

The story, preliminary conclusions and observations:
This research was initiated in an attempt to explain physical and neurological symptoms observed by me for quite some time and in just about everyone, including myself. Its been like a splinter in my mind .
I've observed in recent years that co-workers, those I've attempted to train especially, all seem to be losing their short term memory. They'll set a coffee cup down and forget its wherabouts 10 sec later, they'll work on stuff for the field and leave the office without it. 10 years ago trainees could be given three or four tasks at one time and remember them all, now they can only handle one at a time at best, very spooky.

Children in particular those who should have a strong memory seem affected also. Store clerks and others seem to suffer from these same neurological symptoms as well.
As for me my nose runs alot, my ears ring now constantly and my vision in one eye has become a little blury my joints ache, new (9-17-08) bizzar muscle twitches, constant sneezing etc. It is these observations and my continual observations of the sky that led me on this quest to see if there could be a connection.
I'm in a unique position to constantly watch and photograph the sky while working, unlike most who work inside or outside, focused on ground based tasks. I've always had to watch the weather to protect the crews and equipment and complete the task at hand.

I've been actively photographing the aerosol spraying above the White mtns.(6500 ft elev.) of Ariz. since 2005 and created an entire photo blog of one years observations at least 50 hrs a week that commenced in Dec 2005.The conclusion of that was 1500 photo's (my current file exceeds +2500) that clearly prove that the entire upper troposphere contain what can only be described as synthetic clouds that have been introduced by aircraft. I've not just photographed the spraying but the morphing of this substance into clouds of a fibrous nature and other bizaar cloud formations not found in early/ANY cloud textbooks, nature or movies pre-circa 1980 (type in "strange days strange skys").
In the last year however I've observed and photographed an extraordinary sheen around the sun, which indicates a saturation level has been achieved and the spraying now is infrequent by comparison I.E. once or twice a week (at best). This sheen can also be seen around stadium lights on TV. I've recently noticed that when the sky is an azure blue, like it should be, the planes will not be long off to seal the hole I guess. I've been trying to figure out how the clouds could appear so fibrous at times, and understand now this process likely to be a function of nano-tech polymer's self assembly technique (see clouds connecting in aerosol photo's), gases could not striate like this, and what goes up, well you know, Newton was right.



I've been collecting air samples since March 2007 24/7, by just blowing unfiltered air (with brass tubes 5/32) into a bottle of distilled water with an aquarium pump (with the air filter removed), with 2 in of fine broken glass (1/16 to 1/4 dia.) in the bottom and filled with distilled water only (about 18 oz to start) . Fine broken glass can be easily made by heating a clean jar with a torch, then dropping it into a pan of cold water. One can then heat it again, by pouring off the water and heat on the stove, real hot and then add cold water, (always wear goggles and gloves) repeat several times and crush with a rock or clean object. I re-routed my intake by drilling another hole in the body, sealing the factory intake so I could collect air any place.Most of these collections were made under the eves of my house (+7) feet up, with the intake hose inserted into a plastic jar about half way and near the bottom, then turned upside down. This creates a pressure filter and eliminates most debris, collecting only the finest of air composition.

When you first fill the "sobe" bottle shine a laser pointer through it for reference and at the end of your collection shine the laser through it again, quite the difference proving you've collected something. This liquid (about 4-6 oz remains after 1 week) was then electrolysised at first 5 day intervals now 7 with a 6 volt lantern battery and two thin strips of brass 1/2 to 3/4 in wide and of equal length. This simple process will remove primarily any metals and\or ionic salts captured in the distilled water and is used millions of times a day to process, extract, or coat things with metal coatings. I standardized my collection method in May I believe by adding 2in of fine broken glass in a 20oz "Sobe" bottle and lowered the air flow to about 1/2 a human breath (one 30-60 gallon pump purchased at slavemart for about $20.00). I started collecting what averaged out to be about 2-3 fluid oz (see folder equipment used and results) of what someone else called "Miracle grow" a month , quite alarming. I electrolysised my urine (using stainless steel electrodes) to see if it was passing through me and it was and explains why we are all not dead yet !!! Barium says its non-bioaccumulative, more evidence thats what this stuff is. I've also electrolysised rain and tap water too, tap water from a well seems so far uncontaminated with the fibers but could be so microscopic I can't see them,
20x%20170.jpgThis also would explain The amount of that extract changes with the color of the sky and the sheen around the sun. I.E. strong sheen and metallic gray sky all week increase my yield, azure blue sky, less sheen, reduced yield but is almost always over 2 oz per month. This and just using a strong flashlight pointed upward at night and looking into the focused beam of light prove that we are living in a virtual bath of what research by others suggests is an exotic form of barium, aluminum and god knows what else, but I cannot afford complete testing myself (see carnicom.com barium test confirmed).

Whatever this stuff is it's color remains quite consistantly a sky to aqua blue. It creates extaordinary`alkaline conditions in all my samples that ranges above 9 at least, But I stopped testing them all. The average collection per 5 days is about .25 fl oz. at 1/2 a human breath.

