A former memeber of AC posted a topic about this and I wanted to resurect it, because it feels very important for me personally, and because I believe there are many people here now who were also affected by this. I very much wish I could repost the original thread but I doubt highly that the former member would appreciate that. I need not say that none of this is absolutely concrete, but from what I can remember and have confirmed with others, very long ago there was a "star empire" which centered itself originally in El-An-Ra, the three stars in Orion's belt. My perception is that this actually came from elsewhere originally, probably as formless energy, but it found a ready home with whatever beings were residing in that area originally, reptillian humanoids I believe. I also seem to remember a class of beings that were very common who were "adamic" humanoids, very large and broad (10+ feet tall), almost like frankenstein monsters. They "absorbed" people from many worlds and turned them to their cause. I think I have read/heard they invaded Lyra at some point, my own "memory" says that the Sirius systems were involved, along with (if it is not the same) a heavily forested world with blue-skinned elf-like inhabitants. In the previous incarnation of this post, Sashia Ishizu mentioned the idea that they created the "greys", and although I am not sure if they were the original creators, I think they did use those beings for some of their more minor operations. It is a shame that so much of this story has been "dumped" into popular culture, because if I were to use shorthand I would describe them as a cross between the "Empire" from starwars and the "Borg" from star trek. The original motivation is death, destruction, cruelty, but really anything that could be used to retard spiritual development and leave the architects or source essence of this empire relatively unchallanged by other beings for "control". It's incredible what it seems is possible for beings who are spiritually "developed" but not in alignment with "heart". Cybernetic technology is useful for them because it can extend the lifespan of a biological organism, take away it's autonomy by manipulating consciousness artificially, and helps keep the soul energy "trapped", so to speak. It also seems there are "eatheric" implants in people from this time, that are often still there, which were also instrumental in keeping them disconnected from their own soul essesnce and so, again, "trapped" in their bodies. They engaged in a roman-like arena torture practice that appears to be active on this world in the past, and now, which is one of the reasons I need to bring this back up: There may be remnants of this energy here now, and I feel it's important for people who know about it to remember, so it can be dealt with.

My own personal story, as I remember it, was being taken from at least two places by them, first one like the forested world, and a "temple-planet", quieter and more desert-like. I had a lot of bitterness at loosing the people and the world I loved in that first invasion, and being abandoned by people who escaped and who I expected (unfairly) to rescue me. They are adept at manipulating ordinary psychology, not to mention energies, and they used my own bitterness to warp me into a kind of "darth vader" character, again very much like the story laid out in the newer starwars movies. It feels like at the time I was already fairly developed as a spiritual entity, and that just made it even worse when I turned my alignment to their cause. I became pretty deeply involved with them for what seems like many thousands of years, and at some point I got away from the situation somehow, but not really by my own choice or will. It's possible they followed me to where I went to incarnate (the "rebels" I have encountered in this lifetime remember me as being notorious enough for them to do something like that), or they just happened to be going there anyway, and took me again. I remember feeling that people on that world blamed me (and probably others) for attracting them, although the reason I came to that place was to try and recover from what had happened the first time. At that point I was so used to existing in that manner that I slipped right back into it like a comfortable shoe, and took out my anger on the people who blamed me, out of a victim complex. It's easy, in a way, not having to take responsibility for your own existence, just allowing some greater force to dictate your actions and let it take the responsibility for what you do. When I finally got completely away from it though, I had to face what I did, and what I experienced. It's still terrible and sits with me to this day, though I have cleared much of it through inner work and sharing it with others who were there also. I have to say though, there is at least one positive to this for me: I understand them intimately, having been so involved. I know the energies, I know the agenda, I know the tools, and yes, I can see them at work here again, particularly in the realm of cybernetic mind control that humanity seems to be moving toward. If they were operating in the way they used to, they would just come here with ships (yes, big physical ships looking even less advanced on the surface than modern human technology), and do what they did in the past: Kill or absorb the people and rape the planet of all its resources (Mostly mineral, they would probably just destroy the plant and animal life for the energy of destruction). The fact that they haven't means to me they may be in decline as a power in this area, or gone completely, or perhaps they are cultivating the planet for some reason, but they seem too "blunt" to do something like that. Perhaps they are trying to restart their empire from here, out of a defunct state, which of course should not be allowed under any circmustance. It's really about an "essence" that has this agenda, and I've found it will work through individuals or collectives on whatever level or spectrum it needs to. Best is the old wisdom we all know, be true to yourself: If those who were involved know what they are holding in this, there is far less chance they can unconsciously attract that energy again, and a much better chance of "kicking it off the planet", so to speak. It could be difficult to face if you were one of the perpetrators, and difficult to remember if you were one of the victims, so be gentle with yourselves, but in this case ignorance definitely is not bliss, in the long run.

Blessings and Love,

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