Baptism and marriage, the airtight vessel, The Sorcerer's Stone



Necessary is to understand what the baptism in itself is. Obviously Baptism is a pact of Sexual Magic. 


In the Eastern Church, Baptism on the day of Epiphany is associated with the Wedding of Canaan.


In the Western Church, considering the Epiphany, Baptism is associated with the Marriage of Jesus with the church. So both the East Baptism is associated with sex, as in the West; in both cases is related to Marriage.


It is therefore Baptism, A COVENANT OF SEXUAL MAGIC.


If followed, Baptism is serving; if not met, Baptism is useless. That is the harsh reality of the facts.


 Illustrating all these aspects are in order to you will understanding what is the esoteric significance of Baptism.


The baptismal font, for example, in the Christian Churches represents precisely the Philosophical Stone, or the Creators organs.


As for Magnetized Water and Water buffed contained in the Stone, undoubtedly represent the SACRED SPERM. In other words we would say that WATER is the MERCURY THE SECRET PHILOSOPHY. The FIRE of the candles represents the SULFUR OF ALCHEMY.


Only by Mercury, that is, Semen Entity, and Sulphur, that is, the Entity of Fire, it is then possible to achieve the Second Birth.


What is meant by Second Birth?


Per Second Birth means the Birth of the Real Man.


Remember the words of Jesus to Nicodemus:


"Until you are born again, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven".


Achieve the Second Birth, that is fundamental. But that second birth not achieved if you have not made ​​the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being first. And these bodies cannot be created from nothing, because nothing, nothing comes. These bodies must be created based on Mercury and Sulfur.

The Mercury, or the Metallic Soul of the Sperm, is represented here in the Gnostic Rituals with the Bread of Transubstantiation And as for sulfur, or the fire of Alchemy, is represented with the Sacred Wine.


So the Mercury and Sulphur must be combined incessantly within us, to create through them, the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being.


Understanding all this, you realize the Mystery of the Seal of Solomon: The Triangle upward, the top indicates the Sulphur Fire. The lower triangle that links to the top, says the Mercury, that is, the Metallic Soul of the sacred sperm.


When you have completed the Great Work, receives in the higher worlds a wonderful ring that is of Divinal matter. It is always placed on the ring finger of the right hand. What's on that ring? The Seal of Solomon. What does this stamp? That Initiated and managed by the incessant crosses the Mercury and Sulphur THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE.


So by the incessant crosses the Mercury and Sulphur, is achieved in a first step to create the Astral Body; as a second step, create the Mental; and third, create the Causal.


Who owns a physical body, an Astral Body, a Mind Body and Causal Body, receives for that reason the Spiritual Psychic Principles, and becomes an Authentic Man, a Real Man, a True Man.


So, who becomes True Man is said to have reached the Second Birth, because if such intellectual animal was born with the birth first, as True Man is born with the Second Birth. The Second Birth is for Real Men.


All this is achieved by the incessant crossings of Mercury with Sulphur.


In baptism that is allegorized wisely: Water contained in the Stone represents precisely the Mercury; Fire of candles, the sulfur of Alchemy.


If you know who baptizes intelligently combine Mercury with Sulphur, because achieves the Second Birth, enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But who is baptized, never works with the Mercury and Sulphur, for that baptism has not served him anything.


Thus, Baptism is a pact of Sexual Magic. You have to understand so and not otherwise.


It is said that in Baptism, the White Dove of the Holy Spirit hovers over the child's head to be baptized. Certainly! Is that the Holy Spirit is the same Mercury of the Secret Philosophy.


When I entered the most important part of the Great Work, I was introduced precisely to The Mirror of Alchemy. There I saw in the glass, mirrored my own Mercury. In the name of truth I tell you, that Mercury gives to the Great Initiates precisely this transcendental aspect of Gentle-Man. Now, if not, for example, men like Kout-Humi, that wisdom which demonstrates how the man is due to Mercury, which is the very Holy Spirit in manifestation. Take, for example, a Count of St. Germain, whom I quote many times as a living example of Super-Man, someone driving world politics as formidably, someone who knows the psycho-political, and who knows really handle it, that can adapt to all diplomatic world conditions; this characteristic is due to the Mercury of the Wise.


