EIGHTH DANTESQUE CIRCLE OR OF THE URANE


My friends, again gathered tonight, with the purpose of studying the Eighth Dantesque Circle submerged under the earth's crust, in the infra-dimensions of nature.


When entering into explanations, we must begin by reviewing what we have already said in other texts, in relation to Black Tantrism. Obviously there are three types of Tantrism:


1- White Tantrism.

2- Black Tantrism.

3- Gray Tantrism.


The Hindustan speak to us frankly about the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers, that Solar Electronic Power that ascends through the Spinal Cord of the ascetics.


It is clear that the "Transcendent Fohat" develops exclusively with White Tantrism. We have given the key in our previous books; however, we will repeat it: Connection of the "Lingam-Yoni" (Phalus-Uterus), without ejaculation of the Sacred Sperm.


Black Tantrism is different: There is connection of the "Lingam-Yoni", magic rites and seminal ejaculation. The result in this particular case is the awakening of the "Igneous Serpent" in its strictly negative form.

It is evident that the Sacred Fire, in the Black Tantrism, rushes from the coccyx towards the Atomic Infernos of man. Then the "Tail of Satan" appears, the "Abominable Kundartiguador Organ".


Gray Tantrism has other purposes: Animal enjoyment without transcendent longings.


We will now deal explicitly with the "Abominable Kundartiguador Organ".


There are two Serpents:


That of the White Tantrism, is the "Serpent of Bronze" that healed the Israelites in the desert, ascending victorious through the Spinal Medullary Canal;


The "Tempting Serpent" of Eden, horrible Python, that crawled through the mud of the Earth and that irritated Apollo wounded with his darts.


The first, the Bronze Serpent, the Ascending Fire, has the power to awaken the Chakras of the Spine; open, let us say, the Seven Churches of the "Apocalypse" of Saint John and convert us into terribly Divine Gods.


The Second opens seven Chakras that are in the lower abdomen, "the Seven Gates of Hell," as the Mohammedans say.


Much has been said about the Kundalini, the Serpentine Annular Power that develops wonderfully in the body of all White Tantric. However, we solemnly assert, that no one could enjoy the powers of the Luminous Serpent, without having been "devoured" before by it.


Now you will explain, friends and brothers of the Gnostic Movement, what is the reason why the Adepts of India have been qualified as "Nagas" ("Serpents").


The Great Hierophants of Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Chaldea, etc., etc., called themselves "Serpents".


In Mexico Serpentine, Quetzalcoatl, the Mexican Christ, was "devoured by the Serpent ", and therefore received the title of "Flying Serpent".


Wotán was a "Serpent" because he had been "swallowed by the Serpent ".


It is evident  that the background marriage, the integral fusion of the Divine Mother with the Holy Spirit; that is to say, of the Igneous Snake of Our Magical Powers, with Shiva, the Third Logos, the Arch-Hierophant and the Arch-Wizard, is only possible when we have been "devoured by the Snake ". Then the Resurrection of the Secret Master becomes glorious within ourselves, here and now.


I now invite all this audience that listens to me, and all the Gnostic Movement in general, to reflect on the antithesis...


It is unquestionable that the horrible Python Serpent is the negative and fatal opposite, the shadow, we should say, the radical antithesis of the "Serpent of Light". Undoubtedly, in the Abyss Truth disguises itself as darkness.


If in the Higher Dimensions of Nature and the Cosmos, we are devoured by the Serpent of Bronze that healed the Israelites in the desert, obviously, in the Eighth Dantesque Circle, the condemned are devoured by the horrible "Serpent Tempter of Eden"; then they become "poisonous vipers", frightfully malignant.


I want you to fully understand that the "Serpent" always has to "devour us": Already in the luminous aspect or in the Eighth Dark Infernal Circle.


Pathetic is the fatal dinner of the horrible Tempting Serpent of Eden, devouring the lost with the purpose of destroying them, disintegrate them, reducing them to cosmic dust, to release the Essence, to restore the pristine original purity of it. Only thus, the Soul manages to emancipate itself from the painful Tartarus.


