A Calling for All Lightworkers & those persons on the Ascension Path,


It is time to manifest the collective vision of "Our New 5D Earth!" This can and will only be achieved by each of us Focusing collectively on our intent. To make our New Earth manifest, we must truly know the ONENESS we share even as individuals, as well as of the Great Spiritual Beings that we truly are. This focus of our collective vision must be integrated into the planetary grid for our New 5D Earth to manifest. This is like a chicken forming inside an egg. This collective vision for manifesting the New Earth IS the Calling for the 3rd Planetary 40 Days Event, and that for 2011. The Dates of focus for this 40 day event shall be June 21, 2011 through August 1, 2011. There are 3 powerful eclipses in the month of June this year.

Of course, each of us can and should work on focusing our vision and intent now! Manifestation of the New Earth can only be done collectively. As with shifting humanities consciousness, this manifestation requires a minimum number of cooperating individual souls, highly vibrating & joining in cooperation. We will be focusing on that we intend on creating, a beautiful and pristine New Earth! This New Earth is one that we create together, we envision and send our energy to, just as we created our world, and our lives in the 3D realms! We must focus our intent on creating the New Earth, add our Light, or the raw energy we are collecting or channeling in our field as we go through this ascension process. We then add a dash of Magic of your special dreams you wish to see manifest! Make it be So!

This IS how our New Earth shall manifest and take physical shape! Many of us now remember that WE agreed to jointly manifest the 3D and participate in that reality. We remember we are not victims, but rather the creators of our lives and existence in order to experience. We master the realm of creation we brought forth and agreed to live in. When that realm is mastered, we ascend to the next higher level of vibration. Now is that time. So we shall do this again now to manifest the 5D Earth. As with anything else in our lives, creation lies in our own imagination. We send it out from our hearts into the universe where the energy is attracted and formed together manifesting into our reality! You know how this works! This is a calling for all the Earth volunteers, and teachers, as well as anyone choosing to ascend, to now step to the next level of creation. Yes, we still will continue to spread the word of what is going on, continuing the awakening of humanity, and at the same time we collectively focus on creating the New Earth.

Another event is being organized by Liv Jonsson, leading into this 40 Days of New Earth Manifestation. Liv is asking that the month of June to be a month of No Negativity from Wednesday 6/1/2011 to 6/30/2011. This is similar to events held in previous years. This time can be seen as a preparation for this 40 Day focus on New Earth Manifestation. Liv's event can be viewed on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=122018407881048 . This scheduling of the No Negativity event this year will occur in a month with 3 eclipses and a Summer Solstice... How much more powerful could that be?

There are many of us now who have accepted our rolls as leaders in this time of ascension. We are who have been the changers of the planet, raising the vibrations, awakening humanity, and who watch the world as observers during this time of the shift and ascension. We are already living in a 5th dimensional state of conscious living, while walking in a 3rd dimensional world. We already see what ALL is going on, We see behind the veil, and do so without fear or negativity, as everything on 3D Earth unravels and goes into chaos. WE KNOW everything is in a state of Divine Perfection. On the other hand, there are many other persons they have a need to completely turn away from watching as these events unfold. They may see the 3D world in a complete state of destruction, which it must before a new world can be created. Others of us can watch as observers and handle it without being effected emotionally or energetically. This is a choice each of us must make for ourselves in participating during this 40 Days event, in order to bring the best we can offer to our part of the vision. Participate in this event in as pure of a state of consciousness as you can muster. Liv's No Negativity for the month of June, helps to prepare those who cannot yet detach from their emotions and connection to the 3D world.

We all know what is going on with the Apocalypse or "Unveiling" of all these events happening globally in the 3D world as it collapses. We see and can identify the various "Wizards" behind the curtain of Oz. We clearly see who is pulling the cords and creating the theatrics of the world we have been living in. Many of the newly awakened persons don't yet realize that WE ARE LIVING IN THE APOCALYPSE RIGHT NOW... Those newly awakened persons think Apocalypse is the "destruction" of the Earth, but that is so only in one sense of a meaning. The definition of Apocalypse IS "the unveiling"! Many of us have been unveiling what is behind the scenes for some time now.

