"Payments Started" - Philip Tilton Intel Update 11-2-18

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 06:51 PM PDT

Lynette Zang: The Global Showdown, What Could Speed it up?

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 06:50 PM PDT

Streamed live on Nov 1, 2018

Between May and October global markets had diverged, with most headed down as the US markets headed up. This is certainly not the first time this has happened. Then as now, the US market dropped to meet up with the rest of the world’s market. And main stream media has all the excuses; a China slowdown, Italy spending and tax cutting in opposition to the EU, Saudi Arabia crimes against a journalist and, of course, Fed Chair Powell raising interest rates. All of this supposedly pushed US stocks into correction territory. But what is the real underlying threat? The real threat is to the bond market and its interconnected linkages.

The real threat to the stock market is the debt market and the real threat of the all of the above issues is an explosion of debt that is too big to bail.IOqfZJ-xO6Smd1hfStCYtI9iXuWYG9wuTSRV1vwqA2UzIgwHz_D0M-e2QnZYz3-Adfj1khR3EXJYbx-lZhf_67APlYJHgMJ_FemEYmhVNj71kFUf5uqP7nH_kdxhN3xK-OgMtb5xJbG4SC87AOHiqjEAyfXfbw=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/blogspot/eLuOe/~4/NEXB6yKHfGE?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email" height="1" width="1" alt="" class="CToWUd" />

Gold Market Guessing from Central Bank Buying

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 06:49 PM PDT

Why Central Bank Buying Has the Gold Market Guessing

By Rupert Rowling

October 29, 2018, 1:00 AM EDT

yJR858cKxHr7HUaRAT6AODBSN6DAfvK-hm6_vKpuyy8f7xnUzF2jf_-1PmucrmjMQuouK_vC5HNyalBN5y7ZfgcHzpr87rZT2uuVqK5Zl61uGwu3INEsvucDL3BEWh8=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/i0Z07UmmY_Dw/v1/1200x-1.jpg" width="640" class="CToWUd a6T" tabindex="0" />


The gold market was caught by surprise when two of eastern Europe’s biggest economies, Poland and Hungary, made rare purchases in recent months. Why central banks buy gold is often a major topic of market speculation. Were Poland and Hungary signaling worries about economic conditions? Were they cutting exposure to thedollar? Or maybe hedging against potential European Union sanctions?

1. Why do central banks own gold?

Mainly to diversify their reserves. Gold -- a finite asset as opposed to a fiat currency -- can help stabilizeeconomies amid times of market turmoil. Bullion has a time-honored appeal as a haven and hedge against inflation. And gold has a negative correlation with the dollar, which means its value often rises when there’s a dip in global demand for the U.S. currency. Central bank holdings of gold have jumped in the past decade, driven mainly by Russia, China and Kazakhstan, among other countries. Central banks now hold more than 33,000 metric tons of the metal, about a fifth of all the gold ever mined.

vKsNILMVFDcQc7uvB7-M3Xw-3Y9BgEyOPsVqtBRee8nfA1NHaR5os1YlVnYkayk4l8uXxELtj2MA7ApZyfE1bHBx2df3aM2b6UcCby59-x3UpjDjfAnsGt0SK429JNU=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/inWjpo_ChtjQ/v2/1038x-1.png" width="640" class="CToWUd a6T" tabindex="0" />

2. Why are the purchases by Poland and Hungary surprising?

They’re the first substantial gold purchases by any EU nation in more than a decade. “The gold market was used to, and expected further, central bank buying" by countries in Asia and the former Soviet Union, "but purchases from EU members, that was totally unexpected,” said Carsten Menke, a commodity analyst at Julius Baer & Co. in Zurich. Whether coincidence or not, Poland and Hungary also happen to be the two countries currently rattling Europe’s liberal order. Both are led by populists who have tapped into a rich vein of frustration among people who feel left behind by the post-communist transformation and by the economic system that produced the 2008 global financial crisis.

3. What speculation did Poland and Hungary trigger?

There was talk that the two nations were trying to "brace for a potential currency crisis" should global inflation pick up; preparing themselves in case Russia starts settling trades with gold; or asserting their independencefrom the Brussels-based leadership of the EU. Some analysts said the two nations may want to hedge against the uncertainty of possible sanctions from the European Parliament. Others pointed to moves by some nations to shift away from the dollar-denominated financial system. Russia, for instance, a major gold buyer, has slashed holdings of the greenback this year.

