Wes Annac's Posts (176)

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998522_10151648144892368_1155570028_n.jpg-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The following is a message given by the Pleiadian High Council, which I read aloud during Maarten Horst’s ET-First Contact radio show. The PHC address the listeners, as well as the host of the show himself.

With greetings and warmth of the purest order, we are the Pleiadian High Council, happily speaking through this scribe and seeking to help activate awakenings in the minds and hearts of each of you absorbing our words and energies now.

The host of this dear radio show has expressed his excitement to meet us to our scribe, and we have in turn nudged our scribe toward bringing a direct connection through, for dear Maarten and for the dear listeners who’ve tuned-in to feel the energies of we and our scribe, directly.

Each one of you is Loved infinitely in the realms of full consciousness, and you’ll understand this Love as you open up to it, collectively and individually, more than you could possibly fathom.

You’re to find your ascension in a collective manner, but so many of you have already ascended and come back to the surface of the Earth and you dear souls we speak of will be playing the crucial roles of way-showers and bridgers of the purer and lower realms of consciousness.

Some of you have taken myriad experiences and Lives upon the Earth’s surface, and have sought to awaken your Earthly populace throughout each Life you’ve found your own personal awakenings in.

You’ve learned about the deepest mechanics of the Earth experience, and with the Earthly training you’ve received throughout your myriad Lives, you now stand as world-bridgers and ushers-in of the new world of peace and prosperity; that which has been referred to as the Golden Age of mankind.

Your Golden Age has always been intended to come about, dear souls, and you’ve always been intended to bring it about. You’ve always been meant to show the way for the rest of your populace who are indeed becoming awakened to the actions of tyranny and the existence of the realms of spirit.

You’ve been meant to help lead these souls onward into the realms of full consciousness, and you’ve largely succeeded in your tasks up to this point. Even still, we ask each of you to continue-on in your valiant missions and, if and when you can, exceed the amount of service you’ve chosen to give to the surface of the Earth.

We happily request that you “give it your all” while you exist on the Earth, as you work to funnel-down the higher dimensions of consciousness you’ve each come from.

In the same vein, we ask you not to overwork yourselves; to find a healthy balance and to enjoy your Earthly experience as you go about it. Your Earthly experience is indeed meant to be enjoyed, and we know that you can feel the freedom accompanying simply letting one’s existence Be and learning to enjoy each facet of your Lives on the Earth.

We happily remind you that everything you experience in your Earthly Lives happens for a very Divine and ordained reason, and you have steered your own Lives and experiences in the directions best intended for your growth. You’ve been given innumerable assistance, by us and by your personal spiritual guides, with every facet of your mission and with discovering the higher dimensions as you broaden your understanding of what is and isn’t possible on your world.

Before making our final impressions for this communication, we’ll make a small note about the open assistance we’ll give on your world in the time ahead.

We wish not to refer to a time in the future that we intend for you to look toward or immerse yourselves in rather than performing the work needed for your planet to reach the point of being able to see our existence be disclosed, but we certainly wish to inform you about your future and about the role we’ll play.

Following the landings we’ll have formally made on your world, which will come about far after the widespread disclosure of our existence, we’ll teach you to understand the greater energies at work Creating and sustaining your realities.

We’ll do this with the help of the dear Hathors, who are speaking with you along with us and who’s energies are braided with ours into this communication, to understand the energetics driving your realities and to utilize the technologies we’ll happily offer, which have been suppressed for nearly a century in your current society, for the ultimate restoration of your planet.

We and the various other ascended individuals and collectives comprising the Light Forces will be with each of you to share the ascended technologies we have with you and to help you understand how to build and use such technologies yourselves.

While companies with Lighted intents will indeed offer free energy technology when it initially breaks-through on your surface, after our presence has been made known and we widely disperse this technology ourselves and teach you how to utilize it, there will be no need for companies to oversee its production, as it will be like a plant that can be grown by every human being who will understand how to grow and build it.

Our technologies will be widely understood by all, and your mainstream scientists will kick themselves for largely laughing-away free energy and its potential for mankind.

As we make our final impressions for this communication and send a wave of Love forth for each of you absorbing a radio show meant to help humanity understand the reality of our existence, which we are so very grateful to that show’s host for; we express that the direct connection so many of you are finding with us will only pick-up as you find yourselves able to be close to our energies.

We’re with each one of you, and to dearest Maarten who confided his excitement to meet us: You’ve already met us and are meeting us in every moment, but in regards to our meeting physically on the surface of your world – We are just as excited as you to be in your direct vicinity and stare into the human eyes of Galactic souls who’ve contributed much to the ascension of the planet and to the awakening of the populace.

The work of each of you in awakening your public is vastly more appreciated by us in the higher dimensions than you yet know, but you’ll come to understand the importance of your efforts, as well as our immense appreciation for them, in due time.

Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.



Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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If radio-show advertisements of this nature are against ACC rules and this post is deleted, than I understand.


I'll be speaking on Maarten Horst's ET-First Contact Radio Thursday, July 4th at 3PM central time (1 PM PST). It should be an enjoyable hour, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Here's Maarten's original advert, taken from Facebook:

Breaking: Thursday July 4th: Wes Annac on ET-First Contact Radio. Show starts at 1 PM PST / 2 PM MNT / 3 PM Central / 4 PM EST / 22:00 CET! To listen go to: http://www.bbsradio.com/bbs_talk_radio_station1.php Be there my friends!
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Bridging the Earthly and Higher Self

5847646744_d243afb4b7_z.jpg(See bottom for more info about the bridge pictured)

Written by Wes Annac


“Don’t know your past, don’t know your future” – Ziggy Marley

This article has been a long time coming, as I’ve been working to recognize and Love every facet of myself, rather than attempt to Live a Life away from the facets that would be easier to avoid.

I’ve been learning to shine my perceptive Light onto every aspect of my past and present that I’d otherwise hide from or choose to ignore, and I have to say, to do so is very liberating. I feel liberated, recognizing and coming to Love myself as the human being who I am, as well as the spiritual being of pure Love and Divinity I AM.

There was a time in the not-so-distant past when I chose to hide under a spiritual identity of sorts, instead of recognizing the human side of me and Loving that side. I chose to dive-in to the role of the “Pleiadian Walk-In and Representative of the Galactic Federation” and in doing so, I almost-willfully ignored the past that I’m happy to have come from, as well as my human roots.

I’ll forever recognize that I’m on the Earth to genuinely represent the Galactic souls I’ve come to discover exist, the Pleiadian race of whom I do feel I take spiritual roots in, as well as the myriad other ascended races comprising the Company of Heaven.


That belief or admission doesn’t make me “different” than any of you out there, nor does it make me different from the average human being; because if we open ourselves up, we can all find a connection with the souls I speak of and choose to actively represent them.

If you make the decision to genuinely represent them and produce things intended for the betterment of humanity, than you can as well attach the label “Incarnate Representative of [insert race here] of The Galactic Federation” at the bottom of all of your writings.

It’s just a label; an idea that we embrace, as we embrace our own representation of the infinite souls existing in the higher dimensions. It’s easy to get immersed in the idea or perceived glamor of what we’re doing for the Earth, and I’ve come to learn that spiritual vanity, while not as Life Path-threatening as material vanity, is quite real and is meant to be learned from.

Don’t get me wrong; it is important for us to see the enormity of what we’re doing. For fun’s sake, perhaps we should romanticize every now and then about the enormity and the implications of our missions on this world.

However, I don’t think we should hide away from parts of ourselves based in our past, nor from people in our past (to a reasonable extent), under the ideal of becoming more enlightened or being a super-Cosmic, higher-dimensional being who’s come from the spiritual realms to save the Earth.

Again; in a less vanity-driven sense, this is indeed what we’re doing on the Earth, and we should always embrace our sacred roles and be proud of them.

Proclaim your strong connection to the guides or otherwise-spiritual beings you’ve connected with. Actively represent them and the higher dimensions you’ve rediscovered if you wish to, but remember the roots of your current and past Lives as you do so.

Connect or reconnect with your Earthly family now and then; call an old friend for coffee or lunch one day, just to see where they’re at in Life; show those seemingly-former or third-dimensional aspects of your current Life that you seek not to deny them, but rather, to embrace them.

A great sense of Light and Love can come from connecting with one’s family or an old friend who would be excited to see one, and pure wholeness is bred when we can recognize and Love every last part of ourselves.

Some of us come from childhood-situations that weren’t very good to say the least. Even so, what was experienced in our respective childhoods is an integral part of us that’s meant to be perceived and Loved. Every second you experience on the Earth is an ordained part of you, and denying a facet of oneself is indeed denying a facet of the Creator.

Reaping the benefits of an opened and brimming heart, we can treat every situation and person in our Lives with the purest, strongest and realest Love imaginable. We can reconnect with our Earthly roots, and we can find a sense of wholeness and security with ourselves and our Lives that’s truly unbounded.

Thanks to the recent move on the part of my parents back to my home-state of Illinois, I’ve been able to learn this by reconnecting with my family and expressing the pure Love and knowledge I’ve come to find, to souls who Love and care for me.

In short; I seek no longer to deny my past or vainly immerse myself in my role in bringing our future about.

Rather, I seek to help bring it about from a point of neutrality and modesty as I embrace the fact that I’m here, on the Earth, in an Earthly body with genetic roots to people who care for me, to anchor the higher dimensions in every way imaginable.

I’ll continue to enjoy the fact that I’ve been blessed with playing this role, because admittedly, it’s a very fun and fortunate role to play. I’ll continue to dream, look toward the stars and express ideals that some may see as naïve or fictional, because I know the reality of such things and can enjoy and understand them from an Earthly and Galactic point of view.

However, I’ll no longer enforce a veil between my role and growing understanding, and the third-dimensional past and roots I’m blessed to have come from. I’ll no longer treat myself as Wes Annac, ordained Incarnate Representative of the Pleiadians.

I’ll instead see myself as Wes Annac, a soul from the higher dimensions who’s walked-in to an Earthly body and willingly existed in the Earthly family and under the genetic roots that I have, for an important reason.

Reaching epiphanies such as this, the aforementioned sense of Love and security I’m able to feel is just incredible. The statement I’m about to give seems wildly too simple for what I feel and really want to express, and yet, it’s the perfect and the only thing I could say to even slightly describe what I’m now feeling:

Love is truly all there is.

Wes Annac – Embracing and Loving the past, while helping build the Galactic utopia that is our future.

(A very young Ziggy Marley from the eighties says it well. If the video doesn't work, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBvY4sjoBLk&feature=player_embedded )




Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

Picture: This is a photo of the bridge in Alton, Illinois, a town I’m blessed to Live very close to.

Across the bridge is so much beautiful nature, it would make your head spin. Down the road from the bridge is the River Road - a very long road that, if taken from Alton, leads one into Grafton, Illinois. When driving from Alton to Grafton on the River Road, you’re driving sandwiched in-between the breathtaking river and the equally-breathtaking limestone bluffs.

I couldn’t think of a more perfect photo to describe my personal bridging of my Earthly and higher self, because I’ve Lived in this beautiful area my entire Life and feel very close with the brimming nature that can be found just across that bridge (and really, all around in this area).

The River Road and the area across the bridge were flooded for quite a while recently, and the water is still quite high around here whereas usually, it’s very low.

Check out the Image link to see the picture above, blown-up.

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wes_annac_the_hathors.jpg?w=253&h=190-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Numerous energetic upgrades continue to take place in the minds and hearts of every last one of you responding to the increasingly-pure energies you’re being delivered. We, like many others, encourage the active awareness many of you are garnering while finding and absorbing your ascension-energies.

These energies we speak of are being increased in purity in every moment they’re sent down to Create and sustain your realities and as such, the active absorption of these energies on the part of every one of you is crucial to your understanding of them.

We’ll continue to give you updates concerning the energy making its way to your realties and your bodies and spirits, as this energy is to be understood in the time ahead for its importance and for the crucial role it’s played and will play in the evolution of humanity.

As we’ve discussed numerous times, the energy sent down to Create and sustain your realities is overseen by beings in the higher dimensions such as us, who are stationed on various different octaves of reality and who’re helping to funnel the energies down to sustain the realities of the octaves lower than those they exist in.

Receiving Reality-Creating Energy from the Sun

We receive the energies Creating and sustaining your reality from entities in your Sun, who in turn receive these energies from various other higher-dimensional souls positioned in realms considerably purer than those they (who receive the energies) exist in.

The energies we speak of are passed-down from realm to realm, and decreased in purity with each funneling-down that takes place. The entities in the lowest echelons of your Sun distort the energies Creating your Earthly reality before they send them to us, so that such energies match our realms.

We, in turn, perform the same task with those energies before we send them down to your realities. By the time they reach you, they’ve been sufficiently dimmed in purity for you to be able to absorb them and Create using them, in your specific octave of consciousness.

Every one of you exists on different octaves of consciousness and as such, you all absorb this energy in individual increments. As we’ve said fruitfully, we’ve been increasing the purity of these energies with each time they’re sent to your realities.

What this means from our point of view is that we’re distorting the purity of this energy slightly-less with each time we send it down to your bodies and spirits, and trust, dear souls; this energy is sent down to you constantly.

This essentially means that we’re now continually decreasing the distorted nature of the energies Creating and sustaining your realities, in an effort to help you adjust to the increasingly-pure states of consciousness you’re beginning to grow into as a collective.

With an active decrease in the distorted nature of such energies every time they’re sent to your realities, it won’t be very long in your concept of time before the effects of these increasingly-pure energies begin to be made known.

We’ll Happily Offer our Advice and Energies

Indeed, it’s clear to anyone with an open mind and heart who searches for the signs of change being brought about on your world, that your physical reality currently reflects the energies being given to your dear collective.

All around, souls with Lighted intents and agendas are stepping-up to assist the collective of humanity and to help every soul on your world see the Light.

The ability on the part of each of you to do so has come about as a result of your active interest in absorbing the energies you’re being delivered, even if subconsciously, which drives the resulting motivation, impetus and understanding of everything that needs done on your planet.


There is so very much to be done indeed, and in the time ahead when your Earth sees the presence of myriad Galactic races and ascended beings who’ll happily offer our advice and energies toward the Earth’s full restoration; we’ll explain in-depth, the energies at work helping you to evolve and sustaining your conscious experience.

When you ascend into a position of understanding the structure and harmonics of the dimensions you exist in, you’ll marvel at the wondrous engineering that’s been the Creation of your lower-dimensional realities, on the part of our Creator. Our Creator has overseen the production of nestled-in realms of consciousness, which lay within the various higher dimensions you’re growing toward.

When any soul decides to venture into the lower-dimensional aspects of Creation, they’re given a sacred and forever-sustained line of connection to the Creator; to the realms of Source, and depending upon one’s dimensional lineage, to various other dimensions and planes of consciousness.

They’re given a spark; a flame within that can never be extinguished.

