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Being Alone…The Sacred Divinity of Solitude


Archangel Metatron Channel, via James Tyberonn


Greetings Beloved! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering. We surround each of you in a specially created vector of Unconditional Love. A vector of nonlinear space that is uniquely opened as each of you read these words from your own space and chosen time.

The present phase of linear time on your planet is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude. Masters many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle, find yourselves in a state of solitude, after spouses have passed, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended. And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel ‘unnatural’ for many of you, it is with purpose. So we tell you to use this time wisely, embrace it. You are on the cusp of a great graduation.

Now there is a recurring message in many of your religious texts that says “For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”

Indeed there is a time for solitude. Divine Solitude is a noble condition, and one that offers quantum leaps in terms of growth, when understood, and recognized for its profound purpose.

You see the Divine-Self is ultimately, conclusively alone in its final pursuit of omnipotence.

In your terms, the soul enters the earth alone, and the spirit departs the earth alone. Ascended Masters that walk the Earth, have for millennia sought solitude in their incarnations before achieving Mastery. So it is with many of you now.

Dear Ones, Many of you who find yourself alone at this time, are of the belief that you must find a partner. Many of you seek your ‘soul mate’ your twin flame. Yet we tell you, in many cases among the advanced souls, you are alone because you have planned it. Indeed it is a special and noble undertaking. It is time for Divine Solitude.

Solitude for those seeking sanctified light, for those seeking, what is termed ‘consecrated enlightenment’ chose specific periods in their life plan, to be alone for a time. This does not mean you will always be in solitude, it simply means for a time you have chosen it to ‘work on the self’; to achieve self love. Among souls seeking Mastery, approximately one of every three or four lifetimes, is a lifetime chosen for solitude.

Loving the SELF is a Requirement

Love of self is a condition that many, especially those from Christian heritage, have lost. Christianity with its teachings of original sin taught you that you were flawed in your nature, that you needed forgiving. You spent lifetimes prostate asking forgiveness for who you are. You lost your sense of your divinity, and found it easier to give than to receive. Balance was forfeited.

Now, we tell you that as the Earth transforms to the new Crystalline Age, the nature of energy resonance and the dimensional grasp of the planet is expanded. There is a lessening of the influence of duality/polarity for those of you that choose to extend beyond the third dimension.

You may ask whether solitude or partnerships bring greater advancement to the soul. The question is timely and especially pertinent for many of you in the dawn of the Ascension.

The short answer is that both coupling and solitude have their divine purpose…. and we underline the word BOTH. Much is gained in being in committed loving relationship. This is the natural circumstance in most sojourns on the plane of Earth.

But Masters, we tell you that there is also great purpose also in solitude. It is in fact a requisite.

aff banner1 Archangel Metatron: Only about 10% of the population of eight billion plus has awakened and The Sacred Divinity of Solitude

It is no error that great numbers of you on the finals steps of the path of enlightenment are alone in this period. Now is the prelude to the coming Ascension. If you are among these, we tell you that perhaps your solitude is appropriate. Perhaps it is as it should be. You see it is how many of you planned it.


Yet many of you feel that the loneliness is too much to bear and that you must pursue a partner…the elusive twin flame. Dear Souls, there is much confusion around the concept of the twin flame, the ‘soul mate’, and the role and nature of optimal partnership in Mastery of Self.

Solitude and Nondependency

Solitude is intended to be a period of sublime reverence of self. Your life and your experience in this plane is your own creation, your own living tapestry, woven by your individual belief. Within solitude, the soul is prompted into self-review, and opportunity is given to dive deeply into the deep waters that flow within you. To swim in the ocean of SELF, and in so doing rediscover the love within, to learn what a brilliant spark of God you truly are.

Relationships are a method of reflecting the affectivity of your belief system, and giving you feedback on what, simply stated, is working, and what is not. Detachment requires the individual to explore the self, to reacquaint with the inner horizon, and this facilitates and necessitates sovereignty. Sovereignty is the prepotency of Mastership.

A relationship of two sovereign nondependent humans has greater balance, greater creativity, and greater longevity than a pairing of two beings co-dependent on one another. Do you understand?

Ultimately each soul must clearly define SELF in order to gain Mastery. Self Mastery is embodied in periods of planned detachment. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized. And we tell you Dear Ones, crystallization, through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self- Mastery. It is a calibrational juncture in the multidimensional sojourn. One enters the void, the great mystery in the quest for fortitude and sovereign vision, alone, without a shoulder to lean on. And in the process, one discovers sublime wholeness and self completion.

Do not misunderstand our meaning; there is great validity in coupling, in the natural aspect of soul mate. But conclusively one walks the path of Mastery in sovereign detachment.

One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical self. Each of you must endeavor to the final conquest of what we term as ‘impeccability’. Impeccability is the crystallization or uniform clarity of the soul, and it is a necessary virtue of Mastery. This involves release of dependency, the release of all that does not serve your divinity. It is a rebooting and reprogramming of all you are.

We have told you that the language, the fabric of higher dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind. By defining oneself through impeccability one becomes crystalline, and thus more capable of Divine Consciousness within the geometric light of coherent higher planes. It is only accomplished by deciding who you are, what you believe, and then living it. Recognizing your truths, and aligning fully to them.

Question to Metatron: Are you saying that loving relationships, such as marriage, are not our ultimate union?

AAMetatron: Remember that in the highest realm you are in sacred Oneness, each a part of the Divine One. So in terms of duality experience, the answer to your question is yes. In this context, YES! Masters, in highest reality, you are a unified plural consciousness.

Relationships in the linear duality experience are a means to the end. We are saying that loving relationships are a sacred, joyful tool of achieving Self Mastery, but that ultimately in each soul’s journey; there is requisite ultimate growth into sovereignty. The sovereign self is a sufficient self & truly has no dependent need of another. Such conceptual dependency can be a deterrent to Mastery.

In truth you merge in sovereignty with your other half. The other part of your soul that separated in duality expression. Each of you have a male and female component, and the other half is re-merged in the Integral Divine Self before rising into higher realm.

Many of you consider a soul mate and twin flame the same. Only the syntax is in parity. The true meanings are different. The twin flame is the other half of the same soul, split in duality, and these are rarely in physicality together. The ‘soul mate’ is in our terms, another soul with whom you have contracted to grow together within physical duality, as a means of development and exploration of love with another soul. Movement toward common purpose.

The seeming paradox in linear relationships, that of the ‘soul mate’ concept (not the twin flame) is that a relationship of two non-dependent sovereign beings, has greater joy, greater balance, greater interface with the divine, greater opportunity for advancement than a relationship based on co-dependence. Do you see?

In this time, in this now, many of you are actually merging with your etheric (non-physical) twin flame, and molding your sacred fullness into one physicality in order for you to enter the crystalline realm in wholeness. In most cases this soul reconnection is accomplished in solitude or in sovereign non dependent relationships.

So we say embrace your chosen period of SOVEREIGN SOLITUDE, it is the sign of your souls intent to enter into Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na Mastery.

ad3 Archangel Metatron: Only about 10% of the population of eight billion plus has awakened and The Sacred Divinity of Solitude


The Divine Feminine

We add that many who are in this life, of the female gender, have chosen particularly effacious roles in the balancing of the planet at this time. Is it not true that the planet has been imbalanced in an overage of patriarchal energies for millennia? That is why it would appear that a vast majority of those drawn to the ‘New Age’ are female, you see, to anchor in the Divine Feminine. Females have been conditioned and labeled in your current paradigm as the ‘weaker sex’. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

Many of the females, who find themselves now in single status, are conditioned to feel they must have a partner. Again, we say, embrace your solitude. You chose it, we honor you for the path you have chosen.

The ideal for the planet, is not to be female or male, rather a perfect balance of BOTH, but it is at the moment still in an imbalance of patriarchal resonance. We honor those of you in female biology, you’re strength is indeed progressing in creating the nurturing balance.

Truly the over-soul is androgynous, self-contained. Self-sufficient. That does not mean that love is not the frequencial basis of the soul, indeed it is the highest vibration. It is the resonance that is produced by the Ascended Soul to the Cosmos, and reflected back as a collective harmonic of crystalline love. There is a time when those of you have played the role of soul mates, will individualize, and in your terms, part in joy. The evolved soul in achieving omnipotence, will become consummately self sufficient, and in so doing radiate spectacular unconditional love to ALL. That is as it should be, as it must be. It is how you Ascend.

Embracing Sovereignty

The final graduation of the soul is not done in pairing, you see. It is done within the Divine SELF in universal harmonic to the All that is. Do you understand? This is the activation of Self to the divine resonance of the Quantum Crystalline Field. Separation must osmatically occur before the final collective reunion, it must occur to allow for the final coalescence into the ALL THAT IS.

It is who you ARE. It is the IAM that I AM.

Our point here, is that if you find yourself in Solitude, recognize its purpose. If you are in a relationship refine it in beauty to the greater love of non-dependence. You will indeed discover the love expands and the relationship becomes more splendid in non dependency; just as you are discovering relationships of co-dependency are imbalanced one way streets, and fail.

In sovereignty humanity will see themselves in this framework as being ‘whole’ and not being their partner’s property or someone’s ‘better half’. Each will bring their integral, whole SELF in fullness, in robust flow of energy into relationship, in a manner that often does not occur today. There are pre agreed points that allow for freedom of choice and for change, even if that change is to end the partnership. In sovereignty individuals share their best, without compromise of ideals. Each will recognize the divinity of the other, and retain the integrity of SELF.

They will afford their own promises, promises and choices of a new paradigm, but there will be avenues and opportunities of adjustments and the ability of reviewing terms. This will allow for greater recognition of the SELF. These will be designed to prevent energy blockage and reduce dysfunctional marriages and divorce complications and lawsuits, you see.

Some relationships in these terms will indeed last a lifetime, some will not. But the archetype of sovereignty will better support both, based on choice and mutual agreement of each individuals terms. And as such independence becomes joyful , devoid of one partner being dominant and imposing their beliefs, morality and will over another.

Humankind, in mass today, truly does not recognize or understand their soul, their divine SELF. Self is unfortunately regulated to the realm of ego personality by the masses. It is true that a higher degree of the light quotient is awakened on the planet now, than has occurred at any other time, but it is still only about 10% of the population of eight billion plus that has awakened. That is a sufficient number to bring about the Ascension, but much has yet to be done.

Religion in the New Paradigm

Religion in the new paradigm, must be individualized, must truly recognize the nature of SELF the nature of the DIVINE SOUL. None of your world religions truly answer these questions today. None of your religions answer the questions of mans true Cosmic Extra-Terrestrial multi-dimensional origins. And that must come to understanding in the new paradigm. None of your current mainstream religions can accurately and completely express the true history of man on the earth. As such, there is no one true religion on the planet today. Most are bought and sold on preset regulated templates. Each claim to know the path to God, to be able to lead the way to God, yet none truly do. Each has its dogma, each has its hierarchy and controls.

Man searches for GOD more fervently now than at any other time in on the planet, and so this seeking in itself has the potential to bring in the light. Few religious teachers are true teachers, scholars perhaps, but not true teachers, you see. Others are charlatans, even within metaphysics and the so called ‘New Age’. Few who make claim to channel Ascended Masters or Angelics truly do.


When integrity is not maintained the connection to true spirit is disconnected, and all who are human are subject to fall in and out of integrity. Truly the way in the Ascension is the ability of each soul to rise into his/her higher self. Look inside and find your own divinity within your heart. Not through blindly following a guru, evangelist, channeler or spiritual leader, but through SELF. Accept only what you discern individually to resonate as true, Dear Ones, and do not give your power to another. Each of you can and must channel your higher selves. Study, look, listen, discern, review and only accept what resonates within you.

The way to the divine, Masters, is through the sacred sovereignty of SELF, and in the Ascension, the way to the higher SELF is through self-definition, and seeking that aspect of God inside each of you, with the great desire that is embedded in each of your souls. Study, seek, and work ! There is little hope for the lazy. You are here to make known the unknown ! Work at it ! Be a warrior of light within duality, for the true battles are within for self mastery. The path is not easy. But within Self Mastery lies an energy so exquisite that it fuels all you require to move forward, and there is another level above each you ascend to. Consciousness ever expands.

cb earth4 Archangel Metatron: Only about 10% of the population of eight billion plus has awakened and The Sacred Divinity of Solitude


You Are Never Alone

Oh Dear Human, We truly do feel your occasional despair and longing, and know that we want you to know that we honour you, know that you are never truly alone. Spirit embraces you, and we are especially available for you to find solace and comfort in the walk of divinity that you are undertaking. For we assure you, that you have chosen to be exactly where you are, and there is a great reason, a noble aspiration and goal in your celibate secular aspect.

It is the very sense of resulting loneliness that so often feels bittersweet and hollow, that compels you to seek the rich ocean of wisdom available to you in rediscovering the vast solace within your own divinity.

So we gently urge you to understand that this, for many Master Souls is precisely why you are outside of relationship at this profound time on your planet.

You are then not alone because of a failed relationship, you are not alone because you are incapable of finding a partner. Indeed you are in noble solitude because you have chosen to move higher, to focus on the inner soul. Every soul enters in solitude, and will depart to higher realms in solitude. But that solitude is an opening to your true nature of plurality consciousness, you are reconnecting to the bigger part of you, and that part does not know loneliness. Lonely only exists in duality.

Dear Hearts, use this time wisely, and embrace it., for you have chosen a path that Masters on the ‘Cusp of Graduation’ often select. We know it is not easy, but the very real pain you at times feel, is the motivating driver of inner reflection. You are on the cusp of a great quantum leap.


Discover your path. Discover yourself. Love yourself, love one another, love the divinity inside you and inside every one ! Discover the multidimensional aspects of your true Soul. That is the nobility of solitude.

And thought the path is at times quite difficult and lonely , know that such is the challenge of duality, for above, you are whole, and lack no thing. In the higher realm, Masters, you are in your sacred nature of integral wholeness, in complete and abundant bliss.

I am Metatron,Lord of Light, and I share with you these TRUTHS!

You are Beloved.

…And so it is.


The above channel is copywritten to Earth-Keeper. Posting on websites is permitted with credits and reference to website as long as it is reprinted in complete, unabridged, unedited format. It may not be published on U-Tube, journals or printed publications without expressed authorization. All Copyrights are duly registered to www.Earth-Keeper.com . For due requisite authorization & permissions please email Tyberonn@hotmail.com.


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BP Whistleblowers Blog

As Thomas Botch says in the comments at Facebook, "To many high profile people (successfull and educated with little reason to die from risky behavior) all "croak" in "too short a time period" to be "statistically normal." Don't you agree?"

February 17, 2011 - LSU scientist Gregory Stone, 54 - Unknown Illness

Gregory Stone

The LSU community mourns the passing of Greg Stone, James P. Morgan Distinguished Professor in Coastal Studies, director of the WAVCIS program and internationally renowned coastal researcher. Stone passed away on Thursday, Feb. 17. A memorial service will be held at Rabenhorst Funeral Home on Monday, Feb. 21, at 12 p.m.  Continue Reading the Story about Greg Stone's Death

January 19, 2011 - former President and CEO of the International Oil Spill Control Corporation - imprisonment and subsequent murder while jailed

Dr. Thomas B. Manton

A Gulf human rights reporter, U.S. government Gulf operation critic, framed political prisoner, was murdered Thursday. Dr. Tomas B. Manton passed away Wednesday, January 19th after assaulted at Liberty Correctional Facility in Bristol, Florida where held as a Falsely Imprisoned Person (FIP).  Continue Reading the Article on Thomas Manton...

December 31, 2010 - a former Pentagon official and presidential aide and a defense consultant and expert on chemical and biological weapons - was beaten to death in an assault, body was discovered in a Wilmington landfill

John P. Wheeler II

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November 23, 2010 - an incident commander for BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill response team, died Tuesday night near Destin, Florida in a small plane crash'

James Patrick Black

An official of BP Plc's Gulf oil spill program and two family members died in a plane crash on Tuesday night in Florida, the company said in a statement.  James Patrick Black, 58, died when the private plane on which he was a passenger crashed while trying to land in heavy fog at a Destin, Florida, airport, according to BP and the U.S. Coast Guard.  Continue Reading the Article on James Patrick Black...


November 15, 2010 - age 33, worked in the USF Center for Biological Defense and Global Health Infectious Disease Research - Found dead in an apparent suicide by cyanide at a Temple Terrace hotel. She leaves behind a husband and a young child.

Chitra Chaunhan


A University of South Florida molecular biologist died Monday night in an apparent suicide by cyanide at a Temple Terrace hotel, police said.  Chitra Chauhan, 33, of Tampa was pronounced dead at University Community Hospital about 10:30 p.m., Temple Terrace police reported.  Continue Reading the Article on Chitra Chaunhan...


November, 2010 - MIA Status, of Lakeland, FL - Swan expert who “ran into legal trouble over an expired prescription license has closed his practice” — Was investigating unexplained bird deaths near Sarasota abruptly and immediately closed his practice, and apparently his investigation into the deaths of swans in Sarasota, suspected to have been impacted by the BP Oil Disaster. No one has heard or spoken with him since. Watch this news report covering his investigation before his disappearance: 

Dr. Jeffrey Gardner, Swan Doctor
Dr. Jeffrey Gardner

October 6, 2010 - age 66, was hit by a truck as he passed through Panama City, Florida. Mr. Grooters had been knocked down and killed close to the end of a 3,200-mile trans-America charity ride to raise awareness about the Gulf Coast oil disaster. He began his cross-country bike ride in Oceanside, California, on September 10th. Grooters's family and friends will cycle the final stretch of the journey from the Pacific to the Atlantic in his honour, raising cash to support Gulf Coast families. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1319529/Cyclist-Roger-Grooters-66-killed-truck-Gulf-Mexico-oil-spill-charity-ride.html#ixzz1G4s6su96

Roger Grooters, Cyclist


A cyclist aged 66 has been knocked down and killed close to the end of a 3,200-mile trans-America charity ride.  Roger Grooters was hit by a truck as he passed through Panama City, Florida, last Wednesday.  Mr Grooters' wife, Vicki, was following the 66-year-old in a support vehicle when the accident happened.  Continue Reading the Article on Roger Grooters...

August 9, 2010 - Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, 86, the longest-serving Republican senator in history, was among nine people on board when the 1957 DeHavilland DHC-3 Otter, crashed into a brush- and rock-covered mountainside Monday afternoon about 17 miles north of the southwest Alaska fishing town of Dillingham, federal officials said. Stevens was the recipient of a whistleblower's communication relative to the BP Oil Disaster blow-out preventer, and a conspiracy of secrecy to hide the facts from the public. (http://beforeitsnews.com/story/132/410/Sen._Ted_Stevens_Killed_In_Plane_Crash_He_Got_A_


"You and your fellow Committee members may wish to require BP to explain what action was ultimately instituted to cease the practice of falsifying BOP tests at BP Prudhoe drilling rigs. It was a cost saving but dangerous practice, again endangering the BP workforce, until I exposed it to Senator Ted Stevens, the EPA, and the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission." The cause of the crash is still an OPEN investigation by the NTSB (http://www.ntsb.gov/ntsb/GenPDF.asp?id=ANC10MA068&rpt=p)

BP paid a $1 million to buy Ted Stevens papers, to try and shut him up...