Origin: 1125–75; Middle English < Late Latin apocalypsis < Greek apokálypsis revelation, equivalent to apokalýp ( tein ) to uncover, reveal ( apo- apo- + kalýptein to cover, conceal) + -sis -sis

There are so very many of us telling the story of the Apocalypse for the world to see what is REALLY happening. We have been Unveiling of the truth of the government, the secret government behind it, the global Rothchild banking system, the British Monarchy, the various aspects of HAARP, the tectonic warfare and earthquakes, electronic warfare, weather warfare, cyber warfare, the true story of the radiation from Fukushima, the poisoning of our seas and of our food supplies, 9/11 & the fake war on terrorism, the war on drugs and that both took away the rights and liberty of the population, the Court rulings on all those issues, the enslavement of the people through taxation by the IRS, which is funding the Rothchilds and Queen of England who own half the planet, and who fund both sides of all wars, the FDA drugs and vaccines, and GMO foods that keep the population of the planet mentally and spiritually dulled down and sickened, the manipulation of all the worlds religions by the Vatican and British Monarchy, Monsanto and its GMO patents and their connection to the Rothchild empire, The Illuminati, Chemtrails, the Police State recently manifesting around the globe, and the killing of untold millions by these same rulers of the world, Rothchilds, Queen of England, NATO United Nations.... and much much more.... The Unveiling of All this for humanity to see IS the Apocalypse!

This apocalypse has been necessary for all persons to see what actually is going on behind the scenes of the 3D world so many think of as their reality. That world of their reality is collapsing as the spiritual awakening grows. As the light increases on Earth, because of the polarity of a 3D world of Earth School now finishing up, the dark makes an equal balance to the light on the planet. Every action in this plane of existence of polarity, has an equal and opposite reaction, at least until we collectively agree on a New 5D or higher Paradigm. That IS what 40 Days focus on a New Earth Manifestation will be about.

2011 is the final chapter in Awakening of Humanity on the old 3D Earth. As 2011 will complete the 25 year process of the Awakening of Humanity and of planetary frequency increases that began with the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 and then raising the planetary frequencies with the Opening of the 11:11 Doorway in 1992. The process of the ascension began with those persons joining together for unified focused thought, which created the ascension in the first place. That does not mean that these frequency increase ends there at the end of 2011, but rather the old 3D Earth will have been completed. What is happening on Earth currently may not pretty from one standpoint, but has always been in a state of Divine Perfection from another perspective. It is time we really begin to shift our focus from the Apocalyptic nature and waking the remaining persons and begin focusing on the New 5D and higher Earth. As we do this many changes will automatically occur.

Another part of this Apocalypse, and what is being unveiled now, is knowing about WHO YOU TRULY ARE! I don't mean the little ego self you have been these years since you were born, and being that who your momma named you. We are all truly Great Spirits of Light, even far greater in our true size, than this our Mother Earth. You MUST remember! Each of us have only a small fragment of who we truly are, sparking the life within your physical being, or your body. Embodying as much of that great spirit of light that we truly are, and into this small physical being IS what we are to do as these End Times complete. It is time to wake up to the complete picture of why we are here.

As we awaken and raise our physical frequencies, We create and activate a light body over the our physical 3D body. We begin activating the torrid of our heart chakra, which is also known as our Merkaba. We learn the technique of filling our light body and Merkaba up with as much light as we can hold. This becomes our energy field we have to work with, to manifest with or to heal, and will indeed manifest our New Earth with. It is time for all of humanity to awaken and remember these truths of who we truly are.

It is time also to comprehend that we as a collective create the reality we choose to live in. That was what we did in 3D Earth which is now passing away, in the way we have known it to be. The old 3D Earth is now poisoned, irradiated, fracted, warred upon and killed by what was termed as progress and civilization, and the modern unspiritual and material 3D life. WE became as separate from God as a spirit can be. That was what we were to experience. But that old 3D Earth is dying now, especially after Fukushima which continues to emit the radiation of millions of nuclear bombs, and with no end in site, poisoning the world we knew. For that reason more than any other, we cannot continue living 3D.

We are now put into a position and forced, or have forced our collective selves make a choice to ascend or die. Remember on a higher level, we chose this experience. Everyone on Earth now has a choice to ascend to a higher level of 5th dimensional consciousness or to physically die, and find someplace else to incarnate in order to continue experiencing the lessons and lower density of 3D. That will have to be in a different universe, literally. In reality, our whole universe is ascending at this time... Signs are everywhere to see for anyone who looks. For those who have chosen ascension, and who are consciously raising our vibrations into the higher 5th dimensional realms of Christ Consciousness, we are collectively creating our new reality of how to live in Love and peace. Now it is time that WE MUST CREATE 5D Earth!

