What is Good and Evil?



What really is good and evil? Are they real terms, with real meaning, in the real world? Or are they just abstract terms that we humans invent, based on our own prejudices? This has been the debate, for along time now. I've talked to many people and have had many debates with people about this, about what really is good and evil, and does it even matter? I'm here to tell you, yes it does matter, and I hope to give you a much clearer understanding of what exactly good and evil really is.

I'll start by talking about those who don't believe in good or evil. They simply don't believe in it, they believe life is all just objective, we are just taught what to think is good and bad, and there's really nothing to it. And yes this is, in a way, true. Many people are conditioned what to think is good and bad from society, their parents, their friends, what's around them....and most of this conditioning forms the very prejudices we want to get rid of. So let's forget about that, shall we. Let's forget about the idea of "this religion is bad" or "that race is bad" or "anything that is different than me, or I don't like, is bad!" That's not what we are talking about here. Prejudice and cultural programming does not necessarily reflect the existence of good or evil, it more reflects a narrow mind.

Other people think, well there is no good and bad, because it's "all for the greater good" and as we will see later, there is also truth to this. "Well, whatever happens happens, and we aren't to judge it as good or evil, we are just to learn our lesson from it and move on"...is the general idea, and many people within the spiritual, and satanic, circles think like this. And it is true, if you think about it.

But, of course, to really understand it, you have to incorporate the spiritual side of life, and I know a lot of people don't believe in God and spirituality, so I don't want to go there right now. But I will say that, if all is just for the greater good, does that mean that you can do whatever you want? Are there not actions that are regressive to the good of all? Not necessarily the "greater good" but "the good of all", there's a big difference. Are there not actions that undermine the growth and evolution of life?

Now in order to really understand this, and to understand good and evil, we have to understand the nature of nature, if you follow. We can see in the natural world, we have the amazing of beauty, majesty, creativity, the marvel of the web of life and animals and forests and the whole natural world....... contrasted with the cruel, harsh, survival mode, dog eat dog...lion running after a frightened baby gazelle and eating it...type of living...and, of course, both are part of the order of this natural world.

And this whole balance of life and death, among the species, helps to keep the natural world in balance. Without the baby gazelle, the lion wouldn't eat. Without deaths of the gazelles, the herd would overpopulate. Inevitably, it's the weak and old gazelles who fall victim, and this keeps the herd at an optimum efficiency. We can use many other examples of this. Of course, all of life eventually dies, and the dead things going into the ground, and helps the soil get what it needs to grow more plant life, which feeds animals, who feed other animals, which die and go in the ground. So, we can see the cycles of life and death in nature, working together.

So we can see life and death actually are like a duo, which keep all of life, and death, balanced within itself, to keep nature alive and thriving. It's a very intricate system of cycles. But again, is this just for the "natural world", the lower kingdoms, the animal and plant kingdoms? Is this balance of good and evil, life and death, the same with humans?

Some people might say yes, it is. After all, man is an animal, and therefore, the ways of the animal and the "natural world" are ideal. But I would like to think that we are a little bit higher up the ladder than, let's say, a lion or gazelle. There's a reason we aren't in the jungles fighting for survival anymore, it's because we've evolved beyond that. We've come together, co-operate together to form civilization, albeit begrudgingly haha But overall, we have united and we kind of take care of each other now, again begrudgingly. There's no need for a survival mode, dog eat dog, everybody's out for themselves mentality, in an advanced society, I think we can all agree.

So why then, in this so called modern age, are we still practically in that mindset? Well I will admit, its changing...with the coming of the new kids, and the old timers learning their lessons, the world is changing for the better. This isn't the same world we lived in 50 years ago, full of the divided, jungle mentality. It's a different world now, a more righteous world, but the residue of division still lingers.

But again, I get back to the fundamental question of, does good and evil have a place in our lives, now, today? In the world as it is today? I think we can all say, yes it does. I mean, we all know whats good and evil, positive and negative. We know feeding a hungry child is good, blowing him up with a bomb is not good. I think we all can agree on this, because we have a connection to what we call "morality", we'll talk about this later. But, as I've said, I've talked to people who think that there is no such thing as good and evil, and it's all just objective realities, so the question remains, does good and evil, really exist?

I guess the first thing to do is to define good and evil. I think we can define "good" as anything that facilitates the evolution of life and creation. So, things like feeding a child is good, planting a tree is good, teaching someone how to read is good, helping someone in need is good..as well as, painting a picture, singing a song, making a building or car, anything that creates and gives to life, adds to the universe, and helps facilitate life and evolution, is "good".

What about evil, I guess we can define "evil" as anything that facilitates the destruction of life and creation. So, things like killing someone is evil, bombing a market is evil, taking food away from hungry children is evil, as well as...taking advantage of people and putting them at a disadvantage, trying to step on others to put yourself up, that's a more subtle form of evil. Basically, anything that destroys and takes away from life, and stifles the evolution of life and creation, can be considered "evil".