4. What reasons did Poland and Hungary give?

Hungary’s central bank governor, Gyorgy Matolcsy, said boosting gold holdings 10-fold in October was a way to make the nation’s wealth safer. It also helped bring the share of gold in its reserves in line with other nations in the region. While Poland declined to comment on its purchases, some analysts said gold’s recent drop to the lowest in more than a year helped make the metal more attractive.

5. Will this be a trend in Eastern Europe?

It’s too early to say, but nations with relatively low holdings may be more likely to buy. For example, bullion makes up about 4 percent of Hungarian and Polish reserves, compared with at least 58 percent for Germany, Italy and France. Emerging-market countries -- particularly regular buyers -- are most likely to keep adding, according to Julius Baer. Ukrainehas cut holdings by more than 40 percent from a peak in 2014. Whether countries like Romania, the Czech Republic, and Lithuania follow suit with purchases is still anyone’s guess.

6. Will these purchases affect prices?

Even if Poland and Hungary keep buying, they’re unlikely to have much price impact. Their purchases so far are still small compared with Russia’s additions this year, and central banks globally account for maybe less than 10 percent of overall gold demand. More so than the amount of the purchases, the forays by Poland and Hungary into gold are perhaps more interesting to the market for what they signal about bullion’s role in the monetary system. The metal also tends to react to changes in supply and demand less than other commodities, often acting more like a currency and an echo chamber for anxieties about the economy.

7. Will other central banks keep buying?

Analysts expect global gold reserves to keep growing, even if the pace has slowed in recent years. Central banks will probably buy about 350 tons of gold this year and another 300 tons in 2019, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Source: BloombergLCohqNv8L1aW6zPX6Mgvs4pVeEkfjYe58aV0-Kr9EC_6Z5SNgzFJ5rRwoGWeqahosVwbmusyqVBnw-NnkWlO5W_lEpfIptqzsM-ZY5FGI0rrfN3fXQeC3AR3fFZqcfCPIiz4XbVXs9KRRkoJY_DUiypDJp-fLg=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/blogspot/eLuOe/~4/-3Nmw3e1Mro?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email" height="1" width="1" alt="" class="CToWUd" />

"Trump Told the World" - Fri. PM TNT Thoughts/News Links

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 06:47 PM PDT



What speech did Tony and Ray refer to from President Trump in the call today?


In his speech yesterday, Trump told the whole world, in the second part of his term he was going to wipe out the $20 Trillion debt of America.


Bush said something similar about the war expenses.......long.long time.ago….Hope this time is true


from JFK EO 11110 - "In 1961, at my direction, sales of silver were suspended by the Secretary of the Treasury.

As further steps, I recommend repeal of those Acts that oblige the Treasury to support the price of silver; and repeal of the special 50-percent tax on transfers of interest in silver and authorization for the Federal Reserve System to issue notes in denominations of $1, so as to make possible the gradual withdrawal of silver certificates from circulation and the use of the silver thus released for coinage purposes. I urge the Congress to take prompt action on these recommended changes. " 

57 years later... efforts to replace the FRS with the new, blockchain-based QFS. Drumroll please; secure decentalized architecture + well-engineered internet security = Rothchild "on the ropes"...

Reuters: Struggling to cope, Iranians fear more misery from U.S. sanctions


Bank and Market holidays in US this year.


Source: Dinar Recaps-qTlokEZ1K1OGCQrKVOhmOP2BYWwKWv2xZ8P2XkFyf2w21gOj_TQVy5RnrQkcKpSnmRVrL5TNUIAjEWN-QTBvGvQpdwNeqd4iNZQ4HVKGKMytJoEbTdxxPhCP707t1GGj33Eq7XfEHzst1lAzFwH2PNmby_elw=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/blogspot/eLuOe/~4/tDBR7jhzzhQ?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email" height="1" width="1" alt="" class="CToWUd" />

TNT Showtime CC w/ Ray, Tony Cliff Notes by Sunny 11-2-18

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 06:45 PM PDT

(Cliff notes by Sunny)

Replay: 641.715.0623, PIN CODE 409029#


Ray: . . .No updates . . .

