Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Edition #46 Subscription FREE or by Donation


Andromedan Commander Mandr'l: Our Extended Mission to Earth - Part 2

by Commander Mandr'l

A Brief RV/GCR Update from The Company of Heaven

by Sananda

Community Corner:

"Prepare to Be Amazed"

Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Introduction from Galactic Heart, Colleen

Community Corner:

"In 2016 All the Major Causes of Human Misery will End"

Jesus through John Smallman

Andromedan Commander Mandr'l:

Our Extended Mission to Earth - Part 2

by Commander Mandr'l

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The Andromeda Galaxy

Image Credit:

Kathryn: I would like to speak with you, Mandr'l, if you would like to continue our message. Your first part was very gratefully received, and many of the things you said struck a chord for people. What surprises do you have for us today? :)

We Welcome You Aboard Our Beautiful Ship

Mandr'l: Yes, we are delighted with the response to our first message. I promised to talk about what it is like on our ship. I think it will give you a good idea of who we are and what we enjoy. We know of your many visits to the Arcturian Mothership, and your close relationships with our Arcturian friends, so I will take their lead and introduce you to our ship in the way they have introduced you to their environment and their characteristic ways.

So, come with me, all, and I will give you the images and descriptions of how we live and who we are. Just relax and let the images form in your mind as I describe our beautiful ship and its inhabitants.

Our great Mothership is a conscious being, a partner, you might call her, in our adventures across space/time which brought us to your planet. Our ship is very large by your standard of what constitutes a space ship. It measures about 3,000 miles in diameter. It is therefore somewhat larger than the landmass of the United States. We would never be able to land our great ship on your planet without great disruption, of course. We have scout ships docked within the Mothership for excursions to the surface of the planet whenever the opportunity arises, and so we will be able to land among you when the conditions are right.

We are currently "parked" in your solar system, just beyond your planet Jupiter. This provides an adequate screen for the moment. We do not wish to alarm any of your astronomers by appearing in any way threatening, although it is difficult sometimes to anticipate what dramatic and frightening scenarios they might imagine if they should catch a glimpse of us. So, we are doing what you call "laying low" for the time being, except for an occasional small glimpse we might allow to a passing camera-bearing space probe.

It is unfortunate how little of the real information you are allowed, in spite of the extensive experience with space exploration and experimentation that has been performed by your secret cabal-sponsored space programs. Your world leaders have long been very familiar with our presence, and with the amusingly labeled "UFO" phenomena. All will soon be revealed, by mutual consent of the world leaders who have kept the secret only under threat of death and mayhem for their countries. All that is changing. Our scout ships will deliver many loving and knowledgable mentors to help reveal the truth of your history, your remarkable discoveries, and the story of your relentless oppression.

Now, let me give you an idea of the atmosphere aboard our Mothership. There are several levels within the great ship, as follows:

The lowest level, where the landing docks interface with and give entrance to the twelve larger levels of living, navigation, storage and other activities. There are also docking stations for our ten scout ships and storage areas for cargo. On this trip, since we knew we were coming to a 3-dimensional planet, we have brought many things from our artisans to give to Earth's people as gifts from several of our Andromedan planets to you.

The second level holds our large deck where my flight crew and I can generally be found when we are traveling throughout the cosmos. Now, we are in a holding pattern, so there is little to attend to but keeping everything shipshape and ready for when the time comes for us to uncloak and show ourselves. We will not come closer to your planet than just in front of Mars, from your scientists' point of view. We will use our scout ships to enter your atmosphere. We do not wish to frighten those who are unfamiliar with a ship our size. We will not disrupt the gravitational balance of your solar system, as an asteroid or small planet might.

Our Ship Is Alive... And We Love Her

Our ship is a living being, conscious and able to manage her energy output. There is no need for engines or fuel, or any mechanical parts as you know them, since she moves in synchrony with the intentions of her Commander and the mutual agreement of all her passengers. All must be in harmony with the mission and at peace with the group in order for the ship to continue on its travels. Otherwise, if agreement could not be reached through mediation in the Councils, we would have to turn back to leave the objectors on their home planet. Fortunately, this has been an extremely rare occurrence in the past, and unheard of in recent millennia. Our people are of one heart and one mind when it comes to our mission to Earth.

