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Chapter V
Knowledge of Uranian Astrology (and use of the 90 degree dial) is required for understanding this analysis. A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. The analysis will focus on use of the Ascendant, which…
The New Paradigm Of Healing By Melanie Beckler
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...Let's Increase Our Band-Width To Receive More Divine LightBy Patricia Cota-Robles...I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. As One Unified Heart Flame I invoke our Father-Mother God and all of the…
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Each of You Have The Power To Create Miracles! By Saint Germaine & Lee Degani Lee Degani: I just love this message from St. Germaine that reminds us of the power of using our imagination! Saint Germaine: Greetings. I am St. Germaine and I come…
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A Year Of Miracles Energy Forecast By Emmanuel Dagher We are only into the second week of 2025, and things are changing around us more quickly than ever. Although we are moving through a highly active and intense energy cycle right now, know that…
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I believe it was Macron with the win for his first term that stopped the "populist" momentum in the EU, but this time the minions have no chance. The situation have already changed in the rest of the world…"
Shame the Russian people of that era, could not vote out their…"
I watched German evening News, intentionally, such a clown show, they…"
Or are we getting there soon? ✨🛸✨
And with the greatest humility, with no intention to offend anyone, have you not ever wondered how I know so much, about, just about every topic...?? And can quickly dismiss the dross placed before me and rapidly focus, only upon the true wisdom....?
And truly, one can speak up for oneself and I urge all to be confident, but also, be truthful about your limitations, as well...Get to know your strengths and also your weaknesses.....None of us are perfect, but we strive to be, as much as possible.
And don't try to pretend that you did not notice that it was me who constantly challenged Greg Giles and exposed all his "global warming sea level rising," rubbish...He left this site, after my challenges to his fakery...He was never in contact with the TRUE Galactic Federation...Just like Quinsey..
Also, don't try to conflate the GFL with Ashtar Sheran, Vrillon, Sananda,Xzai-On Kumjat which is an officer at the Phoenix fleat, Commander Mon-Ka Kadar (Xzai-On Kumjats cousin) from the fleat the rainbow, Commander Rex from the fleat Phoenix, Commander Thor Odinsson and his brother Baldur from the fleat Asgard. Commander Korton from that same fleat.. The Dove and Commander Christ Michael Aton from the fleat star of Bethlehem. Officer Cher-An Kumjat,.. Officer Xzai-An Kumjat, Officer Stef-An, Officer Shert- On and Officer Mello-Ne...Nor Hatonn....Nor SaLuSa......THESE ARE THE FAKERS.
And I'll repeat it for you....The GFL is NOT RELIGIOUS, but spiritual and compassionate and you will see us by our fruits, in spite of a UFO coverup....Having saved this planet several times from disaster, unheralded....But no matter, it was done out of love for humanity..Many star nations in the GFL have Earth relatives.....we are relations....Star brothers and sisters....And all human beings on outer Earth, originate offworld...as spiritual beings and also, based upon their genetics, which has offworld origins..This is science, not religion....Albeit a science you have not grown in consciousness yet, to appreciate...But you will....Eventually....some ahead of you, it seems..
Moreover, there are genuine ET sources, such as myself, Sheldan Nidle and also Billy Meier.....and the Plejares Federation, within the greater cosmic union, have long struggled to seperate their genuine data, from the many charlatans, such as those "channelings" of Sananda, Sheran and Hatonn.....This link shows you a genuine ET conversation, in which the contested information by fakers, is challenged...