Tony: Goooooooooood Morning, TNT! Everybody I have contact with says we’re going now!

First let me mention this. Somebody sent me a text asking me to call them. Wanted to ask me some questions. Invited him to a group for ZIM saying they could get him a higher rate. Asked them for their Driver’s License, SSI, bank account and trust information. Send copy of Drivers License and proof of life pictures and to send them their ZIM. Told them they would take it overseas to do the exchange. Now no one can get a hold of this person. Like he walked off the face of the earth. I feel sorry for this group of people. How these people are operating you need to be aware of.

Here’s the worst part, they have put their entire financial history in someone else’s hands.

People ask us why we do this. We have 172,000 followers on Twitter and not even 100 people send us donations every month. It’s not about that. Sharing this email (below) because this is why we do it.

“My mom asked me to write you . . . she loves both of you so much . . .your both like this comedy team. . . she keeps saying the two of you are the only ones out there that are honest . . . she’s a cancer survivor . . . 3.5 years of chemo, partial lung removal . . .she’s worried about her two children . . .stage 3 kidney disease . . . she now needs oxygen for COPD. She’s 87. . . mom sends her love from the hospital. She wants to meet both of you so badly.”

Tony: This is why we do this guys. She still has hope for the RV for her children. Still listens to these calls. They bring a smile to her face three times a week. It’s about hope. . .keeping people involved until the time comes.

The numbers coming from Washington are 73% of the people exchanging will be broke in 5 years. Years ago it was 90% so if we’ve been responsible for dropping those numbers I’m ecstatic. We’re trying to educate people and remind them – that’s why we do this. . . the number has dropped that much. That’s what we have accomplished here so far without the RV happening.

I have her (ph) number. I’m going to call you when this call is over.

Call Info: Tony: Said they would vote on Tuesday for the rest of the ministers. Today articles out saying it may not be all eight, because legally there is no legal timetable for the other ministers. Having meetings about them and Yes, Maliki is trying to negotiate for a VP position. We’ll have to wait till Tuesday to see who gets voted on.

Our contractors over there still think CBI wants to see all eight of them seated in order to move on the ER. I don’t see that yet. Supposedly if all 8 ministers go on Tuesday we will see the RV within 30 days of that happening. I think it’s going to go within 30 days of that anyway. Could be one day, five days, 10 days or the whole 30 days.

Bank screens are lighting up once again. . . rates once again. Latest on the ZIM is fluctuating between .17 and .37 cents on the screen. Dinar, $4.48; Rial, $3.98. Again they are going up and down, grayed. They think the best time for us to see this is Tues – Thursday next week is what one bank is now saying.

Other banks said a lot of money was moved this week on Wed, Thursday and today. Large amounts moved specifically for the RV and because of the amounts of money saying it could happen as soon as today as they usually do not have that amount of money sitting in banks. This is unusual. Going on as we speak.

Only one we cannot get a rate for the Dong. It is not showing up in any bank yet. No rates. Zero rates for the Dong and it’s a live currency. (later in the call Ray reported the rate for the Dong of $1.87 derived from a quote at a bank although they would not allow the person to exchange.)

Banks are gearing up again to do something. Right here this week and moving money all over the place.

What’s the most exciting thing we’ve heard in the news? In his speech yesterday, Trump told the whole world, in the second part of his term he was going to wipe out the $20 Trillion debt of America. He said it! It was during his speech! Did he slip something in there he knew would happen? That this is what it would be used for when it happens?

CURRENT WINDOW: Tony: Banks are gearing up again . . . Right here this week and moving money all over the place. . . Believe sometime between now and next Friday this should be over with. What they are being told and gearing up for.

One bank is saying . . . the best time for us to see this is Tues – Thursday next week. . .

Other banks said money was moved this week on Wed, Thursday and today. Large amounts moved specifically for the RV and because of the amounts of money saying it could happen as soon as today as they usually do not have that amount of money sitting in banks. This is unusual. Going on as we speak.

IRAQ: Not a legal requirement that the last eight ministers be voted on in any time frame.