Senator Ted Stevens


Dave Dittman, a former aide and longtime family friend of former Sen. Ted Stevens, says Stevens was killed in a plane crash near Dillingham Monday night. Dittman says he received a call overnight Monday that said the former senator was dead. Nine people were on board, including former NASA Chief Sean O'Keefe. Five people were killed in the crash, but other identities were not known, nor are the conditions of the survivors.  Continue Reading the Article about Ted Stevens...

August 13, 2010 - age 67 - Simmons’ body was found Sunday night in his hot tub, investigators said. An autopsy by the state medical examiner’s office concluded Monday that he died from accidental drowning with heart disease as a contributing factor - “It was painful as can be” to be only insider willing to speak out against the "officials" during the BP Oil Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico

Matthew Simmons

Matthew Roy Simmons was founder and chairman emeritus of Simmons & Company International, and was a prominent advocate of peak oil. Simmons was motivated by the 1973 energy crisis to create an investment banking firm catering to oil companies. In his previous capacity, he served as energy adviser to U.S. President George W. Bush. He was, up until his death, a member of the National Petroleum Council and the Council on Foreign Relations.  Continue Reading theA Article on Matthew Simmons...

April 6, 2010 - age 46 - cell biologist and college professor, a near-native Floridian who chose to return to South Florida after studying at elite universities - was fatally shot during what police say was a home invasion robbery.

Scientist Joseph Morrissey

A Nova Southeastern University professor who spent his promising career trying to cure cancer was murdered during an apparent home invasion in his usually quiet Plantation suburb in the middle of the night.  Dr. Joseph Morrissey, 46, was tied up and shot before his house was set on fire by an armed man, according to reports. His wife, Linda, was also tied up but escaped the home with the couple's 5-year-old son. Police say the "robber" is at large, though there is no description at this point other than he is a man.  Continue Reading the Article on Joseph Morrissey...





...Wanna work for " Big Oil" ?



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beverly mcginn




"Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light!

We once and always greet you. Warmly and lovingly, in this eternal Moment of Now. Indeed we sense each of you personally at the specific time in which your eyes read these words

And so another moment brings us together, uniting truth, understanding and wisdom through the matrix of the unified field, combining geometric thought pattern with desire, and awareness. And so do all things come together in the same way. For all thoughts, all things, all beings, are electromagnetic representations of consciousness, of manifestation, of all that ever was or ever will be. And so some things, some thoughts, some creations travel at more rapid speeds, more accelerated frequencies within the matrix. Others are more dense and travel slower, more sluggish, but all the same, they seem to arrive in perfect order, aligned with the nature of their creation and creatorship you see. For the Universe, the Cosmos is perfection itself, regardless of any dimensional interpretation or perception of it. In a mechanical sense, in quantum tangent, all things in the unified field act precisely, perfectly according to their nature, their architectural integrity. Yet some are created at higher frequencies, at higher vibratory resonance than others.

And so we continue speaking about the Crystalline Field, a field that is of tantamount importance to the planet as the Ascension draws near.

Question to Metatron: Can you speak about Vogel Crystals, phi cut crystals, and the man who invented them Marcel Vogel?

AA Metatron: Indeed! The inventor of these of course, was an astute Crystal Master from the Atla-Ra, the scientist priest of Atlantis. However he did not truly invent them, rather did he channel the knowledge of same which co exists within multi dimensionality. In truth, most of what you consider to be invented is not new technology, rather is it pulled from the future and the advanced technical knowledge of the past.

Crystal knowledge is essential to the coming age of the Quantum Crystalline Field. Many of you were involved intricately in this lost science. It is why so many are now fascinated with not only the quartz variety, but all aspects of the mineral kingdom. Yet be aware, the Crystalline Field is equally valid in terms of its relationship to consciousness, to thought, to action and manifesting creation.

Marcel Vogel correctly surmised that the energy signature of quartz was very similar to that of pure water, and that as the human body is over 70% water, the quartz could be used to charge and influence both.

Crystals cut into sacred Phi angles are capable of many things, most of which are beyond the current understanding of the masses of humankind within polarity consciousness. You see these crystals exist above the spectrum of your visible light, well into the perceptual divisions of crystalline light within x-ray and ultraviolet. In so doing they exist in the eternal void or Now, beyond time sequence. As such they are time gates and can offer glimpses of realities both in your perceived past and future. As simply as I can explain it, your consciousness within planetary duality and 'flashing' continuum sequence is "divided" into linear time and probability parallel areas. The Now moment in the higher ultraviolet field is a crystalline unit which contains Universal Truth. When you are able to access that unit, you achieve the ability to expand that truth, and gain the control of your reality. Phi Crystals then are the fabled Philosophers Stone that assist your consciousness into the unit of the Crystalline, Alchemical Moment of Now.
Alchemy has always made extensive use of analogy, symbolism, and so forth to relate transformational concepts to esoteric ones. In some epochs and contexts, these metaphysical aspects came to predominate, and the myriad transformational processes were then viewed as symbols of spiritual processes.

In your hermetic view of alchemy, the Philosopher's Stone represented the tangible crystallization and morph- transmutation of a subtle substance into something greater. This then is the sacred metaphor for the inner potential of the spirit and reason to evolve from a lower state of imperfection to a higher state of enlightenment and perfection. Phi Crystals are the tool of the MerKiVah that takes one to the Alchemy Journey. They are one of the paths of the Philosophers Stone, the crystalline journey into coherent energy through Phi.

The 'Black Hole' Within Quartz

Now, there are some interesting aspects related to certain crystalline forms that are only beginning to be understood by your scientist. Marcel Vogel correctly theorized that there were 'missing' silicon atoms in the quartz molecule (SiO2), in what was is now termed the 'Lattice Defect Theory'. There are in fact 'holes' that occur in the tetrahedronal pyramid of the quartz molecule, the missing component is silicon, and we tell you that space retains an energetic form that is capable of receiving and amplifying human intent. It is a 'black hole' of sorts that is a void space capable of receiving human energetic intent! That is why quartz and many other crystalline gems are capable of being 'programmed', and Dear ones, this is an important aspect of why these are particularly beneficial to you. Phi Crystals by their sacred geometric construct, emit a unique energy, a crystalline light. They change the vibration that affects the able user. They change the frequencies at which humanity's minds operate. Phi crystal receive human intent, and indeed intent creates an energy that is synergized and transformed through crystalline light and that embellished energy is capable of manifesting and reaches the heavens and earth, the inner and outer dimensions, you see?

The variations of Phi Crystals are compatible with humanity. Some of them are compatible with the earth, some with the elemental and emotional worlds, others with the celestial realms. Some create frequencies that unlock ancient encodements, even as some natural crystals do. Certain Phi's have past and future sequencing keys that open time and dimensional gates, but these are less understood in the present and many of these remain unutilized and locked. This knowledge is now available to the savant and focused adept. It will surface and offer itself as the individual user becomes capable of understanding the responsible usage of same.

Now, your gemologist and crystallographers are aware that certain crystalline gems, including ,topaz tourmaline and especially quartz have a quality called piezoelectricity. This is the quite unique ability within the living crystal to generate electricity under specific polarized conditions.

Crystalline solids have a very regular atomic structure: that is, the local positions of atoms with respect to each other are repeated at the atomic scale. These arrangements of crystal structures serve many purposes, and in essence form the life force structure of the Crystal Entity. As with all life there is an auric field and indeed a consciousness within crystals. That of quartz offers many functionalities that make it especially beneficial to mankind, yet in truth all crystalline structures offer myriad benefits.

One of the primary attribute of Quartz Crystals is that these living mineral forms can receive, store, recover and transmit information. Your scientist discovered this two decades ago when they succeeded in putting a 3-dimensional image of the Mona Lisa into a quartz crystal and then retrieved it . Your main stream academics have long recognized the ability of crystals to transmit energy waves, your early radios used crystal transmitters, and crystal or 'silicon' technology is the basis of your computers.

Masters, this is the only tip of the iceberg; or should we say the tip of the crystal !

The purpose of using a Phi crystal is to amplify and cohere the thought and energy that you wish to direct. Amplification you can more readily understand, but coherence is a somewhat difficult concept for you in in physics or Metatronic terms. Coherence is a crystalline aspect of light energy waves with each individual wave in intelligent ordered harmony with every other one. At present your laser light is the most prominent example of perfectly coherent light; all the photons emitted by a laser have the same frequency and are in harmonic crystalline phase in quantum states. We tell you Phi Crystals are capable of forming and emitting a unique blend of intent coded light in perfect coherent union. This may not be easy for you to grasp, but it is an important axiom, a key aspect of a 'new' paradigm as you enter the Ascension within the Quantum Crystalline Field. Coherency enhances manifestation of appropriate intent, you see?

Question to Metatron: Can you describe and explain the various benefits of Phi Crystals, in the Vogel Cuts of 12, 33, 13-20-33, 88, 108 and 144 as well as the 'Dream Cuts' ?

Metatron :
Indeed. First we will say that the Phi Crystals in the Vogel format, are an Atlantean-Arcturian Technology that utilizes specific base end angles to activate, vastly refine and greatly amplify the sentient characteristics of the quartz itself. There are many different kinds of benevolent frequencies available with Phi Crystals and of very, very different kinds of vibration and not what you would find in your naturally formed quartz. The Atlanteans and Arcturian Masters developed and understood the vast and complex Phi Technology of Crystals. Indeed some of the crystals placed by them in key nodes on the planet were intricately designed to emit Phi frequencies, and are awakening now. However, those formed naturally in time in the earth do not have that same refined vibration, you see?

So it is the Phi, the Golden angles and sacred lines that create the revelation of the pulsing Crystalline energy, activating and merging with the Quantum Crystalline Field to revere that which is holy, to reveal the highest symbol, the highest vibration of that which is the deity energies of crystalline light from the sun and the great central sun. So the element of Golden Phi then, originally has come from the Sirian sun and here it founded itself upon the earth and where these omnipotent Phi Arcturian crystals are, true deep and wise vibrations are also.

But we note that but not all quartz is of such vibration. Indeed some of the Master Atlantean Crystals do, and we have told you previously of these, and that they are being awakened now from dormancy.

Natural quartz formations generally do not hold such a high frequency, and are neither phi in resonance angles or of gold-alloy. Some do, but not most. It is the crystals of the gold-silicate alloys that were originally used in both the crystal skulls and the Master Atlantean crystals that carry the highest field. Sparse pockets of these in natural form do exist in Brazil, Tibet and Arkansas deep below the surface, but these are very few, and have not been accessed.

Natural quartz crystals are hexagonal, and release a spiraled phi energy that is emitted most powerfully through the point. Because few naturally formed specimens are perfectly symmetrical, the Arcturian and Atlantean Scientist Priest of the Atla-Ra developed a means of precise cutting of quartz in a double terminated format with equally symmetrical faceting to allow the Universal Life Force to be emitted through the crystal. In so doing they realized that the Chi Energy from the human biology can be transferred into the crystal and better refined and spiraled to a focal precise point on the upper point.

The base angle was determined to most fluidly receive and refine chi energy with higher dimensional Phi energy when faceted to the angle of 51.8 degrees, which is the angle of the Quad-Pyramidal Octahedron. It is the sacred angle that transmutes Celestial Energy into the Bio Mineral Sphere of the Primary Polar Earth Plane. It is the THOTHIAN METATRONIC angle used in your Great Pyramid. Some refer to this angle and measure it as 51.8 degrees, in fact it is 51 degrees, 51 minutes and 51 seconds. Do you see the Mastery in connecting the octahedron as such to as above so below, it connects both worlds Dear Ones, and indeed is divine in its sacred resonance.

There are other precise angles that can be used for specific purposes both on the base and tip that have not as yet been 'rediscovered', but this will be given in the appropriate timing. In the NOW the 51.51: 51 degree angle is most beneficial for the awakening of mankind to his initial phase of TRUE SELF realization. The geometrics draw a precise sacred energy field to it. It draws the human field to it as well, you see?

The one you refer to as Marcel Vogel, Khirron, recognized the synergy between crystals and water. The Phi's create a synergy that belongs quite nicely to that which blends water and light, the two alchemical elements, you see? The blend of the two-one that both hardens and softens. It softens the soul. It strengthens the spirit, you see?

Now, all PHI Cut ( Vogel) crystals have 7 common primary properties that occur with them. Natural quartz crytsals contain some of these properties, but these are greatly refined and amplified in the Phi cut units. These are the ability to :

Amplify Thought Frequency Enable Focus for Manifestation Receival and Storage of Thought or Intent Transform or Refine Light Wave Frequencies Transfer Thought Energetics or Thoughtforms Merge Frequential Energies Emit a Frequential Field
Vogel PHI :

Now, per your query, we will offer brief descriptions of the key benefits and traits of the requested faceting, but do note that there are numerous other ratio combinations and faceting models that are not listed or herewith inquired:

Double Terminated 12 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 12 Facet Vogel works on the level of humanity and accesses, activates and harmonizes the 12 strands of DNA and the 12 electromagnetic patterns of consciousness within duality. The 12 Vogel Phi fortifies the human EMF, and enables the user to amplify thought frequency. In truth this occurs with all PHI Cut Vogels, and the greater the number of facets, the greater this quality is amplified, as faceting enables more light, and thus more energy. The 12 initializes the awakening of man on the physical conscious level, and creates the desire for more understanding. It brings in the Ruby Ray of Strength, Will and Perseverance.

Double Terminated 33 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 33 Facet Phi works on the level of humanity and assists mankind in clearing obstacles that impede advancement into the Christos. The 33 advances the desire for clarity for greater compassion and an understanding of the unity of all mankind. It enhances the spirit of brotherhood, and brings the desire for unconditional love. The 33 taps into the 5th dimension. It brings in the Emerald Ray of Harmony and Healing. It resonates with the energy of the Elk and Deer.

Double Terminated 20-33-13 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): This special ratio crystal taps into what is termed the Melchizedek Order of Alpha and Omega from the stance of humanity. It introduces the Divine Feminine ( Emerald Ray) and the Platinum Ray. It carries all of the characteristic of the Vogel-33, with special ratio characteristics. It is inspired thru the channel by the work of Enoch, of Kamadon. His energy is herewith imbued in this unique ratio. It may be termed the Melchizedek vibration. It is nurturing and healing, and taps into the ratios and frequencies of the 4th 5th and 6th dimensions. From a healing perspective, it is especially effective in working with and releasing emotional trauma, and allowing for the clearing of these blockages for establishing the true Souls Divinity within the SOVEREIGN SELF. It assists in clearing karmic relationship issues. It heals and enables the clear functionality of the glandular system.

Double Terminated 44 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 44 also operates on the level of humanity. It connects the individual to the concept of the oversoul. It makes known the unknown, and compels greater investigation. It restores memory and offers the entry level of Earth completion. It is healing in the physical aspects of the joint inflammation and arthritic conditions. It is helpful balancing purpose and energy, helpful in stimulating brain activity and circulation. The 44 Vogel Phi assist in communication with the Animal Kingdom, and the Buffalo.

Double Terminated 77 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 77 Vogel is quite unique in its frequency. It vibrates extremely well with the Devic Kingdom, that of the Fae and of the Cetaen, the dolphin. It opens the psychic channels into elemental kingdoms. It brings in the Pink Ray. It enhances the Spirit of the Eagle and winged aspect of the Animal Kingdom and Totem.

Double Terminated 88 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 88 crystal operates on the level of the oversoul, and introduces multidimensionality. The 88 operates as a portal, capable of transmitting and receiving energies from the higher dimensions as well as enhanced thought manifestation and transferal. It is the Crystal of the Saint Germain energies. The 88 links the past to the future in forming the union of the NOW, it links and harmonizes the two hemispheres of the brain. It is the initial crystal of the Merkabic Transformation and introduces the first level of the Merkivah. The 88 correlates to the Blue Ray of Wisdom and Conviction. It correlates to the energy of the kundalini, dragon and transformational aspect of the sacred snake totem.

Double Terminated 108 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 108, represents the 9 of completions and connects to the Violet Ray, and the energy of Archangel Michael. It is also a portal, enhancing higher dimensional communication and multidimensionality . From a healing perspective the 108 is especially capable of fine tuning the chi energy through out the body and working with the nervous system. It is especially effective in balancing energies, reducing over intensity, anxiety and panic disorders. The 108 amplifies life force in those with a lack of vitality and chronic fatigue. The 108 is also connected to the electo-magnetic grid, the icosahedron, and is especially attuned to the vibration of GAIA- vortexes, portals, leylines and certain powernodes or infinity points. The 108 resonates with the Mineral Kingdom and Living Earth, and enhances communication with same. It is the vibrational tool of the Earth-Keepers and is effective in connecting to specific portals for alignment to same, it is effective in working with GAIA. It attunes to the 20 Point Star Level of the MerKiVah. It corresponds to the spirit of the Jaguar and Puma.

Double Terminated 144 Facet Phi Crystal (Vogel): The 144 is the most potent of the available Phi Crystals. It is the energy of Thoth and the Field of Metatron. It connects to the Elohim level of the 12 squared, a key frequency for mankind's ascension. The 144 also directly connects to the 144 Crystalline Grid and Quantum Crystalline Field. It is very beneficial in achieving the advanced Merkivah State to the 24-pointed star. It is the frequency of completion. It assists the union and harmony of all lifetimes created by the oversoul into the merged oneness of Mastery. From a healing level, the 144 is especially helpful in unlocking blockage and disease in the kidneys, liver and spleen. The 144 brings in all the rays and correlates to the Golden Ray of Omnipotence. The 144 is in itself a portal that enhances channeling and what may be termed celestial and dimensional travel. It is a 'contextual' portal, a time gate that can take one to the past, to the future, or even to another day within your present. It is a doorway into parallels that can take you to another paradigm within your current reality so that you can experience it differently. If you are uncertain as to a given direction or decision and wish to experience it from a different perspective a portal, or in this case a window, it can help you do just that. A portal can also be experienced as energy without expression, because experience does not require form, only context. A contextual portal has the advantage of allowing you to experience an event horizon whether it is the thought vision of it or actually manifesting it into being and living it. In the contextual portal both are equally valid, equally tangible from an experiential context. It is Merlins Wand, the Philosophers Stone of Alchemy.

Now we will say that the Phi Vogels, in your terms, of the 88, 108 and 144 are the levels of Mastery, of the MerKiVah. These each access portals, with increasing frequency, yet each within a unique spectrum, so we will clarify that one cannot truly employ the energetic frequency field of an 88 within the 108, nor the resonance of an 108 within the 144, or vice versa. It is not that way, you see.

Each opens a unique stance, and stances that stack upon one another yet do not merge. Do you understand? Portals are utilized from different perspectives. There are many realities from which to choose from and there are many dimensions to explore. Densities within dimensions offer even more variety and infinite ways in which to explore and experience life. Portals are opportunities to experience yourself as beyond your everyday self. They activate expansion within and without, and allow you to choose a reality rather than have one chosen for you. Experiences beyond the third dimension are best accomplished when desire, creativity, active intelligence and participation are all present. These conscious, transformational experiences are available and accessible by you, but remember, they are possibilities not requirements. They are not prerequisites that you must accomplish on your way here or there. They cannot gain you entry or reentry to that which has always resided within, but indeed they can assist you in experiencing these if and only if your energies are of a specific level of attunement.

