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June 30, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel


Hilarion: Start Working for the Highest Good for All, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, June 29-July 6, 2014,

Beloved Ones,

Although most of you have done the work of spiritually aligning yourselves to the higher dimensional perspective, there is still much that is coming up from your cellular memories to be acknowledged and released.

It is a matter of understanding what is occurring, as that helps to more quickly allow all that surfaces to be released without becoming engaged yet again in the emotional and mental turbulence. It is like wringing out a sponge that still has a bit of moisture left in it so that it needs a few final squeezes.

By now you all have an arsenal of tools and techniques that you have accumulated to help you move through with relative grace and ease. You have what it takes to get through this.

If you feel you need further help, then it is necessary to find a practitioner who can give you the assistance you require. There are many people well qualified to help you through this. Ask your spiritual guides to lead you to the ones who are right for your particular circumstance.

The outer world you live on is changing rapidly, although your news media would have you believe otherwise. The power struggles between leaders in many countries of the world is a sign that the system and structures that have been in place for a very long time are now in need of radical change.

Many foresee that it requires a new way of looking at things and new ways of accomplishing what needs to be changed, but there are still those who stubbornly hold on to the power structures that have been established.

The people of the world are no longer in ignorance of the widespread misuse of power in those who lead them, and have begun to put their leaders under a microscope. The writing is on the wall for these ones. Adapt and change what does not work, or step aside. The rumblings are becoming louder in their spheres of influence.

As with all change, it comes about through friction and resistance. What humanity needs to realize is that they must work together to address the many challenges the world they live on is presenting. It requires the input of all good and sincere people.

There are those who work with the grids of the Earth. There are those who have ability to bring healing and stability to various areas of the planet.

There are those in the scientific community, who are working on solutions to the many challenges that are required to be met. There are those in the economic sector, who are endeavouring to create a more equitable economic system for all.

There are those in the medical professions, who need to truly meet the needs of their people instead of feeding the structures of the pharmaceutical companies. They need to allow their people to choose alternate and more natural options for their health issues.

In every sector of society, there is a need to let go of self interest and start working for the highest good of all.

As these structures are realigned to a higher principle and the concept of working for the highest good of all upon the planet, the beneficial outcomes for all citizens of the world will create a more stable and peaceful environment.

When the basic needs of all of Earth’s citizens are met and the way forward is established through transparent communication and sincere and honest cooperation between all peoples and structures of the world, then life as they have known it will truly change for the better.

The element of fear and suspicion in all human hearts will be eradicated, and a more joyous and harmonious interaction between all peoples of the world will bring about tremendous and positive transformations.

It behooves ones, such as the lightworkers and those others of good heart and intent (who are not familiar with this term of reference), to continue to visualize, intend, and give strength and power to that which you earnestly want and desire to see manifest upon your planet. This is the focus that is asked of those who are aware and awake to the incredible opportunity that is before all of humanity in this moment of now.

As the people of the world let go of all self-centered desires from within themselves, and see the entirety of the world at large as part of themselves, this allows the higher aspects of their divinity to come shining through. When humanity feels the call to be of greater service to each other, this will open up a grander experience of universal proportions.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Photo: "All true love is from God, and man receives the divine affection as he himself bestows this love upon his fellows. Love is dynamic. It can never be captured; it is alive, free, thrilling, and always moving. Man can never take the love of the Father and imprison it within his heart. The Father's love can become real to mortal man only by passing through that man's personality as he in turn bestows this love upon his fellows. The great circuit of love is from the Father, through sons to brothers, and hence to the Supreme. The love of the Father appears in the mortal personality by the ministry of the indwelling Adjuster. Such a God-knowing son reveals this love to his universe brethren, and this fraternal affection is the essence of the love of the Supreme."

The Time of Awakening in Multidimensionality

The voice said,Be here in this Holy instant now,

these are words that cannot escape me somehow.

The past is gone, it was a very long time ago,

The future shines on us by what it will show.

Watching and waiting is the game we now play,

Observing all, letting nature go its own way.

I am the Perceiver of life in its Awakening,

Allowance is the way "LOVE" is now taking.

Condemn not, we heard that many times before,

do it and judgment will be knocking on your door.

Allow all things to be who and what they are,

Tolerance is given them, when they go to far.

Forgiveness is the greatest Aspect of "Love",

It removes all obstacles, opening the gates above.

Shame and pain is part of the Forgotten past,

Its better to leave them there Healed at last.

Self Esteem is attained when you forgive yourself,

Letting go of the thoughts that hurt,is your true wealth.

So Don't bury them but Free them by letting them go,

back to the universe,to be recycled, didn't you know.

"Let it be" , we have heard that many times before,

So Please open your heart before locking the door.

All that you need to know is inside of you when awaken.

Our minds are part of Gods mind, never mistaken.

Just go with it, we are told when we wont to try,

Question not that "which is" when you ask why.

Mind melding with our higher self we do pray,

Gods mind is part of our mind, he will always stay.

Forgetting who we are as light workers is our lot,

Remembering our Mission is the part never forgot.

Ascension into the higher Dimensions,keeps us busy,

especially when our little brother tags along,its not easy.

The many gifts of God as Love,we give as we receive,

L&L Peace & joy, happiness & health do we perceive.

When one opens his heart as he speaks, thinks & feels,

We become one with all that is, then all is revealed.

The affirmation"Center & Surrender" helps to align,

Contemplative mediation then follows up behind.

clearing ones Karma is truly just and Divine,

All Healing then begins and ends in the mind.

Awake,This is all an Illusion, a hologram of reality,

A dream you might say,its not real its a fantasy.

3D then is a school where we learn to play fair,

Give what we receive & forget whats not there.

Attachment will then becomes a thing of the past,

because true values are the Truths that always last.

Its not winning or loosing but how we play the game,

We come together as one, for we are all the same.

Our values change as we learn to reprogram our minds,

The 3D program of the DC we will surly then leave behind.

for non of this nightmare is a reality that we shall share,

The Kingdom is within, so open up your Heart center there.

One does not enter the kingdom alone, nor with Dark ones,

But with a brother of light, hand in hand , his holy sons.

Awake the time of Ascension is truly upon us this day,

The Trinity of the Father,son & holy Spirit is here to stay.

Adonai~ by Rev. Joshua Skirvin...7/1/2014

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Photo: "All true love is from God, and man receives the divine affection as he himself bestows this love upon his fellows. Love is dynamic. It can never be captured; it is alive, free, thrilling, and always moving. Man can never take the love of the Father and imprison it within his heart. The Father's love can become real to mortal man only by passing through that man's personality as he in turn bestows this love upon his fellows. The great circuit of love is from the Father, through sons to brothers, and hence to the Supreme. The love of the Father appears in the mortal personality by the ministry of the indwelling Adjuster. Such a God-knowing son reveals this love to his universe brethren, and this fraternal affection is the essence of the love of the Supreme."

July 1, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

Michael’s Message





              Beloved masters, shall we continue the review of some of our most important teachings of the past?  It is vital that you have the major objectives of the ascension process firmly entrenched within your memory bank. You are currently in the process of integrating the next appropriate level of Creator Light, with the assistance of your OverSoul intelligence. Connecting with and integrating the many facets of your fifth-dimensional Self will ultimately result in a new biological blueprint of creation.

            Your Divine Birthright includes all the gifts, talents, attributes and virtues of Creation.  They are free-yours for the taking.  However, you must earn them through your own efforts, and then share your integrated wisdom with those on the Path behind you. The wise ones / the masters of the Earth and the initiates on the Path have spent countless time and effort to bring forth their talents, and to gain the wisdom they share with everyone who is a seeker of wisdom.  Their mission is to make the journey or the task of gaining Self-mastery easier, and they deserve remuneration for their efforts.  There must be an abundance exchange. You must put forth the time and effort yourself–or you must compensate those who pave the way for you by supplying you with the advanced wisdom teachings of the higher realms. You must lift your ideas and goals to the highest frequencies possible, thereby making them refined ideals which will benefit all humanity.

            The awakening process entails moving through the many levels of the astral (emotional) plane.  Your goal is to center yourself within the mental plane of consciousness. At the appropriate time, a disciple on the Path slowly moves beyond physical family duties and responsibilities as his/her consciousness, wisdom and Light increase. Gradually, the aspirant’s influence increases, as does his/her potential to become a World Server.  It takes constant and deliberate effort to tame the ego and to gain the knowledge and expertise required to become a World Server.  You must be an outstanding example, and also have the ability to excite and stimulate desire for spiritual wisdom, in order to serve humanity as a guiding Light. An en-Lighten-ed teacher offers the truth as it has been revealed to him/her, and also the opportunity for their students to accept or reject the teachings.

So many of you are having difficulty in discovering your mission or your passion, and so you drift through your days in inertia.  You continue to do nothing, making no attempt whatsoever to initiate positive changes in your life.  Not everyone is meant to teach the masses or become a world figure.  It is those of you who are quietly going about your daily duties, as you make small steady improvements within yourselves while radiating the Love/Light of Creation down into the Earth and out into the world, who are making the most dramatic impact on the earthly negative environment.  We are seeking World Servers at a grass-roots level. Each and every one of you is needed to help lift and refine the collective consciousness of the masses.

            As you go through the trials, tests and challenges of transformation, we wish to offer encouragement to those of you who are feeling helpless and fear there is no way out of the dilemma in which you find yourselves. Won’t you open your minds to the possibility that there is help available from the realms of Godly existence, and that there is a new way of thinking and a more refined way of living available to you? 

            You pray and often beg in desperation for assistance; however, if it does not come in a form you are comfortable with, you deny and reject it. Prayers are always answered.  Prayers asking for the greatest good manifest as miracles large and small, and open the path for a life of ease and grace.  Prayers of the ego desire-body are answered by allowing you to seek your own solutions, which are manifested from your misconceptions and inappropriate actions. The lessons of life are learned by experiencing what you have created.  The ego attracts disharmony and dissatisfaction, and it causes the seeker to look outside of self for solutions and gratification. You must learn to pray with the purity of your heart and with intentions of the highest order. As you raise your Light quotient, you will increase the magnetic attraction of the heart.  You must learn to receive the abundance bestowed upon you with thanksgiving and a grateful heart.

            Why not start your mission statement by listing the negative things in your life you would like to change? Begin with several small changes in your life, and remember, you must begin with yourself. We assure you that if you make a concerted effort, and use the tools we have given you, you will begin to see dramatic changes in your life.  We ask you to put us to the test. With an open mind, study some of the basic concepts we have given, and slowly but faithfully, implement into your daily life those that you resonate to most strongly.  Give us permission to guide and inspire you, and by doing so, you will have the forces of Heaven behind you. You can only fail if you give up, beloveds.

            Time is of the essence, for it is very apparent that the fear and anger of the masses, the power of the forces of nature, and the Earth changes/cleansing are accelerating and increasing in intensity every day.  There is an intense polarization building between the various factions, not just in isolated places around the world, but in every country, involving every race, culture, religion and political affiliation.   We have told you that the chasm between the Light and the shadowlands is widening, and it is very apparent from both a lofty and earthly viewpoint.  We see clearly the areas that are being bathed in the Living Light, thanks to you, the faithful Sentinels of Light.  We also see the swirling whirlwinds of negativity and chaos building in a multitude of countries, provinces, cities, towns, neighborhoods and even among families around the world.

            If you are caught up in the rhetoric of the worldwide news media, you cannot help but be aware that there is a feeding frenzy of negativity being spewed out into the airways and consciousness of those who are receptive to the distorted messages of sensationalism and separation. Fear of deprivation, anger at rulers, leaders and the government, and an indignant sense of entitlement to goods and services, without personal responsibility, are symptomatic of the intense fear of change that is taking place within every area of the world and within the human consciousness.

            It is time for the next step in the ascension process to begin, and many of the advanced aspirants on the Path are already becoming proficient and engrossed in the procedures.  At this time, there is no question that those who are in any way advanced in spiritual consciousness are having their awakening/evolution process hastened as never before in the history of the world, in order that they may act as transmitters and interpreters of Universal Law and Cosmic Truth.

            You, the aspirants on the Path, are becoming proficient at building and using multiple Pyramids of Light / Power in the fifth dimension as you slowly but surely become acclimated to a lower fifth-dimensional environment. You have opened the pathways to the Cities of Light so that you can gradually incorporate higher and more refined frequencies of Light.  You are also preparing yourselves to interact on a regular basis with the many facets of your Higher Self and the great Beings of Light.

            The call of reunification is beginning for many of you, whereby your highly developed Soul Song is reaching various members of your God Self. As you refine your vibrational patterns and your Energetic Signature reaches a certain level of harmony, your Soul Song will begin to reverberate out into and through the fourth, into the fifth and for some of you, possibly even into the sixth dimensions, and very gradually into the auric fields of some of the Soul Fragments of your Higher Self.  Slowly, as these blessed facets of your Self become aware of you, they will begin the process of moving into alignment with you.  Those whose resonance is lower than yours will fall into line below you, and those who are on the Path ahead of you will slowly move into the column of Light above you.  You will also be moving laterally, as well as higher, into the refined realms as all of the fragments of your  I AM Presence gradually begin the process of moving closer and closer to your central column of Divine Light. 

            For some of you this information will be confusing; however, many of you are experiencing this process in varying degrees during your nightly sojourns or in meditation.  Therefore, we wish to give you a basic understanding of what is taking place at the various levels of the ascension process. 

            As you study and delve into the mysteries of Cosmic Truth, you will build a reservoir of knowledge which you can draw upon when needed.  Also, as you gain access to your Sacred Mind, it will seem as if you have tapped into a Cosmic source of information; however, in the beginning, it will be your own ancient, extensive past that has been made available to you. You will become increasingly sensitive to ideas, concepts and complex information, and you will gain the ability to tap into this rich storehouse of information at will. 

            We encourage you to study each of the important points below, until you have a comprehensive understanding of its meaning, so that you may decide if the concept is valid for you. You may then make an intelligent decision as to whether or not you wish to integrate the knowledge, and then claim it as part of your core truth. Discernment is vitally important as you replace your old out-dated, restrictive beliefs with new, higher frequency, and expanded conscious awareness.  It is the way of a Self-master. 

  • The focused gaze of humanity is being lifted out of the stifling quagmire of earthly existence onto the far-distant horizon of the future.  Desire for material riches is being replaced with a yearning for Soul consciousness.

  • Focused intelligence is necessary to successfully enter the many sub-planes of the fifth dimension so that you may tap into the vast storehouse of wisdom and advanced abilities available therein.

  • World Servers will be held together by a strong Soul connection-a remembrance of a solemn oath to serve humanity, with a common goal of ascending in consciousness.

  • Heart-felt prayers of gratitude and supplication for the greatest good of all, along with Soul-focused meditation must become the accepted form of communing with our Father/Mother God and the great Beings of Light.

  • Vast numbers of Souls, who are still functioning within the illusion of the third- / fourth-dimensional environment, are gradually awakening to the nudgings of their Soul-self as they move beyond the influence of the mass consciousness belief structure. 

  • It is vitally important that you gain control of the ego-personality and the sub-conscious mind, so that the Over-Soul/ Higher Self may begin to radiate forth its wisdom to your Soul-self.

  • It was preordained that facets/Sparks of the angelic kingdom and of other great Beings of Light would incarnate on Earth, and follow the path of humans.

  • Portals of initiation were opened and have remained open down through the Ages. However, in the past, only a few brave Souls made it past the Open Door and gained Self-mastery.

            As you evolve and become skillful at sharing your wisdom with others, you will become increasingly sensitive to the subtle messages, concepts and ideas from your guides, teachers, angelic helpers, and the en-Lighten-ed masters from the higher realms. When you have turned the information you have garnered into wisdom, and have become a living example of each new, advanced level of consciousness, you will then be qualified to teach the concepts to others. You must experience that which you teach and become a shining example, which is the most effective way to get the attention of others.

            Remember, my brave ones, in every era and major cycle, Cosmic Wisdom and Divine Truth are made available to those with open minds and loving hearts. Submission to the Will of our Father/Mother God means adherence to the Universal Laws as they are revealed to you.  A Self-master always strives to make the highest choices, has a burning desire to serve others, and is always responsible for their own actions. Call on us and allow us to Light the way as you journey forth into the future.  You are loved most profoundly.  I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from : * *

Photo: "All true love is from God, and man receives the divine affection as he himself bestows this love upon his fellows. Love is dynamic. It can never be captured; it is alive, free, thrilling, and always moving. Man can never take the love of the Father and imprison it within his heart. The Father's love can become real to mortal man only by passing through that man's personality as he in turn bestows this love upon his fellows. The great circuit of love is from the Father, through sons to brothers, and hence to the Supreme. The love of the Father appears in the mortal personality by the ministry of the indwelling Adjuster. Such a God-knowing son reveals this love to his universe brethren, and this fraternal affection is the essence of the love of the Supreme."

