THE MEDITATION  


Framed by intellectual walls, jaded of so many complicated and difficult theories, I decided to travel to the tropical coasts of the Caribbean Sea...


Far away, sitting as a hermitage of bygone times under the taciturn shadow of a lone tree, I decided to bury all this difficult retinue of vain rationalism...


With a blank mind, starting from the radical zero, immersed in deep meditation, I searched inside myself for the Secret Master...


Without circumlocutions I confess and with complete sincerity, that I took very seriously that phrase of the testament of the ancient wisdom that to the letter says:


"Before the false dawn dawned on Earth, those who survived the hurricane and the storm, praised the INTIMATE, and they appeared to them the heralds of the dawn."


Obviously I looked for the INTIMATE, I adored him among the secret of meditation, I worshiped him...


I knew that within myself, in the unknown recondite of my soul I would find him, and the results were not long in coming...


Later, in time, I had to get away from the sandy beach to take refuge in other lands and other places...


However, wherever I went, I continued with my meditation practices; lying on my bed or on the hard floor, I placed myself in the form of a flaming star - legs and arms open to the right and left - with the body completely relaxed...


I closed my eyes so that nothing in the world could distract me; then I got drunk with the wine of meditation in the cup of perfect concentration.


Unquestionably, as I intensified my practices, I felt that I really approached to the Intimate...


The vanities of the world did not interest me; well I knew that all the things in this valley of tears are perishable...


The Intimate and its instant and secret answers was the only thing that really interested me.

There are extraordinary cosmic festivals that can never be forgotten; this the Divines and the Humans know this very well...


In moments when I write these lines, the pleasant dawn of a happy day comes to my memory...


From the inner garden of my dwelling, out of the planetary body, humbly kneeling, crying with a loud voice I called the Intimate ...


The blessed passed the threshold of my mansion; I saw him come towards me with a triumphant step...


Dressed with precious zephyr and white ineffable tunic, the adorable one came to me; I contemplated at him blissful...


In his celestial head the crown of the Hierophants looked splendid; His whole body was made of happiness nature...


In his right hand all precious gems of which the Apocalypse of John speaks...


Wilded the Lord with great firmness the Rod of Mercury, the scepter of kings, the staff of the Patriarchs...


Taking me in his arms he sang the venerable voice of paradise saying things that earthly beings it is not possible for them to understand...


The Lord of perfections then took me to the planet Venus, far away from the bitterness of this world...


This is how I approached the Intimate through the secret path of deep inner meditation; now I say it because...




                                                                            STATES OF JINAS


It is therefore the case, that spending my life in so many occupations, I had nevertheless to investigate thoroughly the "JINAS" states.


Look, sirs, if it was right that the reasons of this chapter admire us and cheer us up when we could experience directly the real existence of lands and people "JINAS".


"It will be astonishing that in the first third of the 18th century, when the superstitious Felipe no longer reigned, the very Don Juan de Mur y Aguirre, formerly Governor of San Marcos de Arichoa in Peru, blindly believed in the existence of multiple mysterious islands for all the seas of the world."


"This was due to the fact that from La Gomera and La Palma sent more or less fantastic reports to the General and the Royal Audience about the repeated appearances of the dreamed islands, reports that produced - says Viera - new accesses of fever of the marvelous in tempers, moving them to try for the fourth time the discovery of the island NON - TRABADA ".


"The truth is that the NON - TRABADA or COVERT has not been seen by mortals since the eighteenth century to date, because the aggressive skepticism that reigns in the world since the Encyclopedia , does not deserve anything but to be done more dense and dense the veil of Maya, which similar mysterious ethereal or the fourth dimension cover ".


"The island NON - TRABADA or COVERT, more generally known by San Borondón, - says Benítez in his History of the Canary Islands - is one of those enchanted countries that have preoccupied the moderns, as well as the Golden Fleece to the ancients and to faith that they had powerful reasons for it, because, indeed, from the islands of La Palma , Gomera and Hierro, one used to see the BEAR of the first and the W. S. W., of the first one, and at W.N.W to the last one running in a N. to S. One, as a mountainous land which, according to the most widely accepted computation, would be 40 leagues from La Palma, and which it could have - we do not know how it would be measured - about 87 leagues long by 28 wide, and that, since sometimes it was seen from the southwest of Tenerife, it could be at 28 ° and some minutes of North latitude ".


"On April 3, 1570, Dr. Hernán Pérez de Grado, First Regent of the Audience of the Canary Islands, delivered a provision entrusted to the islands of Palma, Gomera and Hierro, in order to make an exact inquiry with how many people had observed the appearance of such a land, or that, on the other hand, any conduit, had proof of its existence ".


