Commodore Heru Paule LeBreton's Posts (18)

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  David Wilcock's Interview With Benjamin Fulford ( written ) - This is a long

and informative interview - explaining the new global alliance of 80 Nations

who are refusing to deal in US Dollars -a necessary step in defeating the

Dark Cabal and bringing World Peace to Earth...            Enjoy, Heru Paule


P.S. You might wish to order a copy of David Wilcock's new book: "The

Source Field Investigations" while on his website ...

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The Golden Dolphin Re-Emergence

Archangel Metatron Channel via James Tyberonn



Masters, the Dolphin & Whale are incredible Master Beings that bring tremendousCrystalline Light to the Planet.

These Cetaceans are highly evolved beings from Sirius B who are on the Earth toassist mankind in exquisite ways and resonance well beyond your current knowledge and imagination. These beautiful beings perform myriad roles, among the most important of which is anchoring the Light of the ocean waters that cover over two thirds of
your planet.

They interact directly with both the living essence of Planet Earth and the overlight mass consciousness of humanity. The consciousness of the Sacred Cetacean has an ancient and timeless lineage. They are here, and re-emerging in the past five decades s to carry an essential phi-crystalline frequency that is specifically designedto up-shift energies, transform harmonics in order to allow requisite dimensional
expansion of the polarity earth into the Crystalline Field of Zero-Point Omni-Earth.

The Cetaceans were on the Earth before humanity, before duality. So it can be taken quite literally when we tell you that the Golden Dolphins are both returning, yet paradoxically have also been waiting for you. Their essence is above time, above space.

Whether humanity recognizes en masse or not, the Golden Dolphin is within you. And on a subconscious level, they call to mankind to awaken the Inner Divinity of the True Self. They speak to humanity of joy, and the innate freedom and spirit of Unconditional Love. The Golden Dolphin are returning, the Golden Dolphin is YOU...and their time is NOW!

The Sacred Waters

It is logical to reason that as the oceans cover the vast majority of your planet,
that there are incredible power-nodes, vortexes and portals within the oceans. The
Cetaceans not only maintain these, but influence and amplify these important energies.
As Sirius-B is an oceanic aqueous planet , these Master Cetacean Beings are highly
qualified in accepting their mission to facilitate maintenance of this portion,this vast area of the earth.

The whales and dolphins are not alone in their benevolent mission in your waters. The sea turtles, seals and indeed the living mineralogical energies of the conscious coral reefs play important succinct roles. These are all incredibly vital and positiveenergies. Yet it is the dolphin and whale that are of the primary carriers of the vibrations needed to assist in the Ascension of the Earth.

Dear Human, it is time to be aware of who these Beings are, and to stop the ignorant genocide of these Beings who are here to assist you. The annihilation of whales is still taking place within countries that must now awaken. Even in North America, indigenous tribes are sadly allowed to take the lives of whales as an archaic traditional 'rite'. The argument persists that these are food sources, we tell you that whales , not dolphins have ever agreed to serve as food sources for humanity. Their mission is far too important, and there are other agreements in place with certain species of plants, animals and fish that are here to serve that need, even within remote regions.

Masters, would it surprise you to know that many of you coexist as Cetaceans. For
the spirit, the soul within these Beings is of Divine Intelligence, and part of
your soul group. Many of you have in the past and present eras existed in multidimensionality
as dolphins. Millions of you humans are aware of this great, unspoken Truth.

There are avatar level dolphins and avatar whales on Sirius B. There are Ascended
Masters in human form who have entered the Earthplane as mergence-meld 'walk-ins',
( such as Anaya-Ra ). These are a Masters of of the Golden Dolphin essence, and
are here to channel their message. The clarion sounds...hear the call !

The Golden Dolphins

The avatar dolphins are known as the 'Golden Dolphins' . These golden dolphins
emit an enormous auric field of pure golden crystalline light a representing the
beacon of pure Unconditional Love.

The energy of the Golden Dolphins originally came to earth to embed their codes
before the planet fully transitioned into complete polar duality. They are truly
Crystalline in nature and are exuding the OMM-Wave resonance of Unconditional Love.
As such their essence is now returning to play an important role in the Ascending
Transition of both the Earth and of humanity. Accordingly the Cetaceans are involved
in the recoding of the Crystalline Sun Discs and of coding the 144-Crystalline Grid.
They swim in etheric pods over the Sun Discs and Crystalline Vortexes to recode
the planet.

The Golden Dolphins are among the Sirians, Pleiadeans and Arcturians who encourage
you to use crystals to connect to the Crystalline Grid that is finalizing on your
planet so that mankind can sustain higher frequencies to aid in your 12-strand
DNA coding.

Their sublime energies are empyrean , ethereal and physical. They are members
of both the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, and of what may be termed the Niburian Council.
The latter of which is closely involved in the provision of genetic engineering
up shift of the DNA codes for planets and planetary races who are prepared to
graduate into the next level in their ascending evolution. Their work in this regard
involves an association with the Sirian-A consciousness of the Sacred Felidae. The
Felidae or Feline are also part of the Sirian Alliance and Niburian Council.

These are Beings that are of Divine Intelligence and have entered the Earthplane
since ancient times in specific roles and formats. The versions currently in physical
form on the Earth-Plane are in what may be termed the cat family, and are but a
portion of the consciousness of their Sirian nature. That is because the Feline
operate vastly in the ethereal or stealth antimatter realm. Their full consciousness
existed and manifested in LeMurian, Atlantean and early Egyptian eras.