It is very interesting to know that the Snake always destroys the Ego, and by the Luminous Way, based on conscious works and voluntary sufferings, or already by the Tenebrous Way, in the Eighth Circle of fatalities.


It is wonderful to know that the Ego must always be dissolved at all costs, with our will or against our will, and that the "Serpent" must inevitably "swallow" us, either victorious or failures...


That "Serpent tempter of the Eden", that horrible Python, is the negative aspect of the Divine Mother. Once her work in the Averno is completed, she returns to her positive polarization in the Luminous Region.


See, then, friends, in what way the Divine Mother loves her son...


Those who are lost, the Black Tantrics, in developing the "Serpent of Fatalities", inevitably condemn themselves to the Second Death.


The Dugpas of the red turban will never be able to flee from the Divine Mother Kundalini. She will inevitably devour them, no matter what the cost.


In the Eighth Infernal Circle unfortunately the FALSE ALCHEMISTS, the BLACK TANTRIC, the METAL FALSIFIERS; those who negatively crystallized, to be clearer, those who instead of crystallizing the Sexual Hydrogen B-12 in the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, made it crystallize negatively to become really adepts of the Dark Face, which inevitably come to be devoured by the horrible Serpent of Fatalities.


I want everyone to realize that there are two types of Alchemy, two types of Death of the Ego, and two types of banquets that the "Serpent" is given.


You can choose the path ... Choose! You are given Knowledge. You are facing the dilemma of "To Be or Not Be" of Philosophy.


Woe to, the candidates for the Second Death!  Only then can they die in the Dark Avernus.


In what other way could the Essence be emancipated? How else could it be free to restart a new evolutionary cycle, which undoubtedly has to start from the hard stone?


In the Eighth Infernal Circle we also find the Currency forgers, the FALSARIANS, the SUPPLANTERS PEOPLE , the INCESTUOUS, SOWERS OF DISCORD the BAD COUNSELORS, those who PROMISE and DO NOT COMPLY, those who DO ESCANDING them and also those who FORM SCHISM, FALSE AND LIER PEOPLE , etc., etc., etc.


This Eighth Submerged Region is the antithesis, the opposite, the negative aspect of Uranus.


Very interesting is that planet of our Solar System. We have been told that the North and South Poles of Uranus point alternately towards the Sun.


When the positive pole of that planet is oriented towards the King Star, the masculine force imposes itself on the face of the Earth.


When the negative pole of that world is oriented towards the resplendent Sun, then the feminine force sends in our afflicted world.


Each cycle or magnetic period of Uranus is 42 years. Thus, men and women alternate their command here on Earth, in cycles or periods of 42 years.


The entire Uranus period consists of 84 years, 42 of the masculine type and 42 of the feminine type.


Observe well the customs of the people, the history and we will see intensive periods of masculine activity, as of piracy for example, when all the seas of the Earth were filled with corsairs, and times like the present, or like that in which the Amazons They established their lunar cults and ruled much of Europe, making the world shudder.

To each masculine cycle then, one feminine follows and vice versa. Everything depends on the polarization of Uranus and the type of energy that comes from this planet to Earth.


It is good to know, for the good of the Great Cause, that the sexual glands are governed by Uranus.


We need to fully understand that the female ovaries are also controlled by Uranus.


That planet, as ruler of the New Age of Aquarius, brings a complete revolution to our afflicted world.


There is not surprising that in the Submerged Region of Uranus, under the crust of our Earth, the sexual aspects of the definitely lost are defined, and the Tempting Serpent of Eden swallows the fallen to initiate the destructive process on a large scale, until concluding in the Second Death.


In our last book entitled "THE THREE MOUNTAINS", we said that in the Submerged Mineral Kingdom of the planet Uranus, the Initiate has to disintegrate the "Bad Thief", to Cacus or Gestas, as it appears in the Christian Gospel.


