Jacques's Posts (8)

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It is now time for me to converse with you, who are present, to see if you would have any questions or concerns that I might assist with, things that might help other people who live on your planet.

Questor: How does a person of Light help others who choose lesser Light in their life ?

Ashtar : Thank you, Questor. The way to assist people in that situation is with your mind. It is to go into meditation and to send them love. It very simple. Bring them into your golden pyramid or simply face-to-face in your mind and send them love. This affects the person 's etheric body so that love permeates their etheric body. Then that love is subtly transferred into the physical being. When that being feels more love, they will be able to see there are other choices. If you choose the route of trying to convince them of your ideas, I'm afraid this will fall upon a deaf ear. However, if you are having coffee with somebody that you feel you can help, then conversation could come in very handy as well. Just wonderful person-to-person sharing is very, very valuable and it is your way of communication on the planet. I would say a combination of the two would be very helpful.

Questor: When a person has difficult people, who live with lesser Light in their life, and those people are not going to go away, how do we deal with them? Do I just practice love and service and try to be patient or is there another method ?

Ashtar: Of course you are providing yourself as an example to them and that is your love and service. Although it may take them days, months or years to notice, they will get the message that there is another way. There is another attitude. It is wonderful to remind yourself about that word, " attitude," because a very difficult situation can be looked on two ways. It is total misery or it is an opportunity for growth.

Questor: I have a situation where I'm ready to get up and leave but I know that on a moral level that is not the right thing to do. The people and their misery are wearing me down.

Ashtar: I would say to bring music into that situation if you possibly can. Endeavor to bring music and select it with care to be calming, lovely music rather than drums. Try to permeate that feeling of love and joyousness into the situation through music. It is a wonderful tool. You could also work with them with your mind. For example, the night before you intend to see them, to once again send them love. Imagine pink light flowing from your heart to their hearts. Just send them love. That love will filter into their life in one way or another. I wish you much luck in this, my dear.

Questor: Yes, I don't want to leave but they 're not well and sometimes they don't even know what they 're doing themselves. They are really grouchy and it is hard sometimes.

Ashtar: It is a lesson of your times to not react to another person's energy. Do this intentionally by saying the affirmation,

The Energy In My Aura Is My Own

If you go into the situation on a daily basis, with that affirmation protecting you, then their energy should not permeate this protection. Yes, we want love and joy in our lives, not grouchy people.

Questor: How do I learn about my life path and to know if I am on it or not?

Ashtar: It is very simple, dear one. You will know by the feel of your body and the peace in your mind if you are on track. There is quite a different feeling if you are living a busy, rattled, negative life to leading a busy, active and peaceful life. It is this dichotomy that helps you to understand if you are on your path. Leading the negative life, you no doubt are veering away from that which you wanted to do, because every soul who comes to Earth has a life plan of Light. It is influences of the dark and of the human physical existence that turns them off their path. So if you are feeling comfortable in your mind and you are active and assisting yourself and others as you can, that is your key. You are on your life path.

Questor: How does a person prepare themselves to work in the Light ?

Ashtar : Of course, it is always wonderful to have a goal and in order to bring forth the goal in your mind ; here again meditation is the key. Meditation can bring all kinds of peace to your mind and your body. It can assist you out of the trouble spots and it can put you back on your path. The ideal is to meditate twice a day for about twenty (20) minutes. The reality is that many people are just too busy to sit still for twenty minutes. Therefore, if you would get into the habit of awakening a little bit early, you can meditate before you get out of bed. This is the ideal time, when you are still in dreamland ; the alpha state. Then you could meditate for twenty minutes before you retire at night, even as you lay in bed awaiting sleep. This is another absolutely time and in those times you can tell the Universe what you need. You can ask to be shown your pathway. You can ask your guides what your next steps are. It will be shown to you but it will be shown subtly. It could be through many, many instances and situations, including through people. The Universe employs many facets of like to show you your way. So be aware of the synchronicities of life ; the coincidences of life.

When you get to a point where you can speak with your guides, then you can ask questions and there is nothing in the world that you cannot know. For many it is easier to write than to speak and the simplest thing is to write upon awakening in the morning. Usually there are remnants of dreams that are filtering through your consciousness. If, at that time, you would take your pen and paper and write a question such as, " What do I need to know now, " then just keep on writing and writing. Your guides will tell you through your pen what you need to know at that time, or for that day or for the near future. Then you can ask a more specific question and you can keep your guides busy all day, if you want to. They will be there. Believe me, they are never too busy. If they become busy they duplicate themselves so they can give full attention to you. Yes !