The second level also contains dining and lounge areas where the crew and their families can meet and play during their off-duty times. There are recreation areas throughout the great ship which tend to serve as something like your village square, where our inhabitants establish "neighborhood" activities with their friends and families. Our food supply is provided on demand by replicators that produce anything the diner might want. All food is perfectly nutritious for the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies of the person requesting it.

We have no illness as you know it, unless we should encounter something in our travels that could be toxic to us. We do have healing chambers and a large healing arena that we can offer to others, and like the Arcturians, we enjoy offering our healing expertise if it should be needed to anyone who requests it. This is one of the major services we provide on our great ship, and we expect it will be used extensively during our visit to the surface of your planet. The largest healing arenas are grouped on the third level, with other smaller, specialized satellite "clinics" throughout the ship.

You see, the ship is not divided strictly by levels, except for the nature preserve on the fourth level where the animals and elementals gathered from many different planets have their own area. It covers a large expanse - nearly 2,000 miles across, dotted with lakes, forests, meadows and mountain ranges somewhat like your smaller mountainous formations along your Eastern coast in the United States. It provides a comfortable and unspoiled environment for our animal friends and a beautiful recreation area for our citizens. Hiking, swimming, picnicking and sight-seeing are some of our favorite activities, along with visiting the animals. Many of us have special relationships with the animal species, although we do not keep "pets" as you do.

Every Being Lives Respected and Free

There is no ownership of animals, and we would never eat our friends. They roam and fly freely across the nature area, where people are the visitors. We do not build any structures or housing there; it would be considered an unthinkable intrusion, although sometimes our young people enjoy resting there for extended periods, forming close relationships with various species. It is a truly idyllic place, comparable only to some of your most remote national parks. The remaining areas on the fourth level are dedicated to our extensive and carefully cultivated gardens, where we grow thousands of species of flowers and edible plants. You will be fascinated to see the exotic varieties we have gathered from throughout the cosmos. This level alone could occupy a student for a lifetime.

Most of our other educational or study areas are grouped around the fifth level, although some science areas like astronomy and related studies can be found on the twelfth, uppermost level, under our great astrodome. We also have large areas you might call gymnasiums, classrooms with our most advanced technologies, libraries and holo-decks where our students of all ages might experience the history and experiences of planets and stars across the Multiverse.

The study of Earth and her history has been an intensive endeavor during our stay here in your solar system. As a result, our people are far more knowledgable about the true story of your planet than you on the surface have been allowed to learn. It will be a very important part of our contribution to your awakening when millions of our citizens come to the surface as mentors to help you with your preparation for Ascension. All will need to be prepared, to be free of the programming and false teachings you have endured during thousands of years under Anunnaki control. We are also working with some of those very overlords and some of the Reptilians who were their minions, all of whom have come to the Light and are very eager to help repair the damage they created on Earth.

We have several "floors" of spacious and comfortable residences where families gather according to their custom, and meeting rooms large enough to accommodate our entire population, which numbers about 100 million beings at this time. Our technologies and our telepathic abilities allow us to communicate with all our citizens simultaneously when the occasion calls for it, and we enjoy this interaction greatly. We also use these large areas for planned events, like parties and festivals in celebration of our own histories and cultural achievements, much like you celebrate Mardi Gras, or the Fourth of July, or New Year's Eve. There are those among us who are very talented party planners, and find joy in creating festive activities for us. You see, there are never dull moments in our lives.

Although some of us can exist in higher dimensions as pure Light bodies, when we are together on the ship we tend to accommodate others by appearing in a fifth dimensional body, dressed in our flight suits, as you might call them. They are comfortable, accommodate free movement, and can be decorated with emblems or created in various color combinations for easy identification of our planetary or family origins, our interests or responsibilities, just as you devise "uniforms" to show your individual activities or group pursuits.

We Are Relaxed, Peaceful and Collaborative

We have reached a level of peace and cooperation in our society that allows us great freedom and pleasure. Crime is unknown, and there is no concept "poverty" or want, since all our great cultural and physical resources are shared equally among our citizens. Since there is no competition for any resources, there is no anxiety or stress in our lives. This does not mean we do not have feelings of drive, or what you might call ambition. We each strive for excellence in all areas of our lives, whether it be our personal relationships or our professional endeavors. We do take life seriously, you might say, but we could never be depressed or despairing, because there is so much to live for, and our lives are filled with joy.