When I saw my Mercury reflected in the mirror, I was simply amazed. It was when I knew how the Mercury comes to give one transcendental feature Gentle-Man; makes one a Wise in the fullest sense of the word.


So beloved brothers and sister, well worth understanding the significance of Baptism.


As for Sulfur, is Fire; we must understand this well; obviously relates to Lucifer. No one would have the sexual Impulse,if would have the Luciferian impulse within. That Sulfur is an extraordinary Power.


The Mercury alone, could do nothing. But Mercury is fertilized by Sulfur, that is, by the fire, and from that mixture becomes the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being.


It is good to begin to understand all these things to value Baptism. And it's good reason not forget why the Christian Churches of East and West, the question this Epiphany, that is Crestos Cosmic Ascension in us, always relate Baptism with Marriage.


Really a Church, however holy it is, if not teach the keys to self-realization, as would fail to save anyone; that is obvious.


When one scrutinizes therefore all these issues about Mercury and Sulphur, can value Baptism and should be valued. Baptism is sacred in the transcendental sense.


Do you also not forget that the Sacred Absolute Sun wants to crystallize within us the three Primary Forces of Nature and the Cosmos. These are: Holy Affirmation, Holy Negation, and Holy Conciliation.


Holy Affirmation is the positive force, the Father. Holy Negation is the negative force, the Mother, the Holy Spirit. Holy Conciliation is the neutral power when the Christ.


In the east, the Father is Brahma, the Son is Vishnu, the Holy Spirit is Lord Shiva.


The Holy Spirit, that is, the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy, crystallizes in us when we work with Sulphur and Mercury. This work could not be performed outside the laboratory. One must know how to mix the different parts of Mercury, with different parts of sulfur, but this is within the laboratory, and the laboratory is the human body.


So the Mercury, that is, the Metallic Soul of Sperm, intelligently combined within our own laboratory; combined with sulfur. The result of this combination becomes a formidable: The first result would be the birth of the astral body in man; The second result is the birth of the Mental Body in man; The third result is the birth of the Causal Body in man. When you have achieved these vehicles, as I told you, then there comes the second birth, that is, born the True Man, born of Mercury and Sulphur, that is, Water and Fire; and must be understood.


That is why Christ said: "If you not born again, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven".


It must be born again. It is not enough to be born as intellectual animals; that's very relative. Now we need to be born as men, but as Men True, and True Man born of Sulphur and Mercury, as always taught in Baptism.


Failure to meet that Sacrament is worthless Baptized. What's the point? Of what avail is it..??


So beloved ones, it is good that you will understand these things.


However, in all there are rules and measures. Justice is something very sacred and there. The ancient Alchemists represented the Justice for an ineffable creature, a sort of Queen-Goddess with a balance in his left; it has some weights - are needed to balance the Balance -, stands on a Cubic Stone: The Philosopher's Stone, naturally wears, the White Robe; Tunic above, is Purple, mantle, and is played the head with a Gold Crown. In the left leads Balance on the right carries the Sword, Sword of Justice. But the interesting are the weights and measures of the Balance of Cosmic Justice. It is clear that the work to be performed in the laboratory, have to agree with Law.


What amounts of sulfur, for example, mixed with what amounts of Mercury? That do not know the ordinary people, nor even the same Alchemists. Those are Secrets of Great Nature.


In any case, Justice governs the work of the Alchemist, and Justice Act.


If an Alchemist, for example, has wife-priestess, and suddenly leaves the wife-priestess, and being in the sexual performance goes and gets another woman, for adultery. Why? Because two mixed streams within the Spine collide. An Alchemist charging an electric current, and then if he gets another woman, then the reverse flow is mixed with the first stream, with which carried on his body, and there is a short circuit, and then a thread is burn it where the sacred serpent rises. That thread is the Nadi Chitra. So if you burn the Nadi Chitra, then Snake, that is the Fire, - that is, the sulfur mixed with Mercury, which has the figure of the Serpent - down one or more vertebrae, according to the magnitude of fault.