The Time of Awakening in Multidimensionality

The voice said,Be here in this Holy instant now,

these are words that cannot escape me somehow.

The past is gone, it was a very long time ago,

The future shines on us by what it will show.

Watching and waiting is the game we now play,

Observing all, letting nature go its own way.

I am the Perceiver of life in its Awakening,

Allowance is the way "LOVE" is now taking.

Condemn not, we heard that many times before,

do it and judgment will be knocking on your door.

Allow all things to be who and what they are,

Tolerance is given them, when they go to far.

Forgiveness is the greatest Aspect of "Love",

It removes all obstacles, opening the gates above.

Shame and pain is part of the Forgotten past,

Its better to leave them there Healed at last.

Self Esteem is attained when you forgive yourself,

Letting go of the thoughts that hurt,is your true wealth.

So Don't bury them but Free them by letting them go,

back to the universe,to be recycled, didn't you know.

"Let it be" , we have heard that many times before,

So Please open your heart before locking the door.

All that you need to know is inside of you when awaken.

Our minds are part of Gods mind, never mistaken.

Just go with it, we are told when we wont to try,

Question not that "which is" when you ask why.

Mind melding with our higher self we do pray,

Gods mind is part of our mind, he will always stay.

Forgetting who we are as light workers is our lot,

Remembering our Mission is the part never forgot.

Ascension into the higher Dimensions,keeps us busy,

especially when our little brother tags along,its not easy.

The many gifts of God as Love,we give as we receive,

L&L Peace & joy, happiness & health do we perceive.

When one opens his heart as he speaks, thinks & feels,

We become one with all that is, then all is revealed.

The affirmation"Center & Surrender" helps to align,

Contemplative mediation then follows up behind.

clearing ones Karma is truly just and Divine,

All Healing then begins and ends in the mind.

Awake,This is all an Illusion, a hologram of reality,

A dream you might say,its not real its a fantasy.

3D then is a school where we learn to play fair,

Give what we receive & forget whats not there.

Attachment will then becomes a thing of the past,

because true values are the Truths that always last.

Its not winning or loosing but how we play the game,

We come together as one, for we are all the same.

Our values change as we learn to reprogram our minds,

The 3D program of the DC we will surly then leave behind.

for non of this nightmare is a reality that we shall share,

The Kingdom is within, so open up your Heart center there.

One does not enter the kingdom alone, nor with Dark ones,

But with a brother of light, hand in hand , his holy sons.

Awake the time of Ascension is truly upon us this day,

The Trinity of the Father,son & holy Spirit is here to stay.

Adonai~ by Rev. Joshua Skirvin...7/1/2014

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Accessing the Wisdom of the Heart

A Message of Inspiration and Hope

Dear Ones,

On the Solstice June 21, 2014, a new awakening occurred as the Stargate of the Heartwas opened through the dedication of Lightworkers all over the world. Access to the Wisdom of the Heart was created within the field of consciousness for all who will listen.

The Heavenly realms were opened with the assistance of the Archangels and Beings of Light from the home stars of the committed souls who came together in sacred ceremony to honor the Light on that most auspicious day. Those who participated received the most powerful download of Divine Love ever received to this date. As the codes of the Stargate were activated, a new opening to the starry realms occurred.

For the first time, you were freely offered access to the gifts that seeded your soul before your incarnations into the physical world.

Each person that participated felt the calling in their soul from their home star.The sacred ceremony that accompanied the powerful intentions of millions of beings allowed the precious gifts and the talents latent within your soul to be brought into present time within your heart. The Angelic Dimensions, Ascended Masters and the Beings of Light from the starry realms offered direct connection to the core of Awakened Light.

Your soul gifts were illuminated and activations were provided so you could bring these precious talents and skills home to your heart where you can access them in daily life.

Anchoring Light

Since December 22, 2012, you have been anchoring Light in your physical bodies at an unprecedented rate. Your new awakening energy has impacted the lower 3 chakras especially. The sloughing of the old systems caused what you may have considered to be tremendous pain and upheaval in your lives. The truth is that you have been purified by the force of these tremendous waves of Light frequencies so you could become a vessel to hold the power of Divine Light. This is what you have been asking for. Any associations with past emotional trauma have been lifted. It is only your old habitual patterns that will reclaim this trauma into your present life.

Throughout the remaining months of 2014, you will find yourself having a certain Knowing, your inner resources have been enriched, and your life will begin to feel more purposeful. Invite your Soul gifts to manifest in your life. The doorway is now open. Access to the wisdom of your heart has begun, and this inspires you with ways to use your gifts. You will feel lighter now. Divine Light was blasted into your cellular structure on the Solstice. You are vibrating at a higher frequency. You may even feel a bit airborne for a while until this new frequency is integrated and anchored within your body.

With conscious active awareness you will be able to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of your old life, freed and connected to Source energy through the core of your being. Your physical body is now your vehicle for awakening consciousness. Do not mistake the sloughing of old patterns as the old ways coming back to haunt you. They are surfacing to be released. Just let them go without attention. Become more attuned to your heart’s intelligence and be aware that you are blending your most eternally connected Divine Self with your most human self. You can now allow your soul’s gifts to surface and bless the world in new ways.

Here is a helpful prayer:

Divine Presence,

Thank you for the blessings and gifts given to my Soul. May I gain awareness so I can access these gifts and expand my perception of new life. Help me to know clearly in my heart what I came on Earth to offer. May I recognize the value of the gifts I have been given. Thank you for the strength and courage to use these gifts wisely. I ask that my I AM Presence and that of all beings on the planet awaken in our hearts right now as this Divine Light illuminates our consciousness.

Thank you for opening the way for the Earth to be honored and cared for in true cooperation and love. For these and all our blessings I AM truly grateful, And so it is.

The Assistance of Nature

Your heart’s awakening during the Solstice affords new access to the wisdom laying dormant inside. Create a daily spiritual practice of opening the channels to receive your heart’s wisdom. Know that within your heart is the Truth of your journey on Earth at this time.

Your heart holds the connection to your Soul’s Destiny. Each person who is awakening in this time is asking for this pure alignment within their beings. Those who may not be so awakened are very conscious of a longing within them that aches to be fulfilled. Many ways are found to fill this longing — none of them are satisfactory until one comes back into the heart, the only place of true fulfillment.

Creating access to the wisdom of the heart becomes an adventure. As always, Nature is providing tools and inspiration to provide direct connection. Your life becomes a process of opening to the Light like the face of a flower turns to the sun. When the hard knots of the heart are allowed to be the buds of new awakening, the pure light of Heaven encourages them to gently open and receive.

All the trees, in a perfect demonstration for humans learning how to be, share their strength and alignment from Heaven to Earth. They show you how this alignment appears within your body by their strong and straight trunks. Those trees whose trunks have a pronounced curve are demonstrating for you how they follow the Light, a wise choice for all.

When you let your roots permeate deep into the Earth, you can take in the nourishment being offered by the Mother who nurtures all. When you allow yourself to receive from the heart of the Mother, you bring new vitality and well-being into the core of your body. This stirs the dormant seeds at the base of your spine and fresh juices begin to flow. You start to feel a new connection to life which sparks your curiosity and opens your eyes to the beauty all around you. Mother Nature is offering a sparkling, magical dance nowadays that is enticing you to come home to your body in a whole new way.

The trees show you what it means to be strong and stay in alignment with Source energy. They demonstrate the power that all can have with vertical access between Heaven and Earth. As branches of a strong oak tree expand, new leaves open to receive pure Light, which is converted into nourishment. Letting yourself be fed by the light of God feeds you in a way that nothing else can.

When you can sit with your back against a tree, your spine is reminded of this vertical access between Heaven and Earth. Your cerebral spinal fluid starts to flow with greater awareness. You feel like you can stand tall and be strong in a new way. Your heart receives this nourishment and a higher frequency of energy sweeps through your blood stream into every cell and fiber of your being.

At Home at Last

This new nourishment sparks your creativity. There is a new settled feeling inside that allows you to feel more at home in your body. There is a bright sense of well-being awakening in the base of your spine, and many are beginning to feel safe to be in a human form for the first time in this life. The coveted element of safety will not be fed by any situation or person in the outer world. Well-being only comes from the nurturing aspects of the Earth when you allow yourself to receive them deeply into the core of your being. These frequencies prepare you to receive your heart’s wisdom.

Nature is a great awakener and can bring you into present time in a heartbeat.Only in this holy instant of the Now will you have access to the wisdom of your heart. Seek out places in Nature to inspire you in this process of coming home to yourself. For indeed a new process of awakening is underway and since 2012 Nature is playing a key role. The elemental beings and the realms of the Earth are offering you an opportunity to know yourself. When you ask for the light of the Divine to flow through you and consciously anchor it to the Earth, you are turning the key to Wholeness. While you are in this space of healing, spend some time basking in the wonder of life, drink in the beauty, and be grateful that there are trees to learn from and flowers to inspire you.

When your heart opens to these gifts, you are blessed with a resourceful passage into the wisdom of the heart where your soul awaits and truth abounds. The vertical access to your divine nature brings you into wholeness in a way that has never been offered before. The Universal Presence of Nature is offering you a new sense of well-being so you can begin to thrive in life. When you attune yourself to Nature, a magical quality is there that sparks your creativity. Your love expands to include new qualities of consciousness. When you bring light through your being and allow yourself to receive nurturing from Nature, there is a blending of your most Divine Eternal Self and your most human.

Divine Love now permeates every cell of your being in a way that you can feel whole for the first time in this life. Be aware of this precious gift and let yourself receive access to your heart’s wisdom. Here, love will permeate your world and new life will awaken. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
Copyright June 27, 2014

Photo: "All true love is from God, and man receives the divine affection as he himself bestows this love upon his fellows. Love is dynamic. It can never be captured; it is alive, free, thrilling, and always moving. Man can never take the love of the Father and imprison it within his heart. The Father's love can become real to mortal man only by passing through that man's personality as he in turn bestows this love upon his fellows. The great circuit of love is from the Father, through sons to brothers, and hence to the Supreme. The love of the Father appears in the mortal personality by the ministry of the indwelling Adjuster. Such a God-knowing son reveals this love to his universe brethren, and this fraternal affection is the essence of the love of the Supreme."

The Time of Awakening in Multidimensionality

The voice said,Be here in this Holy instant now,

these are words that cannot escape me somehow.

The past is gone, it was a very long time ago,

The future shines on us by what it will show.

Watching and waiting is the game we now play,

Observing all, letting nature go its own way.

I am the Perceiver of life in its Awakening,

Allowance is the way "LOVE" is now taking.

Condemn not, we heard that many times before,

do it and judgment will be knocking on your door.

Allow all things to be who and what they are,

Tolerance is given them, when they go to far.

Forgiveness is the greatest Aspect of "Love",

It removes all obstacles, opening the gates above.

Shame and pain is part of the Forgotten past,

Its better to leave them there Healed at last.

Self Esteem is attained when you forgive yourself,

Letting go of the thoughts that hurt,is your true wealth.

So Don't bury them but Free them by letting them go,

back to the universe,to be recycled, didn't you know.

"Let it be" , we have heard that many times before,

So Please open your heart before locking the door.

All that you need to know is inside of you when awaken.

Our minds are part of Gods mind, never mistaken.

Just go with it, we are told when we wont to try,

Question not that "which is" when you ask why.

Mind melding with our higher self we do pray,

Gods mind is part of our mind, he will always stay.

Forgetting who we are as light workers is our lot,

Remembering our Mission is the part never forgot.

Ascension into the higher Dimensions,keeps us busy,

especially when our little brother tags along,its not easy.

The many gifts of God as Love,we give as we receive,

L&L Peace & joy, happiness & health do we perceive.

When one opens his heart as he speaks, thinks & feels,

We become one with all that is, then all is revealed.

The affirmation"Center & Surrender" helps to align,

Contemplative mediation then follows up behind.

clearing ones Karma is truly just and Divine,

All Healing then begins and ends in the mind.

Awake,This is all an Illusion, a hologram of reality,

A dream you might say,its not real its a fantasy.

3D then is a school where we learn to play fair,

Give what we receive & forget whats not there.

Attachment will then becomes a thing of the past,

because true values are the Truths that always last.

Its not winning or loosing but how we play the game,

We come together as one, for we are all the same.

Our values change as we learn to reprogram our minds,

The 3D program of the DC we will surly then leave behind.

for non of this nightmare is a reality that we shall share,

The Kingdom is within, so open up your Heart center there.

One does not enter the kingdom alone, nor with Dark ones,

But with a brother of light, hand in hand , his holy sons.

Awake the time of Ascension is truly upon us this day,

The Trinity of the Father,son & holy Spirit is here to stay.

Adonai~ by Rev. Joshua Skirvin...7/1/2014

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June 30, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

Very interesting things are happening with the RV/GCR and financial/planetary paradigm shift ….Dave Schmidt has put out some great videos and brought our awareness to Ron Van Dyke’s recent discussions and video interviews with the Ambassador of the Dragon Family in China. Meanwhile, I have been having an ongoing daily discussion with St. Germain regarding the shift to a new financial system and paradigm shift from service to self to service to all, which has lined up with everything Dave, Ron, and the Ambassador are saying. Below are some excerpts from these sources. You’ll want to bookmark Dave Schmidt‘s and Ron Van Dyke‘s YouTube channels for future video updates. Ron puts out videos every day and Dave has a weekly radio show (visit for more info). – With love, Goldenlight


St. Germain via Goldenlight 5-18-14: RV and GCR Symbolize Paradigm Transition from Service to Self to Service to All,                                      ~ Read with Discernment !!


Message transcribed by Goldenlight, © Please include this credit without alteration when reposting this message.


[wel-bee-ing] noun:
a state characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity: to influence the well-being of the world and its people.

Origin:  1605–15

Hello St Germain, I’m picking up on a topic you wish to discuss today…

Yes my dear I wanted to expound upon this topic of service to self vs. service to all and how this ties into your incoming global prosperity. This worldwide abundance which is soon to wash upon your shore so to speak is being ushered in with the assistance of the higher realms, with the contingency that this prosperity will be shared with humanity and spread around the globe, especially to the locales where it is needed most.. To the refugee camps, geographical locations where there is no running water or plumbing, and very little food… To populations within each country where the needs are the greatest…to the parts of the ailing earth that are in need of purification….to the animals who are in need of love and compassion…and to all living beings on earth. The coming RV and GCR is symbolic of a paradigm shift from service to self (the old paradigm embraced by the powers the were and by the higher echelons of society), to service to all and service to humanity. This is the way of things in the higher dimensions.. We are all focused on the harmony and well-being not only of our individual selves but also on the well-being of the whole or the all or in other words of all living Beings in our Realm. We could translate that, in earth terms, to the well-being and harmony of all living beings on your planet including humans plants and animals as well as the Elementals which are a forgotten realm.. And even of mother earth Gaia herself, for your planet is also a Being… a patient loving and kind being who has made an agreement to carry forth humanity into this Golden Age we are approaching and into the higher dimensions.

Your planet and many of the beings on it is raising into the higher dimensions and this incoming worldwide prosperity and abundance is a part of this transition.. And all who will be benefactors of this prosperity are assisting in this paradigm transition. So in visualizing this RV happening and in manifesting it into being, be ever mindful of how this financial prosperity will bring global harmony and well-being to all living things, including the planet herself, a planet which was on the verge of dying but has now transcended this and “arisen from the ashes” so to speak. You are the stewards of this planet, and have been entrusted in the care of her surface. We will not go into the subject of the beings who live on the inner earth; these beings are a higher dimensional society descended from Lemuria, a higher dimensional society which became intertwined with Atlantis and suffered its own demise on the surface of the planet, but survived and moved into the interior of the earth and still thrives as a higher dimensional society in the NOW. This is a topic for another day.

Back to the paradigm of service to all vs. service to self: Yes it is important to take care of your individual needs first, turning afterwards to how you can assist in raising the vibration of other living beings (including humans, animals, plants, elementals, and the earth herself), through kindness, generosity, sharing, compassion, and in a general upliftment of all. In restoring the earth to its former pristine condition, in treating all animals with reverence and respect, and in honoring the plants, animals and elementals upon your earth, as well as in sharing your abundance, well-being and prosperity with all other human beings. Service to self underlines separation, destruction of the earth, cruelty to all other living things, and the lower vibrations of inequality, separation, and lack; whereas service to all encompasses not only your own needs and well-being but also the needs and well-being of other living beings and the planet as a whole. It is this service to self which almost destroyed your planet and was the catalyst for a paradigm shift of Great Change.

