Laura Tyco's Posts (71)

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Laura: Please read all channeled messages with discernment, all messages can be interfered with by the channelers’ mind or by lower dimension entities. Message channeled by Laura Tyco  

Light is always what is needed in times of great darkness. Let all the darker energies flow above you and leave this realm of existence from within your body and from within Mother Earth. You are conductors of the light now into the dual world, and at the same time conductors for the dark away from your realm of existence.


As you are able to channel these both energies in both directions simultaneously, try to just observe these energies flow. Do not allow them to drag you into their realm, but instead remain anchored within your own body and allow it all to take place. See this dual energy bidirectional flow as ying yang, male female, negative positive energy and entities.


This is a time of great clearing indeed. You can accelerate and increase the power of these vibrations by increasing your presence level. Slow down your rhythm if you can, and stop regularly for recharging your energetic level, clearing your physical body of the unwanted energies. Don’t forget to bring the light into your body through the various exercices you prefer, and to be aware of your breath, your weight, your physical existence, sense your weight, your inner tensions. All you need to do is to see them from a higher state and this alone would have a direct impact.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius

Laura Tyco


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Private TAUK SaLuSa to Me – 5 March 2012


Private TAUK SaLuSa to Me – 5 March 2012


We are very glad to witness the light motivated developments on your world. The energy for your consciousness that we register now is one of freedom. You desire to set aside the entire old paradigm in order to begin a world based on love, transparency and justice.


This is an important change for your collective consciousness, and seeing you work together towards a common goal is a catalyst in itself. However we would like to remind you that the changes seen in your political and economical arena are a reflection of your own state and coming into the light.


The light energies are filling your being through your breath, through the pores of your skin, through your conscious awareness. Sit quietly throughout your day, seeking for inner contact, just observing what is. How is your posture, how are you feeling, how do you perceive the outside world? Just be, observe your thoughts, your body energies, sense your body move with your breath, take in consciously the subtle energies available to you at any moment of your life experience on Mother Earth.


You have accepted this incarnation in order to transmute the higher vibration energies inside your own life, your own body, and all the way through you into the heart and being of Mother Earth. Be with what is every day, look into what is real and what is illusion. Do this as if you had no idea of what you will discover, you may surprise yourself. When you are aware of what is real, when you see yourself for what you really are, your conscious level increases exponentially.


It is possible to be present in your active life, and also to be aware of your true being, your true mission on Earth, by reconnecting regularly with your inner life, your Higher Self. All knowledge is engraved inside of you all, you need to rediscover how to listen to your true self, your true inner voice. Tune into that voice, among the many other voices coming from external influences. In order to be able to tune into your true voice, it is necessary that you find inner peace, love and acceptance for yourself, as well as for all those that share your life.


Now is the time when you need to be an anchor into reality and comfort many around you. In order to do that, you need to be grounded within your self, and to be strongly connected to the world above your head, as well as to the world below your feet. Now is the time to understand why you have undertaken many incarnation for the important Earth Ascension mission, now is the time when all the suffering you have endured through the chain of reincarnations on Mother Earth will finally take a new meaning for you. Now is the time of understanding who you are, and why you are on Mother Earth at this time.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius and regards to your collective Ascension; we can assure you that this time is much closer than you are lead to believe. In actual fact, this time is in your own hands, and while a precise date is impossible to give, we do anticipate, with the level of conscious work you are achieving that many chips will fall where they belong in the next few days.


Thank you, SaLuSa

Laura Tyco 


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TAUK Message from God – 20 Feb 2012

The atmosphere is tense on your planet to say the least. What is the purpose of this you may wonder? The purpose of all difficulties encountered is to bring more light. The purpose of all events and actions, even the ones initiated by darker souls is to bring more light into being and manifestation.
Many hearts are hurting and bleeding in your world now, there is much fear, much unrest, many souls suffer. What is the purpose of such a high level of suffering? The purpose of most pain and suffering can be a gift for you to awaken. It has never been intended for pain and suffering to reach such heights on your planet, the level of intensity and distress concerns us much.
Understand that the more suffering is felt, the higher the chances of awakening for many in your society. The more are affected, the more will unite to bring about true change.
The world is saddened by all the unfair wars and poverty. The fact that you are all concerned and wish these to stop is showing how big of a change has taken place over the past few years. Technology is bringing you images from wars and unrest into your very hearts. The oneness between you all is bringing home powerful feelings of compassion and support for those in need.
Your heart is opening to the immense universal love available to all of you. You can transmute the energy available to you throughout your entire day. Inner transformation takes place on large scales, healing of your hearts and souls is spreading. Do not be afraid of looking into your own dark side, as you will be able to look into the dark side of others and accept it for what it is. It is a part of the being you love, which needs care, exposure to the light, and your being there to witness it all.
Your presence is required in this transformation process; do not expect much of the usual to repeat itself in the short coming days. What is required of you is to be present in your life, in your body, feel your weight, your breath as a living Earth entity. You have not always been so and you may return to your original form when you are willing and ready for the safe return home.

Laura Tyco IndyInfos

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SaLuSa to Me ~ 18 Feb 2012 ~ On Relationships

Laura: Please read all channeled messages with discernment, all messages can be interfered with by the channelers’ mind or by lower dimension entities.

Message channeled by Laura Tyco

Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. I think that people are happy to see events take off rather rapidly this week. A few people have asked if the Italian story concerning the 6 Trillion fake US bonds has a direct to the events described by David Wilcok and Benjamin Fulford?


SaLuSa: I believe it is indeed directly connected. It is not our desire to control your creation process or to direct your thoughts, so this is all I can say for now on this matter.


Laura: Of course, and thank you. Is there something you have in mind to discuss tonight?