It is therefore very serious adultery.


Another serious thing is, Fornication. If the Alchemist spills the Cup of Hermes Trismegistus, if you lose Mercury unquestionably burn the Nadi Chitra and lowers the Sacred Serpent.


To one to realize the Great Work must be submitted to the Goddess of Justice. If you violate the Law of Balance, the Alchemist job fails miserably.


Note that Manufacture the Superior Existential Bodies of Being is a Work of Alchemy, but that work has to be within the Canons of the law of Cosmic Justice, otherwise, there is inevitable failure.


Another very different case - and this is of reflections and - it is the case that the Alchemist, for example, does not have an AIRTIGHT VESSEL.


Suppose the Alchemist has, an AIRTIGHT VESSEL destroyed, that no longer serves, does not. The Laboratory, in this case will be stopped, not work, because you do not have A GLASS HERMETIC for the combination of Sulphur and Mercury.


But what is meant by AIRTIGHT VESSEL?


These are terms that siblings must be understand. AIRTIGHT VESSEL is what is called the CALYX, or the same female YONI. That means AIRTIGHT VESSEL, the female sexual organ.


What is meant by LINGAM?


These are terms you should become familiar with, because there is one to speak to the people in vulgar language. The holy things of Sex, must be exposed honestly. It is therefore understood LINGAM the male sexual organ, the Greek phallus. And you watch how is explained the Mysteries of Sex.


If an AIRTIGHT VESSEL - is not good, if it has been destroyed if no longer serves to The Great Work, the Alchemist is fully entitled, by law, to choose A NEW AIRTIGHT VESSEL, and that is no crime. More serious would be the Great Work got stuck and the Alchemist fail. That would be the grave itself. But still, the Alchemist should never make your personal will, because you make a personal will, fails. The Alchemist has to obey the Father's Will.


Note that one cannot understand the science of the Great Work, if you have not received THE DONUM DEI before. The DONUM DEI is the gift of God to understand the science of the Great Work. One could not understand this science, if you have not received the Donum Dei, God's gift enabling you to understand; and that gift, who alone can give to one, is THE FATHER OF ALL LIGHTS. Only He can give one the Donum Dei.


So the Science of Alchemy is very sacred.


To take an AIRTIGHT VESSEL for Work is laudable, but as long as THE FATHER OF ALL LIGHTS is the ordering and not one. Because if you do your personal will, if one does what he pleases, fails in the Great Work.


They are very important points regarding Alchemy, and very important points regarding Baptism, because when we talk about Baptism and Alchemy, talking about the same thing. Baptism is a pact of Sexual Magic. Thus, Baptism contains in itself a formula: the extraordinary formula of Alchemy.


In these studies what we should concern us is the Great Work. Exclusively that. And in the realization of the Great Work, all that counts is the Law of Balance, that is, the Law of Cosmic Justice. This is above all false moral codes that exist out there; above all prejudices and outside any kind of morbid sentimentality.


Those who are slaves of prejudice, which they say, of the maximum, we may say of, existing ethics in different moral codes of the world, remain with the world, but not with The Great Work.


If we are to meet Baptism, we have to be honest with themselves and really work to achieve the Second Birth. And once achieved the Second Birth in any way we could stop. Who has achieved the Second Birth must fight intensively to integrate with the Divinity. If a man does not integrate with the Divinity, sooner or later have to regress from the bowels of the earth. The Men who do not eliminate the inhuman psychic aggregates that we carry within are not integrated with the Divinity. These inhuman psychic aggregates, elements, are the dry MERCURY.


Every human being carries much DRY MERCURY OR DRY AND POISONOUS SULPHUR OR Arsenic.


The Dry Mercury should be removed. And as the Sulphur Poisonous, it lies in lower animals funds of any living being. If you do not remove the sulfur Poisonous or Arsenic, not progress and if not also eliminate the Dry Mercury, not progress.


