Light Update April 2020

dsc03409-copy.jpg?profile=RESIZE_710xBeautiful ‘Threefold Flame’ alignment of three orbs form a shallow crescent to the Moon on April 6th, following the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Pluto & Pallas on April 4-5th 2020, leading into Full Moon.

Dear Friends,

Firstly, to readers who have sent emails or messages in recent months, gratitude and all love to you. I endeavour to answer all mail, but have ongoing multi-layered focuses, and am pacing my energy. If you haven’t heard back, please know, you are loved and appreciated!

April 2020 has been (and still is) quite amazing on the subtle energetic front, as restorational light waves and codes have increased in momentum, flowing through the ‘zero point of interdimensional convergence’ within the vortex of the 4D vibrational layers. This heightened vibration aligned strongly through the peak of the first of three ‘trinity conjunctions’ of Jupiter, Pluto & the asteroid Pallas this year, on April 4th-5th, coinciding with Pluto crossing its own node, to bring a focused ray of transformation and transmission of what Star Family refer to as the ’42 sets of prime creation codes of this universe’ into the Solar System, to the Earth and collective DNA-RNA of all life here (in its subtle and crystalline physical aspects).

Aligning with the transformational vibration of this conjunction anchored through global meditations on the 4-4-4 (April 4th, 2020), our guidance was to focus rainbow light through the Seed of Life sacred geometry pattern, where 7 circles create a 6-petalled Flower of Life. 7×6 = 42, and the Seed of Life is the fundamental ‘unit’ for anchoring the divine universal creation codes. The number 76 appeared everywhere during those few days, most significantly recorded in the Schumann resonance indicators (which show peaks in the Earth’s background electromagnetic frequency field) as a high peak of 76 on April 5th. The number 276,276 appeared on April 6th, a merge of 76 with the galactic central light-code format 27-72, and 22 representing this year 2020. High vibrations that flowed into Earth’s field, and into the planetary light-grids through the ‘April opening’ have been received and anchored through a new level of unified intention around the Earth. Thank you all love anchors in, on, and around the Earth, there’s more to come!


The high light flow kept magnifying through the Full Moon on April 7th, the largest Supermoon of 2020. Its vibration was particularly strong from April 6th-8th, intensifying the transmutation of dense viral, electromagnetic, and associated control-based energies. This light amplification symbolized wonderfully in the trinity of orbs to the left of the Moon pictured at the top of this post. These orbs vibrate the Threefold Flame (blue, rose and golden triple helixing flame which represents Divine Father, Mother & Child expressions of Source in perfect Oneness) which activated through the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Pluto-Pallas, energetically magnified through the April Supermoon!


In the enlargement below, can you see a ‘central circle’ within the golden-white orb? Inside this circle is the form of a swan with curved neck and upraised wings, which signifies the constellation of the Swan, Cygnus (the Northern Cross, for context see the previous post about the ‘Crowns and Crosses‘). This swan shape can also be seen as a dragon, representing draconic control-oriented vibrations being transformed into Love through the resurrectional, ascended light of the Swan constellation (thanks go to the love anchors on Earth who felt guided to align transformational light through the Cygnus alignments around the planet through this conjunction).


Flowing with the Supermoon into April 8th and 9th, many beautiful openings symbolized in clouds and orbs, beginning with vertical pillars in the cloud below, forming ‘twin doorways’.


‘Twin doorways’ form in a cloud on April 8th 2020.

The softness of the energies ’rounding out’ the light flow are tangible in this furry puffball of a cloud, with the vibration of feline beings forming in the top of the cloud, embracing and escorting a group of little beings that can be clearly seen in the lower left of this cloud. A beautiful sign on a small scale of the Light Beings holding a vast, super-softening sphere of Love around the Earth and all beings here, as energy imprints are lifted and cleared.