But, of course, in the "natural world" it's not like that, right? In the natural world, the boundaries between good and evil are blurred, because one needs the other to survive. I guess that's the epitome of a balanced polarity, one that depends on one another. But is polarity and division really the "natural way"? Or could ONENESS, and unity, be the natural way?

I think this is where many humans lose the plot. We look at the "natural world" and think this is where we come from, this is what we are, therefore, this is what we must do to keep on going. We look at it and go "This is the natural way, it's all about survival, and competition, and natural selection, survival of the fittest. Because we are just animals from nature, and so this is natural". Its all about random chaotic evolution, and "If you aren't strong enough to survive and evolve, hey, that's too bad for you, I'm just trying to do my own thing to survive and evolve." and this type of dualistic separation mentality, we can see the machinations of all throughout society.

People are so caught in division and separation, and survival mode...that we literally have people who just don't care much about anything but themselves, and their own survival. How many people are in this mindset, quite a many. I talk to them all the time. Most people don't realize how deeply they are in this mindset.

But is that really "natural", is this, the "natural way"? I think that's a fundamental question we need to be asking ourselves. Is this really how we are supposed to be? Are we really just animals, in a jungle world, meant to have a jungle mentality? I think most people, upon thinking about it, will say "No, that's not a good thing." What? How can the "natural way" not be good? Well maybe the "natural" way isn't so natural after all.

When you ask people why it's not good to have an animalistic mentality, they will say "Well I have morals!" Yes, we humans have morality. We all know what morals are, they are ideals like loving, caring, sharing, understanding, compassion. We know that a moral person is someone who is good and honest and righteous. Some people think morality is just something we kind of invent. Morality is the effect, not the cause, of an advanced civilization, they say. And, as we'll see later, this goes back to the fundamental question of "Do we create reality? Or does reality create us?" In other words, "Does the outside world create me, or do I create the outside world?"

If we have a true understanding of what oneness is, we will understand that, of course, everything that happens in the outside world, has its cause within! Consciousness is not a product of life, life is a product of consciousness. The painting doesn't paint you, you paint the painting. Therefore, it is only logical to assume that the tree didn't create itself, some consciousness did. And this is where we get the idea of "God" from, and yes there is a God, for all who do not know. I know, I said I don't want to get into God and spirituality, but in order to really understand life, I mean really understand it, we have to let God and spirituality into the picture.

But continuing, I think we can all agree, even the diehard darwinists, that morality is a good thing for humanity, and helps evolve the species. Obviously, if we aren't constantly fighting for survival and looking over our shoulder, it'd be much easier to survive, right? If we didn't have to walk down the street and worry about a mugging, it'd be much easier to survive, right? If we can go to the store and buy some food that another person has given to you, through their hard work..it's easier to survive, right? Obviously, co-operation and morality facilitate evolution, and there's a lot of people who don't want to accept that, although they begrudgingly do.

I would define morality as "spirituality", our connection to our spiritual selves, the first steps of connecting back to oneness, from duality. And I do believe morals are something we are born with. Let me repeat and explain, morals are something we are born with. A babies natural instinct is to be good and loving and happy, it doesn't like fear and negativity and conflict. A kid would never think of making fun of another persons race, unless they learned it from somewhere. Somewhere, a child learns to be negative and troublesome, this is the point. Naturally, children are good sweet children who just want love, like all of us do. And all of this has to do with the parents, and the evolution of the species in general.

Morality really is the bridge away from the "natural" world of duality, back to oneness. Morality is the bridge away from the jungle mentality of survival of the fittest, into a mentality of unity and co-operation, love and harmony. Morality is the bridge between good, and evil. Morality is also a great facilitator of evolution. You can say, morality IS the facilitator of real evolution. Evolution isn't just about surviving, it's about evolving. Evolving doesn't mean just adapting, it means evolving, ascending, going upwards. We are going upwards to something, there is a destination we are reaching, as a species! We aren't just animals, we are hu-mans! We are higher life forms, spiritual life forms, and we all know this deep down.

I'm talking a lot about oneness and duality, but what is all that stuff anyways? In order to explain it fully, we'll have to get into the science of it, which at this time isn't appropriate. So I will just give a general overview and say that..it can be shown scientifically that the universe really is a holographic illusion of light, sound, color, scent, and vibration...that our physical senses decode into holographic images. The images appear "out there" away from us, separate from us. But, actually, are just on the "screen" of our inner reality. Now I know this idea is kind of new and confusing to a lot of people, and as I said, I don't intend to go into it in detail right now, but just know, all of this stuff is now being shown to be provable, and we will go over it, later on, in detail.

To continue, the idea of duality is division from oneness. Dividing the one light of God, which everything is, into dualistic parts, which is what we are. We are sparks of consciousness divided from the source consciousness of God. Everything in our reality is just an illusion we are seeing on the "screen" of consciousness, which is connected to Gods screen of consciousness, and we can actually see what God sees, the universe from the entire prospective of oneness! This is what the masters call "Being at one with God, and one within the creation" or having "God consciousness" it is understanding oneness, while being an individualized spark, and this is the purpose of evolution through duality. The purpose of evolution is, to move from the balance of complete duality, in the form of the lower kingdoms, back to the oneness of the "higher realms," as they are called.