0210_blue.jpgrnicom.com" barium test confirmed).

This stuff has become so saturated in our atmosphere, at least here in the White Mtn's that quite often sunlight can be seen streaking to the ground through it when cloudy (see aerosol folder), much like when sunlight streaks in through ones window blinds when cooking smoke or other smoke is present inside. This stuff has reduced our sunlight compared to two years ago as I set a light meter then and it now measures a decrease in light of about half. This is also evidenced by my camera ,who's flash operates now in the mourning way more than it use to, and at times lights at the park that are on photo sensitive switches (and cars) turn on during the day or turn on way before dusk, very concerning.

At any rate I bought a $20 test your water at home kit to test this water, and it failed every test but lead and fungus though it would appear the strong alkaline conditions maybe preventing microbial growth. This was observed by another sheeps blood agar culture performed by a Stanford trained Phd. in microbiology, which yielded no growth on the water streak, he noted that highly unusual.

The alkalizing of water and any water based air breathing organism allows for increased storage and even the creation of dc current (ever heard of alkaline batteries) especially when mixed with other components / chemicals. I proved this in myself with only a pretty good digital volt meter. I measure my voltage constantly by just wetting my fingers and squeezing the probes. It fluctuates polarities quite often from left and right hands and ranges from .006 and .6 often. Ranges as high as .9 have been seen and grounding a probe yield better results. Normal body voltage should range around 400 microvolts, one microvolt being one millionth of a volt (or .000001) When grounded in the earth polarity shifts have ocasionally been observed also, suggesting the ground was transfering voltage to me, Sticking one probe into a tree and holding the other and moving your legs up and down remains quite curious, but not with consistant results.


The alkalizing of water 

I started looking at the collected water with an old microscope in early April by drying about 30 drops on a microscope slide and saw immediatly what appeared to be what I'd seen coming from Morgellons patients on the web. I really had thought the story was a hoax quite frankly, but know now otherwise. I started to look at all my samples and found dozens of these fibers. Conformation of what these fibers were came on April 18 2007, when a "Goldenhead" nano sensor was isolated, a carbon copy of what I saw on the net photographed by Dr Karjoo and Dr. Hildegarte Staninger, (that particular fiber was removed from Jan Smith's body). This conformation was quite the shock cause I knew then all of us in the White Mtn's at least were all being infected with this bazzar nano affliction, infestation, infection.

Why the voltage thing is so important. I've observed in my jars that were eloctrolysised that the growth of what I've learned are called "synthetic model organisms" (or artificial life forms) is greatly enhanced and increased. The fibers they call Morgellons increase in about 6 mo. to almost visible with the naked eye or magnifying glass.



One such clump of fibers has gone from a dozen microscopic fibers to about a hundred or so and can easily be extracted by tweezers. It clearly contains what's in the patent on this cd (see morg ball photos and work by others, patents). Two of the translucient silicone nano tube fibers are clearly evenly segemented and one strand appears to have a dna strand twisting through its core. How this is possible I don't know but it's neither a de or illusion as I still have and observe them frequently.

Since I can observe that we live now in an energized electrical bath provided by the "miracle grow" stuff (metal particulates) added with the ever increasing microwave towers, cell phone towers, radio towers, satellite transmissions, electric lines, wifi systems etc. couple that with the ever pervasive presence of plastic water pipes, plastic plants, plastic clouds, food wraping, car interiors, plastic clothing, plastic x-mas tree's etc. there would appear plenty of plastic components with which to work, if this is possible. Plastic is in a constant state of degredation and hence vaporization. One plausible explanation of how the flat ribbon like fibers seem to grow even on glass is that these synthetic model organisms can assemble plastic components from the air, water or wherever present and use dc current as part of their assembly technique, or they are feeding off the silicone in the glass or both. It's been proven that plants extract much of their mineral content from the air not from the soil as once was believed. Nano-tech is designed to mimic the things that man has discovered about how nature works, assembles itself etc.
100x%20lakeside%20silicone%20nano%20tubes.jpgThis also would explain how these tiny fibers have worked their way from the inside of our/my body to the outside of the skin unnoticed by our immune system (see folder skin). We have lived, breathed and drank plastic residues now for so long it's become part of our body's composition. Even the smallest of slivers is immediatly recognized and becomes aggitated in the skin yet these fibers have remained unrecognized as foriegn invaders because plastic has become part of us rather than something foriegn. Since the skin constantly sheds from the inside outward and the skin completely regenerates itself every seven years, my guess is that it took about ten years to surface as photographed. Aprox. when all the aerosol programs or so called chemtrails started.