Many of you will be coming into millions, if not billions, of dollars ? and this windfall can do much to benefit the well-being of the Whole, including your entire planet, earth, animals, plants, and human beings. Eventually your planet can become a moneyless society… money is an Earth creation and does not exist in the higher dimensions, as the beings living there have embraced the concept of caring for the well-being of All. Everything is energy and when all beings begin to emanate the higher vibrations of peace, harmony, joy, oneness, unity, love; respect, caring and compassion for other living beings, and all the higher vibrational feelings, then harmony and unity result. Many humanitarian projects and dreams are underway and steps are now being taken to fulfill them.. Let us meditate now upon all the good this wealth can create. Rather than using wealth to control, dominate, separate, enslave and subjugate populations through Service to Self,  what a joy it would be to create peace, well-being, harmony and prosperity on a global level, thus raising the vibration of the entire globe and all of humanity and all living beings. This is the new paradigm for the New Golden Age on Earth. You who are to be the recipients of this financial windfall will soon have the ability to do this, to be the Wayshowers and Pioneers of this new paradigm of cooperation, joy, abundance and harmony for all.

Let your vision be one of contributing to and fostering global well-being and let the extra wealth coming to you be used not for separation but for cooperation, not for division but for harmony. Show the world what sharing looks like, what caring for the well-being of not only self but also for others, of the earth, and of the whole looks like, and in return the harmonious and joyful feelings that will come from making the world a better place will be a feeling that is shared by all, creating a global harmony and well-being that is shared by all, not by the elite few. Let yourselves be lifted up by these higher vibrational feelings of sharing, love, joy, cooperation, harmony, and well-being. To assist another in being well and feeling joy is to assist yourself in feeling joy as two cannot be separated, only in thought… for in reality all beings are one energetic vibration and all are from the same loving energetic source.. All are emanations of a loving Source Creator expressing Itself. This RV and GCR is symbolic of a transition from Service to Self towards Service to All…..this includes focusing on your own well-being, self love and self care as well as others’ well-being, loving others, and caring for others…of resources and positive vibrations being shared by all for the good of all which in turn has the effect of creating the highest good for each being.. the positive energetic vibrations then circulate freely amongst all, eliminating strife, and accentuating harmony and joy. And in realizing this, each being acts from the standpoint of this awareness. This is the way of the higher dimensions where we all cooperate for the well-being of the whole, knowing that to affect another is to affect oneself and vice versa. So let us focus upon this vision today and let us be grateful as we all are contributing to manifesting this harmonious and prosperous new reality filled with joy, laughter, harmony, peace, and abundance for all.

Your loving St Germain

Message transcribed by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, the full message unaltered, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.

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Greetings and Salutations:


Even though you’ve heard this for the umpteenth time — your long vigil is about over. You are either doing your life, living from grace and honor, from contribution to your own or your  community, or, you think you can’t live until you have some of that mooooolah in hand. Get real! Grow up! Money does not solve your dis-ease issues–issues of unresolved conflicts, nor those of health issues that you have not paid attention to. It will solve the need to pay indebtedness yes, but unless you have an intimate relationship with money wherein you control it, know that you don’t work for money–you make money work for you– then it will control your activities.

It has always been the plan that you utilize this time to become a much more effective money manager. If you need one– this is the time to select a good one,  or learn to be it. Learn. The biblical story known as the Parable of the Talents,( Matthew 25:15)  which could have been referenced here  months ago is not too out of date.  Read it and/or get someone to tell you about it. Which one of the three men receiving talents/gifts/money are you? Do you know how to leverage?  Not too late to learn. But your time is quite short, actually.

The players are now gathered around the table and the cards have, as of this month, been played. The winners are known and that includes You. What is your reaction! How do you define your priorities and those of your close network? Who knows what you are going to be about and how will they deal with your new power. Money is power. It holds a lot of surprising stress for those who have not done their ground work. So this is very much the final message that you will get about all of this.

>From here on it will be enjoy the sunsets. Feel the breeze on your face, look beyond the horizon and be good to your self and kind to your associates. All of them. You are expected to be mature, to act maturely…and to be a part of the unfolding consciousness of the enlighted ones. …Poof….

The Bright Side, by Bernard Dozier ++ Sunday June 29, 2014
Giving Is Present Moment Creation
Creation was (is) a divine explosion of incalculable
gratitude of indescribable scope radiating from Cen-
ter to Circumference on an infinite scale. It was (is)
the giving of Divine Essence, Substance, Being, Life,
and Form to all that we sense, imagine, and intuit.

Why we give is rooted in the Creator and the Crea-
tion, but to do justice to Him our thinking must ex-
pand far beyond Him serving as Host and Landlord
of Heaven. The God of Creation is Principle(unchan-

ging Lawfulness), Omniscience/Omnipresence/Om-
nipotence, expressing as universal Truth.

Giving, then, is the Creator’s imprint–symbolic and
literal–on us and on our every transaction. Our Crea-
tor’s Mind is a vast Givingness, and our mind operates
like His. Our giving enmeshes us in Creation, which
continues as Creative Principle–Cause and Effect.

Creation is a cosmic, unceasing Cause and Effect, a Giv-
ing and Receiving without end. Giving and receiving are
as intertwined as inhaling and exhaling, and are just as
damaging if one is given priority over the other.

Being attuned with The Infinite, our joy in giving and
receiving is His joy. And that means giving happily of
everything in a joy-created Creation. Giving was Spir-
itual Principle long before churches insisted on being
receivers–and they couldn’t not be if they gave Truth,
Love, and Light the way Jesus did. But giving goes be-
yond religion. It applies everywhere. Give your good-
ness (in any way, shape, or form) anywhere and it will
return, increased (in the way, shape, and form that
meets your real need and desire) from everywhere.

Thank you for whatever you can give and take whatever you need from our writing… account to send to is…any problem please e-mail….Consultations via phone are also available thru the above address. Thank you, Susan

















Dear ZAP,

After reading about about all the complaints, I thought it appropriate to speak up.

I know that you do not need a defender but I would like to say thank you for your time and concern for others.

I trust that you do the best that you can and no one with a right heart is asking for more than that.

Those who seem to believe that everything should be served on a platter to their liking, just don’t have the right heart to weather the storm.

As a result they prefer to bring everyone else down with them just so that they can feel right about being wrong.  But even in that they will not feel right when the time comes.  But they want their satisfaction now…  to their own ruined heart.

Normally I wouldn’t say much about this but apparently so many people have expressed to you his sourness of heart that it is now taking its toll.  For that I am truly sorry.

The bitter root of defilement can be very damaging.  The cure for them is to just stop listening to you.  But they continue and when things don’t come to pass as planned, they look to make others more miserable than themselves.

There is no justification in any of that.

I have no questions for you.  Just saying thanks for being there for those with the right heart to be encouraged by your time, help, and enlightenment.



For Zap

So as more information comes out one has to do their best to discern what is real and what “Next Crazy” is creating their own fame on the internet as a person that knows what is going on, or are they on some kind of ego trip just looking to gain some notoriety .

Anyway I hear too much and for too long without any real change in the world that I and all of us want so badly.  But here I share a video of Ron Van Dyke supposedly speaking  to a representative of the Dragon Family.  Now I like Ron and have been listening to him from time to time for years I think he is  a good soul and wants what all of us who are aware of the conditions in the world are and do want to see change. I agree with most of what Ron says.

Here he is speaking to the Ambassador of the Dragon Family REAllY?  WELL i LIKE WHAT THE aMBASSADOR says and the underlying spiritual message he has but is it REALLY the Ambassador or some other person portraying as one.

IS this the same person or group of people you speak to and is the message consistent ?

Of course I would love to believe that all this is being taken care of and this long journey of  18 years is over but are the people we are hearing from really in the know and are really making the change to rid the planet of the slime that has controlled things for way to long.  SO many promises and again I hear the Treasury note is Cleared for release . Again! BOOM!

Okay so then a day later my buddy Ron comes out and says…

Dragon Family cannot release funds until all the Cabal is eliminated or they will again end up with all the Cashola! And they can’t do this until 2017 ! SHIT! And we hear you say. DONE DEAL!! Funds Released !
Double BOOM! So what is it Double Boom or SHit?

I know you will say Double Boom!


But what is really the truth? My head is spinning . Visions of the Exorcist  So will your project start on the 15th as promised? OR be delayed again?
I have one in and would love to get started at least I wouldn’t be sitting on my thumbs.


So give it up.  Show me a Treasury Note. Something to see the results, big results.. but wait the RV…Hmm still not seeing Just a bunch of Clowns In IRAQ probably Controlled by the Cabal, they would have to be considering their behavior.. Can you say Retards!  Yes the World has gone mad I just need some real meat to sink my teeth into. SO you Got the Beef Sir Zapola?
( just a little sarcasm .. I think you know well ) Peace Out!


We are Forever in the Matrix until the Truth is revealed… Then it’s just another Wizard of Oz Story a Mere Illusion





Copyright ZAP 2014

Some interesting links:  Change is on the Horizon’s‘s+u-tube&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

Love and Kisses, Susan and Staff



ZEROHEDGE.COM: WTF Chart Of The Day: "Holy $340 Billion In Quarter-End Window Dressing, Batman"

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 01:16 AM PDT


Translation: Their balance sheets are all smoke and mirrors folks... -AK


WTF Chart Of The Day: "Holy $340 Billion In Quarter-End Window Dressing, Batman"

Tyler Durden's picture
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/30/2014 13:59 -0400

If there ever was any question as to what the purpose of the Fed's Reverse Repo liquidity facility was, or is (and considering we already explained it before in Fed Soaks Up Record $200 Billion In Year End Excess Liquidity and Month-End Window Dressing Sends Fed Reverse Repo Usage To $208 Billion: Second Highest Ever), the amount of reverse repos issued by the Fed to make banks appear healthier than they are and to cure whatever "high quality collateral" shortfalls banks are now chronically experiencing, should slam the door shut on any future debate just what the motive behind the Reverse Repo is.
Behold: a record $340 billion in reverse repos submitted by the world's financial institutions with the Federal Reserve, an increase of $200 billion overnight, and amounting to a record $3.5 billion on average among the 97 operations participants. Considering this is a clear quarterly event, it goes without saying that all the reverse repo is, is a quarter-end window dressing mechanism underwritten by Mr. Chairmanwoman itself.
That there was some $200 billion in excess reserve liquidity as of yesterday's market close (which today was handed over to the Fed in exchange for one day rental of Treasurys), or that banks actually have a third of a trillion gaping shortfall in collateral, hardly needs discussion.
Expect total reverse repo usage tomorrow to plunge by at least $150 billion as the banks will have fooled their regulator, which also happens to be the Fed, that they are safe and sound. Rinse, repeat, until the entire financial system collapses once again and people will ask "how anyone could have possibly foreseen this."
As we said last time:
So step aside any sophisticated claims that the Fed's reverse repo is a means to extract liquidity when the time to raise rates finally comes: all this latest "tool" in the Fed's arsenal is, is nothing more than a Fed-mandated and endorsed mechanism with which the banks can fool regulators and investors that they are in a far healthier condition than they really are.
And judging by the humiliating episode involving Bank of America's made up numbers that punked the Fed into believing America's most insolvent TBTF bank was healthy enough to give be billions to investors, one of the parties most "confused" by what the RRP does, is the Fed itself.
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All views expressed below are solely of Ben Fulford or his handlers and not necessarily of this blog. -AK

Monday, June 30, 2014

Benjamin Fulford - June 30, 2014: Is ISIS a CRISIS or some kind of inside joke?

Sometimes events in the news seem so surreal that it becomes a guess they are not real, or at least not in the sense we see it. That is certainly the case with the declaration of the Islamic Caliphate or ISIS last week.

The first thing to note, as pointed out by alert readers, is that there is a military contractor called ISIS that offers services in such areas as “role playing,” “exercise and evaluations,” “human intelligence,” “special operations” and “unmanned aircraft systems” among other things.

Most of their offices are either in the Middle East or the United States and it is a pretty good guess they got the contract to carry out operation ISIS in the Middle East.

When you see news article full of demands by ISIS to “hand over your daughters for sex,” or crucifixions of Christians and threats that the “black flag of Jihad will fly over London”

it is a pretty good guess you are dealing with a major psy-ops or role playing game.
Here is what and MI5 source had to say about it:

“This is a PR exercise to bring terrorism into a branded, packaged presence which is the normal purview of corporate marketing and PR. We are witnessing a global psy-op to shift the perception of “terror” groups away from being rogue psycho’s to being more like football teams playing for victory in sanitized arenas.”

As mentioned before, there has been an agreement between various secret power groups for the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate to replace the artificial borders created by the French and the British in the Middle East after World War I. That is what is happening now.

This is linked to the sudden influx of illegal immigrants pouring into the US. There has been a secret agreement, certainly not made in consultation with the majority of the people, to join North and South America into a single block. The Americas would have a population of 950 million, enough to stand toe to toe with China and India and the soon to emerge Caliphate. This is part of a plan to divide the world into about seven to nine blocs each with a population of about 1 billion that was mentioned to this writer years ago by a senior member of the Bank for International Settlements or BIS, the central banks central bank. The other planned groupings are Africa, Europe plus Russia and non-Chinese East Asia.

Speaking about the BIS, it came out with its annual report

Last week where it warned of the dangers of central banks pumping “fairy dust” to goose stock markets and warning that it will all end badly. Even more interesting, to this writer at least, was the reports’ call to “move away from debt as the main engine of growth.” In other words, the central headquarters of global Babylonian style debt slavery is suddenly waking up the reality that it is almost always wiser to earn your money before you spend it.

There are other signs of big changes planned by the elite, some of them to start in July. The big one of course it the $100 billion BRICS development bank that is supposed to come online July 15th. In addition, China is going to separately open its own $100 billion development bank too, according to multiple sources and news reports.

Together they will pack more firepower than the World Bank and the IMF.

This move is being made because of US and Western refusal to reform these organizations in order to make them reflect current world economic and demographic realities.

Speaking about the IMF, an alert reader sent a link to this very weird press conference by IMF head Christine Lagarde in Washington earlier this year involving occult numerology. If the interpretation is correct, then some sort of major currency related event is scheduled for July 20th.

As usual with predicted dates of change, so many have come and gone that this one too needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

However, in yet another sign that the world has fundamentally changed, the world’s largest international maritime exercises started last week in Hawaii where the Japanese, Indian and Chinese navies will be among the 22 navies involved. This belies all the Nazionist media attempts to hype conflict between China, the US and Japan.

It is also a good time to point out that while there is still a lot of bad stuff happening and being widely reported, there is also a lot of under-reported good news too.

For example, the Pentagon has finally announced it is ready to sign the 161 nation Ottawa Convention banning anti-personnel land mines.

The land-mines planted in past wars are still killing between 15 to 20 thousand people every year and maiming countless more.

The excuse the US needed for refusing to give up land-mines was the need for them on the border between North and South Korea. However, in another bit of good news, the North Korean government last week unilaterally offered to “stop all military hostilities” starting last Friday, June 27th, 2014, one day before the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I. This is the first time North Korea has made such a proposal since a ceasefire was declared between North and South Korea in 1953.

There is other good news out there as well. One is the decision by the US Securities and Exchange Commission to punish companies that use “conflict minerals.” One example, I ran into in the past was corporate mercenaries landing in the Congo and taking over mines for Coltan, a mineral essential for manufacturing mobile phones and other electronic devices. The local warlord they hired was paid $5000 for Coltan that was worth $50 million on the international market. Now fewer and fewer companies will be able to buy resources stolen in this manner.

Finally, this week the gnostic illuminati asked what the White Dragon Society thought of the situation of the Palestinians. The answer can be found in the original text of the Balfour Declaration

where it clearly states that a Jewish homeland could be established in Palestine on the condition that it be “clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

Given the well documented evidence of Israeli abuse of Palestinians and the Nazionist mass murder and terror directed against the Jews of Europe in order to force them into the Rothschild brainwash colony of Israel, it is clear they have lost their mandate in Palestine. The new caliphate promises to ensure the full civil and religious rights of citizens of the Israel Jewish autonomous region.

Liquid Love Light: It Is All New

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 01:07 AM PDT


It Is All New
Posted on June 30, 2014

Have you felt these new frequencies rolling in? They are calling us to be present in every moment. Your mind can have an idea of what you are going to do and it can be tumbled about in the wave crashing in. There is no solid ground, we are the ground! A new firmament is being created as we stream our lovelight from Home into this earth. Exciting, exhausting, relentless.

I had been given a vision and a date for my first step into my new expanded role. Dates shifted and the new moon called me and a friend to Mount Shasta days earlier than expected. It all happened as if in a dream,  a few hour drive up to the spot that called to us on the mountain and then back again. No walk in town, nothing but hit our mark and depart. Floating the whole way in a rich soup of energies. The aftermath, days of stillness. Packing awaits, departure looms and yet I can do nothing but lie here and dream.  We are dreaming the new into being. This is powerful work and the time is now. I heard the deep voice booming, “It begins,” and I knew its truth as my vision unfurled the shock waves of love spreading across the land.