SaLuSa: a number of people are preoccupied with their relationships right now. You must understand that, like for everything else, the partnership subject has various layers, aspects. Allow into this the laws of karma and attraction, topped up with the life lessons, and you end up in a pretty poor shape for this one particular life, aiming at clearing up all pending karma. Like most of the human duality enterprises, matters of the heart follow a similar chaotic route when it comes to relationships.


The key is to have first and foremost a relationship with yourself. What do we mean by that, you are asking? Well, one must be aware of one’s own feelings in order to share those feelings with someone else. The illusion most of you still live under is no exception to that rule, I am afraid. Inner connection matters first, only once you have achieved a more permanent inner connection, will you be able to have the divine will manifest outwardly.


In ordinary terms, life in duality does not reflect who and what you are on the Higher Planes of existence. However, as your awareness increases, you will notice that you are becoming more aligned inside, this in turn has outer consequences. I must say at this point that one should not have any expectations in the romantic domain. Just as the economic and political system is exposed to much change and unrest, your personal lives will not be spared. Depending on how you chose to look at the coming months, you will be able to adapt. It is no longer necessary to have any perceived ideas and expectations.


Life in duality has been full of illusions and in the months ahead, what has been hidden in plain sigh will  be seen, revealed and understood if you would like to do so.. As the process of Ascension progresses, you will become less and less attached to your previous understanding of compassion, love and sexuality.

















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Laura: Good evening, dear God. I am glad to be able to talk with you. I was wondering if you would like to comment on our common efforts last night to meet on a spaceship with Galactic beings, on Dreamwalker’s suggestion.


God: Yes, of course, I would love to comment on it. We see it as an important step for you, personally to realise how big and wide are the possibilities during what you call sleep. This is an interesting idea for you to explore and work on, Laura in particular with Dreamwalker. He always appears in your life at the right moment, have you noticed that? Is it a pure coincidence? No.

What you call your sleep state, is in fact the moments of time when you are most awake to the fact that you all are multidimensional beings. What you call sleep, is in fact your waking state. For those of you who have the possibility to recall the experiences of dreams, this will bring you closer and closer to the real world. When this happens, you will be able to have the full grasp of the dual aspect of your state of living. When you think you are asleep, in actual fact you are awake, and when you think you are awake, in truth you are asleep. Does this make sense to you more now?


Laura: Yes, it does in fact. I have heard of this before, but now I can in fact grasp a lot more the possibility of knowledge available to us while asleep.


God: Yes, indeed. The entire area of the subconscient is where the answers lay. And I am talking about answer for you all to receive directly from higher dimensions. Not the type of information one reads from books and magazines, not a mere concept, not accepting somebody else’s ideas without true comprehension. I am talking of pure knowledge downloaded directly into your consciousness, from above, day and night. When you will begin to be aware and realise what happens to you and how this type of information is being given to you for free, you will begin to understand what Ascension is all about and know the precise direction where you are all heading.


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Laura: Hi Allendale. I had a dream last night, it fell very real and intense. I was in a house with a lot of people who were suffering financially. I was one of them, although I was a lot more worried for those with families than for myself. James Martinez came to visit the house and hundreds of people and couples were there. James came to see us all and evaluate our needs. We have explained our difficulties and needs to him, and he assured us all that our needs would be shortly looked after his report to his superiors. I would love to hear your interpretation of my dream. Is it a sign of things to come, such as I have recently had premonition dreams of my imminent move of last week.


Allendale: When people dream, your possibilities are limitless indeed. While dreaming one can visit other dimensions, realities, travel in the future or the past. In your case, it was a mix of the future and alternate reality. You have experienced your various realities beginning to converge and you even transferred from one reality into another a few times while awake and asleep also. To answer your question briefly, one could say that it is another one of your premonition dreams. This is all I could allow myself to talk about right now, but the fact that you are mentioning this is already a revelation in itself.


Laura: Thank you, Allendale. In actual fact your reply brings me on to my next question, concerning the Project Camelot latest video with Bill Wood and David Wilcock. First of all is the material presented in the video authentic, would you like to make any additions or clarifications about the converging time lines?


Allendale: Well, it is like this, my lassie. If you feel it is genuine, it probably is because the people involved in the interview have put in some amazing amount of work, research into making the 3 hour video. David Wilcock is not somebody who makes light statements and his intuition and knowledge are quite extensive. He trusts facts, and it is a logical step at this late stage towards Ascension. Many people criticise him and his work, but he does know a great deal about what is going on behind the scenes. I guess his statement and Bill’s of today, concerning a huge event which has already taken place, is exactly what I was referring to in my previous message to Aninadzija.


Bill Wood is a highly sophisticated soul, a kind of Jedi Knight of the light. He himself makes a reference to the Jedi warrior from Star Wars. Star Wars idea concerning the Jedi Knights was in fact based on the truth. You, who have manifested into the material world on planet Earth, are all Warriors and Knights for the Light. Bill’s order is a high ranking Knight in the Brotherhood of Ancient Knights of Wisdom and Light. He is in fact one of the first ones who are speaking publically so openly to the general public about the real ongoings in the US military. This is a subject dear to my heart, because my incarnation is one of them. I am in consequence well placed to confirm that his recollection is not only entirely accurate and correct, but far from being unique or exceptional.


Bill is one of the few who has survived dangerous missions and military attempts against his life. He is too modest to speak of this publically, and he also does not want to scare those who would like to follow him and speak, in the future, publically of their experience in the US military and top secret forces. It is my hope and wish that those of his former comrades who have or will watch him on Camelot will decide speak as freely and as openly as him in the coming weeks.


With regards to the timeline convergence, the information put forward is also very accurate and on the ball, my lads. He is a very intelligent and honest man, who refuses to keep his mouth shut after all he has experienced. He is a man with a price on his head for the information he has made available to the general public. The people he has spoken against are fully aware of his actions. He should be very cautious from now on, but I also know he hangs around with the right type of people and they are aware of the dangers, and how to dodge a few bullets.