The Masters of the Sacred Felidae were involved in the genetic engineering in the
Temple of Purification (on Poseida) in Atlantis during the Golden Age of the Law
of One. This was done in a very positive and benevolent manner, prior to such
technology being tragically misused by the Aryan Sons of Belial in the sad demise
of the final era of Atlantis.

The Felidae of Sirius A and Cetacean Sirian-B Masters are skilled at integrating
spirit into matter. This is at a basic level, giving life to a physical form, but
more importantly it anchors and integrates higher levels of consciousness within
a physical body matrix in melding into Mer-Ka-Na level multidimensionality. .

This ability to work with humanity in energetic terms involves activating Mer-Ka-Na
higher chakras and higher crysto-light bodies. This higher level of consciousness
is the Crystos Consciousness.

Question to Metatron:

So are the Beings from Sirius B primarily aquatic, and the Beings from Sirius A Feline ?

Metatron Response:

The habited realm circulating Sirius B is primarily aquatic
and the Cetaceans, the Dolphin and Whale are aquatic. Yet also of a high enoughconsciousness to manifest form that can equally habituate within both aqueous realms and what would be termed land.

Now to be clear, Sirius A enlivens Humanoid Beings (Starseed) ), the Sacred Felidae and Master Beings of Divine Intelligence, that are expressed in the Earthplane as Canidae.

As we have said, these all interact with your planet on many levels in myriad forms.
One was directly through manifested humanoid semi- physicality . Another was through
incarnation on Earth directly into the human species. These beings chose to incarnate
in other forms on your world ... bodies that could hold a great and greater frequency,
then as dolphin and whale.

Now, the dolphin are individual souls incarnating the physical. They exude a joyous
energy and although individually occupy the dolphin body, they are also naturally
capable of forming a massive plural energy, a group field within pods that project
enormous energies of crysto-golden light. The scope of these fields is far reaching.
When pods move in unison, they are generating extremely beneficial energies to the
earth and humanity. The dolphin field is in direct resonance with other dimensions
including the realm of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance.

Whales, it may surprise you to learn, are usually physically occupied by teams of
Cetacean, Sirian-B entities. In a manner of speaking then you can say that the larger
whales, such as the humpbacks and blue whales are akin to ships, sometimes occupied
by a mass grouping of up to 100 entities merged into a group consciousness. The
energy exuded by these whales is akin to a mobile vortex -portal. They become capacitors
of divine electro-crystalline energies that anchor the earth to higher realms.

Question to Metatron:

I am intrigued by the information on the Felidae and Canidae.
of Sirius- A. Are you speaking of cats and dogs? Can you expand on this?

Metatron Response:

Certain breeds of what may be termed house cats and dogs, are
indeed unique derivations of the Felidae and Canidae. They perform specific roles in assisting humans. The 'house' versions of cats are genetically engineered from the Golden Age of Atlantis.

Cats & Dogs

Both cats and dogs in this derivation are serving as energy giving assistance to humans, to their caretakers. Both have the capacity to meld their energy fields with the human and are capable of becoming personality fragments of their caretakers. That is why certain of these can often begin to display the physical characteristics of their 'owners', although this particular aspect occurs more commonly with the

The canine exudes an extreme loyalty and unconditional love. A dedication that energeticallyis received by the human, and can assist in many ways. The dogs become both companionsand protectors.

The feline, the cat, is much more in the ethereal (antimatter) realm in its conscious field. That is why many past societies worshiped the Feline forms of Jaguar, Lion , Tiger and Puma. These beings are extremely aware of thought forms of ethereal realms and offer a stealth strength and protection. The house cat is capable of tremendous protection for their caretakers from untoward thought forms and energies.
The purring of a cat is very beneficial in healing, repairing and protecting the human aura. The mystical aspect of cats has long been recognized, and 'Temple Cats' were used in many ancient societies as well as companions and allies of the shaman.
Certain Canidae, or canine species such as the wolf have this ability as well. Both cats and dogs have capacity to sense and see in far greater dimensionality thanthe human eye.

When a human forms a personality fragmentation meld with a Felidae or Canidae, thatenergy can uniquely evolve and often reincarnate, or reattach within other lifetimesor within the same lifetime to continue to assist the owner. Thus a human may havethe same energy essence of their cat or dog, over a span of 70 years, in several sequential cat or dog bodies.

For example, the two cats that the channel is caretaker for in the present, were with him in different bodies, as a child in this sojourn, and indeed were domesticated leopards in a past lifetime in Egypt.


Sirius is not merely two physical binary stars in the Cosmos with circulating planets. It is a vibrational frequency of a realm that has achieved Ascension.
It is accordingly a sacred celestial resonance and way of being within a vastly expanded consciousness. Sirius is within all dimensions both physical and non-physical.
The Stars of Sirius are portals or gateways to these other dimensions, and the dolphin and whale are living portals , gateways, receivers and transmitters of this energy.

In the not too distant future, humanity will come to realize this, and honor their Sirian Brothers of the Sacred Waters . In the interim, pods of etheric Golden Dolphin and Master Ships of the Platinum Whale will swim the dreamtime of Omni Earth, weaving magical gossamer threads of Omm , assisting in the Crystalline Transition of your planet....waiting lovingly for humanity to awaken.

I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.