Thank you for your questions. They will assist other people, Questor,

Help In Dealing With Issues of Control and Fear

Shamia : I have a question about the fear around health including viruses, vaccines and breast cancer. Should a person ignore what is going on, or what can we do about living through these emotional times ?

Ashtar: Once again, put up your personal protection and, with awareness, you can see what the media is doing in promoting the fear. Understand that in behind the media are the "powers that be" that wish to control the world and just decide you 're not going to be a part of that. You are going to love and you are going to live in joy. You will do your best to assist your family, your friends and yourself in the ways of health and survival.

Once again, your mind can come into this meditation, ensuring that you are well. You can send love to yourself, in your mind. Shower yourself with pink of Light or surround yourself with Archangel Lord Michael 's blue protective color. There is much you can do with your mind and more each and every month and year because in the Fourth Dimension you are manifesting totally with your mind and you are there ! You are mentally in the Fourth Dimension. You could be able to keep yourself well and fit through your mind. It is when you become worn down by the stories in the media and their sympathizing with other people that your own defenses, as well as your intent, become wishy-washy. You don't want any uncertainty. You want to live with surety.

Shamia: Could you talk about worry ?

Ashtar: Would you like to know how to get out of worry? Many people worry, of course. Any new situation can put them into a worrisome situation. Just remember that when you are worrying, you can creating. Your mind is always creating so what you are worrying about is likely to be things that aren't too good for you and you are creating that.

So here again in meditation, endeavor to come back to clarity, to a clear mind that knows what it wants and knows what it needs. As you know, worry never got a person anywhere. You must become efficient at keeping a strong intent and keeping your eye on the goal, not wavering but living your life with clarity. Make good decisions ans stick to them.

Thank you my dear. This is a very, very great teaching because so many people worry. To get out of that space is difficult but once you have decided on a way to proceed out of that worry, then you will feel balance. To meditate on it is the best thing. That will bring you back to clarity quickly and back to love. Every time that you come back to love, you are raising your vibrations and you are helping to raise the vibrations of the planet. Return to love ; return to joy.

We thank you for your questions. They will assist others. All is well in the Earth Mission. We are in control of the situation and enjoyed very much speaking with the Lightworkers of Planet Earth, this time for the year 2010.

I AM Ashtar with Athena at my side. "

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Fourth dimensional techniques to pave your way

Ashtar 's New Year 's Message for 2010

(through Ariana of Cloverleaf connection

Ashtar : Dearest hearts of love, I am with you now in order to bring through the New Year 's Message to your dimension. I am Ashtar with you in love and in light.

They are many occurrences that are in big, big preparations in the Heaven Worlds and there are many occurrences that are happening on your Earth plane as well. Your times are tightening and the vibrations continue to raise. All is well in this process despite the disruptions that occur in the energy that causes weather anomalies and Earth disturbances. All is in Divine Order. My love is with you. The Light of all the Heaven Worlds shines upon you.

We work with you subtly day in and day out. Every single person on this planet has hundreds of Light Beings who filter in and out of their auras as required, besides their own personal guides. These are all safe, soul family members as long as the person walks in the Light. Even if a person does not proclaim they are of the Light but if they live their being in truth and love, that is the demonstration that is required. Each and every person on the planet is now into the separation energies. It is time for them consciously or subconsciously to choose the Light or to choose the lesser Light. This they do from their actions and their reactions. If they choose the lesser Light, they are going the way of negativity and they will attract to them people of like mind, as well as spiritual influences that are of a similar vibration. In doing this they ensure themselves a life of unrest and uncertainty. In choosing the Light you will draw to yourself the love of the Universe. It is as simple as that. You will be looked after in all ways. You will be in the right place at the right time according to your life's plan.

Preparation For Planetary Change

We are very pleased to bring forth more information about the changes to come. We will be doing more of this in future months. Simply know that you are living in times such as have never occurred in living history. YOU ARE LIVING HISTORY NOW ! Although your bodies feel quite like they used to feel, they are changing. They are changing at a molecular level from a carbon -based physical being into a crystal -based being of Light. This change is sometimes disruptive to your physical comfort. I would say to trust the process and do your best, living a life that is natural, carefree and happy.

