Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement

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  • I expect positive things for Europe, but it won’t come from the Eurocrats.
  • 🇪🇺 Elections become useless in the west:
    🇬🇪 In Georgia a candidate has lost, but refuses to leave.
    🇷🇴 In Romania a candidate was on his path to win, so they annulled the election
    🇫🇷 The leading party of LePen is excluded from government, while the 3rd place party rules through playing the positions against each other
    🇩🇪 German parties refuse to work with the increasingly popular and in some states leading party AFD, while the government wants to ban it now
    🇬🇧 Both leading parties are the same and changed from one to another led to 0 change, and the government's approval is on a historic low now
    🇰🇷 The president had a extremely low approval and has initiated martial law, to coup the parliament

    We are moving to a system, where the "globalist deep state" only allows election, candidates and ruling government if they fit a specific agenda.
  • A very welcome post by BenArion himself, on this thread, anent the Galactic Federation recent sightings and activities...These are certainly historical moments and indeed, many scoutships and probes are Sirian and Pleiadian, as well as several others...They are here to protect and cherish humanity....They come in peace....Thanks BenArion, for allowing us to place our messages on AC-The Great Awakening, which go out to the world....The prime message is; "WE ARE HERE...!!"
  • Dave really should have been asking here what if maybe these so-called Drones are ET in origin.
    Ep. 3523b - [DS] Trying To Use The Drones In Their Information War To Start A War, Drones Tracking O
    Help take years off the clock with Collagen --> Click Above ^ To Get Up To 51% OFF !!! The [DS] is now pushing a multi leve…
    Ep. 3523a - Fake News Says The Quiet Part Out Loud, Gold Will Destroy The [CB]
    Try the only Conolidine product in the world risk-free for a full 90 days. This private link and special discount expire at midnight tonight https://…
  • "As you may know, there are a lot of drone sightings around the world, especially in the US. These drone sightings may actually be appearances of the Galactic Federation, as they can disguise themselves to look like whatever is needed at the appropriate moment to blend into our world. It will probably not be addressed by any of the governments, but that's the whole purpose. The Galactic Federation just wants to show themselves in a non-threatening way, with an aura of peace.
    Many people talk about how countries control their airspace, but in universal terms, no country owns airspace—it belongs to all. This is just a curious sneak peek from the Galactic Federation, saying, "We are here," and encouraging us to start asking questions!
    Love cannot be stopped. We are all one family. There will come a time when these sightings are common, and it will mark a transition into understanding that we are not alone. Remember that the people on these ships are just as real as we are, but from another civilization in the universe. Many of them come from the Pleiades and Sirius". - BenArion
  • and Mikala also helped me find out my Starseed origin this week, thank you!
  • Gratitude and love for all our star sisters and brothers and particularly my star family....Box of sugar-free chocs for my sweet Sirian friend, Mikala, who has been especially ace, recently....❤️😘🍬🍬🍬
  • Thanks Drexk-you can get it from the big online book sellers bu there are many privately owned stores who are buying and selling it. I may have been at this 14 years ago but the woke-sters in US publishing are absolutely not libererals but almost soviet style propagandists.
    If you have amazon prime try searching for films made behind the iron curtain in the 50s through 70s-every plot is infused with marxist propaganda
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"Sighting in Las Vegas a year ago."
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