I started looking at dried dropplets of this collected water before electrolysis and that's when the all the fun began. I started to see what I saw on the net. and was called Morgellons fibers. I saw this story about people who have fibers growing out of their skin but initially thought it was an internet hoax. It was said these fibers could grow on their own and created a myriad of symptoms from skin lessions to brain fog and memory loss. (Rense .com has interviews with Morgellons patients and some doctors which are treating them, and is also in the audio folder on this disk)
40x%20morg%20bal%20segmented%20silicone%20nano%20tube%2022.jpgMy first reaction was to flee the area but that was economically impossible and decided to continue studying the problem. I set up another testing sta 300 miles away which yielded the same results. By now as if all this wasn't enough, now there were other things growing in the water. The first one noticed was a small tapworm looking thing I interestingly called fred. It started as a pinhead size tan speck in the bottom of my jar. This thing assembled itself quite quickly in about two weeks from about the size of a pin head to its current size about 1 1/4 in long. At first fred just hung out on the bottom of the jar untill exposed to oxygen. It then would hang verticle in the water, part on top, part on bottom as if using the air somehow. Eventually it would sink to the bottom but recently it is partially verticle again presumably since I just observed him/it again.

I began spending hours every night and every weekend on the microscope looking at these bazzar growths. No visible biology as we know it whatsoever. I began looking through the rest of my jars and low and behold (most on the bottom, some floating on top) their were more in different stages of growth if that term applies. Occasionaly there was some black carbon looking stuff that I think were burned fred things when scrutinized under the scope. I've notice this seems to happen with newer batteries but almost never with older ones ( this may be a clue to what might destroy these things).



In the same jar fred grew, a few dozen morgellons fibers had clumped together and at one time fred got tangled in them pretty good. Much to my amazement fred slowly freed himself from this mess which I watched for about 3-5 days. The fibers acommadating the effort by moving out of the way. To this day you can't get them to tangle up. I spent the entire month of May studying these bizzar growths, the fibers and doing other test's. I then decided to test north 1100 miles, in Idaho.

The opportunity to quit my job came up and an offer of a substantial increase in pay was refused. I had alot of respect for this friend as we had worked well together in the past. I felt I owed him an explanation as to why I was going to turn him down and move so I showed him the extent of my research. I showed him the extent of the chemical poisoning we were living in and the consistancy of that poisoning from week to week (a dozen jars at least). I had shown the other office the chemical poisoning also, but not the biological stuff. I showed him my entire collection of weekly tests and told him of the morgellons fibers I'd found in the water. I showed him fred, the thing that grew along with a smaller one of the same. I told him I could prove without any shadow of a reasonable doubt that we are currently under not just chemical attack but also biological (synthetic). I wouldn't have told anyone this if I couldn't prove it ad nauseum. His reaction like most was quite mild but had never heard of Morgellons and knew not of what this would mean in his future. He did the ostretch thing like everyone (another observed neurological symptom), if you don't recognize a problem, it must not exist. I believe if he had listened to the audio files on this disc his reaction would've been different.
261%20skin%20scab%20400x.jpgI soon left for Idaho and the first three days there the visibility was good, and a small sheen around the sun meant I might have found a safer haven for my family to move. By the third day however a large spraying operation could be seen to the east and I started looking in spider webs and on the oozing sap on tree's and on the new sap on my car. The conclusion these fibers are everywhere.

The anxiety, fear and terror returned that I had come to quell during the month of May looking at all this. My hopes for the future destroyed and the realization that everyone from here to Idaho has been infected with this haneous man made creation (type morgellons into "you tube") has become a reality.
This particular towns water supply is drawn from the lake, which can only mean they are getting a double dose, not just their air but their water too.

I returned from Idaho and decided to continue my research, which has only gotten more bizaar, if that's possible. I discovered another thing growing, a square pliable (perhaps protein) crystal of some kind about 1/4 in square was growing. Its continued to get thicker not expand as one would expect and thickens slowly to this day.

I started developing different collection methods, to evaluate the rate of exposure. The yield in my jars (about 4 oz liquid) ave. about 6-10 fibers per 30 drops of liquid, but daily exposure was what I was looking for. I made a wood frame 13x13 in and took ultra clear packing tape and covered it completely stretching it across the opening.

I laid it sticky side skyward and left it outside overnight. In the mourning I let it dry in a closed area then placed a 12x12 piece of thin glass on the tape to seal in my overnight collection of fallout from the sky. I looked from the glass side through to the tape with a cheap $10 60x-100x microscope from radio shack, (good for looking at your skin too) and their they were confirming thats one provable source for these fibers to have come. I tried to grid the glass and count them but gave up.
This collection method is flawed however in that the adhesive, once exposed to humid air losses it's adhesion characteristics but will still capture stuff. It's enough they are there. I repeated this experiment several times and found sometimes more sometimes less but always found some fibers and other odd looking things. Spiderwebs have the same effect.

I started to realize another opinion would be useful and took a fred thing to the local college. A trained microbiologist was found there who I showed my work to. At first he laughed when I told him these things were growing in my water samples but when he looked at them through the scope he stopped laughing. He recognized things I couldn't, and said that fred appeared to be comprised of plant guard cells and had some protozoa feeding on or growing out of it. He then cultured this on sheeps blood agar and saw growth of something he said he had never seen before. The color was a metalic grey and its growth structure was very slow and resembled that of a brain structure, highly unusual. He did aerobic and anaerobic cultures and then gram stained it. It had both aerobic and anaerobic components and gram stained both positive and negative in different growth mediums. He had no clue what to think or what it was.