CBI: Tony: People in the CBI are telling me they are trying to make this happen before something else happens (something else political or disruptive to the process is how I felt Tony meant his statement) They still have to go through the UST and get approval from the US (to release the RV). It’s the clearest if not the closest we’ve ever gotten to the actual time. Some people think that is today. Money moving right now. It’s in position. If it went today it would be after midnight over there. Others think it has to be after the vote on Tuesday. Now saying on four going through. This is the clearest it’s been if not the closest. . . As I said to start the call everybody I have contact with say’s we’re going now! Q. – Next year? Tony: I don’t see that happening!

Parliament: Schedule is for the next eight ministers to be voted on this coming Tuesday.

Gazette: Have not seen the mention of the Qi and Visa cards being announced International in the Gazette yet. Tony: I think we’ll see it before the RV goes live.

Maliki is actively seeking a Vice-President position.

Mosques are no longer a source of information or intel.


Iran Sanctions take effect on Monday, Nov 4th. Iran Rial in the First Basket: Tony: Doesn’t make sense to me because the sanctions goes into effect Nov 4th. Why would we RV their currency when the purpose of the sanctions is to destroy their economy? Why would we make them stronger?

Currencies: Bank screens have lit up again and rates are fluctuating and still being grayed out. Latest rates Tony reported are: Dong, $1.87; Dinar, $4.48; Rial, $3.98; ZIM between .17 – .37 cents. Dinar contract rate is $28.50 and with an NDA. Tony: The FOREX market rate will never surpass the contract rate!

IMF Projects to invest in are are global projects. Tony got the information from his congressional committee member and has hopes he will get details at a later date.

UNITED STATES: Tony: In his speech yesterday, Trump told the whole world, in the second part of his term he was going to wipe out the $20 Trillion debt of America. He said it! It was during his speech!

Banks: Banks are gearing up again . . . Right here this week and moving money all over the place. One bank says exchanges next week and other banks saying it could happen today!

Taxes: No new information.

NDA: The public’s NDA is either 12 or 4 pages. Most of that is signatures. Tony’s NDA is 32 pages and has a whole lot in it that yours doesn’t because of what he knows. Tony: The person who wrote it (the public NDA’s) said he would not sign it.

800 #’s: No release or information on their release yet.

EXCHANGING: Rates change every day and sometimes the banks update their rates twice daily.

Security: move your funds into another account after exchanging so no one has the original information of the exchange.

ZIM Information: There is both currency and a bond. Tony: The bond is a 11.5 X 8 piece of paper. None of you have bonds that I’m aware of. The currency we were told years ago you need to have are the 100 Trillion and 50 Trillion notes, of 2008 AA series. Banks say they will take them all. Nothing beats a failure but a try. . . Remember Zimbabwe’s agreement is with the US Treasury.

Q & A: TNT Forum

– Is it still viable to invest in 3-D printing. Tony: Yes, it’s viable. That’s the future. We see 3-D printing everywhere now. Automotive using it. Health is printing 3-D heart valves. Everyone will have a desk top 3-D printer. Remember what happened with the gold mine and picks and shovels. If you don’t know the story that’s where the real gold mine was. Between the picks and shovels.

CAUTION – Beware of Scammers! Both individually and as a group. Their method of operation is to say they can exchange you and/or for a better rate than you will get on your own. See the first paragraph of Tony’s comments for how they work and a real life group’s experience with a scammer.


Tony . . . All right guys, good news again on the banking side is they are all getting geared up. See rates again. Believe sometime between now and next Friday this should be over with. What they are being told and gearing up for. All of them by next Friday.

Looking at Tuesday as a possible decision date. News coming out now they will only do four ministers. News this morning is they don’t have to do them. No restriction to do them in a certain time frame. Mahdi has assumed responsibility for three of them anyway. Don’t see that holding us up at all. We’ll know after Tuesday.

Enjoy your weekend. I’m going to enjoy mine. If anything happens we’ll Tweet it out and post it.

Ray . . .Anything exciting happens you’ll hear from us. Keep believeing, we sure do. (Played “I Believe.”)

