


Drekx stated:

A daily ritual is completed by the Council of Nine, which maintains this galaxy, as a functioning whole..The NINE are all spirit-warriors, dedicated to this duty, which is of prime importance to all of us....

The Atar clan are the spirit-warriors of a 6-clan system. This summoning ritual is a type of invocation, using a group of twelve Atars, aboard ship, in geocentric orbit around planet Atarmunck, near the Aktaiwa Gate, itself, which once activated, emits bright blue light, skillfully 'absorbed' by three attendee members of the Council of Nine, by definition, spiritually qualified custodian-guardians, of the great blue Light of creation...

Arahat Athersata is the highest cosmic spiritual and a necessary level of consciousness required, to be members of that exhalted and illustrious body; THE COUNCIL OF NINE......Oryon councils across the Milky way receive Logoic instructions, as if receptors, receiving hormonal instructions within a human body...



Star reply:

"Thanks for explaining Drekx, do u know why its called "Oryon" ? as its separate from Orion, lol It makes perfect sense that the divine will has to be relayed out to all the other planes across galaxy, heavens, etc...sounds like a marvellous process to be part of! Yes i agree with you; its important these answers & questions as they will aid those who seek knowledge ...those who seek... shall find... lol thank you much <3"



Drekx replied:

In the Sirian language; 'oryon' is a lesser Heavenly council and 'aktaiwa' means a summoning....So the daily ritual is held in space between two prime waterworlds, in orbit around Sirius B4, at the site of a highly significant stargate portal; named: "AKTAIWA GATE" In effect it is the reason for the importance of the Sirian star system, for it is the very CROWN CHAKRA of Lord Surea, the Galactic Logos's DIVINE WILL FOR THE CREATION...The great blue light, of the Great Blue Lodge on Sirius, which steps-down the spiritual energies, for galaxy-wide distribution, to many lesser councils, including Shamballa: "where the will of God is known."

Oryon Councils are receptors and relays of the great blue light of sacred creation....They exist on various planes and throughout this galaxy...The term "Oryon" is a Sirian word, for "lesser heavenly council" and is not related to the Earth term "Orion" which describes a particular constellation...

The Sirians are honoured to answer your questions, dear starseed....

Think of the Council of Nine as the galactic "brain and spinal cord" within the body of the Logos and the Oryon Councils are the "nervous system," reaching all parts and connecting this galactic form...



Star replied:

" i see, *oryon* is in the sirian language; now that makes sense ;) That is a good way of defining the councils alikening it to a *body* , i understand the concept much better now. Thank you for explaining all that; I am honoured to have the sirians as my dear friends, this information is educational & much appreciated for anyone wanting to know a little more on the divine will of the logos. much love to you and our divine families who put work into helping this cause...<3  Prime creator is utterly amazing too! lol Such a beautiful union across the cosmos indeed. Who are the council of Oryon?"



Drekx reply:

There are several Councils of Oryon in Heaven, that relay the divine will, or holy decrees of Lord Surea, out across this galaxy...There are many, many orders of heaven, in various planes, that receive these decrees and that will include SHAMBALLA on Earth, where the "will of God is known," as well as the various angelic orders, such as the Elohim and Timelords...

The Council of the Nine, singular, relays the orders of the Logos to many Oryon Councils...thus the entire body of Lord Surea receives the necessary evolutionary impulses...

Incidentally, thankyou dear Star.....I appreciate these highly intelligent questions, as they afford us the opportunity to aid all in understanding the process by which the sacred edicts of the Logos are disseminated across cosmos...So the Divine Plan is sent forth, as well as consciously summoned here, into the galactic body, by the Blue Lodge...




Selamat majon...! (Sirian for rejoice)


Col. Drekx Omega.


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  • ok Drekx, thank you ;)
  • Well, the word ego is often misused and one thinks of the modern psychiatry, in this regard....In reality, it is an apt definition, which derives from the Latin; "I." We can suggest the "I AM." So, the esotericist views the word differently to the materialist, or psychiatrist, or psychologist of the Freud school....

    Who is the true you, the person, or the self...??

    Well, we can answer that by suggesting that a person, as per the Latin definition, again, is the persona and that literally means MASK.....