Of course, some souls on your world who’ve been actively involved in darker-inclined and service-to-self based pursuits have done much in the way of nearly-extinguishing their flame, but the Love of our Creator and one’s sacred connection to the realms of Source can never be fully extinguished.

Source’s Love is Unbounded

A soul of the lower dimensions can deny the existence of the Creator, but the Creator’s Love goes far beyond any hollow concepts of a God that have been enforced on your world for millennia.

The sheer Love of Source, which radiates-out to every last being of consciousness who sustains that aforementioned connection, is unbounded and will forever be expressed to every last aspect of Creation and consciousness funneled-down from Source’s grand and omnipotent structure.

It’s important for every soul in every realm of Creation to realize that Source’s Love is infinite, and when one taps-into it and finds the resulting unbridled connection, one will reap immense benefits. This has been displayed to every awakening soul who’s opened themselves up and found a miraculous and flowing connection to the higher dimensions as a result.

You can maintain the most active of connections to the realms of Source, and you’ll discover your ability to do so as you work to uncover and understand the greater mechanics at work with the Creation of your realities.

Again; we’ll be with you to provide our insight into the Creation of your reality using frequencies of energy and sound, and we’ll help you to understand that the harmonious energies put-out by every dear soul is magnified in the collective consciousness exponentially.

What we mean is that the good vibration each of you gives-out affects the entire collective of your world. Every last person is affected by the emotions you choose to employ throughout your Earthly ventures.

Those of you who feel yourselves to be on the Earth for a Lighted mission and cause can recognize the importance of remaining in your natural center when matters call for it, as from your center you can find the blissful and happy states of consciousness that will lead you ever-onward to the higher realms and to expressing the perspective of the higher realms in every moment in your Earthly Lives.

Intelligent, Lighted Souls

You’re the most intelligent and Lighted of souls, and we don’t say this to please your egos. We seek to unlock the understanding in you that you are indeed on the Earth for a grand purpose, as when realizing this, we‘re confident many of you will get to work on restoring your Earth in the specific ways you’ve found yourselves able to do so.

Those who seem to be pioneering or leading the ascension movement have been activated by your ascension-energies ahead of time, and the various souls on your world clearly incarnate to spread the Light of the higher dimensions have trained for their roles throughout a plethora of past Lives and experiences on your Earth.

Indeed, the vast majority of you have taken fruitful incarnations on the Earth, and when we say fruitful, we mean in the hundreds and even thousands for some of you. You’ve been able to take as many Lives as needed within the lower-dimensional Earthly cycle, as you’ve been intended to learn as much as you can from every aspect of this dear planet.

You’ve been involved in and have learned about the various cultures you’ve incarnated under.

Many of you have come from every race; every time period; every religion and belief system; and every society and civilization that’s sprung and fell on your world. Trust, dear souls; there have been many.

The Inner-Earth & the Rising Energies

You haven’t been told about the various societies that exist and have existed on your world, and one of the most important revelations for each dear soul to uncover is that of the Inner-Earth existing underneath your surface.

A plethora of people have worked to expose this truth the past, and the existence of your Inner-Earth has largely been covered-up because of the former presence of negatively inclined entities in its outer rungs, and mostly because of the presence of an ascended society deeper underneath your surface.

Humanity will learn about this and so very many other things as a result of the rising energies and the growing demand for truth on your planet, and every one of you can begin getting active in bringing-forth the Light you can feel within.

The growing understanding of humanity’s oneness with each other and with all of Creation will breed a new mind and heart set in the entirety of your collective.

We can make such general predictions because we can see your Earth in various different periods of time, and we can view your fifth-dimensional Earth whilst simultaneously communicating with you dear souls in your specific frequency of time.

Whilst you experience a linear direction and movement of time as a part of the lower-dimensional Earth experience, we don’t experience such distortions of the infinite moment of Now, and seek to assist you in understanding the illusory nature of what you refer-to as time. While being illusory, it’s helped to sustain your experiences within a reality that’s equally illusory in the face of the higher realms you’re growing toward.

Love: A Purposeful Theme

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we express Love to every last one of you who continues to give yourself in service. You may notice that Love has been a theme of many channeled communications coming through this scribe of late, and this is because each of us speaking to you separately seeks to part-ways by reminding you of Love.

While you’ve heard about it so very much and may feel yourselves used to discussions of it at this point, your perception of this little thing called Love is only to grow and grow.

We’ll continue to be with you as fruitfully as we have been, to help you understand everything about the higher dimensions you haven’t yet been able to. Look to your future, dearest souls, because it’s beckoning-forth in every moment.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.



Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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The Shadow-Self is Divine

embrace_shadow_self490.jpgWritten by Wes Annac


I’ve discovered something important along my personal process, and this discovery has come-about on the back of my own, what I perceive to be difficulty or inability to enjoy a smooth and free-flowing existence. To be blunt about it – I’m meeting my shadow-self in all of its ferocity.

I’ve been writing lately about how joyful and brimming my existence has been, and indeed it has been, but I recognize that that’s perhaps a bit narrow or one-sided of a view to give of my ascension process as it stands currently.

I say this because I, like all of you, also experience anger; frustration; uncertainty; the wish that things were just a bit easier or more in alignment with the higher realms I can only slightly remember.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t discuss the aspects of my personal process that would be easier to hide away from or deal with all on my own. It’s easy not to talk about the catalytic sadness I feel at times, or the immense disappointment when things in my Life don’t pan-out the exact way I expected.

It’s easy to talk only about the good, and not mention that I too get angry, curse at times, stamp my feet, etc. These are all completely-human qualities that we’ve incarnated under, genetically and spiritually, so that we could grow to understand them and thus, understand ourselves, in much greater ways.

I can remember when dear Konstantinos, who posts along with me on The Aquarius Paradigm, described a very-accurate dream he had in which I was depicted. He said he saw me wearing a black t-shirt (as I’m prone to doing sometimes) and he said that when he initially greeted me, I was very happy to see him and we had a short conversation.

However, when he left and came back to me, he claimed I was mean and insulting. I remember saying at the time that what we witnessed could’ve been an accurate depiction of my own shadow-self, which I certainly didn’t understand at the time as much as I’m beginning to now.

The reason I feel his dream was so accurate is because the traits of my shadow-self were depicted quite correctly. If I’m upset or angry for any reason, I recognize that I tend to look toward outward circumstances or even become insulting to those who Love and care for me, in the name of my own self-righteousness and anger.

I recognize this facet of myself, and in doing so, I can work to understand it and not necessarily control it, but reassign it to a position that will benefit me and those around me. Understanding my shadow-self in greater ways, I can work not to resort to anger or depression when it’s easy to, but take the depression I’d otherwise feel and use it as a drive to do more good, not just for the planet, but for myself and my family.

While it’d be easy to hide under the one-sided cloak of the joyous channeler who never experiences anger or sadness, to do so would be to hide away from a part of myself in need of active recognition. I wouldn’t be a complete human (or spiritual) being if I didn’t recognize every facet of myself, including my shadow self who’ll kick and scream until it’s blue in the face, and see them all as integral parts of me.

I’m learning lately that when we shine Light upon and Love those parts of ourselves we’d otherwise be ashamed of or hide ourselves away from, we actually curtail the negative influence they’d otherwise have upon us. When coming to a point of complete and true wholeness by recognizing one’s Divine self, one’s human self and one’s shadow-self, we’re able to curtail our own feeding of negativity and sadness.

I’m smack in the middle of this part of my process as I write this, and I’m still learning and will continue to learn more about this ideal. The basic message I wish to impart, which I do hope has come across clearly, is that I’m not going to hide away from recognizing aspects of myself that, at the surface, wouldn’t seem to be “of the Light”.

To judge anything, especially an active part of ourselves in need of recognition, as “of the Light” or not, is quite a distortion in its own right. My and your shadow-self is of the Light, because everything is of the Light.

Don’t be ashamed of yourself if you feel like you’re feeding into the old paradigm you’re ready to see-off, because you’re a growing and evolving human, who’s learning not to hide away from the lower-dimensional aspects of your personal existence, but to embrace them and bring them into the Light they’ve always been.

Wes Annac – Becoming secure and whole with myself as I continue to learn and grow.

(Thanks to John Smallman, whose latest message from Saul really helped put things into perspective for me.)



Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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wes_sunsky.jpg?width=253-Channeled through Wes Annac-

(Note from Wes: As I pondered the reason for the “San” aspect of SanJAsKa’s name, I found myself connecting with an Arcturian entity who went simply by the name of “Saan”. He represented himself as being of the Arcturian Councils, without referencing a specific Council.

I’ve come to the conclusion that he works with all of them, without favoring one specifically.

I’ve really never connected with the Arcturians or brought-through a message from them, but the connection was/is strong and I had a wonderful initial conversation with Saan before deciding to scribe a short message from him. In this message, he speaks for the Arcturian Councils.)

With Loving greetings from every soul speaking to you currently, I am Saan of the Arcturian Councils of the Galactic Federation.

This scribe has not brought-through Arcturian energy before save a few times, and is adjusting to my specific frequency of energy. I exist on the fifth dimension, just as many of the Pleiadian souls who speak through this channel do.

I’m working to understand Mastery in its purest form just as many of you are, and I hold routine consultations with many of you on the Earth, in an effort to assist you along your paths. As has been said by so many channeled sources, service-to-others becomes one’s main focus and goal upon growing-into the fifth dimension.

Many of you are already beginning to understand the importance of serving others and serving yourselves in a healthy and balanced manner, rather than feeding out-of-balance or service-to-self based mindsets.

We’ve Walked Your Planet

Serving oneself has driven all of the greed and misfortune experienced and fed on your dear Earth, and every soul on your planet is to learn in the time ahead that solely serving oneself will never bear the personal satisfaction and completeness that’s bred from serving another.

We of the Arcturian Councils seek to help you all understand the pure signatures of Love being sent your way by various beings and collectives in the higher dimensions, and we recognize that plenty of souls on your Earth still have trouble believing in the reality of our communications or the fact that we exist and wish to assist you along your evolution.

Despite the disbelief in much of your collective surrounding our existence, we’ve been with you since the days of your societies of Atlantis and Lemuria, and indeed, even far before. We’ve walked your planet with each one of you, and we’ve worked to actively assist in your ordained evolution.

We, like so many others, have given ourselves fully to the restoration of your dearest Earth and to the ascension of this Universe.

One of our biggest aims in connecting with humanity is to make you aware of and assist you along your aforementioned collective evolution. What this Earth is experiencing is quite rare, as very few collective ascensions have happened in recent history and your Earth is indeed leading the way in the Universal ascension taking place.

Each of us speaking to humanity through scribes and assisting you in your evolution into the fifth dimension, are also evolving and growing into further understandings and realms of Source ourselves, as we work to assist you in growing-into realms we’ve long traversed and are beginning to exit.

All Will Benefit from the Universal Ascension

Of course, the growth of each of us individuals and collectives in the higher dimensions is just as unique as it is on your dearest Earth, but all are to benefit from the ascension of the Universe. The Universal ascension is to be largely assisted by the ascension of the Earth, as your planet has long been shrouded in darkness and lower-dimensionality of extreme proportions.

Gaia made the call for we and so many others to focus ourselves upon Her and your collective whenever the actions of those you’ve known as the cabals were taken to extreme heights, and every one of you can perhaps be familiar with or remember, even if only slightly, your own response to this clarion call of sorts.

We trust that many of you are beginning to uncover and remember plenty of memories from your various Lives on the Earth and your various ventures in the higher dimensions, and when we say this, we don’t mean that we expect brazen memories to be available to you in this moment.

Rather, we refer to faint impressions that seem to be of a familiar nature, which will come to you in the blink of an eye and can be easily-forgettable. You’ve been receiving glimpses and impressions of previous encounters and Lives on your dear Earth for so very long, and you’ve received faint impressions and visions regarding your various other-worldly travels before you made your way to the surface of the Earth.

In Conclusion

Our scribe has requested we keep this initial communication short enough, and so we will make our final impressions for this communication with immense appreciation for the active service you’re each performing for the ascension of the Earth.

You’re the souls on the front lines of serving humanity, and you’re helping strongly to initiate the ascension of this Universe. Your strength as Divine, spiritual beings cannot be expressed enough.

Thank you to Saan and the Arcturian Councils.



Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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This is Reality

e45da-beings3-scaled500.jpg?w=216&h=135Written by Wes Annac


I find myself exponentially motivated and completely sure of what I’m here to do, and the resulting metaphysical perception I’ve been able to unlock has been nothing short of amazing.

I surfaced doubts surrounding my mission and sought guidance about them in a channeled interview with the Pleiadians a couple of months back, and since that surfacing, my faith and concrete knowing of the reality of what I’m doing has remained unbridled.


I’ve even been blessed already with my first bold ship-sighting of the summer.

Last summer, I’d routinely look at the sky and would receive gentle and brazen sightings at times, and some of what I experienced and saw came about as a result of telepathic requests to witness sightings.

Thinking back to those sightings alone completely reaffirms my knowledge of the reality of everything that’s been discussed in spiritual circles, which, to an “ordinary” person, would seem bizarre or unreal.

Part of the reason I felt the doubt I did (which has long faded) is because I recognize the seemingly-bizarre nature of much that’s discussed surrounding the Galactics, channeling, etc. to a person who hasn’t been opened-up to the actual reality of these things.

I recognize that to somebody who hasn’t or won’t open up to these concepts and consider them as reality for even a moment, much of what’s discussed could seem near-fantasy. The problem is that we’ve been conditioned to believe-in and accept a certain version of reality.

With the various Earthly things around us, we’re conditioned to accept that what we and billions of others experience must be the only existence, simply because it’s so prevalent and established.

Some people don’t stop to think that humanity, as we function right now, could be heading in a spiritually and physically wrong direction with our disbelief in and near mocking of any concept we perceive as too far outside our current perception.

Perhaps in general, humanity isn’t heading in the best direction as we currently function.

Perhaps our “every man for himself” mindset should give way to one of working in harmony with every fellow citizen of this Earth, and building a society that works for everyone. Perhaps we can work together, rather than the few staying ahead by deceiving and enslaving all the others.

Even to just humor the possibility that what we experience and feel could be a true distortion in the face of what we can experience and build together – maybe we should open ourselves up, collectively, to much of what would seem pure fiction.

If even half of the people on this world individually opened themselves up to the idea and possibility of brimming realms beyond our conscious understanding, and equally-brimming evolved beings who wish to actively assist us in our evolution, perhaps they too could have the experiences I’ve been blessed with having.

As I’ve said before, I recognize that I’ve been given the experiences I have so I can work to help humanity evolve.

I recognize that I’m likely the only person in my town and in the few towns around me who’s actually witnessed a UFO sighting as a seeming response to a request for me to witness one (which has happened multiple times).

Nevertheless, I remain unwavering in my belief.