Dear ones, my twin flame, Athena is with me at this time and we want you to know that both the masculine and feminine aspects are balancing. It is a very important project to come into this balance. You are also attracting to yourself soul family members, even if you don't realize it. Probably half of your friends are from your soul family. This is all a part of the gathering and the merging that occurs when dimensions change.

I will now go into some of the preparations that are occurring from this side of life that are hopefully assisting you.

God's plan is magnificent, all encompassing and all pervading. It is of the Light and it is of the magnificence of oneness. The Universe, although it is extensive beyond anything you can imagine, is still created through the concept of oneness and the feature that draws it all together is the life that you enjoy, that animals express and that plants show in their growth. It is the life within you, the God force within you. That is the oneness. It is even in the minerals of the Earth. It is in all things of Light.

In order to perpetuate the oneness, beings on all dimensions live according to the parameters of love and service ; love and service. All beings know and understand that through these two qualities, they receive back as much as they give and they lighten up and raise because of their endeavors. Therefore, on all dimensions they are volunteers who reach out in order to help, in order to give of themselves, in order to assist those who need assistance in some manner, such as the Earth Mission. The Earth Mission is billions of years in the making and is now culminating with a raise into the finer dimensions. Those who are already living in crystal -based bodies, etheric bodies and morantia bodies are all reaching down, in their own ways to help you raise your planet ! This is part of the preparation ; it is a very large part. Another dimension of this is the energy that God puts into the photon belt, which is the energy that raises all that is on your planet from one dimension to the other. This is another part of the preparation, the concentration of the photon energies.

There are Amazing Backup Plans In Place !

Now I would like to speak about those in the Inner Earth, who are of the Fourth Dimension, for they are preparing as well. They are preparing a backup plan, just in case they need to take the population of the Earth into their realms for temporary safety 's sake. We are not expecting this to become a problem ; however, as I said the preparations are being made in case a backup plan needs to be used. They are millions of Light Beings in the center of the Earth who are working upon this and as they work upon this project, they work upon themselves. They are, indeed, of love and service and they are raising their own vibrations by doing this. There is another way that we could evacuate your planet, if that became necessary, and it is through teleportation of the entire human race into a finer dimension. You see there is much occurring and there are backup plans.

Just an aside here relative to the teleportation of the human beings into the next dimension en masse, it is only beings of love that would be able to survive that amazing journey. If a human being were of negativity, unfortunately that one would not survive. That one would cross into the death process that is normal at this time for your planet and therefore go the route that people are taking into the Fourth Dimension now. Nothing is lost. Nothing is lost. It 's a win-win situation for everybody. If those of negativity get into the Fourth Dimension and still do not change their mind, well there will be other Third dimensional planets they can go to so they can continue their lessons. There is always a choice and all human beings on your planet are working towards the same destination, whether they know it or not.

Love in the heart. That is your key. It will take you into amazing places, wondrous spaces. Dear ones, my love is with you and I bring to you also the love of the Great Commander, Sananda as he wished to be remembered in this New Year 's message. He wishes you to know that there is a quickening occurring within your seven-body system and it is the quickening of your Christ Consciousness. For many, this has already occurred but for some it is in the works, so to speak. He wants you to know that it is a painless project and that it comes to you subtly because of your personal practices and actions on the planet. It is the final, " Aha, I understand. All is one. " When a person gets to that stage, yes, they have received their Christ Consciousness. From there it is just a hop and a skip to their Light Body and ascension.

Earth Changes Are Affecting Many People Around The Earth

Now we must think about those people who were caught in Earth changes during this recent time of upheaval because many people are being not only inconvenienced but they are having their lives changed in very huge ways with loss family, with illness, with harm to their bodies and displacement from their homes. We send our love to all of those people. Their guides are assisting in invisible ways. Whether it looks like a random plan or not, understand that those people had chosen, in their life plan, to undergo the situation. Everybody on the planet is in the right place at the right time according to his or her life plan. If they lived or if they died, it is in Divine Order.

Many beings of Light are circulating the planet at this time in order to do what they can do from finer dimensions to ease these situations. That includes calming the Earth. It includes putting out fires. It includes calming the hurricanes. We can have some small control over that type of thing. Mother Earth is excited. She has come a long way from those days when she was in pain on a daily basis. She is able to see that her future is just around the bend. She will be very happy when the cleansing is complete and the raising is occurring. She very much wants to take all life with her into the finer dimensions, to save those ones that are innocent and to help those that do not understand.