Unlike your lives behind the Veil of Forgetfulness, we are in direct and constant contact with our Creators and with our Masters and Angels. We live across dimensions, you might say. We can move "downward" into lower dimensions if we wish to, with some preparation and effort, and we work always to reach for our highest level of dimensional experience. Like your levels of educational achievement, we are striving always for advancement to higher dimensions, as we move closer to our Creator. We honor and learn from our benevolent Masters and Teachers, and find this way of striving for ever higher levels of experience to be the most natural and fulfilling life path possible. It is what Mother and Father God call The True Way.

It would be nearly as difficult for me to paint a complete picture of our way of life on the ship as it would be for you to describe life on Planet Earth in all its variety. I hope I have given you a small glimpse into our way of life. We look forward eagerly to the time when we can meet with you, Earth Humankind, and share deeply with you, to exchange knowledge and create the close friendships with you that we imagine in our hearts.

We Love You

You see, we are in love with you, dear Humankind. We admire your great courage and determination, and we are in admiration of your legendary capacity for Love, no matter what the external conditions. We have seen your struggles, and we know of your indomitable resilience. You are great Lightbearers and brave warriors, in spite of the intense programming and blindness you have labored under. Most of you continue to return to Mother and Father's arms for soul healing and renewal, and you then plunge again into the fray, incarnating always with the intention of creating Paradise on your beautiful blue planet.

We are in awe of this heroic endeavor, and like the other millions of ships in your skies, we are here to observe and celebrate with you as you raise the vibration on your planet. You are succeeding, to our wonder and admiration, against enormous odds. Of course you have the help of greater and greater dispensations that allow Mother and Father and the rest of us to extend progressively more assistance. It is a truly thrilling enterprise, this challenge you have presented yourselves with, and we stand ready to jump in with you as soon as we are given safety clearance from Mother and Father and the Ashtar Command.

We are here at your service, and in the service of Mother and Father God and the great Company of Heaven. We are so excited we can barely contain our enthusiasm and joy at the coming adventures we look forward to as we join you on your planet to participate in the historic and monumental event to come - the Ascension of Mother Terra, the soul of your planet Gaia, and all those upon her.

As spokesperson for my great ship and all upon her, I offer my greetings and Love to all Earth's inhabitants, and especially to you, Humankind, the leaders and shepherds of your beautiful planet.

I am Mandr'l, Andromedan Commander, at your service.

Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, January 13, 2016

A Brief RV/GCR Update by The Company of Heaven

by Sananda

Image Credit: Collin Bogle Art


Greetings, dear Brothers and Sisters. Those of you who have been following the revaluation of currencies (RV) around the world will be very happy to know that we are entering the next phase for the slow roll-out of the financial reforms and Prosperity Programs that will profoundly change your world, beginning in Iraq.

Relax, sit back and watch the indicators roll gradually across the globe, as all the 209 countries involved join together to activate a new banking system that will protect you, rather than enrich the banksters who have controlled all the wealth on the planet. Your Blessings are secure, Beloved Friends, and we could not be more excited about the effects it will have on all those living on Earth. Be patient as you await the signal from your Dinarland friends. You will be exchanging currency as you are called in turn. It will be uncomplicated, joyful, and what you would call a win-win for everyone.

You are to be the new leaders and benefactors who will change everything. Look deeply into your hearts to ignite your love and your creativity. You will be called upon to create imaginative networks and groups who can help each other to help those in need. It will be the most fulfilling and exciting time of your lives, because you, Lightworkers, will be in the driver's seat when it comes to deciding how your town, your country and your world will be uplifted, inspired and touched by kindness and generosity.

You will be initiating a wave of good feeling that will wash away old programming, and open hearts to new possibilities for loving relationships that bridge all boundaries. We will be here to help you if you need guidance, and to let you know about the brilliant new technologies your Galactic friends have sponsored through your talented "boots on the ground," to speed your transition to higher vibrational living.

It is a historic time, Dear Ones. As Lightworkers, you will suddenly be seen as the ones who have helped to bring through these wonderful new changes, and you will find yourselves in the position of being "in the right" for the first time with many of your skeptic family members and friends. I hope you will graciously, with good humor, resist the temptation to say to anyone, "I told you so." Rather, smile mysteriously and put an arm around their shoulders (literally or figuratively) and reassure them that they will be delighted with the wondrous changes that are yet to unfold this very year.