Loving beings of the higher dimensions are constantly radiating Light and Grace around the planet, in a multitude of soul energies and roles. In the clouds below, a hawk-like face of Heru/Horus vibration can be seen on the left, and the face of a lion being on the right, with twin crescents above it, and a feminine face above the crescents, of Isis/Mary vibration; Divine Son, Mother and Father energies, flowing through the Easter vibration of renewal, rebirth and resurrection (see more about the ancient pre-Christian origins of Easter and its metaphysical energies in this post).
During the April 4th-5th alignment, our focus with Rainbow Crystalline Light anchoring through the Seed of Life/42 creation codes of this Universe, into the planetary Cygnus alignments and a particular ‘node trinity’, reflected in a sequence of beautiful rainbow orbs. These orbs appeared every night around the star Canopus from April 6th-9th, with an especially opalescent quality…and continue to appear as the ‘Source waterfall of rainbow light’ saturates the Earth’s light-grids and magnetic field.
This vivid rainbow orb appears below Canopus, very close to where the lightship Lei’hua had given a visible slow flash a few seconds before, on April 9th 2020.
Along with these opalescent rainbow orbs, a smaller aqua-white orb flashed above Canopus. In the enlargement below, an angelic form (Archangel Gabriel soul vibration) holds a wand aloft in one hand, a symbolic ‘torch of the Eternal Flame’, and with his other hand draws away a dark veil. With this orb came the message, ‘Perceive the Veil, drawn away, is no more than a wisp in the Light.’
Aqua blue and white light orb of Archangel Gabriel’s soul vibration appears above Canopus, with Sirius at far right, April 8th 2020.

As beliefs holding the illusion of separation in place continue to melt from individual awakening consciousness ~ and ultimately from the collective field ~ the ascended Earth vibrates more clearly into this Earth plane, and New Earth potentials shine into human awareness. Transformational Light is constantly nudging at the collective amnesia that made the innate ‘Source-ness’ of humanity and all life something outside us and beyond this world, that had to be sought and striven for, worshipped as an external God, Goddess or pantheon of deities, to prove our worth, or generated philosophies disconnected from intuiting divine presence in life altogether, giving rise to mechanistic paradigms and fixations.

The impetus for rebirth in Unconditional Love and renewal of Unity Consciousness, that radiates throughout the multiverse, is chipping away at baseline concepts of suffering, pain and adversity as necessary for growth and expansion. The belief that Earth was designed to be a school or testing ground, where soul sparks of the Source/Great Spirit need to advance through lessons and tests in order to become more evolved, is beginning to loosen its grip. Thought models that energize vibrations of suffering, trauma and lack in the collective field, melt like insubstantial wisps into the Light, once we remember the nature of creation as pure joy of expression. As the Veil, that wisp of dissonant energy, and beliefs and perceptions imbued with that energy, dissolve in the Light, the way is open for vibrations connected with creational joy naturally re-new us, our relationship to life and all living beings.

The rainbow light of renewal appeared beautifully again in orb form on the last 444 gateway of this April (22-4-2020 = 444), during the peak of this year’s Lyrid meteor shower. From an Earth perspective, these meteors radiate from the direction of the star Vega in the Lyra constellation. In this vibrational universe, Lyra holds a 12th dimensional portal and anchors the ‘goldenprint’ of creation, known as the Avalon (Avyon) codes, with many connecting points in the Earth’s light-grids, radiating from Glastonbury Tor in England. The Lyrids sprinkle this vibrational coding, from a higher dimensional point of view, as they brush the edge of the Earth’s atmosphere at a pace of 27 miles per second (see Embracing Divine Design if the relationship of 27-72 to Galactic Centre is new to you).

It’s rare to see the Lyrids from this far south on the planet (southwestern Australia), but I was called outside moments before two streaked past with long white tails, and was thrilled to catch the second one in the photo below, along with a giant rainbow orb, while anchoring the Lyran light codes….translating into this density at 27 miles per second. 


A Lyrid meteor streaks overhead, with rainbow orb to its right, April 22nd 2020.

We’ve previously mentioned satellites being deployed in low orbit around the Earth by SpaceX (for the 5G network, and other military and commercial uses, with a projected total of up to 42,000 satellites) in 72 orbital planes, designed to emanate frequencies in the 26-28Ghz range. And we affirm here that Star Family are addressing potential muffling effects of those frequencies on the galactic central light-codes as they translate into this density. During this intense stage of energetic compression, intensified support from the light realms/higher dimensions flows to meet it in every moment, and from the galactic overview, planetary and stellar alignments (and the higher vibrational apects of comets, asteroids and meteors) are also rolling/dancing with great precision and constancy through 2020 to keep the momentum of Gaia’s Ascension strengthened.