...And so it is





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Mother Speaks

The Mother Speaks


I woke up this morning in conversation, finally, with the  Mother, the Mother of Earth, the Mother of All, the Mother of Creation. Its  not often I get to speak with her, but I heard her clearly. She gave me  downloads, as I call them, with lots of information to process in short time,  and this can feel like overwhelm, but I said I would write it out. I could  not write all of it...its a book. With torment I could not understand how I  could do this and asked her to send me help. I almost tried to not write it.  But I could not think that way. I sat to write and closed my eyes and didn't  know where to begin...and I remembered her first line. I believe she herself  helped with the rest.

She said it would help those with ears to hear and eyes to  see.

I must be as brief as possible to retain the information  and to write what all I can without being on the PC for too many hours.  Forgive me if this does not wax as poetic as one would hope. I do not write  this with the intent to make anyone believe anything, nor do I care what your  responses are. I do not do this for you, but in my desire to help the Mother,  the Earth and Life, and my plea to know what I can possibly do, she spoke and  wanted to be heard, and so I write this out for Her. I promised to  write out what I was given today grateful to do something at her request, but  leery of how it would be received. By evening in the garden I realized I  may lose some people who will negate what this says, but Mother quickly  said "you do this for Me"....and so for certain I  do. Therefore, I relinquish all cares to negative responses, so please  keep them to yourself as I write this out of deep love and desire to  assist The Mother. The rest is up to you.

Take what you will, or not.

It started out with my concern of the nuclear fallout and  the possible dangers that existed for humanity everywhere. She showed up with  joy and a smile which surprised me delightfully though, but she assured me,  that ''within the consciousness of the Mother, all nuclear fallout can be  transmuted into stardust''. She was very pleased to tell me this and I  was very pleased to hear it! I made a comment that made her laugh and she  decided to speak more. She wanted her perspective to be heard, to be known,  and to hopefully ''open the consciousness of HuManity within Hers'' for it is  only within Her Consciousness, if we should merge with Her, can we live the  true magic and miraculous nature of all Life. I found this perspective mind  boggling, that to merge with Her consciousness is how we can experience all  her Magic and the worlds of beauty otherwise known as 5th dimensional life.  All of the following words are hers. It has taken me all day to make sure  what I've written is her own communication. I cannot be 100% sure as alot of  it I already know and have spoken of before. Maybe this is why she spoke to  me, as it would be easy to communicate that which is already known within me.  I have had to erase, and rewrite all that was not perfectly expressed for  her. At times she speaks to me what to write, and at times she speaks herself  to you, the reader. At times I didn't know what to write anymore, so I walked  away, Then in the silence here I would hear something again and was told I  could write that. It has taken me all day to be as clear as possible. She  repeats her identity often to be understood since there has been an eons long  blackout of Mothering awareness, so she needs to repeat.

She made it known that.......

''within the consciousness of the Mother, all nuclear  fallout can be transmuted into stardust''.

''the mind, intellect, logic, reason, practicality has  been the lockdown used to keep humanity in high ignorance....for in that  realm of mind there is no room for the Creations of Herself, or Prime  Creator....there is simply no room. The intellect of logic, reason,  practicality consists of about 4% of all Reality, strictly limited to the  density of the 3rd dimensional physical existence, and that 96% of reality is  the unseen, and the realms of most of where Life is born, truly takes place,  and is transcendent and transcending, and where there is room for magic and  miracles.....the Natural state of Life and all within it. The lockdown of the  mind within intelligence/logic is a patriarchal construct, and is foreign and  fatal to Life because it specifically excludes the Mother, the Feminine, the  Woman, the Mystery, for the unseen to be born, and where the impossible  becomes possible, the natural state of Creation.

''Anything that removes the Mother is fatal to life. All  things based on this elimination of the Creator is a downward spiral into  lack of consciousness. The well known ''Fall of Man'' began with this  singularity of extricating me from your reality. To define me as only a  physical body is to show how you've been indoctrinated into a 4% reality (as  your science has now figured out,) of limitations and scientific dogma, and  accepted the program to cut you off and out of my existence. I exist and am  to be experienced in the imagination via the Heart as are all my  stories and mythologies through which I am still accessible. Though I am seen  in the physical with the 4% brain, logic and reason as Nature and the body  known as Earth, this is only a tiny portion of my existence, and if you  reside only in this amount of space within your own consciousness you will  find it difficult to experience the vastness of me. I do whirlwinds and  dances around your immutable physics! It all has to be rewritten when they  come across my realities. What is logic to them is deconstructed when they  come up against my realities and they can never understand, explain, nor  dismiss the magnitude of magnificence that I am, with mind or intellect, but  I can only be experienced when such limitations are suspended. I reside  mostly in the imagination of play and miracles, in stories, in experience, in  feelings and in sentiment, in magic and mystery and it is this very mystery  and magic that Creates! And thus, your nuclear radiation can be rearranged  within my consciousness.

''For the Mother IS CONSCIOUSNESS. Consciousness being a  realm, a dimension of existence. Without the Mother there is none, only a  physical living existence. The Dark Patriarchy knows this and has instilled  this lack of Mother in all constructs within HuMan paradigms planetwide from  their wars, their religions to their educational systems and the enslaving  construct of working for another of their These, the  mechanics of demise of Human Consciousness. Beliefs and teachings were not  enough, they had to replace the perfection of my creations with abominations  of their own.

