I felt so “back in time” hours after the hypnosis session with Janet. She had left, and I walked around in the room, looking out of the window, the trees, mountains, passing cars. For a long time, I felt that I was coming from the future, visiting th
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I received this message from a BEautiFUL friend, she sent this personal channel message. I've been experiencing a lot of energy shifts myself, and I know from others' experiences that they are having it too, so I would like to share it with you... It
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News events and senior U.S. Space Force sources confirm that the white hats have regained control of the White House and have replaced dark hat avatars of President Donald Trump and Elon Musk, who temporarily seized control. That is why the second…
"hHe wrtoe many books and read one of called Stranger at the Pentagon not sure if these were true events as stated by Dr, Frank Stranges. I never knew this event happened in 1962 thank you for sharing "
"Deep State puppet Zelensky could be on his way out soon. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/02/more-bad-news-zelensky-u-s..."
18 Crash's n 19 days. A unmarked plane . refusing 2 answer call, heading 4 Super Bowel that Trump attended was shot down by Military jets.
"I have a gut feeling it is a Big foot,yeah.. cos my visual perception is very good, even if he's miles away, see how fast he ascends that ridge.and as the hikers at the top say he's fair hooping it up there in soft snow, with not much effort and no…"
"Yeah its extremely good money, he's single and he goes away out on the rigs for 3 months solid at a time, then comes back to land for 3 months, he's made a small fortune over the years cos there's no where to spend ones wages out at sea ,and your…"