"By virtue of such information, he deposed on the palm the Portuguese pilot Pedro Vello, who said that, because of a storm, he disembarked on the island NON - TRABADA with some of his team, and there he contemplated such and such wonders (extraordinary phenomena, traces of giants, etc.). "" Then, at dawn, the sky clouded, the hurricane blew horrendous, and he, fearing losing his ship, returned on board more than quickly. "


"At the time of setting sail, they lost sight of the land, and after torment ceased they tried to return to it, being absolutely impossible to discover it, so they were very upset, especially by two men of the crew who had been abandoned in the dense jungle. "


This true " JINAS" story ", which is represented here at your mercies, is taken literally from among old chronicles...


They say ancient traditions - certainly very respectable - that during the Golden Age of Lazio and Liguria, the Divine King JANO or SATURN, (IAO BACO, JEHOVAH) reigned over those holy people, all Aryan tribes, although of very diverse epochs and origins. Then, as in the same era of the Hebrew people, it could be said that "JINAS" and men lived happily together.


The "JANA", YANA, GNANA or GNOSIS, is nothing but the science of "JANO", that is, the science of Initiatic Knowledge; the science of ENOICHION, or of the Seer, and the variants of its name are such, that there is in each language, one, such as those of JAN, CHHAN or KAN, DAN, DZAN, D'JAN, JAIN, JIAN, IOAN, KWAN, SWAN, THANOS, THOAN, all equivalent to the most sublime conception of "a PLANETARY SPIRIT" - the ruler of Saturn - , a NAZADA, a KABIR in the fullest sense of the word.


For me the science "JINAS" is not opinion, but settled truth and if you want me to show you with the lived experience, listen with patience to the following story:


Thirty times I had seen the autumn leaves fall in my present reincarnation, when I had to work consciously and positively with the JINAS or JANO Doctrine.


Any night of wonders, LITELANTES, my Priestess - Wife, made me sublime invitation...


I found myself resting in the nuptial thalamus, with the body relaxed, face up (dorsal decubitus).


I must assert with a certain solemnity and for the good of the Great Cause, that in those moments I was in a state of alert novelty, alert perception.


Dozed attentively and vigilantly as the lookout in time of war; obviously I longed with infinite thirst, something extraordinary.


After the usual invocations of rigor, I felt as if another human being was resting on my relaxed body, exactly on those blankets, which deliciously protected me from the cold of the night.


Unquestionably it was LITELANTES; I recognized her by the voice when she vehemently called me by my first name...


Come on! - She told me - Come on! Come on, and I, who with infinite longing had always waited for this moment, hurriedly got up from my bed.


It is obvious and evident that when I got up in this way helped, in fact I crossed the barrier of the speed of the Light, being then standing next to the bed of penitent and anchorite, with the physical body well submerged within the fourth dimension.


Any sincere Gnostic could certainly do the same if in moments of beginning to doze he concentrated intensely on his Divine Mother Nature, particular, individual...


A very special magic formula is the following:








Thousands of times this prayer is prayed in moments of wanting to doze, however it is convenient not to forget that vulgar saying that says: "To God begging and with the mallet giving".


Very slightly numbed, rise from the bed, pleading and then jump with the intention of floating in the surrounding environment; have faith like a mustard seed and you will move mountains.


If you cannot float, get back inside your bed and repeat the experiment.


Many succeed immediately and others take months and even years to achieve their entry into the "JINAS" paradises...


After this small but important digression of indicative type, let's continue with our story.


I left my bedroom with a firm and determined step, crossed a small patio, and headed for the street.


Giving me the step with much reverence, a certain group of very old ladies bowed reverently before my insignificant person who is worthless. I appreciated the special deference.


I left the city followed very closely by that group of people "JINAS"; I headed towards the neighboring mountains.


I felt as if I had sunk into a remote, ancient SUB - LUNAR past. I understood that I had penetrated into the lower cosmos...


I was subjected to tests of value making me pass over deep precipices...


Floating in the surrounding environment of the fourth vertical, accompanied by LITELANTES and the whole delegation of "JINAS" people, I crossed the stormy ocean and arrived at a certain secret place in old Europe...


I penetrated bravely in a certain castle, where I had to contemplate with amazement a strange symbol under which there was a crucifix...


The return to my mansion was relatively very happily about all this; obviously we had achieved a wonderful triumph.


LITELANTES and I commented very happily all this; obviously we had achieved a wonderful triumph.


Days later we continue with these experiments; we learned to put the physical body into the higher cosmos...


Today, through direct experiences we know that with the help of DIVINE MOTHER KUNDALINI, we can put the physical body in the "JINAS" state, to travel through the cosmos above.


                                                                      THE DIONISIAN WAVE  


Unquestionably MAMMOM and DIONISIO, by being they are incompatible both in their continent and in their content, could never be reconciled.


In an axiomatic, irrefutable way, we can and must define MAMMOM with two terms:



b.) GREEDINESS. (Gold, riches).