It is our time, at last, and we will celebrate in love, grateful thanksgiving and joy. It has been a long journey together already, but we are cresting the mountaintop, and the rest of our journey is going to be filled with astonishment and wonder. I send you my blessings, my unconditional love. I am with you always; just call on me and I will laugh with you, jump for joy with you, and we will celebrate the most courageous triumph ever in Earth's human history.

I am your Sananda.

Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, January 13, 2016

"Prepare to Be Amazed"

by Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Introduction from Galactic Heart, Colleen

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

When I read the first paragraph or two of this week's update, my heart sank. WHAT??? Another delay? How can this be.

Sheldan advised me to continue reading. It is not meant to cause the reader concern for a long delay. We can still expect first releases of various prosperity/humanitarian funds before the end of this month. The Chinese Elders are cautious. They take seriously their responsibility as stewards of this vast wealth and have been doing so for eons of time. They have performed this task with integrity and I for one am grateful for the due diligence they graciously provide.

Our dear Galactic Federation teams thought this delay was unnecessary and were as disappointed as we all are. The GF feel that this delay was not warranted. They wanted to explain to us the reason for this short delay. They are doing everything they can to assure the Elders "they have their backs."

The time we are living in requires steadfast faith and discipline to keep our energies aligned with the successful and graceful unfolding of the Divine Plan. Remain excited. When the first domino falls, everything changes. Our world will take a quantum leap toward anchoring in our new paradigm. We, the Starseeds and Lightworkers, will be endowed with increased responsibilities. Be ready. Truly, together we are Victorious!

13 Caban, 10 Chen, 12 Manik
12 January 2016

Dratzo! Many expected operations were delayed by overly cautious and unnecessary security developments. Those who temporarily control these funds are deeply worried and hence have reverted to a process, which allows them to work initially at a snail's pace. This diverted operation has slowed the deliveries and altered when these monies are to be delivered. It is now at a pace more deliberate than we were initially given. Again, these funds are in the hands of those who feel more comfortable with a tempo that is filled with a series of special checks at each stage of this operation. This employs a special way to secretly move vast sums across borders. It is our belief that this slower process is doing two things. First, it has greatly slowed a number of future announcements that are to signal the start of new governance and those that are to begin a global currency reset. Second, it has slowed down the preliminary schedule for mass arrests and for the rechartering of the world's fraudulent banking system.

These delays are yet another sign of how difficult it is to swiftly move against the old, dark order, which has ruled this realm for millennia. Even though we possess the tools and the evidence to defeat these odious ones, it is very difficult, even after a series of agreements to speed up this vital process. The dark realizes the extent to which the Light forces are permeated with those who know how truly devious are the ways of their former dark lords. This old "history" has again and again produced caution even when it is not really called for. We deeply apologize for these ultra-slow actions. It is hard to move when a way of doing things is challenged. Your world is now deeply embedded in this set of old procedures. It is our challenge to change this and allow a breath of fresh air to permeate this operation. Hence, we expect that this process is to begin quite shortly. Even those filled with caution are in truth committed to this grand alteration of this reality. Thus, the old ways are to be finally cast aside.

As this process of change continues, remain focused on victory. We are thoroughly convinced that everyone is determined to terminate the hideous ways of the dark cabal. This cabal has used its power to frighten, distort and confuse all. We are aware of how these methods have gradually left many exhausted when they try to do anything positive. Despite these unwarranted fears, some degree of action is actually taking place. It is not easy to defy those who you have feared for so long. Such an action is nevertheless happening. A thing necessary for an alteration of the very core of this reality is occurring. The dark now knows that its days of mind-bending control are over. The time for many key announcements are upon us. These are to start a massive domino effect, which is to change your realm forever. This includes a newer, fairer monetary system, prosperity, and of course, new governance. Prepare to be amazed and honored by what is presently to happen!

As you move into this new era, be aware of what this truly means. The old perceptions that you have carried with you since childhood are no longer to fully apply. This is to be the start of a new reality for all. Long ago, you became the pawns of a dark overlord group that created a class of minions, which we call the dark cabal. This cabal defied Heaven and over the past few decades created a realm, which they intended to run as they pleased for an eternity. This wish has been dashed and with what is happening, you are to shortly see them arrested and temporarily separated from you. This group of charlatans is to be tried and their ill-gotten gains redistributed among you. Take this time to appreciate what is happening. You are to receive your freedom and be given an opportunity to participate fully in your affairs. Do not take this opportunity lightly. Be diligent and ready to be an everyday watchdog. Freedom is a duty to be watched over carefully! Come together and ready yourselves for new responsibilities.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! You, dear hearts, are on the very edge of a new reality. Those who were put in charge of delivering a grand prosperity to you are finally prepared to finish a long process that began many centuries ago. Our purpose in assigning them this great responsibility was based on their honesty and deep diligence, which permitted us to know that at the right divine time this grand task was to be done. The moment for this sacred completion has now arrived. We are most happy that you are about to receive the many blessings that are due you. The time to end your enslavement in this dark land has come. You are to receive liberation with these blessings. The time of your enlightenment is to be started at last! We are also readying our lessons for you. These are to teach you about your origins and the reasons for your divine mission on this world. This is to be explained further by your Agarthan cousins.