Agato or Dimas, the "Good Thief", is that intimate power that from the bottom of our Being, steals the Sexual Hydrogen B-12 for our own Intimate Self-Realization.


Cacus, the Bad Thief, the horrible Gestas, is that sinister, dark power that steals Creative Energy for evil.


It is worth noting that the "Abominable Kundartiguador Organ", the result of the misuse of the Creative Energy stolen by Caco, not only develops in the Black or Tantric Alchemists, but also in the decidedly lost ones, even though they did not have any knowledge magical.


Turning now to the Antithetic Sphere of Uranus, in the abysmal depths of the planet Earth, by Law of Contrasts and Analogy of the Opposites, and of simple Correspondence, the horrifying Cacus must also be destroyed.


You see, then, ladies and gentlemen, these luminous and tenebrous aspects, antithetical, in what form they correspond and in what way they develop...


Q- Is the "Tempting Serpent of Eden" the same "Holy Serpent", Master?


A- My estimable Frater, your question seems very interesting to me, and I hasten to answer you.


It is clear that in the Avernus the Truth is disguised as darkness. It is somewhat unusual to know that the "Snake" can polarize positively or negatively.


This means that the Tempting Serpent of Eden, even though it is the dark contrast of the Serpent of Light, is undoubtedly the negative polarization of the Bronze Serpent that healed the Israelites in the desert.


It is amazing to know that the "Radiant Serpent" is polarized in this fatal way, and this invites us to understand that it does it for the sake of his own son, to destroy in the Avernus the Infrahuman Elements that we carry inside and free us from the frightful claws of pain. This is the Love of every Divine Mother.


Q- Dear Master, as it is evident that most of the inhabitants of this planet do not practice either the White Tantrism or the Black Tantrism, but the Gray Tantrism (which is the sexual practice with the spill of Ens-Seminis and without any transcendent longing); I ask you if all these majorities automatically enter the Eighth Dantesque Circle, as do those who practice Black Tantrism.


A- Distinguished gentleman, your question is very intelligent and I want you to understand my answer: It is good that you know that all Gray Tantrism inevitably becomes "Black".


When someone descends in the Avernus, he awakens negatively. That fatal awakening is due to the development of the "Abominable Kundartiguador Organ".


It is therefore to know, in an urgent way, that every fornicator, although he does not know Black Tantrism, is "Tantric" in fact, and inevitably becomes a sinister personality with the Tempting Serpent of Eden fully developed.


Q- Master, when the Second Infra-dimensional Circle was discussed, he explained that fornicators dwell there, and only to clarify the concept, I would like to know what it is the difference between the fornicators who live in the Circle of Mercury and those who enter the Eighth Dantesque Circle.


A- Friends, lust is the root of the Ego, of the “I”. This invites us to understand that lubricity, fornication exists unquestionably in each of the Nine Natural Infra-dimensions under the geological crust of our world.


However, there is a difference in all this: In Mercury's Submerged Sphere, the hideous Coatlicue or Proserpina, the "Tempting Serpent of Eden," does not yet devour their children; only in the Eighth Submerged Region does she come to give herself her dreadful banquet. Now we will explain why Dante Florentino sees in the Eighth Circle millions of human beings turned to pieces, bleeding, wounding with their nails and with their teeth, decapitated, etc., etc.


It is ostensible that in this submerged region the process of ossification, crystallization, mineralization and destruction of all Ego begins.


Q- Venerable Master, it is truly impressive the narration that you have given us about the Love of the Divine Mother , who, whether in the aspect of Light or of Darkness, liberates her son, the Essence , even by way of most tremendous pain within the bowels of the Earth. How is it then that many Black Magicians, with "Awakened Consciousness", knowing the pain they have to go through, persist along the path of Black Tantrism and the Second Death?


A- Distinguished gentleman, it is good that all here present know that some awake for the Light and others for the Darkness, as I have already said in past books.


However, there is a radical difference between those who awaken positively and those who do so negatively.


