Through understanding of  the work, you can accept life as a real work. Then you will be in a constant state of self-remembering. This state of consciousness itself take you to the terrible realism of the transformation of impressions.


 The same impressions normally, or supra-normally we said better, would lead to a better life in what you naturally respect. Life will no longer work upon you as it did before. You will begin to think and understand in a new way. And this is, of course, the beginning of its own transformation.  But as long as you continue to think in the same way, it is clear that there will be no inner change. Transform the impressions of life is to transform oneself. This entirely new way of thinking can be done.

You will naturally understand: React continuously. All those reactions constitute our personal life Changing one's life is not really changing one's own reactions. But external life comes to us as mere impressions that force us to react.


 Life consists mainly of a successive series of negative reactions that gives as incessant response to the impressions that come to mind. Then, our task is to transform the impressions of life so they do not cause such a kind of response. But to achieve this it is necessary to be Self-Observing from instant to instant, from moment to moment. It is urgent, therefore, to be studying our own impressions.


 You cannot let impressions arrive in a subjective, mechanical way. If we do, it is equivalent to starting life, we need to begin to live more consciously.  The individual can afford the impressions arrive mechanically, but if do not make such a mistake, if transforms impressions then begins to live consciously, for it is said that this is the FIRST CONSCIOUS SHOCK. First Conscious Shock consists in transforming the impressions that come to mind at the time of entry, you can always work on the results thereof. It is clear that, they expire without mechanical effect, which are always disastrous in the interior of our psyche.


A defined vibration of work, an assessment of the teaching, means that this Gnostic Esoteric Work must be carried to the point where impressions enter and are mechanically distributed to wrong places by the personality to evoke old reactions.


I will try to simplify this: For example, if we throw a stone at a crystalline lake, impressions are produced in it, and the responses to those Impressions given by the stone are manifested in waves that go from the center to the periphery, right?.Well, now this example. To the Mind, let us imagine for a moment like a lake, suddenly the image of a person appear. That image is like the stone of our example that comes to the lake of the mind, then the mind reacts in the form of impressions, right?; or say, in the form of reactions.


 Impressions are those that produce the image that arrive to mind, the reactions are the responses to such impressions. If you throw a ball against a wall, the wall receives the impression. Then comes the reaction, which involves the return of the ball to whom threw it. Well, it may not come straight but the ball bounces anyway and that's Reaction.


 The world, then, is formed by impressions. For example, we get the picture of a table to the mind through the senses. We cannot say that the table has arrived or that the table has entered our brain,that would be absurd. But the image of the table is stuck. Then our mind reacts immediately saying: this is a table, which is made of wood or metal, etc. Bien, Well, now, there are Impressions that are not pleasing, for example the words of an insult, right? We could transform those words of insulting. Words are as they are.  So what could we do? To transform the impressions that such words produce us. Yes that's possible.


 The Gnostic Teaching teaches us to crystallize the 2nd power of Christ in us by a postulate that says: "MUST RECEIVE WITH PLEASURE THE UNPLEASANT MANIFESTATION OF OUR FELLOW MEN. This is the way to transform the impressions produced in us by the words of an insulter. This postulate will naturally lead us to the crystallization of the 2nd force (the Christ) in us, to cause (Christ) to take shape in us. It is a sublime, esoteric postulate in one hundred percent.


 If from the physical world we know only the Impressions, then properly the physical world is not as external as people believe.  Rightly said Emmanuel Kant: "The exterior is the interior."  So, if the inner is what counts, we must. The impressions are interior. Thus, all objects and things, everything we see exists within us in the form of Impressions that vibrate incessantly within our Psyche. The mechanical result of such Impressions has been all those inhuman elements that we carry within us and which we have usually called EGOS, and which together constitute the Self.


Suppose, for example, that an individual sees a provocative woman and does not transform his impressions. The result will be that naturally they, of lustful type, produce in him the desire to possess her. Such desire comes to be the result of mechanical type of the received impression and crystallizes, and takes shape in our psyche. It becomes into one more aggregate; That is, in an inhuman element which in its entirety constitutes the EGO.


 We will continue to reflect. In us there is Wrath, Greed, Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony.


Wrath   Why?  Because many Impressions came into our interior and we never transformed them. The mechanical result of such Impressions of Wrath, form the EGOS that exist, and live in our Psiquis and that constantly make us feel anger.


Greed.. Undoubtedly, many things in us awoke Greed: money, jewels, material things of all kinds, Those things, these objects, came to us in the form of Impressions, in something different, Such untransformed Impressions, of course, become EGOS of Greed.