When one eliminates Dry Mercury and Sulfur Poisonous, for then makes the GOLD is set at the Mercury.


Considering that the Superior Existential Bodies of Man Mercury are essentially condensations of the Sulfured-Mercury with some Sublimated Salt, we may then understand the relationship between the GOLD and Mercury. Even in the mines we see the close relationship between gold and mercury. Gold atoms must be fixed in the Mercury. Normally Mercury is associated with Gold.


Within us there is ANTIMONIO.


This is no mere chemical substance as many believe. The ANTIMONY IS ONE OF THE PARTS OF SELF-CONCIOUSNES OF THE BEING. THAT PART IS an Architect who we carry WITHIN US ALL. All we carry Antimony in the depths of our psyche. That Self-conscious part, THAT ARCHITECT, THAT ALCHEMIST that part, is who fix THE ATOMS OF GOLD IN THE MERCURY, that is, in our Existential Superior Bodies of the Being.


When the Existential Superior Vehicles of Man have been constitute ​​of pure gold, unquestionably serve to coat the METAL SPIRIT in everyone. I want to refer to the INTIMATE CHRIST, the MAGNES INTERIOR OF KABBALAH AND ALCHEMY, the LORD. These vehicles penetrated and mutually interpenetrating each other, are denominated in Alchemy THE TO-SOMA-HELIAKON, THE GOLD BODY OF SOLAR MAN. Who owns The TO-SOMA-HELIAKON obviously may be coated therewith the INTIMATE CHRIST. THE IMTIMATE CHRIST COATED WITH THE TO-SOMA-HELIAKON, CONSTITUTES THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE.


Now you see what is the Philosophical Stone.


It is said that Stone can live between Fire, which is fusible like butter; but woe to the Alchemist to throw it to water, because it dissolves!


What do you say or what you want to express that to throw the Stone to Water?


Simply the spills the Cup of Hermes or adultery. For that kind of beings are the outer darkness where there is heard but the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Throw the Philosopher's Stone into water is that. In that case, a metal is melted and the Stone is said that evaporates, that is Metallic Spirit escapes, the CHRIST escapes, the Stone is lost, dissolved. You can cross the Philosopher's Stone through a glass without breaking or stained.


 From the Stone can extract the ELIXIR OF LONG LIFE. From the Stone can be removed DUST OF PROJECTION, with which can be manufactured GOLD, physical gold, effective, gold material.


Clarify, because if an Alchemist already achieved, which already has THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE held, in ecstasy, deposited, for example, here in the water, ITS GOLD ATOMS, then this water becomes for that reason a extraordinary liquor in the same POWDER PROJECTION. And if so then puts a droplet between a crucible where any melted lead that would become effective, physical, materials Gold.


 The Count of St. Germain for ex. manufactured PHYSICAL GOLD, but invested that gold. What  invested in it? In other material goods. When the French police raided the house of Saint Germain to know where they came from their wealth, they were amazed to see that everything was in perfect order; had his accounts, property he had, all properly documented, that is no one fault was found. Never publicly performed his metal transmutations, always in secret. So apparently he lived solely on their estates, properties, property, real estate, etc., and everything was properly documented.


So, my dear friends, for something is that when one concludes THE GREAT WORK, is facing TREE OF LIFE, holding in his right hand HORN OF AMALTEA. What is that Horn? The Abundance, the Horn of Amalthea.


In the Apocalypse of St. John is told to the people: "You feel great, you feel rich." Well, that would be very long quote, but more or less, tell them the meaning of the words  but you do not realize that you are poor, wretched, naked, and miserable? “


These words do not understand but the Initiates; anyone else.


Did you in what sense are poor or miserable?  Well, I'm going to tell something different schools because not understand thoroughly: GOLD IS THE RULER, my dear friends; GOLD AND NOTHING MORE THAN GOLD.


In the physical world we see an individual who has money, rules with his money, so whatever we say, rules. If we did not have money to pay for this rent house, what would happen? They put us right out in the street.


