I have spoken about Channeling a lot lately. Other words could be used in its place, like teacher. Matt Kahn most recently used the word, Guide. I like the kind of writing that a person naturally does when Channeling. It is a bit different then oth
core (4)
March 9th, 2014
“Thine Eye/I be Single”
When one perceives and believes the “I” to be an “Individuated I”, two separate “I’s”, hence leading to the belief and projection of a Me, She, He, They, Them, Etc., this then is what is translated into the exp
Teal Scott : How to Awaken the Divine Feminine Within!
Teal Scott - The Spiritual Catalyst's YouTube Channel:
Teal Scott - The Spiritual Catalyst
Very cool video-blog discussing: How to Awaken the Divine Feminine Within :)
- Inner Beauty and Outer Beauty
The New Age has arrived. It is time for you to claim your true role of star god or goddess...The next few days might be trying...because you are moving into your new world...You now have the strength, energy and need to resolve your core fear or fear