At anyrate I set up another testing station and decided to run this one for two weeks and not electrolysize the water. This has yielded new synthetic model organisms different from the rest (see 3d morg and others). It (3d morg) started off looking like a fred thing but had an odd looking black seedlike thing with odd small spikes sticking out. It was about the size of 1\20 pin head and like the fred things was surrounded with the tan coloring stuff of fred . It popped I guess and created a bag of sorts. The bag was comprised of hundreds of fibers that looked a little different than the ribbon like morgellons fibers though many of those were present. At this point I realized I needed camera's as no one would beleive any of this already. Hell I still can't believe most of this. I bought two microscopes and started to photograph all this stuff and more.

This particular synthetic creature was just recently found on the net on a you tube video titled "silentsuperbug (see also "silent superbug"). Its almost a carbon copy of what they called CBL001 (see 3d morg and work by others silentsuperbug). a stray target of a proeteome research lab.

A web site (silentsuperbug.com) was the source of this video and the photographs of some of their work and mine are strikingly similar though I don't have the electron microscope they do. My skin photo's blow theirs away however along with the glu stk stuff.

This website (silentsuperbug.com) has apparently been seen by almost every defense contractor, major and minor universities, states, countries etc. Its apparently an international communications initiative from a lab in Germany perhaps, warning of this stray target, at least someone is trying to warn us but my instincts believe they are probably involved somehow, they know way to much about it, and the political add running on their web site suggest another agenda and is inapropriate in my opinion in true scientific dialog.
400x%20dried%20blood%20thing1.jpgMy observations indicates that Morgellons and this new synthetic organism are two different things, and this website maybe trying to convince others that Morgellons is a function of this new release but this is only speculation. My observations 700 + hours on various microscopes from april 2007 to oct 2007 do not sustain this contention. I believe that Morgellons was released years ago and this new release, has become a great or planned excuse to explain the Morgellons infection epidemic along with this new infection. Another thought is that this new thing can mimic morg fibers or may contain components of the same technology. According to the web site this thing can mimic at least 5 different types of bio forms on contact, I.E. Plants, insects, higher primates etc.

This remains an interesting aspect of whatever this is since I roll my own smokes and fred looks strikingly like a tobacco leaf. Mycoplasma has been discovered on tobacco leafs and was weaponized in the 40's I beleive. It's been said that all of us have been infected with mycoplasma's from these experiments for years, especially smokers.

I have seen evidence of this replicating technology myself in spiderwebs,(on skin and in hair also) finding clear silicone nanotubes mimicing plant structures and other things but at a much smaller scale. If as claimed this thing can come in contact with a bio form and replicate parts of it's RNA/DNA (by transcription and Quorum sensing) and then attempt assembly with available components silicone being the most abundant isolation for study will be almost impossible. Fibers living on glass suggest this thing can suck silicone out of glass to self assemble, look closely at the attachment points of these fibers on glass.

It remains my great concern that components of viruses or the complete virus itself may be also replicated and remains an undetected / undisclosed aspect of this technology.
I offer my observations with the assurance of duplicity. I only record what I can duplicate first. I offer this work with extreme urgency believing time maybe short. The growth of mold structures in my bugers ( and most likely yours) is a real real concern, the most probable suspect is a weaponized fusarium fungus.
It remains an idea that this thing may only be defeated with resonant frequencies, tuned to destroy the Quorum sensing capacity of this technology, rife technology.
It remains an observation that perhaps light wave tech. might influence these things, since flouresence was achieved and is in my opinion evidence of the frequencies at which these fibers vibrate.




It remains an observation that rubbing and grain alcohol have differing affects on my humidifier scrappings. Some energy form seems briefly released with rubbing alcohol inconsistant with expected thermal reactions and opposite the reactions to grain alcohol (see video folder).

It remains an observation that those who drink and smoke may be consuming GMO alcohol and tobacco products which may somehow be contributing / causing parts of this affliction. GMO alcohol is not used by many healers in making herbal extracts. Its also probable that geographic location along with varied eating habits, IE consuming differing gmo food or using nano-tech products may be adding to the complexity of this dilema. Industrial sectors using different nano-tech products are likely releasing nano-particulates that are creating differing symptoms or skin conditions, proving that however would be quite complex. Its becoming quite clear that releasing nano tech particulates without self limiting replication parameters or the grey goo scenario is part of what we/you/I/all are facing.
37%204mo%20old%20buger%20100x.jpgItAttempts at Quorum sensing through glass vessels remains negative but experiments were primitive.

It remains an observation that some aircraft maybe hitting low oxygen pockets (barium was used to remove trace amounts of oxygen in vacuum tubes.) and might explain some of the chemtrails as the turbines might run rich to compensate.
It remains a concern that oxygen may be in real short supply, atmospherically.