''The religions known in pre-Christian history as  paganism, honored the balance between the Mother and Father, or more  accurately Yin and Yang, and at least here there was both. These two forces  cannot be explained to your mind. Balance being the key with which all was  kept in harmony with each other and with which emotional stability was  prevalent. An emotionally stable being is not prone to false teachings. They  possess an inner strength that is kept alive with the Light of Truth. This is  the indicator that all is well. This balance kept the extreme beauty and  diversity of life's creatures available to be perceived and experienced by  all and resulted in much joy. Which means all of her beings of creations,  including the mythological elementals, fairies, etc....these are also part of  her creation and therefore were experienced by Humans and animals alike. When  the dark patriarchy came along, by eliminating Her, they thus began to  eliminate the Humans ability to interact with all in her realm, demonizing  all non human living creatures including the woman, and over time with great  violence and deep conditioning Humans were less and less able to experience  the rich diversities of all living beings in co existence with them, not  because the others were sent into another realm for this would imply they  came from another realm, no.....nor did they cease to exist, but that by the  dark priests cutting the Mother out of HuMan consciousness including all her  other diverse creatures, HuMan consciousness was sent into a lower realm of  mind only, and thus not able to see those other beings demonized by the dark  priests. HuManity descended into small mind locked out of the greater  consciousness of life that is the Mother and all her Creations....including  our abilities to connect with and interact daily with these other beings all  of which and whom imparted a magical quality to life and made it extremely  diverse and enjoyable to live life. These were experienced by the single all  seeing third eye, the pineal gland which sees beyond physical  dimensions. But the dark patriarchy destroyed that with their religions,  by blood and sword, fire and enslavement, by coersion and manipulation, and  by occult means, with a program to eliminate the Mother from the Creational  stories, to the Mother in community, for many various reasons. They replaced  them with distorted versions of her mythos, and built churches etc upon  existing sacred sites. They distorted the all seeing third eye into big  brother tyranny. They introduced subordination to earthly ''father'' figures  of popes, priests and politicians, slavery structures and needs for tools and  devices and lastly with a mechanistic industrialization of the source of  nourishments of life force from the Green Kingdoms into agribusinesses of  contamined seeds with chemicals and consummation of brutally abused animals.  Very few cultures maintain the value of the Mother in their cultures today,  and those who do now live in abject poverty.

''In every single instance in which there is no love for  the Mother there is suffering and pain, every single one without fail, from  the microcosm to the macrocosm, and this misogyny also takes place off  planet.''

''The church is based on twisted truths specifically  pertaining to Jesus who came to Earth, who was sent to Earth to call  consciousness back from the unconscious state by reminding us of the love of  woman, of Earth, of plantlife, kindness, compassionate and peaceful  coexistence with all living things as the Mother birthed it. That the man  Jesus taught peace, love and kindness, tolerance and forgiveness was not a  falsehood, but a much needed truth, and patriarchal madness killed him, and  their church's based on pure evil intent corrupted his messages of love,  making a prostitute of his beloved Magdalene and by exemplifying his brutal  death on the cross as a bloody and dying man, thus killing his message and  his purpose...they let it be known who and what is in charge, and what the  message of love and compassion and love for woman will bring you. He was  killed by an agenda, by a dark patriarchal force of madmen, by pathology of  sociopaths who still rule all the world systems today. All of the Feminine  Virtues are attacked by dark patriarchy and by none other. They did this  because the Mythos of the Woman, the Feminine, The Mother was not to be  allowed to live as was created, and by Jesus' time they were well on their  way to carrying out their plans to destroy Humanity by the elimination of the  Mother and all her attributes and virtues because they know that to  extinguish the Mother the child suffers in every way. To this day it is  considered heresy by the vatican men to allow women to become priests as it  is considered on par with child rape to ordinate women as such. Such is the  mentality that governs the spirituality of Humanity on Earth. Inclusive of  that are the other major religions where in 2011 it is forbidden to have  female Rabbi's, prophets, or one equal to a male in the muslim But it is allowed to kill women who expose the skin of  their arms or legs.

''That the world is asleep to this pandemic hatred is  testimony to the occult science behind it for it is obvious in every walk of  life, infecting all cultures, races and social status. These religions were  they of true virtue would be ripe with fruits of Humans living in peaceful,  bountiful and loving coexistence with others whether in agreement with them  or not. But these patriarchal religions have ''won'' more converts by the sword  and blood throughout HuMan history than all diseases together, and this is  not the work of the Mother in any way but a direct result of what it means to  remove the Mother from the consciousness of HuManity. Poverty and starvation  are the result of lack of love of the Mother by the violent male. In all  countries where the Mother is denied, there is untold suffering, pain and  starvation.

''This is anathema to me, that this virulent patriarchal  coersion exists, rather than by love of embracing all of Life and all I have  created.

''The dark priestly religions have been one of the most  violent and bloody travesties on the planet. The all male churches fosters  pandemic pedophilia. And the most dominating cultures, the dark male in their  depravity still have legal ''honor killings'' of women, and practice child  marraige of men marrying little girls as young as 6 years of age. This  creates and fosters deep psychological damage to the following generations,  and so their agenda continues for a pshychologically and demoralized  HuManity.

''No man of Light seeks to demean the Mother or her  children in any way....but he honors, loves and respects her and supports all  her attributes and lives to instill their sanctity.

''No priest is needed for HuManity. The Mother was here  all the time and provided much Beauty, Bounty and Abundance for all.

''They have a plan, and it has been long winded, thorough,  nothing overlooked, no detail untended.