Lust. I said that different forms of lust reached us in the form of Impressions, ie, emerged within our mind, images of erotic type whose reaction was lust. Since we did not transform those lustful waves, those impressions, that lustful feeling, that unhealthy eroticism, naturally the result did not wait. It was completely mechanical, new EGOS, were born in the interior of our psyche, morbid egos.


 No one could say that you are seeing a tree in itself, you are seeing the image of the tree but not the tree. The thing itself, as Emmanuel Kant said, nobody sees it: you see the image of the thing; that is, it arises in us the impression of a tree, on one thing and these are internal. And the mechanical result do not wait. It is the birth of new EGOS that come to enslave even more our Consciousness, that come to intensify the dream in which we live.


 When you really understand that everything that exists within oneself, in relation to the physical world are nothing but impressions, also it understands the need to transform those Impressions   and in doing so, the transformation of oneself takes place. There is nothing worse than slander or the words of an insulter. If one is able to transform the Impressions that produce such words, they are worthless; That is, they remain as a bottomless check. Certainly the words of an insulter have no more value than that which gives them the insulted. If the insulted does not give them value, I repeat, they remain as a bottomless check. When one understands this, then transforms the impressions of such words, for example, in love, in comprehension for insulter. This naturally means Transformation. Thus, we need to be transforming incessantly the Impressions, not only the present but the past.


 Within us there are many impressions that we made the mistake of not having transformed them in the past.  Many mechanical results thereof are such EGOS which must be disintegrated so that Consciousness is free and awake. The things, the people, within you, within your minds. If you transform those Impressions you transform your life. When in one there is, for example, a person proud of his social position, of his money, but if that person thinks, for example, that his social position is a merely mental matter, that are a series of Impressions that have reached his mind. Impressions about his social state, when he thinks that such a state is merely a mental matter, or when he analyzes the question of its value, comes to realize that his position exists in his mind in the form of Impressions. That impression of the money and social position, is nothing but internal impressions of the mind. With the mere fact of understanding that they are only impressions of the mind, by transforming them, then the Pride itself decays, falls, naturally born within us humility.

 Continuing with these processes of transformation of impressions, we continue with something else. Por ejemplo: For example: an image of a lustful woman reaches the mind. Such image is an impression, obviously. We could transform that lustful impression through comprehension. It would suffice to think at that moment that this will die and that her body will decay in the grave. This would be more than enough to transform that lustful Impression into. If it does not transform, it would become in egos of Lust.


 It is therefore appropriate that by comprehension transform the impressions that arise in the mind. I think they going understanding that the outside world is not as outward as it is normally believed. It is interior everything that comes from the world. They are nothing more than internal impressions. No one could put a tree inside his mind, a chair, a house, a palace, a stone, etc. Everything comes to our mind in the form of Impressions, that's all.


 Impressions of a world that we call exterior and that really is not as outer as it is believed. It is therefore appropriate that we transform the impressions through the comprehension process. If someone greets us, praises us, how we would transform the vanity which this or that flatterer could provoke in us? Obviously praise, flattery, are nothing but impressions that come to mind and it reacts in a form of vanity. But if those impressions are transformed Vanity becomes impossible. How, then, would the words of a flatterer be transformed?  BY COMPREHENSION.


 When one really understands that he is but an infinitesimal creature in a corner of the Universe, he in fact transforms such Impressions of praise, flattery into something else; Turn such Impressions into what they are; Dust, cosmic dust. Because he understands his own position. We know that our planet Earth is a grain of sand in space. Consider that in the galaxy in which we live, composed of millions of worlds, what is the Earth? It is a particle of dust in infinity and we, we say, we are microorganisms within that particle. So what? If we understood this when they flattered us, we would make a transformation of the Impressions that relate to flattery and adulation or praise, and we would not react as a result in the form of Pride, would we? The more we reflect on this, the more we see the need for a complete transformation of Impressions.


 Everything we see externally is interior. If we do not work with the interior we go the way of error, because we do not modify our habits. If we want to be different we need to transform its entirety. And if we want to transform ourselves, we must begin by transforming animal impressions, bestials, into elements of devotion. Then arises in us the sexual transformation, the  transmutation.


 Unquestionably, this fact of impressions   deserves to be analyzed clearly and accurately. Personality we have received or acquired, receives the impressions of life but does not transform them because it is something practically dead. If the impressions fall directly on the Essence, it is obvious that would be transformed because in fact, it's deposited in the corresponding Human Machine Center.