Dear ones, I give my love to you, as does Athena. All members of the Great White Brotherhood, who are involved in the Earth Mission, are making a concentrated effort to speak through people such Ariana 's channeling, through insights, through unspoken words and in any way that we can, so that all will know that help is right within their hearts. It is so important to bring out this message that nobody is ever alone. You are all spiritually supported in wonderful ways. It is for you to accept, to understand and to know. When the energies of the Photon Belt quicken and when you go through the change that will occur because of it, your guides are right with you. They will calm your mind and all will be well. Everybody from the CEO of a large corporation to the aborigine in Northern Australia will all totally be looked after as they go through this metamorphosis together. Light surrounds you ; love protects you the whole way.

Ariana : He 's oozing love to me right now and it feels wonderful !

Practice Living Your Life With Love And Being Of Service

Ashtar: This New Year 's Message is brought to the loved ones upon the Earth in order to help you in the next of your life, 2010. My personal advice to you, all people of the planet, is to practice your love and service, just as the Light Beings in finer dimensions do. Focus very strongly upon the love in your heart for other people and all things. Focus upon the helpfulness, which is the service that you could do for your fellow man, for Mother Nature and for the Earth. What can be done is unlimited. There are very, very many diversified projects.

For your personal growth and enlightenment, I recommend this activity, this focus for next year, to live your life through love and service. Fashion it to your own situation. You do not need to spend time wondering how to do this. All you need do is in meditation simply say,

" I am ready now to live my life in love and service to my fellow man and all beings. "

That would include the love and service to animals, vegetation, the water on the planet or the environment. When you proclaim this to the Universe, it is automatic that situations will come into your awareness that you would be able to assist with. It can be very, very simple. Make a phone call. Take some food to a neighbor who is ill. It is a one-on-one personal thing that you can do, depending upon your situation. Of course if you were a Member of Parliament then perhaps you would have the ability, as well as the clout, to go further and into situations in the country or the environment. Whatever is in your life now could be enhanced to intentionally assist in the Earth Mission, for that is what you are doing when you choose a life of love and service.

Learn About Your Enhanced Abilities That Have Been Dormant

I also wish to remind you that the energies are heightening very productively on the planet. It will soon be possible, for those who have the tenacity, to learn how to go from one dimension to another at will and return as they so choose. This would be a situation such as going from your Third Dimension into the Fourth Dimension, where your loved ones have gone after death, having a little visit there and then coming back. This is in the works. This is in the energies now. For people who are interested in this, go into meditation and decide upon an affirmation. Start it with, " I am (your name) of the Light " and then say something like :

" I am willing to make conscious transitions

to the Fourth Dimension and back again. "

Now, with making conscious transitions to the Fourth Dimension, that is the opposite of death. You are in total control. You never will have to die a physical death on the planet because you are consciously in control of the entire situation. There will be no death. Death is a practice that has occurred on your planet for many, many millions of years that is now changing. You are actually almost living in the Fourth Dimension. It only takes your intention to make this small adjustment to change the thought forms on the planet from the necessity of human death to the reality of popping around the planet and through the dimensions by your free will. This is part of what we might call the enhanced abilities that are becoming available and real for people on Earth now. You have raised your vibrations for twenty, thirty, forty even a hundred years on this planet to the point where you are lighter so you will be able to walk on water, to levitate, teleport and to manifest that which you need and want at the moment. If an Earth change occurs in your reality, you can simply go to the other side of the planet with your will, away from that danger... totally away from that danger. This is the real reason why we would like you to learn about your enhanced abilities and begin to work with them.

The First Three Enhanced Abilities to Practice

The first enhanced ability to work with is healing... healing yourself and healing others.

Everybody on the planet has a subject to work with and it is his or her own body and mind. Work with yourself through the knowledge of books and any articles that might be relevant to your situation. What you learn because of this will help you own body and you can pass it on to others in certain situations that come up. EVERYBODY ON THE PLANET IS A HEALER ! Everybody 's touch will assist their friend on their loved one. So healing is the first ability to manifest with your intent. You can do a lot in meditation, with your mind as well.

The second one to work with is manifestation. Here again, meditation can help with your manifestations. There are many methods. The main things is to hold what you want in your mind with strength and with surety. Manifestation is the second enhanced ability for you to practice.