It remains logical to assume microscopic fibers that collect / conduct electrical current are growing in our brains and slowly shorting out our neurons IE memory, or alzheimers. Conformation of this probability was found in a front page story in Arizona about alzheimers, which stated no real cause but they think buildup at the base of the brain slows down brain fluid and then showed tiny red and blue fibers as the possible cause. Those two colors signify oxygenated and un-oxygenated blood, Stand alone fibers could not have those colors and cerebral fluid is mostly clear I believe. Maybe just a coincedence. Doubt it.
It remains a concern that the red sky at night prophecy is quite accurate as at night I can walk out my door and the lights from town light the chemclouds up the color red.

It's a possibility if one study's mycoplasma's these are cell structures, without visible cell walls, probably an electrical cell wall or barrier, that all the E.M. pollution has disrupted this balance, perhaps forever.
The brain is unfortunately a finer filter (personally I would have picked the liver) than all other organs and remains the most electrical of all body function. It's composed of primarily water and cholestorol (children need fat for normal brain growth, but they remove it from food wonder why.). Differing depositions by density of metalic particles in the brain will create the electrolysis process (resistance or flow or both) performed below. I have been trying to understand principles of reverse electrolysis, IE once this metal particulate matter becomes electrolysized (congels) it embeds itself in tissue, physicaly. To return it to liquid form for removal or flushing remains one and in my opinion the formost challenge!!!!. Denying conductivity to these creatures is perhaps the key though seemingly impossible. Maybe we should scorch the sky (watch the Matrix).

Another thought on insect vectoring is that this technology can reside in the fluids of insects, when bitten by them the technology transfers with the DNA/RNA from the insect then attempts reconstruction, perhaps of the venom, within the human host. This would explain the DNA of insects and plants that have been isolated in infected humans.

Another thought is that the human host, once infected with this silent superbug waits for stimulus of any type it can replicate. An insect bite is recognized as something to replicate as replication is it's primary function. the venom or parts of the insect are replicated in the host and the rejection by the body creates the lessions. I have found clay baths seem to stop
the formation of small pin head sized lessions but can't be sure if it's the baths or not.
A new and quite disturbing observation / possibility about our current situation is as follows, according to testimony given by those infected, a hive mentallity has been observed by those afflicted. This suggest's A.I. or "artificial intellegence" (watch the Matrix), but to what extent is unknown? Is it localized to the individual or like precognition is it long range.What if these things can, like mushrooms communicate amongst all the infected. What if radiation makes them grow and prosper and they know they can get what makes them grow and prosper, and destroy their creators who could ultimately destroy them, in one fell swoop. Just infect the one's who have their finger's on the nuke option, make them push the button's which will trigger a response, and it's possible their enemies will be destroyed, and in the process will provide the desired radiation, IE electromagnetic energy ( dc current) for millions of years for them to flourish. Remember the movie the "Matrix" when they scorched the sky hoping to deny the creature's / things the solar energy to survive? Is this sitution any different, and if so how?

A new observation has been made at a lake (6-20-08). While standing in the water about top of my ankles with a negative probe of my volt meter in my mouth, the positive in the lake water, a voltage of aprox .2 was consistantly measured and flowing from the water to me, IE + to -.
Also the lower level cloud structures which appear now for the most part disassemble now far more frequently than two year's ago (see aerosol photo's) Originally my chemtrail photograph project started after observing a rather large cloud completely dissasemble into a powder of sort's and blow visibly away on the breeze in minutes and observed by my co-worker as well. I believe now what this effect appears to be is as follows, whatever the substance is that is being sprayed has a hydrating or moisture absorbing capacity. It falls from the sky and encounters moisture from a real cloud and begins absorbtion, which in turn makes the cloud appear to disassemble rather than evaporate as before.

The re-appearance of poison ivy like skin conditions happened again as described earlier though I again saw none.
The recent article (in work by others folder) of an air grab study in phoenix titled "chemtrails shocking Phoenix air quality study" proves or vidicates my work and discoveries. Aluminum measured at 6400x above the toxic limit, along with Manganese at 5820x, Iron at 28000x, Barium at 278x, etc.
It's the beginning of the monsoon season here and I'm quite certain judging now at how often sunlight can be seen streaking to the ground like sunlight through a window in a smoke filled room, that living here is much worse than in phoenix in that all the pollution from below rises up here to form rain clouds. Clouds now dissasemble not evaporate with such frequency that I no longer photograph them, and have stopped almost altogether my chemtrail photography as it no longer matters.
0830_blue.jpgClearly we continue to be suffocated slowly by metal particulates and colonized by nano-tech.
A new and most disturbing probability has arisin!! (9-10-08). I've been unable to prove positive that lake water / water is perhaps another vector as suggested by the silentsuperbug.com website, although my observations suggest's this possibility / probability..

My girlfriends grandaughter after going in the woodland lake park developed the same symptoms, I.E. poison ivy like symptoms where I had never seen any previously. I've not keep my son out of the water as I really can't tell for sure what's really going on without real equipment, but from now on I will discourage swimming as much as possible as how could one possibly tell a child about this possibility / probability!!!! Can we not now go out in the rain???