Well, overall, the ugly true of the facts is physically that.


But then, you will say: But what has this to do with the Esoteric, Spiritual so with the Transcendental, with the Divinity? Is not that Master is materializing or metallizing teaching?


No my friends, is not it. The stark reality of facts is that if we do not have GOLD in our Superior Existential Bodies of the Being after the manufactured, we are wretched as the Apocalypse treat us, nude, of wretched, poor, miserable, and it's true.


Saint Germain could not have done Gold if he had not had Gold inward. Where he had it? For because in their bodies, in their Aura; Gold of the highest quality; Which no gold mines on Earth can produce.






Each one inside has a Temple. 


I have my Temple, which I have also, in Astral if you intend to visit my temple can visit; but do not forget that when you enter the temple, have entered in my consciousness. I load up the Temple here, is projected in the Higher Worlds. How does it projects? As a cathedral really. If I say that in that cathedral, then all objects are de Gold, I'm not exaggerating; obviously it is. But MAKING THAT GOLD IN THE CATHEDRAL OF THE SOUL, I HAD TO WORK IN THE FORGE OF THE CYCLOPS; THAT IS OBVIOUS; IN THE LABORATORIUM ORATORIUM OT THE THIRD LOGOS: THE HOLY SPIRIT.


Who is so associated with the Baptism; that is undoubtedly. So you need to know to understand that.


Any of you may visit the Cathedral in the astral body of Master Samael Aun Weor; shall find; there it is. No lack, of course, on the Altar, THE CHALICE. And will not miss NEVER on the altar of a Master THE CHALISE THAT IS THE GLASS IS THE SAME AIRTIGHT. If missing, the Temple would be sad, poor. How go missing on the Altar the Holy Grail? That would be absurd! In no Temple of Greater Mysteries lack the Holy Grail; that is indubitable.


You know what the Holy Grail is? I do know some. It's the same AIRTIGHT VESSEL. Even in the temples of the Gods is the Holy Grail. In that Glass Hermetic placed Jews the Manna of the Desert, that Manna with which the Israelites were feed among the Desert Sands, thus they remained for forty years.


But why had to be precisely in the Chalice, the Cup, Airtight, the manna of the Desert with the Jews fed? Now, note, that is Vase is place into the Ark of the Covenant also is in there the Aaron´s Rod that is the LINGAM GENERATOR AND TABLES OF LAW. This document everything I've said.


As for the Cherubim, Blavatsky says two cherubim with their wings touched on THE ARK OF SCIENCE, and they were in the attitude of man and woman during intercourse. Eliphas Levi argues that there are four Cherubim who played with their wings, male and female. However, it agrees that the Cherubim, male and female, were played with their wings and they were in the attitude of Chemical Copulation in SANCTUS SANCTORUM.


The soldiers of King Nebuchadnezzar, when they invaded the Temple of Solomon, destroyed, and saw before, previously, THE ARK OF SCIENCE. They said: "This was the God that ye worship? Jews so much? Was this the God of chastity and holiness so that you mention about it? "Sure, they quickly destroyed everything, destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem.


So my dearest, they did not understand.


 Why the manna with which the Jews were feeding in the Desert had to be in the Cup or Chalice?




If the Gods had no Manna Desert - because life is a desert when true renunciation of nirvanic happiness - because man having physical bodies, their physical bodies will wither and die. Then they need this airtight vessel in which is contained THE MANA.


Those who have understanding understand, because there's Wisdom. You have to know to understand.


Unquestionably, the biggest mistake of different groups, pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occult schools, is precisely to believe that the Intimate Self-Realization of Being is based on theories; wrong.

Consider for a moment how we came up to the existence. What is the root of our life? A man, a woman, a chemical or metaphysical copulation; He came forth our physical body. What preceded this conception? What moments? . Unquestionably at all that there was, therefore, love, Eros was active, etc. Were also the most powerful cosmic forces of the universe that created precisely the universe. But, and theories, Where were they? All those millions of volumes, schools, where were they? None of this existed for us. Then, whence arose, therefore, this body we have? Why did he come into existence?