As we approach this most exciting time, it seems as though this world is untouched by what we say and feel daily. Much of what is changing is doing so in a way disguised by the old. Despite this, it is only a sham that you observe. This insane realm is full of tricks. The dark understands what Heaven is doing. Despite disappointments, remain focused on your vision and the prize it contains. You are a powerful people and we come only to acknowledge and support you. This world has shown its cruelty and its consequences. This set of odd causes and effects is ready to be transformed. The Light has come and it is in the final set of procedures to transform your worries into wondrous things you have long dreamed of! The glorious moment of new responsibities for you and us is now arriving.

Use your vision and your true dreams to guide you. Heaven understands whom you really are and is showing you the way toward a new reality. It is Heaven that has sent you on this final path that leads to full consciousness. We are simply a divine instrument of this sacred journey. This time in our mutual history is just beginning. You are in the process of preparing your body and Soul to transform into the crystalline version, which is your fully conscious self. You have been spared the immense difficulties created by this journey and in its stead is a poor reflection of your limited consciousness selves. Even though this has allowed some pain and discord to continue, be grateful that it has not been the apocalypse that it could have been. You are now in the final phases of a new realm. Your way is cleared for victory! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we carried on our mission to provide you with an overall report on what is happening on this globe. The dark has lost and all that drags this out is a final need to be cautious and slow. Your blessings are coming and you are to quickly see them appear before your startled eyes! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

More from Sheldan Nidle and PAO...

Including this month's webinar "CETACEANS": HERE

Community Corner

"In 2016 All Major Causes of Human Suffering Will End"

Jesus through John Smallman

The New Year of 2016 has started well. Much of importance is happening in preparation for the events ahead, which will unfold quite dramatically and spontaneously as the Love that so many are now holding and extending to all of humanity brings about the enormous changes necessary for the endemic suffering and poverty of the vast majority on earth to be fully relieved. In 2016 all the major causes of human misery will end. The New Golden Age for humanity has arrived and the first signs, like the first green shoots signaling the arrival of spring after a harsh winter, are about to appear.

Do not allow the negative energies that arise when you see and hear news of intense suffering to drain and exhaust you as you offer love and compassion to those so effected. This occurs whenever you choose to enter into their pain. Why would you choose to enter into another's pain? Perhaps because you feel somewhat responsible for it? Every human on Earth is following a path chosen with great wisdom and foresight before incarnating. Every single human is precisely where they intended to be as a result of pre-natal choices.

Obviously, for many, these choices have led to intense pain and suffering, but what they are doing, what they have chosen to do - even though awareness of that choice has for the most part been forgotten - is assisting in humanity's awakening by helping to clear the deep negativity that has built up over the eons so that Love may flow in and bring Light to the dark that has become heavily established in various areas of the world.

In time, in the illusion, there have, over the eons, been many technologically advanced societies on Earth, societies that became so ego-driven and power hungry that they totally forgot their divine origins - all sentient beings were created in Love by God, and so Love remains their true nature - as they played the game of separation from God. As humans, severely limited by the "rules of the game," they allowed their hearts to close thus hiding from themselves their true nature, and instead developed great (within the pre-set limitations of their human bodies) intelligence that they further developed in order to "win" the game of separation from other like-minded humans. This intelligence - more really a set of very limiting but powerful skills - was used to build nations, cultures, armies, and the necessary weapons to enable them to impose their will on others, by focusing intently on the "so-called" dark or shadow side of their human natures.

Humanity is now collectively working to reach a balance between the dark and the enlightened sides of its nature so that the two sides may become integrated, whereupon the heart will open, or the veil that has hidden the Light will dissolve and the creative abilities of the dark side, overwhelmed and unconditionally accepted by Love, will cease playing the unreal game of separation.