Just because one goes to the energy field of a portal or time gate does not insure that one will frequentially experience either. Is this understood? The light quotient of the seeker must be of a high enough level to allow the merging, and afford the opportunity of such. As you humans are fond of saying, you must learn to walk before you can run. These are tools, and potent ones in the hands of those seekers on the Path who are ready.

We will add that all modalities of true Phi Crystals, especially the Dream Phi and Vogel Phi (and there are indeed other cuts that have not emerged), are powerful instruments that operate in higher as well as infrared ( below visible) frequencies of light and multidimensionality. Indeed many of you will instantly recognize them. Those of you who have used these Master Healing Crystals in past Atlantean sojourns will be immediately drawn to them and have an innate understanding of their capabilities.

These tools however, require study, require interaction. They are not 'ready to use' per say. There must be the appropriate and deliberate effort to communicate, integrate and synergize with the living consciousness of each Phi unit. And this effort is in the vibration of high intent, of the desire for growth, within love, and healing within compassion. Phi Crystals require a suitable time for activation, integration and charging. They must then be programmed with intent. One cannot achieve the desired results without taking the initial steps of melding before hand. And a key part of the pre-step is having sufficient knowledge as well as compassion (light quotient) to be able to raise a frequency high enough to enter their resonate field.

They cannot and should not be used for any purpose other than the highest good. They will not function in any intent or thought other than the highest good.

Question to Metatron: Can you speak on Dream Crystals, how are the different from Phi Vogels, and what are their functions in the 3 Gate, 5 Gate and 7 Gate models?

Metatron: The base angle of 51.51:51 degrees is the same on both. What differentiates the 'Dream Phi', to use your nomenclature, is the convex and concave cuts on the body of the Dream model, as well as the 'charging filter' on the base tip. The charging filter, often referred to as a flower, is a precise cut used primarily on Dream Phi's but can equally be used on Vogel Phi's. It works as a preamplifier.

Now, keep in mind that each crystal, fashioned from natural quartz is individually unique.

The usage applications that we present in both Vogel Phi and Dream Phi are somewhat generalized in primary application.

Some forms of quartz, such as smokey and rutilated will have additional properties. In truth each piece will have additional and specialized aspects.

The user then is required to 'test drive' each to learn the characteristics of each. Water clear quartz is different from included quartz.

Using a Dream Phi with a Vogel Phi, in tandem, is highly synergetic. The Vogel Phi is in a sense, the macro, and the Dream Phi the micro. One the outer world the other primarily the inner. The two dance with light in different rhythms.

The inner wave spiral and rotation of the beam in the Dream Phi is opposite of that to the Vogel Phi. The Dream Crystal by means of its convex concave structure has what may be termed as a clockwise spin, and the Vogel Phi counterclockwise, although that description is somewhat metaphorical, for use in explaining their opposite spins of light. It is not in truth a simple clockwise-counterclockwise action, but the concept is a valid simplified image for this descriptive purpose. The Phi true action with light is far more complex.

We can say that the combination of the two succinct energy models combine two 'wholes' and form a greater whole-ness. Combining then the inner and outer, the conscious and subconscious, the expressed and unexpressed, that felt and that seen. For healers working in the shamanic tradition, Phi Dream Crystals are an especially beneficial tool, a refinement for extraction work. Dream Phi's emit a light field resonance that removes negative energies and attachments and obstacles from the auric field, emotional body and indeed physical body.

All Dream Crystals take the cleansing of your white sage smudging to the level of light, and complete the purification in that tonal context. These crystals once attuned are very effective in repelling untoward or 'negative' thoughtform energy.

The Dream Phi interacts in the interior worlds of thought, world devoid of space, worlds of dream and vision, of imagination and parallel. These dimensions exist and are fully valid in their aspect. Equally there are aspects of you that would rejoin with other aspects of you, and in the process become greater If you add a drop of water to a glass it will rejoin with itself and to the ocean again. So always when there are grander aspects of your beingness, you will rejoin with them, and you will change, expand in the process. It is appropriate, it is the expansive nature of your purpose and paradigm.

Double Terminated Dream Phi 3 Gate: The 3 Gate Dream Phi works on the level of humanity and the trinity of beingness. It amplifies harmony within the body, mind and soul through compassion. The three-gate Dream Phi Crystal has the ability to connect the individual with higher waves of information and energy. The energy from the Three Gate radiates around the emotional, heart and crown chakras as it balances physical, intellectual and spiritual fields. It reconnects all the passageways of the matrix and allows the brain to operate more smoothly. In healing aspect it works in the extraction and repulsion of negative aspects including fear, doubt, greed, self-centeredness, self-righteousness. It assists in ego imbalance and physical imbalance in order to gain a sense of greater unity and harmony. It is the Phi for those entering new pathways of knowledge.. It corresponds to the energy of the wolf.

Double Terminated Dream Phi 4 Gate: The four gate Dream Phi is based on the Cabbalistic Wisdom and the Tree of Life. It is the progression of the 3 Gate. It is especially compatible with the 44 Vogel. The 4 Gate can be used for gaining understanding and removing false beliefs, breaking ties from group controls and controlling relationships. Iy enhances the desire to work well with others, and reveals blockage to same. It works very well with the Animal Kingdom, and is helpful in healing of the four legged. It is very helpful in communication with all Animal Totems.

Double Terminated Dream Phi 5 Gate: The 5 Gate Dream works especially well with the Melchizedek or Kamadon Vogel in bringing in a very powerful feminine energy. It correlates to the Emerald and Platinum Rays. This shape releases obstruction around deep trauma. It opens the way to the happiness and euphoria that is pure and impeccable in our transparent and sincere core within the etheric heart chakra. It is especially harmonious with the Divine Femine, with the aspects of mercy and nurturing Magdalena, Isis, Lady Faith and Quan Yin. It reveals the lack of Self Love, and assist in extraction of self-denial, mentality of lack, and the core issues around lack of energy and initiative. It assists in regaining momentum and purpose.

Double Terminated Dream Phi 6 Gate: The 6 Gate Dream Crystal is very effective in assisting in relationship issues. It reveals the inner motives of the user and assist in purging that which is in conflict with the higher self. It assists in revealing and removing that termed 'Spiritual Ego'. Likewise it effective repeals energies of jealousy, control and anger directed at the user from another. It reveals likewise these conflicts within the self. The Six-sided Dream Crystal is often experienced as a total body energy- radiating outward to expand the energy field of the user. It especially purges and balances the second, third, fourth and fifth chakras so that the mind and body are more connected and in better communication. It is the sword of Michael, and indeed it cuts both ways. Exposing our own as well as others true motives and conflicts. It must be used wisely and compassionately. It adds the information, feelings, and "software" necessary for operating the matrix that has been reconfigured and healed. Much of the experiential information from Atlantis radiates from these Six-sided Dream Crystals. It is expected that the overall effect of this Dream Crystal will be to enhance and expand the doorways of knowledge to Atlantean technologies and spiritual practices.

Double Terminated Dream Phi 7Gate: The 7 Gate Dream Phi specialty is bringing perfect order, completion, reconciliation, unity and connection with eternity. Brings all other healing energies together and connects you and spirit. The 7 Gate is the Platinum Ray, and correlates very well to the 88, 108 and 144 Vogel Phi. The 7-Gate Dream Crystal receives and merges wisdom from all spiritual sources and views, from all peoples and ethnicities and cultures. It is the crucible that shows what is pure and what is not in spiritual path. It repels untruth, it repels control and enhances freedom, and power of choice and will. It reveals hidden prejudices and self-concealed vices within the user, for extraction of same. It enables the MerKiVah. It enables better contact with the conscious grids, the Reshel and planetary grids.

Double Terminated Dream Phi 12Gate: The 12 Gate Dream Phi is the highest frequency of the Phi Dream. It correspondents to the Purple, Golden and Platinum Rays of the Ascension, it correlates to the Metatronic Cube and 24 Point Star of the merkivah. It works especially well with the 144 Vogel. It offers protection in the higher realms of inner micro dimensional travel and assist in channeling. It stimulates the intellect and blends the hemispheres of the brain. It connects to the 144 Crystalline Grid, the Golden Sun Discs and activates the 12 strand DNA. It opens Celestial Portals and connects to the Elohim.

Question to Metatron: Minerals, Gems and Phi Crytsals are often expensive, and seemingly not available to all. Why is that, and are these necessary 'tools' ?

Metatron: First of all, gems, minerals and noble metals are in truth quite available to any one that seeks them, to anyone that would draw them to self. You must recognize first that the Mineral Kingdom is alive and sentient, in all its myriad varieties of expression. Within the Mineral Kingdom there is indeed the spark of Divinity, of Divine Consciousness that is quite equally aware in certain aspects, as is humankind. This is a fact that is as yet unrecognized by most of humanity, yet it is quite true.

It is only the mentality of lack and the non-recognition of the crystalline and mineral kingdom as being sentient that keeps anyone from manifesting these. Your societies and cultural systems spend unquestioned amounts of energy or money in the acquisitions of what may be termed luxury items and excessive amounts in dress clothing, dwellings and vehicles, yet do not recognize that energy exchanged for certain forms of the mineral kingdom offer them great advantages in health, consciousness and manifestation amplification.

Certain of your civilizations recognized the Mineral Kingdom as being sentient, and as a result of that key acknowledgement they were able to communicate and interact with the mineral and crystalline beings. Accordingly the Mineral Kingdom offered itself, and made itself readily and bountifully available to mankind. And Dear Ones, the Mineral Kingdom responded to their desire, to their acknowledgement, to their call, and made itself available to that call, to that seeking. Indeed it is an example of the Law of Attraction.

The same law is valid today, in your present. Even though you do not generally go to the fields and valleys to find your minerals, you are still very capable of sending out the acknowledgment to the mineral kingdom, and manifest, to attract to you what you need, what you desire to assist you. The mineral itself, the sentience of the mineral, once acknowledged, will indeed make itself available to you. That is quite true, believe it!

The paradox, is that if you do not believe it, indeed that is the reality you will manifest. If you do not recognize the mineral kingdom is alive and sentient, then you will not be acknowledging its sentience, and acknowledgement, belief is essential, you see.

Unfortunately, the mass of humanity view gems and precious metals as simply decorative jewelry, vanities and investments. Therefore they are viewed by many as expensive embellishments. Those who are aware of their true nature, purpose and energy benefits then understand that they can and do enhance physical health and calibrate and generate higher frequency energy fields that can offer myriad advantages to those that understand them as such.

So as to your question, are gems, metals and crystalline forms necessary. We will answer in this way, your cars, trains and planes are not truly necessary, you can walk, and if you are an extraordinary Master you can astrally bi-locate, but in the interim, the tools you have manifested make transport a lot easier.

Some humans on the spiritual path remain limited by their mentality of lack. This is manifested in both a fear of poverty and the belief that abundance is an aspect and indulgence of materialism. Both are false beliefs that do not serve you. Abundance offers itself and is available to all, the paradox is that you must believe that abundance is not only available but is equally a path of spirit. Once the laws of manifestation arte realized , Masters you can create and acquire what you desire. Only be sure it serves your greatest good.

So indeed these tools, these living crystalline forms are available to those that are aware, and the truth, whether you accept it or not, is that the crystalline forms are energy generators, frequency portals and resonate shields that offer myriad benefits.

Question to Metatron : Please explain the proper manner of caring for, charging, and programming a Phi Crystal?

Metatron: The methodology taught by Marcel Vogel is available to all, and is the accurate modality. So we will accordingly not delve too deeply into information that is accurate and already easily available to you.

We have described in the (above) discourse the requisite belief and importance of recognizing that all crystalline forms have sentient consciousness. Initial synergy and communication with the crystal is achieved primarily through transferal of the frequency of love into the crystalline form, and asking for its assistance. This should be done daily with meditation and the use of deep breathing exercises to raise the vibration of the user. When the vibrational frequency of the theta wave is achieved, imbue the crystalline form through visualization. Imagine a beam of love from the heart chakra directly into the crystalline being. When a return flow of 'love' is felt, the synergy is achieved. In many cases there will be an electrical sensation felt in the arms of the user, that flows upward into the heart. The actual sensation may vary with the user, for some it may be simply a knowing, for others a physical tingling, but the return flow must be unmistakably sensed by the user.

Once synergy is established the infinity breath exercise should be employed in meditation whilst holding the crystal in order to establish intent or programming. Once the deep breathing takes one into the theta state, the crystal will signal when the field is appropriate for receival of intent.

At this point the user should lightly stroke the body of the Phi crystal with the fingertips to charge the Phi while sending the intent of the particular usage. Transfer the visualization of what is requested. Whether this is to assist in multidimensional awareness, self purification, protection or healing for self and others, the specific intent should be clear and imbued into the phi.

The process of healing or extraction of obstacles or disease is done only with the permission of the one receiving the healing. The Phi is then held with the female base in the palm of the primary hand of the user and circulated over the area of focus. For Vogel Phi Crystals the circulation should be counterclockwise, for Dream, Phi's clockwise. Visualize and speak the desired result. Continue this process until a clear response is received that the task has achieved maximum energy for the session. To seal the opening, upon completion, circulate the opposite direction until the field is closed. Usually three to five circulations will reseal the field.

The most effective method of cleansing a Phi is through vigorous brief shaking in the hand while visualizing intent of removing unwanted energies, and the use of white sage smudge. Running water can also complete this process, but care should be taken to insure the temperature of the water is within 10 degrees of the ambient temperature of the crystal. Rapid contraction or expansion due to great temperature variation can create inclusion cracking in the quartz structure.

Closing : The Changing Paradigm & Sacred Science

Masters, there are differing sciences, different physics for each dimension, just as there are different approaches and paths of science and physics available to mankind in his current reality. Man has omitted the divine from science in his mainstream thinking. Science is indeed a sacred aspect of the whole.

Mankind has largely ignored sciences that would have led to very different concepts thus far. There are alternative approaches to physics that reveal much more about transport, transmutation, bi-location and locomotion than your accepted mainstream science understands or wishes to understand. Had the human species gone into certain mental disciplines as thoroughly as it has explored exterior technological 'laws', your knowledge, means and resulting knowledge of dimensional and crystalline reality aspects would be vastly different, and far more efficient in scope than it is now. You have embraced the external and to some degree dismissed the capacities of your 'internal abilities' within divine consciousness. Crystalline knowledge is a key part of the emerging 'new' paradigm. Although in truth it is an ancient knowledge, forgotten but not new!

Now, when mankind decides to devote mainstream study into what is termed the 'mental' science of dimensional and crystalline aspects of transport and bi-location, and indeed it is a science with laws that can be learned, practiced and fine tuned, then visitations into parallels and vectors within time and space and inner worlds will become less accidental and occur by design, by plan.

Once mankind learns and masters 'mental physics' then he will be liberated, vastly liberated from the filtering illusion, the duality camouflage of physical pattern. Indeed you are just starting to understand how the Merkabah and Merkivah when tuned by mind as the builder into the crystalline field, unlocks this key. This will be greatly enhanced as your 144 Grid and its networking of crystalline energy completes its unfolding. The grid will offer great opportunity of advancement to those of you willing to devote focus to this divine science of 'mental' manifestation and what you term astral travel. You see all science must include the divine, and it is grossly omitted by your mainstream academics in the present.

The knowledge and utilization of Phi Crystals and indeed properties of all crystalline forms is an intricate and essential part of this aperture into the vast Void, into inner and outer worlds of the celestial and indeed Divine aspect of the Crystalline Ascension.

I am Metatron, and I offer you these truths in love and in wisdom. You are Beloved."

... And so it is.

This channel is copyrighted to www.Earth-Keeper.com . Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines or print without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper. Permissions may be requested at: Tyberonn@hotmail.com

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War and destruction are not only a universal principle  of our life here in its purely material aspects, but also  of our mental and moral existence.

It is self evident that in the actual life of man
intellectual, social, political, moral, we can make no real  step forward without a struggle, a battle between what  exists and lives and what seeks to exist  and live and between all that
stands behind either,

It is impossible, at least as men and things are to,
to advance, to grow, to fulfill and still to observe
really and utterly that principle of harmlessness
which is yet placed before us as the highest
and best law of conduct.

We will use only soul force and never destroy by war  or any even defensive employment of physical violence ?

Good, though until soul force is effective, the Asuric force in men and nations tramples down, breaks, slaughters, burns, pollutes, as we see it doing today, but then at its ease and unhindered,
and you have perhaps caused as much destruction
of life by
your abstinence as others by resort to violence...

It is not enough that our hands should remain clean  and our souls unstained for the law of strife and  destruction to die out of the world.

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April 10-17, 2011
Beloved Ones,
We have observed in the last few weeks a lightening of the load that many of you have carried for far too long. You are looking upon your tasks as a great adventure and opening yourselves to acceptance of new experiences and new ways of looking at life in order to find better, more peaceful solutions to the problems and challenges that assail your senses each day. Life is in the process of change in each moment and most of you are firmly established in the places where you live so that you can be counted upon to be the anchors of the higher energies for your areas and ground them into the Earth.
As you do this, it stabilizes the forces that are at work to a certain degree, and it is your Light that makes the difference and this Light is growing in its power and radiance. We see that you are all working on yourselves in those areas that still need to be cleared and released from within your Beings and that it can feel as though there is no end to this process. Know that many of you have cleared most of that which needs to be cleared in order to bring in your greater Light Body and it now remains for you to continue your purification process in order to accomplish this. As you eliminate all the mental body and emotional body issues, your physical body also begins to cleanse and release much toxicity and dross, for suddenly, as the other areas and issues are cleared, there is more energy available for this to occur in your physical body and this is many times not pleasant while it is occurring but cannot be avoided.
Your work with the Light is literally helping to change the atmosphere around the Earth. There has been a great outpouring of Love to those areas and peoples who have been and still are being affected by the Earth changes that are occurring and keeping this focus in the times ahead is very beneficial and for the highest good for all concerned, including the Earth and all her kingdoms. As you do this, you are all doing the work for which you came and the days of wondering what your mission was are coming to an end soon. You will definitely know that you are now doing the work for which you came. It is a labor of Love, an unceasing and unfaltering focus and desire to bring in the new Golden Age upon this Planet. By holding these words and intentions within your hearts and minds, you ARE creating positive change. The chaos only means that greater Light comes into play creating the opportunity for the changes in consciousness to take place within each person.
This work is not for the faint hearted amongst you, it requires courage and constant dedication and holding of the focus, it requires the Awareness that you ARE making a difference by maintaining your focus. It requires the faith to persevere even when it seems that your work is not producing the results you wanted and have strived for. It requires diligence and the belief that by your constancy and purpose, all is in Divine Order and the Light prevails…and it is so, Beloved Ones, it is so! Hold fast and radiate your Light each day to the people around you and to the areas of the Earth that are in need of it. You are each powerful forces of energy that can create much change for the betterment of everyone and everything upon this Planet. Let your refrain constantly be “not my will, God, but thine, be done in and through me”.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as  long  as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and  Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.   www.therainbowscribe.com
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Greetings My Beloved Ones,

I greet you in Love and Light.

The path of ascension is composed of many types of experiences.It can be composed of the highest levels of joy and peace, and it can also be filled with changes that lead to challenges and opportunities for personal growth and compassion for others.These changes may be on a personal, regional, global or universal level.Whatever the situation, it is a time to stop, assess and send Love and Light for the highest and best for yourself and for all concerned.