Rense file # 15&16 is a MUST listen to in audio folder!!!!
After listening to program 16 a new and most disturbing collection of thoughts has emerged. You have a health care practitioner knowingly infected but has to continue to work as there is no place to turn. She see's patients infected daily with what she knows is the S.C.I.S. aka Morgellons syndrom recieving false diagnosis from doctors who may or may not know what's going on. She suspects human vectoring and observes the possibility of that reality in certain lighting scenarios, observing fibers shedding off co-workers skin, but like all of us needs to support herself and possibly family. She lives a true paradox as have I for quite sometime and my heart litererally melts with sadness and disgust when I think of her\our delema. I have done much of this research trying to figuer out wether my son or anyone else should come to my house.

The amount of extensive environmental testing I've done proved that although human vectoring in some shape or form may be a factor, there remains concrete proof that all of us are being exposed continually to these environmental toxins. I've thought often of placing myself in quarentin, and would if possible. This remains a true paradox. Many who refuse to admit and consequently deny this affliction may continue to infect others at their patients / friends / family expense and demise. Whats been contrived here appears to be at the very least diabolical!!! Each person will have a choice when aware of their infected condition, if human vectoring is a factor, which I believe it is too, and most like myself will choose poorly without other option.

Personaly one of my greatest fears is that there will be such a wave of despair when this is finally disclosed that the frequency alone of that despair, like the frequency of love, will feed this great evil even more. (watch "what the bleep")
Always wear gloves messing with this stuff (although nano tech will go right through them, you'll feel better). It remains hard to believe that just blowing unfiltered air into a bottle of distilled water could be dangerous, apparently it now maybe, I'm not sure at this point swimming in or just touching lake water is a good idea anymore. The electrolysis process happens when aluminum boats move across a lake, energized humid air grounding at the lake surface, or since it can be proven the body is now highly energized just standing in the water may radiate out this electricity which may attract these nano things. Ph of the water will influence dc current flows and or production thereof.
Know this also, most of this audio file on morgellons and the silentsuperbug web site was found after many of these observations were made by me. At this point I've read about 35% of the silentsuperbug reference web site but the truth remains I really don't understand much of what is there and the idea that "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullchit" remains an instinctual observation.

"The greatest obstacle to discovery is the illusion of knowledge"

The purest form of science is observation and after hundreds of hours of observations I can say without hesitation "Houston we have a problem !!".

A new set of disturbing observations has been made (9-21-08). In the last two weeks a mass exodis of birds has been noticed. We've had a few cool nights 46 deg. the lowest temp so far but not enough to chase away the birds. Yesterday I went to Big Springs park as I often do. It has a year round spring that never freezes and at any time of the year at least ducks can always be found swimming about. In fact I can't remember ever going there and not seeing birds, except for yesterday. Not one bird or duck could be found there!!!

I've also noticed this mold which quickly grows in sponges and dish cloths. For some reason I can smell it within a foot or two easily but my girlfriend can barely smell it at all. I soaked a sponge with colodial silver and that stopped it for about a week before it returned. The dimming of the planet noted by nasa in my opinion is allowing this mold to prolificate.

I've tried with little success to rub theives oil on my mustach hoping to abate mold growth, but that hasn't seemed to help.
The more I think about how to stop this infection the more I think electricity is the only way to affect the body as a whole.
The problem remains re-infection and how to stop it.

A recent conversation with Gwen Scott has revealed she has had some success with the parasite protocols of a book called the cure for all diseases. She fails to realize they will just transplant themselves down the drain to another location, river, stream, or ocean or imbed themselves in fabrics, carpets etc and wait for another host. Quite the problem!!!

Evidence has come to Gwen suggesting some of what this or these things are or were modified from is a class of parasites known as pleomorphs. The word aschelminthes was used to describe this particular creature's metamorphisis. I'm verifying this data currently 11-06-08. My scientific encyclopedia list pleomorphism is as follows : the property of crystallizing in two or more forms. Maybe spelled pleiomorphism as suggested in my other dictionary, perhaps latin roots.

A Dr named Hulda R Clark who has sought refuge in Canada was also mentioned. Her study's has bannished her to Canada as refuge. Wether true or not I can't tell.
After looking at this new data described above I've decided it bears no resemblance to what I've photgraphed or believe. It makes no difference where this thing was sliced and diced from, only how to kill it completely is a primary goal (11-30-08)
She also said that organic concord grape juice swished around in the mouth for about 30 seconds then spit into a coffee filter will produce alot of fibers and remains the easiest test to prove we all are chipped. No one yet has passed this test.
Subtleenergies.com the ormus research remains promising / interesting.

A new (9-21-08) obsevation has been made. On the radio now are commercials about rls or "restless leg syndrom". The symptoms described are that of S.C.I.S. aka Morgellons patients and not those who move their leg up and down nervously as I have almost all my life!! Most people I've noticed with this condition are hyper not fatigued and have no intense itching I've ever seen or noticed!!! These people continue to lie and there will be no end.!!!!