Correctly, and in a conclusive and definitive way, it is urgent to define DIONISIO thus:





It is opportune to quote now between the splendors of this poor humanity, that date and hour - February 4, 1962- , in which all the planets of our solar system met in supreme cosmic council; precisely in the brilliant constellation of Aquarius, to begin the new era between the august thunder of the thought.


From that memorable date and under the regency of URANUS, the very venerable and meritorious Lord of Aquarius, vibrates intensely in all nature the Dionysian Wave.


It is worth emphasizing in this chapter, the transcendental news that such a planet mentioned, has been, is and always will be, the brilliant planet that rules and intelligently governs the sexual endocrine glands.


Now you will explain for yourselves, the intrinsic motive that in these instants originates the intense Dionysian vibration.


However, it is palmary, evident and manifest, the concrete fact that the earthlings, in their overwhelming majority, did not measure up to the circumstances; they were not able to positively polarize with such Wave...


Defining the two aspects - positive - negative - of that cosmic vibration, is urgent, indispensable.


DIONISIAC POSITIVE POLE: Subliminal sexual pleasure; voluntary transmutation of the semen entity; Awake Consciousness; Objective Knowledge; Superlative intuition; Transcendental music of the great classical masters, etc., etc., etc.


DIONISIAC NEGATIVE POLE: Sexual degeneration; Infra-Sexualism of all kinds; sexual degeneration; demonic pleasures in the infernal worlds through drugs, hallucinatory mushrooms, alcohol; infernal music, etc., etc., etc.


To fully understand the intimate processes of these two poles of the Dionysian Wave is something very urgent...


As a living example of this pair of diametrically opposed poles, corresponding to the aforementioned undulation, it is appropriate to mention here, as an illustration, two contemporary revolutionary movements from that date of 62 year of the last century at that moment (50 years before the 2012 year marker)


In a delicate way I want to refer clearly and unambiguously to the "INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSAL CHRISTIAN GNOSTIC MOVEMENT" and also to the obverse of the Dionysian medal, known with the name of "HIPPIE Movement".


Unquestionably, the two mentioned psychological antipodes constitute "PER SE", a living demonstration of a pair of opposite poles of the tremendous Dionysian vibration.


In coming judiciously to this part of this chapter, the need for a didactic confrontation becomes unavoidable.


Dionysian drunkenness, Ecstasy, Shamadi, obviously are indispensable when it comes to experiencing that which is the truth, the real. Such exaltation is a hundred percent possible through the technique of meditation.


Psychedelia is different: translate this term like this: PSYCHIS, soul. DELIA, drug.


Specifying will say: The psychedelic is the anti-pole of meditation; the hell of drugs is inside the planetary organism in which we live; under the same epidermis of the earth's crust.


The hallucinatory mushrooms, LSD pills, etc., etc., etc., evidently intensify the vibratory capacity of the subjective powers, but it is ostensible that they could never originate the Awakening of Consciousness.


Drugs fundamentally alter sexual genes and this is already scientifically proven. 


Meditation and Psychedelia are incompatible, opposed, antagonistic; they could never mix.


Unquestionably these two factors of Dionysian drunkenness, they point out, indicate, psychological rebellion.


Gnostics and Hippies were annoyed with the vain intellectualism of MAMMON; they got bored with so many theories; they came to the conclusion that the mind as an instrument of investigation is too miserable...


Zen? Gnana Yoga? That is superlative. There are dormant faculties of cognition infinitely superior to the mind within us; through the latter we can directly experience that which is real, that which is not of time.


The Hippie Movement preferred the hell of drugs; undoubtedly it was defined perversely.


The Gnostics, fully disillusioned with the foolish intellectualism of MAMMON, drink of the wine of meditation in the cup of perfect concentration.


Psychological, radical and background changes become urgent when we become disillusioned with the rascals of the mind.


Returning to the original starting point is indicated; Only thus it is possible a radical transformation.


Sexology? Good God and Holy Mother! This theme horrifies the Puritans...


It is written with words of fire in the sacred scriptures, that sex is a stumbling block and a rock of scandal...


Highlight the evidence that we are not children of any theory, school or sect.


In the raw root of our existence we only find a man, a woman and a coitus...


We were born naked, someone cut the umbilical cord; we cry and then look for the mother's breast...


Dress ?, Schools ?, Theories ?, Erudition ?, Money ?, etc., etc., etc., all that came afterwards in addition.


Beliefs of all kinds exist everywhere, however, the only force that can transform us in an integral form, is that which put us on the carpet of existence; I want to refer to the creative energy of the first moment, to the sexual potency.


The amorous delight, the erotic enjoyment is by logical sequence, the greatest joy...


Knowing how to copulate wisely is indispensable when a definitive psychological change is sincerely desired.


The "Hippies" sensed all this when they revolted against MAMMON, but they went astray; they did not know how to tune in with the positive pole of Dionysus.


The Gnostics are different; we know how to enjoy, we like to transmute and sublimate the libido. This is not a crime.



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