
YOU are at this moment akin to children allowed into a beautiful garden, the gate to the garden locked for aeons, now the gate is open, we invite YOU to wander around and to drink in the beauty of the garden YOU walk in...Step out of illusion and into YOU. For YOU wait for YOU no one else.





Greetings beloved ones we are here to once more guide and support at a time where many are struggling to work out the life experience they are creating across the planet. For many the coming days will continue to be fraught with frustrations and chaos as that which they once “knew” as a human life experience begins to break down and dissolve. That which is not TRUTH cannot exist in the new for the energies are not supported. However this guidance is not stating that ONLY TRUTH will exist as the dissolving and breaking down may take some time across the planet. Humans have lived within illusion for aeons, it is not possible for this to simply vanish overnight. Nor would it have been appropriate.


As many of YOU may now be experiencing to live outside of illusion, to be in the space to create is not a feeling that YOU will have encountered before. For many this instantly plunges them back into illusion as they begin to fear for either their sanity or believe that somehow there is something wrong. There is nothing wrong dear ones, this is merely the transition period, the period between the old and the struggle that ALL had to endure, to the creation and unfolding phase of the new. It is not appropriate to go from one to the other without this transition period, as it would not have worked.


When YOU live within illusion YOU live passively and YOU live in a somewhat victim mode where YOU believe that all that happens is the human life experience. The TRUTH is that YOU create that experience. It would not have been appropriate nor served anyone to move into instant creation. That may have seen even more chaos unleashed across the world. Akin to giving children the keys to a car and asking them to drive it, that is neither appropriate nor safe and the same situation is unfolding across the planet earth.


For many humans this is the beginning of the creation of the life experience they dreamed of as they begin to grasp the concept of co-creation, of working with ALL realms to create that which they dream. For others it is a realisation that they are not alone and that the new is here. Whatever stages YOU are in at this moment do not allow the newness of the FEELing to sway YOU. Rather stay with the FEELing and realise that this is YOUr natural state. That which YOU come from was illusion and was unnatural. To live back to front within the illusion, always being taught that YOU had no control when TRUTH is that YOU always had control.


We guide ALL to be wary of negative emotions that may arise, feelings of despair and of guilt at not realising how the world works. Beloved ones ALL were in illusion to some extent and ALL worked as best they could with the information that they had. Do not berate YOUrself for the not knowing, illusion was a master teacher and still is. Many are now still struggling to be free of the teachings. When TRUTH is unveiled through the work that YOU do on YOU simply allow it to go, have love and compassion for SELF.


The new unfolds at ever-increasing pace and many are now realising that the thoughts they hold DO shape the life experience they have. For many this will be a time of amazement as they play with the energies as a sort of way to prove that they can master the energies, for others this will come as a complete surprise. Again we guide beloved ones to take YOUr time, there is no rush, no competition, that is old energy, that is illusion. YOU are at this moment akin to children allowed into a beautiful garden, the gate to the garden locked for aeons, now the gate is open, we invite YOU to wander around and to drink in the beauty of the garden YOU walk in.


For others this time is a time of mass frustration as they have a dream and are trying very hard to co create the dream. The apparent set backs a way of pushing them back into illusion or so they are beginning to believe. Why is it possible to co create then nothing appears to happen we hear YOU cry. Illusion has taught timescales and visibility and we work outside of these beloved ones. Instant is not a situation that we recognise nor uphold. Diving timing plays a part as ALL ARE ONE. There is not only YOU in the dream that YOU dream beloved ones there are others and the dream is created with ALL equal. Does this resonate with YOU dear ones? Do you understand our message? Whilst the dream unfolds the different people in the dream also have to dream the dream and pour energy into it. There is a dance if YOU will of energies that create a dream; it unfolds at the pace it unfolds at. Humans are versed in instant and timescales, creation does not work in timescale beloveds and we guide ALL to detach from them.


Timescales were taught by illusion to undermine the power of YOU. YOU were taught by illusion that YOU had no control but then illusion distorted this further by showing YOU the law of attraction. This enabled illusion to further disempower many as they struggled with both concepts at once. Both concepts cannot exist at the same time, for the energies are completely different. Illusion created this to pull the energies of many humans across the planet down. For whilst YOU believe YOU can create YOU must have the energy signature of this TRUTH. If YOU are in illusion believing that some outside force controls the life experience that YOU live then YOU do not have the seed of TRUTH of creation within YOU. To then try to create from the universe and use the universal laws of attraction will have little success, as the core of YOUr BEing does not energetically support that which YOU try to do. Do our words resonate dear ones? Do YOU see how frustration was bred in this teaching and frustration would lower the human vibration?


It is vital during the process of creation that the seed of TRUTH is planted within the heart. The heart KNOWS TRUTH. So whilst YOU begin to see the new unfold before YOUr eyes beloved ones play with this. Try to create something small and hold the intention that YOU create this, watch it unfold. The success YOU have with this will show YOU TRUTH or will show YOU that YOU have the teachings of illusion still running somewhere in YOUr BEing. The levels of frustation YOU unveil if the creation does not appear will tell YOU the level of illusion that runs through YOU. This is what this period of transition is all about beloveds; it is unveiling the teachings that run within YOUr energy system.


The new supports YOU, but it cannot fully support YOU until YOU step out of illusion. For many can SEE the illusion teachings and can SEE how they work but do not realise the programmes run within their energy systems. Once more we guide strongly dear ones, it is not enough to simply unveil illusion, the teaching of illusion unveiled must be rooted out and TRUTH must be anchored with YOUr BEing. Failure to do this will see more and more frustration arise and the deepening of the teaching. For YOU will not be able to heighten vibration if YOU experience frustration, the two cannot co-exist.


Frustration= seeds of fear=illusion. This is the period in which to weed this out. The new energies will show YOU the start of the creation YOU are trying to create but if it does not blossom and frustration arises then weed out the seeds. Then refocus and try again. Continue with this until YOU have success dear ones, for nothing stops the success apart from YOUr energy signature. This is a challenging time beloved ones for many are now struggling with old and new and who they are. It is simple dear ones and the heart will show YOU how simple. For those who jump back into mind centred life experience this will be a fraught time. The human mind will not be able to understand what is happening, as human BEings have not been this free before. This is a new unwritten page beloveds and now YOU begin to paint the colours on it.


We guide and support to help YOU move through this transition phase and blossom into the magnificent BEings of light that YOU truly are. Allow this process to unfold, do not try to hurry or circumvent this process. It is part of the growth and expansion that YOU came here to planet earth to experience. Experiment and have fun beloved ones for YOU become as children again. Life is not meant to be a struggle and something to be endured for it never was, that was the teaching of illusion.


Step out of illusion and into YOU. For YOU wait for YOU no one else. We are the high council of Orion and we support ALL at this time. Relax and release dear ones, for many struggle on out of behaviour patterns and nothing else. The new unfolds dear ones, it embraces YOU do YOU embrace the new?



Copyright Karen Doonan, All rights reserved

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  • This is such an eye-opening post!  Thank you very for explaining the reasoning behind the aches and pain...I will visit the listed websites and again thanks!
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