
...we are the Arcturians and we come in support of ALL at this time. Much is changing and shifting and the human vehicle is now responding to the higher energies....the human vehicle is changing from cellular level outwards and as these changes begin to take place and you begin to anchor these changes then how you perceive the world and how you intake nutrition into the human vehicle will also change....As you now reach the point of negating karma then the coding is now being “reset”, this is done BY YOU for YOU and will naturally occur as you shift ...as you begin to dissolve the genetic programming from cellular level outwards you are connecting with other selfs in other dimensions and timelines...Reach out to us as you go through this process for we are here for ALL at this time, NONE walk this path alone...We ask that you bless your water before drinking, that you bless your food before eating and that you bless SELF, for YOU ARE a vast BEing of LIGHT...We are the Arcturians and we are here for ALL at this time.



Greetings beloved ones, we are the Arcturians and we come in support of ALL at this time. Much is changing and shifting and the human vehicle is now responding to the higher energies. It is the response of the human vehicle that we guide further upon for you have been taught that the only way to achieve your ascension is through your spiritual awakening and this in itself is distortion. The human vehicle is your “housing” for this your human life experience and as such is a vital piece of the puzzle. For those who are concentrating solely on the spiritual aspect the human vehicle may now be responding to the heightened energies in a variety of ways.


The human vehicle has been upgraded many times in human “history” but never to the extent that is possible during this your transition period. For the human vehicle is changing from cellular level outwards and as these changes begin to take place and you begin to anchor these changes then how you perceive the world and how you intake nutrition into the human vehicle will also change. It is these changes that many are suffering with and we are here to help clear the veils of the teachings of distortion.


YOU incarnated into your human vehicle and at incarnation you chose the vehicle that you would inhabit in this your human life experience. This was originally based on a karmic contract as incarnation onto planet earth is karmic based. This has resulted in many of you incarnating into human vehicles that are coded genetically with many various patterns. As you now reach the point of negating karma then the coding is now being “reset”, this is done BY YOU for YOU and will naturally occur as you shift and move within the heightened energies that are now flooding across and within planet earth. We draw your attention to this as many are unaware of what is happening within their human vehicles and are being drawn back down in vibration by the teachings that exist on planet earth around health and well being.




To go from a programme of coding that predisposed you to teachings to dissolving these very teachings is a process of elimination of deeply stored emotion. For all emotions were taught to be stored within the very cells of the human vehicle. This is now being negated and many are falling into confusion and distortion. It is to be noted that lower vibrational energies can no longer exist within the higher energy signature of mother earth. They will start to break down, how fast and in which way they break down is up to each individual human BEing, for each one of you is here on this planet having a unique and individual life experience.


We encourage all to open the heart and to allow the emotions to flow. We guide strongly against following the advice of other humans for they are not YOU and we guide for you to look at this teaching. YOU have been taught to give your power to another who inhabits a completely different human vehicle. Akin to owning a car which is one make and taking advice on the maintenance of this car from another who owns a different make. Do you see our analogy? Do you understand our words?


Now as you begin to dissolve the genetic programming from cellular level outwards you are connecting with other selfs in other dimensions and timelines and resetting the contracts that were created in these realities. As you walk the dream time landscape you may feel it more “real” and less of dream for in TRUTH it is real. Your conscious waking mind is not there to stop and contain you within this landscape.


We guide all at this time to be mindful of all that is happening within the human vehicle, the ascension process is not “just” about the spiritual aspect, the human vehicle must be heightened in its energy signature as well as the SOUL aspect of YOU. Do our words resonate? Do you understand our guidance? There are no rules in respect of your human vehicle, how can there be in a unique and individual life experience? Again we draw your attention the teachings of distortion that try to teach that other human BEings know more about your human vehicle and your human life than you do and this is not TRUTH. For YOU are the master of your own ship and this will become very apparent to you as you now move through this process.




The teachings that may be invisible to you will be shown to you in order that you may dissolve them, they are not shown to you in order to “punish” or “judge” for that is not TRUTH, no one sits in judgement for only YOU are YOU. Do you understand our guidance? The human race has been taught to ignore that which is in plain view and it is this that you now undertake to dissolve. There may be challenges to your human vehicle as you undergo this process but you incarnated here on this planet in this timeline and dimension KNOWing at SOUL level what would be asked of you and we guide that you are more than capable of this adjustment. All that stops you for want of a better word is the veils that are placed upon your inner vision.


Reach out to us as you go through this process for we are here for ALL at this time, NONE walk this path alone and if you are convinced that you do then you are deep in the teachings of distortion. To alleviate the symptoms we ask that you breathe, that you spend time going within and that you connect to mother earth and then listen. For you will hear mother earths heartbeat, that heartbeat is your connection, for even if you cannot hear mother earth, mother earth can hear YOU for you are a child of mother earth as you are a child of the heavens.


We ask that you bless your water before drinking, that you bless your food before eating and that you bless SELF, for YOU ARE a vast BEing of LIGHT and this TRUTH will begin to appear before you as you move through the harmonisation and cleansing process. A heart that is full of grief must be purged of that grief before it beats to the tune of LOVE, does this resonate dear ones? We ask that you pour the LOVE that IS through all and that you work WITH your human vehicle at this time. If it calls for more rest then please honour this, the human vehicle requires more “sleep” as it processes the higher energies and releases the deeply stored knowledge that exists within you. If you need to drink more water then please honour this, you are made up of water and that water is needed to help your energy signature, many humans are kept dehydrated deliberately through various teachings of distortion. Why do you live on a planet that is made up of so much water? Why does your human vehicle contain so much water? All of this will become apparent as you move through this process. Sleep, shelter and warmth are what is needed during this process. As you begin the process you may feel anxious but as you dissolve the teachings then you will naturally begin to anchor the calmness and the peace that is within you. For it is merely hidden from you.



We are the Arcturians and we are here for ALL at this time. We along with all other races/realms hold you in the LOVE that IS as you begin the process of remembering. YOU came here to this timeline and dimension in order to expand at SOUL level. TRUST and have FAITH in SELF at this time dearest ones for your SOUL is indeed asking that you grow. We are your brothers and sisters from Arcturus and we love you.



Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if it is not altered in any way and authorship and authors websites are clearly stated.



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