A new thought is as follows: I'm beginning to believe that the line between animate and in-animate objects has or is becoming blurred. The data, all our collective intelligence thats on the net and elsewhere that's transmitted in microwave transmissions, is piercing continually through everything we assumed in-animate. Is it possible that this intelligence is being picked up by these objects now somehow? (see glu stick folder)
Another thought is that area's like this that were irradiated in the late 50's may be adding somehow to this problem.

A new study has been added in the work by others folder listing clyamidia pneumonia as a neurological parasitic infection suggesting Cliff Carnicoms observations are correct.
New years observations 01-03-09. First are the clouds, I believe I've noticed a lowering of the clouds up here but can't be sure it's a trend or not, they do however appear to be quite lower. This may be a function of the space between space and our atmosphere having lowered by 150 miles as noted by science data, I really don't know.(see where has all the sunspots gone in work by other folder.) Second is the Idaho Observer seems to have picked up on much of the stuff above and from Clifford Carnicom's work God bless them!! (also in the work by others folder).

My initial impression of being unable to affect and remove these nano-things is changing! Assuming that some form of nano- mimicry is occuring some of these infectious organisms may respond to parasite removal protocals suggested by Hilde Clark's book "the cure for all disease's" It's worth a shot.
02-21-09 a new posting at rense program # 17 is quite disturbing. Both Jeff and Cliff Mickleson now discount chemtrails as a possible connection to this affliction throwing out I guess Carnicoms work, Dr Castle, Dr Staninger, mine and all others?!! This stands in contrary to all other work he published previously and makes no sense at all!!!!!!!

08-18-09 new information has come to light on the morgellons front. Squaline is being noted as a possible source for infection as it is a polymer compound. Gulf war syndrome infectee's may be another source of of this disgusting dilema.

A great you tube video has emerged from miguelgot2 titled NANOTECHNOLOGICAL WARFARE CHEMTRAILS AND MORGELLONS. In it he states that the carbon based life form standard has been shatered which I believe. All my work and others in this research I believe has proven that a plastics based life form is now possible and exists currently.

A curse at the end of this video is most befitting and I will repeat it here as I have in my prayers for help,guidence and protection for those involved in stopping this.
For those in this system who are helping this to fruition I give you this curse: May you be condemned to a million re-births as one of your lumpen troglodytes, and during the obsenity of your birth as the abomination you have created may you have a moment of absolute clarity of memory of who you used to be, as the sodden stupidity that is your mind closes around your screaming soul, while your masters hover high overhead wired into a hive like mind.

8-25-09 another observation has concerned me now for at least a year or so. Lights left on out or inside no longer draw the multitude of insects seen just four years previous!!!
0740_blue.jpgAerosol spraying see folder my observations;
These photo's are about 10-20% of the really bizaar photo's I've taken that can't be explained away in the last two years. How so few notice this convolution of our sky's remains a complete misery/mystery. I've started to observe pattern's as was to be expected over time. Sometimes when the polymer spraying is young IE still forming, it's chemical strength is such that this strength/environment allows it's assembly parameters the conduit/environment to complete its geometric and or self assembly instructions. Likely due to the gaseous nature of the polymer in gas form (heated by turbines) As this nano tech polymer begins to photo degrade it becomes less defined in structure as photographed and can no longer assemble easily into defined patterns, fibrills etc. as it did when first sprayed. These nano fibers shrink/photodegrade being polymers (plastics) in nature and drift downward. Some or all their programming instructions to create geometric patterns, self-replicate, self assemble etc. is retained, even in their shrunken state.

Exposure to any bio-form with components to replenish the chemical loss suffered in open atmosphere may also be a directive and infestation of the/any bio-form is/will commence for ensured replication. Water is clearly suspected as a replenishment chemical (has likely come to you through pvc plastic water pipes)!! Any component of plastic present is a suspect replenishment chemical especially nylon or it's derivatives .

Replication then commences and the nano things survive, perhaps it's prime directive, sound familar.
In a nutshell the way I see part of our delema, many of these synthetic clouds are nano tech polymers pre-programed with certain geometric assembly functions to look like real clouds. They can retain this programming down to the nano-tech level as they degrade.

Their programming can be diverse in nature, IE assembly, association, self-replication, all three or more, etc. The photo's in my aerosol folder called clouds connecting are proof positive that one cloud mass moving away from the major cloud mass, transfers almost half it's photographic mass to the other through what appears to be a tunnel of clouds, as they move in opposite directions.. This transfer implies undeniable intelligence and or pre-programming or control of some kind!!!

On top of the metal particulates removed by me in our air, photographed in my blood and eloctrolysised from my urine, we/you have plastic component's ( photo degrading at this very moment and present everywhere) of microscopic size, capable of geometric pattern regeneration and replicative / self survival behavior. The Morgellons syndrome could be more correctly labled "Synthetic Cloud Infection Syndrome"

Attempts to approach, dismantel, affect, and or destroy a plastic compound through hydrologic or water based treatment are assumed moot, plastics don't/won't absorb water, period, they are petroleum based. Drinking gasolene remains a non-option to flush/desolve this stuff out (beware of such cures)!! Won't remove high density plastic polyethylen's anyway.