    So is a personality an ego...?? We can suggest that the personality self is but a mask, for the inner EGOIC self, or soul....The I AM.....A truer representation of self....

    I also sometimes use the term "ego," incorrectly, as it is so widely used that incorrect way, in society, BUT, in fact, ego is the TRUE SELF and the personality is the MASK that covers it...

    And of course, the secular mind denies all this, as they have no desire to believe in spirit, at all...

    As for the orientalist definition, one must be ever aware that a word's meaning can become lost in translation...However, buddhists, for example, do note the lower nature of man, in opposition to the higher nature, whatever the English terms may be employed, to elucidate this matter.....which is an esoteric truism, whatever terms may be used...

    As a theosophist I'm more than happy to accept any word that denotes "I Am," as pertaining to my true self..."I" egoic self.....And can easily qualify my lower nature, as a mask (persona) of my higher self....
  • and if the Ego is the soul, what about some oriental teachings that require to overcome the Ego?
  • amazing, thank you friend!
  • Well, this Solarian transformation will always invoke the Hermetic axiom, in practice, which states; "AS ABOVE, SO BELOW...!!" The vast fleets of Elohim, time lords, GFL fleets, Arch-angels, et al, will be spiritually activated by Lord Surea, to the task, WHICH WILL TAKE PLACE WHILE EACH OF US UNDERGOES OUR OWN LIGHT CHAMBER METAMORPHOSIS...A three-day process for all concerned....It is well-planned for, logistically and the galaxy has the resources to make this happen...
  • great to hear that Drekx and I applaud to you Movella, one day I will understand the significance of that, thank you

    How long will it take for the Elohim to restore Solaris' Planetary System, with all the changes that will be accomplished, Drekx?
  • Yes, and this Sirian resonance for Solarian evolution, is enhanced by Earth's ascension, plus the new/old planetary system and corrections made to rotations and orientations, oxygen atmospheres on four planets, waterworlds on four planets, revised moons for Earth, re-positioned current Earth moon, to Pax, Elohim restructuring and re-assembly of the asteroid belt into Pax (former Maldek,) the outer positioning of Nibiru and Vulcan's inner ring manifestation, etc...

    This will change the system vibration, to one in greater resonance to Sirius...

    Then, the revised tone frequency will allow a shift, closer to the Sirian star system....This is certainly an important step for galactic evolution...

    1 Solaris (the Sun itself)

    2 Vulcan

    3 Mercury

    4 Venus

    5 Earth

    6 Mars

    7 Pax

    8 Jupiter

    9 Saturn

    10 Uranus

    11 Neptune

    12 Nibiru
  • Ok thanks for that. So we can view Solaris and Sirius B as one body. I know that we will be moved closer to Sirius B at some point according to Shel.
  • The seed planet is of great importance and of course I can quote here from esoteric literature, pertaining to multiple references to Sirius, such as The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire:

    "The consciousness of the cosmic mental plane is the goal of attainment for our solar Logos and the Sirian Logos is to our solar Logos what the human Ego (or soul) is to the human personality." end quote.

    So you can see that there is such a thing as cosmic/logoic evolution, of which we are all parts, with our own parts to play....For an earth human in Earth chain evolution to invoke the Sirian Logos, would be akin to meditation of the lower nature, which aspires to the higher self...A very powerful evolutionary choice...
    So the aktaiwa stargate does not need to be located in the Solarian system, to be of great moment, as it is still a part of the greater cosmic body, of higher and lower selves...aspiring towards a spiritual union, through self-realisation...
  • One question Drekx, for you or your contacts. Now I don't believe we have any stargate like the Sirian aktaiwa stargate in our solar system, but will rituals performed on Terra after she ascends to 5D have an amplified impact in our galaxy, being as how earth's core contains the prime singularity?

    An Andromedan ET (an energy scientist) once explained to me that earth can be seen as the prime node for the galaxy, which is one of the reasons, why so much will unfold after Gaia ascends to 5D. It kind of allows the rest of the galaxy to graduate and witness the unfolding of the divine plan. But he made it sound like this is only possible after Earth ascends, hence our critical role.
This reply was deleted.

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