This message speaks of so many truths about Obama...Truths that I felt for a long time, yet I stopped bringing blogs of him because of the controversy following them...but today after reading this I felt the truth behind Archangel MIchael's messages about Obama...I always loved his smile...An open, inviting and sincere smile in this man...Regardless of what you have been told, we need to discern better the messages, videos that we receive from now on...And I agree with Archangel Michael's affirmation of what I have felt so many times to be true...Like Archangel Michael says: If it is not of Love, Light, disregard it...and I am allowing for doubts to block me from the truth about him...With much Love always...Amparo



Stop the Negative Propaganda against President Obama

This was written before I was asked to defend my support for President Obama on Intel Dinar Chronicles.

Many readers ask me if I still hold the same opinion of President Obama that I did, say, ten years ago.

Yes, I do, as a matter of fact. There’s a tidal wave of condemnation of him and I don’t buy it.

What I’d like to do here is offer, in reverse chronology, a record of the Company of Heaven’s pronouncements on the President since he left office and you can read it for yourself.  No CoH source has anything bad to say about the President.

While I cannot expect the cabal to stop using Pres. Obama as a scapegoat for everything they did that went wrong or that may have shocked the public, I do appeal to lightworkers not to be persuaded by their negative propaganda.

Not all smoke indicates a fire. In this case, where there’s smoke, there’s a recalcitrant fanning a great blaze which, if it proves unsuccessful, they’re going to blame on Pres. Obama.

In General

As Obama’s popularity kept growing, Hillary and her core group remained determined to have her in the Oval Office, and elections were rigged to give her victories in key states. When she had no choice but to concede that Obama was the party’s nominee, her clique attempted to eliminate him in an “accident.”

It wasn’t successful, and any other attempts to kill him won’t be either – a powerful shield of Christed light is keeping him one of the most securely-protected persons on the planet. However, both the assassination attempt and failure caused even greater dissension within this faction’s two elements, further decreasing the possibility that any of the Illuminati’s insidious plans will ever reach fruition. (Matthew’s Message, 27 July 2008.)

From 2020

Steve: Is David Wilcock’s account of what happened to Obama from George Bush Senior and George Bush senior calling him a “f__ing n___er” and telling him he’d better follow their orders or they’ll rape, torture and murder his family a correct account?

Archangel Michael: It is an incomplete observation and again, it is one that is creating divisiveness rather than unity.

Steve: Except it does explain what happened to Obama…

AAM: Obama is not concerned about revealing the sins of others. So does it portray a slight portion of what has occurred? Yes. But it has been known for some time that there is phenomenal racism throughout that country and it is rampant even as we speak this day.

Steve: Did George Bush saying that affect Obama?

AAM: Not in the slightest. He was more than prepared.

Steve: Really? He was portrayed as going outside the room and I forget what he said… Something like, “oh, they made the ni__er a scapegoat.”

AAM: He has known that there have been many attempts, then, now, and in future times to make him a scapegoat, to make him appear less than and so it was an observation, not a surrender.

Steve: Did the CIA agent in the telephone booth really overhear him say that?

AAM: No.

Steve: That’s what I’m thinking. I don’t say things out loud. I say them to myself.

AAM: That is correct.

Steve: So that part is untrue.

AAM: There are many gaps in these accounts, Sweet One.

Steve: In this particular account, can you tell me a little bit more about what would complete it?

AAM: It was simply a recognition that there were powers that be that wished to create a scapegoat, to have someone to shoulder or take blame or to act as a carrier of poor judgement, let us put it that way.

But it does not mean that the individual, whether it was Obama or someone else – because this has happened many, many, many times – that that individual has agreed [with them] or taken on the mantle of being the scapegoat [that they are offering him].

So put it in this context. Translate it to a political or even a corporate environment where women have been abused, where they have been told, “If you do not sleep with me, if you do not grant me sexual favours, then you will never be Vice President.”

And they may have left the room and thought or said to herself, “They think I’m going to be their god damn whore.” It does not mean that she has accepted what they are trying to do. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 2, 2020.)


Steve: Recent video said that Pres. Obama was responsible for starting seven wars during his presidency. Is that correct or was that the cabal’s doing that they’ve laid at his doorstep?

Archangel Michael: That [he was responsible for starting seven wars] is an incorrect assumption and it is again another effort to discredit this individual. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 20, 2020.)


The election outcome doomed the Illuminati’s plan to put one of their own back in the White House after eight years of having to fight a president who fought back to the extent he could. …

Former President Obama, the highly evolved soul that agreed to go to Earth and become US president, was light-filled when he embodied and his light has not diminished one iota. Persons who recognize this truth are not fooled by the photo-shopped pictures [Columbia University student card] and fabricated films [“videos” of town-hall meetings where Obama is made to say that he was born in Kenya] disseminated by dark ones to besmirch his character.