Attempts to remove these from the body is assumed moot once imbeded/assembled in tissue, a re-programming is now pre-sumed a more viable option, if somehow possible, to buy more time. Or perhaps a polarity shift or reversal in the body if somehow possible.

A new thought is blood cultures need to be done, especially with a nutrient base made with agar and human blood like sheeps blood agar. 5 drops of blood should be placed in as many different growth mediums as possible and should be kept or designed to keep for months.

If the human blood agar medium doesn't or won't sterilize with normal sterilization techniques that will say alot.
Another idea is there's a man who they call mr electricity or some such name that uses tesla tech for a stage show of electricity. He needs to be checked for morgellons, that will say alot as he's around millions of volts.
Blood things see folder 40x thru 1000x biological microscope;
I have been studying Cliff Carnicom's work for years and his blood observations, his most recent work (last 6 comunications 03-07-08) is a must read now ( in the work by others and audio file). All blood looked at so far has anomalies in it. Even my dogs. The first time I looked at my blood it took me weeks to get over it and look again. It's that bad. Blood should contain not much more than red and white blood cells.

I decided more exploration to my blood is required,(03-07-08) despite my apprehension/phobia that developed after the first two sessions. The first session was as follows, a drop of blood was placed on a slide with a square glass cap placed overtop with no adhesion stuff, and allowed to dry. The purpose of that was to see if anything could/would self-assembled itself through the thicker blood consistency than that of the air\water samples. The result of that was more than I could bare for some time. Knowing what I know of blood now, after much research, these things should just not be there!!!!!!!!!!! The good news is that these were found in my blood, the bad news is, stuff's been found in everyone's blood that just shouldn't be there!!!! See Cliff Carnicom's (400+ miles east ) & my work, If you doubt this, just look intently at your own blood !!!!!!!!. Some of the photo's illustrate a gas bubble developing around the assembled nano-tech particles, while others show integration with the blood and self-assembly. The second session wasn't even a drop just a smear of blood with no cover plate. The deformed transformations of my red blood cells (conformation of Cliff's work) in the fresh blood samples remain so disturbing I can barely bring myself to look again!!! I'm not sure at this point how I'm / all are still alive.

I've decided to take three drops of blood A, B & C. Photo's of the fresh blood will be in seperated folder's. Top lighting with a strong white led light seems to really highlight some blood transformations / deformations.

Blood drop c continue's to be the most dramatic. No glass cover slide was placed on this drop but two or three drops of water was introduced and allowed to dry. The centralized coagulation photographed is astonding!! Metal particles have centralized in the blood and are highlighted by the wt led in part of the sample. The radial nature of these photo's remains quite curious. Other seperations of metal particules are seen and photographed, along with segmented and fragmented silicone nano tubes, and fibers.These are the exact metal particles seen in all air samples when dried on a slide before electrolysis. I've re-aquired my phobia/apprehension. I'm astonished I'm / all are still alive.?

Cliff Carnicom's most recent post asking all to download and protect his research indicates to me that he may again be threatened.

Though I continue to tell myself I'm done with this project, I can't stop. I no longer want to go outside however like I once loved to do, if you reviewed all my photo's of the chemtrails you would know and understand why. I no longer want to camp or fish as I onced loved. That's been taken away from me too. On the weekends I no longer go outside as it's the only way to get a little break from the ringing (high frequency pitch) in my ear's which lessens by sunday night, but never goes completely away. I had this happen to me once before when I spent about a year laying carpet. This same pitch got so bad I almost couldn't sleep. It stopped right after I quit, and is more proof that polymers are being sprayed in the air. Knowing now what's in the chemtrails makes me cringe when I see them spraying.
This is nothing less than state sanctioned / sponsered terrorism / mass homicide!!!!! Though the Gov't has reserved the legal right to test stuff on us (usc 1520a) the states have a legal / moral / ethical obligation to protect us, I guess unless they've been promised more tax dollars, protection, and or the antidote.

Some of these blood deformaties may also be from radiation poisoning, as all radiation detectors which used to be public were all puchased by defense contractors before gulf war 2 and the data removed from public review. DU was spread throughout the world and most likely at this altitude we got alot more. DU is a misnomer in that it's not completely depleted and remains radioactive for millions of years. The cradle of civilization was the middle east, it is litteraly now a Nagasaky times tens of thousands. It's been murdered forever. DU weapons are literaly illegal to use but hey who cares now? ( type in Loren Moret's work on DU)

100x%20dried%20blood%20formation%203.jpghoI had a friend recently diagnosed with what was described as a rare form of blood cancer. Looking at my blood I can't help but wonder if that was really the true or rare cause. All people that look at blood for a living must know what's really going on !!!!!


Here is a taste of Blue's Photos at this page--he did say he had some more that were really bad--worse than you are seeing here; so if he can get them sent to me in a format that I'm capable of handling--they will be posted in the next part.
please look in the gallery section and article section for some photo's of this work!!


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