The end of 2012 has much in store for humanity, my lads. No need to feel fear any longer, this is the time now to stand up for your rights, your freedom and you already know the winning price: Ascension. Allendale out.

Laura Tyco

Here is the actual video: 

Last week’s Bill Wood video:  
















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Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. So nice to chat with you again today.


SaLuSa: Good afternoon, Laura. What is on your mind today, dear friend?


Laura: hum.. well, I wonder about energy low, I feel rather tired today. Do I waste energy somehow?


SaLuSa: The human condition is an interesting subject to discuss. Shall I say that energy is transformed throughout your bodies during the day. Yes indeed, there is such a thing as energy waste. One can waste much energy in inner consideration. For example, “what would have happened if I had chosen to go on holidays in such a place, rather than this place…” or “why was this person short tempered with me?”


Emotions can be a terrible distraction for humans, and negative emotions can be quite harmful. On one hand suppressing negative emotions towards a situation or somebody will act on one’s subconscious and it is quite dangerous not to deal with these emotions and deny their existence, as these can resurface at any moment and in any situation. Needless to say that most of the time one can direct frustration or anger towards the wrong person at the wrong time.


On the other hand, expressing one’s anger with someone or with what appears to be faith leads to a serious leak of energy and focusing your attention towards negative issues, will only attract more negativity. It can literally never end, and entire life times can be wasted in anger, and negativity.


Laura: I can understand what you mean, so what is the solution I wonder?


SaLuSa: The solution, is rather simple on a theoretical level, however it is rather difficult to practise, as you are well aware of. How does one remain centred throughout one’s day? How does one replenish one’s energy supplies? How can one try to remain calm and fair in all situations? It is so easy for your human experience to become attached to your human identity, to your negative emotions, to sink into the pre programmed software sub routines within your ego’s mind.


These attitudes are showing to you all that there is a lack of inner connection, a lack of grounding and of love for your fellow humans. Compassion for others begins with compassion for oneself, dear friend. See yourself in your daily life, and by seeing yourself, I mean see yourself from above. Allow your over soul to be present and guide you in your daily life. You have chosen yourselves the level of difficulty for this life, you have chosen what aspect of your essence to work on, what aspects of your soul needs strengthening.


Face the challenges you have set for yourself, knowing that only what you can deal with was taken on. Also know that the law of karma has many secrets and it comes back into your life when one expects it the least. Once one feels comfortable and settled into one’s life, inner sleep will settle in. Inner sleep is not something desired when one’s aim in life is to awaken. So karma is in fact your greatest ally with the awakening objective in mind, for it will prevent you from sleeping, dear one.


Much energy is trapped in the human body, and it can be released into outbursts of anger or wasted on constant day dreaming for instance. When the body is excessively tired, it is very easy to feel lack of energy supply to your higher brain functions and to your higher emotional centres, or superior chakras, if you like in other terms. Energy blockages translate as thick body armour, ready for a fight. No need to spend time in anticipating great fear and great disappointments. Just be. Be present, in every moment, inside your body, inside your mind.


Allow others to follow their own path, as your path is very different from that of many others. You have been provided with much help for this life, at many levels from your birth on this planet. Know for now that such help is very rarely granted, in fact one soul can have thousands of lives, without half of the help you have been granted as a child alone.


You are having the experiences you chose to have, during your life plan indeed, like all other souls present at this time. The difference in part is that you experience your life from a different place than many others, and with this comes the possibility for great achievements, but also much danger from outside. It is now vital for you to be wise with those who you allow into your life. Once again, your path is very different from the path of those who surround you, you have access to much more knowledge, guidance than your fellow humans, never forget that and never forget to show those on a different path the greatest love and respect.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that we have never left your presence throughout those past difficult 3 weeks. Your holiday break was far from being what you had hoped for, and now, you are back to commuting, and studying. This will allow you now for a return to your routine and balance. Our communications will resume on a regular basis and know that the changes you have been going through have been a necessary step into 2012. You will see, dear one. Be grateful to your friends and to your apparent enemies, for those who attack you are helping awake. You now need to return to your balanced state and life style, your path has always been to walk alone, to have the higher planes as your soul guides and friends. We are here at all times, loving you, as well as all humanity.


Thank you, SaLuSa

Laura Tyco

















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Laura Tyco – Allendale: Energies to Assimilate

Laura Tyco – Allendale: Energies to Assimilate


Good evening to you, lassie.


Laura: How are you Al? Many people are expecting great things to take place this year. Can you tell us a little about what is ahead of us please?


Sure, my lass. The dark ones’ power will continue to diminish, their power is fading away, and along with that goes their territory of control and manipulation. Many people will feel destabilized and out of quilter. Many changes ahead lass, no time to sleep on your laurels.


This year will literally fly by, like a month would go by. Yet, it will be so action packed that you will not have time to catch your breath from one event to the other. Some folks will lose the plot more or less, they will become completely out of centre and out of place. They will feel more and more frightened as the year goes by.


Other folks have given up fighting and will accept and bow to all orders from above them, they are resigned to die and cannot see any way out of it. Those folks will be hit very hard, they will be like an auto pilot on self destruct mode. So make sure these folks don’t take you down with them.


In terms of Man kind meeting their progenitors and creators, a date has not yet been set as such. All is still possible, however, for obvious reasons we also wish to make contact with you as soon as possible.


This however depends entirely on the speed of your assimilation of the higher energies associated with solar massive flares and other planetary alignment. This is the time of awakening.


Not all of you will be able to take it all in at once, at this phenomenal speed rate, my lads. Some of you will be literally burnt out by the incoming energies. As you may have felt already you are all reacting differently to these energies.


