
There seems to be a lot being presented and posted on Ascension symptoms. This is awesome as it signifies that lots of people are going through them. The shift is full on!!!

Hope you find this helpful:

shekina.png2012 List of Ascension Symptoms, Predictions and the New Angelic Human

30 March, 2012 

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different, ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.

“Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

Divine beloved masters of energy, frequency, love and light, We speak to you from the collective of your higher selves and being, the Blue Ray and Shekinah, in the one voice of Unity Source Alliance. You are the ones you have been waiting for. 2012 will bring a Galactic Alignment to the center source that will open a higher dimensional gateway for you to embody your God Essence and attain a telepathic unification with humanity in the Christ Heart Grid with Gaia. 11:11

2012 will be the interdimensional time space where the gateways of heaven will open and the ones pure of heart, clear in their intentions, will cross over to 4D 5D-6D embodiments, and still be here on earth. They are the Christed Angelic frequency holders that will anchor the higher realms of light and love here on earth and out to all the realms and dimensions. This is you, as most who find this information are the first to cross over in the embodiments of your higher angelic light vehicles. 2013 will then begin a new era and not only for earth, for all the realms and dimensions.13-33-333. Many of you will have already crossed over to stabilize the frequencies, the ascension that happened at planetary alignments and the dimensional gateways of 11:11 and 12:12 of 2011.

The Angelic Chakra Upgrade

You are being upgraded to the new Angelic chakras to support the new higher frequencies in your multidimensional body, energy circuitry and consciousness. Even though this may have been uncomfortable and unnerving at times, it is a natural organic process of the restoration of your Divine Original Blueprint God essence.

Ascension Symptoms

Some of you may have already experienced some of these ascension symptoms and will have varied degrees as you shift into 4D 5D-6D embodiments and Higher Heart God Source Emergence; for others this will be completely new as there will be mass awakenings and shifts.

Ascension Symptoms of 2012

It is suggested to consult a healthcare professional for symptoms, as not every symptom is from ascension. And though it may be an ascension symptom you still may need assistance with the process.

  • Stomach and digestive issues of all kinds: acid reflex, indigestion, nausea, bloating. A huge integration of energies in your solar plexus, the new angelic chakra, “the Gaia Point”, is being activated and integrated with clearing of fear on a personal, genetic and family level. “The Gaia Point and angelic chakra upgrade is a balancing point in your solar plexus that centers your being with Gaia’s Heart Grid through your higher heart, sacred lineage and higher self.” Look up the Gaia Point, the angelic chakra upgrade, for more information on how to use this God Code point of the body.

  • Heart integration. Feeling heart palpitations, that your actual heart is beating stronger. The physical heart is getting accustomed to a higher frequency and aligning to the energies of Gaia’s ascension. Please note: even though this could be an ascension symptom, seek a heathcare provider. During these times of heart integration, take greater care with love and rest, watch your caffeine intake, and check through muscle testing (kinesiology) to determine if you require more calcium and/or other supplements.

  • Center Higher Heart breaking and expansion. Feels like your higher heart bone in the middle of your chest cracks just a bit; this is to allow for the expansion of your higher heart consciousness and to increase your light vibration.

  • Center Higher Heart soreness sensitivity / achiness. You may experience activation as a sudden, slight pain of your center higher heart when you are exposed to higher frequencies and crystals.

  • Headaches. What is helpful is drinking more spring or blessed water and taking time away from electromagnetic radiation such as computers, laptops, monitors and cell phones. Also, use sacred geometry grids, crystals, rocks, plants to lessen your exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

  • Disrupted sleep, waking up in the middle of the night especially near the hours of three and four a.m. where you feel wide awake. Going to bed tired and then not able to sleep and waking up earlier. Certain herbs with magnesium, calcium, fish oils taken before bed will be helpful along with taking more time before bed to be still, listen to soft music. Increase in the acceleration of the ascension process is waking you up and the rhythms of Gaia are readjusting and so are you.

  • Divine Energetic Downloads that come in the middle of the night; these are different than having disturbed sleep from shifting of energies. These are being done through your higher guides to give you the energetic support and divine information to recalibrate your system that can only be done in times where there is less electromagnetic and group consciousness interference. It is important to take notice of the divine guidance that comes to you.