When the game is terminated by humanity's collective choice, and the opposing sides of your individual human natures combine and integrate, enormous creative abilities and competences will arise enabling you to cooperate in a wondrous state of harmony and very quickly heal all the damage that has occurred over the eons.

Separation is a state of disharmony where the yin and yang have moved away from their state of union, have become extremely confused, and have then chosen to see each other as ferocious enemies. This has been pointed out by many sages and wise ones over the eons, and finally the realization of what this means is becoming apparent as the human collective seeks to move lovingly together as recognition of the Oneness of all becomes inescapably apparent.

The divine Reality is the state of Oneness in which all that God creates has its endless and eternal existence. There is no alternate reality or place where, for instance, evil exists. There is only God.

Evil is unreal. However, in the illusion you are playing a game with many facets, and evil is one of those facets. It seems very powerful, but that is only because you fear it. When you open your hearts to the divine field of Love in which you are eternally enveloped fear dissolves. When fear dissolves so does conflict which is but a reaction to fear. It is like waking from a nightmare which is unreal, while in the moment it seems very real, and recognizing it for what it was, whereupon it dissolves and fades from memory (unless you write it down immediately) along with the fear that it engendered.

Humanity's awakening is the same but on an extremely large scale, and when it is complete there will be no more nightmares to frighten you. The Reality of Love will envelop you in overwhelming joy and the unreality of all your worries, anxieties, and fears then becomes unmistakable as they all fade and are forever lost because they never were.

You are eternal divine beings, infinitely loved by God, the Source of All, and you live - now, in this only moment - in permanent joy. However, by choosing to build and engage with the illusion to attempt to experience a reality separate from Source, you shut out Love by veiling yourselves in an unreal state of darkness and fear. It could best be likened to a small child hiding in a dark closet and terrifying itself even though there is nothing terrifying in there with it. All that frightens you is unreal!

It is unreal because it was unreal when you made it. You made it to play a temporary but frightening game of being separate from Source. But you can never be separate from Source. That is impossible because Source is All that exists.

However over the illusory eons that you have been playing this game its apparent reality has intensified right up until this moment in humanity's spiritual evolution - where spiritual evolution is merely your path to awakening - where you find yourselves no longer willing to undergo the pain and suffering that the game continuously provides. Thus you have, finally, chosen collectively to awaken.

All you need do is open to whatever arises in your lives and realize that that is the path you have chosen to follow to your awakening, and that because your awakening is both your will and God's then your resounding success is divinely guaranteed and consequently absolutely inevitable. Go within daily, to your holy and sacred altar where the Light of God's Love burns constantly, and ask for help to awaken, and you will be inundated with help instantly. If you allow it, then you will feel that divine field of Love enveloping and embracing you.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

More from John Smallman: HERE

Quote of the Day

by Lazaris

Art Credit: Gilbert Williams, Jeweled Path

"Your love has a fierce majesty that cannot be matched, and your caring has a tenacious magnificence that cannot be contained. You stand out among all the human races. You stand out with your incredible and phenomenal capacity to love."

-- Lazaris

More from Lazaris: HERE

From the Editor's Desk...

~ ~ ~ ANNOUNCEMENT! ~ ~ ~

Live Radio Show "Channel Panel"

Featuring The Company of Heaven

Happy New Year Friends and Family across Earth! We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to continue our weekly live radio shows. The shows will sport a new and improved format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age!


8:00 PM EST

Last Live Show:

"Fireside Chat with Sananda and Mother God: Be Ready for Prosperity, Generosity and Fun!"


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

New Galactic Newsletter Launches on Surface Earth

By Archangel Michael, July 19, 2015

A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features.

The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.

Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light

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6 hours ago
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
| SourceGreetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.We are letting ourselves focus on only the most positive futures for humanity, and we suggest you all do the same. What we have noticed about focusing on the…
6 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Kim Jong Il has been known to eat an entire swiss cheese round! In one sitting! He went to university in Switzerland, of course. The N Korean gangsters buy, among other things, fleets of Mercedes Benz vehicles and many other luxury items, for…"
6 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Now the woke left want to ban the term; "Anglo-Saxon." And of course, such revisionist historians, would never dare to ban Maoris, Han Chinese, Inuits, or Mongolians....Only Anglo-Saxons are "racists," according to these bloody nutters...

6 hours ago
AlternateEarth posted a discussion
6 hours ago