I recognize that liberal or conservative pundits (there’s corruption on every side) could laugh away the majority of what I believe all day long on television, and have their audiences agree and yet they haven’t experienced what I have.

They haven’t felt the deep states of consciousness a pure meditation provides.

They haven’t felt the equally-deep and brimming states of consciousness a good, long and pure channeling session will provide for the channeler. They haven’t felt the things I’ve felt, which are much, much more real than anything I’ve ever felt or experienced on this Earth.

They just haven’t had the affirming experiences I have, or felt the deep states of consciousness of Heaven enough to believe or know much of what I do, in a concrete manner. I see that this sets me apart from the vast majority of the rest of the collective, and honestly, I don’t see that as a bad thing.

I’m happy to go against the established means to think and live by.

I’m happy to recognize myself as a Divine being in the midst of billions of equally-Divine yet unawakened people, who accept what’s in front of them more than what cannot yet be seen or felt without real effort and belief.

My ego would perhaps panic over the thought of isolation from much of the rest of the world because of what I feel and know, but my heart recognizes that I’m here to uplift this world. I’m here to help everybody who doesn’t and just can’t believe in what so many of you reading this know to be true in your heart, to open themselves up to the truth and reality of their existence.

If I take flack for my stance, so be it. I remain a strong warrior for the Light, and I remain an embodiment of the strength of the Lion-spirit.

I stand strong in my personal Light, and do not falter in the face of a ridiculing or rejecting collective. Rather, I seek to awaken these dear children, or at the very least, to help open them up to something beyond what they see and experience currently.

Like so many others, I see that this is my ultimate mission for being here on this Earth. As such, I remain steadfast and strong in my absolute knowing of the reality of what I believe in, and I continue to receive brazen sightings and genuine affirmations of this very reality.

In short – I think I’ve found heaven on Earth.

Wes Annac – Growing and evolving into greater understandings of the reality of our existence, and seeking to spread the resulting Love and knowledge.



Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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Lightworkers Thriving Amidst Difficulty

 Written by Wes Annac

The increasingly-pure energies we’re being delivered are intensifying exponentially and heating everything up. Duality has been turned-up to extreme proportions lately, and I notice this in effect in my personal Life and on the world stage.

Personally; I can honestly say that I’ve never been happier. I’ve never felt more fulfilled, or experienced more continual validations of the reality of my mission on this planet. I’ve never felt more whole; more at peace; more at home on this planet.

I read a recent message that stated this planet is not our home, and to try to treat it as such is akin to keeping our vibration low. Speaking from my personal experience of late, I can say that I’m feeling a full-on anchoring of heaven (our original home) unto Earth and, quite truthfully – for the first time in a long time, this planet really and truly does feel like home.

I, like many of you, am here to help uplift this world. Earth has been broken and lost for so long and now, there’s a plethora of awakening people who understand the need to bring-about real change that works for and takes into account the needs of every individual.

I didn’t feel at home here for quite a while, because I recognized everything about this world that just doesn’t resonate with me or doesn’t seem to take into account the needs of every citizen. Previously, this world felt dark; cold; uncaring; and I felt like I didn’t belong because those lower-dimensional qualities no longer resonated with me.

Lately, an Earth has emerged before me that’s far different from what I used to perceive. I see an Earth of beauty; of harmony; of people truly caring for one another, rather than leaving each other by the wayside.

I recognize that this doesn’t reflect the experiences many of you are potentially having, and I recognize as well that I’ll likely experience facets of this Earth in the future that I don’t agree with.

Just because there are lower, discordant energies floating around here in need of understanding and eventual transmutation, doesn’t mean the increasingly-pure energies and perceptions descending down onto us now don’t have to be just as strong, or even stronger.

Just because people could laugh-off what so many of us know in our hearts and minds to be reality, doesn’t mean that the intensely-intricate discussions we’ve been blessed with having with myriad ascended beings, are any less real.

Just because pain and suffering are prevalent on this world and in need of collective recognition and healing, doesn’t mean Love, harmony and pure wholeness can’t exist here as well.

It’s up to us to cultivate the Divine qualities on an Earth that tends to make us feel rejected or uncared for and personally; when I recognize what I perceive to be darkness or difficulty on this Earth, I see that my mission here is that much more important. The Light is here on this Earth to stay and has been for quite a while, but it’s hard to notice the Light when we greet an Earthly experience that continually tests our faith and resolve.

I hope I’m not the only one continuing to experience amazing and incredible spiritual benefits in this moment.

I see that some others seem a bit down in the dumps or in need of recalibration before continuing on with their mission, and I see that some have found themselves a bit too snowed-in to want to continue on. It’s very unfortunate indeed, but I write this to remind us all that Love is not only here to stay on this world, but is growing in every moment.

Let our hearts go out to those among us embroiled in struggle or strife, and let us each be comforted in our times of difficulty or in the times we just can’t feel like we can go on. I’ve certainly had those times myself, and feel no shame in admitting it. I’d imagine many of you reading this have had those times as well.

In times of immense difficulty or sadness, it helps to know that in different places on this planet in every moment, dedicated Lightworkers are feeling blissful states of consciousness and Earthly awareness, and are able to diligently anchor the higher dimensions unto this Earth as a result.

Wes Annac – Reinforcing the Love that can never be fully-extinguished.



Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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Astral Travels: Blessing Turkish Protesters

Turkey-Protest_Horo11.jpgWritten by Wes Annac


The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.

This week, we’re going to bless the Turkish protesters who have been victims of police violence and unnecessary force in the past week. We’ve been getting steady reports about the protests occurring in Turkey, and what started out as peaceful protests were brutally answered-to by their government and by the police forces behind the brutality.

Every country and citizen on this world is to find the freedom and sovereignty we all deserve, and no body of people deserves to be oppressed when attempting to proclaim the innate sovereignty we all possess. It’s time for the will of the people to be widely-expressed and to topple corruption, and this week, we’re going to help see to it that the actions of the Turkish protesters bear positive fruit.

Turkey is just one out of many countries experiencing an uprising of their people in the form of peaceful protest, and no peaceful protests or collective assertions of our rights should be met with violence or oppression. Our Lighted energies are going to be funneled to the country of Turkey and to the souls protesting there, in an effort to energetically aid them and given them as much higher-dimensional energy as they need for what they’re doing.

To begin our exercise, we’re going to travel to the beautiful beach we traveled to last week. Last week, we performed blessings of various whistleblowers and people working to expose corruption and tyranny, and this week, we’re going to travel to the same beach and use a familiar visualization technique to bless the people of Turkey.

Take a few deep breaths, and ease-into a light meditation if you’d like. Ease-into a meditation that’s just deep enough to solidify your visualizations and to help you feel a steady flow of metaphysical energy as you perform this exercise, but shallow enough that you can actively perform your visualizations. In short; get into a groove of feeling the good, meditative vibrations before we make our first visualization.

Our first visualization for this exercise will be auditory.

Visualize the sound of waves crashing up against the sand of the beautiful beach we worked from last week. Hear the water flowing peacefully into the sand at times, and crashing intensely into the sand at others. Really hear and feel the ‘swooshing’ sound the water makes as it travels in waves to and from the beach, and when you’re ready, visualize the beach these waves are crashing onto.

As we did last week, notice that this beach extends out very far on every side. It seems nearly-endless, and the sea extends out as far as the eye can see and indeed, much further. Quite-dense jungle meets the end of the shore and in that jungle, the most harmonious and wonderful of pure vibrations can be felt and the most intensely-beautiful of visual scenery can be experienced.

While we may perhaps work to visualize the jungle in a future exercise, we’re going to focus on the beach itself for now. Feel the warmth of the sun’s rays as you exist in this land. Visualize specific elements to this beach or to the sea or jungle, and visualize the various different insects and animals teeming in this incredible area.

Visualize the big blue sky and a few small clouds, and take-in the fresh air and the smells of nature around you. Continue to hear the sounds of the waves coming to and from the beach, and when you’re ready, we’ll bring-forth the next part of our exercise.

Notice, as you stand/float on the beach facing the water, that a metaphysical “screen” of sorts seems to manifest out of the ether. Floating between you and the water is a portal of sorts, which is going to show us a specific landscape or scene; in this case, a scene related to the protests occurring in Turkey.

You may all see this portal or screen differently.  For example; some of you may see a television screen of sorts manifest out of nowhere, while others may see a stargate or an energetically-constructed portal. No matter what each of us individually sees or visualizes, we’re now going to focus on what we’re being shown as we gear-up to offer our blessing energies to the people of Turkey.

The scene we’re offered on our screen is one of young and old protesters alike, peacefully protesting the replacing of their cherished Gezi Park and the cutting-down of over six-hundred trees so that a shopping mall can be put in their place. The protesters wish to proclaim their right to have a say in the decision to do such a thing or not and to that extent, they protest and attempt to assert such rights.

The mood is light and uplifted, as the satisfaction of standing-up for themselves and their rights breeds an air of sovereignty for every individual involved. Enjoy this scene for a moment, and feel the uplifted vibes of the protesters. Perhaps even attempt to expand-upon those uplifted vibrations, and send them right back to the protesters in abundance.

Now – visualize as the scene we’re viewing changes into something much different and more sinister.

Peaceful protesters, young and old, are being teargased routinely. Police are using batons and a plethora of other weapons to crack-down on the people peacefully asserting their rights. Corrupt individuals in the Turkish government have ordered complete and full crack-downs on their own citizens, and the result is complete police brutality and corruption, taken to unprecedented extremes.

The drive in the protesters to continue standing up for themselves and to expand their aims, now that they’ve experienced such illegal brutality and inhumane crimes against them, only grows stronger as they’re attacked with tear gas and beaten-down. Physical pain can only do so much damage, and spiritual motivation will forever outlast any pain.

These soldiers of Light continue-on in their mission to stand up against the clear tyranny being wrought against them, and they continue to experience brutality as a result. As we view this scene and likely feel aching in our hearts for these dear protesters, we will gear-up to perform our blessings.

Notice as, seemingly out of nowhere, our entire group of subscribers now stands/floats with you. We’re here in quite a large group, and we’re going to use our collective blessing energies to funnel Love through to the scene we’re witnessing, as a group.

Make a personal affirmation that the purest of Christed consciousness be summoned-up from within you, directly from the realms of Source. Of course, you won’t receive Source energy in its purest form because we don’t yet exist in the fully-undistorted realms of Source, but such a strong affirmation will see you summoning vastly-pure energy from within.

Visualize this energy as it flows up into your feet and begins traveling up your spine. What does this stream of pure Creator-energy look like as it flows up through you?

What color (or colors) is it? What specific features does it have? Is it transparent, or more solid-looking? Make specific visualizations regarding this energy, and continually affirm that it’s pure and potent in structure and in the amount of good it’s to do.

Notice that as this energy flows up your spine, it pours out of each of your chakras.

It quite literally flows out of your astral chakras as it comes up through you, and every bit of energy flowing out of your chakras is being added to our now-forming collective “cloud” of energy. Our collective energy-cloud is already growing quite big, as the chakras of each of us pour this energy out in buckets and add it to the cloud, while our small streams are added to the cloud as well.

Spend as much “time” bringing this energy through as you’d like to. I’d recommend spending quite a lot of time and energy on this transfer, for the people of Turkey need all the positive energy and assurance they can get. Really pour the Creator-energy you’re acting as a conduit for into our collective cloud, and when you’re ready, we’re going to send our cloud off to the dear protesters.

With one grand visualization, watch as our collective cloud squeezes-through the scene we’re witnessing, and washes-over every facet of the scene. This energy washes-over the peaceful and oppressed protesters, and covers them in pure, blessed bliss. Our blessing energy washes-over the men and women; the children and animals.

This energy washes over the young and the old; the oppressed and the oppressors. The Creator looks upon Turkey with a smile, and offers the energies we’ve just given for the Turkish people to take and absorb.

While I couldn’t yet offer a visualization of what the situation looks like after our blessings have been given, I can recommend continuing to send your positive affirmations and visualizations toward the protesters and toward the uprising occurring in Turkey.

We’ve done what we can in sending our pure blessing energies toward the dear protesters, and I’m confident they’ll be able to actively pick-up on and absorb our blessings and use them to rise-up against the corruption in their government, in a way that sees as minimal loss of Life as possible.

Say a prayer for the people of Turkey every morning and night. For that matter, say a prayer for the citizens of every area of this world attempting to stand-up to the corruption that’s attempted to take away their natural right to use their voices and speak-up.

Say a prayer for the revolution of mankind, because Turkey and so many other countries are leading the way. Our blessing energies have been sent to the protesters in Turkey, and we can continue to keep them in our thoughts and send positive energy and intent their way.

For now, continue to spend time in this realm if you wish to. Perhaps perform more blessings for the people of Turkey or for the people of any other country working to uproot their oppressors, and continue to visualize a brimming Galactic society built by the people. We’re building such a society, one country’s revolution at a time.

This concludes this week’s astral travels.

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ufo-white-house-1952.jpg-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Every one of you is a Divine channel for the energies of the higher realms to come through, and we’ve always wished for you dear souls to know this.

We‘ve always wished for you to understand that you come from brimming higher dimensions, wherein the difficulty you experience on the Earth simply cannot exist.

We’ve worked with so very much of ourselves to help your collective to see the Light and to help every one of you find the individual awakenings that will spark your collective ascension and help every soul on your world find the realms of full consciousness, and we’ve remained in your skies helping to mitigate and neutralize the pollution manifested and fed.

We can only do so much in the avenue of cleansing humanity’s manifested pollution. In the time ahead when the collective vibrations allow for our presence to be made known on your world in a blatant and widespread manner, we’ll be passing the torch to humanity and teaching you how to utilize the technologies we’ve been utilizing, to completely heal your world altogether.

The technologies we possess can indeed help cleanse the Earth of every last bit of density and pollution still manifested and fed, but your collective freewill measures see us unable to intervene in your evolution in too bold of ways by utilizing such technology, as you’re meant to reap what you sew and to clean-up the mess that’s been made on your planet.

Humanity’s been led away from understanding the realms of full consciousness; from caring about your environment and the reality around you; and from finding your oneness with every soul on your Earth, and this has all been done to keep you held back as a species.

Those with mental intelligence yet blocked-off hearts have perceived themselves as greater than the majority of humanity, and have actively worked to keep you dear souls subdued and distracted with the darkness they’ve flaunted in front of you for so very long.

Darker-Inclined Topics

Our scribe requests clarification on the idea that higher-dimensional beings cannot discuss any topics that are of a darker-inclined nature, such as topics surrounding your cabals. We say that we’re indeed unable to come close to any density in terms of our ability (or desire) to feel the density ourselves.

However, we’re able to discuss such things and have routinely discussed various different manners that, were we actually experiencing them ourselves, we wouldn’t be able to handle without first being properly trained to handle even the general weight accompanying existing on your Earth in every moment.