Well, my lads, that is all for now. Stay tuned and centred. Try to breath in awareness of your whole being and remember who you are. These energies are aimed at waking you up, big time. So enjoy the ride, standing tall and proud.


Allendale out.

Laura Tyco

















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Greetings Laura. We are so sorry for all the interference the cabal is causing in your life with your studies and with your work with us. This is part of their last attempts to cause fear, chaos and desperation. You must remain strong and confident in this matter and not allow them to get to you psychologically and emotionally. They would continue this kind of attacks until you learn not to react in fear and panick to these kinds of attacks. Being a lightworker has many facets, and seeing your own life under attack, as well as the lives of your loved ones threatened is part of it.


Their failure to ignite the kerosene and to cause an explosion of your house has set them back. Your new house will turn out to be working for the best for you, as it is safer, newer and more central. You have some time now to finish moving and will be pleased with the end result. We will keep watching over you and keep you safe as we have last week. We love you very much.


The 2012 energies will clear much of the unnecessary energies, and those of low vibrations will be affected in shocking ways. Many souls have also terminated their life contract now, and are leaving Mother Earth. Some have arranged to end their life contract prematurely also. The grand clearing is ongoing and taking place as we speak. Very little of what has no longer place on Mother Earth will survive the incoming energies, the light vibrations are very strong now, and they will keep on raising throughout the year, reaching a peak on 21st Dec 2012. So be prepared for a roller coaster for many of you. At the end of the year, you will all be in a far better place inwardly and outwardly.


We are looking forward to receiving many of you with open arms onboard our ships. Soon there will be so much love and consciousness present on Mother Earth, that extraterrestrial life will become self evident to many who have never given it any thought previously. It will also be evident that there is absolutely no need to fear us or our technology, dear ones. We are after all your long lost brothers and sisters, who have been protecting you for many eons from behind the scenes. We have kept away from the spot lights, following your desire for experiencing duality without any direct involvement on our part. You have desired that our connection remains silent and invisible till you would awake again from your long slumber. This time is upon us now, dear ones.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we are here, standing ready to open our arms to our Earth relatives and friends.


Thank you


















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SaLuSa to me – 5 Jan 2012 - Discernment

SaLuSa to me – 5 Jan 2012 – Discernment

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Good evening. We have detected an increase in cabal activities of late, and they are targeting lightworkers and channels in particular. Be cautious of information being passed on the internet, as most damage is done by discrediting channels and by propagating an atmosphere of distrust among lightworkers. The cabal agents have many ways of propagating online fear, in actual fact all happens in a similar way as with a computer virus. It spreads very rapidly and creates chaos and dysfunctionality.


Be very cautious of inserted cabal messages at this time, even in reliable channels sources and from reputable writers. Their technology has made a small leap forward, and they are experimenting with crystal skull technology and similar devices. So more than ever use discernment. No channelled message can be 100% reliable, so ensure you are listening to your body’s reaction while reading a new message. Your body and heart will tell you the truth if you are listening to your own reactions while reading. It is an interesting practical exercise. At any rate, discernment is more needed now than ever, as the cabal are so desperately trying all in order to prevent the light from spreading any further.


We assure you that there is very little to fear in matters of massive loss of life, in fact the number of people present on Mother Earth for her Ascension will be more or less the same as now. We are here to watch that all runs smoothly, where your and Mother Earth’s Ascension are concerned. You are our family and we look forward to working with you in the open.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius and assure you that we are watching over Mother Earth’s hot spots, as it were. There are those whose life contracts come to an end, of course, but you will still be able to reunite with them anyway once you will be ascended.


Thank you, SaLuSa.

Laura Tyvo


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SaLuSa to Me – 4 Jan 2011 – The Awakening

Happy New Year to all! Many of you have already begun to enjoy the new energies of 2012. Things will continue at more or less this pace from now on, depending on planetary alignments also. The changes, although will only be apparent to the most attuned, will take place at a manageable pace. It may get difficult at times for you to keep up, and the best way of processing these new energies and rhythm is to spend more and more time aware of your inner state.


You Higher Self will help you through this in a very practical way, so listen to your intuition more and more. Your guides also communicate with you mainly through your Higher Self, since they live in the same realm. In turn, you, as material forms, are far more receptive to your Higher Self, than any other outside influence. So in the future, listen to your self, your intuition, remain open and in contemplation, sit down quietly and listen to your emotions, body, muscular tensions, be aware of your breath.


Your rhythm will attune itself more and more to Mother Nature’s. Her frequencies and your frequencies will be in more and more in phase. This will require a far vaster understanding of all that is, than your previouly. So feel free to explore all new avenues ahead of you, but not by clashing or imposing your own ideas on others. There will be required a far better level of tolerance, acceptance of differences between you and others. Respect all others’ ideas and chosen path. The learning experience is not over for you all, so remain in between your inner world and your outer world. This is another way of understanding being connected.


Being connected to the reality of the outside world is important. You are part of it, but it is also important to be aware of your own gravity centre, your own divinity, your own energy inside your own body. When you are connected to both your inner world and your outer world, you become alive, in ways that are very different from your ordinary state. This world of illusion was designed to draw your attention on the outside, to pull your awareness far from your self awareness. Becoming self aware is a key step in your Ascension process. So, no need to feel afraid of focusing your attention on the life inside of you, dear ones.


Laura: Thank you, and thank you for your visit of yesterday, and of today. Our readers greatly enjoyed my description of our meeting. I was wondering if you wish to comment on our meeting, perhaps?


SaLuSa: Of course. Yes, this will be more and more possible for all in the future. As well as feeling our energetic presence, you can all tune into receiving Mother Earth’s voice, our voices, or your friends living far, on the other side of the world’s voice. This will become more and more apparent to you. The fact that you have all connected and attracted each other online, shows that you are already connected in the higher dimensions.