Source: Dinar DetectivesbaM_TX-I-9gQz82aY4gRSyZY7boaV0LxxQH8SZJiM3SdUAm1_RlviYQ3NKZGTm4jLcybYXlH9g437W7lE1lUMZGtVGQam0LCqcSRRxWGCc6rMxUQO1zf-Vsh-EFDKCFknj4HeGoe5eubdtWIIszLT_EuV5ghcg=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/blogspot/eLuOe/~4/s3gxCob-hkE?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email" height="1" width="1" alt="" class="CToWUd" />

"It has been Rumored" - Fri. PM KTFA Thoughts, News w/ Frank26

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 06:43 PM PDT


Samson » November 2nd, 2018

Trump explodes surprise about America's debt: I will judge it by the end of my second term

2nd November, 2018

The dawn of US President Donald Trump 's surprise when he said that the United States will pay its debt huge year, by the end of the second presidential term. The US president said in an address Thursday at an event about creating jobs in the United States, The Hill reported.

Donald Trump seems confident that he will be reelected as president, as well as his belief in the possibility of repaying the public debt that has exceeded the $ 20 trillion mark in a short time. US public debt during the fiscal year 2018 rose by more than $ 1.2 trillion to a record $ 21.5 trillion. 

Trump promised this was contrary to the views of experts who expect an increase in the US budget deficit to reach one trillion dollars in 2020, with the growth of government spending. LINK

Frank26 » November 2nd, 2018

BINGO!!! !!! !!!

Radiance » November 2nd, 2018

Explain what you mean by BINGO in post 101. I am overlooking something. Thanks

Crose » November 2nd, 2018

Clinton did the same thing back in the 90's when Kuwait revalued their currency.

Sunkissed » November 2nd, 2018

Hi Radiance! Think about this idea....

It has been rumored that the UST holds approximately 7 Trillion IQD. If the dinar came out the gate near 3:1 the exchange could pay off the US National debt.... or even if they waited for the RV for sure! In my opinion, of course.

Also, it has been said that the Paris Club forgave $100 Billion in debt to Iraq. The USA could (potentially) forgive the Iraq debt and still exchange the IQD we potentially hold, and pay off the National debt. in my opinion also...

I find it very interesting also, that the US has been very gradually buying back our debt bonds from Russia and China. Hmmm

Wonder how we can afford to do that deal at this time? Hmmmmm ~ Sunkissed

Samson » November 2nd, 2018

Who owns the gold? .. The most ten countries possessing metal around the world

2nd November, 2018

The list of countries with the most possession of gold as one of its global reserves with little changes, as the top ten maintained their status

According to the World Gold Council's recent report, the United States still maintains the world's largest reserves of precious metal

Central banks have 33.695 thousand tons of gold through their reserves

However, with regard to the purchase of gold central banks , Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey are the most buying of precious metals during the third quarter of this year

The top 10 gold possession states

Nine more countries are still on the top 10 list of gold holdings by the end of October

The IMF is the only institution in the most gold-holding category, which means that India is excluded from the list with 579.9 tonnes or 5.5 percent of the total reserves of the Central Bank of India

​The list of most US gold producers topped 8133.5 tonnes, accounting for 73.4 percent of the country's total reserves

While Germany came second with 3369.7 tons of gold or 68.8% of its reserves, followed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which has 2,814 tons of gold in its possession

Italy and France ranked fourth and fifth with 2451.8 tons and 2436 tonnes respectively, accounting for 65.1% and 59.1% of their total reserves

After the trend in Russia to buy gold, the metal accounted for about 16.9% of its reserves with a holding of 2036.2 tons, making it the sixth largest list

China accounted for 1841.3 tons of yellow gold, or about 2.2% of its reserves

Switzerland was in eighth position with 1040.1 tons, or 5 percent of its total reserves, about 275 tonnes below the ninth position, which Japan holds with a total of 765.2 tons of gold, accounting for 2.3 percent of reserves

The Netherlands holds the list of adults with 612.5 tons of gold representing 65.5% of its total reserves

Arab States' possession of gold

Saudi Arabia, the largest Arab country, has acquired gold with 323.1 tons of gold or 7.7% of its total reserves, but also ranks No. 16 globally

For the second place in the Arab region was for Lebanon, where gold accounts for 19.5% of its total reserves or 286.8 tons of precious metal, but it is ranked 17th in the world

