I'll be on this show today!!! 2pmEST/11amPST... I'll be talking about My Many Encounters with ETs & Angels!!! Star Family has shared information about the future of our planet....Tune in! Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Station-Boston & Worldwide Dreamv
ufo's (6)
Special guest at the Rainbow Roundtable
July 25th at 10 PM EST to 12 AM EST
Emmy nominated casting director (30 yr exp) Craig Campobasso is writing, producing directing his Short Film Stranger at the Pentagon based on the popular UFO book about Create
Channeler: Pleiadian Renegades http://renegadethoughts.wordpress.com/
If you think what has been intimated from the ones who foresee the future of your planetary shift is leaning toward the doom-and-gloom side of things, you might be interested in
The Sun is a Portal - My girlfriend LQ channeled this info about a year ago the The Earth will go through the SUN in 2012 as we all move into the 5th dimension, (energetically of course) as our bodies have now begun to change. We don't go through the
Latest Activity
"Here is a good one for yah Justin..over Oahu city...
15 plane accidents in 16 days. The Cabal must be using DEW or mico-wave weapons in the Final battle but we wont find outtil we win this War!
"Peace plan talks are ongoing between Trump and Putin regarding Ukraine. Dark Cabal member Zelensky excluded from the talks. The warmongers are not too happy about this lol. https://youtu.be/aZZrvElgSpM?si=DXD1cCkkLgRGJQYA"
"Speaking of orange orb-like objects this one was seen down in Hays County near Austin, Texas, two years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8mkLV6ciXo"
"Speaking of orange orb-like objects this one was seen down in Hays County near Austin, Texas, two years ago. https://youtu.be/X8mkLV6ciXo?si=5e8vkt1v0MAM5ufd"
"Cool sighting here. I count 5 or 6 maybe 7 orange orb-like objects. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X-YqIxNNJY"
"Cool sighting here. I count 5 or 6 maybe 7 orange orb-like objects. https://youtube.com/shorts/3X-YqIxNNJY?si=kdLzqmuB3Ec_CUuq"