The third enhanced ability for you to work in 2010 is receiving answers from your questions. Start to work with your spiritual guides and masters teachers on a regular basis. This comes from meditation. This comes from listening to that still, small voice inside of you. It is only like a whisper ; it is only like a thought. All of your questions can be answered. You can start with other people's methods if you wish, such as the tools of metaphysics. There are many but there is nothing as sure or so close to the situation for you personally as your spiritual guides and you find them in the quietness of your heart.

That is your three enhanced abilities to work at with your intent in 2010. "

The second part will be a serie of Asking and Answers between Questor and Ashtar.

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INVITATION !AnyOne here are invited to share and to take part to be "In the Footsteps of Saint-Germain " in France, from 14th of June to 21st of June.This journey is organized by " Ascension -Saint-Germain. com " or call for Information : 530.926. 0700You will receive a special Elixir for this journey, The Alchemist 's Veil, to

"thin the veils " allowing deeper access for time travel to Saint-Germain 's past.
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(Second Part of what is written on Member Diaries)... Difficulties to print and write on page !" Some incarnates will still feel the need for more time at that point and will be given places, where they can continue the karma games, including violence. There is no judgement on this either. There are, however, certain rules to the karma game in that higher forces may intervene if things go too far, such as the time of the creation of the hydrogen bomb and the prevention of its use. It was one thing to split the atom but hydrogen is a living matter - pure Spirit ! This however, is not our problem. There are incarnates, Angels and extraterrestrials galore with the powers to sort that one out. This book is primarily about ascension - raising our vibratory rate to the point that we can leave the planet or survive the dimensional shift from third to fifth, without ' death' translation, taking our bodies with us. Speaking for myself and probably for you too if your reading this book, I ve had enough I want to go home !Which brings us to option number three : AscensionASCENSIONActivating Your Third Eye Channel" Greetings. This is Sananda. I have come today to introduce You to the process known as Ascension. In order to achieve Ascension, it is necessary to open your hearts to the possibility of Unconditional Love.As you read these words I will be working energetically with you to plant a little seed in your hearts. This seed is the Seed of Light and its color is golden white and pink. Visualize this seed of Light now.The Seed of Light I now plant is a gift from the Melchizedeck Order, an order of Ascending Angels. The keys to Ascension are held by the Melchizedek Order and under My command. They are very busy dispensing these keys as Earth nears her time of completion in third dimension, Her own time of Ascension.These are glorious days indeed and We have waited for this time when we could be reunified. It is time for You to Know that Ascension is not available only to some, but is the Divine Birthright of All and if You are reading this book, Your time has come to start on the path Home.Many eons ago You agreed to participate in a grand experiment on behalf of Father Source : The Earth Games. Many of you are already Ascended Masters and some of You will be in preparation for your first Ascension. This matters not. All Who commit to Ascension will achieve it.By the time this book reaches You it is entirely possible that this channel would have already Ascended as well as many Others Who woke up just a little bit earlier than You to take the first Ascension wave in order to give You proof that it could be done.Third dimensional sleep has been a bit harder to shift than We expected, for You have been sleeping many ages. Still things are going very smoothly and according to plan after all. It is for You to Know that You started out as Spirit. This is the Divine joke : You created Yourself, using Father Source 's energy, with full permission of course. You all thought that experiencing an illusion of separation was a very grand idea and agreed wholeheartedly to participate in this lower vibrational realm.After many lifetimes of seeing just how far you could go in this separation experiment and as the veils became thicker and thicker, you often lost contact with Spirit altogether, consciously, that is.Your Higher Self Knew all the time what was happening and which drama games You wished to play in order to gain what information, or in other words, which lessons You wished to learn.Your primary role all along has been as a reporter for Source. You see, You came here to gather information and report back to Father Source so that Source could learn more about ItSelf.Source in it's entirely includes Mother, or Spirit, and Father, or Light. This would be one way of looking at it. As Light dispenses Knowledge, it is necessary to feed Light with new Knowledge. As Source learns more about ItSelf, It continues to grow. This, as You can see, is a never ending process.The Knowing that You have been cut off from in Your third dimensional sleep, is that You are Source ! My Dear Ones, what else that You be ? "All That Is " is composed of Spirit Mother and Light Father. Spirit married to Light equals consciousness. So therefore You could that You thought YourSelf into Being. All this may seem rather complicated until the understanding or Knowingness is achieved that. All is and All always has been One. This is called Illumination.The following is a meditation designed to help You open Your third eye channel. Know that in all things You have choice ; Your Own free will. If You feel You are not ready to open to channel simply state that You would like to read the following before making Your decision to open to channel.If You are ready to open Your third eye channel, simply ask for My presence and I will guide You gently through the process, safely and at You Own pace. If at any point You desire intensification of what You are experiencing, simply ask and it will be provided.Please do remember that there is no judgement on the time necessary to open to channel. Some will open immediately, others will require more time and perhaps open in stages, assimilating that which they are experiencing as they go.Remember always that I AM with You.MEDITATIONNow as I plant this Seed of Light into Your heart, I want You to imagine it rising up to the point between Your eyebrows called the Third Eye. That 's it. Now visualize Your Third Eye beginning to glow -glowing now with this beautiful golden white and soft pink Light. Now see the Light start to intensify. You may ask Source for intensification if You desire. Now visualize Me standing in front of You. You will see this same golden white pink Light glowing from My third eye. Alow Me to penetrate Your third eye with My portion of Light. From My third eye to Yours. That 's it. Ask Father Source to activate Your Third Eye channel.Your third eye chakra has now been activated with the Christ energy. Now visualize the Light going further. Visualize it going from your third eye through Your pituitary chakra ; expanding there just a little opening and clearing it. Visualize the Light going on through Your throat chakra, expanding there, opening and clearing it. Send the Light down through Your thymus chakra, opening and clearing it and onto Your Heart chakra where it will rejoin the original Seed of Light We planted earlier.Visualize Your Heart chakra glowing and glowing brighter still. Open Yourself to feeling My Love for You. Now allow Your Self to feel Your Own Love for All That Is and open Your Self to feeling the Love that Source has for You; the gratitude and esteem bestowed on You for Your courage, for Your bravery in particiapting in the Earth games. Feel how Loved You are. Now tell Your Self : I Love My Self ; I AM That I AM ; All Is One.Now send the Light down, through Your solar plexes,opening and clearing it; through your naval chakra, opening and clearing it; through your base chakra, opening and clearing it; straight down into the Heart of Mother Earth where you will Visualize this Light turning into pure gold and splaying out in all directions like the root of a marvelous tree. This is the Tree of Life, the Tree of Love. Mother Earth is healed by the Christ energies flowing through You now and She sends Her Love and Her healing energies back up through the same channel.You are now a fully operational transmitting and receiving station firmly tuned Channel Love.At this point, I Am at Your disposal for counsel and Love. You may ask any questions You like. You may simply merge with My energy, simply experience the sensation of Spirit and Light flowing through You, feeding Your chakras and cells with information, empowering You, healing You.You have now tapped into the Christed part of Your Self, You are One with All That Is. This channel may be used in numerous ways. You may councel Others, You may heal the Earth, You may receive training on the inner planes. Trust the Christed part of Your Self to guide You to the optimum, the highest and best use of this channel. It is Your gift to Your Self and Your road home.Call on Me at any time You feel the need for guidance and Love. Call on Me for personal guidance on Your path to Ascension. I Am Yours In Love,Sananda. "
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Communication !