In the midst of swirling energies and changes around you, staying centered and focused can often be a challenge.It is in those times that you can draw upon reserves of accumulated practice of meditation and other practices of focusing, calming and centering.It is in these times when you can remember that All Is One and that whatever part you play in maintaining your own personal focus can be of great assistance to others as well as to yourself.

As the ascension process continues and changes occur, try to view each change with compassion for all involved.Changes can be very challenging, especially when they bring very real physical and emotional hardships.These challenges are not to be taken lightly.Very often one's very core of Being is undergoing change, and this can be hard for everyone involved.

As these changes occur, it is important to remain as centered as possible.This can help you move through the challenges as smoothly as possible.

You have within you a still point that remains constant.This is your connection to All That Is.This is your Divine Spark.It is the part of you that can bring a sense of stability when everything around you is changing.This is the part of you that is real.It is pure God Energy and Light.It is the part of you that continues whether you are on the Earth plane or in the higher dimensions.When you are focused on this part of your Being, you are connected with the real you.Circumstances around you do not change your Divine Spark.It cannot be destroyed by physical life circumstances.It is the part of you that can bring comfort and hope in the midst of change.

When you are attuned to your Divine Spark, you are tapping into the still point within.The more that you focus on your Divine Spark, the stronger your still point grows until it encompasses and envelops your entire Being.You become a center of peace and harmony.Your calmness and love begin to ripple out from you into all that surrounds you, just as ripples radiate from a pebble dropped into a lake.You become an agent of positive calming as your Love and Light move from your Divine Spark and still point and radiate out into all directions.

The calmness that radiates from your still point can affect not only those in your immediate surroundings but can radiate out into the Universe and Omniverse.The more you focus on your Divine Spark, the stronger your still point becomes, and the more peace and calmness you radiate out.This will assist you, humanity, the planet, the Universe and the Omniverse.

As more and more of you make a conscious effort to tune into your still point, the greater the effect will be.When this effect reaches critical mass, it can help to propel all beings to a higher vibration and to move more smoothly through times of change.Beloveds, never underestimate what the power of one person focusing on the still point within can accomplish.Your energy can inspire, lift and transform all energy around you.

Begin with intentional focus on the Divine Spark within your Heart Center.Feel the love that resides there.You may notice that as you focus on this love, you are becoming calmer, and you tap into the still point within.This is the link to the Source of All Creation and All That Is.The more often you tap into this stillness, the stronger it becomes.It reaches a point where it grows and expands until it becomes a transmuting and transforming power that changes your entire Being.You are now radiating this calmness in all directions.You are a center of calmness for yourself, all of humanity, the planet, the Universe, the Omniverse and all levels beyond.

If there are situations that occasionally disturb your calmness, you may call on us for our assistance.You can also surround the situation with the Violet Flame for transmutation and transformation and then see the situation filled with the sparkling white Light of Love from the Creator.Remember to ask for your greatest good and the greatest good of all.

Beloveds, you are needed to tap into, increase and radiate your loving calmness.We applaud you for performing this vital function for yourself and all others.You may call on us to assist you whenever needed.We are only a thought or a whisper away.

Know that you are greatly loved.

I AM Archangel Zadkiel

All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.
You may copy freely and share.Please copy the message in its entirety, and give credit to Archangel Zadkiel as transmitted through Linda M. Robinson/PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.
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Are You an Empath? - April 4, 2011



It's all starting to make sense now.......


Are You an Empath?



Some people believe that because they are highly sensitive to the needs and feelings of others that they are an empath. However, there is more to being an empath than simply knowing and being able to imagine what others are feeling. An empath will actually experience the same emotions as those around them, whether that is their intention or not.

An empath may be feeling great and in an amicable mood but if they visit a place such as a large mall and all of a sudden feel depressed or angry, that is due to the fact that a person or people around them are feeling those same emotions and so, the empath will internalize those emotions and make them their own. An empath can eventually learn to block out the energy so they are not afflicted by it every day wherever they go but it is a learned skill and one an empath must strive to achieve so that they too may lead a good and happy life.

Empaths may also feel physically ill when someone else is sick. This is usually when the person who is actually sick is a loved one or someone very close to them but that doesn’t always have to be the case. Empaths don’t even have to know about the other person’s sickness, they will simply feel the exact same symptoms even though there is no physical explanation for their symptoms.

Empaths will also know what someone really means when they are talking to them. Often times, our intuition will tell us that someone doesn’t mean what they say but with empaths, it goes beyond the realm of intuition. They will immediately be able to tell that a person is lying and they will know why the person is lying. If the person is lying so as not to hurt the empath’s feelings, the empath will know that and if the person is lying to be deceitful, the empath will know that as well.

Empaths will absorb so many feelings during the course of a day that they often need some time to process what they are feeling, block some of it out and reconnect to their own inner psyche. However, during these times people will often open up to the empath about what they are feeling even if the empath prefers that they don’t. This is because people are drawn to empaths because they sense the great caring and giving spirit within the empath.

One of the most important ways to tell if you’re an empath is to determine if you have the ability to physically heal someone. Empaths have this ability because they feel the emotions or the physical hurt so much that they actually draw it out of the person that is hurting. Empaths sometimes need to learn to harness this ability and so if  you think you’re an empath but don’t have this trait, you may still be if you possess some of the other traits.






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SaLuSa - April 4, 2011



SaLuSa 4-April-2011

Believe us when we tell you that matters are moving along very well, and the work we have put in is beginning to yield results. Whatever happens you will be ready for the end times, and nothing can stop the closing of the cycle of duality. You do not have to go through purgatory to ascend, and clearly your experiences from one soul to another will differ quite considerably. Most of you will ease yourselves into the New Age, and for our part we will make the transition for you as quickly as we can. You are seeing rapid changes in the Middle East, and whilst that is going on the West is also going through a testing time. They will also have to change and much will come about following political reform. In you hearts you know that all future changes must be based upon what is best for all, and that means a structure that is built upon Love and Light. Anything less will not satisfy the people, or lay down the path that will give you a smooth ride to Ascension.

The dark Ones are at last capitulating, realising that they need a way out of a predicament of their own making. Through our allies that is being offered, and once they are no longer in a position to interfere with progress, we can really become more open in helping you. Making them responsible for their acts against Humanity is not directly our concern, because there is no escape from eventually having to answer to the higher spiritual hierarchy that oversees your evolution. In other words, just like you they will have to experience the effects of their deeds and fully understand the outcome. We can tell you that once you return to the higher dimensions, and know the truth about life and its purpose you are more than eager to atone for your mistakes. We must stress again that there is no punishment as you understand it, and no judgment and the final outcome is in the hands of the soul concerned. The karma resulting from each life time is twofold, and firstly keeps you on the path back to the Light, whilst ensuring that you learn from your mistakes.

The final run in to Ascension is one that gives you so many opportunities to tie up your loose ends, and change your mindset to one that is in alignment with the new vibrations. The old you will largely disappear and a beautiful Being emerge that will be ready to ascend. You have worked hard and come along way to reach this point, and it will be a most uplifting experience regardless of whatever you go through to get there. The energies around you are ever increasing and bringing you more into the higher vibrations. It brings a calmness and feeling of great expectancy, as you become more sensitive to them and stand tall as a beacon of Light. In doing so you are on your way to the Ascension having moved up from the lower vibrations. Indeed, you now find that they are coarse and no longer serve your life purpose. Spreading peace and happiness is your aim and you will be successful at doing so.

Without necessarily openly approaching other souls, you will uplift anyone around you and your positive attitude will rub off on others. The word is spreading about Ascension, and you can be one who can gently introduce others to its benefits at the same time pointing out that freewill choice is involved. However, every opportunity will be taken to make the facts known when we can finally walk amongst you. There will eventually be no soul that has not had a chance to learn all about Ascension, and make choice from a well informed position. There are of course those who accept the end time, but believe in a different ending to it, and since you create your own reality they will experience a different path of their choice.

Meantime we ask you to keep your focus on your personal goals, and do not be discouraged by the happenings outside of you. Certain events have to be played out, and the physical changes are necessary to assist Mother Earth’s Ascension. You travel together as you have done so for millennia of time, and will do so in the future. The more you can bring the light to Earth, the more you will all be helping to bring the New Earth into being. The old creations of yours are unable to be carried forward, so consequently there is much to do by way of transmutation. Nothing is totally destroyed, but simply changes its form to be used again. Matter is created and re-created over and over again and never wasted. As creators yourselves you will take greater responsibility for your creations, but at the same time you will rise in consciousness and will exercise good sense and wisdom in your work.

You are now at the crossroads, and it is your decision as to which way you go. Either way there is no long term problem, as the cyclic nature of the Universe ensures that another opportunity to choose differently will always come your way. However, the cycles are long by your measure using linear time, and if you but knew you would be more inclined to put the effort in to ascend this time round. We know that some souls are still so mired in the darkness, that they find it hard to comprehend what Ascension means. Sometimes they feel victims of their circumstances not realising that they create their own experiences. There will come a time when the truth will come to them, and then they will seek a way to change them for the better.

Be assured that your progress is followed, and at the first signs of a desire to move into the Light, help is given to move you in the right direction. No one wishes to see you repeatedly going down a dead end, and having to do it all again. Fortunately most souls evolve over a period of time through the experiences of successive lives, and the guidance given to them. In the present challenging times, progress can be quite rapid because of the continual battle between the dark and Light. There are repeated opportunities to overcome the lower vibrations, and no soul is condemned to stay in them. It is quite the opposite, as The Brotherhood of Light works to help those who are in the lower dimensions, and find the ones who are opening up to the higher truths.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as you enter the most important time for your civilisation, we do our best to attract your attention. We want you to recognise the relationship we have with you, which is one that has existed for thousands of years. We Are All One, and are rightly coming together again to celebrate our reunion. We shall go forward with you to the higher realms that are your true home, and await your presence as ascended Beings.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Hello everyone.....


Did anyone else read this?!?!....it's pretty hard to find now.....but i got a direct link for it below.....
Without further ado may i present to you the latest from China ( confirmed by NASA ) :
April 3, 2011
China's Xinhua News Agency, the official press agency of the government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) announced Thursday that the National Radio Astronomy Observatory has been monitoring signals from a previously unknown "dark" satellite in orbit around Saturn for the past 90 days. According to government officials, the signals appear to be the first verified transmission from an alien civilization.

China's leading astrobiologist, Dr. Xi Chang, a graduate of MIT, told Xinhua that "the sigal repeats itself continuosly in 2 minute long sequences and appears to be the four bases of the genetic code A,G, U and C that ribosomes must convert mRNA sequences into proteins and the twenty different amino acids that proteins are comprised of."
Dr. Rosie Redfield, the newly appointed director of the Astrobiology Program at NASA Headquarters, Washington, confirmed China's dicovery this morning. In a press release Redfield said that "China's discovery has monumental consequences, and has been shared with the world's premier sciemtific instituions for vetting and peer review. If confirmed this will be the first proof of extraterrestrial life in the universe and confirmation that our DNA basis for life may be universal throughout the known universe."

Dr. Dimitri Kardashev of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics told The Daily Galaxy that "This discovery comes as no surprise to me. It was always just a matter of time. The Earth is only some four billion years old. Our universe is some 14 billion years old. There may be millions of advanced technological civilizations that are billions of years older than ours. Keep in my that the radio was only invented 120 years ago. Quantum computers and singularity are at most two or three gereration distant. The technologies of ET civilizations a million years old and older are beyond our comprehension."

Sir Martin Rees, a leading Cambridge University cosmologist and astrophysicist who is the president of Britain’s Royal Society and astronomer to the Queen of England, said: “I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we can’t conceive. Just as a chimpanzee can’t understand quantum theory, it could be there are aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains.”

SOURCE: http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2011/04/china-announces-monito...

....Oooo this is getting fun......


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Archangel Michael, April 2011..."Access Your Spiritual Gifts And Talents, Bring Forth

Message From Archangel Michael, April 2011

Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

“Access Your Spiritual Gifts And Talents, Bring Forth Your Divine Mission”

Dear Ones,

Remember a time when you were a shining beacon of light, filled with the light of God, glorious in your light bodies, glorious in your knowing of your magnificence, your solidarity, your oneness with all creation. You are returning to this state of oneness, you have never left this state of oneness, yet the veil was tightly drawn in the illusion of separation. Now is the time, the perfection of your heritage is once again shining through, and you can no longer deny, ignore who you are. The tests and lessons are coming hard and fast for those who choose to stay mired in the lower vibrations. As you raise your vibrations greatly, you will experience your tests and lessons much more gently, yet you will experience them. Embrace them, dear ones, this is your growth. These tests and lessons will lift you up to the vibrations of love, of joy, of peace and harmony, and you will wonder why it took you so long to return to your spiritual path and your heritage.

In this now moment you have all the gifts and talents you need to accomplish all that you desire. Meditate in the silence of your sacred heart. Meditate upon your gifts and talents. You have brought forth many gifts and talents in the present life, yet you have acquired, through your dedication and diligence, many gifts and talents, in your past lives. Access these gifts and talents. Make use of them. They are stored within your subconscious mind, waiting for you to bring them forth and make use of them. When you have mastered a gift in a past life, it is available to you for the asking, but you must ask your superconscious mind, your   I  Am  Presence   for assistance in bringing it forth into the present life. It is there, dear ones, never doubt it.

You have all the qualities, abilities, virtues, and assets of the God mind stored within you. You have used them freely in the past, and you may use them feely now, as you set your intention to make use of them for your highest good and the highest good of all. These gifts and talents will assist you in the bringing forth of your divine mission, a mission which will bring you great joy and make your heart sing. Ask in meditation, “What is my divine mission? What do I enjoy to such a great extent, that my heart sings, when I think of it, when I do it?” Therein lies your answer, and it may surprise many of you. Be open to receive from your God Self, your inner wisdom. Your God Self has been patiently awaiting the time when you would activate your divine mission, your special piece of the puzzle which will ensure your earthly legacy. It is a gift for humanity and the earth which no one else on the planet has been given. Your gift is unique to you, offered in a way which will assist the earth and all life forms, in great love and joy, as the tapestry of life receives another perfect thread, a perfect addition through you, the divine God Self, stepping forth to enrich the All That Is. It is most magnificent, dear ones. Embrace it, it is why you are here, to experience the fulfillment of the All That Is, to experience great love, great joy, as you “Be” your God Self through the expression of your divine mission.

It is also possible for you to bring forth new gifts and talents, as you expand your horizons. There is no limit to what you may have, do, and be. Release the struggle, release the limitations you have set upon yourselves, and allow. Allow the abundance of all creation to flow through you, which includes new spiritual gifts offered to you. You must ask for these gifts and then you must go the distance, work with them, incorporate them, and make them your own, as you go forth joyfully fulfilling your divine mission, knowing that you have all the wisdom, the knowledge, the gifts and talents available to you to rise to the occasion, to manifest your divine mission on earth.

Be present, right now, dear ones. There is the tendency to want to lift up and return home, as you yearn for the perfection you once knew. That perfection is here now, and it is each one of you who are to anchor it upon the earth, to create heaven on earth, and to assist the earth to return to perfection also. Go within, into the deep knowing of who you are, go within to the stillness of the All That Is. Go within to the determination, the fortitude, the strength, the courage, the wisdom that is you. Go within and feel the expansion of you, the expansion of the God mind within you. Feel the flow, the radiation of the God mind within you going forth before you, radiating love and joy, peace and harmony, as you bring yourselves into this balance and harmony. Breathe deeply as you fill yourselves with the prana, with the Adamantine Particles, drawing forth more and more as you bring yourselves into balance and harmony. The prana fills your very being with life force energy, assisting you to return to perfect vibrant health and assisting you in remaining centered in the love of your sacred heart.

Each step you take to raise your vibrations, assists you daily as you stay centered, expecting a miracle and the highest possible outcome. The master knows their divine mission and brings it forth into perfect expression, with great determination, joy, and passion. Step forth into the greatness of who you are, step forth into the fulfillment of your divine mission. Step forth, daily releasing all that no longer serves you and the highest good of all creation. You will clear yourselves of the lower vibrations, allowing in the higher vibrations which will assist you to bring forth your divine mission to fruition, as you each create heaven on earth for yourselves, and ultimately, heaven on earth for all life forms.

I am with you. Call on me to assist you in the fulfillment of your divine mission, your heart’s desire. Know that you are loved and surrounded by all those of the higher realms, ready to assist you also.

I am Archangel Michael, and I bring you this truth.

You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Archangel Michael through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to: www.transformingradiance.com.

Visit Michelle’s website at: www.transformingradiance.com

Email: michelle@transformingradiance.com

All my Love and Blessings,


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Dear Friends of PAO  ( Planetary Activation Organization )



I am experiencing a spiritual renaissance – a rebirth of my original dedication to the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy that will free me to successfully take the PAO, its friends and family to the next level in our preparation for first contact and the arrival of our Spiritual Hierarchies.

With this will come the great changes and prosperity to which we all have looked forward for so long. The next milestones for PAO will mark the beginning of renewed commitments and another step forward in our consciousness awakening.

For the past week, I have been undergoing an intense spiritual, mental, emotional and physical integration that has taken its toll on my eyes and energy levels and made it virtually impossible for me to work on a computer. As a result, I have had to miss a couple of updates and reschedule my latest Webinar 16 to early April. During that Webinar, I will bring you up to date on Earth changes, such as the recent series of earthquakes and the Japanese nuclear plant catastrophe, as well as the political upheavals in the Middle East and North Africa.

First Contact is a spiritual contact – an awakening to a new consciousness. It is a time for us to see ourselves with new eyes. It is a time for us to come together in unity as one people. It is a time for us to commit ourselves to sustain and uphold each other, always.

PAO is committed to the re-dedication of our role in this unprecedented spiritual event. We can do this by re-emphasizing our inter-connection through Planetary Activation Groups (PAGs). PAGs need to become PAO’s critical center. PAO seeks to encourage the formation of PAGs and their interaction within the Planetary Activation family. I will be dedicating a future Webinar to the role of PAGs and how they operate. A good information source for everyone is my book, Selamat Ja! A Guide for Galactic Humans.

I look forward to resuming the updates as soon as I can, and to serving you even more completely by means of my newly acquired understandings.




Selamat Kasi Da! Selamat Gajun!
(Sirian for “In Loving Service~Be One!”Wink

Sheldan Nidle
Founder, PAO


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SaLuSa 30-March-2011



SaLuSa 30-March-2011



By now you should be getting a feel for what is taking place in your world. If ever you wanted proof that the mass consciousness is a powerful tool, you only have to register how many countries are under pressure for change. It seems to make no difference as to how powerful the rulers are; eventually the people get their way. Sometimes it is not achieved without violence, but even although they are often ill equipped the people still succeed. Materialism cannot continue, as it is unable to move forward with the higher vibrations of Ascension. Therefore financial changes are most likely to be the most far reaching. In a future time money will no longer be used because it will become unnecessary. Creating wealth will not be the focal point as it is now, because sharing will become normal, and no one will seek more than they need. There will be an entirely new mindset that puts others first, until everyone has a fair share of the benefits of all labors. Work will not in fact occupy you to the extent it does now, and more than ample time will be available to follow more leisurely pursuits. You were never meant to be the slaves of those corporations that demand so much from their workers.