We have always been around many of you, throughout your Earth time, however, it is not given to all to resonate with our high frequencies. Negative emotions, such as anger, are creating a shield around you and your awareness closes itself. It is no longer possible to receive the impressions of our presence, when your heart is closed. Furthermore, it is often not possible for us to be around you when your vibrations are of a low quality.


We could perhaps better explain this with the theatre play metaphor. You, all beings incarnated on planet Earth are part of a theatre play. We, of the ascended planes, are the public, watching the play in the equivalent of your theatres. We can see the play, the actors, we can speculate on the plot and outcome of the show. The characters have however no idea of the public, and are not aware of the simple fact that they are only characters. The characters are completely identified with the play, no self awareness at all is present for them. The actors however do know the reality of the situation, they are aware of themselves, of the script, of the scenario, of the public.


The actor can interact with the public, the actor represent your Higher Self. Those of you who can see us, who can hear us, interact with us have the ability of moving from being a character in a play, to become aware of the fact that they are actors in a play. This is what is mean by becoming awake. It means counting to play your part in the play, while being connected to the reality of the situation, while learning more about the outside world, about themselves, about the public, and the real world. This is a slow process, this is the stage you are at now: the Awakening.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we look forward to your awakening and to your liberation.


Thank you, SaLuSa.

Laura Tyco

















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Enjoy this last day of 2011, it was a trying year, but many people have come to a far better understanding of what goes on behind closed doors in governments. Many souls have come to see things for what they are, and thus no longer buy into all that is presented as true to them. We are so glad to witness this is taking place, although it has been necessary for many of you to face a deep precipice. This was and still is for many an extremely scary experience.


2012 will have much of the same energy, but at an even deeper level. The entire process of thinking, analyzing, as well as constructive consideration of social, political and economical aspects will also deepen. There is no easy way of out this situation for as long as the entire society’s needs are not entirely been reconsidered.   All beings, and that means humans, animals, plant life as well as outer space beings must be treated with kindness, fairness, understanding, compassion and love. This will be your goal for the first half of 2012, to look inside yourself and extend the love and compassion for yourself to those around you.


More and more will the guidance of your Higher Self be required. More and more you will have to turn inwards for guidance in your daily tasks. More and more you will find love, understanding, and guidance from above, by your own means. More and more will the light find its way inside of your heart, body and mind. The light will integrate and transform every single cell of your body. This slow process has already begun, and will somewhat speed up as we move along throughout 2012.


Have a wonderful 2012, from all of us in the higher realms.

I am your Higher Self.

Laura Tyco


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Good day to you lassie. I have been away on my home world for a while, but I see things have been going well here. There is more light being shed now on David’s claims concerning the Gold, I am glad to see that most of your are eager to bring more information to the hearts of those finding themselves in panic over the finance situation.


As you have been told before, this is a situation created, engineered by the dark cabal, I have also said to you that the amount of gold is wide and plentiful. Do not be fooled by all those who wish to catch you by the .. you know what I mean! The cabal wants you cornered into a place of fear, and desperation, in order that you grant them more and more power over you. They want you to doubt all your senses, your own judgement, and fear and panic are their favourite weapons.


The idea of having a happy, independent, and intelligently evolved human race is repulsive to them, as all they wish for is to exploit your fear, ignorance and doubts. Be careful of false prophets in the coming year more than ever. The worse danger that you can represent for the cabal is to be happy, fulfilled, have confidence, and dignity. The chastising of intellectuals and free thinkers has begun. The promotion of behaviour such as betrayal, pettiness, greed, and small mindedness is encouraged and promoted by the cabal.


The cabal has no honour, no dignity, no compassion, no kindness. Their aim is to also drag out of you any sense of well being, of freedom and deny you access to a Higher Consciousness for yourself. They desire you to hang on to the lies that are being fed to you, to rely on false prophets. They wish to keep you entrapped into a small box, and feed you what they want, when they want. To them, the human race is nothing else than mere cattle. Herd animals which they wish to keep under total control, unaware of your true nature.


Seek to become what you already are in truth, seek to reunite with your space family, seek to reunite with your higher centres, with your higher self. You are a race of Gods, of true divine origin, you are beings made of light, bound to corporality. This can be a very happy union of the Divine Spark and of the Divine Creation. This can be a wonderful experience of love, joy while overcoming darkness and material limitations.


In the coming year, you will be giving the opportunity to shine, and to break free once and for all of the illusion. You will be presented with many challenges, but know that none of these challenges will ever be too great for you to overcome with divine help from above, and together with your friends and space brothers. When you feel out of balance, remember who you are and that you are loved beyond imagination.


Allendale out.

Laura Tyco

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SaLuSa to Me 30 Dec 2011 - 2012 Wishes

We are so glad to be here at this time to witness your awakening individually and as a Galactic Civilisation. Your connection to us is ancient and beautiful. We have been linked to you genetically and your history and ours are quite similar in a way. Perhaps the main exception is that we have always fought a known enemy, whereas you have not always been aware of who the enemy is in this instance.


The creation of the Galactic Federation was felt by the Divine as a necessity in the proper running and administrating of the Universe. We, Sirians, as a race, have always felt the necessity for such a Federation, in order to manifest divine will into being. We are so glad for this mission here, with you. Since you are for us, our next door neighbours, and we do have common enemies, if only due to our close proximity. Indeed for us, the distance to Earth would be the equivalent as a trip to the country side.


Soon planet Earth will have quite a central place in this Galaxy and in the Universe. Most of you are far from imagining what a place of honour you have for being incarnated here at this time. We look forward to telling you more about our common history while your memories will be returned to you. Dear friends, this moment is drawing so near and you are far from imaging it. Once you will reconnect with our culture, you will be welcome to come visit Sirius of course, and those of you who originate from there will be glad to reconnect with all their friends and family.