We work to inform you from the perspective we’re blessed with having, as we’re able to see everything, in every moment. We’re able to utilize our technology, along with the Akashic Records, to see what the cabals are doing and to see what many of you dear souls who’ve become attached to our energies are doing.

We use such ability to help humanity along your growth back into the realms of full consciousness.

Having the vantage-point we do, we’re able to see when the cabals plan a devious deed and we work to see how much we can curtail or stop altogether, what they plan.

Even when we discuss the cabals and the souls who have been at the front of their operations, we do not see evil, dastardly or malevolent souls as many on Earth absorbing our communication do, and this is one main reason our vibrations don’t descend when we discuss them.

We don’t see dark, malevolent souls when we discuss them and the actions they’ve committed. We see lost souls who truly need the Light in exponential ways, yet block themselves away from the Light and from every facet of a heavenly and Lighted existence.

Love is all There is

These souls have actively sought-out darkness, and have fed service-to-self acts of extreme proportions. It’s for this reason that we are with you, helping you evolve while working to see that the pollution manifested and fed (largely by the cabals) doesn’t affect Life on your planet in widespread ways.

The cabals are souls of the Light, just as every one of you is, who have lost their way and have become entrenched in exponential darkness that’s seen them commit atrocities against others, which bring-about a heavy karmic burden for them.

We see all souls and all actions ultimately based in Love; even those that seem very far away from Love or seem to be anchored in the polar opposite of Love.

Love is truly all there is.

The darkness and hatred many of you witness are much, much more illusory than your collective has been led to believe, and we can feel that when humanity understands as a whole that Love and Light are meant to be fed rather than hate and disharmony, your world will find the peace so many in your past and present have worked so hard to see established.

Every soul around you is finding an awakening in their own way; it’s simply that such awakenings will not yet show until the rest of your collective begins to catch up to those of you paving the way for your collective ascension.

What we mean is that the awakenings taking place in the minds and hearts of those around you will take some time to be noticed in very blatant ways, and the catching-up on the part of your collective will see those around many of you begin to lighten and loosen-up as they begin to find the vibrations many of you are now traversing with grace and ease.

The Embodiment of the Divine Essence

Despite the ease in which you’re anchoring and assimilating the vibrations leading you ever-onward to the higher dimensions, we note the difficulty experienced in your physical Lives as you seek to hold the vibrations of the Divine, yet seem to meet with Earthly things that test your resolve.

We note the difficulty of being exposed to incredible darkness while attempting to hold the Light and spread it in every corner of your world and your personal experience, and we say that you’ve come fully-equipped to handle any challenges that come your way.

You are the embodiment of the Divine essence of our Creator and as such, no temporary pains or difficulties can ever hold you back from expressing your natural Light.

Nothing will ever stop you from re-finding the higher realms or from expressing the increasingly-pure perspectives you’re beginning to unlock, because you’re bred from a strength that’s stronger than any that’s been expressed on Earth.

Every one of you is imbued with the strength, knowledge, Love and sovereignty of our Creator, and we happily request for you to begin taking your power back.

You can take your power back spiritually by getting involved in your personal evolution, and by working to shine Light onto every last aspect of your experience that can be seen as dark.

Physically, you can arise by proclaiming your sovereignty from the tyranny that’s sought to run your world and keep you all enslaved and again, when we discuss tyranny, we don’t experience the dip in vibration some would perhaps expect.

We’re able to discuss the subjects we are, because our perceptive Light is meant to be shone onto such matters as we encourage you to actively seek awareness regarding them.

Encouraging Awareness

We don’t request you dip your vibrations in the name of becoming exposed to or yourselves exposing the actions of the cabals, but we encourage awareness of what they’ve attempted to do; as they’ve kept many souls on your world conditioned and unaware by spreading distraction, which breeds an unknowing of them and their actions.

As long as an Earthly soul is too distracted with their daily job, the culture around them and a media that strongly feeds such culture, they won’t understand the financial crimes that have been wrought upon your world.

They’ll be kept too conditioned to understand that tyranny has become commonplace even in your developed countries, and they’ll seek only to feed-into the distracted, physical paradigm in every way they can. You dear souls are here to break the cycle of distraction, and your missions have been noble indeed.

You’re here to help uplift a collective that’s been lost and distracted and in doing so, you uplift the minds and hearts of every soul around you.

Every soul around you deserves the awakening they’ll find taking place within, and you who have awakened and actively sought the higher dimensions are already beginning to find payoff on your world, in the form of the Divine energies beginning to descend unto you now.

The intent of us and every other source from the higher realms, who speaks to humanity through scribes, is not to gear you up for changes we wish you to think we’re bringing-about solely.

Our aim is not to keep your hopes and expectations high for events that are never to manifest and rather, we seek to help you cultivate the changes needing to be made to your Earth, as we seek to help you come to find the spiritual “secrets” that have been hidden from you, in a widespread, collective manner.

Brazen Mass Landings

In short, we seek to help your collective evolve.

While we’ve been on the “front lines” so to speak and have readied ourselves to make (recent) previous contacts with your world which didn’t come about; we’ve remained as active as ever in our assistance in your evolution, and we do indeed plan to make ourselves known in very bold and brazen ways.

We speak of mass landings that will display our presence to the entirety of humanity. We speak of active disclosures on the part of your governmental and militarily leaders of the cover-up of our existence, as well as that of the negatively-inclined beings who take factions in the Zeta race and others.

We speak of the type of full disclosure that changes the Lives of every person subjected to such disclosure, and we’re just as excited as all of you for such disclosure to be brought-about.

However; we don’t seek to deliver false information related to our disclosure, nor do we wish to keep any soul too distracted thinking about all that’s to manifest in your physical reality, to begin performing the work themselves.

We don’t seek to keep you subservient in the name of waiting for the changes to be made to your reality and to your bodies and spirits, but we encourage you to get active in such changes and to throw yourselves into your personal ascension and into the awakening of the collective.

We ask you to throw yourselves into the disclosure of our existence, if you feel particularly drawn to doing so. We ask you to find whatever aspect of the future you’re moving into that resonates with you the most, and begin working with as much of yourselves as possible to help in the ascension of your Earth.

You have so very much to offer to the Earth’s ascension and as such, your active involvement in every facet of such ascension will anchor an incredible amount of determination and inspiration unto your collective, which will be acted-upon by every soul on your dear Earth.

You’ve Remained a Pure Conduit of Light

With the strength of the Creator by your side, there’s absolutely nothing you cannot do.

Every being in the higher dimensions has wished for you to see your innate strength and higher-dimensionality, as beyond all of the Earthly ventures you’ve experienced, you’ve remained the strong and pure conduit of Light you were when initially making your ways to the Earth.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we say that no external source can take your power away and no attempted stealing of your ordained sovereignty can ever be successful. You are souls of the Light, and no temporary darkness will ever take that away from you.

With the Love of the entirety of our collective and the entirety of the Pleiadian race, we leave for now.

Thank you to the Pleiadian Council of Nine, and to SanJAsKa for being their conduit.



Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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You are a shining and marvelous conduit for the energies of the Divine to come forth. Every last one of you is performing an exponential feat for the surface of the Earth, by offering yourself up as a conduit for the energies of the higher realms to come through and shine onto every last aspect of your Earth experience.

You all carry the purest signatures of Light, and your sacred Light has always been meant to be shone onto every aspect of the Earth experience based in the lower-dimensionality your collective is now growing away from.

We seek to offer ourselves to the ascension of your Earth in every way we can and to that extent, we’ve been communicating with humanity along with working fruitfully behind the scenes on a plethora of aspects of the ascension of your Earth.

One of the most important aspects of your ascension is the energetic aspect.

The energy all around you that forms and sustains your reality is increasing in purity in a rapid manner, and as such, we along with plenty others take to monitoring your collective energy-levels to make sure that the continual purity-increases don’t have any unintended effects upon your collective, or upon each of you individually.

A Monitored Growth Experience

Your experience as it plays-out at present is quite monitored by us higher-dimensional beings and by the higher selves of each of you, as your Lives are carefully planned and crafted in an effort to assist you along your way of growing and learning on the Earth.


Your experiences on the Earth have shaken you to your very core in many cases, because the strongest of issues and pains lie, for many of you, at such core.

Many of you have held negativity and pain deep within your heart for so very long and now, the Light you’ve come to the Earth with to shine onto every aspect of the Earth experience, is being shone on those parts of yourselves who have been in pain for so very long; in some cases, without you realizing it at your surface.

When you can actively cleanse and work-through every last bit of negativity, fear and pain that serves to block a higher-dimensional connection, you’ll be able to find an unprecedented, clear line of access to our energies and to those of a plethora of other ascended souls who wish to assist you along your growth.

You’ll find that the topic of assisting you along your growth is repeated fruitfully in many higher-dimensional communications, and this is because the sole mission of quite a few Angels and guides at present is to help the Earthly souls they’re guiding, to find the higher realms and ascend with the rest of your collective.

Our goal is indeed for your entire collective to be able to ascend, and we and you alike will work to help educate the public in the time ahead about your evolution and about the manner in which it’s to be brought about.

Extending Our Consciousness Down to the Earth

Collective ascensions haven’t happened nearly as often as individual ones have, and individuals have ascended on your Earth in a plethora of time periods in your history. In some cases, souls who have ascended have come back to assist you in the collective evolution occurring currently, and many of us have extended our consciousness down to incarnate as various different individuals aimed at working toward the Earth’s ascension.

Many of us who are speaking to you from the higher realms are involved in incarnations taken on the Earth, and what we mean by this is that aspects of our consciousness have been funneled-down and have incarnated into an Earthly body to help accelerate the collective evolution.

Master Jesus has taken plentiful incarnations on your Earth, and His energies are exponentially and readily available for any Earthly soul to connect-to, who has felt close with His energies and teachings.

Every last one of us is here to offer as much advice and guidance as we can in every moment, and we ask you dear souls to make your efforts to sharpen your higher-dimensional focus and clarity in this time; as you’re being initiated into a whole new way of existing.


Your very idea of the reality around you is to change entirely when your ascension begins making itself known, and you can begin pulling many of the ideals and concepts of the higher dimensions toward you now as you work to cultivate the Divine qualities in everything you do.

You’re working toward the betterment of mankind, and we encourage working toward the betterment of one’s Self as well, as indeed, you are working to re-find dimensions of consciousness that require an understanding of the mechanisms that drive such dimensions.

Communicating the Exuberance of the Higher Realms

The mechanisms that have driven the lower-dimensional experience are all derived from the lone energy of fear, which is indeed the polar opposite of the energy of Love.

Fear breeds anger; sadness; depression; angst and frustration, and so many other things that are nearly designed to hold a human soul back and keep them within the bondages and limitations of the Earth experience.

The Earth experience as you see it is to transform along with your perception of the reality around you, and working to see yourselves in alignment with the Divine in every moment will propel you toward our realms and, for those of you who are interested in making strong connections with us, toward us souls existing happily in these realms.

If we could only properly communicate the exuberance; the beauty; the Divinity and wholeness accompanying a higher-dimensional experience, we would feel quite satisfied with the issuing of our communications indeed.

If we could say one thing or give one impression that communicates, even a small bit, the unfathomable beauty, Divinity and ecstasy of these realms we exist in, than we’d be able to help you dear souls understand the brimming joy you’re always greeted with by a plethora of higher-dimensional souls.

If we could communicate the depth and clarity of these realms, and the fact that there are truly infinite amounts of ascended beings actively assisting in the evolutions of various lower dimensions and the worlds within such dimensions, than you’d understand why there are so many channeled messages published to your internet that claim to come from a wide range of entities.

If we could only communicate how close the Divine is to your planet, and the fact that there are innumerable ascended societies and species existing right in your cosmic backyard, than you’d understand the seemingly-crazy claims that we as well as Galactic visitors communicate with humanity.

If we could just communicate a portion of the experience you are about to have or the energies you are about to feel and rediscover in yourselves, than we’ll have completed our tasks well. This is truly our aim in communicating with you, dear souls; to help you get a glimpse into the realms beyond your conscious understanding.

Our Ordained Evolution

Our very mission revolves around helping every Earthly soul find the states of consciousness we’re speaking to you from. To that extent, there’s so very much we’ve done and communicated to humanity regarding your evolution, and we’ll forever have so much more to teach you.

As we help you to evolve, so too do we progress in our own ordained evolution. We reach purer sates of perception and understanding just as you dear souls do, and we find ourselves growing and learning in unprecedented ways with each bit of help we give to any lower-dimensional or struggling civilization.

This is because of the prevalence of the ideal of service-to-others in these realms, and you dear souls will find in the time ahead that serving others forms the basis of experience in the higher dimensions.

What we mean is that while these realms replenish instantly and don’t leave one longing in any sense, we take exuberance and satisfaction on an immense level when helping a civilization or even an individual soul to see the Light and find a personal evolution.

We grow ourselves when helping you to grow, as the very prospect of helping another soul is revered highly in these realms. This is because we can remember to a degree what our own lower-dimensional experiences were like, and we fathom the oneness of all sentient consciousness, existing in all different dimensions and undergoing all kinds of different experiences.

We fathom and understand the fact that you are us, and we are you.

We are one and the same; we simply exist in different dimensions of consciousness and work in our own ways to find the realms of Source once again. For us, this includes helping you dear souls to evolve and to see the Oneness of humanity and of all sentient Life, as we’ve always been connected.

We’ve always been connected via an infallible and inextinguishable grid of collective energy, and this collective energy we speak of is that which unites us all within it.

This Energy

We speak of the Loving Source energy that Creates and sustains your realities in the body temples you experience your Earth within, as this energy Creates all things and keeps all things united within it. This energy builds worlds and helps the civilizations of such worlds to evolve, and this energy guides us onward as we seek to assist you and to grow into purer understandings of Source ourselves.

This is the energy of that which you would refer to as Source; as God; as the Creator, and this conscious energy cares for you all just as deeply as we do and indeed, moreso.

This energy is omnipotent and is pure in structure, and seeks to actively assist the collective of humanity, just as we do. We work to help you understand this energy a bit more, as your interaction with and understanding of it will only increase.

Your Divinity as a human being is beginning to be understood by a plethora of individuals who are in important positions on your world, who can use their positions for the betterment of mankind rather than for the progressing of darkly-inclined agendas.

We speak of souls within your governments; your military and financial institutions; your education systems; and even souls within your entertainment industry who have become celebrities because of the roles they’ve played in films and television shows.

Souls all over your world who are in important positions of influence are beginning to find subtle yet potent awakenings taking place in themselves, and they’re being activated for their greater mission at this time, just as you dear souls are.

Souls who have previously worked for the cabals will continue to jump ship and join-over to the side of the Light, and the containment of the cabal heads that we and your Galactic brethren have been working with much of ourselves on, will bear fruit in the form of leaders and people in positions of power seeming to take a left-turn with the ideals they express and the policies they attempt to put-into play.