When you re-unite with your Higher Self you will have become a Galactic Being, with full creative powers. With it you will also have developed those necessary powers of control, and also carry such responsibilities with an outlook that seeks the best for all souls. Your high level of consciousness will heighten your sense of Oneness, and the grouping of souls with similar vibrations will occur. At such a high stage of evolution, you will have free choice as to which path to follow, although Ascension will continue to be an ongoing process. Families will still come together, and birth will always be planned and never happen accidentally. However, in the higher dimension, birth is quite different to your experience on Earth. A soul will join its family by arrangement in a semi-adult state, which is a holy event that is treated with great reverence and thanks. Parents are chosen for what they can give the newly arrived soul, who will have a clear life plan that the family will all know about in advance.

There is so much that will change and your lifestyle will be much more rewarding, enjoyable and exceptionally pleasant. Coming out of your present cycle of duality you will not carry karma forward, which is why it must be cleared before you can ascend. The conditions are therefore in part necessary for souls to have the opportunity to do so. If in your calm moments you think carefully about the present period in your life, you will almost certainly begin to sense the reasons why you are here. You should intuitively pick up on your weaknesses, and that will help you clear them a lot more easily. Do not be afraid to admit to yourself what they are, as that is the first towards forgiving yourself. Thoughts are a very good clue, as they will suddenly enter your mind without any direct intent on your part. As you become able to take in more of the Light energies, so your strength increases and you will experience the lower vibrations without falling into them. Indeed, when you become adept at centering yourself your Light becomes your protection.

As we have often informed you, once you express the intent to ascend you will achieve it. You will become motivated and attract the higher energies to yourself, and your decisions will be spiritually inspired and your knowledge will grow quite quickly. Also well before the end of the cycle we will have arrived on Earth, and you will have every assistance to help you succeed. Regardless of any other aspects in your life, the achievement of Ascension is after all the main object of your many lives on Earth. You have come a long way and experienced so much about human life. About its power and the weaknesses of the flesh, and the strength of the soul with its infinite life and journey from the stars. You truly have tried and tested yourself to the limit.

Now the time approaches when you can put everything behind you, and enjoy the reward of so much hard work. Your endurance has been so great that even when you panned the depths, you never lost complete sight of who you truly were. You will need reminding of how great you are and we will do so not to feed anyone’s ego, but ensure they know that they are so much more than a mere physical body. There are even now so many souls who have not yet fully awakened, who have no idea that they are sparks of God with all the potential to become gods themselves. Again there will be ample teachings passed to you so that you understand the truth about all life forms. All have degrees of consciousness, and all have their being within the Universal energy that is God.


We know that some people will still scoff at the ideas expressed about your true origins. However we do know that given time they will open up to them, although the changes to their understanding are too much at present to contemplate and absorb. It is for this very same reason, that introducing ourselves to you has been a rather long exercise. Slow but sure is far preferable to be seen to force the truth upon you. People shock very easily when the learn that their cherished beliefs have been held in error, and it is too much to admit to themselves. We believe that by the time we openly show ourselves the truth about us and our relationship to you will have been discussed, and people will generally show more acceptance of us. There is certainly nothing at all to be frightened about, as we have consistently shown you that we come in peace.

Our actions are now more frequent on your behalf, although you would not necessarily be aware of them. But soon they will become more evident, as we have work to do that will take place before your very eyes. It is all bringing our open contact with so much nearer, but we will still approach it through your diplomatic channels. All along we have followed your protocol, but we reserve the right to act as necessary if any attempt is made to endanger our presence. Nevertheless ours is the way of peaceful negotiations, and we will never be the aggressors.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and have become so familiar with the ways of Earth people who are admired and immensely loved by all of your Space Families.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


~~ End of Message ~~

my maroon signature SaLuSa 30th March 2011: In a future time money will no longer be used because it will become unnecessary.

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If ever there was a day.....

My Dream....

....if ever there was a day to come that our families above and below were to make an GRAND entry... an undeniable statement so-to-speak to the entire world..... i pray.... oh do i pray..... that "that" day be April 29th, 2011. Pleeeease.....(seriously)......please.

And if you're wondering as to just why April 29th (?)..... it may help you to ponder this over a plate of bangers and mash.


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Majestic 12

(also known as Majic 12, Majestic Trust, M12, MJ 12, MJ XII, Majority 12 or Mars-Jupiter 12) is the alleged code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, supposedly formed in 1947 by an executive order of U.S. President Harry S Truman. The alleged purpose of the committee was to investigate UFO activity in the aftermath of the Roswell incident—the supposed crash of the alien spaceship near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947. The Majestic 12 is an important part of the UFO conspiracy theory of an ongoing government cover up of UFO information. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has declared that the documents associated with the Majestic 12 committee are "completely bogus".[1]

The primary evidence for the existence of a group named Majestic 12 is a collection of documents that first emerged in 1984.[The original MJ-12 documents state that:

The Majestic 12 group... was established by order of President Truman on 24 September, [sic - see discussion] 1947, upon recommendation by Dr. Vannevar Bush and Secretary of Defense James Forrestal.[3]

The FBI investigated the documents, and concluded they were forgeries, based primarily on an opinion rendered by the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). Errors in formatting and chronology have also divided UFO researchers over their authenticity.

In 1985, another document mentioning MJ-12 and dating to 1954 was found in a search at the National Archives.[4] Its authenticity is also highly controversial. The documents in question are rather widely available on the Internet, for example on the FBI website, where it is concluded they are fraudulent (linked below).

Since the first MJ-12 documents, thousands of pages of other supposedly leaked government documents mentioning MJ-12 and a government coverup of UFO reality have also appeared, sometimes collectively referred to as the "Majestic Documents."[5][self-published source?] All of them are controversial, with many disputing their authenticity. A few have been proven to be unquestionably fraudulent, usually retyped rewrites of unrelated government documents. The primary new MJ-12 document is a lengthy, Linotype-set manual allegedly dating from 1954, called the MJ-12 "Special Operations Manual (SOM)". It deals primarily with the handling of crash debris and alien bodies.[6] Objections to its authenticity usually center on questions of style and some historical anachronisms.

The documents date from 1942 to 1997 and have been hotly debated in the UFO community. The documents include such matters as the conduct to be used when meeting an alien, diagrams and records of tests on UFOs, memos on measures to prevent leakage of information, and descriptions of the President's statements about UFO-related issues. The documents contain supposed signatures of important people such as Albert Einstein and Ronald Reagan, creating a major debate in the conspiracy and UFO communities. No more documents have been leaked or released since 1997. Their authenticity remains uncertain, and some claim them to be entirely fake.

However, before the appearance of the various dubious MJ-12 documents, Canadian documents dating from 1950 and 1951 were uncovered in 1978.[7][self-published source?] These documents mention the existence of a similar, highly classified UFO study group operating within the Pentagon's Research & Development Board (RDB) and headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush. Although the name of the group is not given, proponents argue that these documents remain the most compelling evidence that such a group did exist. There is also some testimony (see Arguments for below) from a few government scientists involved with this project confirming its existence.

Other theories of the MJ-12 group

MJ-12 is sometimes associated in recent UFO conspiracy literature with the more historically verifiable but also deeply secretive NSC 5412/2 Special Group[citation needed], created by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954. Although the Special Group was not specifically concerned with UFOs, and post-dates the alleged creation of MJ-12 in 1947, the commonality of the number '12' in the names of the two groups is cited as intriguing, as is the first chairman, Gordon Gray, being one of the alleged MJ-12 members. As the highest body of central intelligence experts in the early Cold War era (the Group was alleged to include the President but exclude the Vice President), the Special Group certainly would have had both clearance and interest in all matters of national security, including UFO sightings if they were considered a real threat[original research?].

Another government group recently associated with MJ-12 was the CIA's Office of National Estimates or ONE, a forerunner of the current National Intelligence Council (NIC)[citation needed]. ONE was created in 1950 by CIA Director Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, alleged to have replaced Secretary of Defense James Forrestal on MJ-12 after his death. A history of the NIC states that ONE was a type of super branch of the CIA "whose sole task was to produce coordinated 'National Intelligence Estimates.'"[8] Besides Smith, it apparently consisted of 11 other members. A recent article on the history of the CIA's involvement in UFO investigations states that ONE received a UFO intelligence briefing on January 30, 1953, immediately after the end of the CIA's UFO debunking study known as the Robertson Panel. Members of ONE at that time included FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, William Bundy, President Eisenhower's chief of staff Admiral B. Bieri, and William Langer, a Harvard historian, who was chairman. Referring to ONE as "super think tank" within the CIA, the article states, "ONE is as close as we get to a documented version of the rumoured Majestic-12 group."[9]

Connection to the secret Pratt documents

At the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) 2007 Symposium in Denver, Colorado, UFO researcher Brad Sparks presented a paper that describes the MJ12 documents as an elaborate disinformation campaign perpetrated by William Moore, Richard C. Doty, and other Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) personnel. The sources for this information are files dating from 1981 (3 years before the first alleged MJ12 documents surfaced) that UFO researcher Bob Pratt gave MUFON before his death in 2005. The information lay hidden in MUFON's archives until they were digitized as part of MUFON's Pandora Project and made available to UFO researchers. The paper can be downloaded from the MUFON website.[10][self-published source?][11][self-published source?] Of interest will be the paragraph that has a handwritten date of 1/02/82 and states: "3. UFO project is Aquarius, classified Top Secret with access restricted to MJ 12. (MJ may be "magic"). This project begun about 1966, but apparently inherited files of earlier project."


All the alleged original members of MJ-12 were notable for their military, government, and/or scientific achievements, and all were deceased when the documents first surfaced (the last to die was Jerome Hunsaker, only a few months before the MJ-12 papers first appeared).

The original composition was six civilians (mostly scientists), and six high-ranking military officers, two from each major military service. Three (Souers, Vandenberg, and Hillenkoetter) had been the first three heads of central intelligence. The Moore/Shandera documents did not make clear who was the director of MJ-12, or if there was any organizational hierarchy.

The named members of MJ-12 were:

According to other sources and MJ-12 papers to emerge later,[12][self-published source?] famous scientists like Robert Oppenheimer, Albert Einstein, Karl Compton, Edward Teller, John von Neumann, and Wernher von Braun were also allegedly involved with MJ-12.(see also Arguments for below, particularly statements by Dr. Robert Sarbacher)

 Reliably-documented UFO activities by purported MJ-12 members

Many of these men had reliably documented activities related to UFOs:

  • Vandenberg, as Director of Central Intelligence in 1946, had overseen investigations into the so-called Ghost rockets in Europe and wrote intelligence memos about the phenomena. Later as Air Force Chief of Staff, both Vandenberg and Twining oversaw early U.S. Air Force UFO investigations, like Project Sign and Project Blue Book and made some public statements on UFOs.[citation needed]
  • Twining had previously written a famous Secret memo on September 23, 1947 (the day before Truman allegedly set up MJ-12) stating that flying saucers were real and urged formal investigation by multiple government organizations such as the AEC, NACA, NEPA, Bush's JRDB, and the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board.[13] This led directly to the creation of Project Sign in late 1947.
  • Vandenberg met with Bush's JRDB in a suddenly-called meeting on the morning of the Roswell UFO incident (July 8, 1947) and was reported in the press as handling the later public relations crises.[14]
  • Bush was directly implicated in 1950-51 Canadian documents heading a highly secret UFO investigation within the Research and Development Board (RDB); this assertion was confirmed by Canadian scientist Wilbert B. Smith[15] Immediately after the Roswell UFO incident, Bush made public statements denying any knowledge of UFOs or any relation they might have to secret government projects.[16]
  • Berkner was on the 1953 CIA-organized Robertson Panel debunking UFOs and helped establish Project Ozma, the first radio telescope search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
  • Menzel filed a UFO report in 1949, later wrote several UFO debunking books, and was the most prominent public UFO debunker of his time. Many conspiracy theorists see this as a "cover-up" for alleged MJ12 - alien connections.
  • Hillenkoetter was on the board of directors of the powerful civilian UFO organization NICAP and made public statements to Congress about UFO reality in 1960.
  • The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), which Hunsaker chaired from 1941–1958, is also known from documents to have occasionally delved into UFO cases. Other members of NACA were Bush (1938–1948), Compton (1948–1949), Vandenberg (1948–1953), Twining (1953–1957), and Bronk (1948–1958).
  • Teller was a member of a scientific panel in 1949 at Los Alamos National Laboratory looking into the UFO phenomenon known as the green fireballs

Professional and social connections among purported MJ-12 members

Research has also shown[17] that there were many social and professional connections among many of the alleged members of MJ-12. For example, Bush, Hunsaker, Bronk, and Berkner all sat on the oversight committee of the Research and Development Board (RDB), which Bush had established and initially chaired. Other notables on the RDB oversight committee were Karl Compton, Robert Oppenheimer, and Dr. H. P. Robertson, who headed up the debunking Robertson Panel, of which Berkner was a member. As mentioned, 1950 Canadian documents indicated that Bush headed up a small, highly secret UFO study group within the RDB. (See also Arguments for below)

Various alleged MJ-12 members or participants would also naturally be part of the Presidential office's National Security Council, created in 1947. This would include (depending on NSC composition, which evolved) various NSC permanent members: Executive Secretary (Souers, Cutler), the Secretary of Defense (Forrestal), the Secretary of the Army (Gray), National Security Advisor (Gray), and the Air Force Chief of Staff (Vandenberg, Twining). Other nonpermanent members who would attend NSC meetings as advisors and implement policy would be the CIA director (Hillenkoetter, Smith), the head of the Research and Development Board (Bush, Compton), the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Cutler, Gray), and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs (Twining).

Therefore the supposed members and participating personnel of MJ-12 would have served on many other high government agencies and could conceivably have influenced government policy at many levels. (See also list of supposed current MJ-12 members below, again indicating various individuals who have served in high government positions.)

The purported members were trusted, high-ranking officials who were often involved in important government projects—they possessed diverse skills and high security clearances. However, they were not so recognizable that they would be missed if they were to be called upon in a secret emergency. If such a group existed, these individuals would make plausible members.

Timeline of MJ-12 claims and documents

 Arthur Bray's discovery (1978)

In 1978, Canadian researcher Arthur Bray uncovered previously-classified Canadian UFO documents naming Dr. Vannevar Bush as heading a highly secret UFO investigation group within the U.S. Research and Development Board. No name for the group was given. Bray published excerpts of the documents in his 1979 book, The UFO Connection.

 Aquarius document and Paul Bennewitz connection (1980)

The earliest citation of the term "MJ Twelve" originally surfaced in a purported U.S. Air Force teletype dated November 17, 1980. This so-called "Project Aquarius" teletype had been given to Albuquerque physicist and businessman Paul Bennewitz in November, 1980, by U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations counterintelligence officer Richard C. Doty as part of a disinformation campaign to discredit Bennewitz. Bennewitz had photographed and recorded electronic data of what he believed to be UFO activity over and nearby Kirtland AFB, a sensitive nuclear facility. Bennewitz reported his findings to officials at Kirtland, including Doty. Later it was discovered the Aquarius document was phony and had been prepared by Doty.[18]

One sentence in the lengthy teletype read:

The official US Government policy and results of Project Aquarius is [sic] still classified TOP SECRET with no dissemination outside channels and with access restricted to "MJ TWELVE."[19]

As Greg Bishop writes, "Here, near the bottom of this wordy message in late 1980, was the very first time anyone had seen a reference to the idea of a suspected government group called 'MJ Twelve' that controlled UFO information. Of course, no one suspected at the time the colossal role that this idea would play in 1980s and '90s UFOlogy, and it eventually spread beyond its confines to become a cultural mainstay."[20]

As Bennewitz was the subject of a disinformation campaign, many investigators are automatically suspicious of any documents or claims made in association with the Bennewitz affair. Because the entire MJ-12 affair made its appearance only a year after Bray had made public the incriminating Canadian documents about the secret UFO committee, one theory is that the Project Aquarius teletype was part of a counterintelligence hoax to discredit the information in the just-revealed Canadian documents. Thus the various MJ-12 documents could be fake, but the secret committee described in the verified Canadian documents could still have been real. (See Arguments for below)

The Moore/Shandera documents (1984)

What came to be known as the "MJ-12 papers" – detailing a secret UFO committee allegedly involving Vannevar Bush – first appeared on a roll of film in late 1984 in the mailbox of television documentary producer (and amateur ufologist) Jamie Shandera. Shandera had been collaborating with Roswell researcher William Moore since 1982.

Just prior to Bennewitz and the Aquarius document, Moore had been contacted in September 1980 by Doty, who described himself as representing a shadowy group of 10 military intelligence insiders who claimed to be opposed to UFO secrecy. Moore called them "The Aviary".

In January 1981, Doty provided Moore with a copy of the phony Aquarius document with mention of MJ Twelve. Moore would later claim[21] in 1989 that he began collaborating with AFOSI in spying on fellow researchers such as Bennewitz, and dispensing disinformation, ostensibly to gain the trust of the military officers, but reality to learn whatever UFO truth they might have, and also to learn how the military manipulated UFO researchers. In return, Doty and others were to leak information to him.

Later it would turn out that some of the UFO documents given Moore were forged by Doty and compatriots, or were retyped and altered from the originals. Furthermore, the film mailed Shandera with the MJ-12 documents was postmarked "Albuquerque," raising the obvious suspicion that the MJ-12 documents were more bogus documents arising from Doty and AFOSI in Albuquerque.

In 1983, Doty also targeted UFO researcher and journalist Linda Moulton Howe, revealing alleged high-level UFO documents, including those describing crashed alien flying saucers and recovery of aliens. Doty again mentioned MJ-12, explaining that “MJ” stood for “Majority” (not “Majestic”)

Moore soon showed a copy of the Aquarius/MJ 12 teletype given him by Doty to researchers Brad Sparks and Kal Korff. In 1983, Moore also sought Sparks' reaction to a plan to create counterfeit government UFO documents, hoping to induce former military officers to speak out. Sparks strongly urged Moore not do this. The previous year Moore had similarly approached nuclear physicist and UFO researcher Stanton T. Friedman about creating bogus Roswell documents, again with the idea of encouraging witnesses to come forward. Also, in early 1982, Moore had approached former National Enquirer reporter Bob Pratt (who had first published a story on Roswell in the Enquirer in 1980). Moore asked Pratt to collaborate on a novel called MAJIK-12. As a result, Pratt always believed that the Majestic-12 papers were a hoax, either perpetrated personally by Moore or perhaps by AFOSI, with Doty using Moore as a willing target. Moore, however, flatly denied creating the documents, but eventually thought that maybe he had been set up. Noted UFO skeptic Philip J. Klass would also argue[22] that Moore was the most likely hoaxer of the initial batch of MJ-12 documents.

Unlike Pratt, who was convinced they were a hoax, Friedman would investigate the historical and technical details in the MJ-12 documents and become their staunchest defender.

The 1984/1985 MJ-12 Papers

The Eisenhower briefing document

The film allegedly received by Shandera in 1984 consisted of two MJ-12 documents. The main document, dated November 18, 1952, was supposedly prepared by Rear Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, the first CIA director, to brief incoming president Dwight Eisenhower on the committee's progress. The document lists all the MJ-12 members and discusses United States Air Force investigations and concealment of a crashed alien spacecraft near Roswell, New Mexico, plus another crash in northern Mexico in December 1950.[23]

Eisenhower did indeed receive extensive briefings November 18, 1952,[22] including a briefing at the Pentagon by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which would have included alleged MJ-12 members Twining and Vandenberg. However, Eisenhower’s Pentagon briefing is still classified and thus the subject matter discussed remains speculative.