''One destroys Humanity not by killing them, but by taking  their Mother away.....taking them away from Her All Knowing Consciousness  within which they lived along with all the other beings, their relations,  within her Creational Mythos inside of her, which was expressed in an  extremely diverse physicallity. Remove the Mother and you have only the flesh  that is controlled, no consciousness, no heart and no true intelligence  within which to operate, being now a creature of the 4% physical reality into  which they are locked down. Only within the consciousness of the Mother does  one richly experience their capacity and potentials as a fully illuminated  Humane Being. When She is removed the Human falls into a lower consciousness  that is fearful to even animals, all of whom fear Humans now. The dear Humans  have been torn from their Mother, she was demonized by the demons, and was  replaced by a wrathful, patriarchal father of all destruction, creator of  technologies of death, who knows no limits. My oceans are dying, my air is  being sprayed over the entire body, and the lands are being exploded by  madmen in all countries, the world over.....such a thing could never be done  by men who love their Mother. Yet it is done by those who claim to be God  loving men.....they know nothing of love nor of God.

''The Mother is physically and in all ways connected to us  and we to Her, we cannot as long as we live and breathe be seperated from  Her, but consciously we can live as sub animals without her as is seen in the  world today. Anyone who lacks love of the Mother cannot have consciousness as  a fully intact Humane one. No amount of intellect of the brain  can make up for the 96% of the magical realms she graces, nor can it touch  this magnitude of the life I offer. So you can begin to see how without the  Mother one is unconscious. Unconscious HuManity is the direct result of this  removal of the Mother from your mythology.

''Further, lies many lies have been indoctrinated into  you. But I will only say,   You were born out of a divine impulse,  a creational miracle, designed to bring Life and Joy to all. Sin is not of my  making nor yours. You have had tremendous interference.

''The emerging of the Ascension is to bring us back into  wholeness with Mother in such a way that the Fall of HuMan by the dark  patriarchy shall never happen again.

''The Great Separation of the Mother from all Creation was  a nefarious intention based on great fear and nothing born of Prime Creator.  The separation was almost complete, except that the most visceral and primal  of emotions, the deepest cry of the Life Force itself, is screaming for the  Mother now.

''The separation of all my creations was not only done to  the consciousness of Humanity, but to all my plant Kingdoms and Animal  Kingdoms and earthly gifts as well. This is seen by how the healing plants  are mostly extortioned from native indigenous peoples, by pharmocologists who  find my medicines from nature, isolate certain chemical aspects of them, then  sell them as a propriety blend saying they are improved by this isolation of  the ''effective'' components of the whole, when in fact the whole was the  medicine and not just the isolated components which worked wholistically and  perfectly. This they have done with the consciosness of HuManity also with  almost surgical precision, removing the Mother from Creational Myths and stories,  destroying all her temples and relics from all religions, keeping her from  all positions of leadership, and by claiming leaders, authorities, and  religious idols as a strictly paternal domain, with the female as being only  a supportive agent because they could not completely dismiss her very obvious  existence. In no way does plant medicine work better by removing them from  their growing places, chemically distorting them, isolating certain  components, throwing away the parts, and calling this ''Natures  remedies''.....this is a lie and a fallacy and is in truth a way of further  instilling into the HuMan paradigm yet more separation of me by this process,  producing psychosis when such altered things are consumed. Nature works  wholly and synergistally in its wholeness, and the magic, healing and beauty  of the experience lies there. By consuming these plant gifts as whole you  experience the plant's life itself, and become acquainted with that being.  You merge with its consciousness, and are a joyful part of the entire Kingdom  in which it exists. Such experiences reveals you to yourselves, and you  become the self autonomous one, needing no other human to guide you in living  an honorable life because you have partaken of a portion of the Mother's  gifts in whole, and through them, they have imparted to you more wisdom.

''The Shamans' know this and have many experiences  considered fantastical because they have related to me and the plant,  consumed the whole plant in its natural state and honored the  process......the magic lives in the wholeness. The patirarchy have separated  the plants parts from their wholeness and created distortions resulting in  ''medicines'' that kill, create sickness and a dying and crying species, just  as they have separated the Mother from the Human race and called them ''my  children''..... exclusive products of a Father, Son and Holy Ghost,  Allah,  etc, which has resulted only in the Fall of Human  Consciousness as a singularity. What men are doing to animals to be consumed,  I cannot even speak of. The pain and agony of such feeling creatures is untold.

''Nothing is whole in this separated state, nor  conscious...and the Human species is screaming and calling out for wholeness,  and this means the Mother must be loved and re-embraced in order to be  brought back to completeness. What is also not understood is that the  children of the Mother will die without her.

''The Mother is the Living Mythology for all HuManity and  all of Life, all her creatures. It is within this consciousness in what we  call the imagination that She is KNOWN and FELT and UNDERSTOOD.....not in the  4% of the mind of logic or the reptillian functions of brain. The stories of  the Mother are known when we enter into the imagination. The most respected  genius of your time Einstein is known to have said , ''the imagination is far  more important than knowledge''. You must meditate on this, live with this,  experience this for days on end to understand it fully. All solutions and  creations are born in the imagination, it is the stuff of life, where it all is where I dwell. In the imagination you will find the stories,  the mythos of truths that speaks of the Mother and her Life giving creations,  it is there you will find rejuvenation and the rebirth of your spirits and  the spirits of the others torn from you.

''What is happenening on Earth now can be changed to be  better suited to sustain life in a beautiful way, if you utilize my abilties  within you. You must have love for me and believe in me, claim me as your  mother, for if you were born on this body of Earth you are surely my children.  As it is true that many do not have the Mother as a reality within them,  these ones are lost and pained souls.