Seeming-Epiphanies in Important Developmental Areas

Celebrities with much influence on your world and indeed, even celebrities who’ve been a part of the Illuminati families, will begin speaking up en masse and will begin working toward the restoration of the Earth in their own ways.

They and plenty of other souls within important positions will help awaken the collective, as your collective has been lost in the mucky depths of unawareness while looking toward such souls to, in many cases, feed their ideas of reality to them.

Souls especially in your areas of science and medicine will seem to have epiphanies and begin proclaiming the reality of realms beyond your conscious understanding as well as that of Life beyond death, and the collective of humanity will be easily-activated and awakened as a large result of the actions of such souls.

The paradigm of looking up to another or placing ones’ energy in an idol will pass, as every last one of you will be seen as heroes and “celebrities”.

No soul shall gain credence over another, and as we make our final impression for this communication, we continue to thank and congratulate you for the important roles you continue to play in the Earth’s restoration and ascension.

When you feel as if you haven’t done enough or as if you’re losing your connection to the higher realms, remember that there are more-than-billions of us higher-dimensional souls with you in every moment, and we’re far too fixated upon you and your evolution for you to ever lose connection with us.

We are here for you, dear souls, and this simply cannot be stressed enough.

Thank you to the Ascended Masters.



Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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Astral Travels: Whistleblower Blessings

astral-travel.gifThe following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.

This week, we’re going to use the blessing abilities we’re beginning to develop, to bless the various whistleblowers and people who have come out against corruption and tyranny, sometimes at great personal risk.

Edward Snowden is just the latest example of a courageous soul working to expose things they’ve witnessed and been a part of that they were not in agreement with. All over the world and for decades, brave individuals have stepped-up and risked their personal sense of security in the name of exposing the crimes of the cabals, and it’s for this and plenty of other reasons that these souls deserve our blessings.

Specifically, we’re going to work to put protection around these souls. We’re going to bless a few specific corruption-exposers in a manner intended to keep them as safe and secure as possible, and our blessings are intended to radiate-out to every person whose exposed corruption on this world.

I received this idea in part from Steve Beckow, who made a call to Lightworkers to send our good vibrations to Edward Snowden, and I figured it wouldn’t hurt to integrate such an idea into our astral exercise this week, as well as expand-upon it. Again; rather than just blessing one individual, we’re going to bless a handful of courageous whistleblowers and people who have worked to expose corruption.

We’re learning how powerful our blessing and healing energies are as we expand-upon our perceptions of them, and now, we’re going to reintroduce ourselves to the ability to put energetic and Lighted protection around an individual or small collective of souls. In doing so, each one of us is intended to unlock a greater understanding of our personal strength and ability to provide and be a conduit for not only Love and abundance, but for pure protection as well.

When we can affirm that our energies go to protecting another from the lower vibrations manifested in the form of those who would come after them (authority being the case with various whistleblowers), we’ll understand the strength of what we’re doing in greater ways. We’ll also help a myriad of souls who have themselves done much for the evolution of the Earth.

To begin our exercise, we’re going to first visualize our individual selves standing/floating on a beautiful beach.

Look to your left, and to your right. The beach extends out for miles it seems, and behind you, beautiful jungle-Life is brimming. At this very moment, it’s just you and your beautiful, spiritual beach. Merge with every facet of this beach momentarily, and feel the various elements that make it up.

Feel yourselves as the water splashing onto the beach from the sea. Feel yourselves as the sand; the air; the sky; feel the deepest and most innate, spiritual connection to every element and aspect of the harmonious Creation around you. Ease into the purest feelings and perceptions you can, as you’re truly meant to feel and radiate such purity.

You maintain a constant, affirmed connection with this land. This being an etheric land, you can also change aspects of it if you wish to. For example; imagine a sandcastle manifesting-up from the sand, and standing beautifully. Visualize a flock of birds flying overhead, and Create for yourselves what type of birds they’re to be.

Perhaps some of you visualized seagulls; perhaps cardinals; perhaps some of you envisioned a nearly-random array of different types of birds, all flying harmoniously in their one large flock. Every visualization you make is real and can be worked-with and altered in these realms, as they’re all aspects of your harmonious existence with every facet of the Creation around you.

This is your personal space to Create and enjoy in, and it’s from here that we’ll perform our whistleblower-blessings.

Notice as a very large group of people/spirits begins fading into view, floating with you on this beach. This is your group of fellow subscribers and while you’ve all existed in this land individually up until now, you’ve been apart from each other per your individual visualizations. We’re now to proceed with the exercise as a clan.

Notice somewhere in this crowd, a bearded young man with quite long, reddish hair, wearing a shirt with the “Batman” symbol on it and light-tan khaki shorts. When you find this soul, greet Wes Annac with a big smile. That’s right: I am and have always been a part of these exercises with our subscriber group, and the specific description I gave was because, well, that’s what I wore on the day of writing this.

Now – notice as we all begin convening together, that in the beach-area to the right of us, the sand moves and forms into something.

Visualize as seven large squares are drawn-in to the sand to the right of us, each containing a name written in the sand. Float or walk over to the seven squares, and read the names contained in each one:

1. Edward Snowden

2. Julian Assange

3. Bradley Manning

4. Bill Brockbrader

5. Daniel Ellsberg

6. Jeffrey Wigand

7. Sgt. Clifford Stone

Each of these souls has worked diligently to expose things that have been covered up, and every whistleblower or person who’s worked to expose illegal cover-ups deserves and will hopefully receive the blessing and protection we’re about to give. We’re going to bless these seven individuals, and the blessings we give will radiate-out and hopefully affect every whistleblower for the ultimate good.

Visualize as our subscriber-group forms a large circle around the seven drawn-in squares containing the names. As our circle comes to a finish, affirm that the purest of Creator Light be drawn up from within you. It’s important to remember that you’re a constant vessel for Creator energy, and it only takes a request to bring such energy through, for it to spill out of you in abundance.

We are very powerful beings with incredible potential, and we’re to utilize such potential now as every last one of us visualizes and affirms the purest streams of colorful Light coming up through the “spines” our etheric bodies. Affirm/visualize the “silvery stream” of energy we learned to visualize from the Hathors, or utilize any other visualization of this energy that works for you.

Either way, really feel this energy coming through you. Rather than it being added to our many-times-used collective energy “cloud”, we’re going to affirm that it forms a protective squared barrier around each name and each individual whom our Light is intended to help protect.

Whereas the seven names were inscribed in the sand from within drawn-in squares, there are now strong and transparent squares of pure protection-energy rising up from the sand and soaring into the astral sky, becoming seven square pillars of Light and protection for each individual and for every whistleblower.

My friends, we’ve done it.

We’ve sent our blessings to the seven referenced corruption-exposers, and we’ve worked to put a protective, Lighted barrier around their energies. The hopes of this exercise are of course for our blessings to provide real protection for each of these individuals, and time will tell of what we hope to be the ultimately-positive fates of Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and Brill Brockbrader specifically.

These individuals certainly don’t deserve to sit in prison for their diligent acts of exposure, and if our blessing energies have any say in it, they will suffer no further negative consequences for what are heroic actions and actions that are needed for this planet.

Now that we’ve performed our blessing and set-up our protective barrier, you’re as always, encouraged to spend some more time in this lovely realm we’ve done our work from this week.

You’re strongly encouraged to put your time and energy in this realm to good use and bless a plethora of other souls or representations, and for now, I wrap-up this week’s exercise with the satisfaction of knowing that, at the very least, we did our best to help the souls we’ve blessed.

This concludes this week’s astral discussion.

Image link: http://astralsociety.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/astral-travel.gif

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Note from Wes: This just in from a reader in Turkey. I’d highly recommend spreading this update far and wide, as well as any future Turkey-related updates posted to any reliable alternative news site.

The media will, of course, fall silent on much of what’s going on with the protesters and the brutal actions taken by the police, but this is what our alternative media is for. Nothing will stop us from spreading the truth in the face of lies and suppression, and the people of Turkey need our Light and need us to help spread the real news of what’s happening there.

Lightworkers, gear up to give your blessings, because they’re needed. This is what we’re here for.

Dear Lightworkers of the World

Today I am appealing to all of you. WE NEED YOUR HELP! I am a lightworker from Turkey and feeling slightly isolated but full of hope. Our country is in turmoil, the protests entered its 6th day, and there is unprecedented crackdown of the police that is violent and savage. The protests started to save one of the last green patches in Istanbul, to save Gezi Park, stop the slaughter of 650 trees and prevent a shopping mall built instead. However, these peaceful protesters were violently attacked on Friday and this sparked what has become a fight for freedom of expression, protect constitutional rights, respect to common people, respect to diversity of religion, race and personal choices.

If you want to learn more about the protests please see below links:




People from all ages, all classes and backgrounds are together on the streets. Parents are packing their daughters’ overnight protest packs, grandparents putting together anti tear gas solutions, shop owners donate food and provide shelter. So we are all in this together in more than 100 cities, districts and towns. We have two problems: There is a complete media silence including media giants MSNBC and CNN Turk. We need our voices to be heard. Media blackout needs to stop.

Secondly, during the day the police is still very aggressive, however ironic it may sound, the protesters got used to being tear gassed every 10-30 minutes or so. But when the sun goes down, the older crowd leaves the streets and go back home to support them from their homes, to prepare for the next day and to rest, these young indigos, crystal children, starseeds are left alone and then the real attack by the police starts.

Bloodshed, death, casualties, house raids and torture are reported, we are gathering all the evidence we can and report it to Amnesty International. I have seen many kids with broken noses (apparently that is a common use of police batons), chemical burns, broken legs, dislocated shoulders, etc. And I am in awe of these young people, they are so decent, so peaceful, creative and have such sense of humour it brings tears to my eyes. The number of casualties and deaths are not reported correctly.

And we have missing people. Whole city smells like tear gas and some ‘orange’ gas that was used in Vietnam and banned in the EU and US. People living in the city centres cannot open their windows, they are choking. There is a real health hazard for especially asthmatic, elderly and children. We now have a new word being ‘oranged’.

The orange gas burns your whole body, makes you nauseous, you cannot breathe and your eye sight does not return for about an hour, it is cancerous and banned. The police started to use a new chemical weapon in Izmir yesterday, it temporarily paralyzes, causes nose-bleed and we don’t know what other effects it will have in the future. Going to a hospital is a risky thing to do, the police waits in most of them and gather all the injured even before they are treated. There are some torture buildings that everybody knows and reports but the government refuses any incoming information and requests from the protesters. I am sure I am missing many important points on this message. But I am trying to keep it short.

What we need from you is to share your love and light with us. Please keep us in your prayers, in your meditations. Let’s pray for the best possible outcome. We need you to send AA Michael’s blue light of peace and truth, Raphael’s green healing light,St. Germaine’s Violet Flame, the Mother’s love and any other soothing, helping, healing energy you work with. Please show your support. Please tell us that you are with us. Please share this message. The protesters are at #occupyturkey, #direnankara, #direnizmir, #direntürkiye, #occupygezi, #direnbesiktas, #direnadana, #direnantalya. Facebook page: Occupy Turkey

Thank you very much!

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A Spiritual Revolution: The Necessity of Peace

peace-art.jpgWritten by Wes Annac


I’d like to explore the idea of peace being an absolute and essential aspect of humanity’s spiritual revolution.

A friend brought up the fair point that a massive amount of awakening individuals arising and standing up to the current power structures in place could potentially herald violence. As I said in a previous writing, the very idea of a violent revolution or one attained in anything other than peaceful ways is not the type of revolution I wish to help incite.

I’m ready to go against the curve, to take the road less traveled and be a part of a revolution enacted in peaceful ways, rather than violent ones. When we can understand just what we can accomplish as a united, collective body, our strength in numbers will be too apparent for the need for violence to even arise, in my opinion.

Of course, we’ll need to coherently organize the various factions of the overall revolution we wish to ignite, to see that violence doesn’t arise and the actions of those who’ve awakened don’t get out of hand.

We can ignite revolution without any bit of violence, as long as we take responsibility for the enormity of what we’re doing and utilize oversight to see that we’re all organized, all across the planet. We need to make sure we’re all working toward the same peaceful, harmonious future, and an aspect of doing so will be spreading and gaining credence for the overall message of attaining peace in peaceful ways.

If I can be a bit blunt with my opinion, peace simply can’t be attained in violent ways. Even if we were to violently arise and uproot those who’ve oppressed us with such violence, the actual problem that those individuals have fed-into won’t go away.

The peace we wish to spread across this land will only be temporary if it’s attained in violent ways, as the mindset of being rewarded for violence and thus violence being a necessity to uproot oppression will be fed and reinforced.

With such a mindset enforced on a collective level, we’d only continue to fall into the traps of enslavement until we “get it right” and work to rise up in peaceful ways. This is one reason that the peaceful message we wish to spread and the peaceful yet assertive ways we will spread such a message will be stressed continually throughout the organizing of our revolution.

No matter whom the idea of this revolution spreads to or the violent means some may wish to take to aid our revolution, the strongest aspect of it will forever be a peaceful assertion of our rights as a united, collective body.

I’m very much of the opinion that we’re all meant to take the reins from the cabal in this time, and I feel that the most important part of doing so is for us all to unite and arise. The cabals haven’t wanted us to come together and convene as a collective on the various ways we can assert ourselves, and uproot them with our sheer strength in numbers.

The society many of us wish to build will adhere to the ideals of peace, abundance and prosperity for every person. As these are basic ideals that likely resonate with the majority of people on this world, it’s time for us all to unite and stand up for them, in the face of power structures put in place to keep others down.

We’ve been taught to believe in divisiveness for so long, and this is due to the cabals’ desire to make sure we’re always kept separated, so that we don’t understand our oneness and the massive strength we possess as a collective body. Even they know that if every last one of us stood-up and proclaimed our sovereignty while beginning to build a new society beyond the limitations imposed onto us, they’d be powerless to stop us.

We wouldn’t need to look toward disclosure (though it would likely happen soon after) or a Galactic uprooting of the cabal. We wouldn’t need any form of violence to display our strength in numbers and the fact that we can come together to build a brimming society in alignment with the aforementioned ideals.

Upon getting truly motivated and working to spread the message of the higher realms to every last person on this Earth, we’ll ignite the full-on spiritual revolution that’ll lead to the establishment of our Galactic society. We’ll encourage every person who we’ll help make aware to stand up for themselves and their ordained rights as citizens of this planet and along the way, we’ll continually encourage and reinforce the idea of arising peacefully, rather than violently.

It’s time to set ourselves apart from many of the revolutionaries of our past. It’s time to establish and feed peace on a widespread level, and it’s time for every last one of us to become actively involved in running this Earth.

The time has come – and it’s plain to see.

Wes Annac – Adding a peaceful connotation to the idea of the “warrior”



Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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sunset.jpg-Channeled through Wes Annac-

You will find yourselves able to pick-up on the frequencies and impressions being emitted by us souls in the higher dimensions, quite easily as you grow and develop your multidimensional perceptions and abilities. We quite excitedly await the time when every one of you dear souls can maintain an active and steady link to our energies.