The Cutler/Twining memo (1985)

In 1985, Shandera and Moore began receiving post cards postmarked “New Zealand” with a return address of "Box 189, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia."[22] The cards contained a series of cryptic messages referring to "Reeses [sic] Pieces" and "Suitland" (among other terms) that Shandera and Moore assumed were a code; however, they were unable to "decode" the seeming message.

A few months later, a happenstance request from Friedman unlocked the mystery: busy due to previous obligations, Friedman asked Moore and Shandera to examine newly declassified Air Force documents at the National Archives (NARA) repository in Suitland, Maryland; the head archivist there was named Ed Reese.

After a few days in Suitland, Shandera and Moore discovered yet another MJ-12 document, the so-called Cutler/Twining memo, dated July 14, 1954. Interestingly enough, the memo turned up in "Box 189" of the record group.[24] In this memo, NSC Executive Secretary and Eisenhower’s National Security Advisor Robert Cutler informed Air Force Chief of Staff (and alleged MJ-12 member) Nathan Twining of a change of plans in a scheduled MJ-12 briefing.[25]

The Cutler-Twining memo lacked a distinctive catalog number, leading many to suspect[22] that whether hoaxed or genuine, the memo was almost certainly planted in the archives.

Moore and Shandera have been accused[22] of hoaxing the memo and then planting it in the archives. However, Friedman notes that the memo, unlike the other early MJ-12 papers which were available only as photos, is on original onionskin paper widely used by the government at that time (1953 - early 70's) and unavailable in stationary stores. The document also has some subtle historical and other details that a civilian hoaxer would be unlikely to know, such as a red pencil declassification marking also found with the other declassified files. Furthermore, NARA security procedures would make it difficult for a visitor to the Archives to plant such a document; even the skeptical Klass argued[22] that NARA security procedures made it highly unlikely that Shandera and Moore could have planted the Cutler-Twining memo in the archives. Instead, Friedman has argued that one of the many Air Force personnel involved in declassifying NARA documents could easily have planted the Cutler/Twining memo in with other unrelated documents.

However, most researchers have argued that various subtle details point to a forgery (see #Arguments against for some). For example, the date of the alleged MJ-12 meeting does not correspond to any known meeting of import. However, this doesn’t negate Friedman’s point that the memo could have been planted by someone in the Air Force.

 The FBI investigation (1988)

The MJ-12 documents were first made public in 1987 by Shandera, Moore, and Friedman. Another copy of the same documents Shandera received in 1984 was mailed to British researcher Timothy Good in 1987, again from an anonymous source. Good first reproduced them in his book Above Top Secret (1988), but later judged the documents as likely fraudulent.

After the documents became widely known with the publication of Good’s book, the Federal Bureau of Investigation then began its own investigation, urged on by debunker Philip J. Klass. The MJ-12 documents were supposedly classified as "Top Secret", and the FBI's initial concern was that someone within the U.S. government had illegally leaked highly classified information.

The FBI quickly formed doubts as to the documents' authenticity. FBI personnel contacted the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (counterintelligence), asking if MJ-12 had ever existed. AFOSI claimed that no such committee had ever been authorized or formed, and that the documents were “bogus.” The FBI adopted the AFOSI opinion and declared the MJ-12 documents to be "completely bogus.”[1]

However, when Stanton Friedman contacted the AFOSI officer, Col. Richard Weaver, who had rendered this opinion, Friedman said Weaver refused to document his assertion. Friedman also noted that Weaver had taught disinformation and propaganda courses for AFOSI and was principal author of the Air Force’s debunking Roswell report in 1994. (Friedman, 110-115)

Timothy Good in Beyond Top Secret also noted that Weaver in 1994 was the Director of Security and Special Programs Oversight of AFOSI’s Pentagon office, a very high level organization within the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force. Good commented that AFOSI is “an agency whose work involves counterintelligence and deception, and which has a long record of deep involvement in the UFO problem.” Within Weaver’s office were “special planners.” According to Good, “In Air Force parlance, the term ‘special plans’ is a euphemism for deception as well as for ‘perception management’ plans and operations.”[26] Conducting an interview with one Roswell witness, Weaver himself admitted, “We’re the people who keep the secrets.” It is difficult to tell from interviews such as these, as the cold war tactics of deceptions within deceptions are intentionally vague as to where the disinformation and coverup of espionage ends and the government's actual investigation into UFOs begins.

William Moore would later reveal that the whole New Mexico UFO disinformation scheme was run out of the Pentagon by a Colonel Barry Hennessey of AFOSI. When the Defense Department phone directory was checked, Hennessey was listed under the "Dept. of Special Techniques." Working under him at the time was the same Col. Weaver.

Friedman therefore raised the question as to whether Weaver rendered an objective intelligence opinion about the authenticity of the MJ-12 papers or was deliberately misleading the FBI as a counterintelligence and disinformation agent, much like Doty had done with Moore and Howe earlier.

Journalist Howard Blum in his book Out There (1990) further described the FBI’s difficulty in getting at the truth of the matter. One frustrated FBI agent told Blum, “All we’re finding out is that the government doesn’t know what it knows. There are too many secret levels. You can’t get a straight story. It wouldn’t surprise me if we never know if the papers are genuine or not.”[27]

Ta Da.... we've all been f**ked!!! 

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Hilarion's Weekly Message 2011

March 27-April 9, 2011


Beloved Ones,

The energies of renewal are now coming forth in the flow of life and the cycles upon your Planet and bringing with them the energies of a new beginning. How this new beginning translates in your personal life is dependant on your attitude and perceptions and your ability to become the Master of your thoughts and emotions and your intentions to create a better way. There are cycles within cycles within cycles and upon your Planet and in the Cosmos, many of these cycles are now converging into alignment with a far greater Plan than has been understood by Humanity to the present time.

Much depends on the thoughts and emotions of each of you during the times ahead. Most of you have learned to love with a certain sense of detachment that allows you to lovingly accept that others have their own choices to make and Paths to follow and you allow them to do this without any attempts to control. This is what is known as unconditional love and it releases you from feeling responsible for the actions and choices of others and sets you free to experience your own direction with greater clarity and focus and most importantly, enjoyment. Life in a physical body is an opportunity to experience the gamut of an entire range and depth of feeling, emotion and creativity that allows for a richness to blossom from within.

As you become multi-dimensional in a more conscious manner, you will realize that you have, in fact, been accomplishing much more than your previously limited perceptions have allowed you to comprehend. Work on the higher dimensions involves the use of creativity, visualization and thought and each of you does this so easily that you tend to not recognize that you are doing this. Try to become more cognizant of your creative thought processes and as you do, you will become more clear about the Universal Laws that you have been working with and how your thought processes bring to you the manifestation of your predominant and many times, subconscious thoughts.

The time is now to begin to discipline your minds to focus on what you want to manifest in your lives rather than what you do not want, for the Universe is impartial and will give you what you constantly focus on in your thought processes, and the Universe is alive with power and energy and will create for you what you desire, or what It perceives that you desire by your repetitive thoughts, visualizations and creativeness. Care must be taken to ensure that what goes forth from you will in turn be what you truly desire to have come to you. This is why daily decreeing is a method to bring to you that which is for your highest and greatest good and in these times of great change, the discipline of decreeing helps one to focus and stay grounded.

For those of you who need to have such a focus rather than using meditation each day, much can be accomplished through the power of the word spoken verbally to bring out the higher aspects of your own Self and increase your vibrational frequency, for sound has vibration and creates powerful energy and most of you who use this discipline understand how powerful this process is in your personal and Planetary transformation. Even one decree each day for your personal protection and growth and one decree such as the Great Invocation repeated each day can bring about a higher frequency in your energy field as you repeat them in repetitions of three, seven, nine, eleven, etc. It is the intonations of each word and the repetition of these words that creates a more powerful and centered You and helps you to become a more conscious Being creating and manifesting in this octave of life.

Conscious creation can bring to you more joy, freedom, grace and ease once self discipline is employed to your thought processes. Make your mind the builder, Beloved Ones, the mighty tool of your own Mastery over every situation you encounter as you walk upon the Earth. We remind you that there are many unemployed Angels just waiting to be called upon and recognized as such, Legions and Legions of Angels…just waiting….

Until our next message in two weeks time (April 9th), for the Scribe will be travelling to California next week and will not have a computer to update the Rainbow Scribe website…..

I AM Hilarion

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com

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ARCHANGEL GABRIEL 2011 – March 24-31, 2011

Lit Corner | March 26, 2011


Beloved Ones,


I wish to have discourse on the quality of Love called stability. What does this quality entail? Stability requires a constancy of devotion, courage, perseverance and faith. It is holding a space within yourself and for others, to maintain a certain level of frequency below which you are not willing to go. It is standing in your Light and your truth no matter what this requires. It requires a person who is balanced in their Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies who is able to maintain this equilibrium in all situations that are manifesting in their personal lives and with the World events around them.

Stability means going forward in a measured and rational manner, exercising self control and good common sense. It means that you are someone who can always be relied upon to hold calm and maintain order. When all around you there seems to be chaos, you are one who is the calm in the center of the storm and will be called upon to impart this quality to others around you just by your presence. The aura around you is filled with peace, with harmony, with empowerment, with compassion and an intuitive understanding that this quality is very much needed in that moment.

It is very important for each of you to ensure that you embody this quality in all situations during these changing times, for there is and will be much that will transpire that can place others in a state of indecisive bewilderment and confusion, when what is required is being and acting quickly in the moment. You inherently know that this is the time to act and all else must be put off until there is an opportunity to process it, that what is required in the moment is to stabilize the emotions of others around you and lead them to a safer space.

Many of you will be called on to take up this quality at different moments of your lives upon your Planet and being a Lightworker means that this is a quality that most of you embody as transducers of Cosmic energies that require a grounding into the center of the Earth in order to maintain stability. You are definitely no strangers to embodying this quality, Beloved Ones, and this training is becoming more and more in demand as your World is releasing old patterns and ancient thoughtforms and systems that no longer resonate with the new space that the Earth and all her inhabitants is moving into.

Know yourselves to be the ones who are as steady as a solid rock upon which is built a solid foundation of safety, protection and constancy. Remaining stable in your thoughts, emotions, reactions and responses is so very important in these times, for there are so many changes upon the face of this Planet in every facet of life as you have known it that require the quality of Love known as stability to be manifest at all times.

To practice this quality of Love requires a commitment to be the Light, Beacon and Anchor of the higher energies that will continue to pour upon the face of the Earth and to never waver in that commitment. It requires a strong belief in Self and your Higher I AM Presence, knowing that you are always guided to be in the right place at the right time doing exactly the right thing for the highest good of all. You are the Anchors of stability upon the Planet and your practice of this most Loving quality of Love is creating strength and courage in others.

I leave you now to ponder on these words and to realize how very much your presence on the Earth at this moment in time is a precious gift of Love to the Earth, Humanity and all the Kingdoms upon Her. Your Love for others prevails and maintains stability for all around you. You are each Loved beyond measure and are being supported and assisted in all ways to fulfill your part in the Divine Plan.

I AM Archangel Gabriel


©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

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Message to the governments of the world:


 “We Know what evil is up to, and we know about our star family visiting our planet!” – by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)”




Dear governments of the world:

We know!
We know the weather is being controlled...we know about haarp, and we know about scalar weapons, and we know that you are causing earthquakes.

We know!
We know that some powerful governments of the world have gone evil and satanic. We know about Israel blackmailing the us government. We know that Israel is pretty much nothing but war and murder. We know that many less powerful governments of the world are being blackmailed.

We know!
We know that many technologies are being hidden from the masses. We know about free energy. We know that some governments have built underground bases. We know that many governments are experimenting with human cloning. We know that some governments have created a cloned army to scare the life right out of us.

We know!
We know there’s a plan for a new world order and we know that particular kind of order is evil. We know that many government leaders are already cloned and are programmed to not deviate from the agenda.

We know!
We know that many communities all around the world are experiencing financial terrorism. We know that the us dollar and other currencies are essentially worthless pieces of paper. We know that many of you in the legal system have gone evil and are covering up for other evil-doers. We know that there’s a united nations plan to genocide Africa.

We know!
We know the food, air, water and soil are poisoned on purpose. We know that many evil bent people with money have no intention to use their wealth to clean up this planet. We know the queen wants to own everything while she depopulates the planet. We know that bill gates is another who wants to use his wealth to depopulate the planet.

We know!
We know that some royalty are inbred and we know that inbreeding develops certain traits, like being cold, like being uncaring. We know that some royalty even drink blood. We know about the sexual orgies that some royalty have with their own relatives. We know that certain royalty are not to be trusted, and are a deterrent to world peace.

We know!
We know about the mind control on television, movies, and motion pictures…let’s not forget lady gaga, beyonce, madonna and other celebrities who have gone evil. We know you are programming our children, and that you are programming our communities.

We know!
We know about our star family. We know that many governments are putting weapons in space that are intended for the people of the world, and and are star family who have made their presence known. We know that disclosure of existence of our star family is imminent. We know that certain evil governments are trying to hide their existence. We know that certain military have actually wanted to go to war with our star family, who are many many times over, more technologically advanced, and come in service to God.

We know!
We know that certain governments have gone to war with the Heavenly Hosts of GOD.

We know!
We know about the photon belt, which is a strong band of gamma radiation that is affecting and changing all life as we know it. We know that governments of the world are planning on using the photon belt, as a catalyst to vie for world dominance. We know about project bluebeam. We know that certain government military weapons have the ability to make earthquakes, to manipulate weather, and to go as far as to blow our planet apart quite literally. We know that evil governments are capable of setting our planet’s ionosphere on fire, thus creating mass blindness and panic.

We know!
We know that our planet’s destiny is not to be controlled much longer by dark forces. We know that many people in evil governments are wanting to turn over a new leaf…wanting to turn to the Light.

We the people of the world support all people within evil institutions, to turn to the Light. We the people of the world, want to forgive those who have trespassed against us, who have lead us into temptation, who have fed our very lifeforce to satan himself. We the people of the world are taking back our planet in the Light, and all previously dark entities are invited to participate in the Light to restore this planet to peace, love and pure harmony.

All blackmailed governments and institutions of the world….you are invited to step forward and tell the world what you are going through. You are invited to disclose the presence of extraterrestrials right NOW…don’t wait any longer….

We know that certain groups of the world think they are “special”….they are actually the serpent people….we the people of the world no longer need to fall for their evil tricks to enslave us. We know the serpent people are scared servants of satan himself….we the people of the world, have no intention to go to war with these serpent people, however their actions to enslave the planet WILL stop.

We know!
We know that God that it is within our own power to co-create with God a different planetary reality based on freedom, rather than this one, based on slavery.

We know!
We know we're getting a new financial system, based on Light and love, since the old financial system is falling apart.

Let the people of the world serve God’s Will.

God probably has many surprises for humanity...bring 'em on!

So be it!

Dieter Braun
(Indian in the machine)

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Telos – Lemuria Underground City in Mount Shasta

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Sep 12, 2010 Jill Stefko

Mount Shasta – Alleged Home of City of Telos - flyingpete
Mount Shasta – Alleged Home of City of Telos - flyingpete
While there is some evidence that the lost continent of Lemuria might have existed, the information about Telos reads more like science fiction.
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According to Hopi legend, Mount Shasta, an extinct volcano, is the home of the Lizard People. Some California AmerIndian Tribes considered the mountain forbidden because it was a city of invisible people. Later, there were people who theorized that it was a portal to Lemuria, a 15,000 year old civilization, said to inhabit tunnels of dead volcanoes after their land was destroyed.

Lemuria, an Ancient Lost Continent

It's an ancient lost continent, like legendary Atlantis, that predates known civilizations. There are debates as to exactly where Lemuria was located in the Pacific Ocean and whether it predated Atlantis or was contemporaneous.

In the 1800s, English zoologist Philip Scatler postulated that a land bridge linked Southeast Asian coasts and Madagascar to the Malay Archipelago during the Eocene Age, after Charles Darwin proposed his theory of evolution. He meant to account for why lemurs are found in these locations and dubbed the land Lemuria.

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In 1870, former Bengal Lancer Colonel James Churchward claimed that a Hindu priest told him about ancient tablets containing information about a continent he called Mu which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption, tidal waves and earthquakes.

Some theorize that Lemuria was established by aliens known as Lemurians, a gentle, peaceful people.

Strange Incidents on Mount Shasta

The mountain is believed to be one of the seven sacred peaks on earth. Shasta’s legends include those about UFOs, aliens, angels, spirit-guides and adepts. Some people allege that Lemurians live in the subterranean city of Telos, an interplanetary and inter-dimensional portal.

Several documented cases of alleged encounters include the following.

  • 1904: J.C. Brown, an explorer for a British mining company, reported that he discovered a cavern in the side of the mountain that held a giant skeleton with hieroglyphics on its walls.
  • 1932: Edward Lanser sighted a clan of people garbed in white robes with a vast amount of gold that was living on Shasta’s higher elevations.
  • 1934: Abraham Mansfield said he met a tribe of Lemurians who had dug tunnels connecting Mount Shasta with the Bluff Creek region.
  • 1972: A San Jose man sighted a reptilian hominid. Others saw dwarfs, hairy humanoids and white robed giants.

Citizens of Telos

The domed city is alleged to have five levels. The first level, with a temple that holds 50,000 people, is the center of education, administration, and commerce. Other structures include government buildings, entertainment facilities, schools, palace for the King and Queen, spaceport, circular houses, manufacturing plants and hydroponics gardens where plants are grown in water and nutrients without soil.

According to some theorists, Telos has 1 1/2 million technologically advanced denizens. The inhabitants speak Solar Maru, allegedly, the root language of Sanskrit and Hebrew. People’s average height is 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 feet and they live up to thousands of years.

Telos is governed by King Ra, Queen Ramu Mu and a council of six men and six women. There is no money system because basic needs are provided. Trading is used for luxury items. The major spiritual activity is Ascension, involving visiting different dimensions, especially from the third to the fifth dimension.

History of Lemuria and Telos

According to one theory, the Age of Lemuria was from 4,500,000 BCE to 12,000 BCE. Aliens came from other galaxies to create a paradise. Approximately 25,000 years ago, Atlantis and Lemuria fought over ideas with nuclear weapons. Lemurians believed less evolved society should be left to evolve in their own time; Altantians, that they should be controlled by the higher civilizations.

Before the war that destroyed Lemuria, its priests petitioned Shamballa, capital of underworld civilizations, to build a city under Mount Shasta to save its citizens and records. They were granted permission to build a city under Mount Shasta before Lemuria was destroyed. its records and sacred flames were transported to Telos.

Telos and Lemuria – Science Fiction or Unknown Reality

Thomas Edwin Castello, a former head of Dulce Base Security, allegedly, a covert highly secret military operation, claims that Telos and Mount Shasta is a place where Lemurian leaders, aliens and humans meet.

