For anybody interested this discussion will be all about Billy Meier who has been in contact for almost all of his life with a Human civilization from the Pleiades known as the Plejaren or as others call them the Pleiadians. Billy has written many books and has been in documentaries which have provided tons of information about who the Plejaren are, where they come from and all they have taught him which will be posted here. Feel free to post anything about Billy and the Plejaren here in this discussion.
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Actually, this happened in the past with a former member, now deceased, who often sought to project a fake image of Sheran/Aruseak, as if he were some type of a cosmic saint, or guru....The GFL regarded him a renegade, along with Vrillon...Nobody is all bad and irredeemable, but sanity and logic should apply to them, rather than blind devotion, as with Ashtar Sheran, aka, Aru-see-ak....
I like to study the useful aspects of a variety of religions, always looking for that golden thread of truth, pertaining to genuine spiritual wisdoms....I would say that 90% of most religion is churchianity dogma...Not just christians, of course, they all preach dogmas, but the christians actually possess archbishops and pontiffs, who claim to be "bridges," between their congregations and Heaven....In most cases, Popes are lesser evolved than many agnostic, or atheistic types, or persons in other fields, or endeavours, as all is spirit, and in many cases, of a higher order than stagnant church, or temple dogmas....
Currently, science is going the way of religions, but when truly applied, and with good intent, it's a marvellous force for good and spiritual expression..