I also say to you, that only by understanding these Mysteries of Good Friday, so fundamental to the Workers of the Great Work, achieved Christification is, the Intimate Self-Realization of the Being is achieved. This is a matter of Sex, Erotic Force, of  Cosmic Love Ripples, Transcendental Emotions and GREAT WILL.


Working, that way, Gold is make, and whoever comes to have Gold is immensely wealthy. By Gold one can command to Nature, and Nature obeys him.




But if you have no gold inside, it is a wretched, miserable, naked, although it creates very rich and powerful.




Get to making Gold when the Mystery of Baptism is known, which is said, is a pact of Sexual Magic.



Q.- How do you understand, since you say that the Dry Mercury are the egos, and for Arsenic Sulfur, what would it be? How manages to destroy this?


  1. - Arsenic Sulfur is Poisonous Animal Fire, everyone burden on their atomic infernos, bestial, filthy, abominable fire; every human being loads in. And in that kind of animal fire, living many psychic aggregates, type, belonging to the world of ninety-six laws or infernal world(remember the Ray of Creation when is told that such comes down from the ABSOLUTE HOLY SPACE passing each dimension plane downer in such descending coming down to the physical plane that is rule by 48 laws and the such Divine Prime Ray enter in the Infernal first sub-dimension plane ruled by 96 Laws. Downer sub-Astral plane). How the Poisonous Sulfur or Arsenic is removed? Well, working in pure and clean form eliminating the Dry Mercury himself, the same path is eliminated Poisonous Sulfur. By eliminating the Dry Mercury, Sulfur Poison is actually removed. That's all.


Q. - Venerable, the AIRTIGHT VESSEL destroyed in a person that cannot be reconstructed and if it cannot be rebuilt, how that person does? How can you work in The Great Work?


A.- A Yoni, destroyed not work for the Great Work. If an Alchemist has in his laboratory and a Glass is broken, it has to get a new cup. But however the laws are very sacred, it happens that the first vessel is loaded with some force, some radiation, and that radiation has permeated the Alchemist; it is necessary to pass not less than three years , so that the Alchemist can get a new cup , if you do not want a short circuit inside your spinal central system, because a short circuit can burn a wire Laboratory. In that case, the Sulfur and Mercury go down, go down and there is even a Metal Reduction. In other words it seems that the Alchemist is gone headlong into the abyss.




Q.- The female element has its creative organs, we say damaged, but then that person, the feminine element is working on The Great Work, how can continue if you are damaged their b their Creator Organs?


Answer. - No way, cannot, cannot continue. It is as if the male element, the Alchemist, destroy their Lingam generator. In this case, it cannot work in the Great Work. How do? Need to shift body to work. That is, if the generator Lingam is destroyed, how it works? 


Q. - Master, why causes the Hermetic Glass is damaged?


A. - Can be damaged by accident; can be damaged by age; can be damaged by Karma. If that Glass if it does not work for Laboratory therefore the Alchemist has to use a NEW GLASS HERMETIC, and that NO CRIME. If the crime had Alchemist, having a Correct Airtight vessel, disparage such vessel and pulled out to make a new one. In that offense would have.


Q. - Venerable Master, if it were otherwise, that the woman is damaged, for example, the Lingam to Work?


A. - Well, in this case, the woman is working with a suitable male, all goes well. If the man does not serve him, everything goes wrong.



Q.-It asks, in this case presented by Karma, Venerable Master, you could wait until some of those people canceled debts?


A.- Yes, you can expect perfectly fine. Also an Alchemist who missed Glass Hermetic be expected if you will, to the future existence, or fifty existences wait until you find a good Glass, BUT THAT WOULD BE THE last straw. THE BEST IS THE BEGINNING TO LEAVE ANY KIND MORBID SENTIMENTALITY AND TAKE AN IDONIOUS AIRTIGHT VESSEL FOR WORK IN THE LABORATORY. We must leave here pessimistic attitudes were, the Tamas of inertia, a kind of mental or spiritual laziness that is so prevalent in schools of pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist type; That is clear.