We’re so very excited to convene with every one of you who finds yourself awakened to the reality of our existence and our wish to assist you along your ordained ascension processes. If we could only but express every last bit of our excitement to convene with you in the purest and realest ways possible, than you would understand it indeed.

Just as other souls from the higher realms have, we’ve worked with many of you quite exponentially in the past and specifically, those of you who find yourselves attracted to our communications and our vibrations have been companions of ours in the past, as we’ve worked to uplift various planets and civilizations.

That is indeed the aim of the Galactic Federation, and we’ve delightfully tasked ourselves with helping as many planets and civilizations as possible to see the Light. Specifically, we’re helping you dear souls to assist the Earth in Her ascension process.

Transmuting the Lower Dimensions

A large facet of the missions of you who are incarnate on the Earth has been to actively face and transmute the lower-dimensionality of the Earth’s collective consciousness, and you’ve done this with grace and strength. The collective vibrations being emitted by every soul on your Earth are reaching much more Lighted territory than they’ve been in for quite a while.

This is being aided by the opening of various gates of energy that are to serve as exponential planetary chakras for dearest Gaia, who is to utilize such (opened gates) to assist in the cleansing we’re performing in your skies in nearly every moment.

The cleansing we’re performing for your ground, skies and waters is scientific and healing-based in nature, and we’re able to perform such cleansing on an advanced level compared to what’s performed on your Earth in this moment, because of our understanding of the necessity of merging science and spirituality.

The division of science and spirituality has been one of the biggest facets of the holding-back of humanity for far too long.

Mainstream science on your world has chosen to largely focus on physicality and discovering and proving things in a physical sense, rather than placing a bit of credence to what’s already been long-uncovered and discovered concerning the realms of Source and the energy that serves as the driving force of your reality.

We speak of the energy that Creates gravity and time as you experience them; the energy that sustains your conscious experience upon the specific octave of reality you exist in.

This is omnipotent, spiritual energy and it can be accessed and benefitted-from within the human temple.

Daily Affirmations for Channels

Upon accessing your connection with spirit, some of you will find brimming and excited beings from the higher dimensions, such as us and your spiritual guides, who’ll eagerly step-in to connect with you. We wholeheartedly encourage anyone who’s just beginning to open-up to their channels, to practice daily affirmations to the extent of only allowing beings of the purest consciousness and intent to be with you in any and every moment.

Your daily affirmations are important if you wish to maintain active and real links with our energies and impressions, because while their influence is fading, lower-inclined entities will still attempt to come through and masquerade as a plethora of different beings, while funneling-though false and misleading information and lower impressions disguised to be of the Light.

We trust that you can begin to recognize if a lower entity is attempting to pose as an entity of the higher dimensions, and call upon any one of your guides or Archangels Michael and Raphael for their specific healing and cleansing energies.

These souls and so many others in the higher realms will help you to ward-off the influence of any lower-inclined beings who would attempt to mislead and confuse.

The accelerating awakening taking place in the minds and hearts of every single Earth soul is initiating massive positive effects in your physical reality, and like all good things, it’ll take a bit more of your physical concept of time for the bulk of the changes you the awakening humanity have largely helped to manifest, to become apparent.

The higher dimensions are moving unto your world as you grow toward them and us souls within them, at quite a rapid pace. We trust as that many of you who are awakening can long feel the speeding-up of time as you continue to grow and learn and greet the higher dimensions of experience, wherein time is not a factor and as such, begins to accelerate increasingly before fading.

Easily Connecting with the Higher Realms

Continuing to practice and affirm active links to the higher dimensions will see you well on your way to fully-developing and strengthening your perceptions, and the energies you’re actively absorbing unto yourselves will only continue to increase in purity and intensity as you take-in and absorb more and more of such energies.

We note that many of you note, especially at this point, that your ease and ability to access the higher dimensions and our impressions is becoming much stronger, and we can say with smiles on our faces and Love in our hearts that you dear souls have earned this ease.

You’ve earned the fruitful ability to traverse the vast astral landscapes you can begin to open yourselves up to, and you’ve certainly earned the right to communicate with us in the higher dimensions. We offer much of ourselves to the ascension of your Earth, and as such, have found ourselves quite close with the energies of the awakening and unawakened humanity alike.

We care deeply for every one of you dear souls, and want nothing less than your full awakening and evolution into the reams of full consciousness wherein we will delightfully greet you.

However, we do understand that some souls on your Earth, indeed many of them, are still comfortable in the lower dimensions of experience, and continue to be accustomed to the density that’s remained prevalent within and around them for much of their experience.

We respect and appreciate this, though we’ll always and forever be with every soul who begins to find a connection to and interest in the higher dimensions. We’ll forever make very strong attempts to communicate and connect with you, and we’ve used synchronicities to connect with awakening souls on your Earth who’ve noticed the signs we’ve given and actively picked-up on them.

Encoded Synchronistic Messages

There’s a message encoded into everything you experience in your physical Lives, and the message you can receive and decode will help you along the way of your physical experiences and will help you with lessons and themes that continue to emerge in your Lives.

We respect and Love you for the fact that you are undergoing vast and extensive lower-dimensional lessons that we note in your minds and hearts do indeed seem to be quite intense, and we honor you for your ongoing commitment to the Earth experience and to transmuting the lower vibrations that would remain all-encompassing on the surface of the Earth, were it not for your efforts.

We do indeed go to a great extent to remind you of the good you’re doing on the Earth, and we forever will; because we want you to understand in the strongest and purest ways you can, that you have quite literally saved the surface of the Earth.

You have saved the Earth’s spirit Herself, who would’ve experienced physical devastation on Her surface (as a result of humanity’s actions), which would’ve done extensive damage to Her spirit and Her ability to access the Source of existence.

Gaia thanks you endlessly for your incarnation unto the surface of the lower-dimensional Earth, and if you could feel the strength and purity of the vibrations you’re emitting out in any and every moment, you’d understand our brimming enthusiasm and wish to let you know of the good you’re doing, in every way we can.

You are funneling vibrations through yourselves in a near-constant manner that are vastly-pure in structure, and again, they’ll only increase in purity as you greet each Earthly day and find yourselves undergoing many similar experiences.

Playing Various Different Roles

We note that the “average daily Living” on Earth tends to feel arduous or dragged-out at times, and we hope to be able to offer salvation from the difficulties of the Earth experience, in every moment you can find yourselves connected with our energies and impressions.

This goes back to the fact that you deserve to be able to find and radiate the impressions of the higher dimensions, and many of you have reached an advanced stage along your growth wherein you’re now able to call-upon the higher realms for assistance in all endeavors.

You are truly able to do this, and we’ll be here for every one of you who actively seeks our communications, guidance and advice.

Even beyond connecting with us, you can access the many aspects of the higher dimensions that will offer you refuge from the temporary difficulty of the Earth experience. You can connect with a multitude of realms that will leave you in awe, because of the sheer beauty and the intense joy being emanated from them.

You can make fruitful attempts to visualize specific astral realms, or even your Earthly realm in different time periods that some of you resonate with more than your current. You’ve had plentiful experiences upon the lower-dimensional Earth, and the bulk of you have traveled through and experienced every last facet of this Earth you call home.

You’ve played the various different roles; existed in the various different societies and under various different archetypes, and you’ve come out of every experience with an advanced understanding of the mechanisms of the Earth and how your experiences are brought -about in each and every culture and time period.

Seeming-Differences & Illusory Separation

One thing you’ll notice upon ascending back into a perspective of being able to see and feel every time period of your dear Earth, is that the mechanisms and habit-patterns fed in your current society have been fed in a plenty of previous time periods and civilizations as well.

Indeed, the mechanisms that seem so established and prevalent in your reality are as prevalent as they are because they’ve been fed throughout plenty of time periods.

Something you dear souls will come to find upon reaching the aforementioned ascended perspectives is that despite the seeming-differences you think you possess with those in different countries, religions and indeed, even different time periods; you’ll come to find this separation is purely-illusory as you see that every culture and civilization has acted under the same general ways of Living and Being.

Every one of you is united via the network of spiritual energy encompassing and Creating your realities, and when you can work to actively discover this connection and build something strong and real upon it in your reality as a result, the tidal waves of change you’ll Create will be grand indeed.

We encourage every one of you to get as active as you feel you possibly can in every moment, to help anchor the higher dimensions unto your world and spread as much higher-dimensional truth and Love as you can. We call on every one of you to begin doing the work required to help your fifth-dimensional realms descend down unto you now, as truly, the people must be motivated if change and spiritual revolution are to occur.

Non-Violent Spiritual Revolution

We do indeed speak of spiritual revolution, which comes about in a non-violent manner, yet in an incredibly-strong and assertive manner. With the power of the higher dimensions and every countless being existing in these realms, there’s truly nothing a motivated and spiritually-uplifted humanity cannot do.

This is why we call on every one of you to become the pioneers of the new spiritual revolution.

It’s time to peacefully proclaim your independence and sovereignty from the tyranny that’s sought to control your Lives and experiences, as you’ve always been free and sovereign, spiritual beings and nothing can take this from you.

The false beliefs of the cabals that they’re the true rulers of your Earth and can hold any soul back they choose, are just that and will be answered-to by the increasingly-awakening humanity, who will assess yourselves gracefully, yet with strength.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we wholeheartedly encourage acting-upon the inspiration and motivation so many of you are beginning to feel. We’re working as much as we can to help you increase such motivation and increase the drive to enact and proclaim change on your world, and you will be and are establishing the New Earth with every effort you make.

Understand the strength and purity of your collective intent to bring-about and anchor real and positive change, for our aim is to motivate you into igniting revolution peacefully and building the grand utopia that will be your brimming Galactic future.

Thank you to SanJAsKa.



Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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We delightfully speak of the growing metaphysical perceptions of humanity, as getting you to understand the effects your increased perceptions will have upon you is one of our main priorities in this moment.

It’s quite important for you dear souls to understand the benefits the continually-pure perceptions you’re beginning to unlock will have for you and those around you, for understanding this is key to understanding how the brazen effects of your ascension are going to be felt in you and those around you.

You’re acting as the strongest and purest of conduits for Divine energy, inspiration and Light to come through, and along the way of expanding-upon your personal Light, you’ll come to find yourselves much more (Divinely) powerful than you may have initially expected.

The Divine, higher-dimensional power many of you will begin to find brimming in yourselves will accompany the purer perspectives you’re unlocking, and when you can fully begin to realize and tap-into this power, it will be cause for great celebration indeed.

This is because you’ll have unlocked the most important power you could’ve ever known and by this, we mean that you’ll access and understand the strength of your personal, Divine Self. Doing so will strengthen your connection with your Divine self quite exponentially.

Fashioning Connections

Your ability to connect and convene with your higher selves will largely determine how easily you’re able to take-in and assimilate massive quantities and purity of Light from the higher dimensions.

We actively encourage every one of you to work with as much of yourselves as possible on fashioning the connection with us souls speaking with you, as well as your higher selves, as much as you can. Your development of this connection is more than important to your personal ascension and to the ascension of your entire Earth.

The collective of humanity is to be informed of the reality and importance of your latent metaphysical ability, and telepathy specifically will be discussed to the helm as revelations concerning humanity’s ability to pick-up on varying frequencies of metaphysical energy, are given.

It will be widely known and understood that what so many souls are successfully and unsuccessfully doing with attempting to connect with we in the higher realms, is quite a real process and should be treated with the respect and honor that such a sacred process deserves.

Truly, a select few humans in your recent history have been able to tap-into their personal telepathic ability and find connections beyond your physical reality.

As we and others have said in the past, your bodies are akin to radio receivers that can pick-up on varying frequencies and purity of energy in every moment, and the actions you employ, the thoughts you think and feel and what you put into your bodies will largely determine the purity of energy you receive.

Actively Monitoring One’s Health

It’s important to actively monitor everything that’s put into your evolving bodies, and to seek out the healthiest of alternatives to what may ordinarily harm your bodies, as the changeover from carbon to crystalline is as well a sacred process that’s meant to be treated with the respect and Love of our Creator.

A main theme of the ascension processes of many of you as they stand currently is emerging from the personal shells that have been built upon around your innate, real spiritual Selves. We’re here to help you with this process, as we encourage you to practice the little things that’ll help you to break out of your shells and maintain an active connection with and interest in this physical world you’ve come from the higher dimensions to help uplift.

A large facet of the missions of many of you who feel yourselves on the Earth to spread Light and truth, will be speaking to the Earth public; giving introductions and giving your stance on the widespread disclosures that’ll have hit by the time many of you will be spreading the truth you’ve come to the Earth to spread.

It is for this reason that we strongly encourage every one of you continue on in attempting to emerge and exist in your Earthly reality in the purest and clearest ways possible.

While your Earth is far from the higher dimensions of blissful experience so many of you are used to, experiencing it doesn’t have to be a bad or even difficult thing. You dear souls have largely proven this with your incarnations unto the Earth’s surface; as you have been able to find and maintain pure perspectives despite the (seeming) difficulty, limitation and density you had incarnated under in an effort to assist the Earth’s collective.

Funneling Light to Gaia

The growing perceptions you’re finding in yourselves are meant to be nurtured at this time, while many of you work to continue serving humanity and expressing the brimming Light we know you can feel growing. You’re picking up on purer and purer frequencies of Light, and as such, you’re funneling exponential Light through to the surface and core of Gaia, which is going toward a plethora of different energetic tasks.

These tasks we speak of are all related to clearing pollution and density from your collective consciousness and your physical reality and to that extent, much work is done by your Galactic brethren to cleanse your skies, water and ground. Even the reserves of water many cities and local towns use are purified by these (cleansing) energies, and the fluoride added to much of humanity’s water is neutralized to an extent; in accordance with the individual and collective freewill of each soul who will consume it.

Humanity is meant to arise and hold the souls who have fashioned your realities in the manner that they have completely accountable for what they’ve done, and after proclaiming independence from their perceived rein, you’ll then be tasked with building a Galactic society which works in the sovereign interests of every single soul on your dear Earth.

We and so many others will be with you to help you work toward achieving such a society, and the teachings you’ll be given will largely assist you in much of the immediate work that will need to be done on and for your dear Earth.

The entire collective is to find the purer states of consciousness so many of you are beginning to pioneer the discovering-of and again, we ask you all to remain ready and willing when the time comes for you to give your personal stance on everything that’s happened on your dear world, and on every bit of the revelations humanity will be given that will initially startle many of you.

Achieving your Mission with Flying Colors

For this very moment, you are tasked with focusing on serving humanity as well as nurturing your inner-development, and every last bit of work you do for your personal evolution and that of the planet is helping in such evolution more than you could possibly fathom.

Of course, even your perceptions of the good you’re doing are growing in every moment, and we can feel many of you beginning to understand that you are and have been on the Earth for a Divine mission and reason, as we note with delight that you are, for the most part, achieving this mission with flying colors.