Algeria ranked third in the Arab world and ranked 24th globally with 173.6 tons of gold accounting for 7.1% of its total reserves

The fourth, fifth and sixth places were Arab, with Libya, Iraq and Kuwait owning 116.6 tons, 89.8 tons, 79 tons of gold, or 5.3%, 6.3% and 7.6% of their total reserves, respectively

However, Libya is ranked 23rd in the world, while Iraq and Kuwait are ranked No. 37 and 38 on the world list

Egypt ranked seventh in the Arab world with 77.4 tons of gold or nearly 6.8% of all its reserves, but it is ranked number 40 globally

Jordan has 43.5 tonnes of gold or 11.4 percent of its reserves, ranking eighth in the Arab world and 48 in the world

Qatar and Syria ranked 9th and 10th place on Arab countries with 31.3 tons, 25.8 tons, 4.4% and 5.6% of their total reserves, respectively, to be ranked 55th and 56th in the world

The UAE ranked No. 74 globally but ranked 11th with 7.5 tons of yellow metal or 0.3% of its total reserves

Tunisia, Bahrain, Morocco, 78, 82 and 85 worldwide, and from 12 to 14 in the Arab region with 6.8 tons, 4.7 tons and 3.3 tons, respectively

Yemen's gold reserves stood at 1.6 tons or 1.2% of all its reserves, ranking 96th globally and the last being ArabLINK

Source: Dinar Recaps9OuH1mIupAU4eytpRgS-wZUOahDPD-X-6A0RF49e-7KgdVKe20CiiqykfAgP01eZMI06pV66ljW1r_rOiX4LDpiHpvBakc0TOCm6gGdFybwptKDgdaUNDh5x5focpEu_2T6qFuJk9SumYXVQDdMjGNFd9kcG_w=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/blogspot/eLuOe/~4/NJTGn0x12cg?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email" height="1" width="1" alt="" class="CToWUd" />

Fri. PM KTFA News Articles 11-2-18

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 06:40 PM PDT


Samson » November 2nd, 2018

Economist: Abdul Mahdi inherits a better country but ..

2nd November, 2018

Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi inherited a better country but was obliged to fight corruption to achieve Iraqi goals, The Economist reported.

The newspaper said in a report that "Abdul Mahdi has advantages that did not exist at the predecessors, including support for large parties and religious authorities as well as support Washington and Tehran, so it would have no excuses if the efforts to end corruption and repair the Iraqi electricity and water networks and the removal of militias from the cities. 

The Economist pointed out that "the financial situation of Iraq is good in the presence of surplus budget and high oil prices, and the security situation is much better than years ago when the organization was calling on the doors of Baghdad." LINK

Legal: Parliament has the right to replace absentee MPs

2nd November, 2018

The legal expert Ali al-Tamimi said on Friday that the suspension of the membership of some MPs allows the parliament the power to replace them with other deputies in case the absence of more than five sessions, indicating that the deputies who suspended their membership in parliament will damage the province to which they belong.

"There is no such thing as suspension of membership in the Iraqi constitution or in the rules of procedure of the parliament. There is resignation, dismissal or replacement in accordance with the rules of procedure and in accordance with the replacement law No. 6 of 2006 and No. 49 of 2007, The removal or replacement of the deputy if he loses a condition of membership in the event of death or the commission of a crime. "

He added that "the suspension of membership term does not exist in the Constitution and can be considered absence and underdevelopment and non-continuation in the work and in the rules of procedure of the parliament, if the deputy or did not attend the legislative chapter five consecutive or sporadic, it could be a reason for the replacement by a majority vote of deputies.

He said that "suspension of membership will harm the body or province to which the deputies belong, who have worked to suspend their membership, instead of the deputies can submit a request or demand legislation of a law to the fairness of the party to which they belong." He stressed that "the salaries of deputies who suspended their membership will remain on what it is without any change, but the absence of the cost of the deputy for each session amount of 500 thousand." LINK

Trump: I had good talks with the Chinese president on trade

1st November, 2018

US President Donald Trump said he had very good talks with his Chinese counterpart , "Xi Jinping" on trade and North Korea

The talks are between leaders of the world's two largest economies ahead of their upcoming meeting in Argentina this month on the sidelines of the G-20 summit