  • Body Sadness. You may not necessarily have thoughts that are sad, but it is your emotional body releasing and letting go of the past and deep cellular memories that are not serving your higher frequency embodiment. What is important is to not go into the sadness for this is a process that is happening at another level. The sadness goes away in a day or two. It is not depression, which is something else that requires attention. What can assist are essential oils, all types of conscious breathing, yoga, exercise, being in nature, opening your arms wide out to your sides and taking life in though a huge breath and then bringing your hands together in prayer position at your heart chakra.

  • Sensitivity to caffeine

  • Increase in food allergies

  • Greater synchronicity

  • Dietary changes; many of the ultra sensitive have changed their diets to maintain higher frequency balance. You will go through more shifts of sensitivity to what you put in your body and will be guided as to what will serve you.

  • Extra sensory hearing and body awareness of the other dimensions, realms and subtle energies. Increase in your clairvoyance with divine guidance. This is important to recognize as this will help you know what is really taking place, and what direction to take with all the shift and changes, what will be safe for you.

  • Hearing your cells vibrate with surges of energy and downloads; this is allowing for the greater connect to the God Source at a higher level in your body.

  • Acceleration of creativity, projects, ideas, opportunities coming right after the other and at the same time. All the energies are being freed up to be manifested; these are new energetics that you will adjust to.

  • Relationship changes, endings and new beginnings

  • Gaining and losing weight. Not being able to lose weight

  • Third eye activation sensitivity and rashes can occur as your pineal is aligning you to expanded consciousness with the Creator. You may experience an increase in seeing the other realms, angels, higher dimensional colors, orbs and fairies. Note: during this time your eyesight might shift as you may see fog in your environment and your eyesight may change; always seek a healthcare provider for support.

  • Feeling ungrounded, not stable in your energy field or connections with life. With such rapid acceleration in the higher realms and until you make the shift into 4D embodiment, it may feel like you’re living in a foreign land; soon, this space will feel more like home and more natural than what you have ever experienced.

2012 Predictions and Crossing over to 4th, 5th, 6th Dimensional Heart Consciousness

“The New Angelic Human”

Stronger Telepathic and Empathic Connections

You will experience stronger telepathic and empathic connection with nature/Gaia the earth and the animals. Even though most Blue Rays and Light Bearers have a very significant connection with Nature, it will increase and this is part of being in the greater flow of the God Source moving through you.

Increase in Sighting of Apparitions of the Divine

With the increase in the opening of the realms, dimensions and veil you will see more apparitions and appearances of divine beings, angels, lights and orbs. You will see more activity in your skies of unusual formations and the land and nature speaking to you.

Increase in the Dark Negative Energies

As the light and angelic portals are increasing, there will be the dark and negativity that appear to have a greater presence on earth as well. This is the natural occurrence and balance that takes place as you enter into a new age. What is important as a Light Bearer is to keep focused on what is real divine power, the light of the God Source of supreme love that you are. As you are creating the new earth and new divine human, there is a greater dispensation of divine power emanating from the Legions of Light, the great angelic host councils and teams of support. Call on them and align yourself for support and to receive the divine plan of Love and Light.

Increase in Abundance and Prosperity

As you align to Source Creation moving through you in the unity heart consciousness, there will be an increase in abundance and prosperity. You will find your needs, desires, hopes and dreams happening with effortless ease. This will increase your opportunities for prosperity; even when others and groups may feel the opposite of lack, you will flourish in abundance. And not only will you be receiving more financial support and prosperity for yourself, you will assist in shifting the consciousness, in anchoring this abundance unity Source Code for earth.

Time Acceleration

Increase in ascension time acceleration. What feels like an acceleration of time is how you were accustomed to living in the 3D reality, where you required more periods of down time of integration to adjust to the higher life force energy. As you ascend in the higher realms of 4D 5D-6D, your downloads and integrations are instantaneous, that seem in the beginning as an increase in time. You will get accustomed to living in the higher realms as what seemed fast in the past will become natural and organic in your life.