What is true is that due to Illuminati threats to kill his family if he didn’t cooperate, he gave in to demands that he was told were nonnegotiable. One was appointing Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and another was endorsing her in the 2016 presidential race—the threats against his family are ongoing.

An example where Illuminati in Congress and beyond had their way is the Affordable Care Act. Mr. Obama had to abandon his comprehensive plan that included a single payer insurance provision and push the healthcare program designed by the heads of insurance and pharmaceutical companies.

Wrinkled brow and graying hair are the physical signs of his emotional and mental struggle that required compromising spiritual and moral integrity to protect his family. (Matthew’s Message, Jan. 9, 2020.)

From 2019

Steve: Was President Obama and his family threatened if they did not cooperate with the Deep State?

Archangel Michael: They have been threatened many times and in many ways. But do not forget that they were also deeply protected, Sweet One.

Steve: But did they know they were deeply protected?

AAM: Yes.

Steve: Is it the case that the same cabal that neutralized Pres. Obama in his presidency is now saying that he is responsible for everything that was done?

AAM: Yes.

Steve: People are asking how the Company of Heaven looks upon Pres. Obama now because there are so many charges of corruption and criminal behaviour being made against him. Would you care to make a statement about this?

AAM: There is a … we would almost say a human conspiracy to denigrate this one and it is born of arrogance, of hatred, of greed, yes, even of racism, to be dismissive and to create a great deal of distraction and to create a literal curtain of lies and untruth about this one.

It does not matter for this one is strong and he does not need to prove himself one way or the other but the effort to dismiss this one and the promise that he has brought forward is very sad.

Steve: Will he end up in jail?

AAM: No.

Steve: Are there sealed indictments against him?

AAM: No. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 2, 2019.)


Steve Beckow: Is Pres. Obama in captivity?

Archangel Michael: No

Steve: Has he done all the bad things that they are saying he did?


Steve: Okay, he’s clear.

AAM: He has never been clearer. Again, it is distraction. It is to take a being who is a an agent and an angel of change and to sully his light so that people will not follow. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 14, 2019.)

From 2018

Steve: There are many who are trying to say that Obama is guilty of the most heinous of crimes but again, you are saying that he is not.

Archangel Michael: That is correct. Again, it is this human addiction, not only to drama but to fabrication and then of presenting oneself as in the know. Much of these fabrications are simply that.

Steve: Yes, I thought that was the case of people trying to make a name for themselves or a niche or something and they are doing it by criticizing Obama. But is it mainly the old cabal that is behind this or our lightworkers?

AAM: No, there are lightworkers doing it as well. They believe that the more heinous the discoveries that they can expose, the higher their credibility and that is not so.  (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 6, 2018.)


Steve Beckow: My sense of the criticisms and allegations against Pres. Obama is that the recalcitrants are trying to saddle him with the responsibility for what they themselves have done, just as they neutered him when he was president. They are now blaming him for everything that happened during a presidency in which we was prevented from doing anything!

Archangel Michael: That is correct.

There is a great deal of negativity that is pouring out against Obama, mostly because on a subtle level – and this includes President Trump, by the way – on a subtle level they are fully aware of the power that lies behind this man.

They may not be consciously aware but they are fully aware and they are trying to negate his sense of power because, as you well know, as things progress, this one will have a global role.

Steve: Thank you for that. Am I correct in assuming that if any of these allegations were to go to court they would be unsuccessful?

AAM: That is correct. That is why Obama is being very specific about where he is putting his focus and his focus isn’t about dispelling the lies. It is about creating the new.

Steve: Yes, I see that. There was an allegation that he put $29 million in a Singapore bank. Was that correct?

AAM: No.

Steve: I thought it wasn’t. Well then, I’m not entertaining any of the criticisms against Obama until they’re brought to an uncorrupted court.

AAM: No, stand back, sweet one. (Archangel Michel in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 20, 2018.)


Steve Beckow: Is President Obama guilty of or complicit in pedophilia, child trafficking, colluding with Russia or any other treasonous or major offenses?

Archangel Michael: No.

Steve: Why are they blaming Obama for everything? They did it while he was President and so they’re continuing to do it after?

AAM: There is a deep hatred, in many sectors, of this star brother and also a deep hatred and misunderstanding of his role in the unfoldment. [Their hatred] matters not. It does not affect the grander plan or the unfoldment of the plan.

Steve: There are statements like Trump took papers from his library and has enough to convict him on. Is this willful disinformation?

AAM: This is willful disinformation, correct.