The month of June 2011, it is being called for us to begin the shift from our focus on Apocalypse and of the negative actions of the Dark Factions of Earth. As we waken others, this process of unveiling indeed exposes them, but also gives them power, as that is where our focus is. Yes, there are many persons still not yet awake. Yes, this process must continue. For those persons who have been awake for a long period of time, and who have raised their personal frequencies into the higher realms, from June 1 to August 1, PASS THE TORCH TO OTHERS! It is time for them to step up. It is time for us to Take a Step UP! Yes, things will continue happening, and many of us can actually work in both worlds, multi~dimensionally. We have already become multi~dimensional beings.

The Dark Side on Earth in reality is Our Brothers Who have Anchored The Opposite Polarity for the now collapsing 3D Experience. We could not have had the 3D Experience without someone anchoring the two opposite polarities. That is the truth of the story of Lucifer vs Archangel Michael. What our brothers on the Dark Side have been doing feeds some deep fears in those persons who are newly awakening to the apocalypse and what all is actually going on behind the curtains. They did not realize the intent by the dark brothers has been to depopulate Mother Earth... that could be scary... If you think about it, that is quite fitting for the end of the story... Die or Ascend! ha ha. To ascend, we need to collectively focus on 5D Earth manifestation.

As we focus on our New 5D Earth Manifestation, be unlimited! This New Earth DOES NOT have to be limited to a 5th dimensional perspective either! Do NOT limit yourself with what you have known and have experienced as your past 3D Reality. WE have already been there and done that one! Focus on the deep dreams you have in your heart, that which you would think of presently as unreal! BE UNLIMITED in your vision! Make this New Earth vision as beautiful, as pristine, and Divinely Inspired! See it as Mountains, and Oceans, as exotic and dreamlike, and as full of life and all kinds of plants and creatures. Make it as beautiful as you possibly can imagine in your higher visions. Allow for higher life forms to be able to visit this New Earth. See this new earth as the Heaven you have always envisioned in the highest possible way. Think of this like designing your new home and decorating it... but on a planetary scale.

Then, think of it as it has already happened. Many of us felt the shift, or rather the separation of the old 3D and energies of the New 5D Earth on January 11, 2011. So many of us consciously felt that and openly discussed it. So then, we can speak of the New Earth to others as it has already happened! Know in your heart, you have already manifested it as that has occurred. Now, we are just adding details. See this New Earth as YOUR HEAVEN to be lived in and enjoyed with all that you love. The more you spend time focusing on this, the more you will be adding your vibrations to manifesting that form into existence... The more we collectively focus on this, the faster it manifests. This is just like anything else we learned about manifesting on the 3D and now 4D worlds of polarity, except it will manifest far easier and quicker in these new higher vibrations. It all depends on how many persons participate, as the greater the number, the more energy is put into the manifestation process. Remember, 5th Dimensional Earth is one of the Heart and of ONENESS, and will not have the polarity experienced in the lower dimensions.

Envisioning this manifestation and sending it to the universe from your heart, IS indeed praying. Spending 40 Days doing this, is spending 40 Days in prayer! You ARE creating from your vision into form. Send your personal visions out from the love and the power of ONENESS in your heart. During the coming dimensional shift, this New Earth WILL manifest as our New Collective Reality, or rather we will shift to that world we collectively created!

As you envision, allow your unlimited vision to also include all the magic you can even believe is possible. Telepathy, levitation, de-material and materialization, teleportation, instantaneous creation, and all those avatar powers you dream of should be included. Everything you would think could be done in Heaven, include it all! Feel and see yourself as you can already experience this. Feel the LOVE, the PEACE, the Fulfillment and Joy. See everyone and everything having complete abundance, health, prosperity, and wants for nothing. See yourself as living in a youthful you being ageless and timeless, creating your physical being anyway you so desire. Paint or draw the New Earth as you envision it, if this helps you. Know the higher truth as you do this, which IS that you in fact already live forever! Realize your spirit has always been here and will always be here, until we are all called back to the Creator. That trumpet call has now been sounded! Remember and Know who you truly ARE...