 Personality is the term that applies to everything we acquire. It is clear that translates all the impressions of all sides of life in a limited way and practically stereotyped according to their quality and association. In this respect at work is sometimes compared the Personality as an appalling secretary who is in the room opposite, which deals with all ideas, concepts, preconceptions, opinions and prejudices. Has many dictionaries, encyclopedias of all kinds, reference books, etc., and is incommunicable in the three centers, namely: the mental, emotional and physical centers. And as a consequence or corollary, it follows that it is communicated almost always to wrong centers. This means that the impressions that arrive are sent to wrong places, that is, to centers that do not correspond and produce naturally wrong results.


I give you an example so that you can understand me better. Suppose a woman attends with great consideration and respect for a gentleman. Sure, the impressions that the gentleman is receiving in his mind are received with the Personality and this sends a wrong Centers. Usually sends the Sexual Center. Then this gentleman gets to firmly believe that the lady is in love with him and, of course, does not take much time he rush to make insinuations kind of love. Indubitably, if that lady has never had that kind of concerns about the gentleman, no longer she feels with reason very surprised. That is the result of an appalling transformation of impressions.


You see how bad secretary is the Personality. Indubitably, the life of a man depends on this secretary that mechanically seeks transformation in its reference books without understanding at all what it really means, and transmits, consequently, no worries about what might happen, feeling only that He is doing his duty. This is our internal situation.


What is important to understand in this allegory is that the human Personality that we acquire and we should acquire begins to take charge of our lives. This is too important, unquestionably it is useless to imagine that this happens to certain and specific persons happen to everyone, whoever he is.


It is obvious that these reactions before the impacts of the outside world constitute our own life. Humanity in this sense, we can say emphatically that it is completely mechanistic. Any man, in life, has formed a number of reactions that come to be the practical experiences of his existence. It is clear that as every action produces a reaction, certain actions are to produce certain reactions and these reactions are called experiences.


The important thing would be, for example, better understand our actions and reactions, to relax the mind. This mental relaxation is magnificent. Lying in bed or in a comfortable chair, relax all the muscles patiently and then empty the mind of all kinds of thoughts, desires, emotions, memories. When the mind is silent we can know each other better themselves. In such moments of stillness and mental silence, it is when you really come to directly verify the crude reality of all actions of practical life.


When the mind is completely still we`ll see a multitude of elements and sub-elements actions and reactions, desires and passions, etc., as something alien to us. But they expect the proper moment to perform precise control over ourselves over our Personality. Therein lies the reason why worth the silence and stillness of the mind. Obviously relaxation of the mind, in the fullest sense of the word, leads to the individual self-knowledge.


So lifetime, ie, the outer life, what we see, hear and live is for each person's reaction to the impressions to it from the physical world. It is a great mistake to think that what is called life is a fixed, solid thing; the same for anyone. Certainly, there is not a person who has the same impressions that with respect to life exist in the human race, they are endless.


Life certainly are our impressions of it and it is clear that we can, if we want to transform such impressions. But as said, this is a very difficult idea to understand because it is so powerful the hypnotism of the senses. Although it seems incredible, all human beings are in a state of mass hypnotism.


Such hypnosis is produced by the residual state of the abominable KUNDARTIGUADOR ORGAN. When it was removed from the human being, remained the different psychic aggregates or inhuman elements which together constitute the Myself, the Self. These elements and sub-elements, in turn, condition to Consciousness and keep under hypnosis. Thus there is collective-type. Everyone is hypnotized.


The mind is so bottle in the world of the five senses, that cannot understand how it could become independent of it. He firmly believes that is a God. Thus, our inner life, the true life of thoughts, feelings, remains confused for our merely intellective and reasoning conceptions. However, at the same time we know very well where we really live, our world of feelings and thoughts. This is something that nobody can deny. Life is our impressions and these can be transformed.


So, we need to learn to transform impressions better. But it is not possible to transform anything in us if we stuck to the world of the five senses.


As I said in past talks, the Work teaches one that if the work is negative, due to own fault. From a sensory point of view it is that this or that person from the outside world, whom one sees and hears through the eyes or ears, is to blame. This person, in turn, say that we are the culprits. But really, the blame is on the impressions that we have on people.


We often think that a person is perverse when deep that person is a meek sheep. It is very useful to learn how to transform all the impressions we have about life. Learning to receive, we would say welcome, the unpleasant manifestations of our fellow men. Scientifically speaking about the impressions that come to us and how to transform, say the following: the impressions that come to us correspond to the Hydrogen 48.


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