Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement

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  • Hello Drekx, I had to break my 3 days fast cycle after about 64 hours, because I felt weak had no energy and begun to sweat, but anyway it was a great experience, over and out LOL
  • And when you hear the robotic voice on my vids, it sometimes incorrectly mispronounces my name, as "Drek-ex,"...(albeit, should not be two syllables)
    It should correctly be pronounced as "DREXX." One syllable...In ancient times, before the great flood, which destroyed Poseidia and my ship, my Sirian name was "Drexx."

    And I now add the "k," for reasons pertaining to Chaldean numerology...
  • OK people, time for a musical break.....Relax and enjoy, the groove....👏🏻🌞

    (The original version was being played by a DJ, in the Woodbridge-Bentwaters AFB (officer ranks) staff disco, during the Rendlesham incident of 1980, when Lieutenant Col. Charles I. Halt was suddenly interrupted, from his "dance" routine, to attend "strange lights at the perimeter," during that Christmas party disco...Hehe...!! 😉 Betchya didn't know that...!!🛸

    "Zauda zagon vin ja-ta e selamat majon....!!"😊(We come as one in the light of heavenly joy and a state of rejoicing..)
  • Lots of things in our food that should not be there so it's always important to double check and look for anything suspicious.
  • Berries are awesome just gotta be careful and not over do it with them.
  • Typing mistake in the title as this is still episode 3353. 3353b
    Ep 3352b - [DS] Ready To Go Against The Will Of The People,Freedom Summer,Trump Will Win At Dawn
    FindOutThese3FakeHealthFoods RegainControlOverYourBody Go To The [DS] is preparing to go against the will of the people…
    Ep 3353a - [CB] Now Trapped In Their Economic Narrative, Script Will Be Flipped On Biden/[CB]
    Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA or call 877-646-5347 Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^ Disclaimer-(there's always a risk of inv…
  • UK Parliament answers more questions on the government stance on the W.H.O. pandemic/lockdown treaty.....

    Let us hope honesty is the best policy, here....We should all remain sentinel on this matter....
  • Bill Gates has got to be one of the most odious, mRNA vaxx promoters, in history....RNA lipid nano-particle technology, is designed to redesigned human DNA/RNA....Remembering that not only would this destroy your life, but it would also prevent physical ascension of the person.....That is the true intent, behind this...To destroy human potential....

    Maybe Gates had better focus on improving his own health....? He has a fatty liver, for certain...LOL Would you place your health and that of your family, in the hands of this beer-bellied moron, who pretends to be an expert...?? I wouldn't touch his "treatments" with a barge-pole...
  • Keep an eye on the WHO as they have that meeting of theirs at the end of this month. They want a new scamdemic badly. These individuals are scared like no tomorrow and are gonna continue with their ridiculous BS hoping that it saves them in the end.
This reply was deleted.

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| AncientAwakeningsI Am Sananda, I come to be with you at this time, Iin these special times that you are approaching now,  Know that everything is indeed shifting at this point. Timelines are shifting. Life itself is shifting. And you are a part of…
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RandyFirstContact liked Justin89636's blog post All About The Andromedans Part 2
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RandyFirstContact commented on Justin89636's blog post All About The Andromedans Part 1
"Cool, yeah be patient with that. Enjoy these blogs as I am still looking for my copy of the book hehe."
15 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Justin89636's blog post All About The Andromedans Part 1
"Hey Randy good to see you on here friend :) Right now no I have not figured which star nations I was a part of. You are correct though about how many of us have lived lives in different star nations. I'm gonna make as many of these as I can. This…"
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RichRaelian liked Justin89636's blog post All About The Andromedans Part 1
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RandyFirstContact commented on Justin89636's blog post All About The Andromedans Part 1
"Hey Justin. Keep these coming 👌. I need to dig up my copy of this book again hehe.

You obviously seem like a starseed. Do you know what star nation you were from? Many of us have been incarnated in different star nations.

My most recent ET…"
19 hours ago