As these waves of love pour in, they loosen the debris from each of our hearts. All the sediment that has weighed us down is being lifted, we have only to observe its departure. Like a layer of fog covering the earth, it can appear thick and impenetrable when you find yourself in the midst of it. Yet, as you stand and breathe it in, whether it be joy or sorrow, it can melt like the mist it is. This fog layer asks to be loved fully so that we can claim clear skies for all of humanity. It matters not whether it is my shadow or yours, I breathe it in and breathe it out in liquidlovelight. Alchemists of old, our time is now to show our mastery. All that has been hidden in the shadowlands, comes forth to be spun into the golden lovelight. You can do this, I can do this. It is not difficult as we have learned that all the stories have but one theme, and that is love. All that has come into our world has been to open us to receive or give the love that we are. It was never personal, but rather gifts of growth and expansion. Freedom lovers, one and all, we desire to love our hearts, and all hearts, free.

Oh, to be wild in love! To fall in love throughout the day. To love everything and everybody. I recall a younger sister sharing this sentiment thirty years ago and my response of, “You are crazy, you cannot love everyone. ” She took her life not long after as she could not find a way to remain in the dense energies of the time with her loving heart. It has been a grueling journey for sensitive souls. That time is coming to an end as we have decided, as a collective, that we desire everyone to live a life of freedom, of abundance, of  peace and harmony.

Gentleness is called for as we acclimate to these new frequencies. Our wonderful bodies are working overtime to adapt and transform. We honor them by resting, drinking lots of water, allowing them what they call for. When we completely surrender to the process, we find that whirlwinds of energy suddenly appear to complete a required task. My packing will get done with ease, this I know. I cannot decide it with my mind, only allow the movement, riding the waves. To be in tune with these waves is the essential task. Life will continue despite a to-do list that remains unchecked. We are moving into the NOW moment, the zero point field where past and future are merely words that no longer make sense.

Surrender, allow, be. Letting go of the shoulds, letting go of other’s desires, dropping into what is and finding peace. My heart is on fire with this love. It is spread heart to heart, a conflagration of lovelight exploding around the earth. We will never be the same. It will never be as hard again. Hold to nothing, allow all to move through you and you will shiver with the delight that freedom brings. To be here now, all the lifetimes of sorrow dissolved in the joy of this love. Breathe it in for now, the play begins! The new firmament is moving into place and we are the ones to create the world we desire. Expand your hearts and you will know the gift that you bring to the drawing board. Know your worth and hold your head high as you begin to give it. All on this planet, have a contribution to make. Look to your own heart, feel what lights you up and be it with all that you are. You are divinity in form, a creator god ready to play with other gods. We can create a world beyond our imagining!
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The Time of Awakening in Multidimensionality

The voice said,Be here in this Holy instant now,

these are words that cannot escape me somehow.

The past is gone, it was a very long time ago,

The future shines on us by what it will show.

Watching and waiting is the game we now play,

Observing all, letting nature go its own way.

I am the Perceiver of life in its Awakening,

Allowance is the way "LOVE" is now taking.

Condemn not, we heard that many times before,

do it and judgment will be knocking on your door.

Allow all things to be who and what they are,

Tolerance is given them, when they go to far.

Forgiveness is the greatest Aspect of "Love",

It removes all obstacles, opening the gates above.

Shame and pain is part of the Forgotten past,

Its better to leave them there Healed at last.

Self Esteem is attained when you forgive yourself,

Letting go of the thoughts that hurt,is your true wealth.

So Don't bury them but Free them by letting them go,

back to the universe,to be recycled, didn't you know.

"Let it be" , we have heard that many times before,

So Please open your heart before locking the door.

All that you need to know is inside of you when awaken.

Our minds are part of Gods mind, never mistaken.

Just go with it, we are told when we wont to try,

Question not that "which is" when you ask why.

Mind melding with our higher self we do pray,

Gods mind is part of our mind, he will always stay.

Forgetting who we are as light workers is our lot,

Remembering our Mission is the part never forgot.

Ascension into the higher Dimensions,keeps us busy,

especially when our little brother tags along,its not easy.

The many gifts of God as Love,we give as we receive,

L&L Peace & joy, happiness & health do we perceive.

When one opens his heart as he speaks, thinks & feels,

We become one with all that is, then all is revealed.

The affirmation"Center & Surrender" helps to align,

Contemplative mediation then follows up behind.

clearing ones Karma is truly just and Divine,

All Healing then begins and ends in the mind.

Awake,This is all an Illusion, a hologram of reality,

A dream you might say,its not real its a fantasy.

3D then is a school where we learn to play fair,

Give what we receive & forget whats not there.

Attachment will then becomes a thing of the past,

because true values are the Truths that always last.

Its not winning or loosing but how we play the game,

We come together as one, for we are all the same.

Our values change as we learn to reprogram our minds,

The 3D program of the DC we will surly then leave behind.

for non of this nightmare is a reality that we shall share,

The Kingdom is within, so open up your Heart center there.

One does not enter the kingdom alone, nor with Dark ones,

But with a brother of light, hand in hand , his holy sons.

Awake the time of Ascension is truly upon us this day,

The Trinity of the Father,son & holy Spirit is here to stay.

Adonai~ by Rev. Joshua Skirvin...7/1/2014


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Photo: Archangel Michael Planetary Influx of Energies will reveal greater light within you Today we feel it is advisable for you to take some time for yourselves to accept and integrate the huge amounts of information that has recently been beamed into your energy bodies, and into your cells, as well. We know that very few of you are consciously aware of what you have received. That is alright. It is in the nature of potential, in any case. For a short time, close your eyes and center yourselves in your hearts. Intend that you accept and thank your Creator for these gifts and wish them integrated with your being as you release more of the things which do not resonate with the future selves you desire. Breathe the best and highest YOU into yourself, and breathe the other out. It is not necessary to make it a long process, unless you enjoy it. You may get a visual or feeling of a color, such as our gold and blue, or rose and green, violet, etc. If you do, breathe that in and absorb it, also. Our attention is drawn to the intense and growing feeling that almost everyone has now of an impending happening which they ‘cannot put a finger on’. We will address that in two ways. First, you are correct. This feeling is right on target. Except that, in a sense, that happening is what you are already in the middle of. Many can feel it happening inside themselves and are beginning to see changes in their lives to give evidence of it. Most, however, are wondering what sort of catastrophe is just around the corner. Your peaceful and calm demeanor will go a long way to diffusing this dread they are feeling. Second, yes, there is an event of significant proportion approaching. It is, my friends, an internal event which will change everything for everybody and everything. But we would caution you in this way. When a similar event occurred at the end of your ‘Dark Ages’, the event itself passed without remark. Yet, everything changed, did it not? Now, there will be many, many observable events manifesting over the next while in your time. But, as we have said over and over for these months, they are but the reflection of yourselves. We always, always stress that. It is important for you and for your world that you begin to recognize yourselves as the change makers, not any longer as the victims of change. Look within yourselves and begin to find the divine beings that you are. Never before in the history of your world has it been as sure for this to be accomplished by you. And every tiny step taken in this direction is having wondrous effects upon your world. We are overjoyed with what we see you accomplishing. We stand in the doorway of your heart waiting to greet you. We offer evidence daily of our presence. Peace and love be yours until next we speak. I AM Archangel Michael and so it is

Archangel Zadkiel via Fran Zepeda: Your Radiant Divinity

Archangel Zadkiel: Your Radiant Divinity, channeled by Fran Zepeda, June 27, 2014 at:

The radiance that is your true self has many facets and within those facets are even more facets, and on and on, and so on into infinity. You are comprised of so many facets, and Beloveds, you are venturing to gather all those facets into and unto yourselves and in that, are creating a brilliance that is indescribable.

We give you that you are immense in your scope and thus you can easily see that Oneness is not far from being understood if you consider that concept and idiom in that light.

And so beloveds, rejoice in your immense Radiance for it is affecting the world in so many ways. Allow it to grow as you integrate all your facets by being aware of them and welcoming them to you in all their glory.

For you are immense. You are of Source. You are glorious. You are One with all.

And how do you integrate your facets? Your aspects? By continuing to clear, and by continuing to absorb more Light and by allowing and loving the many parts of you, even those unknown to you at this time. By considering yourself as whole and complete, without exception. By knowing you are One with Source.

By discarding the cloak of separateness.

By having such immense Love for who you are…With deep Gratitude for all you are.

And by welcoming and owning your Divine Self as the whole of you. By thanking your ego for its part in your awakening and absorbing it into yourself with Love as part of you but not the whole of you, not the controller of you.

By letting your True Divine Self BE in all its glory.

I continue to be available to assist you with my violet flame in transmuting all that doesn’t serve you so that you can BE Radiance as your True Divine Self. Just call on me.

I AM Zadkiel, at your service.”

©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are

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Do NOT Worry About Chemtrails…. I Repeat… Do NOT Worry About Chemtrails


Dear world,

I said do NOT worry about chemtrails… and there are reasons:

1.  Be concerned about chemtrails…. worry is useless to the cause.

2.  Marijuana will likely help detox the brain from chemtrails… have you heard of someone getting brain cancer or any cancer from marijuana… no because it is not possible… it detoxes the body, rather than adds toxic load.

3.  Love is the best antidote to chemtrails… when you worry about chemtrails, you will attract them… if you live loving from the heart… anything that is not love, will become ever more repellent from you… like attracts like… on the other side, if you are big into death… violence… gore…control of other human beings… then so too shall you be controlled…. by chemtrails or anything… it is called, karma.

4. I have a blog that documents that the sky elementals called SYLPHS, are neutralizing the sky toxins… most of it… they saved our planet FROM A BIG MULTI SPECIES DIE OFF… so show some respect and meet the SYLPHS.  Work with them…  they have been here since earth formed… so who is new in the neighbourhood hmmmmmm…..

5.  Educate yourself about anything that seeks control over you… but do not WORRY about it…. instead join with the solution which will be from a higher spiritual vantage point, from whence the problem came.

6.  Hold a better vision… if something in this world, is not to your liking… do not whine, ALTHOUGH TALKING CAN BE RATHER HELPFUL… instead offer your better solution, and share it… and be rewarded by the law of abundance for your contributions… watch for this law to kick in more and more… as the old world crumbles into dust.  In the old earth… if you did bad things, you got rich…. that world is crumbling… the new world, is about love, wisdom, peace, truth, unity and more… so relearn those qualities further, if you feel it is needed… we are after all UNLIMITIED BEINGS FOREVER EVOLVING…so no big surprise here, that we never stop learning.

7.  Work more consciously with our ET family, who are OBVIOUSLY IN THE SKY RIGHT NOW, through spaceship sightings, flashing stars, cloaked cloudships and more… the sky is starting to get rather busy.

Okay… so to not worry about something, does not mean you do not care, or do not take action.

Be heartful… this is where worry does not exist… if you are living focused in your mind, you probably have many hidden fears and falsely believe that you do not.

So you can get started with working with the SYLPHS….ask right now WITH YOUR HEART NOT YOUR MIND, for a visitation…


Indian in the machine

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It is with great unconditional love that I present my consciousness and energy to you now, surrounding and embracing you completely in the divine vibrations of the Creator.

Something marvellous is occurring upon the Earth at this time and more importantly within the souls and energies of humanity. People are being encouraged to acknowledge their dark side, to give the darkness of any form, that they may hold onto, space within their beings to be heard and to be observed. As the darkness arises it can create chaos as it influences and tries to control thoughts, perspectives, opinions and even actions. The darkness seems to turn your divine and acknowledged alignment to the Creator upside down, manifesting feelings of fear, stress, loss, anger and confusion. The truth is that you are now in a space of power as you exist in the space of love within you and so you as well as humanity are ready to deal with and face the darkness so it may surface and be released eternally. In fact your dark side simply wishes to be acknowledged after being ignored and striving to influence or control you to gain your attention, it simply wishes to be in your prese nce as you give it your consideration.

Your dark side is an aspect of yourself that rejects love, is fearful of love and doesn’t want to be loved by you, others or the Creator. It is the part of your being that fears the love of the Creator, this fear can manifest for numerous reasons but it stems from the pain of the separation of the soul from the Creator. Separation and the experience of existing without the Creator consciousness and recognition that is your truth becomes familiar even though it is but a moment in your soul’s journey upon the Earth. The grip you have upon your physical reality and personality could be recognised as your dark side because it is holding you back in recognising your unity and oneness with the Creator.

While your dark side is fearful of being loved due to a fear of change and the constant flow of the Creator, your dark side is a part of your being that wishes so deeply to be loved completely, absolutely and eternally. The part of you that so desperately wishes to be loved and accepted could be recognised as your dark side because your need to be loved and accepted hinders your realisation that you are already that which you seek.

Your dark side and the dark sides of humanity, negativity, pain and harmful energies have always been feared in the past, allowing such energies whether small or large to hinder the growth of the light, soul and love within your being. As we enter and exist in the Era of Love you are able to recognise that you are supported by love, you exist as love and you believe in love therefore you can face any form of darkness without fear but with a heart overflowing with love which empowers your entire being giving you heightened strength and loving power. Now you can give space to your dark side or aspect observing without attachment, reaction or anxiety. This is a very powerful space for you and humanity to be in as it means that true healing can now take place at a conscious level allowing all aspects of your being to be purified to further recognise the Creator within your being.

Many of you will have numerous explanations and descriptions of what your dark side is, it is your fears, your ego, your anger, your pain, your doubt, a past lifetime? It is important to acknowledge that your dark side whatever you recognise it to be is present with you for a reason. It is actually more sacred and special than the pure love of your being because your dark side is a catalyst for deeper Creator recognition. If you can work with your dark side free from attachment and reaction then you will be shown a gateway into the deeper truth and love which is the Creator within your being. Many of you who focus upon your light, love and divine essence may not be willing to recognise that you have a dark side to your being, this is of course true, as the dark or negative aspects of your being are just an illusion but they are also tools of spiritual evolution and growth. It is time to recognise that your dark side isn’t bad or evil but can simply be limitations tha t hinder your realisation of the Creator. In truth your dark side simply fears love and yet yearns love with desperation. This doesn’t mean that it is negative or even dark but is an aspect of yourself that requires attention, tenderness, gentleness and of course unconditional love.

Are you ready to accept the aspect or aspects of yourself that fear and yearn the love of the Creator simultaneously?

The answer is that you are ready and in fact all of humanity is ready as these aspects of your being are being shown to you with such vividness but now you have the tools as if you have progressed to a level of consciousness and awareness to realise that many illusions are present which simply require healing, a new perspective and the abundant forgiving love of the heart. The real question is are you ready to exist in a reality detached  from the energies that arise within you, not allowing yourself to believe that negative emotions, feelings or thoughts belong to you even if you have created, projected and held onto them.  This time upon the Earth is such a powerful time of healing because it is as if you are all graduating to new levels of spiritual evolution, facing your fears and what could be labled your dark side will only create greater freedom, happiness and bliss within your reality and being.

At this time the key areas to focus upon are, to heal your fear of love and to heal your yearning to be loved by the Creator, both are healed through the acceptance of your own unconditional love projected to yourself gently and peacefully to instigate and inspire the necessary vibrations and beliefs to fall away, thus you unlock the love within your being and experience it more fully. Both the fear of the Creator’s love and the yearning for the Creator’s love are actually an aspect of yourself not wishing to feel, sense and acknowledge yourself as a complete being of love. Your spiritual evolution and ascension is a journey of you allowing yourself to experience the completeness of your love, each small step reveals the eternal presence and support of your love to you for deeper understanding and recognition.

Here is an invocation that I feel supports you in experiencing that which I am sharing;

‘I now completely and absolutely love myself, especially all aspects of myself that I recognise as my dark side. In my recognition of my complete love within my being I dissolve all fears of love, being loved and the influence of the Creator’s love. I now allow myself to embrace the Creator’s love. I dissolve all feelings of yearning for love of any form as I know the complete love of the Creator exists within me and is a fountain from which I can draw to nurture and nourish my being forever more.’

You may also wish you affirm;

I completely accept my fear of and yearning for the Creator’s love, I am the complete love of the Creator, this is my truth.’

As many people face their dark sides maybe even multiple times they will find themselves experience a heightened vibration, light, experience of freedom and a deeper sense of the Creator’s love. It is a process that is required to occur within your being in order to fully manifest and project the Era of Love from your being.

Let all fears subside, you rest in the love of the Creator, allow this understanding to bring deep profound peace.

With unconditional love,

Archangel Metatron


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Archangel Zadkiel’s July 2014 Message


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation.  We are being joined by Sananda (Yeshua) to discuss keeping your energetic channels clear.

The incoming energy is providing you with many opportunities to move to higher levels of being and to experience new insights and awakening.  This process is much easier when your energetic channels are clear and free from old or outdated ways of thinking and being.
Clearing your energetic channels can be compared to clearing debris from a highway.  Your journey is much easier when you do not have to navigate around items in your path.  When your energetic channels are clear, you can rise to higher levels in a natural process of ascension.