Steve: And [are the white hats wilfully disinforming] to protect Obama?

AAM: No, it is an attempt to discredit him.

Steve: By the Trump presidency?

AAM: That is correct.

Steve: Oh my gosh… And the white hats? What about the white hats? Why are they allowing that?

AAM: You are giving too much, shall we say, authority to this group of beings that you call the white hats and you are thinking that they are controlling the entire scenario and that is incorrect as well.

Their focus has to do with a different area of unfoldment and they do not and are not concerning themselves particularly with people’s reputations.

Steve: Now, all of what you’re saying right, is it intended for publication?

AAM: Yes.

Steve: Anything else you want to say about what’s happening right now during this Accountability phase of the Ascension?

AAM: You are already in your Ascension, as you know and it is a matter of claiming, as we have said again and again, your divine authority to move forward. And of course the claiming of [your] divine authority, the claiming of Ascension also includes Accountability.

Now, when you read, ingest, perceive much of what is not of truth, it is critical that you use your deepest levels of discernment. And we will return to this litmus test: If it does not read, hear, taste, smell like love or truth, then it is not; discard it.

The amount of distraction that is in the very air that you are breathing at this time is beyond phenomenal and there are many quadrants, many elements that are jockeying for position. Many are trying to continue to anchor a realm of existence that no longer is in present reality.

They yearn for what you might call, “the good old days,” but the good old days were vicious, violent, and subservient. So be very clear about what you are allowing into your realm of truth, sweet one. And this is true for everyone.

Steve: Thank you very much for that. How can we help Pres. Obama?

AAM: Pres. Obama is being helped enormously by his star family, by the intergalactic Council, and by many on Earth who have never lost their faith in him. So do not worry about him. He is fine.

He does not allow the slings and arrows of disrepute to enter into his inner being. That is how he has survived thus far and it is how he will continue to survive as you both go forward.

Steve: Can you explain to me the University student card that said “Foreign Student”?

AAM: It is made up.

Steve: It is made up, fabricated. Hmmmm…. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, Jan. 18, 2018, through Linda Dillon.)

From 2017

Steve Beckow: I was shocked to see a video in which Pres. Obama seems to admit that he was born in Kenya. Is that an accurate video?

Archangel Michael: That is one of the wizardry videos [i.e., deep fakes]. So now you’re being able to see the extent to which harm is being done.

Steve: … and all the things that are said about Obama, they are all of a piece?

AAM: That is correct because there is an effort by certain parties who claim to be of the Light and Love, to discredit those who are truly on mission and purpose. It is a distraction and it is to create division and derision within the ranks, as it were.

Steve: Can you give me more details on how that video was created?

AAM: It has been taken from excerpts and simply doctored.

Steve: Aha. I’ll be darned. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, Dec. 20, 2017, through Linda Dillon.)


Barack Obama is as light-filled today as he was when Gaia chose this soul to become US president at what would have been the right time for a visionary leader with spiritual and moral integrity to inspire the peoples to live in progressively enlightened ways. The timing, your year 2008, was aligned with what the Golden Age master planners anticipated would correspond with the civilization’s readiness in spiritual and conscious awareness.

However, some years prior to the turn of the century, souls who had agreed to create circumstances to provide karmic lessons chosen by the masses, then join the light forces, refused to honor the latter part of their agreement. Having become enamored of unbridled power and vast riches, they continued causing such devastation and violence on their march toward world domination that it caused a 10-year delay in the peoples’ advancing to that anticipated awareness status.

Thus, Obama entered office when divisiveness, bigotry, greed, deception, corruption, violence, impoverishment and war mentality still were rampant. By keeping that third density pot boiling, the Illuminati were able to derail or dilute everything he wanted to do for his country and the world, and he made compromises or complied with their demands because of death threats to his family and primary supporters. It is a sadness for him that he couldn’t do more for his country and help usher in a world at peace during his presidency, and his motivation remains strong to continue working toward those goals that are Gaia’s vision for Earth’s humankind. (Matthew’s Message, April 2, 2017.)

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  • Amparo; 'This may explain why in 2015, the Obama administration and the National Institute of Health under Dr. Anthony Fauci outsourced to the Wuhan Virology lab by awarding them $3.7 million in research grants for scientific gain-of-function coronavirus experimentation on bats.'

  • Steve Beckow knows as much about AAM, as I know about the private lives, experiences and philosophies of Micky & Minny Mouse and their dog,

  • No Amparo...Critique of Obama has nothing to do with race....There are good and bad people across all skin tones....SUPERFICIAL TO RAISE RACE HERE....
    In the UK we have two excellent cabinet politicians, who happen to be of Indian decent...good conservative patriots.... Fellow Britons, running Home Office and Exchequer....