Dears Friends !Soon, Commander Ashtar will speak soon here !I have received a message clearly that He announces with strength. I don't know when it happens, then be ready. It might be He could speak directly upon a video or with Comdr Aleon.Have a Bless Day !Jacques
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Christ : Where two or more are gathered in my name, there shall I be to bless. And truly as I enter into this atomic structure (the body of the medium), as truly as I stand before you, I find myself rejected by a material world. I find myself rejected by the thoughts forces of anxiety and materialism.It is a time when we must remember that we must not render only lip service to the spiritual Lord's Prayer. It is necessary that we unite our thoughts in a true Oneness and humbly open that spiritual way when we speak of that spiritual power which is residing in your atomic temple (the body).We reinforce the spiritual power in our thought pattern when we praise its name. We pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done, " so that the kingdom of spirituality shall forth in all its glory -in the body,(italic), in the temple, as it is within the spirit."Give us this day our daily bread." The day (italic) is not a material day. For the Day of the Spirit is unending, and that daily bread is true spiritual thought.We render not a blessing to those who cannot in truth and in a humble way react in spirituality. "Forgive us our debts as we forgive those who trespass against us" : No, not a trespass in a mortal way, but those who spiritually scorn and condemn a true divinity that has been given you so that you may understand more than you already know."Deliver us" not (italic) from evil, the evil of a material life, but deliver us from all errors that we commit in scorning the thought that is contained within the creative energy. For, in all truth, in all ways you are within yourselves the power and the law. But the law commands you bathe in the radiance of spiritual light, not in a fleeting moment, but to have it constant and steady, no matter your material path.Yea, I was and am a simple man. I am part of a creative force. I developed in a very long way of growth. Yes, I was a mortal man, a carpenter, and yet there stirred within me that creative force that urged me to find solitude within the breast of nature. There I entered a long and weary path. I did not meet evil. I did not meet a so-called Satan. I met only the negative thoughts which encompassed a material planet.It was through the Door of Compassion that I saw radiance, and I cried in anguish that I might serve, that I might help the less fortunate. Then came a wondrous development and I was granted a deeper understanding. But in going forth to preach I found myself rejected. For in every camp I found dissension, avarice, hate and all the negativities that go into the carnal mind.I preached, and I prayed, but there was not an ear to hear nor an eye to see. For they were more astonished, more awed by the powers I commanded to heal the sick and the blind than interested to foresee the coming events of that time.It was a long time ago, as you know time, a long, long vibration away, yet your modern ways are the same. For Creative Energy records the pain and the anguish that are still paramount within your world. For your rituals, your statues, your idolatry, and your prayers still echo down the empty corridor that is called unbelief.I was called before Pilate. And in their blindness all were concerned about my birthright (as "King of the Jews"). Yet, Pontius Pilate, for a fleeting moment in his spiritual wisdom realized who and what I stood for, yet in his timid spirit he agreed to the crucifixion. I regret it not. But I cannot honestly answer the prayers that ask my return. For I know the Pharisees of your modern times would deny my coming, and those who came to me in all belief asking for a healing would not be gaining a healing absolute, *1 for they would return to old material ways and wants.They could not hear the true word spoken. And though it is written that no sign shall be given when spirituality invades your life, yet there is a spiritual sign given to everyone if he but pauses along life's highway, as Pontius Pilate did, to see the glory shining through. *2There is hope and gladness in many hidden places. And it shall come to pass, when that way is opened to you, that there shall be a spiritual greeting that will awaken the mortal brain, a brain that sleeps within the cradle of death and does not wish to surrender what is termed material power.I shall draw even nearer to you when that day comes. And it will come upon you in your waking hours, and not only to a few. For many are those that are now undergoing a spiritual test, a vibrational change, that they may know and teach. Yet for a while they will be scorned and ridiculed by those who will not understand.The Church is not (italic) the way. It is not ( italic) the path. For there is not within your planet a religion that is true. For thousands and thousands of your material years there has been only ritual, an empty utterance to flatter the egotistical or to preach what brings only hopelessness to the tired spirit.I come and advance ever closer, though I am rejected. But it is not in vain. For the Glory of Spirit, or Energy, or whatever name you prefer, shall transfigure you, and you, and you, with a radiant cloak that