Yes, we feel that many of you worry and stress in so many moments of your existence that you are somehow not doing enough for the higher dimensions or for the ascension your planet, and when this feeling arises, we ask you to take a look at what you’ve already done; even by existing on the surface of the Earth and funneling-through the exponential Light you’re only just beginning to understand.

Every one of you have contributed immensely to the Earth’s ascension, just as you will contribute immensely to the various other planetary ascensions that are to occur after your planet has evolved into the brimming Galactic society we know so many of you are so very ready to establish.

Establish it you certainly will, and along the way of Gaia’s restoration you’ll be able to mend or mitigate any changes She will need to make that could otherwise be harmful to you.

Harm, chaos and catastrophe are part of the old energies, and will not be fed or expressed in the future you’re heading into. As such, the restoration of Gaia is to come about in a peaceful and calm manner, and in one that makes allowance for the establishment of the Divine principles in your outward reality.

The physical existence you find around you is shifting and changing into a naturally-purer one, and what you’ll encounter along the way may test you to your very core.

Absorbing Our Energies

Every one of you can find and maintain the purest of connections to our energies, and to those of the higher dimensions in general. As long as souls on your world are kept feeling as if they’re unworthy of heaven or of an experience beyond their current, or as long as they remain convinced that our realms just can’t exist, they’ll only hold themselves back and feed their connection to the veil that’s kept you from us, and us from you.

We trust that many of you are beginning to be able to feel the brimming Love we have for you, as our aim is to express this Love as it’s imbued unto this communication we’re giving. Or rather, our communications and impressions are imbued unto the sacred and pure Love-energy we are sending you, and we know that many of you can feel this Love in the increasing intervals of purity it’s being given.

When you can allow yourselves to pick-up on the increasingly-pure frequencies of energy you’re finding grow in yourselves, you can experience numerous benefits in your personal Lives and you can as well, understand the continual and prevalent presence of Divinity and spirit all around you.

All of us souls in the higher dimensions are with you on Earth, and we’ve been sending our energies down for quite a while for the awakening humanity to absorb and hopefully benefit-from in any and every moment.

We have worked to maintain the most active of connections with every one of you who are finding yourselves able to increase your ability to connect with us, and when you can pick-up on our frequencies in the pure manner so many of you are so valiantly now becoming able to, you will know and feel in the purest ways that what we speak about is indeed truth.

Upon opening yourselves up to the constant and sacred connection you possess with every soul in the higher realms, you’ll find yourselves able to utilize this connection in quite interesting ways, as you find yourselves nearly-endlessly able to produce communications with and from us.

Strong Ripple-Effects

Those of you who have opened-up to channeling as a part of your mission on the Earth have long practiced picking-up on the impressions and energies of us in nearly every moment that you could, and every bit of dedication shown by each one of you to help the collective of Earth reach the higher dimensions is magnified on the world stage.

Each individual effort performed for the ascension of the Earth and for the general garnering of awareness in your collective, Creates a ripple-effect that’s stronger and purer than could quite be expressed.

You can Create such ripple-effects in any and every moment and of course, we wholeheartedly encourage expanding-upon the personal Love you’re feeling within, as you work to spread it to every facet of the surface of your Earth.

Practice connecting with and channeling the energies of the higher realms in the most unique ways you can, for truly, you’re all supremely-pure and strong conduits for our impressions to come through. In nearly every way, you can bring us through as marvelously as many souls upon your world who’ve been sharing our messages, have been able to do.

We commend each one of you for the acts of bravery and heroism you’ve shown in working so very much to uplift an Earthly populace that has remained in the trenches of unawareness and density, and you will soon discover your fruitful abilities to connect with the higher realms and to feel and radiate the higher-dimensional impressions all of humanity is being given.

Every single Earthly soul, even those whom the awakening public perceives to be unawakened, is receiving a constant and steady flow of the higher-dimensional energy that’s increasing in purity in every moment.  However, the nature of your freewill sees the majority of souls on your world unable to feel and understand that they are being given such energies; as the physical Lives they see in front of them are all they have placed their faith in for so very long.

You are all Family

The paradigm of placing full faith in physicality and not embracing the fruitful states of consciousness beyond humanity’s current awareness is to be shattered, when the disclosures you’re to be given break through to your mainstream media.

Every one of you can aid in bringing-about disclosure, by sharing your personal experiences and working to awaken those around you who’ll be interested in hearing what you have to say.

A great many souls will find themselves attracted to the energies of those who wish to assist humanity, and in the time ahead when the separation that’s been the rule of the day on planet Earth for far too long is (dissolved), an ease and comfort with one’s fellow man will be established, and one will see every Earthly soul as if they were their family.

Indeed, you are all family and every one of you is a Godspark of the same blossoming, Divine energy that every soul on your world is being given as an aspect of your ongoing ascension processes. Every soul you find around you will benefit immensely by being given your Light, and we mean this for every person reading this communication; even those who feel as if you haven’t contributed much to the ascension of the Earth.

You certainly have, and we know that this will become apparent when the veils between your realms and ours are lifted and you can see and feel the good you’ve done, for yourselves.

If you dear souls look around your Earth, you will see that nearly everywhere, happiness and Love are thriving. Indeed, the lower vibrations and all that’s driven them appear to be the prevalent influence on your world, but truly, through an unbiased lense one can look at your world and see the shining Light and exuberant happiness being displayed in nearly every moment.

Growing Higher-Dimensional Perceptions

As you work to sharpen your focus and expand your ability to perceive of the higher realms, as well as bring higher-dimensional energy through yourselves, so too will your perceptions of everything metaphysical begin to grow. You’ll find yourselves greeting increasingly-ascended perspectives and the resulting experiences, and the ascension-related effects we’ve mentioned in a previous communication will be felt and understood as well.

As we make our final impression for this communication, we encourage all of you to continue-on in the valiant acts you’re performing in every moment, to help restore the Earth to the shimmering beacon of Light She once was and has always been meant to be.

The entire collective will continue to benefit from your Light, and you as well will come to find you’ve benefitted immensely from this Light, as you’ve found yourselves able to radiate it in purer and easier ways.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.



Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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Astral Travels: Blessing Hard Drug Addictions

The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.

This week, we’re going to travel to the surface of our fifth-dimensional Earth and bless representations of people addicted to hard drugs. As we’ve been told, the cabals have invented and manufactured hard drugs in an effort to usurp the money and humanity out of those who become addicted to them, which makes our blessing very important.

I’m sure most of us have heard the tragic stories of those who become addicted to drugs and essentially seem to throw their Lives away, and what seems at first to be a “rush” or a “thrill” when using such things can turn into a Life-sentence of hardship and difficulty. This is because hard drugs, such as methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, etc. are literally designed to slowly and painfully kill a person.

I don’t mean to descend into darkness with that statement, but it’s likely obvious to any of you reading this. If you know of anybody who’s addicted to these drugs, than our blessing will be intended to go to them and to everyone else on this world who’s become addicted to something created by the cabals, in an effort to curtail the spiritual and physical progress humanity makes as a whole.

The cabals have done so much to keep us held back and to force us into states of difficulty and subservience, and the hard drugs they manufacture and keep people addicted to are facets of the old paradigm that are ready to be seen-off.

Our blessing this week is intended to aid such a seeing-off, as we’re ready to build a brimming society wherein no soul-usurping hard drugs exist to bring anybody down.

Before we can do that, we must become active in sending-along our blessing energies to those struggling with hard drugs or with addictions in general. We’ve been told that every person will play an essential role in the time ahead, and those who’re currently addicted to hard drugs deserve to be activated for their greater mission just as much as any of us do.

To begin for this week, we’re going to visualize ourselves existing at an incredible, large waterfall on the surface of our fifth dimensional Earth.

Visualize the most beautiful and serene nature all around you.

As you make your visualization, actively feel the brimming vibrations and the pure awesomeness that is this realm. Notice the brimming, colorful nature everywhere you look, and focus specifically on the waterfall. It’s a very large, powerful waterfall and yet, as we stand/float under it we feel that it’s as well, a very gentle and serene waterfall.

Feel that it is itself a conscious being who’ll actively communicate with us if we make the effort to.

What is the waterfall saying/emitting to you? What impressions do you receive from this conscious body of flowing water? Personally, I received a message along the lines of, thank you for what you’re doing here, noble souls. You are blessed and welcomed in these realms in every moment.

Feel the pure Love being emitted from this waterfall, and from every aspect of consciousness in this serene fifth-dimensional landscape. Visualize specific, interesting things about this land to notice and enjoy and if you wish, perhaps spend a few more moments playing around the magnificent waterfall we’ve visualized before we move on.

As we frolic in and enjoy the serenity of this landscape, visualize as we start to notice and “smell” smoke off in the distance. It’s very thick smoke, and it seems to be coming to us from a broken-down city we can notice off in the horizon.

Longtime subscribers will recognize this broken city as a representation of very real cities and struggling neighborhoods on our Earth, and we’re going to travel to this city along with our millions of fellow New Earth travelers (fifth dimensional souls who already exist here/Earthly astral explorers) because they will, as always, help us in our blessing ventures.

Begin to feel yourself floating up to the depths of the astral sky with the rest of our group of subscribers. As we begin to rise, notice what seems to be a giant flock of millions of evolved spirits, floating toward the same destination as us. Feel the harmonious vibrations emanating from this dear group, and join them in their quest to reach the city we’ll perform our blessings in.

We’re now traveling, in our subscriber-group, with an infinite amount of New Earth travelers who seek to assist us with our blessings and transmutations. Hold the focus of this moment, as we all float toward the city we originally visualized the thick smoke coming from. See the beautiful magnificence of this fifth dimensional Earth we’re viewing; as, from up in the sky, we can get a very good view of it.

Visualize as we float ever-closer to the damaged city we’ll perform our blessings in and after a few moments, we’ll reach the city and be drawn toward the specific representations we’re to bless. Beyond it being the cause of our awareness of this city, the smoke that brought us here has almost nothing to do with what we’re about to perform.

My descriptions of the next part of this exercise may seem a bit graphic, but I don’t intend to leave any aspect of this visualization out and my wish is for us to get as real of a view on this situation as possible, in an effort to strengthen our blessings. We’re all grown, spiritual adults here, and we can handle what we’re about to witness.

Moreover, we can bless it and see to it that tragic situations like what we’re about to witness dwindle down and cease happening altogether. Truly, this is our mission on this world.

With our group of subscribers and New Earth travelers, visualize as we float into our damaged city and find ourselves drawn swiftly toward a hidden alley, which isn’t quite noticeable to anybody in this city walking by. The non-noticeability of this alleyway is why the representations we’re going to bless have chosen it for their very-unfortunate “activities” and it’s those very activities we will monitor and bless as we view them happening.

As our large group of New Earth travelers stays behind, our subscriber-group is going to float on into the alleyway as we gear-up to bless what we’re about to witness.

Floating into the alleyway, visualize and notice as we see a small (yet considerably bigger) group of individuals whose energies seem damaged. Their auric energies seem to be filled with holes and black spots, and we can notice the darkened, dense energy coming through such black spots in their auras continually.

This is in part what hard drugs will do to one’s spirit complex.

As hard drugs have been created by the dark with dark intents, they literally serve to block up one’s auras and bring through density of the strongest degree. The physical and spiritual effects of these souls’ drug use are quite apparent, when looking upon these souls and while they clamor for the next “fix” they seem as if they haven’t eaten in days.

Feel that this group has been together for a very long time; sitting in this same alleyway for weeks and doing everything they can to get their next fix. They’ll do anything they can to get ahold of their drugs but truly, they need Love, understanding and healing. This, my friends, is what we’re here to provide with our blessings.

Notice as one of the people in this alleyway sticks a needle in their arm. This person has long become used to the pain of the needle; it’s the pain of withdrawal they can’t stand. Another person is snorting something, and another seems to be smoking a devious white powder out of a glass pipe. Still another holds a flame under a spoon, hoping to get even a small taste of their addiction.

Again; I don’t intend to offend the sensibilities of any of you subscribers, but this problem is very real and in my view, needs addressed; even if in a blatant manner such as this. These souls are in desperate need of some kind of assistance and at present, only seek their drugs and highs for such assistance.

As we view this truly tragic scene, we’re going to ready ourselves to perform our blessings. My aim hasn’t been to have each blessing session be the same in terms of what we do to perform such blessings but generally, our blessing actions may seem repetitive.

Nonetheless, I’m told they’re very potent and will go to what and whom they’re intended to go to.

Now – visualize and feel as the purest stream of energy trickles up through your spine and out above your head. Really, personally feel and get to know this energy as it emanates up out of you; for it’s your personal blessing energy and contains your signature within it. As you get a good glimpse and feeling of this energy, affirm different things about it.

Affirm that it increase in purity, for example. Affirm that the color of this energy changes. Affirm that the manner in which it comes through you changes – by utilizing “short bursts” of energy rather than the single, silvery stream.

There’s a lot you can do to this energy to affirm and reaffirm your sacred connection to it and as you do all of the things mentioned above, visualize as the energy of every last one of us is added to the collective “cloud” of energies we’ve worked with many times in the past.

This cloud of the energies of every one of us is growing larger and purer by the moment and before we send it off, make one last grand proclamation that the purity of your personal energy increase; so that we can help the dear addicted souls around us as much as possible.

After we’ve done so, with one big push of collective intention, we’re going to send our cloud of energy off to our dear, lost addicts. Visualize as this energy reaches these souls. What happens in your visualization specifically?

Personally; I witnessed this energy wash over these souls in a very blatant, uprooting manner, and then I witnessed it seeming to continue washing around them in a strong, circular manner before finally beginning to fade away.

As this energy fades away, the struggling addicts around us seem to get up, and just walk away from the alley. And that’s it.

I’m told their “walking away” symbolizes their looking for a better Life than what they’ve been immersed-in and as I wrap this week’s astral exercise up, I encourage every one of you to visualize the Life paths of these souls after they’ve walked away from their addictions. Perhaps one of them goes on to go to college and make something of themselves; perhaps another becomes a very successful musician; perhaps even another becomes a spiritual activist, standing-up for the rights of humanity.

There’s a plethora of things we can imagine these souls going on to accomplish and as always, they’ve acted as representations for people on this world immersed in spirit-destroying hard drug use. If our blessings have helped this situation even the smallest bit, then we’ve done our jobs well indeed.

In the coming weeks, we’ll continue to actively bless representations, and we’ll continue to travel to our fifth dimensional Earth, work with the Hathors, etc. For now, enjoy the visualizations of our once drug-addicted souls finding an unprecedented wholeness with Life, and truly succeeding in the face of the adversity that was their drug use.

This concludes this week’s astral discussion.