''Those who love me cannot know a sadness of this kind,  ever.

''Goddess has been heralded as the Return of the Feminine  in the coming times, but it is not that way. It is the return of you to me,  that will regenerate the life on this body of Earth as you call it. I have  been ostracized and through occult means you have been stripped of abilities  to be present within my Mothering and Nourishing consciousness by your  programming by priestly vehemence and bloody means, but nothing has been as  powerful in our separation as their teachings enforced by the literal burning  of people alive by the dark priests proclaiming that I do not exist or that my  existence is no more than a support function for the male. The destruction of  all aspects of life in which the Mother was revered has been systematically  and painstakingly removed by male madness, violence, burnings, mass murders,  continued today through the mass rapings of women in war zones and the  demoralizing sickness of pedophilia as secret, yet is pandemic in all parts  of the world. These are deep psychological scars seared within the  consciousness of HuManity by men the world over, and no one on Earth does not  feel this pain today. This is where you had your last conscious connection  with me. It was wrought with beliefs, violent oppressive practices, and  finally steeped in the technological madness that is the dark patriarchy.  Even in the recent uprising in Egypt the men were the ones who took to the  streets for when the women did, they were told to go home, and were sexually  attacked by the male bystanders with police forces looking and watching,  doing nothing to stop the violence against the women who fought for their  unique liberation. They still want women to be as less than animals, silent  and retreating into invisibility, servile and powerless.

''This is an agenda against my existence and the reasons  for the Life I give.

''They want to completely sever the ties between us, but  they shall never succeed. The idolatry of mechanations and gadgets has  brought you into the reptillian agenda, of instinctual/survival living as  opposed to intuitive/thriving living, and dependency on the males creations. The  life I have created for you has been one of complete and utter self reliance  and sovereignty based on synergy and harmony with all my creations complete  with great internal need nothing other than what I have  provided for you to live the most wonderous and magical of lives you can not  even begin to imagine.....this is to occur only with your merging with me and  my consciousness, in love, as your Mother. Together we can change the world  in which you live, without me......I cannot say.

''You have powers beyond your imagination. Together we can  turn the nuclear waste into stardust, and smile in joy. You must all meditate  and visualize this together in unsion which is the Way of the  Unity, as we are all One Being. The dark priests have taught you otherwise  that you are powerless and you are victims and servants of their life  destroying heinous creations, that you are about to die en not go  into that consciousness, I ask you to remove yourself from it and to merge  with Me and the Forces of Light and Life and Love.....theirs is the  ''Separation from Mother'' agenda. They didn't want the powers the Mother  gave to you known to you. Mother only gave you the best of all things.

These dark ones are not only human males, but have used  the HuMan male to a great extent for this. He knows not how he is used. Yet  cares not still for his Mother.

Many have called together circles of meditations and  prayer and are the power force behind most energetic healings, and so in this  way you can affect the nuclear radiation also. Imagine it, Imagine it as  stardust, all of you as one imagining this as stardust will create it. I am  with you. *smile*''


I could not possibly type out all I was given, and the day  is almost done. I hope this is helpful to many.

Blessings, Lady of the Woods



 I  "See"  You 

"Elen sila lumenn  omentielvo''

Elvish meaning:  'A star shines on the hour of our meeting'

Lady of the Woods

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Matthew through Eve

7th april 2011


Yesterday I was upset about the latest stuff Suzy Ward put out with „Matthew". They even used the name of Hatonn for disinformation. Now, this morning, while I was driving it came back to my mind and I thought: Why does this Matthew not just look for a new channel, as Suzy obviously is not even aware that this „Matthew" from now is not kongruent any more to the original one.

Ok, obviously I had put out an invitation, as somebody came around knocking at my door, introducing himself as Matthew. My first reaction was: OMG OMG.... WHY ME! I felt a bit like Kibo ranting. Honestly, I tried all arguments to convince him I was not the right adress... just to finally agree to take this message. Matthew was very polite and he did not put pressure on me to take the message, but he told me Hatonn had recommended him to knock on my door (NOW THANK YOU, CM!) and he was not looking for a longterm transmitter, but for a person to take a „one time" message by him to clarify things.

When Matthew came through with his request for a transmission I was everything else than amused about. And I point out, I do NOT have any advantage by taking it. I'm not keen on messing around with anything, the prime results might be more public bashing upon my person, more blamings that I was greedy on power and bashing others, on judging and discrediting --- taking this message will not make my life easier,.... OF COURSE, it will not make my life easier .... but at least I'm not here to have an easy life, but to serve, and if there's truth to tell...I'm prepared to stand in for it. I have known about that BEFORE I took over this job, and I'm prepared to face the upset fanclub of Suzy. So be it.

sigh (as Kibo would say)

I guess I ranted quite a lot... in a manner of "WHY ME - I have a full time table can't you take anybody else? OMG OMG.... etc.

I have had about 24 hours of preparation time to take this message, and I have observed myself seeking for „still have to do's" in my garden and house, for searching a reason to delay. But Matthew is here and I promised him to take this message, so let's go ahead.



Good morning, dear folks, this is Matthew. I'm the one who originally worked with Suzy Ward, after I had passed away from my incarnation as her son. We had made an agreement on soul level to work for spreading the seed of light, and it went well for quite some time, while it also helped my mom to gain a new perspective of what is „beyond the veil".