If you so desire, se yourself as a Galactic Traveller with a Home Base on New Earth. Be an explorer of other worlds and the universe. You may see yourself as one who is in service to others. In reality of the higher truths, that service to others is our true path, when we finally wake up and leave this lower world of ego and separation. Create this vision with the highest of vibration you can spiritually focus upon it. NO LIMITATIONS! ALL those who step into this new reality should have no needs. Everyone should have all needs fulfilled, leaving them time to love, to experience in whatever way they so choose.

Until ET Disclosure happens, and those of the Light in high places of Government can make their moves, there is little we individually can do to change the current 3D Earth situation. An intense Focusing on manifesting the New 5D Earth IS one of the most powerful things we can do now. Yes, there will be many events occur this summer, as this 40 Day event unfolds... Yes, we must still walk with our feet on both 3D and 5D Earth. That is par for the course, as we transmute negativity of Mother Earth and prepare her for the Ascension, or the New 5D Earth she is too become. Our collective vision of New Earth is a powerful way to focus our intent during this time of waiting. Many persons are beginning to call for this focus on the vision of 5D Earth.

A few others speak about fixing the Old 3D Earth. With Fukushima and all the radiation that is contaminating the globe, as well as all the destruction that has and is being done to Earth as civilization progressed, humanity would have a difficult time on Earth remaining in this current dimension. Many persons choosing not to awaken and who remain 3D will soon be sickened from the radiations that are perpetually emitting from Fukushima and collecting in humanities foods. This radiation coming from Fukushima is accumulative in foods and persons bodies. Much of this radiation will remain for BILLIONS of years, as it was MOX Fuel with plutonium. 3D Earth is now poisoned pretty good.

Actually, remaining on 3D Earth has never has been what we are to do, although we got used to it. We were always supposed to learn our Earth School lessons and then ascend. We were not supposed to remain in the dense vibrations and separation from God and our true selves as we experience 3D Earth. That time was always supposed to be limited, and we volunteered for our soul growth, as well as to Feed The Mind Of God via our experiences there. Many persons don't yet comprehend that. It can be difficult to imagine a New Earth for many. That is why those of us who can, must accept this challenge for the collective! We ALL came from the higher dimensions. Originally we came from Source, from the highest of all dimensions. We dropped and lowered ourselves to experience the lowest of the low. That is what has been known as "The Fall" We volunteered and chose to be separated from Source and who we really are for that experience. Now it is time to remember and to return. As we remember and release the old, it is time to envision and manifest our new collective reality. It is time to ascend and begin our journey back to source!

I challenge each one of you to spend the 40 Days between June 21, 2011 and August 1, 2011 to completely detach from as much of the 3D events currently going on as you can, and use that time to focus on manifesting the New Earth.

For those who want to participate, but have not "activated their heart chakras" Please spend the Month of June focusing your consciousness centering it into your heart. This can be done by intent, and can only be done by LOVE, the highest of all vibrations. Your heart chakra when activated truly activates all your other spiritual powers and begins returning you to that which you truly are, and from where you originally came. Chakra activation begins the process of Ascension for all humans.

I also ask that each of you share this 40 Day 5D New Earth Manifestation Event with as many persons as possible. The more persons joining in, the quicker the manifestation occurs. You may copy this writing, or rewrite your own. You may add to this, or take away whatever you desire. That does NOT matter to me. What matters is that we come together collectively to get the job done. Remember too, that the more persons who join together to focus their intent on this particular New Earth Manifestation, the more readily it manifests... The square root of 1% of the current population of Earth is what is needed to make this shift... Roughly 8000 persons joining in can do this. If we have tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions, the more readily this manifestation will occur.

With Unconditional Love For ALL THAT IS

Bill Ballard
"Manna Ra"

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  • How can we manifest a 5d world when we don't know for certain what that sort of world would look like?  Sure, we assume that we know, but since we don't live in such a world, as far as we know, how can we manifest it?  And what if we're already on 5d earth, then what?  Also not everyone has the same view of what a 5d world would look like, so how can a group successfully manifest this?  If everyone is not on the same page as to what a 5d world is like, the manifestation will fail.  Of course, many would say that channelings and other sources tell us what a 5d earth would be like.  But how can we be sure that such information is reliable?  Some would say that one source is telling the truth while others would say that same source of information isn't.  This takes us back to the issue of people having different view points on what a 5d world would be like.  Which takes us right back to the issue of failure.
  • A very good article and I will participate with any others on the 5D journey.



    Ed from Indy

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