Q.- Master, and if Hermetic Glass is good but the lady does not want to cooperate in the Forge, the lady does not want to work in the Forge, in this case, what can husband do?


A. - For man, the glass is good, but if she does not want to work in the Great Work, if she does not want to work,  - naturally no choice left to the Alchemist, but look for a suitable Airtight Glass serve someone who collaborate, cooperate, But that could not do it, but after several years of hard supplications to the priestess wife. For it is written, only for fornication, should be given to woman, we would say, divorce; if there is fornication. So if woman fornicate, then right. If a woman wants to fornicate the Alchemist and the Alchemist wants self-realization, and she wants to fornicate, you must give a certificate of divorce immediately to fornicate with another, but not with the Alchemist. Here in this are two. Either we resolve to enter the Kingdom by assault, or fall. The Kingdom is taken by assault, the valiant have taken it. If this is not done well, it fails.


Being precisely in the superior worlds of Cosmic Consciousness, I had to ask the Father to show me the synthesis of my most recent work in the Lit Forge of Vulcan. Then Father took me to a big city, one of those Jinas Cities, Magic Cities, of which there are four important in Europe.  have an in Yucatan, formerly founded by The Tuatha of Danand, which were, among other things, great travelers, travelers Jinas.( JINAS STATE IS WHEN THE PHYSICAL BODY IS PUT INTO THE HIGHER DIMESIONS OF NATURE ABOVE THE 3D.THERE ARE MANY HOLY TEMPLES, CITIES, AROUND THE WORLD INTO JINAS STATE…ONE ART OF THE INITATED IS TO BE ABLE TO PUT THE PHYSICAL BODY AT THE JINAS STATE THIS IS TO SAY AT THE FIFHT DIMESION…MANY MIRACLES KNOWN BY HUMANITY THEY WERE MADE BY MASTERS)



Well, there I found many adepts of varying degrees of Splendor. I even found Adeptus Exentus. You know what Adeptus Exentus? Means Adeptus Exentus of Karma, without Karma debts. In Esoteric is said, "Adeptus Exentus". Of course, among all organized an excursion to the Top of the Mountain of Being. Grandiose was such excursion.


In the Superior Worlds of Cosmic Consciousness is passed through transcendental experiences godlike, formidable.


When we make it to the Top with the aim to find IOD-HEVE, the Ancient of Days. So we were pleasantly surprised to find him transformed into a very high palm tree. The Palm is the symbol of Crestos Victory. All adepts prostrated themselves on Earth to worship Iod-Heve. I knew this palm was my REAL BEING , the Ancient of Days, that is the INTERIOR OF MY INTERIOR, this time to talk to you in the language of the Pistis Sophia. It is an esoteric, symbolic, allegorical language. Sure, I advance. Since the Astral Body has some elasticity, ductility, it was not difficult size to increase you take that Palm here, as it say, by the neck, and grasp tightly to my chest, and stroking its leaves, its branches.


Those Venerable adepts, very Venerable looked at me with terror. Was heard but a cry. They were amazed to see how I took the Ancient of Days, no less, in that way, But then the Palm became a Grand Tower, Tower of My Inner Temple, My Own Cathedral. That Towel corresponds to the Divine Head.


It was tattooed all full of precious stones. The eyes were those of the very Godhead, and had arms like arms Man.


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24 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"And this comment is in answer to Justin's question, on my wall, which is, what do I take during the full 72-hour fast, to maintain basic health...??
Each day, starting last Sunday I have been taking water, with a tea spoon of pink Himalayan salt,…"
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Agarther Z.....Yes you are correct and that was a typo, because the 72 hours will be up at 09.00, tomorrow, which is Wednesday....And I'll start refeeding during that day, not Friday...I plan to eat small keto meals at 0900, 11.00 and 13.00....In…"
1 hour ago
RichRaelian liked rev.joshua skirvin's blog post The 9D Arcturian Council: Going Where No Other Human Has Gone Before; Channel: Daniel Scranton .
1 hour ago