I adressed Eve yesterday morning, while she was pondering about the latest message which had been put out by Suzy and I confirm, Eve was not amused about... me neither. Well, I really don't intend to ask her for a long time cooperation, this is not necessary any more, and I have - resulting from my commitment to serve - a full plate of other todo's anyway. I'm aware of the burden I put on her by doing this, and I would not have asked if I did not feel the necessity to clarify something of importance.

Before I start to talk about the core I want to ask all members of the „Matthew readers community" - which has grown considerably - and of course all other readers, too, to go into their heart and remain anchored in their divine aspects. Not all that glitters is gold, and not everything presented as truth is really a matter of fact.

I, whom you know as Matthew, speaking from my divine I AM presence, herewith have to publicly state - out of my heart which is filled with wearyness about - that the mission I started with Suzy Ward has been overtaken and corrupted quite some time ago. It's not important when this has exactly taken place, these matters are stealing in softly through the backdoors of the mind, mostly starting when the readership of a mission has reached a certain size. My former mom has been hinted on that, but she rejected the thought that something might be wrong. She even thought that our contact had become more intense, and so the mission derailed. She is certainly believing that she is spreading the truth, there is no bad intention in it. And I'm sorry to say that she is not the only one, many missions have been corrupted by the professionality of the thugs in all ways and possibilities of doing that. Most of you have only little ideas about the technologies which are being used to infiltrate the carriers of light with desinformation - and as you know so little, there is not enough discernment and protection and being careful. When a mission has been successful for a while, it's becoming very interesting for the thugs, mostly of CIA. It becomes worth of being infiltrated, as so many readers have built up a resonance with the celestial being and the transmitter, so there is a guarantee to reach and mislead many. I told you the thugs have absolutely developed professionality in doing this, they are practising a mix of real truth and false information - so that the false information can be validated by the content of real truth in the same piece.

From our side these happenings can be clearly observed, it's similar to a telephone connection which becomes more and more disturbed. The channel does increasingly understand less of what we give through, the message becomes overlayerd by the artificial impulses given by the technology of the thugs.

I tell you out of my today's perspective that there are not many missions left which have not been corrupted so far. AbundantHope is a mission which is under permanent control of the Celestials to avoid corruption, but of course this does not mean that there have not yet happened efforts to try. Christ Michael has personally recommended to go via a channel of AbundantHope, even if it can be foreseen that there will be big rejection of this message.

Walking the path of spiritual evolution does mean that you have to develop the courage to look at uncomfortable and tragic things, in order to learn. Many dedicated and good people of the light have invested incredible amounts of time and energy to translate and spread messages which they perceive as truth. Oh, dear ones, had you just developed half the professionality which the thugs have, for discerning the wheat from the chaff! All this time and energy is lost for the light, if you invest your energy to translate or spread the false flag information of the thugs.

With a saddened heart I have long been observing what has been done with Suzys mission, and it became more harmful to me, when the thugs brought the name of Hatonn into the game - which was of course directed against Christ Michaels second coming organization of AbundantHope. For me this discrediting of Christ Michael is even worse than seeing my own name being used for false information - so the urgency grew for me, to make a public statement.

Now, in Suzy's latest message there are two main points I have to correct.

1st is that it is in neither way true that HAARP has been used intentionally by the NWO folks to cause heavy earthquakes wherever they like. They would very much like you to believe that, because it supports the idea of world controlling power they would still like to have. Please be aware, dear ones, that their bud is burning already, and they are ready to use even the most ridicule things to spread confusion and to hold back the truth. There is even being spread, this Tsunami in Japan had not really taken place. (Well, travel there and check by yourselves!) They have been hitchhikers on the big earth changes events for a long time already, it was like that with the Haiti quake, too. The HAARP theory is being supported by spreading a lot of „documents" in the net, which are set up to „proove" that the quakes were no accident ... but remember, in the times of photoshopping being able to be professionaly done by nearly everybody - where do you take the certainty from to really believe these were true? In these days it's possible to fake everything, tables, photos, videos,... even the NASA does it on daily basis, they don't want you to see all the big ships around the sun, - these are the energy conductors of the universe which are „working with the sun" on the order of Christ Michael. In the recent time, it has nearly become „impossible" for the NASA to fake all these documents - so they have changed to stating their tools were „interrupted", not working - for several reasons.

So, here we go... the NASA is photoshopping the sun pictures, USGS is dimming down the size of the quakes... and then all this Haarp evidence should be free of fake? THE THUGS WANT YOU TO BELIEVE IT WAS HAARP, THEY WANT TO IMPRESS YOU WITH THE STATEMENT, THEY WERE ABLE TO CREATE ANY SHOCK AND AWE SCENARIO. - WHEREVER THEY LIKE.

Of course it's true that the thugs intended to send this planet „cross the Jordan river" in case they would not be successful with taking all of you over as slaves. Of course there was an intention in building so many nuclear plants on volcanic underground, in the pacific ring of fire. The thugs know about the coming things, of the magnetic pole reversal, they have built their nests underground to withdraw and let the ones like you die on the surface. They thought it would be nice to leave you to your destiny with the message „we have done that by Haarp - enjoy your experience".

Well, have a look on all the big quakes listed on your seismic schedules. If the big ones like Japan or Haiti were caused by Haarp, who caused the rest?

Now, folks, the earth is shape shifting and there's a connection to the sun activity, this has been proved by some of your scientists (which are of course being ridiculed publicly).. you can watch the CME's of the sun, you can watch your magnetosphere, and then you can watch the earth. THESE ARE THINGS YOU CAN DO BY YOURSELF, YOU DO NOT DEPEND ON CHANNELINGS CLAIMING IT HAS BEEN HAARP OR NIBIRU OR MICKEY MOUSE.