  • I wonder if Amparo realizes the dark cabal's 16-year plan to destroy America, was only half completed by Hussein's two terms....? They [D] wanted HRC to complete the North American Union, over two terms, but FAILED in 2016.....thanks to President Trump's victory then and again this November...

  • drexk-amaparo thinks the list is disinfo

  • yes valana-trannys and the illuminatti-perverted henchman-ther all twisted by empowered demons ,in my opinion

  • Amparo, if you KNEW the WHOLE Obama story [acting role,] you would not sleep soundly in your bed......Let it go. HUSSEIN IS PART OF THE PROBLEM....Down she goes>>>

  • So Amparo , what has Mr Soetero done that makes you so excited , except his nice smile?

    And do you really Think that it is archangel Michael giving this message?

    Wake up.

  • Hussein [Renegade] is on the collection list. Wake up to truth, Amparo and see beyond smiles, hugs and waives....HE IS SATANIC AND IS GOING DOWN.....Accept truth....

    Nice summary Pet Rock....;-]

  • can'r ignore the facts amparo-the list doesn't include convicted pedophiles working on his staff-tip of the iceberg

    Barack Hussein Obama's unlawful acts

    A growing list of crimes committed by the Obama Administration that violate current U.S. laws.

    Any government that willfully violates the rule of law and encroaches on the rights of the people ceases to be a legitimate government.
    -Thomas Jefferson
    Fraud and Extremism by the Obama Administration
    • Lying under oath.
    • The government's bailout of American International Group (AIG) is sharia-compliant, in violation of the U.S. Constitution's Establishment Clause.[1]
    • Illegally seized control of GM and Chrysler without proper authorization from Congress.[2]
    • Undermined the Second Amendment with Operation Choke Point
    • Fired whistle-blower Gerald Walpin for doing his job as Inspector-General that investigates corruption, waste, and fraud in government programs.[3][4][5]
    • Promoting abortion in Kenya with the use of taxpayer money.[6][7]
    • Giving $900 million in aid to a designated terror organization in Gaza.[8][9][10][11]
    • Mandates universal healthcare program forcing Americans to pay or go to jail.
    • Collecting data on fellow Americans who oppose healthcare reform with [12][13]
    • Bribing officials for their votes on healthcare.
    • Deceitfully presenting paid spokesmen as independent impartial supporters of Obamacare, at least one instance of a fake doctor.[14][15]
    • Issuing Obamacare waivers [16]
    • Judge Roger Vinson declared the individual mandate of ObamaCare to be unconstitutional, nullifying the entire law. Obama ignores the ruling.
    • Placing the U.S. Census Bureau under the supervision of the White House Chief of Staff, by law the Department of Commerce.
    • Obama's Justice Department Attorney General Eric Holder is complicit in smuggling weapons,[17] Obama signed off on funding [18]
    • Manipulating jobs by hiring and rehiring Census workers.
    • Giving enemy combatants American rights.
    • Creating false districts and assigning stimulus funds to those districts.
    • Willful failure to enforce immigration laws.[19]
    • Willful failure to enforce Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) law.[20]
    • Violating federal law prohibiting the use of appropriated funds for publicity or propaganda purposes.[21][22]
    • Violation of tax codes by releasing private tax details to the public when attacking Koch Industries.[23][24]
    • Targeting an American citizen for assassination, violating rights and without due process of the law.[25]
    • Offered Congressman Joe Sestak a federal job in exchange for his withdrawal from the primary against incumbent U.S. Senator Arlen Specter.[26]
    • Obama Administration is imposing a de facto ban on deep water drilling despite Federal Judge Martin Feldman holding Obama in contempt.[27]
    • Committing U.S. Forces to combat operations without congressional authorization.
    • Ignoring law as specified by the War Powers Resolution.[28]
    • Barack Hussein Obama signs 2011 legislation that included the elimination of nine "czars". He decides to ignore the law regarding czars.[29]
    • Created a taxpayer-funded position, Director of Progressive Media & Online Response, to promote Obama's incumbent candidacy, in violation of the Hatch Act.
    • Obama films campaign ad in White House in violation of FEC laws.[30]
    • Obama defying federal law by continuing to fund ACORN.[31]
    • Democrat donors, with Obama administration ties, secured a $500 million loan for solar firm Solyndra that went bankrupt in yet another corruption scandal.
    • Collecting data on fellow Americans with the Obama campaign website
    • White House violates federal law regarding the 2011 Department of Defense appropriations bill by holding bilateral talks with the Chinese government.
    Barack Hussein Obama's unlawful acts - Conservapedia
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