Much that has been written sounds like a work of science fiction written by Jules Verne or H. G. Wells. Meetings between aliens, Lemurians and humans? Domed underground city? The list goes on…. I gathered most of the information about Telos from an internet website about Telos, listed “Sources.” It was the most scholarly article I read; however. I find it curious that the author’s name isn’t given and there is no copyright notice. I searched for these several times. The information about Mount Shasta, Lemuria and Mu is from other sources. At times, I felt like I was writing a sci-fi article, but I decided to complete and publish it because there is some evidence that Lemuria could have existed.

In 1972, according to some Lemurianists, the ruins of an underwater Lemurian city were found between Maui and Oahu, Hawaiian, which was covered up in a top secret U.S. Navy Intelligence project. Japanese divers found the ruins of what’s believed to be a part of Lemuria off of Okinawa in 1995. Scientists, archaeologists and Lemurianists are studying the find and have come to the conclusion that the structures were made by humans of an ancient unknown civilization.

Some people believe the US Government is keeping important information about Lemuria secret. There were recent news articles about UFOs being covered up, so why not Lemuria? Is Telos legend, a figment of imagination, reality or a combination thereof?

Articles Related to Telos – Lemuria Underground City in Mount Shasta

Readers who found this article intriguing might like Is Part of the Lost Continent of Lemuria in Japanese Waters, along with Roswell New Mexico 1947 UFO Incident – a Government Cover Up, and Roswell UFO Incident – Information Released Years after Event,

Readers may also wish to read Nuclear Physicist: US Government Covered up UFO Incidents and Secret British UFO Files Released – Churchill Accused of Cover Up.


The Lost Continent of Mu, James Churchward, (Paperback Library, 1968).

Haunted Places, Dennis William Hauck, (Penguin Books, 2002).

“Telos: Underground City of Mount Shasta,” MountShastaWisdomProject.com. Accessed 9/12/10.

Read more at Suite101: Telos – Lemuria Underground City in Mount Shasta http://www.suite101.com/content/telos--lemuria-underground-city-in-mount-shasta-a285095#ixzz1HYR7KFI0

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Lord Adama ~ State of Conditioning ~

Lit Corner | February 27, 2011


7 February 2011 

State of Conditioning


Lord Adama Reflects on the Ease of Movement
From January through February 2011


We are in a state of conditioning. This conditioning process has to do with the acceptability of realizing that elements are changing drastically in all aspects of our lives. This is Lord Adama at your service.
Since the onset of 2011 there have been great changes that have been occurring within the planet and within each of us. Yes, we in Telos are also affected by the planetary changes but in a different manner than each of you on the Upper Earth. The crux of the matter is that we are all changing and as we incorporate the changes within us, our reality shifts into a higher focus. Not quite the fifth dimensional focus but moving up the stairway to receive those fifth dimensional energies.
Each of you upon the Earth at this time listening to these words are very aware that you are changing. Some choose not to know why and just accept and others need to have specific answers be relayed to them. The difference of these opinions need to now come together in unison. We are no longer in a time of saying why but are saying when. This is the most important aspect. If you start to understand why you are going through a certain process, then you can fully accept the Divinity of your Light to shine forth into the aspect you are trying to accept.

Acceptance ~ What is your acceptance in this moment. We are now in the shift of moving from January to February. There have been extreme weather patterns upon the Earth and many are feeling that this month of January has been going very, very slow. Welcome to our world. You are living in the Moment, in the Now, not trying to rush things but essentially moving forward little-by-little. This is the expansion of your experiences at this time. Areas that usually are quiet with the weather are being hit hard and some areas are just the opposite. Interesting how the polarity is occurring upon the Earth as the polarity is occurring within each of you.
What needs to happen now is to allow the polarity to shift but not the exact opposite but in the expansion of Oneness. Two ends meet in the middle as the occurrence around them expands in the process. Let us take a moment and reflect within to fully understand this concept. Deeply within you, take a deep breath and feel your own expansion. Has your awareness changed recently or how you perceive your awareness? The poles are shifting within each of you at this time to help everyone come together. Some may not realize it and will miss the next activation of Light. What is this activation about.
January’s activation gave us the potential to fully allow the frequency of the Light to come within our beings and to assist the Earth which has happened. The weather patterns are erratic but also very calm in the same breath. That is an essential component of bringing together the Creation of Oneness. If one cannot be within their own Divinity of the One, how can the Universe expect them to understand the concept of Oneness. So in the month of January the crack was open within each of us. Some of you may have had traumatic occurrences within your lives to allow the crack of the Light to come within. Take a moment and look within what your own crack of Light expanded within your Being….
So now we move into the energies of February. The month of love, not only because of Valentine’s Day but because of the actions of the many. It is an energy, not a holiday pursue. It is in the deep of winter, in some climates, and warmth needs to be acquired. Now that each of your crack has been wide open, are you going to let the love of the Oneness to come inside of you. It is not only about love with another it is love of yourself. This is the month to fully express that love you have inside of you in a variety of ways. February 11, 2011 is the day of immense initiation into Oneness. Why this day? Well, it is an aspect of 11:11 and each month we will get closer to the Divinity of each of us. Not just each of you, but each of us in each moment. It is a special moment of creation to fully express your own Divinity with you. The Universe is support you in this moment of creation. Enjoy the warmth that is coming to you. Then when the 14th of February arrives, you will be fully ready to share with another this love you have received. It is an amazing moment in the Creation of Oneness.
I decided to share these thoughts to you on this day because the embodiment that you are creating is the embodiment of the One. We, in Telos, have been watching and waiting for this arrival onto the essence of your Beings and upon this Earth. Our love is your love and it is coming to a time when we will be sharing more directly than we ever have previously.
Please know that you deserve these times of creation as it is within your Divinity to fully realize the remembrance within your hearts. That is all that is happening my dearest Ones. Everyone is waking up to the remembrance that we were all together.
So let us take this day of February 11th 2011 to connect with each other in the Divinity That We All Are. We will be awaiting your love.
I Am Lord Adama, at your Service
High Priest of Telos

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" Quantum Clarity in Alchemy"


Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Archangel Metatron Channel

" The process of achieving and maintaining crystalline clarity in the energy of higher dimension is a sacred process the ancients understood in the Divine Art of Alchemy. Many of you are now making quantum leaps, but in order to maintain the integrity of the gains, it is essential to comprehend the basics and walk in impeccability. " AA MetatronGreetings Masters!  Indeed!  We greet you in joy and encircle each of you in a field of Unconditional Love.

And so we speak on the optimal circuitry of the human auric field, with specific focus on the 13-20-33 circuitry. Masters, the Human Aura is not auto-regulated. It requires methodical maintenance. And this is tantamount, because achieving and retaining the 13-20-33 Circuitry of the integral Auric Field is an absolute prerequisite of ascending into Crystalline Light Vehicle. You see with the great expansion of the resonant energy via the completion of the Crystalline Grid, it is logical to understand that a crystalline light body is generated & birthed in order to carry the higher crystal energy matrix of the Ascending Earth. It is the Mer-Ka-Na, and its circuitry is an Alchemical process that must be  understood in order to operate in optimal quantum clarity.

Auric Development

Now, we address briefly the time-linear aspect of development of the Human Aura. Dear Ones, as each of you have grown in consciousness through you multitudinous sojourns in duality you activated more layers of your auric field. With each new activation, more responsibility is required, greater apperception is naturally requisite for optimal Auric maintenance. The ultimate and optimal resonance is the Circuitry of 13-20-33. This is the key ratio and flow of the graduated, fully blossomed Auric Field. It is this resonance that allows for flow into Crystalline Light Body. Unless the 13-20-33 is obtained, cultivated and sustained Light Body acquisition is untenable.

Before we delve into this important assay, let us add the caveat, that Auric expansion is a journey and not a destination. In other words, what is gained MUST be kept. Many of you have achieved high levels of Auric layer activation only to lose the clear luminousity & circuitry due to lack of comprehension of the fundamental stipulations required for optimal Auric Field sustenance.

Most of you that are termed 'Old-Souls' in your vernacular originally entered the Earth-Plane in Crystalline Light Body, in the Mer-Ka-Ra of the true Ascended Master. With the Fall of the Firmament, you willingly entered into the 'University of Duality' and in time lost the connection to the great and greater aspect of your true essence. Your auras  then took a downward spiral alongside your awareness as you fell into the diffused density of polarity physical bodies. This we have shared with you in earlier assays.

Now, we wish to clarify at this juncture that the advent of duality onto the Earth-Plane was not an accident. It was what we may term as a deliberate occurrence to allow for the experience and growth within duality. The Earth became a University, in its role as the Planet of Choice. Most of your religious scripts refer to this as the 'downfall' of mankind. But in actuality it was an intentional 'maya', an  illusion with purpose. Duality placed filters on consciousness, and work was/is required to 'grow' back into full crystalline consciousness. But ALL of YOU chose this growth, and it carries succinct credentials.

The duality experiment carried with it certain vulnerabilities and allowed for what may be termed purposeful setbacks. This then is the journey of duality, the contractual pathway for  re-emergence thru growth and overcoming obstacles.

And so in this process of re-growth, the dense became denser, the physical became more solidified, and the hemispheres of the human brain became locked in the polarity of the dodecahedronal grid.

The duality cycled human then incarnated into lifetimes that were dominated by frontal mind and the experience of lower chakra. This level of unconsciousness then allowed for only the 7 layer chakric field, with the goal of activating from the lower 3 chakras to the upper 4, in unifying the seven in full flow.

Duality was defined by polar electromagnetics, and the grid system that determined the level of density was the magnetic or gravity grid. This was indeed adjusted to differing levels throughout the progression of humanity. For a great deal of the linear time since the Golden Age of Atlantis, the gravity grid only allowed for an 8-8-16 circuitry in the Human Aura, and the gendered Mer-Ka-Bah was the Light Body that enabled growth from this level of frequency. Certain Avatars came back into duality from 5,000 to 2,000 years as you measure 'back' in linear time from this succinct reality hologram in order to begin to re-establish the pattern resonance of 13-20-33.

Yet only from the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, did the grid adjustment truly rebirth the 13-20-33 potential for the masses. This became initially enabled with the 144-Crystal Grid in 2001. It is the Crystalline Age thru the Crystalline Grid that fully empowers  the return to 13-20-33 upshift into the re-emerging Crystalline, non-polarity Mer-Ka-Na Tri-System.


Circuitry  : The 13-20-33

The 13-20-33 is an energetic emulsion interface combing the connectivity between anti-matter/matter/etheric- matter in a crysto-electric amalgam that creates the energy hum of OM. As such the circuitry of 13-20-33 is the not only the optimal frequencial flow required for replete omnitary auric function and upshift, it is the only frequency that can do so. It is the key, and a complex one that serves as the 'plug-in' for full power. Indeed it is then and only then capable of carrying immense energy. It untangles and combines variegated heterogeneous and homogenous energy forms in a compatible unified matrix that is capable of flowing into zero point, Crystalline Field of Mer-Ka-Na.

 This circuitry implements and administers the mandatory linkage between the 33 components of the integral field. It is in fact the junctured manifold that regulates the appropriate networking resonance and lattice-weave within and without.    It is defined as follows: the 13 represents the 12 layers of the Auric Field within etheric matter harmonized and synchronized into Oneness. Thus the 12 become the One forming the 12+1=13 frequency. It only occurs after sufficient sojourns in duality allow the consciousness of the entity to activate all 12 layers and tie and activate the 12 primary chakras to each layer of the aura and indeed to the 12 strand DNA.

The 20 represents activation of human auric interface layers into multidimensionality within the realms of Antimatter. These layers were not easily accessible until the adjustment of the magnetic grid occurred.

The Fibiocci synchronization of the 13 + the 20 enables the 33 circuitry. This enables the circuitry that allows for humanity to expand fully into the Crystalline, non polarity levels of consciousness. This is truly the vehicle that takes you full circle, full circuit... back home.


human_energy_fields_by_drag_5.jpgThe Mechanics of Maintenance

Now the correct flow of the 13-20-33 circuitry is dependent on certain maintenance responsibilities as we have described. We will discuss now, the obstacles that are most common in obtaining and sustaining optimal circuitry.

Issues Effecting Auric Integrity:

·         Opposing Energy Fields

·         Emotional Stress

·         Conflict

·         Planetary Energy Expansion

·         Negative Thought-Form Attachment

·         Air Travel - Physical Over-Stress

·         Medications, Alcohol Excess, Toxins

·         Inappropriate Attitude/Control issues/Ego Imbalance

Some of these are herewith addressed in detail.


(1)  Interfering EM Fields & Microwaves Result in Bio-Polar Reversal

In your current times, the electromagnetics of the ascending earth are being amplified in potent surges, pressurized surges that can stretch & micro-fracture the flow & symmetry of your auric fields. This is a fundamental & defining necessity of the Ascension as you morph into expanded 13-20-33 Circuitry Auras in order to achieve Mer-Ka-Na within the Mer-Ka-Nic Tri System.

In your age and usage of cell phones, computers, televisions & electronic devices your offices and homes are a constant barrage of opposing electro-magnetic energy fields. The result can be a temporary 'short circuit' effect that if unresolved can lead to auric imbalance by means of energy loss through fissure cracks. In essence this may be termed 'auric bleeding'. Some of the effects are short termed, but others can become chronic.

The detrimental effects of electromagnetic fields & microwaves, from your MW ovens, computers, mobile phones and televisions have been recognized by some of your mainstream medical professionals. These tend to be minimized & ignored by the masses, in part because the very suppliers & manufacturers of these generators of microwaves and magnetic fields sponsor and underwrite studies from staff or consulted scientists and 'experts' with the pre-contracted aim of disproving or vastly minimizing the contra effects. In the fact the detrimental effects are very real and most all of you are constantly within these contra-fields. As a case in point, most of you will read this message in front of a computer screen.

Dear Ones, there are effective methods of dealing with these contra fields, and these will be offered to you.

 But do not ignore the fact that these fields will absolutely have varying levels of mal-effect on your auric field. Most of the in-situ waves and fields do not penetrate very deeply into the layers of your auric sheath, others do, yet all can fissure your energy fields. There may be some who consider this to be an issue of belief system, or this very message to be one of fear. It is neither. It is true that an Ascended Master can transmute such effects, but Dear Ones, we tell you in love that unless you are manifesting at that level, and can walk on water, take heed. The detrimental consequences of microwaves and electromagnetic waves created from alternating currents are a succinct certitude for the masses of humanity in duality, whether you believe it or not.

While these effects are not life threatening, they do indeed affect your energy circuitry, and can create what is termed 'reverse bio-polarity' and auric short circuitry. Both of which can lead to auric fissuring and result in auric bleeding.


Air Travel

Air travel is an ingrained aspect of most of your lives. At some point almost all of you will travel by airplane to another destination. And such travel depletes the aura far more than is currently understood. Indeed expansive regular air travel can shorten one's very longevity and cut short life span, especially for those in mid to later years. Pan continental and trans ocean flights by the very measure of their copious distance and requisite time in flight time are exponentially more degenerative to the human auric field. Virtually every one onboard  a 9-10 hour international airflight exit the plane at their destination with varying degrees of irregular or ruptured auric function. Long distance flights traveling latitudinally in eastbound vectors are the most detrimental. Yet all such take an undeniable toll on the energy field...you call it jetlag. Such a benign term is a gross understatement, for the condition is far more than simple fatigue from time zone change.

Now, one of the key the underlying factors that is the root of the issue is that most commercial planes fly at altitudes of 35,000 feet, in the stratosphere, and effectively outside the regulatory pulse of the Schumann Resonance. The Schumann Resonance is the planets 'heartbeat' it is an anionic charge released by the earth, that combines with the cationic charges released from the stratosphere to form an electro-magno capacitor around the planet from ground level to about 30,000 feet. This capacitor forms a background resonance that plays a key role in regulating vital organ& glandular rhythms in the human body. Airplanes flying at 35,000 to 37,500 feet, as most do, are outside this regulatory range and the metallic fuselage of the aircraft further deflects most remaining integration. The result is a distortion of the physical rhythms. Your NASA agencies and space station agencies are aware of this issue, as it has created chronic physical issues with the astronauts. They have experimented with placing magnetic generators in the stations and shuttles.

Your medical personnel that have studied jet fatigue are aware that flights can and do force the heart to work harder, and that longer range flights enlarge the heart temporarily. The pilots and flight attendants who fly daily absolutely stress their bodies and auric fields to the extent that chronic diseases result and 'aging' is acutely accelerated. There have been internal studies of the abbreviated life expectancy of airline flight workers, but these are for the most part kept from the public. They are indeed aware that hypobaric hypoxia caused by pressurization of the aircraft alters rhythmicity after long flights, independently of the number of time zones crossed, significantly reduces human hormone levels.

 This issue is somewhat exacerbated by the rather cramped conditions of setting in close quarter seating for extended periods in which rest is difficult, circulation is impaired and the body ingests less oxygen, resulting in a fatigue of its own. The extremely dry air in the pressurized cabin as well as the pressurization itself is detrimental. Cycles are interrupted, and indeed most of you recognize that it is difficult to rest the body after long flights, insomnia occurs as but one side effect of the auric circuitry interruption.

Now let us be clear, flights of under 3-4 hours are not as detrimental as the 8-12 hour variety, and recovery is much faster. So other important factors are the time in the flight, the frequency of flights taken and the age and physical health of the individual human.

Yet all flights, as we have emphasized are detrimental to varying levels.


Equatorial Crossing

Long flights of latitudinal crossings invoke greater fatigue to the body physical due to time-zone change. This in addition to all of the other factors mentioned. Yet longitudinal flights that cross from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere (and vice-versa) invoke another frequencial adjustment to the auric energy. The resonate energy below the equator will in unforced & unmagnetized scenarios, naturally rotate clockwise below the equator, and anticlockwise above it. Thus when one flies from above the equator to destinations above it, and vice -versa, the individuals Auric circuitry will be mal-effected for a period of time.

Question to Metatron: Many people have jobs that require flights. What can be done to minimize the detrimental effects?

AAMetatron: The effects, again, are exacerbated according to the frequency of flights and length of flights. Other factors are the general health and age of the person flying. So in all cases, try to minimize regularity and frequence when possible. Maintain the health in all activity. When you know you will fly you can stabilize the field somewhat by wearing copper or gold on both wrists, and by employing certain gemstones as rings and pendant to help hold the field intact. After the flight, take salt mineral baths and avoid sleep aids. Hydrate the body as much as possible during and after the flights. 


 The Crucible of Ascension Magnetics

Another less obvious, but vitally important sources of auric diffusion are the very mechanisms of the Ascension. This may seem paradoxical at first glance, but indeed it is occurring, and you must be aware of this. The primary mechanisms we refer to are the solar winds, the increase in the spin of the planetary core and the resulting amplification of planetary frequencies. The planetary pulse is speeding up, and dear ones it is affecting you in myriad ways. In a very valid sense, what is occurring through the ascension energies is stretching your frequencial capacities. As such you are required to grow a new expanded auric field, much like a snake that annually outgrows its skin, and goes through a phase of fitting into a new one that can better encompass the larger body. Do you understand? Before the new one can become resilient, the old one is stretched and cracked, and during that transition there is a phase of metamorphosis that encompasses within it certain vulnerabilities until the new one is completed.