Image source: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-LWVWrvTyl98/UWIw7DijjHI/AAAAAAAAcKI/RcvVSTBYfHM/s1600/Image

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pleiadians.jpg?w=191&h=205Wes Annac: Hello on this beautiful evening, dear friends. Per a (not-so) recent discussion with a Galactic soul on a certain radio show, I’d like to request some more information about the healing and cleansing work you’re doing in our skies.

The Pleiadian High Council: We will be more than happy to provide our perspective on this matter, dearest Wesley, for we’ve indeed been quite active in our quest to help cleanse and mitigate the pollution still being widely fed on your Earth.

As many of you know, we’ve been working to mitigate and help cleanse the chemtrails being sprayed in your skies. Even in the areas experiencing the heaviest of chemical skies and thick trails, we’re cloaked offering our assistance in an overall effort to help cleanse the vibrations of Gaia’s atmosphere.

We’re working to help cleanse Gaia and to help cleanse the collective consciousness of humanity, as much pollution and lower-dimensionality have been fed in both avenues and truly, we cannot do this job alone.

Chemtrails and other types of visible, noticeable pollution are still being allotted, so that the growing-awakening collective can realize such things and work to expose and put an end to them altogether.

Acting in Accordance with Humanity’s Established Laws

We’re looking toward humanity to gain the awareness and enlightenment required for the vibrations of your dear collective consciousness to be allowing enough of ours, and when such a time comes, we can land openly on your world and help you to perform much more potent work than we perform now.

As we’ve discussed in the past, we can only take so many actions in regards to helping cleanse the planetary vibrations of dearest Gaia. While we possess the technology to perform all of the cleansing work on your planet ourselves, we still act within the confines of a Law of non-interference that’s bred from your collective desire to experience freewill.

Wes: Many thanks for the explanation, dear friends. What types of healing are you performing in our skies specifically?

PHC: We’re using transparent and invisible (to the human eye) vibrations that are funneled through our sentient technology, which serve to mitigate and neutralize many of the harmful chemicals in chemtrails specifically, and in other forms of atmospheric pollution that would otherwise be funneled-down to the physical humanity and to the surface of Gaia, wherein the pollution from such things would seep into Her ground.

The cabals have taken quite a’ many measures to pollute your skies and ground.

We, like many of you, have worked as much as possible from our positions to help the collective of humanity awaken to the injustice being perpetrated unto you in the form of atmospheric pollution and pollution on dearest Gaia’s ground, but again, we can only do so much in regards to all of this.

What we’ve been unable to stop in regards to harm caused to your environment via the pollution being fed by humanity, has unfortunately been necessary to be experienced; because of your aforementioned freewill and your desire to experience the results of everything you Create and sew for yourselves.

The Law of Grace & the Benefits of Free Energy

Of course, humanity has long existed under a Law of Grace that skewers the amount of potential negative karma an individual or collective would experience as a result of their actions, and it’s largely because of this Law that we’re able to work as fruitfully in your skies as we are.

While there is only so much we can do, we ask you to trust when we say that we’re doing quite a lot indeed. We are using technologies that you would see as advanced and exotic, which perform much healing and cleansing work in much easier ways than the devices that have been designed by the physical humanity.

As your mainstream-scientific understanding of the way energy powers your Lives and the role that free, clean energy can have in building your future has itself been quite skewered, we look toward the disclosure announcements to help inform humanity of the power of free energy and of the numerous, wondrous advancements it’s to provide for the entirety of humanity.

Truly, you have so very much good to look forward to and we’re working as much as possible on helping secure the future we already know to be in place.

Wes: Is there any noticeable progress with your disclosure? Specifically, what I’m asking is that I’d like your opinion on the latest pieces of disclosure that have been brought about in the forms of the Sirius documentary, the disclosure hearings, etc.

PHC: We’ll be happy to provide our perspective, dearest soul.

Small Trickles of Disclosure Picking-Up

We and plenty others have been telling you dearest souls for quite a while in your concept of time that the small trickles of disclosure coming through your mainstream media would soon begin to pick up, and the continual works that are being brought about by humanity, rather than us, speak to this truth.

So very much is being done to bring-forth disclosure, in a way that’s as accepted by your mainstream as it can be. While much of your mainstream media has still largely laughed-away the recent Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure, the subject will soon be in the forefront of the collective consciousness of humanity and will no longer be seen as a subject to laugh about.

The very idea of our existence has been presented to humanity in a way that’s meant to demean its credibility or the likelihood of humanity finding Life on other planets beyond yours, but truly, we are all right here with you and we have always been.

We have always wanted you to know of our presence around you, and this discussion ties back in with your aforementioned Law of Freewill, which sees you unable to know about or understand us or our existence if you just don’t want to.

However, the time has come for real and pure truth concerning us to surface in your mainstream media.

While the Citizen’s Hearing was partly focused on the works of the negative extraterrestrials who no longer have the range of freedom on your surface that they did when they were mutilating your dear animals; the presence of the Light is on your world to stay and such lower interests won’t be and haven’t been allotted on your world to perform their deeds or sacrifices.

The Cabals Aided the Negatively-Oriented Zetas

The Illuminati as you know them have largely accepted, been a part of and helped in the mutilations of your dear animals on the part of malevolent factions of the Zeta race, but many of the top levels of such negative (Zeta) factions currently experience a form of containment much purer than what the cabal-heads experience.

We’re working on so many different facets of the overall purging of darkness from this entire Universe.

The negatively-inclined extraterrestrial souls who were previously given more free-rein on your world than humanity may be uncomfortable accepting, by your cabals; their day in the sun has faded and many of them now experience a softening of their hearts that’ll see them increasingly-ready to embrace the Light and move into the higher echelons of consciousness, as per the ascension of the Universe.

So very much progress is being made in the realms beyond your physical understanding, and even in your physical realms you’re seeing trickles and waves of disclosure, which we’re happy to proclaim will only expand.

The revelations you’ll find will be uprooting indeed, and as we and plenty of others have in the past, we ask you with Love to prepare yourselves and to be ready to be hit with a tsunami of disclosure that will truly boggle your minds.

Wes: Many thanks for your explanation, dear friends. I’m going to go ahead and let you speak uninterrupted for a while before wrapping this up.

PHC: With appreciation and Love, dearest Wesley.

Nurturing Advanced Perceptions & Energetic Alchemy

So many of you are learning to nurture the advanced perceptions and understandings you’re finding as they arise within you. You have the continual support and encouragement of all within the higher realms on your side as you face and Earthly experience that, for many of you, will become less and less challenging, as you learn to embrace everything that’ll breed a Lighted perspective.

There is so very much learning and growing taking place in each of you, whilst the world stage continues to reflect the sheer duality that is the intensification of the Light and dark energies, in preparation for a full-on transmutation of the dark. We ask you to allow your processes to unfold as they will, if you feel as if events in your Lives are piling-up on you or are too difficult for you to deal with in any moment.

Everything that’s happening to you is Divinely-ordained and is happening for a necessary reason, and every last bit of difficulty and accompanying lower emotion you may feel, can be sent to our healers who we have aboard our ships, or to dearest Gaia or a guide you feel close to.

Upon growing into the fifth dimension and into some purer rungs of the fourth, souls begin to learn and understand alchemy and specifically, transmutation.

So many of you dear awakening souls upon the Earth are already beginning to understand transmutation and its importance when you find yourselves meeting with lower energies and the resulting perspective they would attempt to sew unto you, and transmutation and energetic and emotional alchemy can truly be your aide when you feel as if difficulty is piling-up too much.

You have the sacred violet flame on your side, and the Love of your heart, which is the Love of our Creator, will aid and heal you in any and all endeavors. Simply funnel any last bit of negativity or difficulty you’re feeling into the realms of spirit, and one of the infinite amounts of souls in these realms will delightfully take care of it for you.

More than Billions of Higher-Dimensional Souls

We ask you to fathom the fact you have more than billions of souls from the higher dimensions and from various higher-dimensional planets, actively fixated upon your evolution and upon everything you’re doing on the Earth at this time.

Every action you perform and every bit of good you do is noted and celebrated by billions (and more) of souls in these brimming higher dimensions, and when you make your ways back to these realms as triumphantly as you will, you’ll be heralded as the true heroes that each and every one of you are.

Every one of you absorbing this communication is a hero in the eyes of the higher dimensions, of us and of our Creator, because you’ve entered and come out of an experience that blinded billions of souls within its realms and perceptual constraints.

You did indeed know that your situation and the limitation you’d have imposed unto yourselves would be quite difficult, and the specific frustration and difficulty many of you experience currently were known about and understood before making your ways to the Earth from the higher dimensions.

You’ve been able to come out of your experience with flying colors, and it is for this reason that you’re truly heroes and that you’ll be treated as such upon making your ways back to these realms.

Compassion, Empathy and Understanding

We wish for you to understand that compassion, empathy and understanding are constant driving factors of the higher dimensional experience.

We understand and empathize with your experience and with the limitation you’ve instated unto yourselves, and we Love you so very dearly for the active quests you’re making to re-find the realms of consciousness you once existed in.


We wish for you to know, as we make our final impressions for this communication, that your already-opened portal(s) to the higher dimensions and to us souls of the higher dimensions are only to broaden exponentially. Your perceptions are expanding more than you could possibly know, and you are guided and constantly Loved by every last one of us who will forever proclaim our Love and respect for the circumstances you’ve incarnated under.

Brimming, colorful vibrations will be perceived-of and understood as you reap the benefits of the expansion of your chakras, and our impressions will come through quite clearly and purely for every last one of you, upon developing your ordained abilities.

Wes: Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.



Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

Image source: http://whoyoucallingaskeptic.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/pleiadians.jpg

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The Growing Indications of Real Change

1287243040Ic59G6.jpg?width=192I feel the need to comment on a certain theme I’m seeing emerge today (June 10) that just can’t go un-addressed.

It’s a theme that, if I let them, the channeled sources speaking through me would perhaps address.


Indeed, the Company of Heaven has discussed this theme exponentially today, and it’s for that reason I feel the need to set-aside the myriad other tasks I’d set out for myself today (working on the Newsletter, working on the next message to have published, etc.) to offer my perspective.

Throughout the various channeled messages and terrestrial exposures we’re seeing today, the theme’s emerging that the widespread changes we’ve looked forward to for so long are just about to begin. We’re being inundated with material suggesting that the first signs of exposure of the dark’s activities, as well as the signs of true and real change beginning to be enacted, are here for us to see, right now.

Just look at a few of the news stories and messages that have emerged of late:

The continuing exposure of the NSA’s spying on, well, just about everyone. (1)

The emergence of the brave whistleblower who exposed the NSA’s activities and the petition already being started to grant him amnesty from any potential prosecution. (2)

The continuing messages from a plethora of channeled sources (Michael & Gabriel via Ron Head and Master Hilarion to name a couple) who are telling us today that some kind of tipping-point has been reached and that true, positive change is just on the horizon. (3)

I could go on with examples, but all one needs to do is scan almost any given mainstream news outlet to see that some kind of dam has broken. Truth is spilling into every corner of our collective perception, and it seems that exposure of the dark’s activities is the theme of the day. Because of this and because of the rising energy levels (which I’ve certainly felt), it seems that we’re actually on the precipice of real and true change and exposure being brought about.

Everything we’ve worked toward is bearing fruit. The actions of so many of us in spreading the Light and exposing corruption in any ways we can are indeed leading us toward a future of accountability and a collective, harmonious running of this world.

Of course, we’ve stood on the precipice of change as an awakening collective for quite a while, and in various different points in our recent history, we’ve geared-up for real change only to experience dashed expectations. Much of the time, we’ve been told from a source in the higher dimensions or from a terrestrial “insider” that something was planned to break in the physical paradigm and awaken humanity. When we’ve been told such things, modifications have had to be made to the overall plan, which pushed back much of what we expected to happen.

Now, the stage is set a bit differently.

We’re being told by some of our channeled sources that change is on the horizon, for real this time. People with connections to insiders, such as David Wilcock, are reporting that “the nightmare is almost over”. (4)

With all due respect, despite the extent to which this world has been controlled, my existence is not and never has been a “nightmare”.

Anyway – the difference between now and the past, when we were given such predictions from channeled sources or insiders, is that the exposures coming to the forefront of the collective consciousness are not only happening, but are actually a bit overwhelming. The exposures are now beginning to come at us full-force, and I’d advise expecting to meet some realizations about the cabals and what they’ve done that may make our hearts sink momentarily.

We’re about to learn the full scope of what they’ve been able to do, and the latest NSA exposures already speak to that. It’ll be important for us to remember that we are the Light, and that nothing we learn that’ll make our hearts sink or even infuriate us, actually has to. When we learn about such things (and we already are) it’ll be important for us to see that the extent of the dark’s activities does not have to bring us down or convince us that they were ”all-powerful” because they weren’t.

Returning to the idea that real, positive change is about to be enacted – again, we’ve heard these predictions many times over and usually, when “that time comes again” and it seems that real change might actually greet us, I tend not to report or give my perspective. I take a “wait and see” attitude before openly proclaiming myself that I believe such change to be on the horizon, but again this time is different.

Personally, I’ve been given indications that a very important spiritual and physical “shift point” has just been passed, and that we’re about to reap the positive rewards of such a shift. The biggest indication of this I’ve received is my depleted mood in this moment.

Every time we’re told of an important spiritual shift-point we’ve just passed, I tend to feel, well, awful, on the days we’re told. I tend to feel as if my physical and etheric body just experienced some type of power-washing, and the effect I’m left with is very calm, yet quite drained and depleted. I usually-always find myself meeting with the most exuberant of motivation to be a part of our New Earth very shortly after, and when every important shift-point comes around, I’ll soon after find myself inundated with spiritual energy and impetus.

Waking up this Monday morning, I felt that very depleted energy before jumping online and seeing the fresh, new exposures and messages that have been delivered to us. I could keep writing on this subject for an entire day but to keep this article short enough: the signs of real change being on the horizon are here, now more than ever.


I’d recommend paying close attention to the exposures coming about, especially related to the NSA, because they’re only the beginning.


Before waking up. feeling depleted and seeing the exposures, I had the most intricate, encrypted and clear of continual morning-dreams. Because of those dreams alone, I can feel that at the very least, the presence of heaven on this Earth is much stronger than it was even yesterday.


Wes Annac – Watching, half-dazed and half-excited, as the exposures we’ve worked so hard to see finally arrive.




Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia


(1)- Here’s one exposure detailing the “secret tool” used by the NSA to track global data:


(2)- Here’s a Q&A with the man heroically-responsible for exposing what the NSA has been doing:


Here’s an article about him:


(3)- Here are the referenced messages from Michael & Gabriel, as well as Hilarion:

Michael & Gabriel:


Hilarion’s message, aptly titled, “There is a Feeling of Something Great and Wonderful about to Happen”:


(4)- See a snippet of, “David Wilcock: The Nightmare is Almost Over – Part 1″ at:


Image source: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumblarge_548/1287243040Ic59G6.jpg?width=192

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