Very soon you will understand all, and it will all make sense as you will be walking towards Ascension. Please understand that we long to reconnect with you, our long lost family, and without you, we do feel incomplete. This on a cultural level, but also on a personal level, as your absence is felt in families and for your partners who are on Sirius. The moment for Disclosure is not up to us, as you know. It lies in the hands of our Earth Allies and in your own hands.


Be assured that as soon as we would feel welcome on a peaceful Earth we are more than happy to make our presence officially known. 2012 will still have challenges for you, as your civilisation is slowly restructuring. The new honest governments lead by our Earth Allies, will have our full trust and friendship. We suspect that it could take as long as our Earth Allies required announcing Disclosure. We will wait until such a time when we would estimate it safe for you and for us to interact openly.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius and wish you all a very full year for 2012. Our presence at your side is permanent in your knowing heart. We share your desire, longing and pain for the long awaited reunion. The Galactic Federation of Light sends our best wishes for your new year.


Thank you, SaLuSa

Laura Tyco

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We come to you once more with much love and best wishes. As you know, we are approaching a pivotal point in Earth’s history. Rarely has human kind been kept under so much control from the dark ones. It is with great joy and expectations that we anticipate your return, as a civilisation into the purest and most vibrant light once again. You have been part of this light many times before, so there is nothing to be apprehensive about as such. You will very naturally find your way back into your old way of higher love and understanding.


We hope that you are able to use this time off to replenish your energy and to make efforts in being one again. Man for many thousands of years has had many different “I”s. Have you noticed within yourselves how quickly you change your mind about something? For instance you decide that you will get up at 7am tomorrow and look after sorting out important chores. However, when the alarm clock rings, you keep delaying and eventually procrastinate. The reason for this is that man, for now, has no permanent “I” presence. An ordinary person can be blown away in all directions, taken by all sort of influences and suggestions. There is no permanent “I” within ordinary man or no permanent centre of gravity, if you like.


This is the part you will need to work on more. Reinforcing your I AM presence, exercising your free will and deepening your understanding of your self and of the universal laws. The path to Ascension can be as easy or as difficult as you chose to make it for yourself. It can be as rapid or as slow as you wish, depending on your souls’ needs and desires for experiences.


In the coming year, you will witness many inner changes, along with the changes in your society. Your inner personal changes will be reflected into your outer world, therefore in your society. Of course, we are here to help you when and if necessary throughout this transition phase. This is a temporary phase for you and your planet, and our help if required should be minimal and should never leave our permanent imprint on your society’s development. This is why our preferred choice is to act behind the scenes and our direct communications so far have only been with our ground crew and with those of you who already have a level of consciousness more or less equal to our own.


We are not here to take control of your decisions as a civilisation and as a collective consciousness, you have your own power and free will and we are not here to dictate you what your choices should be. We are neither here in order to take over your beautiful planet nor to make it something close to your earthly colonises to us. You are an independent society and the future holds much joy and prosperity for Mother Earth and for you as a Galactic civilisation. Our mission is to empower you as a global and galactic civilisation, and to assist you in your evolution, should you require our advice, while removing unfair nuclear threats and other attack from our common dark enemies. With that in mind, the more you are able to achieve for yourself individually, as well as on a global level, the better it will be for your soul’s development. This is the aim of our many incarnations: the development of our higher love, and higher brain.


When you are in doubt, or fear, please remember to go within, and to allow time for you to receive an answer from your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is your own beacon of light, it is guiding you through these dark times, it is in perpetual contact with your ordinary self, although, you are rarely aware of it. Sometimes it makes you take detours in order to make you understand things which have escaped you previously. All the experiences of this life and of your past or parallel lives are all for your own benefit ultimately. We know that this is an idea which is far from being understood by the vast majority of readers, but in time, you will come to see the benefits of what seems now to be a detour, or a long delay.


Very often the best way for learning in duality is to come across the same difficulty over and over again. While we realize this can be an extremely painful experience, our common Father Creator has designed the Universe in such a way for reasons you will come to grasp later. If one wishes to avoid hitting oneself against the same obstacles perpetually, one has to see and understand things from a different place inside of you. This is the leap of faith required for your ascension into the higher realms. This is the reason why spirituality is so vital at this point in your development.


We are here in order to help you with all aspects of spirituality, however there are on your planet many valid teachings which have survived the dark ages. We recommend that you encompass and engage with these teachings. Our communication with you would be much easier once you get into the deep water for yourself. You would have a far better understanding of our respective civilisations and would be on an equal foot where understanding and conscious love is understood.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I stand looking at your planet’s awakening from a deep slumber. We are here to welcome you back among us as brothers and sisters, however the more you achieve for yourself, the quicker your ascension will be. The more you can achieve on your own, without our help, the more permanent your strength will be, the less you will have to experience similar incarnations again. It is my deepest wish for you all to make this incarnation count, so that you would never have to put yourself again under such strenuous exposure to the cabal.


Once again, we wish you a wonderful Christmas Holiday.

Thank you, SaLuSa

Laura Tyco

















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Dear souls, what is left of the remnants of the dark empire on planet Earth is now dissolving under your eyes. Do not be scared, for what is left will allow you to grow like a flower in the sunlight.

As darkness is leaving the bodies of many of your brothers and sisters physical bodies, they will soon wake up to the truth of who they are. Your brothers and sisters will be left, without darkness within their heart, they will be like a new born baby. They will feel disorientated, lost, scared and ashamed for their past actions. There is no point in holding any grudges against the people who are left in front of you, as these have been used as puppets by the darker energies, inserted within their very soul and keeping them in terror. Their bodies have been too strongly occupied by the darkest forces, for them to be responsible for their own actions.

These new cleaned souls, will need love and nurturing in your societies and deep understanding.