Undoubtedly, the lost, who have awakened in evil and for evil, even knowing that they must involute between the bowels of the world until the Second Death, before achieving the restoration of the pristine original purity of the Psychic Material, do not repent of the way chosen, because they have made their Involution and the Fatal Wheel of Samsara a religion, a mystic...


It does not hurt to inform this audience that the Adepts of the Left Hand have temples in the Submerged Regions, where they worship the negative aspect of the Serpent. Certainly, these infrahuman beings never ignore the fate that is reserved for them; rather, they want to rush it to emancipate themselves and to be free in the light of the Sun, with the purpose of starting a new Evolution that will have to be restarted, as I said, starting with the hard stone and continuing with the vegetable and the animal, until to reconquer the state of intellectual humanoid.


When one talks with Yahweh it can clearly show that the lost hate the Solar Logos, and that they are fully in love with the Wheel of Samsara (vicious and fatal circle).


Q- I do not understand, Venerable Master, how it is possible that an inhabitant of this submerged infra-dimension of the Eighth Dantesque Circle, whose Essence is bottled in the tremendous ego of lust, cannot even briefly Awaken Consciousness, since for this to happen the Essence must be liberated from the Ego.


A- Distinguished gentleman, I repeat what I said before: That some awaken for the Light and others for the Darkness. When we get to this part of our talk tonight, we are going to quote a verse from Daniel the Prophet. Let's look at the Bible (Daniel XI, XII): "And many of those who sleep in the dust of the Earth will be awakened, some for Eternal Life, and others for shame and perpetual confusion." The wise will shine like the brightness of the firmament; who taught Justice to the multitude, as the stars in perpetual Eternity, but you, Daniel, close the words and seal the book until the time of the end, many will run to and fro, and the science will be increased. "


Since we are already in the End Times, and since science has been scandalously increased, it is convenient to remove the seal of the book and clarify the prophecy.


I repeat, the "Abominable Kundartiguador Organ" has the power to "Awaken Consciousness" in those who enter the Abyss, where only the weeping and gnashing of teeth is heard.


We can, then, "Awaken Consciousness" in luminous and positive form through the voluntary dissolution of the Ego, or awaken it in evil and for evil, through the development of the "Abominable Kundartiguador Organ". Everyone can choose their path. Daniel's prophecy has been clarified.


Q- Venerable Master, I know many spiritual mentors who in all sincerity live away from sexual practices, that is, they are celibate and therefore, as I understand, they are not classified in any of the three Tantras that you have spoken. Will not these people enter this Region of the Avernus?


A- "Woe to you, hypocrites, Pharisees, bleached sepulchres, perverse generation of vipers that the plate and the glass cleanse even though inside you are full of rottenness".


The “I” Pharisee is active in the background of many devotees; they boast of saints and sages; of chaste and perfect, but deep down they are hideously fornicators.


The “I” Pharisee blesses food by sitting at the table; has pietistic aptitude; he deceives himself by believing himself to be virtuous, but in the depths of himself, he conceals unspeakable designs and Machiavellian intentions that he justifies with good intentions.


In the Eighth Dantesque Circle, such sanctimonious are irreparably devoured by the Tempting Serpent of Eden.


Q- Master, what can you tell us about the density and elements that make up this infra-dimension?


A- Distinguished friends, the Eighth Dantesque Circle is a Stone and Igneous Region at the same time; there the fire really tortures the lost.


This submerged zone of Uranus under the geological crust of planet Earth has crystallizations of unbearable materiality.


It is not superfluous to remember with total clarity that it astonishes, that in the aforementioned zone, each atom carries in its belly 768 atoms of the Sacred Absolute Sun.


Thus, each atom of these is terribly dense, and therefore it is not surprising that in this region the materiality is still more dense than in the previous seven circles.


The same number of Laws (768), control all the activities of the Eighth Infernal Circle, and therefore life in this submerged area of the Avernus is too complicated and difficult. Therefore, the sufferings intensify terribly in the dark zone of the negative aspect of Uranus, under the epidermis of the Earth.


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