 As your earth draws closer to the Ascension of 2012, many major changes are occurring around you that have a profound effect on your physical, emotional and mental well being. Many of you find that you become somewhat 'vulnerable', feeling overwhelmed at times, as if you can't seem to get things done, as if there are not enough hours in the day. Some of you are going though periods of depression, you feel as though you are sinking into a funk, and it seems like you are moving through molasses. Emotions go from ecstatic highs to deep lows shadowed in dark despair. Dear Ones, you are not alone, literally millions of you are experiencing this stretching and building of the 'new auric skin', and we say to you, that by understanding the process and maintaining the integrity of your auric field, the process becomes much easier.


Case in Point

The channel has often spoken of an energetic equalization that can occur when seekers initially visit powerpoints or sacred sites. When a non resident seeker goes to a mega- powerpoint such as Mount Shasta, Lake Titicaca, Sedona, Arkansas or Glastonbury, for example, many find themselves enveloped in a much stronger resonant electromagnetic field than what they are accustomed to, an energy much stronger than the resonate vibration rate of their auric field. For some, but not all, within 3-7days, depending on the auric strength & resilience of the individual seeker's field, the auric ovid will stabilize the pressure differential in a form of osmotic equalization. The auric field will do this through the formation of tiny fissure cracks and a rupture of the auric sheathing will naturally occur.

Unless the individual deals with it, an auric short circuitry eventuates, resulting in energy loss. As such emotional extremes can occur up until the time that the auric field is re-stabilized & re-grounded.  

For people that move their residence from lower energies into the locale of a mega power site, this process can take from 6 months to a year. Those of you who have moved to the Mount Shasta and Sedona areas will understand this. For visitors, it will correct itself within a week or two of going back to their place of residence. The key is be aware of your auric frequencial quotient, and do not overstay your time, until your field is capable of holding the higher frequency.

Now, we are not saying that it is not beneficial to visit power nodes, quite the contrary. Such expansion in the overview is inevitable and quite beneficial & quite necessary in order to grow the 'new skin' required to expand into greater frequency and multidimensionality.

Power nodes accelerate this process, and as such should be visited. These infinity points are virtual accelerators that aid your metamorphosis and prepare you for the heightened energies of the ascension, you see? 

Rather we are saying that there are processes occurring within power nodes that are a microcosm of the macrocosm, and that they need to be understood. You see, your entire planet is beginning to quicken, to increase in frequency, and you must ready yourselves to contain that frequency. Many of you are dealing with this, somewhat in the dark. You are now or will soon experience this, and an understanding of the process will serve to make it much easier.


Auric Metamorphosis: Changing the Etheric Skin:

The reverse process is also occurring within many of the more enlightened souls. There are many of you who are already tapping into your expansive multidimensionality as the 144-Crystalline grid enables greater dimensional access. The result is that your inner EMF is pulling in great surges of energy, energy levels that are somewhat greater than the parameters of your auric capacitors. In these cases, the result is that a stretching, an overload occurs resulting in temporary fissure cracks, and energy loss. You are changing your skin.

Part of this metamorphic stretching, requires a cleansing process. The very multidimensionality of power nodes and of the Ascension itself are 'crucibles' and will force ones issues to the surface, and thus allow the entity an important opportunity to confront & release any imbedded obstacles. Better sooner than later. This is why these are popping up for so many of you. Attempts to rebury them, ignore them will simply cause the issue to grow and fester.

These issues themselves, unresolved, will generate stress, and lead to the reactive fields of polar reversal, circuitry failure and auric bleeding.  

 Dear Ones, truly there is a meta-science around auric integrity. This is not a new science, rather a forgotten transitioning one, but one that must be understood, relearned, by all who seek to grow, all who seek balance, wisdom & knowledge.

 An intact auric field allows one to re-build the Cosmic Lattice, and achieve 13-20-33 circuitry and as such multidimensional expansion through the levels of the crystalline Mer-Ki-Va system. A fractured field loses energy and the energy loss stresses the physical circuitry. If the loss is not recognized and reconciled, it can lead to chronic polarity reversal, emotional lows, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, migraines, weight gain, anxiety and panic disorders to list but a few. These can be reconciled.  

Now, we encourage all of you to actively study this subject.  

What you must understand however is that there are many diverse sources of detrimental EMF impacts that can slow the 'metamorphis' create varying degrees of temporary circuitry damage to the field, and these must be dealt with. Imagine these as slow leaks to the tires on your vehicle. If ignored the tire will go flat, and the vehicle cannot move forward. So it is with your auric field.


Question to AA Metatron:How does one recognize auric bleeding?

AAMetatron:First by understanding certain conditions that can create energetic imbalances and auric energetic diffusion. Those we have listed in the above discourse... The human EMF has certain built in defenses. Just as your skin has 3 levels of sheathing, so to speak, your auric fields have twelve layers on the earth dimensions. The outer 3 levels are where most of the energetic diffusion takes place from electromagnetic waves, microwaves can affect you on much deeper levels.

Micro waved food reverses the molecular polarity of the food substance being heated. This is a recognized fact within some of your mainstream academia. When this is taken in the body, circuitry within the digestive system and bowels are effected, both on the physical and energetic bodies.

Now the precondition recognition is essential, first by knowing within what situations auric interference from opposing energy fields can occur. Sensory indications can be quite subtle. The first sensory indicators are emotional lows, a sense of being tired and out of sorts. Humans rarely connect this to EMF loss, because it occurs quite commonly due to the fact that most homes contain interfering fields, and the stress of life within families, jobs and daily life have their stressful aspects. Aspects that are indeed in part due to energy loss from the taut hectic pace, worsened by lack of exercise and healthy diet.

Question to AA Metatron:What can be done to strengthen & solidify the Human EMF?

AAMetatron:There are many things that can strengthen the field. But first, try to eliminate the root source of auric short circuitry and diffusion. Stop using microwaves for food. If it is a case of being obliged to spend hours in front of a computer, as many of you do.  There are steps that can be taken to neutralize the bombardment.

Now exercises to strengthen the auric field are numerous. Some of these are conventional methods, others are not.



·         Exercise at least 30 minutes per day. (Tai Chi, Yoga or Walking)  

·         Increase water consumption, and magnetize water  

·         Detoxify, through saunas, colonic irrigation, massage therapy  

·         Use salt baths & mineral baths, and thermal natural springs  

·         Utilize the Tesla Violet Ray Therapy  

·         Use of magnetics on the soles of the feet & wrist ( <3500 Gsse)

·         Wear specific combinations of gems stones  

·         Wear noble metal around the neck and on both wrists  

·         Healthy diet  

·         Avoid excesses of alcohol  

·         Elimination / minimize toxins , tobacco and certain prescription drugs  

·         Take cleansers weekly such as raw garlic, ginger and cider vinegar  

·         Work with Phi cut Vogel crystals, in auric sealing  

·         Smudge, sage the field  

·         Utilizing pure sonic frequency thru crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls & tuning forks

Now, in addition to this, be aware of your emotional state. If you are suffering from lethargy, chronic fatigue, insomnia, depression and anxiety, it will certainly serve you to take the steps listed above, but other actions will likely be required. Many of you have chosen certain life lessons that involve removal of obstacles by overcoming 'contractual set-ups'. These set-up life lessons are in essence opportunities, gifts if you will, to allow you to move forward. If they were easy, you would not necessarily learn. Simply changing your outlook to 'positive thinking' when you are dealing with a life lesson that leaves you in a state of lethargic depression is not enough. A 'Pollyanna' outlook will not resolve the core issue, none the less, an intact auric field will assist in overcoming these issues, and in certain  cases the auric field will not be whole until these chronic issues are resolved. One provokes the other and vice versa. (Mickel Therapy is a recommended approach for assisting with such set ups that result in energetic disorders.)

While some of you may be somewhat 'karma free', most of you still have learnings to walk through & issues to clear. The current time is a gestalt to allow you achieve these lessons and to confront and remove remaining energy-viral obstructions. Auric maintenance underpins all.

Question to Metatron:Can you advise if the 'neutralizing chips' that are available to eliminate detrimental effects from monitors and computers are functionally valid?

AAMetatron:Except for the individual's degree of 'belief', they are currently of very little assistance beyond the 'placebo effect'. At the present the 'bio-chip' technology is not of a sufficient advancement to be truly effective in its own merit. The most beneficial means to deflect these fields is 5-fold, the first point being applicable in all conditions of field strengthen to negate interference:

1)      The wearing of gemstones is far more helpful than the current neutralizing chips. A single refractive gem of 2 cts or more worn on one hand and a double refractive gem on the other helps deflect the fields. Examples of single refractive gems are diamond, garnet and spinel. Double refractive are aquamarine, sapphire, ruby, emerald, tourmaline, topaz or any of the quartz varieties such as amethyst, peridot & citrine. In reference to the double refractive, a carat size of 4 or greater is better. Combine this with noble metals on each wrist, gold, palladium or platinum is best. Silver, copper, brass, titanium and carbon steel will assist if the more noble metals are not affordable. Wear a chain around the neck with a stabilizing pendant, such as lapis lazuli, malachite or azurite. Through this process you have a greater ability to increase your field and deflect opposing ones you see. Clear gems are great producers of higher dimensional light waves, and amplify ones field and help hold it intact.

Do not wear beryl (emerald, morganite, alexandrite, aquamarine) and corundum (ruby & sapphire) at the same time.

2)    Try to maintain a distance from the screens. For computer monitors this is difficult, for televisions, 4 to 5 meters is recommended.

3)      Placement of ionic generators, such as halite salt blocks & air filters are beneficial in restoring the anion to cation ratio in rooms that contain computers, microwaves and televisions.

4)     Utilize the Tesla coil violet ray, light beam applications with noble gases to balance the field, correct reverse polarity conditions and assist in sealing the field from auric bleeding

5) An effective neutralizer of the effects of a computer is the placement of an iron nickel meteorite on one periphery of the screen, with a block of malachite on the other. Each of these shud be at least one pound in weight.

Question to AAMetatron:Some metaphysicians and shamanic teachings speak of 'psychic attacks' occurring when the auric field is 'open'. Can and does this occur.

AAMetatron:It can and does indeed. However, your term of psychic attack is in truth an aspect of electromagnetics and harmonic oscillation. From a higher perspective these are part of the set up and overlay of growth in duality, as you learn to be responsible with your innate creative forces. As we have told you, your thoughts & emotions have a vibratory frequency within duality that is quite real, and quite alive. When you focus on an event or react in strong emotion to another person or situation, you create energies termed thought forms. These amass harmonically in various manners. If you project great charges of emotionally charged energy, such as anger, jealousy, or love, passion and joy, toward another, you will agree that both parties are affected, yes? If you consciously dwell on these charged vibratory thoughts, then the energy mass, normally short lived, can gain sufficient energy to become an aware thought-form. When spiritual love and compassion are projected and created, a synergy occurs that befits both parties. When fury and hateful negativity are projected a toxic reaction can occur from both sides. If the auric field of the 'targeted' person is open, the effect is worsened somewhat, and a temporary energy bleed can result.

Now, it is important to differentiate between malicious or controlling energies and honest reactions. If someone disrespects you the appropriate, honest reaction can be one of pure anger and hurt. When these are openly and honestly expressed a cleansing gestalt occurs that can lead to better understandings and a renewed, improved communication. It is a learning process, and is appropriate. But nonetheless, a form of energetic opposition takes place.

However, when one person feels a vendetta, or a prolonged desire to control the other, the gestalt can dissolve into charged conflict, and as such a malicious energy battle of will may occur. Very often both parties feel 'right' and the frequency of hate harmonically attracts more and more like energy until the amassed energy form is so potent that it has the ability to effect a destructive 'attack' role to both. Unless one or both of them sees the wisdom of releasing the hate, it will pull them into a downward spiral, creating dis-ease and deeper negativity.

When one is in a state of malicious anger, or self-loathing, depression, that vibratory resonance on its own will deplete and open the auric field. It becomes a self dug pit that gets deeper and deeper. Lifetimes can be wasted. Yet on a higher perspective, much learning occurs.  There are times when great souls choose life lessons of overcoming such energies. Some evolved souls such as Gandhi and Nelson Mandela chose set-ups to be wrongly accused and convicted of crimes, and spend years in the negative energy of your prisons to learn to find peace and strength of will under the harshest conditions of oppression.

Now, when you are in conflict, insure your auric field is maintained, and do not allow yourself to fall into malicious reaction. It is not wrong to react in honesty, but the narrow path of mastery, is to not fall into hate and malicious revenge. You see, getting caught in these traps is much easier than getting out of them. Hate attracts more hate. When groups oppose one another, the collective of like thought forms amass, blend and oppose one another in enormous conflict. Very often entire warring nations form collective energy fields and reincarnate in these groups and continue these conflicts until it is finally resolved.  Your current Gulf Wars are such an example, a rollover of the Crusades. Your World War II was a continuation of the Atlantean conflicts between those of Poseida (Law of One), and Aryan, (Sons of Belial).


Double-Edge of Thought Forms

 Very often the most difficult 'attacks' are due to one's own negative thought forms coming home to roost.

Perhaps the most difficult of these is around learning self-love. When one falls into depression, self rejection, or self-loathing, the attack is self-generating. The thought forms these dear souls create can become so potent, that the auric field splits into personality fragments. A figure eight pattern of negative energy is emitted, amassed and flows back through the opening of the solar plexus. The thought form of self hatred achieves a certain level of independent awareness, and will become a very real obstacle, self- imposed dungeon, until the person learns to face the root of the problem through great effort of will and wisdom.

Energy exchanges occur quite often in daily life. Some are mutually beneficial, others are not. It is important to note that energy cannot be taken from ones whose aura is intact.


Healers constantly give energy within an intact aura, and are essentially unaffected by the transferal. As such love energy is passed from higher sources and the healer's auric field is capable of willingly being the conduit without losing any of their auric field energy. But take note, if the healer is not in 13-20-33 circuitry healing cannot be truly provided. In fact the opposite can occur, a scenario in which both the healer and the one to be healed both lose energy.


Control & Energy Projections

Now, anytime you feel anger at someone, those thoughts are projected. Anytime someone tries to control you or vice -versa, an energy projection is launched.  There are of course situations in which it is appropriate to follow another's direction. You do this in every aspect of your life, it occurs in offices, militaries, schools and between children and parents.

This is based upon agreement, and is properly germane when not abused. However, it is not befitting in these and other circumstances for one to allow another to abusively dominate their spirit, or maliciously attempt to break their will. Abuse of power often occurs in relationships, marriages, in work, family and social scenarios. In certain scenarios, as described, it is wrong to allow another to abusively impose their will, and is equally wrong for one to seek such control outside the appropriate structures of agreement. This can evolve into a form of, in your terms, 'psychic attack'. The controller attaches to the solar plexus center of the controlled party and literally takes their energy and interjects a destructive domination. This 'vampiring effect', in your vernacular, especially occurs among egocentric people, controllers, and manipulators, it often is attempted unconsciously from people in imbalance and depression, who need a 'lift' from being around others due to their own energy shortage. It also takes place on a larger scale in patriarchal dogmatic religions, male dominated societies, and in marriages. It is more difficult to counter in such trappings. When one is aware of being the target of malicious energy projections, auric integrity is of vital importance.

The visualization of enveloping 'white-light' is the generally accepted protective mechanism. However if the auric field is open, the light visualization it is not enough. The procedures listed to strengthen and seal the field, listed above, should be utilized. Be aware that anytime you have strong emotions of a negative nature, or dwell in depression, your fields will temporarily fissure. These attacks can only be energetically depletive if the field is open. The projected negative energy is easily repelled when the auric field is wholly intact. In such 'wholeness' the energy is reflected back to its source for the sender to deal with. There is lesson here, and Dear Ones, do not be the sender of malicious energy, inevitably it will come back and cause you great remorse. Such is the nature of the law harmonic oscillation.

Religions are often the source of great inappropriate control, control through fear. Even within, the 'New Age' in your terms, have sprung up gurus and spiritual teachers whose, fame and power leads to the downward spiral of ego, self-aggrandizement and control. The path of leadership and power inevitably forks and one may be blindly tempted to take the path of greed & power over love. It is part of lesson, and many have fallen in such traps of ego. When this occurs they become 'energy takers'. That is why you should never blindly follow any leader or channel. Rather use discernment, and attune to your own Divinity. When you become a part of any 'group consciousness', and then decide to break free, there is a natural pull from the collective to bring you back in, and as such form of  'energy attack', in your vernacular, occurs, especially in possessive collectives who work at recruitment of followers.

Question to AAMetatron:You mentioned combinations of specific gems for strengthen the auric field. Can you elaborate on this?

AAMetatron:This topic is a vast one, and a book on its own. Briefly, gemstones, relative to auric maintenance and strengthening, are in essence benevolent conscious generators of force fields, that reinforce and fortify ones own EMF. Being crystalline in matrix, they also are tuning forks that assist in 13-20-33 Auric Circuitry and indeed in Mer-Ka-Na formation and expansion.

A basic combination would be to wear a single refractive stone, such as diamond, garnet or spinel on one hand, and a double refractive on the other. The best single refractive is the diamond, but it needs optimally to be a solitary of at least 2 carats, and we realize these are price restrictive. The best substitutes are garnets, preferably the Ural Mountain green demantoid, or a red-orange spessartite. Both project the octahedron in crystalline form. The diamond projects the dodecahedron and octahedron. If one can afford it, a combination of colors among single refractive is best. These can be intuitively alternated, according to astrological forces, and ones cycles.  Garnets come in virtually all colors except blue. The spinel comes in pink, red, blue and violet.

In terms of double refractive gems for rings, the most potent are emerald, ruby, sapphire, morganite and aquamarine.  Project the largest fields, assuming a 3-5 carat size.  Alternate colors as cycles shift. Tourmaline, topaz and quartz varieties such as opal, amethyst and citrine are all piezoelectric and also quite potent force generators.

Gem use is not folklore, indeed they are crystalline force field generators of crystalline coherent light. They can increase ones vitality and even prolong life span, particularly when used in tandem. Well to study this topic. Remember the body is bi-symmetrical, hemispheric. Combine gems with metals about both wrists and the neck. Noble metals such as gold and platinum are most potent. Silver is tertiary, but quite benevolent in its aspect. Alternate these. A pendant about the neck is also recommended. Study this topic, and live it.



The process of achieving and maintaining crystalline clarity in the energy of higher dimension is a sacred process the ancients understood in the Divine Art of Alchemy. Many of you are now making quantum leaps, but in order to maintain the integrity of the gains, it is essential to comprehend the basics and walk in impeccability.

Even the reconnection, Masters, to your own (past-life) sojourns of higher development requires focal dedication & work in this one. There are many pitfalls, and imbalance can create delusion if the process is short circuited. There are no short cuts to impeccability. It is why the true seeker on the path of Master never asks, "How much more work is required". That is because Mastery is a journey, not a destination.

You see the best teachers are students of the eternally expanding process, and the self calibration of personal review is ever a tool in their medicine kit. The basics are never laid aside, never forgotten, never  outgrown.

  Dear Ones, the pace of change is quickening on the path of the Ascension. Change, as you are learning, is the Nature of All Realities. In find you must now realize that the transition of the Auric Field is a requisite for holding great and greater energy and to evolve into Crystalline Light Body Mer-Ka-Na thru the Metatronic Keys. The Circuitry of 13-20-33 is a profound step on your way to greater reality and Divinity Consciousness.

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.

And so it is.



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