will be seen by many. And again they may gaze in awe and disbelief. Yet when the shadow passes there shall be students to bring about a perfection of celestial bliss on earth.This will not come within a short course of time, yet it shall come. And though many persecute you, be kind and humble even as you are today. For humanity shall never know any true peace until it is realized in full spiritual force that there must be good will toward men.It is not to consider creed or race, rich or poor, the karmic blind or the karmic deaf, but to know that the purity of spirit that glows within the atomic structure of the body cannot be defiled. The body has been only loaned to you, for a short stay, but in the perfection of thought you will find true peace within yourself.Aye, it has all been said before, again and again and again : OPEN WIDE THE DOOR OF SPIRIT, BATHE IN THE GLORY OF THE SPIRIT, BELIEVE IN CREATIVE ENERGY THAT IS NEARER THAN THE AIR YOU BREATHE.In all simplicity reach out and pull it close to you. For all you have to do is to ask in simplicity, and if you are true in your asking, if there are no doubts, anxieties nor misgivings entwined in your thought, it shall be granted unto you.It is possible now here on earth to love in a humble way. Love is yours to have for Eternity. It is purity of spirit. It is the gift of the Creative Force.It matters not how this is brought into your lecture room. It matters not by whom. For you would not believe I was a simple man. You worshipped me as a Son of God, when everybody is a son of God, and in your workship and your idolizing me you have defeated the purpose of the prayer I have discussed.Oh yes, I am ever near, ever constant in my frequency of vibration. I have thought with my own creative force how best to tell you, how to make you listen, how to ease your material load. Yet I find your present way is the same as it was many, many vibrations ago.Yes, I came, and I have come many times, yet no one has known me. I shall come again, and I shall do my part, but not in such a grand way that I incur the wrath of a public that know not what they do.I do know that I shall do all in my power to sever the material cord that destroys the spiritual growth. And even though in my humble effort I do not fully succeed, I know that day comes and is upon you now. The spiritual book shall hold the reins of truth.So again, and again, and again look deeper, ever deeper, knowing and realizing that the fierce fires of suffering can be quenched with a simple thought : Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.There is yet much knowledge forthcoming. For there still lingers within a secret cache the complete Book of Books, and when that time comes and the moment is best it shall be given to those who will teach. And surely these written words given here shall open the eyes of the blind and grant the deaf to hear. The change of utterances shall be vibrantly strong for all to know and understand.I find no quarrel, I wish no quarrel with youth, but delight within me for I see nothing wrong in his present generation. I do know they are old spirits.*3 I do know they will play a great role in your future.And wise are they who will champion their cause, for its foundation is truth, and the soil in which they plant that seed of development is spirit. They shall not be denied, even though they be persecuted at the present time.Yes, they are old souls, yet masters of they know not yet what. Wise are those who seek their counsel, for they stand before the Gates of Peace and their cries have been heard. They shall not be denied.The forthcoming Day of Days within the material world shall not be a material victory, but a renaissance of spirituality ; yet in its simplicity it will be overlooked by those who cannot see, cannot hear, cannot understand.I shall not leave this vibration but come ever closer, not just to you here present but to all (italic) and bring forth a peace sublime and an answer to so many prayers that still are in the force of Creative Energy.PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU*1/ Healing absolute : From this and other communications we have learned that permanent healing comes from within the spirit of the person and requires spiritual growth or readiness. Christ could give temporary healing from his spiritual power, but if the person healed returned to his material ways, and did not follow Christ's spiritual light, and make it is own, his illness would eventually return.*2 "Living Masters" of Baird T. Spalding*3 Spirit : Among all animals, the spirit is individualized into permanent units of cosmic energy, into particular aspects of the universal creative energy of what is referred to as God or the Godhead. Such units are immortal, out of time, as is the God-Force, the All-in-All itself.Among vegetables the spirit is not individualized. That means that there is a common consciousness among plants. Each is a receptive center of sensation and thought, but all are interrelated in a general consciousness. They are in constant relationship with each other, and are capable of receiving and understanding human thought. ( Read "Bringers of the Dawn" and others books of Barbara Marciniak. The Pleiadians ask to us to do "Toning " when we are in a garden, in nature, the plants know and say " Be ready, they are humans who come on "
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To believe in assertions