The clearing and purification process begins with a desire to move to higher levels.  You have studied many concepts, and you are aware that there are levels and worlds beyond your current state of being.  This awareness has enabled you to move to your current level, and it has prepared you to rise even higher.  Keeping an open mind will allow your present concepts to expand and change, and new ones can emerge as you ascend.  You are presented with new information as you remain open.  The information is there, and your openness and receptivity will allow it to come into your awareness.

Keeping your receptivity open can begin by remaining in a state of acceptance and non-judgment of others.  Each person is at a certain point on the path.  You can send them Love by connecting with their Divine Spark within their heart center.  It does not mean that you have to agree with their views or actions, but remaining free from judgment will keep your energetic channels clear.  Judgment is like a boulder on your path.  When you release judgment, you are clearing an obstacle in your channel.

Keeping an open mind also applies to new concepts.  What you now accept as part of your beliefs and philosophy may have, at one time, seemed foreign to you.  Now, it is a natural part of who you are and what you believe.  By keeping an open mind and remaining non-judgmental to concepts, you have removed another rock on your path and purified your channels even more.  When your channels are clear, new concepts and understanding can enter more easily.

Many levels of understanding exist simultaneously.  An open mind and a desire to see a bigger picture allow this new understanding to come into your awareness.

As you encounter new concepts, you can examine them to see whether they resonate with you.  If they do, you have added another level of awareness.  If they do not resonate with you, you can set them aside for future consideration or discard them entirely.  It is your willingness to look at new concepts that keeps your energetic channels open.

Another aspect of keeping your energetic channels clear is forgiveness.  When you hold on to negative feelings about someone else or a situation, this forms a block in your energetic channels.  Many times the person with whom you have angry, hurt, or otherwise negative feelings may not even be aware of your feelings.  Even if they are aware, your negative feelings toward them are causing you much more harm than you can imagine.  The negative feelings form an energetic block that slows or impedes the flow of higher level energy.  Again, it is as if you have placed a large boulder in your path on your energetic highway.  Not only does this form a block, it also attracts more energy of a similar type due to the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction.  Negative feelings vibrate at a lower frequency than positive feelings, and what you focus on expands.  Therefore, you are actually harming yourself when you harbor negative feelings about someone or a situation.  When you forgive someone or a situation, you are removing an energetic block, and this allows higher level energy to flow through you.  When you take this process to the next level by sending Love to them, you are opening the way for even greater understanding and harmony.

Another aspect of forgiveness is forgiving yourself when you feel you have not measured up to your desired ideal.  Each situation is a learning experience.  When you feel that you have not measured up to your ideal, take a moment to review the situation and your actions.  Look for the lesson in the situation, and replay it in your mind as you wish you had handled it.  This prepares you to choose another option should a similar situation arise in the future.  Then forgive yourself for not living up to your desired ideal.  Forgiving yourself is just as important as forgiving someone else.  If you find that you need extra help in the forgiveness process, you can call on the Violet Flame to assist in the process of transmuting and transforming the energy.

When you consider that all of humanity is an interconnected energetic network, the concept of forgiveness can be viewed from a higher level.  It is truly a case of the Golden Rule and treating others as you would like to be treated.  Because you are part of this network, forgiving yourself is important because, at a higher level, energy is even more connected, and you want to have what flows from you to others to be as loving and positive as possible.

Beloveds, you are making rapid progress in your ascension to higher levels.  We encourage you to continue your rise to higher dimensions by keeping your energetic channels clear through practicing non-judgment and forgiveness.

Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, along with Sananda,
…and we surround you with Love.
And so it is.

All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson,
Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given.  Linda M. Robinson,
This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission.  Email:

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June 26, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

Source: Joan Ocean

As with all extraterrestrial news, please research this material for yourself and reach your own conclusions. Historically, when this type of spiritual and educational extraterrestrial information is revealed, you often find Internet disclaimers attempting to deny it.


Art by Jean-Luc Bozzoli

Time Capsules-vicinity of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico

In 1972, the Ancient Arrow site was discovered in New Mexico by a few young hikers.

These caverns were spreading out like a wheel on both sides of a long tunnel. Each side-tunnel ended in a chamber, 23 all together, and these chambers all had artifacts in them.

The site was subsequently taken over by a special branch of the United States National Security Agency whose mission is to create and decode encrypted messages.

Upon further explorations of the caverns and the chambers, they found other artifacts besides paintings, such as poetry, music discs and a disc containing more than 8,000 pages with written material in a language similar to Sumerian. However not even the best linguists at the U.S. Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) could decode any of it.

Eventually one of the scientists who devoted his life to understanding these encoded transmissions, found himself in telepathic contact with the very civilization that prepared this underground enigmatic time capsule. They are a civilization living 800 years into our future on our timeline and they left these traces and the advanced wisdom to us to be opened in our future when we on Earth, are ready.

The creators of the time capsule referred to themselves as WingMakers. They claimed to be culture bearers, bringing seeds of art, science and philosophy to humanity. They created in remote locations on Earth a total of seven of these massive interior theaters, tunnels, chambers and time capsules to be discovered according to a well-orchestrated plan. Their apparent goal was to help the next several generations of humans develop a global culture; and a unified understanding of advanced science, art and philosophy.

   Similar chambers and amphitheaters inside mountains have been located in Tibet and Iraq and another appears to be beneath the Sphinx in Egypt. Interestingly, archeologists digging near some of the remarkable time capsule locations have discovered burial plots that upon exhumation reveal skeletons measuring 7 to 10 feet tall, supporting the research that very large people inhabited these areas.


Romania (another time capsule there)

In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi Mountains in Romania anarcheology team from the top secret section of the Romanian Intelligence Service made a discovery that could change life as we know it, on Earth.

    A Pentagon Satellite used for geodetic espionage detected a great hemispherical hall within the mountains. The empty space inside this mountain had no correlation with the outside, and looked like it was carved from the inside by intelligent beings. It was definitely not a cave.

The satellite scan of the mountain revealed two major energy blocks. These barriers are made of artificial energy. The first one is like an energetic wall, blocking access to a tunnel, while the second one is shaped like a dome and located at the opposite end of the tunnel, near the center of the mountain.

     The investigative team were able to penetrate the mountain and reach the first gallery, which looks like a subway tunnel. Its walls are perfectly polished. At the end of the tunnel there is a massive stone gate, which is protected by an invisible energetic barrier. Three members of the first special intervention team approached the energetic barrier. One person reached out to touch it and immediately died of cardiac arrest.

     During another visit, one of the team members who approached the barrier in a respectful and trusting manner was suddenly able to walk right through it unharmed. He felt a ‘compatibility’ between the energy barrier and himself, a mutual sympathy. With the energy barrier deactivated, now the team could enter a huge room which they later named the ‘Grand Gallery’. Without any light source, the Grand Gallery was perfectly lit. The hemispherical shield at the end of the room began to vibrate, emitting a higher frequency vibration. The walls seemed synthetic well as organic. They could not be scratched, bent, burned, cut or damaged. It had the color of oil with reflections of green and blue.

  After continuing inside the Gallery for approximately 280 feet, they entered a side room. Ahead they could see a blue sparkly light that was the reflection of another protective field of energy.


Art by Jean-Luc Bozzoli

Baghdad, (another time capsule there)

At the same time this was happening in Romania, an advanced facility in Iraq was activated. The Iraq chambers were suddenly pulsing a higher frequency. In front of the shield in the Baghdad base, a hologram of our planet appeared, which sequentially and progressively depicted the European Continent, then moved to the southeast, showing the Bucegi Mountains in Romania, and finally showed their own location within the Baghdad caverns.

An emergency session of The Supreme Council of National Defense (the autonomous administrative authority in Romania) convened in Bucharest with top secret, USA Pentagon generals. Their goal was to prevent public access to this site and its advanced technology.

This is why I am writing about this now. So you will know about these advanced chambers, world wide in various locations and their possible access to our occupied inner Earth. The time traveling people from this ‘future’ culture have said there are seven of these facilities in different locations on Earth, and some of the tunnels are roadways to an inner earth civilization.


Art by Jean-Luc Bozzol

 Do these 7 locations relate to the legends of Shambhala that are found within the teachings of the Kalachakra or the ‘cycles of time’ of Tibetan Buddhism? Described as a land that is circular, in the shape of a lotus flower, that exists in a space between the physical and spiritual, perhaps being ultra dimensional.

    Nicholas Roerich, artist and shaman, claimed an entrance to Shambhala was connected via an underground passage to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet.

  As you may already know, these beings and others of High ultra dimensional Light can be called upon wherever you are, when you raise your spiritual vibrations to a frequency compatible with theirs.

   Setting aside the misconception that the inner Earth is merely a hot molten core, I encourage you to investigate this further. There is an impressive, scholarly and experiential history of research into the probability of our inner Earth being hollow and perhaps even serving as a pleasant environment for other civilizations that are ancient, peaceful and long-time residents of Earth.

Master of the Andes by JL 

Art by Jean-Luc Bozzol

Note from Joan:

  I have personally had contact with a Chamber of Light in the Andes Mountains at Lake Titicaca, Bolivia (at 12,500 feet) while I enjoyed a solo hike there, facilitated by my friends Angelika Whitecliff and Michael Salla. I was surrounded by beings from another dimensional reality who exist in the refined frequencies there. This civilization is referred to as the Great White Brotherhood due to the radiant white light that surrounds them.


Art by Jean-Luc Bozzol

     For more information and research please look into the works of the astronomer Edmund Halley who presented his theory in 1692 to the Royal Science of London. Marshall B. Gardner reported on polar astronomical anomalies suggesting a hollow earth. And highly recommended is the scientific and scholarly book by Jan Lamprecht, published in 1997 and 2014. Also of interest are also ancient myths, spiritual revelations, the Tibetan knowledge of this subject, books, diaries, and anomalous photographs and diagrams.

          Fifteen more years have passed, and now in April 2014, these 28th century people, the WingMakers have again established contact, reaching out to humanity. They released an interview recently detailing who they are and why they are time jumping back to our timeline in 2014. It is a very positive sign that things have changed for the better on Earth. People are now seeking freedom and equality and a humanitarian, compassionate way to live in unity among all nations. The creators of the time capsule, the WingMakers, represent a future version of humanity. They are here to assist us into the multidimensional realms where we can interact with many other spiritually advanced civilizations. The 3-dimensional, 5-sensory domain that humans have adjusted to, is the reason why we are only using a fractional portion of our intelligence. The information and experiences of these time capsule chambers are the bridge from the 3-dimensional, 5-sensory domain to the multidimensional 7-sensory domain. They name the process, Blank Slate Technology. It refers to an advanced type of time traveling, where these time-encapsulated artifacts activate or construct a bridge that can guide us to become travelers. It is less about technology and more about spiritual focus.

  We are participating with multidimensional civilizations in time travel experiences at Sky Island Ranch in Hawaii, on the slopes of the great Hawaiian mountains. As we enter the higher frequencies, we visit our positive future. Just by entering these domains we become instrumental in creating that future. This is the next step in our evolution. These are also the teachings of the dolphins and whales as they activate our DNA while we swim with them in the salt crystal geometries of the pure ocean water here.


Art by Jean-Luc Bozzol

                  Time travel can be observational in nature, which means entering a parallel domain for observation only. And many people in classified projects in various countries are already accomplished at this. But their time travel is mostly passive. It is not equivalent to time travel via consciousness where you are able to interact vertically with timelines and alter the future, thereby altering the past as well. This is a process the Hawaiian dolphins here have demonstrated to us. They have been able to physically move into a vertical timeline and be inserted into the precise space and time on Earth where the optimal intervention point has been determined, for their humanitarian assistance to us. They call it “arrival on Earth via windows in time.” (Page 161-165, Dolphins into the Future by Joan Ocean, 1997)

   The efficient and uplifting experience of time travel is not as depicted in Hollywood movies. The purpose of what we call ‘time travel’ (while acknowledging there is no such thing as ‘time’) is a teaching that reminds us we are naturally multidimensional light beings or photo morphs (as the Humpback whales call it) who have the ability to enter many more domains then the limited 3-dimensional one we experience each day. Once we break out of the belief that we are limited, we can access many more splendid worlds as our friends the Star people do. It is part of our evolution into higher, more joyful realms of light and love.

  The WingMakers, our future selves, made the decision to assist us now because there are people on Earth who are ready to consider the reality of benevolent, advanced races who can time travel and who are reaching out for contact with us to let us view our ‘future’ and to interact with them in a positive and spiritual way. This is the key to freedom. The WingMakers are graciously offering this contact, encouraging people to share their friendship and philosophy with everyone.

Thank you for your interest in this subject.

Sending this to you with Aloha,

Joan Ocean

For more from Joan Ocean

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Scientific fraud is so common in the vaccine industry, it's practically the default business model. The truth is that most vaccines don't work, so in order to make them appear to work, researchers routinely spike blood samples of vaccinated test subjects with antibodies, making it appear the vaccine caused the body to produce those antibodies.

This is exactly what Merck does with MMR vaccines, according to the company's own former virologists who filed a False Claims Act with the federal government. It's also why up to 97% of children who contract measles or mumps were already vaccinated against measles and mumps.

Now, a National Institutes of Health-funded vaccine scientist who was celebrated as achieving a breakthrough vaccine against HIV has confessed to spiking the test subject blood samples with antibodies. Dong-Pyou Han had taken $5 million in NIH grant money to further his "research" at Iowa State University. The mainstream media and vaccine advocates hailed his research as groundbreaking, "game-changing" advancements in the search for an AIDS vaccine.

But now, it turns out Han committed outrageous scientific fraud that wasted taxpayer money and diverted resources away from other important research projects. So federal prosecutors have taken the extraordinary step of charging Han with making false statements to the government. He now faces four felony counts, each of which carries a maximum prison sentence of five years. (Yes, lying to the government is a federal crime. But the government lying to us, well... that's another matter altogether.)

"It's an important case because it is extremely rare for scientists found to have committed fraud to be held accountable by the actual criminal justice system," said Retraction Watch co-founder Ivan Oransky in an ABC News article. (1)

The vaccine industry routinely gets away with fraud: Why aren't more criminal charges filed?

All this brings up the question of why more fraudulent vaccine researchers aren't charged with felony crimes. It also begs the question of why companies like GlaxoSmithKline, which openly admit to committing multiple felony crimes in the routine bribing of doctors, are still allowed to conduct business with the government at all.

The vaccine industry, you see, is run like a criminal mafia that has blanket legal immunity thanks to the U.S. Congress. Vaccines are the only product sold in the USA which can be defectively manufactured and kill people, yet still face zero legal liability in the courts.

This is true even when vaccines have been found to contain tiny shards of glass, high levels oftoxic mercury, a brain-damaging heavy metal, or even live viruses that literally infect peoplewith the very disease the vaccine claims to prevent.

In the United States, a vaccine manufacturer could spike their vaccines with motor oil, cancer viruses, live bacteria, hexavalent chromium, Agent Orange or any other chemical they wanted, and the manufacturer would still have total immunity from all lawsuits. Because of this immunity, vaccine manufacturing has zero quality control pressure in the real world, because vaccine manufacturers are not liable for defective products. So what's the difference if a few batches a year accidentally contain SV40 cancer viruses, or shards of glass, or too much mercury?

That's why Dr. Maurice Hilleman, former Merck vaccine developer, openly said, "I think that vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th century." (SOURCE)

Vaccine and drug researchers who commit fraud are also routinely given a slap on the wrist rather than being charged with felony crimes. Remember the psychiatric doctor named Charles Nemeroff who held a chairman position at Emory University? Even after being caught secretly taking $800,000 from GlaxoSmithKline and stripped of his chairmanship, Emory University -- a dubious institution steeped in drug money influence -- failed to fire Nemeroff and kept him on staff. According to the WSJ, 14 other Emory University doctors also received money from the Depression and Anxiety journal to write articles about Effector. At Emory, it seems, selling out to the drug industry is just a routine way of participating in academia.

It's time to end legal immunity for research fraud

Vaccine researchers in particular have long enjoyed a presumed legal immunity, even when they commit outrageous scientific fraud. The public has been hoodwinked into thinking vaccines always work and drug companies are engaged in "evidence-based medicine" even when it's all being faked.

In truth, most vaccines don't work on most people. This is readily admitted on the vaccine inserts themselves, believe it or not. For example, I have in my possession a Flulaval Influenza Virus Vaccine made by GlaxoSmithKline. This insert says, word for word, all the following astonishing things:

"There have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with Flulaval." (The vaccine insert openly admits the vaccine is backed by zero evidence? So much for so-called "evidence-based medicine." Now you're taking a flu shot on pure faith. Perhaps they should be called Evangelical Vaccines...)

Because some readers were skeptical that a vaccine insert would openly admit the vaccine doesn't work, I have taken a photo of this insert as shown here. This is the photo the vaccine industry desperately hopes you never see:


Other astonishing statements made on the vaccine insert include:

"Safety and effectiveness of Flulaval have not been established in pregnant women, nursing mothers or children." (And yet this vaccine is routinely administered to pregnant women.)