Now I know this is alot of out there spiritual stuff, but I assure you, it is scientifically feasible, and we will go into the science of spirituality and God, a little later on. What I want to talk about now is the extremes of duality. We know nature is a balanced duality, it is not amazingly good nor incredibly evil. It has the perfect balance of good-evil, creation-destruction, life-death, love-fear...to maintain and thrive. But, of course, sometimes there are extremes in life, and we humans always seem to take it to the extreme.

Duality naturally has extremes, the extreme of positive and negative, hot and cold, night and day, and all this stuff. Good and evil too have extremes, but good and evil are really just extremes of the same force. In spiritual circles, it's known by many things, like "Kundalini", "Chi", "The life force". In Star Wars, they called it simply "The Force", and both evil and good people could access it. I call it the "Creative force" of life or the "God force". We can create creation or create destruction, its still creating something. I guess the best way to gauge it would be, how much "power" and ability we have to change the universe, to change creation, to create reality.

Anyways, the extremes of good and evil are...well, good and evil really isn't a good way to describe it. "Good" you can say means oneness, the more good you are, the more connected to oneness you are. "Evil" means you are just so caught in division, you lost all connection to oneness.

So, we have the extremes of that, in society. For evil, we have the serial killers who don't give a thought about murdering someone. The truly psychopathic and devilish people who are so in separation, they think of themselves as totally alone and isolated and nobody is a part of them. They don't have what we call "empathy". That's why they give no thought about taking a life, or inflicting pain on people, because they can't imagine, or at least feel, what it is like to be that person. They have no connection to the other person, which is based in oneness. They have an animalistic mentality and it's all about survival of the fittest, and I will do whatever I have to do to advance myself, to hell with everything else. That's the extreme of evil, I guess, in human society. What we would call the serial killers, psychopaths, despots, the totally cold and heartless person. (Isn't it weird how we associate "evil" with the very thing which would make you the most dominant and "evolved" species, in the so called "natural world")

And yes, now the extreme of good. It's kind of hard to say anything bad about good, but in our society, goodness can be taken to an extreme. For example, if you let your goodness be taken for granted, or taken advantage of. If you let evil people walk all over you and your goodness, that's not a good thing. In a dualistic culture like this, in order to have true balance, you have to stand up and resist those who would use you and your goodness, for evil purposes. But other than that, there really is no extreme to goodness, the extreme I guess would be, to be a Jesus like figure, a divine being of light and goodness, with amazing creating abilities...which is what we all are anyways.

Good and evil really boil down to Separation vs Oneness. Good and evil are kind of abstract terms we give to this concept of Division vs Unity. The more divided and separated we are from oneness, the more "evil" we are. The more united we are in oneness, the more "good" we are. It all boils down to that, in the end. So I hope with all of this, you now have a better understanding of exactly the nature of what really is "good and evil". But, of course, that's not it. We have to understand the workings of good and evil, and the creative and destructive forces, in our lives, and in the evolution of life. So we are going to go into that, next.

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  • Yes, it's important to understand all points of view, that's why I advocate trying to understand the dark side, instead of judging it. And, as I wrote in the blog, good and evil can more properly be defined as Unity vs Separation. Oneness vs Duality. In this 3D experiment of extreme physical duality, yes good-evil, life-death, creation-destruction complement each other, and are vital for the balance of nature.

    But as we rise higher in evolution, and as we rise higher into the Light, and into Oneness, the less these extremes are. As we evolve away from duality and separation, and embrace the light, there is less need to experience polarity. So that's why in the ''higher realms'' there is no evil, no destruction, no death. In higher realms all of nature lives in harmony and unity, instead of the usual dualistic predator-prey system we have, which is based on love-fear. In higher evolution levels, there is only love.

    There definitely are many levels of truth. I always tried to look for the highest of truths. To ''think how God thinks'' as Einstein put it. The more we do, the more we understand the phrase ''Infinite Love is the only truth, everything else is illusion.'' This is the one true perspective. The perspective of these dark souls who thrive on fear and separation is completely illusory. In truth, there is only love, only oneness...the rest are the illusory perspectives we create for ourselves of this truth. Separation and fear is an illusion, because God is love and the love of God is all that is, was, or ever will be. So I try my best to send love to these dark souls, lost in their own illusions.
  • One can prove anything true with a false assumption.

    But!  That would be pointless, such a track of thinking is circular.

    I could construe your argument as... understanding perspectives.

    It's all about perspective!  Empathy, is just a word for fully understanding another's point of view.  Separation is less perspective, one-ness is more.  You can't really lose perspective once you've gained it, you can only forget it.  Thus, the only thing to do is gain more perspective, or experience, or points of view, or learn!  As well as maintaining your own perspective.  You shouldn't let others' perspectives dominate yours, but you can't simply deny them either.  Balance... within the extreme.

    Whatcha think?

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