"I had a long and very good conversation with the Chinese president," Bush said in a tweet via Twitter on Thursday. "We talked about a lot of topics with a strong focus on trade

Trump also said he had a good discussion on North Korea with the Chinese president

"These discussions are going well with the scheduled meetings of the G20 summit in Argentina," he said

The US president said this week that he expected a major trade deal with China on trade

This follows a news report that Washington plans to apply additional tariffs against Beijing next month LINK

US to exclude 8 countries from sanctions on Iran

2018/11/2 11:51

The United States government has agreed to allow eight countries to continue buying Iranian oil after Tehran's sanctions are reinstated next week, the Bloomberg news agency quoted a US official as saying on Friday.

The report noted that the eight countries, including South Korea, a close ally of the United States, Japan and India. Iran's major oil customers, all in Asia, have been seeking exemptions from sanctions that would allow them to continue buying some crude from the Islamic Republic. Bloomberg said a list of all countries receiving exemptions was expected to be officially announced on Monday. 

A Chinese official told Reuters talks with the US government were underway and that results were expected in the next two days. "We believe that Trump will agree to import some quantities of China, similar to the treatment received by India and South Korea," Clayton Allen of Hight Securities said in a note Friday. But analysts said any possible exceptions to Iran's oil sanctions would probably be temporary. "The United States may use exceptions to proceed with implementation, but these exceptions will not be applied indefinitely," Allen said. 

Goldman Sachs said it expected Iran's crude oil exports to fall to 1.15 million barrels per day by the end of the year, down from about 2.5 million bpd in mid-2018. LINK

Labor To Recover More Than One Billion And "400" Million Dinars From The Transgressors Of Subsidy Salaries

1st November, 2018

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs announced on Thursday, the recovery of more than one billion and 400 million dinars of social welfare payers in Baghdad and the provinces. 

The Director General of the Social Protection Fund in the Ministry of Labor Jacqueline Saliwa said in a statement (conscious), "The volume of refunds of those who exceeded the salary of social welfare in Baghdad and the provinces amounted to more than one billion and 400 million dinars during last October, adding that the amounts recovered from The excesses are deposited in the protection fund to be granted to the actual beneficiaries according to the law of the Social Protection Authority No. 11 of 2014 ". 

The total amount recovered since the beginning of this year until 2018/10/31 amounted to more than fourteen and a half billion. LINK

Babel police honors officer who returned 86 million dinars misinterpreted from a bank

1st November, 2018

The Babylon police command announced on Thursday, honoring one of the officers of his secretariat in the return of a large amount spent by mistake, by a bank in the province. 

The leadership said in a statement today received / Mawazine News / a copy, it "honored the position of one of the officers of his secretariat and integrity, the return of the amount of exchange by mistake by a bank in the province." 

"The police chief of Babel, Major General Ali Hassan Mahdi Koh al-Zughaibi, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the police officer of the Mahaweel District Police Department (Captain Diaa Toufan Fawaz), in appreciation of his integrity and the honesty and chastity shown by him," said police spokesman Colonel Adel Al-Anawi al-Husseini.

A large amount was returned by the amount of money of 86 million dinars to the bank, which was erroneously when the delivery of salaries. "The police chief hailed this leadership for the heroic leaders who continue their sacrifices at various levels in order to safeguard the safety and security of their people and protect their lives and property," he added. LINK

Wrath : The current price of crude oil just

2nd November, 2018

Oil Minister Thamer Ghadhban said that Iraq is keen to stabilize the global market through the continued flow of crude, considering that the current price of crude oil is fair

In a press statement, Ghadban said that his ministry would be interested in international relations and that Iraq would have an effective role, especially as one of the founders of OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)

"We will ensure the stability of the market and the continued flow of oil," he said

The oil minister said that the current price of crude oil in the global market is "fair", as it does not exceed $ 100 per barrel, which is not at $ 30

Ghadhban also pointed out that his ministry will work to facilitate the work of the international oil companies, which is developing the Iraqi oil fields, through the facilitation of procedures and away from the bureaucracy

Iraq, OPEC's second-largest oil producer after Saudi Arabia, has a capacity of 4.65 million bpd and Baghdad has plans to increase production capacity to 6.5 million bpd by 2022 LINK
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