he did with Epstein will put an end to him.
  • Time is running out for Mad Doc Fauci. This Covid scam he and his other POS friends created is going to be their downfall.
  • Civilisations only move forward in a truely progressive manner, when a generation that seeks answers, refers to the wisdom of it's elders, rather than modern charlatans, motivated by personal gain...(think fast food producers and corrupt regulators..)

    Dr Berg speaks to his wise old dad, about the way people ate, back in the late 1940s...and why diabetes and obesity was rare in children, of that era...
  • Redacted talks here about the US leaving the corrupt WHO. Also mentioned here will be some of the corruption of the WHO. It's only a matter of time before other countries decide to get away from the WHO. It's also only a matter of time before the corruption of the CDC, FDA, NIH, and others comes out as well.
  • Good start here as Red Dye 3 is set to be banned soon. I expect RFK Jr. to get more unhealthy ingredients banned when he officially gets in.
  • Oh no! better Quadruple mask up, take my vaccine and 37 boosters, and social distance for the rest of my life. I guess I have to add four more masks and add another 37 boosters since they have been talking about M Pox as well. While I don't think as many people will fall for the Bird Flu crap and also M Pox like they did with the Covid scam we will still sadly probably have some sheep who will go along with everything they are told. The cure for Bird Flu, M Pox, and others is simple just turn off the fake news. It's as simple as that.
  • The truth about Fluoride and also the harm it can do. Spoiler alert everything we have been told about Fluoride for decades is garbage.
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