"Safety and effectiveness of Flulaval in pediatric patients have not been established." (Yet the vaccine is also routinely given to children.)

"Flulaval has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility." (It might cause cancer and spontaneous abortions, in other words, but they don't really know.)

"Do not administer Flulaval to anyone... following previous administration of any influenza vaccine." (No one who has already had a flu shot in any previous year should take this flu shot. Yet flu shots are routinely given year after year to the very same people who often end up getting the flu anyway because their immune systems are so compromised.)

Total immunity from FTC over blatant marketing fraud

What's interesting to note about flu vaccines in particular is that they also enjoy complete immunity from the FTC even while making blatantly false claims in their marketing.

The FTC, you see, routinely goes after scammy weight loss supplement companies for making false claims. They even threw Kevin Trudeau in prison for making false statements in a weight loss book.

But when influenza vaccines are aggressively marketed with blatantly false claims -- both literal claims and implied claims -- the FTC utterly ignores them. Think about it: what other product can get away with being marketed to the public as working even though its own safety sheet openly admits there's no evidence the product works at all?

Can you imagine an oil company selling gasoline that didn't combust? Or a soap company selling a liquid that didn't contain any soap? How about a wine maker selling a beverage that turned out to be grape juice instead of wine? In all these cases, people would get angry and the FTC would investigate. But when flu shots are sold without any scientific evidence that they really work, the federal government looks the other way and pretends no marketing fraud is taking place.

Thank goodness at least one branch of the feds is charging Dong-Pyou Han with crimes related to the massive vaccine fraud he committed. This is at least a start. If all fraudulent vaccine researchers were similarly charged with felony crimes, we'd have a court system full of such cases and we'd probably have to build a whole new prison just for the vaccine criminals, where they could all practice exposing each other to Anthrax by using CDC-approved research protocols.

Sources for this article include:

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The views below are solely those of Benjamin Fulford. -AK

Big power plays by Rothschilds, Rockellers leave Putin on the defensive and China in the middle
Posted by Benjamin Fulford
June 24, 2014

The unfolding geopolitical chess game between Western oligarchs and their puppet governments featured many big moves last week, notably in the Ukraine, the Middle East and the UK. These moves have, for now, left Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, uncharacteristically on the defensive.

The game being played in the Ukraine, by what are almost certainly proxy mercenary forces working for the Rockefellers and the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, is now clearly a move to cut off Russian gas exports to Europe. First, the new puppet Fed government in the Ukraine refused to pay for gas, then, when the Russians cut off the gas, the pipeline sending gas to the rest of Europe was blown up.

This was a response by the Feds to a Russian Gazprom move to price over 90% of Russia’s gas exports in Euros, Rubles and other non-Fed currencies. Not only that, but, according to French intelligence, the Fed puppet government in the Ukraine has been given nuclear weapons and is threatening to use them if Russia moves militarily against them. This means the Feds are holding the German’s gas and the Russian’s foreign earnings hostage through threats of violence.

That is almost certainly why anti-Fed riots broke out all across Germany last week. It is also why Putin’s economic adviser publicly called for an anti-dollar alliance.

It also gives us a possible motive for the probable murder of Richard Rockefeller on Friday, June 13th.
The Rothschilds, for their part, have made a move against the other big Russian gas export pipeline running through Iraq and Syria. The ISIS army in Iraq, run by a Saudi Prince and using US supplied weaponry, has the ability to cut off Russian gas exports running through land it controls. And now it turns out that Nathaniel Rothschild has begun exporting oil out of the new nation of Kurdistan on the northern border of ISIS through Israel.

So Putin is now reeling under a Rockefeller/Rothschild double punch. It might not be a good time for Nat to fly small airplanes.

The other big moves last week were seen as a result of the visit to the UK by Li Keqiang, China’s number 2 power broker. During his visit with Queen Elizabeth, Li, who is probably a member of the dragon family, was shown a hand written message sent to the Queen by a different member of the dragon family, according to MI5 sources. The message in part asks for the Queen’s support for “a campaign similar in size and ambition to a world war only this time the enemy will be poverty, ignorance, environmental destruction and all else that plagues this beautiful but fragile planet we all share.”

Li for his part, made a very friendly speech at a combined gathering of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) and the International Institute for Strategic Studies think tanks. In the speech Li promised China would import $2 trillion annually worth of products and invest $100 billion a year overseas for the next five years. He also promised the new government would make environmental protection and new energy technology major themes. The speech also explained in details plans to provide decent urban residences for 300 million more Chinese over the coming years.

Opium baron James Sassoon, head of the China Britain Business Council, held a 650 person gala for Li and his entourage at the Natural History Museum. The general trend of the business discussions was for the British to offer to transfer technology and know-how to China in exchange for China transferring money to the UK. The end result of all the discussions was that the British Pound became directly tradable for Chinese Yuan and London was designated as the largest Yuan financial trading center outside of China, according to MI5 an other sources.

The Fed response to this big anti-petrodollar move was to use their proxy mercenary armies to issue yet another nuclear terror threat against London.

So, to summarize the situation here, Federal Reserve Board mercenary armies have cut off two Russian energy export chokepoints, one in the Ukraine and one in Iraq, prompting the Russians to ask for an international alliance against the Federal Reserve Board. The Germans, French, Austrians and others have expressed support for this idea. At the same time, the British have made a big move to have the Chinese Yuan replace the US dollar as a linchpin to the London financial markets.
So, what is the next move going to be?

The future has yet to be written so many outcomes are still possible. However, it is clear the American oligarchs like the Rockefellers, who run the Federal Reserve Board and gave us a 20th century of misery and war, are running out of friends and allies.

For those of you who still think the Rockefellers are a bunch of has-beens, remember they have, according to Wikipedia

and other sources, funded and or led the following institutions:
The Council on Foreign Relations – David, David Jr., Nelson, John D. 3rd, John D. IV (Jay), Peggy Dulany, Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The Trilateral Commission -David, Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The Bilderberg Group – David, John D. IV.
The Asia Society – John D. III, John D. IV, Charles, David.
The Population Council – John D. III.
The Council of the Americas – David.
The Group of Thirty – The Rockefeller Foundation.
The World Economic Forum – David.
The Brookings Institution – Junior.
The Peterson Institute (Formerly the Institute for International Economics) – David, Monica.
The International Executive Service Corps – David.
The Institute for Pacific Relations – Junior.
The League of Nations – Junior.
The United Nations – Junior, John D. III, Nelson, David, Peggy Dulany, Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The United Nations Association – David. Monica.

Remember that Richard Rockefeller who died on June 13th was head of Medicines Sans Frontieres, a group that has pledged to vaccinate all children under five years of age in the world. Given the huge amount of misinformed Malthusian propaganda emitting from Rockefeller think tanks about the need to reduce the world’s population, it is hard to imagine Richard wanted to vaccinate all those kids in order to help increase the world population.

The Federal Reserve Board families have presided over the introduction of sperm killing chemicals into household products like shampoo, soap and tooth-paste and cancer causing chemicals into our daily foods. They have also turned the US medical establishment into a bunch of goons who poison cancer patients with radiation and chemicals. They have also dumbed down the education system and hijacked the political system.

A lot of Americans are angry and want revolution. Last week alone the Governor of Louisiana said rebellion was brewing against Washington while the South Dakota Republican Party called for the impeachment of President Obama.

The military and the agencies have in their possession a full list of all the names and addresses of the members of the families that own the Federal Reserve Board. If anybody else wants to find out who they are, all they need to do is go to the local library and look them up in a Who’s Who.

Here is a message to David Rockefeller: “An old age is ending and a new age is beginning, it is time to pass on the torch with honour and dignity.” Let us set up a huge series of world-wide celebrations and announcements to celebrate the transition to an age of world peace and harmony.
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June 23, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel


Dear Friends,

I have been feeling the beautiful, soft, gentle Goddess energy that has entered our earth atmosphere since the solstice this past weekend. Can you feel it? It’s a beautiful, gentle feeling, very nurturing and subtle. This energy is bringing into balance the male and female energies around our planet at this time and also bringing in the essence of unconditional love. It is most welcoming and wonderful! May it touch us all and may we all begin to resonate to the higher dimensional qualities of peace, love, unity, and harmony.

– Goldenlight ~:~


thanks to


Hilarion, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, June 22-29, 2014,

Beloved Ones,

There has been a great influx of the energy of love and compassion which has been directed from the hearts of many light-workers around the world as they joined together in unity to bring about beneficent changes in the monetary systems of the Earth and within the hearts of humanity. And this energy has been magnified by the ascended realms as requested by many.

As mentioned before, the changes occurring on Earth are wrought in peaceful ways that carry the higher vibrational impact in a vision which include the intent that the changes must be for the highest good of all.

The impetus of this activity will now filter down to effect changes within the hearts of those who have long controlled the world’s systems in a self-serving way. When many are gathered together with focused intent for the highest good of all, there is nothing that can long delay the desired outcome.

The creation of a new world is being intended by those who carry the spark of the Creator strongly within their hearts. These ones are remembering that this is a part of the mission they came to implement in voluntary service to the Divine Plan. They are realizing that change begins with their input, and that they must take peaceful and loving action personally in order to bring these changes into manifestation.

They understand that appearances as they play out are not what really is, and they maintain their higher vision. The qualities of faith, hope and determination can move mountains, and this will become more noticeable as the events envisioned come into manifestation in the every day life of humanity. We of the ascended realms bow to all who work together in unity in these ways and encourage more efforts such as these to take place with regularity.

The Goddess energy is permeating the atmosphere of Earth and all her inhabitants, and this will affect humanity in surprising ways that will uplift the hearts of the majority of people on the planet. As greater balance of the divine feminine and masculine energies takes place within each soul, there will be balance in their outer world as well.

The intent and desire to live in a peaceful and prosperous world will come into fruition for humanity. This vision is required to be maintained and affirmed each day by all who understand the power that they wield by such activity. Let them also understand that they do not stand alone in this effort; that many unseen forces are assisting and encouraging this work to continue.

It is the inner thought processes of humanity that meld together to create their reality, and when more people realize this, the changes to their world will be phenomenal. It is most important to join minds to recreate a new type of civilization that will serve all upon the planet.

As more people become governed by spirit, they begin to release and let go of all that has been holding them back from pursuing their dreams with passion. Their desires will be in alignment with their soul’s natural inclinations, and they will begin to move into their best role in the new world that is being created.

Each person will live each day by following their natural passions and that which brings them joy, and this will help in creating a synchronistic and harmonious lifestyle for each. There are as many paths to the new world as there are souls upon it, and all are needed in their communities as these come into manifestation. They must be open to sharing with others and helping each other share their particular gifts, as each is needed to contribute in the best way for all.

As people in the new world are unfolding their inner capabilities, they are beginning to have a greater ability to discern the intentions of others, and are able to more easily deflect these frequencies and energies from interfering with the direction they have set for themselves and their world.

Keeping focus on their higher aspirations will ensure that only those who are in tune with their intentions can influence them, and many there are who are awakening to the knowledge that they do not need governance by any external force as long as they follow their own soul’s path.

Each person is being guided to the highest contribution they can give to the collective of humanity to create a new and rewarding life for all humankind. The possibility of creating something beyond what has been dreamed of is now upon the people of Earth. It is a most exciting time to be a part of and here you are, poised for take-off!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included., Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message.



Who is Ascended Master Hilarion?

by Elizabeth Rose Howard

Master Hilarion is one of the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of planet Earth…

Ascended Masters like Master Hilarion are spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary men/women, but who through long endeavour and a string of lives striving for spiritual purification have balanced their negative Karma (the consequences of their negative actions whilst incarnate) and fulfilled their Dharma (one of the reasons for being incarnate in the first place). In so doing they have ascended to the higher spiritual planes where they move forward in spiritual evolution beyond that experienced within the confines of a physical consciousness.

Ascended Masters are the teachers of mankind who operate from the realms of the spiritual world. They remain close to humanity and maintain an active watch over the world to inspire and motivate us in our spiritual evolution so that we also have the opportunity through their teachings and example to ascend.

The Ascended Masters are also known as The Masters of Ancient Wisdom and they work

together to help mankind under the name of the Great White Brotherhood, also known as

The Great Brotherhood of Light and The White Lodge. Use of the word ‘white’ refers specifically

to the colour of their aura and to their service of the light as opposed to their cosmic counterparts The Dark Brotherhood or forces of evil or darkness.

Master Hilarion is one of the Ascended Masters of The Great White Brotherhood and the name that he chooses to be known as has been taken from his very last incarnation know more popularly by Christianity as St. Hilarion. During that life he took his last initiation and ascended. Other well-known incarnations of this famous Master were as Plato, John the author of the Revelation, Iamblichus (the neo-platonic philosopher) and the Apostle St. Paul.

Since his last incarnation, Hilarion has taken his sixth initiation and is now one of the Lords (Chohan, which is the esoteric term for Lord or Master) of The Seven Rays of Planet Earth. As well as being one of the Lords of The Seven Rays, Hilarion is more specifically The Lord of The Firth Ray, which is The Ray of technical and scientific information and advancement. He is responsible for all technological progress on the planet Earth and he does so by mentally inspiring individuals who are receptive to that frequency, most commonly through channeling.

There were a number of channelers of Hilarion during the latter part of the 20th Century and early decades of the 21st Century and we are pleased to be able to represent the work of one of the new generation of such people in the form of Elizabeth Rose. You can find out more about her work on this web site.

by Elizabeth Rose Howard

The Ascended Masters

Some of these Ascended Masters are the names of their better known earth personalities, and includes:

Ascended Master Jesus (otherwise known as Ascended Master Sananda,

Lord Ana Choha, Lady Master Nada

Mother Mary,

Kwa Yin,

Lady Portia,


Pallas Athena,

Mary Magdalene,


El Morya,

Lord Maitreya,

Kuthui (otherwise spelled Kwo Toomi)