From April 26-28th, Venus is aligning the galactic central codes through her loving energies and close soul connection with Gaia, as she conjuncts the Moon on April 26th- 27th, and is at her brightest for the year on April 27th-28th, with 27% of her disc illuminated. Feel the vibrations running through these numbers, and how they are embracing artificial frequency grid distortions around the Earth, translating through that exact ‘numeric spectrum’ and bringing transcendence through Love into this plane.


Venus at brightest this year on April 27th 2020, with 27% of disc illuminated. Image from starry night via

There are shifts in the vibrational field coming through daily, represented at the planetary level in spikes in the Schumann resonance (the Earth’s magnetic resonance field) to heights never recorded before, reaching 140 on April 23rd! Let the LoveLight keep anchoring through your whole being, as a living, loving zero-point magnet for all that is most beneficial and joyful to flow through you and radiate through the human collective consciousness…as we align ‘through the middle’, with those assisting in Love above and below, the transformation of old dis-ease paradigms into pure love, well-being, unity, kindness and empathy for each other and all living beings.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,



Two ships from Canopus and Alpha Centauri station below Canopus, radiating rose-white light pillars and healing green light, April 9th, 2020.



* If you feel called to anchor the Venus transcendence vibration through this period, you’re welcome to join in our meditation focus at the LoveLight Circle, thank you in advance!

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  • For anyone this resonates for, we have a Full Moon Meditation today (May 7th) that flows on from the Venus-Moon conjunction energies and amplifies the Venus Rose Divine Mother Light in the Earth's field:


    With Love to All, and Thank you all joining in today, or anchoring the Ascended Earth vibrations in any way that calls to your heart and soul.  <3


    May 7th Full Moon Meditation
      Greetings dear LoveLights  :) Thank you all for your loving presence with this month’s Full Moon (and always!). May’s Full Moon has in many traditi…
  • To those of you here who have joined in the Venus Focus meditation linked at the bottom of the OP (or would like to join in now) thank you! We're sending a call-out to please continue connecting with the LoveLight streaming from Venus, while she is at her brightest in the nightsky April 26-27-28th....the more of her Light we anchor through this window, the better for the Earth's vibrational field at this time.

    Gratitude to you All  <3  

    Here's the meditation...otherwise, holding focus and alignment with Venus in any way you feel INspired in your Heart is fine...:)

    Relax and breathe deeply, breathing in Love, breathing out Love, centering in our hearts, in the unity of this meditation circle, in Oneness with all people around the planet holding loving focus for planetary ascension in whatever way calls to them. We are One Love, all the way, flowing in unity.

    Held constantly in the highest Light, as beings of Divine Light aligning together in Love for Gaia and the Source of All Creation, as conduits and anchors for the most beautiful, joyful, benevolent pathway of Planetary Ascension, we open our hearts to the Divine Rose Mother Light flowing from the soul of Venus to Gaia and all living beings on Earth, in Oneness with all supporting beings of Love who are guiding the Venus LoveLight into the Earth’s energy field, light-grids and collective consciousness.

    Know that as we anchor this beautiful Venus Light that aligns natural harmony within our beings and all around the Earth in a soft yet deeply supportive, uplifting Rose embrace, any dissonant frequencies in the planetary field are realigning Now to pure Loving Harmonics, softened and transmuted in Rose Light, eased, relaxed and recallibrated in gentle Aqua Light.

    As we anchor this flow, vibrationally aligned with Light radiating from the centre of the Universe, through our Galactic Central Sun, through many beautiful Stars of Light to our Sun, Solaris, into the Solar System, into Gaia, into our Beings, we are light-filled conduits for the galactic central creation codes to flow straight and true into this Earth plane, vibrating into and through this density field with Infinite Love.

    All beings are held in the Venus vibration now, as she emanates the vibrational message to all life of feeling safe in a loving Universe in every moment, as pure, natural Light Codes of Divine Creation flow in, stabilizing the highest Ascension Pathway for New Earth and all life to flourish in.

    We call through our beings the highest convergence of Ascended Earth, in the pure Divine LoveLight flowing every moment, activating the natural impulse of Love, Compassion and Cherishment within all life on Earth, together as One in the network of Universal Love, radiating Unconditional Love through our beings in unity with Ascended Earth, the planetary light-grids, humanity and all life, in union with beloved Gaia. May the infinitely renewing Light of the Divinity Within unfold this Planetary Shift in ever deeper joy and peace. And So BE It.


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