The birth of baby Jesus, born more than 2,000 years ago, also symbolizes the continuous rebirth of your world. All is ever changing, and continuously renewing itself. The three Kings, coming together under the same roof to witness the birth of a superior being can also be seen as a metaphor. Consider, please, the coming together in alignment with your three centres: your moving, your thinking and your feeling centres. When these three come together under the one roof, which is your physical body, an inner birth takes place inside of you.

I bless you all, brothers and sisters of Light.

Have a wonderful Christmas.


Laura Tyco

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Good evening dear one. We are very happy with the way events are developing. Your work is paying off, finally. You are only able to witness the storm right now. However, please believe me that once this storms clears up, you will find yourself in a bran new environment. The storm will take away all that is not grounded solidly in the new reality and vibrations of the New Earth.


Laura, you had a foretaste yesterday of what is to come ahead. The visions you have experienced were thoughts transfer from Beings living in the Higher dimensions. They have transmitted you pre-knowledge of the planet you will find yourself walk on.


Laura: Thank you for the explanation Settufeut. It was an amazing experience to see the place you live on now, high between and above the sky. I heard from one of the beings that these are the cities in the sky, made from crystal mainly, and using anti-gravitational devices. I was also shown the technology you use in order to monitor some of us and intervene in order to protect us. The sky had these amazing pink, orange, and violet shades, with the thick white clouds dispersed. Where you there? Are these white clouds your ships? Who were these beings in contact with me?


Settufeut: Well, in actual fact, there were many of us around you to support you with your long drive. The energies and light of the Winter Solstice are very refined and unique. This is why ancient monuments were always built in alignment with the solstices.


You have recognized SaLuSa immediately and shortly after, you also recognized Jeshua. The energy of these two beings is very specific for you to recognize. I guess in your terms for you, it would be characterized as a miracle.


We were glad that you enjoyed your consciousness of us and your short visit in the Kingdom. We are aware this experience was out of the ordinary for you. We also understand how grateful you are for having experienced this.


You were able to handle all the information very well, and in consequence these kind of experiences will be renewed and more and more frequent. Your Higher Self protects you by not allowing these altered states of awareness to sip through into your knowledge.


These experiences are very common by many of you, however, they are filtered out, as it were, from your consciousness. You have had a glimpse of what is here and now, and all around you, and above you.


When all of humanity’s blinkers will be removed, you will find yourself very rapidly in the kingdom of Heaven. This Kingdom has always been here for you, you were not allowed awareness of it, for your own protection.


In order to function in duality, this Kingdom of Heaven, of God had to be hidden from your sight for thousands of years. When you will all see the New Kingdom of Heaven manifest upon New Earth, you will truly find yourselves, all in paradise.

We love you very much, all of you, our beloved family.

Your brothers from the skies.


Laura Tyco















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A new beginning is always difficult to cope with, so be prepared for a rock and roll sweet ladies and gentlemen. The gates are opening and light is allowed in, in massive quantities. We are at and have been at war with the cabal factions for millions of years, in many galaxies. In effect, we are their conscious, their reminder, their worse enemies but also their best friends. The massive cleansing operation we are part of is sweeping this entire quadrant, this entire galaxy. The work we do for the cabal will benefit them in the long run, no doubt. They will appreciate it when they realize that what we do, we do for the general transformation of dark matter, incarnated here. The cabal minions are of a different make up to yours, ladies and gentlemen. Their perspective is unique to them, they do have an entirely different approach to everything they encounter. Their psyche is wired in an entirely different way to yours.

This is an important point to get across if we are going to manage a communication bridge between your world and theirs.


Everything is a potential threat in the cabal’s mind, so the urge to control all and everybody is extremely powerful. They do not believe in God, not in faith, have no trust in anything what so ever. They do not believe in justice, in love, all has to be possessed and controlled. I hope this is helping in making you understand their frame of mind. The only religion they have is selfishness, materialism, and control. These are their only weapons. Anything outside of these norms is life threatening to them. Our mission is compassion and transformation. And I am talking about inner transformation, the kind of thing that comes from within, if you get my drift. These beings were not educated to follow their instincts, their feelings. We have no desire in harming them, our mission is to help them see their own inner light, which is extremely frightful to them.


The reason this is so frightful, is that they have to look and judge themselves. Now, nobody likes that very much. Particularly not when you are a dark one. Many humans were raised in dark families or in families controlled by the cabal. Your thinking system has been toyed with, my lads. The road ahead will lead you towards unlearning what you have learnt and reprogram your self. Think of it as some kind of rehabilitation. But this can only come from within. Nobody can force anything on you. Always be yourself in all and everything, but also always question your self and your own motivations. This is enough thinking matter for today, my lads.


Will speak with you soon again. Allendale out.

Laura Tyco


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Laura: Good morning Allendale, we have already had a private talk last night. You are a God level of consciousness Being, you are in fact a white hat half human and half alien in our 3D world. You are working directly with the Galactic Federation of Light. I am communicating with this person’s Higer Self, which identifies himself by the name of Allendale and you have expressed the wish in engaging communication through the TAUK group. Am I correct in all of the above?


Allendale: Right you are my dear! Allendale is a place where I like to hang around during my time off. I like this name, my real name is not possible to be understood by human standards. So Allendale is fine with me, dear one.


Laura: Fine, sure, this is perfect so! I understand you wish to give a few of us a message, so please go ahead.


Allendale: Ok, well… I wanted to introduce myself really. We enjoy your work, I mean all the TAUK group and we wish to go ahead and use your services as much as possible in the future. The Galactic Federation of Light is a huge interplanetary organisation, made of several groups. We all have our own projects, or mission if you like. Although we are split in rather small groups, depending on the project, we are all aware of what the other groups are doing. All is coordinated from above and we interact a lot between projects. So far, you have worked a lot with SaLuSa initially, as you know each other for a very long time and your relationship has always been one of trust, openness, friendship and love. So we found it appropriate that you would recognize him easier than any of us. You have also been following his messages for almost three years now, and you already were working with him, without your knowing it. He just stepped into your awake consciousness in June and he was pleased you were able to help. That particular mission with him is over for a month now, as you know already.