Serapis Bey Ascended Master

Ascended Master St Germain – otherwise called Master Rakoczi

Ascended Master Melchizedek

Sanat Kumara Ascended Master

Djwhal Khul

Ascended Master Bababji

Merlin Ascended Master

Ascended Master Sarah

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Photo: Divine Mother Spirit Love for the Word of God Indeed I am a Holy Spirit, a reflection of the Infinite Spirit. You could say that the Infinite Spirit is the all-seeing eye of the cosmos. That all-seeing eye has come to reside in me. Do you know how much joy I have, my children? I wish that you could see what I see and feel what I feel. You would marvel if you could spend just a day with me as we traveled that corridor of space that is my domain. Yet, my children, you are a very part of me. You cannot be separate from me. It is I that provides all of you with the intellectual prowess necessary to navigate the turbulent waters of the evolutionary worlds. Oh, what an adventure it is! This life, this life that you all live. And I have given you all those lives so that you can live and breathe and exist. Do you think that I gave you these precious lives so that you could stew in your misery and in your depression? No! No, my children! What I want you to have is what I have. I want you to rise each morning eager to greet every day. I want you to run out of your bed and into the beauties of the day that awaits you. What is my motivation? Ah, my children, I will tell you what motivates me. What motivates me is my love for my precious and beautiful partner. What motivates me is my deep and abiding love for The Word. The Word is my life, my heart, my everything. How can I describe something to you all that cannot be put down into words? How can I make you understand the love that I have for The Word. Who is The Word? The Word is none other than the Creator. Your Creator Son that spared not even his life to show all of you how much you are loved. How do you think I feel when I contemplate his great love for all of you? His great love for all of you augments my own love for him. I am often in wonderment over our love for one another. I have seen a myriad of tales espousing the love that two persons can have for one another but where do all love stories spring from? The spring from the source, the waters that are our love for one another. We have always hoped that all of you could examine the great love that we have for one another and then you could be inspired to start your own love stories. On earth you often wonder what love is all about. Is there such a thing as true love? You do know love, my children, but you often put substitutes in the place of love. These substitutes are such things as possessions, money and sex. Certainly these things are not what love is all about. Love is so deep. Love is much deeper than anyone of you can contemplate. Our own love comes from the First Source and Center. That one is the very epitome of love. That is the One that taught us how to love. He was and still is the greatest teacher when it comes to all aspects of love. . It is His sterling example that inspires my partner and I because of the Eternal Father’s love I love The Word that much more. That love of my partner inspires me. How can I express my love for my partner? The Word speaks and I spring into action. How could his word leave his mouth and see no results? You see my children, The Word speaks to my heart and I am moved. I am moved by my love for him to give him my own gift of love. Everything that you are and everything that you will be has been motivated by my love for The Word. When you sit in the stillness this evening think about that. Think about how you are here. Think about the holy ramifications of love in its purest expressions. For it is my love for The Word that has brought you here. It is my love for The Word that will sustain you. Ah, can you feel the pulsating beats of my love that enters you in rhythmic vibrations? I heard The Word, I heard The Word, and I gave unto him the gift of your lives. That is what love is all about. That is true love. True love is not motivated by self-interest. True love is motivated by the purest motives imaginable. True love is given without thought of reward or repayment. True love is the deepest expressions of a heart that wants to give all that it is to another. True love never looks for reciprocation. It just keeps giving and giving and giving; then it gives some more. Do you think my dear and precious children that there is anything that I would withhold from The Word? Never, never my children! The love that I have in my heart for my partner is never quenched. There is never a time when I can say that is enough. There is never a time when my love expressions wane. His word sounds like a beautiful melody. I desire to hear his words, his voice, and I respond with my own love to that of his own. That is what makes our relationship so special. Just as one gives, so another gives. It is a lively free-for-all of love. A bandying back and forth of love that never ends. Oh, it is so magical children. I wish that there were more words that could describe what I am and what my partner is but there are no words, just the silent dignity of love in the quiet. In the deepest recesses of my heart these feelings of love will never die. Forever and ever these love’s expressions will emanate from my person because of my love for The Word. I hope that you will all be inspired by the love the I have for The Word, your Creator Son. Yes, we are like a template for all of the love stories that even now are bearing fruit but even though we set the example, each love story is unique. Each love story is another way that love can be expressed in infinite measure. There is, and never will be, an end to it, an end to love’s expressions. When you find that one, when you really find that one, you will know. You will feel in your heart that you have found the one. No, it is not motivated by money, possessions or sex. It is motivated by a love so pure that you would do anything to be with the one that you love. This is a love on a soul level. A love that transcends your brief sojourn in the flesh. When you find that one there will be nothing that you will keep from them. Forever and ever your love’s expressions will keep giving and giving and giving. Your love for each other, your own love for each other will motivate others. They will look at the love that you have for one another and feel inspired to search out the cosmos for their own love. Ah, ah, my children, what a wonderful thing we have started. The Word and I have started something big. We began this little space adventure with only the clothes on our back, so to speak, but my, oh my, how we have grown. We now look at the results of our love and we are astonished. We can scarce believe it ourselves. Did this really happen? Are all of these children our children? Wow! And to think that it all started when The Word spoke to my heart. When The Word spoke to my heart I sprang into action. Oh, how I delight in giving of myself to my partner. Oh, how I delight in giving all that I am to The Word. There is such an intensity there. We are true love. And our love we keep on giving through the endless ages of eternity. We are pleased to give everything that we are to all of you children. I have heard The Word speaking to my heart and the results were you! The results were you! Do you hear The Word speaking to your own hearts? What will you do? What will you do? This day may the love’s expressions of The Word motivate you into action. May the purity of your love for him ever grow, as the purity of my love for him ever grows. Oh, who can know, who can know, what will result when you express your love for The Word. In the stillness, in the quietness of your hearts, consider the possibilities. Consider the possibilities. A message of Inspiration through Paul Conklin

June 22, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

Opening to Summer’s Rites of Divine Love and Awakening

This weekend’s Summer Solstice offers a portal into the heart of unconditional love that helps us remember we are one with source energy and that we are the love we are seeking. Leading into the solstice, Chiron, the wounded healer, turned retrograde in Pisces, allowing us to revisit and heal the parts of us that have forgotten their divine connection. These are aspects that tell us we are isolated, alone, separate and unloved. During Chiron’s retrograde, we are afforded the opportunity to transform thoughts of separation by realizing and reaffirming we are one with source energies. When we go within and enter a place of allowing, we merge with the flow of all that is. Inside this place of oneness, we remember we are limitless, infinite, and aligned with unconditional love.

Neptune and Mercury Retrograde

Neptune and Mercury are also retrograde during this period. Mercury, which is retrograde in Cancer until July 1, asks us to be concise with communications. It might be wise to postpone major purchases or to reconsider entering relationships until this retrograde is past. new connections with others may not be as magnetic after this retrograde passes. Neptune will remain retrograde in Pisces until November. This retrograde may lead to greater psychic sensitivity and receptivity. We may find our powers of inner perception enhanced during this period. It is important to work on issues that come before us on inner levels when Neptune is retrograde. Anything less than full inner examination will leave us feeling dissatisfied and disillusioned. Heightened sensitivity can lead to sensory overload so it’s important to be aware of this potential in all undertakings. Pay close attention to houses and natal planets in your chart impacted by these retrogrades as these reveal the areas of your life that will be most affected by the retrogrades.

This Passage awakens us to our Divine Connection

The Solstice takes place as the Sun enters watery and sentimental Cancer, bringing awareness of divine love versus what has passed for love in our lives. The energies of this time ask us to examine any way in which we have searched for love and meaning outside ourselves. This period allows us to reflect on the ways we have seen ourselves as small and alone in a very big world; it asks us to see how we have searched for divine love in others and brings the understanding that others – be it friends, family or lovers – are unable to provide the divine love we are seeking. This passage ideally awakens in us the understanding that, as the manifestation of source energy, we are able to access all the love, abundance and knowledge of the universe.

As we turn within during this powerful time, we awaken to our divine connection and surrender to the cleansing of our emotional bodies. Uncleared emotions can shut down our connection with our higher knowing. Cleansing our emotions allows us to move further into realms of divine awakening. Self-love, emotional healing and deeper levels of spiritual awakening are the rites of passage during this transformative time.

This is an important time to meditate in order to integrate the powerful source energies that are heightened. Listen to the whispers of your soul during this time and open to receive all the blessings that are your birthright as a manifestation of spirit. As we breathe deeply inside this doorway to the divine, we find balance between the dark and light within ourselves.

Navigating this Summer’s Doorway to the Divine

We offer here some steps to making the most of this week’s Solstice portal:

One) Each day consciously attune to the flow of creation.

Two) Express gratitude for everything and everyone in your life.

Three) Clear clutter and donate unused items to those in need. Cleanse and clear the energies in your body as well. Undertake a full body cleanse, receive colonics and massage and other body work.

Four) Eliminate the frivolous. Simplify by asking yourself what you really need to feed your soul.

Five) Self-love and self-nurturing is of utmost importance as is caring for loved ones.

Six) Grounding and centering is very important at this time. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods, especially root vegetables and dark leafy greens. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables will help ground you to the earth. Spend time outdoors in nature.

Seven) Focus on love and abundance and observe how your experience of it multiplies.

Eight) During this time, the effects of thoughts, intentions and actions go quantum. Meditate and offer simple prayers for loved ones and all the universe.

Nine) Release all resistance to realities you encounter and have no opinions.

Ten) Take 100% responsibility for everything that shows up in your reality.

Eleven) Deepen your spiritual practices and begin new ones.

Twelve) Gain clarity in values and priorities.

Thirteen) Remain focused on your priorities.

Fourteen) Remain positive no matter what happens in physical reality.

Fifteen) Discover and live your purpose. Assess your capabilities, your weaknesses, and the gifts you came here to share.

Sixteen) Practice discernment in all things. Discernment is not the same as judging. It helps us take into account the highest good for all concerned and make decisions based on guidance irregardless of outside opinions or considerations.

Seventeen) Expect miracles and allow them to show up in your life regularly.

Eighteen) Revisit all contracts and agreements on a regular basis and release any that no longer serve your highest good and that of others.

Nineteen) Make regular exercise and good nutrition daily priorities.

Twenty) Meditate daily, allowing your mind to still and focusing your consciousness on unconditional love.

Twenty-one) Become one with the divine. Unify your mind and soul through dream work, journaling, spending time in nature and unifying mind, body and soul through modalities such as yoga.

Twenty-two) Express yourself creatively through art, writing and other forms of creative play.

Twenty-three) Ritualize your life with prayer, shamanic rituals and journeys, and other energy-enhancing practices that lift your vibrational frequency.

Twenty-four) Become self-sufficient. Expand your awareness to see what you will need in the immediate future and provide this for yourself. Do not ask others to do for you what you can do for yourself. Ask yourself what you would need in a time of earth changes. Incorporate energy efficiency, alternative energies such as solar and wind power to lessen your dependency on grid systems.

Twenty-five) Allow your imagination to bring you images from the quantum field and constantly expand the vision of these potentials and act on them.

Twenty-six) Get comfortable with chaos. Be willing to break down old patterns and try new things. This creates new neural pathways in your brain that eventually manifest as new energies, new people and new opportunities in your daily life.

Twenty-seven) Expand self-knowledge by studying your numerology, which is the vibrational combination of your birthdate and name, and your astrology chart, which contains the blueprint for this lifetime.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation
For more on accessing the fifth dimension, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

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Celestial Vision Audio Series

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
Tags: GMOsgene transferDNA

(NaturalNews) The idea that DNA from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is broken down in the digestive tract and rendered innocuous, a common industry claim, is patently false. A recent study published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE found that large, meal-derived DNA fragments from GMOs are fully capable of transferring their genes directly into the bloodstream, deconstructing the myth that transgenic foods act on the body in the same way as natural foods.

A combined analysis of four other independent studies involving more than 1,000 human samples and a team of researchers from universities in Hungary, Denmark and the U.S. looked at the assimilation process for GMOs as they are currently consumed throughout the world. This includes derivatives of GM crops such as high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) from GM corn, for instance, and soy protein from GM soybeans, as well as meat derived from animals fed a GM-based diet.

After looking at the data on how the human body processes these and other forms of GMOs, the team discovered that DNA from GMOs is not completely broken down by the body during the digestion process. What would normally be degraded into smaller constituents like amino acids and nucleic acids was found to remain whole. Not only this, but these larger DNA fragments were found to pass directly into the circulatory system, sometimes at a level higher than actual human DNA.

"[B]ased on the analysis of over 1000 human samples from four independent studies, we report evidence that meal-derived DNA fragments which are large enough to carry complete genes can avoid degradation and through an unknown mechanism enter the human circulation system," explained the authors in their study abstract.

"In one of the blood samples the relative concentration of plant DNA is higher than the human DNA."

Genes from GMOs transfer into small intestine, alter composition of beneficial bacteria

This is an astounding discovery that proves false claims made by Monsanto and others that GMOs are no different from non-GMOs as far as the body is concerned. Monsanto even claims on its "Food Safety" page for GMOs that the DNA from GMOs is "extensively digested" and "present[s] no hazards," both of which have now been shown to be lies.

Based on this latest analysis of how food genes are transferred from the digestive tract into the bloodstream, it is now apparent that the genes of GMOs pass into the bloodstream whole. Their presence is also associated with major inflammatory conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, adenoma and colorectal cancer.

The presence of transgenic genes in the small intestine was also found to affect the composition of beneficial bacteria, which are responsible for protecting the gut against foreign invaders and helping the body absorb nutrients from food. Individuals with ileostomies, or perforations in their abdominal walls as a result of surgery, were found to literally be harboring full DNA sequences from GMOs in their intestinal tracts.

None of this is really all that surprising, of course, as the biological activities behind how GMOs are processed by the human body have never been legitimately studied. Biotechnology companies have always just claimed that GMOs are the same as real food, without any evidence to back this up, and this has been enough for the government to keep them on the market for nearly 20 years.

"One small mutation in a human being can determine so much, the point is when you move agene, one gene, one tiny gene out of an organism into a different one you completely change its context," said David Suzuki, co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation. "There is no way to predict how it's going to behave and what the outcome will be."

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June 23, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

by Ryan Brown,

thanks to

For more than three quarters of a century now, modern physicists have known that scientific thought based solely on the previously accepted Newtonian view of a mechanical universe is fundamentally incorrect. What is now referred to as the ‘new science’ has emerged from new understandings and discoveries that were simply not possible by scientific ideas prevailing from the time of Isaac Newton to the early twentieth century. These new realizations have interesting implications on the role human consciousness plays in our understanding of reality.

Before these new discoveries, the world was assumed to operate according to concrete physical laws, and any idea of consciousness having any importance was shunned. As Henry Stapp puts it in his book Mindful Universe: “Any notion that your conscious choices make a difference in how you behave was branded an illusion: you were asserted to be causally equivalent to a mindless automation.”

As Stapp goes on to explain, even though this incorrect view of human functioning was proven false long ago, its influence can still be seen in all aspects of our society: governments, schools, the media, courts, medical institutions and ultimately, ourselves. This fundamental flaw in the worldview of a vast majority of people in the world could be the reason why there is so much widespread neglect of the environment, social injustice and the general degradation of humanity as a whole.

What follows from a mechanistic view of reality is a sense of detachment from one’s true nature. If a person views him or herself as having no control over the material forces that are assumed to run the universe, a hopeless state is bound to take hold. If everything is happening ‘out there’ beyond our control, what meaning is there to be found in life and humankind’s place in the universe?

We are now at a point in the evolution of humanity where the new discoveries of scientific research are more accessible than ever, as is the ancient wisdom which has been with us all along. It is becoming obvious that the mainstream media and the majority of the current educational system do not actually have an interest in elevating the consciousness of humanity. Rather, they are concerned with perpetuating misleading memes and keeping the majority caught in the fatalistic worldview of a mechanical universe.

The new Holographic Paradigm
Elevated states of consciousness, which were once only accessible by the mystic, are rapidly beginning to be investigated by scientific minds of our time. A new paradigm is emerging: that of theholographic universe. It is a paradigm in which consciousness, once thrown out as a useless imagining, is now acknowledged as the long sought after ‘missing link.’

Researchers like the late David Bohm of the University of London drew on large bodies of contemporary research to formulate a new theory of the role consciousness plays in our understanding of the universe. Bohm viewed thought as an organizational framework by which we categorize our experience of the world.

In this sense, thoughts can be seen as world views, or a sort of filter through which we can understand the totality of the world. These world views are dynamically linked to the energetic fields we resonate with. From this, it stands to reason that the clearer our minds become, the more we are able to see reality as it truly is.

David R. Hawkins, another recent leader in the field of consciousness research, summarizes this new theory as follows: “Our brains mathematically construct concrete reality by interpreting frequencies from another dimension, a realm of meaningful, patterned, primary reality that transcends time and space. The brain is, therefore, a hologram interpreting a holographic universe.”

From this new perspective, it is evident that our conscious intention has a prominent role in determining our experience of the material world around us. If our physical brains are interpreting the energy fields of higher dimensions, then it stands to reason that our thoughts hold far more power over our material world than is currently accepted.

Thought as an Emergence from a deeper reality


Thought itself has begun to be understood as emerging from energetic fields, which are beyond time, space and the material brain. When we think we are tapping into and simultaneously broadcasting these fields into our environment. Thus, we have a conscious choice as to which energy fields we decide to tap into, and each of these different fields has its own world view.

We can tune the dial to pick up the fields of anger and resentment, and adopt its corresponding view of a world of frustration. Likewise, we can tune the dial to pick up the energetic fields of acceptance and peace, and its corresponding view of the world as helpful and nurturing. The choice is ultimately ours.

A basic law of consciousness, which has long been realized by the mystic, is that what is held in mind tends to manifest itself. It is interesting that the direction of contemporary theoretical physics is now pointing towards this exact same realization. Scientific research is now confirming that our minds have the power to shape and create our reality.

This shift in perception changes everything. We are no longer resigned to the hopeless idea that we are too small and insignificant to do anything about the ‘problems’ of a mechanistic world. The holographic world can now be seen as a grand stage on which various energetic fields interact and play with each other.

We are actors upon this stage, and our roles are influenced by the various energetic fields we tap into. Some are the actors of positive, life affirming energies; others tap into the apathetic and pessimistic world view of negativity. Each person gravitates towards an energetic field that resonates with their current level of consciousness.

The beauty of the play is that all of the actors have the choice, in any moment, to adjust the dial and consciously choose which energetic fields to align with. The only way to positively transform ourselves, and the world, is by elevating our own consciousness, and this is done simply by holding the intention to align ourselves with energetic fields of a higher vibration.

When understood in this way, everyone has the opportunity to step into the energetic dance of the holographic universe.

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Photo: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and be led to glorify the divine spirit within, which is where the kingdom of heaven resides”

June 22, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel


Message from the Arcturians: Happy Summer Solstice – Becoming Masters. Channelled by Suzanne Lie. June 21, 2014.

Our Dearest Ascending Ones,

We, the Arcturians, wish to contact you in this NOW of Gaia’s Summer Solstice 2014. We send this message to each of you so that you can share it with others. You can easily share this message, as there truly is no separation between you and what has been known as others.

“Others” is a term that denotes that people or things are separate from you. Since unity with all life is becoming increasingly evident within your NOW, the term “others” is becoming extinct.

We wish to tell you that many changes are occurring on the inner levels of our Grounded Ones, meaning Humanity. As you increasingly allow your consciousness to expand beyond the illusion of time, you will increasingly feel these changes on a daily basis. Those who are still bound to time will likely feel these changes in what they would call “later”.

Of course, there is no time and there is no later, except for within your third dimensional holographic projection. This holographic projection is beginning to morph and change because so many of its habitants are expanding their consciousness beyond the confines of the time-bound hologram to experience a new reality based on Truth.