THE LORD BUDDHA HAS SAIDthat we must not believe in a thing said merely because it is said ; nor traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity ; nor rumors, as such ; nor writings by sages, because sages wrote them : nor fancies that we may suspect to have been inspired in us by a Deva (that is, in presumed spiritual inspiration) ; nor from inferences drawn from some haphazard assumption we may have made ;nor because of what seems an analogical necessity ; nor on the mere authority of our teachers or masters. But we are to believe when the writing, doctrine, or saying is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. "For this," says he in concluding, " I taught you not to believe merely because you have heard,but when you believed of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly."(Secret Doctrine, Vol.III,page 401.) Excerpts from Initiation Human and Solar Alice A. Bailey Copyright, 1922, by Alice A. Bailey - Copyright, 1951, by Lucis Trust (Sixth Edition)
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Star Peace

Greetings every One !You have already seen this awesome video announcing the return of ASHTAR COMMAND among us. Now, THINK of all these Peace Messages sent from ASHTAR COMMAND MAINBOARD ! These are emanating in such reality we could no more ignore. Looking at the huge vessel as if we are coming from Earth, we could no more imagine this space ship like Star Wars series which any have seen around the world. Here, now, it's a real space ship and however it is visible and also invisible. TRY to imagine with your own thoughts what is available to get better our common and usual life and to be carry on board by using our etherical body with all Consciousness which is at our disposal. Let us merge into a kind of funnel which leads us to this kingdom of Light !ASHTAR COMMAND MAINBOARD is a STAR PEACE SHIP !Have a Blessed Day !Jacques
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