Laura: yes, that is correct. Mission number one accomplished! What is next?


SaLuSa: This is correct; we are very pleased you have helped restore a situation for our ground team. All issues have been addressed timely through you, and we now have direct communication with our key ground crew thanks to you. Therefore, my messages through you will not be as regular as they have previously been for a period of 5 months. You will now move on to the next project, which involves working with Allendale more. This part will be a lot more “hands on” as you say. And will involve direct contact with our 3D ground crew who already work directly with us, if you wish to do so, of course. I am SaLuSa from Sirius and will continue my work with you one a weekly basis from now on.


Laura: You bet I wish to be more and more part of this! I am looking forward to more hands on and practical work, so to speak SaLuSa.


Allendale: Well, that is great then! Thank you, SaLuSa for clarifications. I appreciate it. Somebody tried to contact you this morning, he has not revealed his identity to you. He will reconnect later on. I know you enjoy work in the higher realms, and you will enjoy work in 3D as well, Laura. We look forward to working with you more in the near future. SaLuSa will continue to give you messages, so no need to be concerned, it will just not be as regular as previously, as we don’t want to take up all your time. Now, have you got any questions for me?


Laura: Let me think. Not really, I am just looking forward to meeting you all. When will this take place?


Allendale: At the moment, we have all hands on deck, as it were. You know there is much going on behind the scenes, and much has transpired into the public domain already for the past few weeks. The struggle between the light and the dark still goes on, as strongly as ever. So we are pretty busy, trying to keep the cabal at bay. There are so many plans within plans. No need to worry, from now on, anything that happens will lead to a happy ending for all of planet Earth’s living creatures. Even if one physically dies, you will still ascend and have a place in the Kingdoms of Heaven, if your heart is pure and loving. Eventually all creatures end up in the Kingdome of Haeven, some just take a little longer to make it to the finishing line. You are getting me, I see. That is all for today then. Will look forward to speaking with you some more in the near future.


Allendale out.

Laura Tyco

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Your tensions are huge obstacles to overcome when it comes to higher quality of vibrations. Can you feel the tensions accumulated in your back? In your neck, along your spine, between your shoulder blades? Even your skull and the skin surrounding it is tense. The cold is an increasing factor and of course being attached to the illusion that what you see is all there is.


All of you are indeed at different stages of your evolution, of your life. The vibrations you emit are no different. Vibrations go throughout the day up and down the scales. It is normal, as different type of energy is required depending on what you do, who you interact with, are you in movement or are you meditating. All of these, and more influence your vibrations every minute of your life. Nothing is static, all is in movement in space, on the surface of your planet and inside of you also. The question is, how aware are you of what is taking place inside of you?


Remember that all humans are potential light conduits; you are conductors of energy, yes? Do you understand? I mean your body is a vehicle; it should be cleared from blockages, in order to allow the energy exchanges to move up and down your spine. You, as all living matter are much more refined that the crude body shell you inhabit for a couple of hours during your day. What is it that moves your body, what is it that you call I? You are a part of everything my dear, you are pure light in constant movement through your body. You are all made of the so much wanted God Particle, you are made of it, do you understand what I am saying? I see you are beginning to comprehend. Very good!


Allow me to continue with an analogy perhaps. If your body is a vessel, quite literally, shall we compare it with a glass bottle? You, your life force and energy are not the bottle at all! My precious friends, you are what is in the bottle, you are the wonderful perfume, the precious priceless wine, the aged Armagnac. Your state is over 75% of water, as you know. The human body is a complex machine, a huge sophisticated machine. Part of your energy has in fact, over time, become part of the machine, it has become too attached to it. You have forgotten in duality that in fact you are free to circulate around the body, and to travel outside of it.


Like perfume, you are also present in a somewhat gaseous state, ethereal state to be correct. When you leave your bodies, your state changes from liquid to ethereal, or more like a gaseous state. You are free to go, and to enter your body at will in ordinary conditions on other planets. When one dies on other planets, it is nothing at all, as beings from other planets know exactly who they are and the reasons why they inhabit a body for a period of time. When one feels that one has had enough of that particular experience, one just leaves an empty bottle, to continue with our metaphor. The material of the bottle is made of the same vibrations and matter coming from the planet and must return to the planet, all its elementary make up is dismantled and decomposes as part of the planet.


The God Particles you are a sum of, does not reside, decomposes on the planet. The matter it is made of, does not belong to that realm, to that vibrational state, if you wish. It returns to the Higher Realms it came from, after an incarnation experience. The subtle, matter it is made of, is invisible to your eyes frequencies, this is why in your ordinary state, you think that you and your body are one and the same. When you die, the essence you primarily are, rises into a higher dimension, or ascends, to use your own terms. In order for you to Ascend, you will have to let go of your physical vessel consciously. There will be no pain, no fear, as all will be under your entire control and will proceed under your exact guidance. Of course, you will not be left alone, and will receive help, as you always have. You are all always guided and loved by the beings of the higher realms.


There will be no death as such, for indeed what is death, except an interruption of your impressions and experiences. This interruption will not occur when those who will ascend will leave their earthly body. As you know, you are made of a series of layers, or bodies. Those bodies have been in the building for some of you, while those who have ascended before, have the entire set ready since birth and are ready to let go at any time. In ancient times, this knowledge was well known; it was called Merkabah, or even Astral Body, or Mental Body. Well, no matter what you choose to call it, it will all work in the same way. So, you will ascend with your bodies, not the bodies you have now, but a much more refined bodies, bodies of endless possibilities. You will see!


I am your Higher Self

Laura Tyco















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