
...we greet you in this new month of June which will prove to be a month of many intense energies. You may feel many more symptoms physically , emotionally, and mentally...We see many awakening each day and many more beginning to question what has been told to them by the news, and the government...Many are beginning to find that things that used to give much pleasure, no longer resonate in the same way....Be not afraid as you experience these new energies



JUNE 3, 2012




Dear Ones, we greet you in this new month of June which will prove to be a month of many intense energies. You may feel many more symptoms physically , emotionally, and mentally as the powerful new frequencies come into your experience--uplifting and changing all that is finished. Be not afraid as you experience these new energies. We cannot emphasize that enough dear ones, for many still fear the unknown which then in turn holds them in bondage to that which they have always known regardless of how unpleasant it may be.


We see many awakening each day and many more beginning to question what has been told to them by the news, and the government. People are beginning to recognize, listen, and trust their intuition which is a sign of change within human consciousness. We applaud you for seeking the deeper truths in spite of continuing appearances and teachings that have held you in bondage for so long. Soon you will find yourselves to be the teachers, helping those who have no idea about what is going on in the changing world and who are tending to go into fear. You will help them to understand the new energies now manifesting as the outer, and also why that which has always been, can be no more.


Many are choosing to leave at this time. Do not mourn them, but wish them well in their journey back home, for each and every one of you has been given the choice of staying or leaving for the dimensional shift. You know there is no death, no reason to sink into fear and sadness for those choosing to leave for they are simply moving to another place. Those on the other side can always hear you. Send them love and light, but do not consistently engage them, for that serves to hold them in bondage to the earth and the energy they have chosen to leave. It holds them back from proceeding with their own journey.


If someone leaves you with unfinished business, it is appropriate for you to remove any energetic cords, forgive if needed, send love, and consider the issue closed. Unfinished business involving forgiveness can often hold the loved one back because they need closure as much as those left behind. Closure is always possible whether both are in body or not.


Karmic issues are being opened and resolved for everyone choosing to ascend. Whether one or several, these issues that you have carried with you from other lifetimes must be brought to completion now. If there is a person or circumstance in your life that has always made you uncomfortable, angry, fearful, or some other negative emotion it is probably a karmic issue that you still carry and are now ready to resolve. Because of the ever increasing energy intensity on earth at this time, these old issues must be resolved in order for evolution to take place. Simple avoidance of lower resonating issues stored within physical cellular memory, emotional body, or mental beliefs will serve to keep you in that energy and you cannot carry it with you into the higher.




If you have sincerely tried to resolve some discord, and have been met with a refusal to cooperate, you can complete the karmic energy bond without the other person. In your quiet time visualize any energetic cords still attaching you to this person being removed as you express your intention that they be removed. See yourself lovingly handing them back to the person and state with love and recognition of your true identity; "As a Divine being, I release you and all old and finished energy back into the light. I hold you no longer in any bondage or obligation to me and salute you as Divine Being also." This is only an example, you can say whatever words resonate with your intention because intention is the key to all change and growth. Releasing energy cords does not mean that you suddenly forget everything that may of occurred, it means that the issue no longer holds you and hopefully them, in bondage to that which is old and finished. Energetic cords can also manifest where there is too much togetherness or bonding, such as with a parent and child, or partners. These too must be removed.


Whenever the person of your karmic resolution comes into your thought, send them light, then let any thoughts of them go for you can recreate (you are creators) by giving life to these thoughts. The other may never resolve it in this lifetime, but that is not your concern, for once you have released it you have done all you can do. Often an individual will wait for the other person to respond to their overtures, and find themselves waiting a lifetime. If the other is not receptive or ready that is his issue and not yours.


It is very important at this time to complete all karmic issues and move into the frequencies of unconditional love. Karma is a third dimensional energy of duality and separation and you are all quickly moving beyond this way of resolving issues, but there is residue from the many lifetimes you have lived in the old energy that needs to be cleared.



Many are beginning to find that things that used to give much pleasure, no longer resonate in the same way--friends, TV shows, movies, books, entertainment of all sorts, interests, foods, etc. This is normal as your energy has changed and is no longer resonating with these things. Many find themselves without any friends at some point. This causes the student to question; "Am I on track? Am I doing something wrong?" This Dear Ones, is simply the space between your old resonance and your new. You have left the old, but have not been in the higher long enough to attract those on your new level. Use the time of quiet to meditate, rest more, and practice. Once again, do not go into fear, simply trust that all is proceeding according to plan and remember that no one's plan is exactly the same as another's-- do not compare or hold concepts of what ascension must look like.


We love you dear ones. You are putting forth a mighty effort at this time and we applaud you all. Soon you will see much of what has been predicted, made manifest.


We are the Arcturian Group 6/3/12

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  • Thank you for this, it is helpful to me.

  • Thanks for this. So meaningful and helpful. Aroha for all always.

  • Love the arcturian energy <3

  • Thank you for guiding us every step of the way.

    This message is most helpful to us.

    Thank you for your love.

  • "Karma is a third dimensional energy of duality and separation and you are all quickly moving beyond this way of resolving issues, but there is residue from the many lifetimes you have lived in the old energy that needs to be cleared."

    Why, if karma is simply a third density phenomenon, would anyone need to incarnate beyond thid density? It was my understanding that karma was the whole reason for incarnation...?

    Love and light

  • Thankyou for this message :D It resonates deeply

  • It's a pleasure to have access to such vital information.  As more of us are receptive to the information, more is given.  It's the love-light masculine-feminine dynamic in play and it is quite nice.

This reply was deleted.

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