This “new reality” is not new. This new reality is infinite because it resonates beyond the confines of time and space. We have spoken a great deal about the real world beyond the hologram, but there is something that we have not shared. We have hinted at what we are about to share many times, but it was not yet the NOW to reveal it.

The NOW meaning that you, and those with whom you share our messages, could not yet conceive of what we are about to say. Do not think that this is shocking news. In fact, we have said this message many times. The difference is that in your NOW more of you will be able to understand the core of our message rather than the lower emanations of it.

As we have said on myriad occasions, the reality you perceive is the reality that you live. Within your NOW a beautiful harvest of Light is occurring. If you could see your world from our perspective, you would witness a stunning Light Show much like those you may have seen at a concert.

We perceive Gaia’s Earth as a living Being with different patches of Light and darkness. For many eons Gaia’s body was primarily in darkness with timelines of Light that were eventually snuffed out by the encroaching darkness.

What we are seeing NOW is that there are more and more patches of expanding Light filled with Unconditional Love. These centers of Multidimensional Light and Unconditional Love are exponentially freeing their inhabitants of third dimensional illusion. Most important, these areas are expanding.

The patches of darkness, which are increasingly growing smaller are slowing, or quickly being transmuted into Light. As our Awakened Ones are aware, the darkness of fear can only be transmuted with the Light of Unconditional Love.

The forces of darkness have continued their fear campaigns and are creating as many fearful confrontations as they can, but there is a growing majority of Humanity that are refusing to participate in that version of reality.

Since third dimensional Earth is a hologram, everyone – including animals and all of Gaia’s creatures – have the ability to choose to participate in altering this hologram. You are ALL programmers of Gaia’s 3D reality. During the long Kali Yuga, Earth was furthest from the Golden Age of direct Light from the Multiverse. Hence, darkness was the programmer.

However, now Gaia is in Her Golden Age in which Earth is in direct alignment with the Light of the Multiverse. Therefore, you all – that is every creature on Earth – have access to this higher Light, if you choose to accept it.

Before you were within the Golden Age you needed to seek out the Light, which was often hidden by the darkness. In your NOW of 2014, and beyond, you are in direct alignment with this flow of infinite Multidimensional Light, which is infused with Unconditional Love.

Dear humans and Ascending Beings you have lived many years in the darkest times of the Kali Yuga and only a few years within the Golden Age of Light. However, the illusion of sequential time is the first illusion to be transmuted by this Light that is streaming from the ONE of the Multiverse.

Many will cling to the illusion of time for as long as possible because it has become a habit to which you have structured your life for many incarnations. On the other hand, we observe that some of you are beginning to release this illusion of time and are surrendering into the higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF.

e also see how dangerous this can be to your Earth vessel. If you are to float beyond time while driving a car, crossing the street or cooking at your stove, you could harm your Earth vessel. Therefore, we suggest that you put aside certain “times” in your day in which you can place your Earth vessel safely in a chair and allow your SELF to visit your true HOME.

This time is much like giving a child his or her “playtime,” so that the child can be patient during times of third dimensional obligations and activities. To our perspective you all appear much like race horses waiting in the gate for the bell to sound so that you can run as fast as you can.

You want to “run HOME,” but your Mother Gaia needs your growing Light so that She can return HOME as well. We know that we are asking a lot of you. However, you are on the cusp of personal Ascension because you have mastered much of your physical life. Therefore, the Ascending Ones are often quite happy with their life.

Photo: Archangel Michael - Focus on the Inner Light and it will be magnified It is only by your power that you allow yourselves to be influenced by anger, fear and confusion. The light can only illuminate that which is shadow but it is up to you to see what light is. This can only be done when you are focusing on the light within. You choose the scenario's you wish to believe and bring them to life by your energy. What do you wish to see? We are well aware and know that many of you follow various communications from different sources. We know that many of you have developed a sense of discernment as to what is true and what is not. The highest guide and spiritual interpreter is and always has been your quiet peaceful spirit filled mind. Energy shifts and vibration increases can act to cause shifts within your being to reveal lower densities of energy, so be aware that there are new shifts transpiring that may seem to test your balance. Well intentioned forecasts by people who see circumstances that exist but have no inkling of the flow of events that the Divine has set in motion may be this very cause, others are simply the re-hashing of old predictions by old energies reemerging as patterns and shadow. This will diminish as many of you get closer to your final awakening. Energies will only continue to hang on until you see that this energy cannot go where you are. It serves no useful purpose for any being to circulate stories predicting massive catastrophes or destruction or defense against such. Even energies that manifest through others in ways that show fear and preparation for disaster may try and convince you that you are helping and are doing a service to the light, but, as it becomes more and more obvious that these energies have no place in harmony and love they will transform or only be kept alive by those feeding them. Maintain your solid connection to the light and focus on your growth and resist all attempts to distract you. We are with you. Indeed we are in your hearts. You are dearly loved and protected. Be at peace in your hearts as we assist those who are stepping out of the shadows inch by inch into the divine river of life that so many watch from the sidelines. I AM Michael, broadcasting through the archangels circuit

Remember, our dear Ones, that Ascension is not an escape. Ascension is the mission for which you volunteered for before you took this incarnation. Yes, not all of humanity volunteered for this mission, but if you find yourself reading this message, you are likely among those volunteers.

It is a vital component of your Ascension process that you remember that YOU are the creator of your reality. Therefore, before you accepted this mission, you programmed everything that has occurred in the holographic program of your current lifetime. We feel your collective resistance to this part of our message, but we remind you that you also programed in myriad parallel and alternate realities.

Therefore, there are always alternatives to every occurrence in your life. Also, from your human perspective, death is a tragedy that creates great sorrow and loss. However, from the perspective of your Multidimensional SELF, death merely means logging out of the hologram.

This direct confrontation with death is a deep initiation that forces you to look deeply into your life to determine what is really important and what is just a third-dimensional distraction from your mission. In fact, many of you have programmed this “final initiation” of confrontation with death into your holographic life.

The release of the fearful illusion of death greatly assists you to “reset” your life into the expanded awareness of your personal and planetary Ascension. Many NDE (near death experiences) are being shared on your Internet to reveal that death is the ultimate illusion.

The third dimension teaches you that death is your enemy and you must “be the strongest ones” to survive. However, that message primarily occurs in the patches of darkness. Once a majority of an area’s population returns to their higher frequencies of consciousness, they begin to realize that third dimensional life is the illusion and the LIFE they wish to experience is actually in the higher dimensions.

As you increasingly remember that YOU have control of your thoughts and emotions, you return to being a Master of your energy field. This mastery reminds you that YOU are the creator of your third dimensional life. You also realize that YOU exist on myriad frequencies. Therefore, you choose to remain in constant contact with your higher expressions of SELF.

Those who feel trapped within the areas of darkness find it very difficult to awaken to their SELF. Hence, we greatly commend those Masters who are assisting Gaia to clear these patches of darkness. Also, as you become Master of your energy you realize that ALL life is of equal importance.

While in the third dimensional holographic projection it is easy to believe that only humans are important and the myriad other life forms that share your planet are far beneath you. The truth is that Earth could easily survive – and in fact prosper much better – if all humanity would leave. However, without the “insignificant” insects, the entire ecosystem for Gaia’s planet could collapse.

It is important for our Human Ones to remember that they are not in any manner “better” than any other component of Gaia’s immense ecosystem. We are sure that those reading this message are aware that humanity has caused great harm to their home planet and have brought Gaia to the verge of destruction on more occasions than your limited “history” reveals. Therefore, we remind you above all that ALL life on Gaia’s body is vital and sacred.

Dear human expressions of your great Multidimensional SELF – walk softly on the body of your Mother. Send Her your Unconditional Love with your every breath. Remember that your current physical incarnation, which appears so important to you, is a mere fraction of your SELF and less than a millisecond of Gaia’s ‘time.’

As you move beyond the limitations of the illusion of time, you also move beyond the illusions that you have held as truths for myriad incarnations. Once you become aware of the truth of what has actually occurred on Earth, it is a great temptation to feel fear, anger, sorrow or judgment.

However those feelings lower your frequency to the state of consciousness in which you actually contribute your own fear-based energy to the very fear, anger, sorrow and judgment that you disdain in others. Remember, the frequency of your consciousness calibrates the frequency of your perceptions, and the reality that you consciously perceive is the reality that you consciously live.

Ascension occurs within your consciousness, so that your perceptions can expand far beyond your Earth vessel’s third dimensional reality. As you continue your Ascension process, you will move out of alignment with Earth’s third-dimensional holographic projection and into alignment with Gaia’s true Planetary SELF in the fifth dimension and beyond.

In your other Ascension lives, as all of you – even those who are now lost in darkness – have had Ascension experiences, Ascension does not make you a “Saint”. Ascension merely means that you have returned your consciousness to the frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF that resonate above the illusions of the third/fourth dimensional realities.

What is so very different in your present timeline, for which you have all prepared for in many incarnations, is that the third/fourth dimensional holographic projection of Earth is closing. Gaia and all Her inhabitants are returning to their true Multidimensional SELF. Those who wish to take on a physical form to study at a “planetary school of cause and effect” will need to log into a different planet.

Those humans who do not feel complete with their lessons of cause and effect will simply shift from Gaia’s holographic projection to another planetary holographic projection to complete their education. No outer source will judge these humans, as the concept “outer sources” is a third-dimensional illusion. In fact, the concept of “judgment” is a third-dimensional illusion.

While one is still feeling trapped in the third-dimensional illusion, they will not be able to understand what we have just shared. However, if the “egg” that has encased them as their embryo Self is cracking and they are emerging into a new version of reality, they will at least question whether or not we the Arcturians, and/or our message, are real.

This act of beginning to question their world will open windows in their mind that allow the ever-expanding Light to shine into their consciousness. In closing, we remind you to withdraw ALL attention from that which you do not want to manifest, while you recognize and send gratitude to the “everyday miracles” that are increasingly blessing your life.

Blessing BE dear Ascending Ones,

We will keep the Light on while we await your return,

The Arcturians

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The Transitions of this Time By Archangel Michael

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-

With the presence of love awakening the rising of the goddess to bring forth valuable and sacred wisdom from the Creator to activate and inspire the Earth and humanity more fully, so numerous energetic keys and codes are brought forth to be acknowledged and understood. The vibration of the goddess has the power to activate numerous energies and consciousness of the Creator within humanity and the Earth, as if a continuous reaction and activation process occurs creating a series of blossoming of energies and wisdom to sustain the ascension of all. The goddess vibration brings forth her own wisdom held within her vibration since the suppression of the goddess but she also has the power and is the trigger of the awakening of other new energies as well as acting as a trigger for inner planes consciousness to be absorbed upon the Earth.

 This time upon the Earth is truly sacred as every being is shaping a new reality, a new Earth and a heavenly existence. Even those still holding on to old energies and consciousness are playing their part in assisting others in relinquishing themselves from the old era where judgment, hatred, violence and separation were accepted as ways of learning and opportunities to gain a deeper connection with the Creator. Everyone on the Earth is purifying their beings now and this may take several years to reach a stage when focus upon purification is no longer needed as it will occur naturally and automatically. Every person on the Earth is sifting through their energies and deciding what is needed and what is no longer required, even with the consciousness of what can no longer be tolerated and what will service self and others. As the consciousness of humanity expands so all begin to include others in their quest for recognising and embodying the Creator, thus the links within the general consciousness of humanity and between hearts become stronger. Although many people maybe becoming preoccupied with the purification process and preparing their realities and beings there are also numerous who are shaping their realities according to their connection with and experience of the Creator. This means there are many who are bringing forth the supreme light of the Creator through their beings and creations to be anchored and experienced upon the Earth. This is such a magical time of exploration of the Creator, because the exploration is taking place within your being and you can shape and form your reality from your connections and experiences of the Creator.

As old keys, energies, activations, patterns and codes are cast aside which are no longer needed so the journey of ascension shifts and alters for all as new energetic keys, activations, patterns and codes surface to be of service in the present moment of ascension. Much of what I speak of you may not notice until you look back upon your reality and humanity then you will notice the shifts that have occurred especially in the coming years. It is truly the dawning of a new age, the dawning of the experience of unconditional love upon the Earth.

The rising of the goddess vibration makes way for other vibrations of light from the Creator to flow into the Earth and your being, while creating a sacred space within your being for your truth to activate. It is almost as if the goddess vibration turns your soul within your heart chakra into a womb or light incubator. Your soul will and is collecting certain, unique and appropriate vibrations from your soul’s great wealth, the universe and the Creator bringing them into the surface and forefront of your heart chakra where they will be held and nurtured in the light and love of your soul until they are ready to project into your reality for your full experience. This means that the way in which you perceive your reality will alter, your spiritual skills will evolve dramatically and the energies you experience will shift thus influencing your reality in a positive way as the soul takes greater responsibility projecting its divinity. It is in truth that a whole new world in forming within your being, being nurtured and incubated until the most appropriate time of projection.

 A whole new aspect of yourself is also being incubated and will emerge. The process is gradual so you may not even notice the shifts occurring but it is important to be accepting of change in all its forms and manifestations especially changes in your personality, character and reactions as these will shift to be more divinely aligned first. Your soul is giving birth to so much at this time it is important to remain centred by allowing yourself to bring your attention back to the loving vibration of your heart chakra and entire being with each moment of remembrance and self/ Creator recognition, thus every moment of thinking. With this focus you are giving your soul the space and energy it ne eds to achieve all it wishes and needs to prepare you for the new reality and era of love. Many of the practices we share with you are to focus you on the centre of your divinity so that in the space of alignment your soul is able to achieve all it needs to whether you are conscious of what is occurring or not.

You may wish to use these invocations to fully embody and experience that which I have spoken of:

‘Archangel Michael I call upon your love, support and protection to be with me now. Please assist me in the purification process of my entire being and reality. Help, guide and support me to let go of all that is no longer needed, especially energies and consciousness of the old era that I still may hold onto and project into my reality as an aspect of myself. Support me in allowing the Creator to flow through my entire being with ease and perfection so I may shape and form my reality with the grace, guidance and assistance of the Creator allowing the truth and divinity of my being to overflow into all areas of my being and reality. Thank you.’

Take a moment to exist in oneness with me, Archangel Michael, feeling my energies flowing into your being with every breathe you inhale.

‘Archangel Michael, I call upon your energy, protection, love and strength to surround and support me now. Please assist me in accepting the rising of the goddess vibration from the Creator and within my being drawing the vibrations of the goddess deep into my heart and to embrace my soul. As my soul and the goddess vibration merge as one an energy forms akin to a womb or incubator within my heart chakra creating a sacred space of nourishment so that my soul can activate and pour into my heart space all it wishes me to understand, acknowledge, create, manifest and experience in my current reality so that I may gain a deeper recognition and awareness of the Creator. Let all that my soul gives birth to and brings into my heart space be nurtured by my soul, the goddess vibrations and the love of my heart chakra, projecting and manifesting f or my experience in divine timing. I am the light, love and consciousness of my soul which is the Creator. Thank you.’

Sit in peace for a few moments, imagine the goddess vibration emerging from your soul and drawing from all around you into your heart chakra creating a sacred nurturing chamber of light. Then imagine, sense or acknowledge your soul flowing into your heart space giving birth to all that is appropriate and needed from your soul and the Creator.

One of the activations arising due to the goddess vibration is your Angelic Consciousness. Every soul whether upon the Earth of the inner planes can access different aspects of the Creator’s consciousness; after all we are one, eternally connected with all aspects of the Creator especially through the divine flow experience, which is simply allowing the energy of the Creator to flow through you. There are many levels to the angelic consciousness that we, angelic beings, hold and embody but you can also download aspects of the angelic consciousness through your soul into your being to especially illuminate your mind and perspective in an expansive way. The angelic consciousness available to you now is the angelic consciousness of unconditional love and the angelic consciousness of seeing the truth of all beings.

   When absorbing the angelic consciousness of unconditional love it will activate within your being your own vibrations of unconditional love, which are the same as the angelic consciousness of unconditional love as we are all the same. This consciousness will support, prepare and assist you in thinking and acting from a genuine space of unconditional love, understanding and comprehending with greater depth how unconditional love can exist within you while you interact with others and the Earth. The angelic consciousness will also assist you in seeing the divinity and truth of the Creator within others. The angelic consciousness will enter into your third eye chakra activating and expanding your third eye chakra thus gradually stimulating your vision of truth. This may manifest in numerous ways such as a sensing or even being able to see the truth of the Creator swirling from a being. It is for you to experiment and experience.

Simply call me, Archangel Michael, forth and ask me to anchor and download into your soul and third eye chakra the angelic consciousness of unconditional love and seeing truth. While energy will activate from your soul hold your focus on the growing energy within your third eye chakra until you feel the energy present, letting it flow into your mind.

In angelic unconditional love,

Archangel Michael



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