Return of the Ancient Sacred Sound Frequency in the Language of Light for Divine DNA and Attuning the Planet to Harmony

There will be an increased awakening to the use of the lost 528 Hz Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies that are the Language of Light and the mathematic equations of creation. Science will continue to bring the mathematical sound frequency equations that will bridge science, spiritual and metaphysical to the world. The ancient sound frequencies are being brought back to your awareness through the celestial gateways that are opened and have a grand effect on activating the DNA and alignment to God Source. The Language of Light sound harmonics of Creation are now being awakened in many Light Bearers as this is assisting in attuning the planet and the cells back to harmony, balance and light.

The gateway of 2012 will bring unparalleled opportunities for the miraculous and for you to attain enlightenment, instant healing and transformation, the likes of which have never before been experienced on this planet. Everyone will be on their perfect time line of ascension. Be in Joy, for the end of suffering and separation are at hand, and you have brought these glorious times to life because of you and all you have been. We are One with thee!


The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.

“Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

Divine Dispensation to the Source Codes of Creation through Shekina Rose in the 528 Hz Miracle, Love & DNA Repair frequencies Ancient Solfeggio scale

The "Gaia Point" from the "God Code Meridians" is divine dispensation through Shekina Rose from the Blue Ray and Shekinah linage of Source Creation. This energetic upgrade balances your Electromagnetic Frequency in your body to the Christ Heart Grid of Gaia/earth though your sacred linage and Source connection so you may ascend through grace and ease It is an upgrade to stabilize, balance and empower the energies of the ultra sensitive empathic Star Being and Angelic Light Bearer through the continuous shifts of ascension and earth changes.

The Gaia Point" is your center balance point , Zero point, and act as a powerful protection as the veils become thinner through 2012 and beyond as it strengthens your core essence to your connection to Source.

Caution: Listen to the Shekinah Dispensation from "Language of Light" 528 HZ Miracle & DNA Repair Transmissions and watching this video is a sacred powerful activation that will open you higher heart and start an a accelerate process of your Codes of Light, your "Divine Original Blueprint".33

In the "Language of Light " The Language of PEACE,

By: *Shekina Rose, Angelic Messenger of Mother Goddess SHEKINAH & Channel of the Blue Ray who sings in the 528 Hz Love Solfagio, Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair}

*What is so unique about Shekina's transmissions is she is a direct voice channel for Mother Goddess in the language of Light and she is supported by the Angelic star tribes as a vibrational choir of healing frequencies.

"Shekina's voice transmissions" have been analyzed by a Physicist and her vocals resonate to the frequency of 528 Hz Love Solfagio, Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair}and amazingly 6 other frequencies
FA 639 Hz Connecting/Relationships
417 Hz transmutation Solfagio
741 Hz Consciousness Solfagio Awakening Intuition
1471Hz rodin grid space horizontal
1174Hz (1741Hz) rodin grid space horizontal
339Hz rodin grid vertical
of Rodin mathematical grid - Grid of God, that can heal the souls of humans. Science seem to has found hidden information abound in Gods Blueprint of Numbers in the voice of Shekina. This sound will enlighten your inner soul and make you healthy. She can easily give you light and peace.

If you have spectrum analyzer you could draw the God's code from Shekina's voice transmissions. Their is hidden knowledge in her sound.

In Shekina's frequencies of sounds of the Language of Light, some doctor who uses them to awake the inner wave energy of the human also called the kundalini serpent. This will awake the kundalini serpents that rises to the crown chakra and awake your powers. You will then become enlightened being with more power than normal being. These sound have also been used in Hindu Culture and also in Budhist Culture.

Those sounds can heal cancer and rise your Chi or Om Energy beyond comparison. Those sounds awake your soul to meet with god himself.

.Copyright © Language of Light vocal sound transmissions by Shekina Rose of www.shekinaspeaks.com - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL www.shekinaspeaks.com is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: shekina444@yahoo.com

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        • cool!

        • I read it

  • Thank you for the beautiful post.

  • 8110278494?profile=original

  • Awesome, definitely resonate with the information here! :)

    Thanks Krishna ~

  • Wonderful!!!

  • Thank you for your assistance and insight into this matter.

    To all whom seek ascension, use your 528 hz. I cannot stress how much 15 minutes of peaceful meditation and a 528hz playing through your headphones at school or work, or on your free time can greatly assist your body with this beautiful transition.

    Always and through eternity.

    Serenity Sky

    • What is a 528hz?  I use Metamusic (binaural rhythms from the Monroe Institute) to listen to for various outcomes.

  • thanks 

    love & light =]

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