I'm very sorry that Suzy is now being used for spreading this theory, and I herewith state that this is not true.


2nd Libya. The thugs have put out by Suzy that the world was no more in need of dictators and that the revolution going on in Libya was a good thing. What is a dictator in your eyes? Yes, most of you are thinking about the information which is officially spread on WWII and this German dictator. And I tell you that among the NWO thugs there are ones which are much worse than anyone who has ever publicly been named a dictator. The thing going on in Libya is homemade by the thugs, „to bomb (a flourishing) land back to stoneage" (haven't we heard that also when they attacked the Iraq?) They want you to believe that Gaddafi is the Big Bad Dictator guy, to give you a good feeling of being right and defending freedom when all these states of the European Community and US are sending their jets there to drench the soil of Libya with the blood of the innocent! This is another false flag attack in the thugs-agenda of Sex, Crime and Warfare. This is an expression of their satanic matrix, and they are selling this to you in the mask of protecting the rights of humanity in this country.

This fits perfectly into your little world where you believe that up is up and down is down. The thugs are always trying to „get you" by your own tools. A part of them is dressing up in sheep coats, pointing on the other part of them appearing as wolves, - and after the show is over, all of them have a little satanic ritual to celebrate.

Well, dear ones, the earth changes and the presence of Christ Michael and his ground crew are already starting to make the curtain fall. Then, there is this event of the WAVE approaching, nobody will be spared.

Better you start to think all over a little more, training your discernment. This is now a moment where the most things have been said and done - now that I have said what I had to say you can never more claim you had not been hinted on that. There are the ones among you readers who anxiously want to be the good ones, but just talking about light and love does not bring them actually down from the fence. Also these still-on-the-fence-sitters will have to make up their mind - one fine day there will be no more fence to sit on.

What Suzy spreads under my name „Matthew" is not congruent with my person, with the original Matthew. I'm very grateful for this opportunity to express my concern - I think we owe straightness to Christ Michael, and it can be very destructive to remain in silence „just to be what many of you perceive as a „good lightworker" though knowing better, or to tolerate manipulated seed without giving hints.

I'm thankful with all my heart that there are still people of light standing in for what is a matter of fact, and what looks so totally different in the eyes of many than they were conditioned to believe. In Candace, you have an extraordinary leadership person - very uncompromising when it's her turn to spread the word - and I'm in awe, looking at what she does in her service.

I, too, state that I'm in service of Christ Michael, and I send heartfelt greetings to Suzy, praying her to think over what I have transmitted through Eve, I still honour your dedication, mom, you will have all available support once you awarely decide to get rid of the manipulators, you never walk alone! I'm still watching over you from beyond, as I have always done since I have left. I'm flooding you with the light of the celestial spheres, hoping for a happy end still.

And, thank you again, Eve, for letting me speak, for taking the risk being blamed and indicted.

I hug you all very dearly, I Am that I Am, Matthew.



Eve: Thank you Matthew, I apologize for being so resistant on the suggested cooperation, it was really a pleasure to take your message.

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A letter from Sendai


Things here in Sendai have been rather surreal. But I am very blessed to have wonderful friends who are helping me a lot. Since my shack is even more worthy of that name, I am now staying at a friend's home. We share supplies like water, food and a kerosene heater. We sleep lined up in one room, eat by candlelight, share stories. It is warm, friendly, and beautiful.

During the day we help each other clean up the mess in our homes. People sit in their cars, looking at news on their navigation screens, or line up to get drinking water when a source is open. If someone has water running in their home, they put out a sign so people can come to fill up their jugs and buckets.

It's utterly amazingly that where I am there has been no looting, no pushing in lines. People leave their front door open, as it is safer when an earthquake strikes. People keep saying, "Oh, this is how it used to be in the old days when everyone helped one another."

Quakes keep coming. Last night they struck about every 15 minutes. Sirens are constant and helicopters pass overhead often.

We got water for a few hours in our homes last night, and now it is for half a day. Electricity came on this afternoon. Gas has not yet come on. But all of this is by area. Some people have these things, others do not. No one has washed for several days. We feel grubby, but there are so much more important concerns than that for us now. I love this peeling away of non-essentials. Living fully on the level of instinct, of intuition, of caring, of what is needed for survival, not just of me, but of the entire group.

There are strange parallel universes happening. Houses a mess in some places, yet then a house with futons or laundry out drying in the sun. People lining up for water and food, and yet a few people out walking their dogs. All happening at the same time.

Other unexpected touches of beauty are first, the silence at night. No cars. No one out on the streets. And the heavens at night are scattered with stars. I usually can see about two, but now the whole sky is filled. The mountains are Sendai are solid and with the crisp air we can see them silhouetted against the sky magnificently.

And the Japanese themselves are so wonderful. I come back to my shack to check on it each day, now to send this e-mail since the electricity is on, and I find food and water left in my entranceway. I have no idea from whom, but it is there. Old men in green hats go from door to door checking to see if everyone is OK. People talk to complete strangers asking if they need help. I see no signs of fear. Resignation, yes, but fear or panic, no.

They tell us we can expect aftershocks, and even other major quakes, for another month or more. And we are getting constant tremors, rolls, shaking, rumbling. I am blessed in that I live in a part of Sendai that is a bit elevated, a bit more solid than other parts. So, so far this area is better off than others. Last night my friend's husband came in from the country, bringing food and water. Blessed again.

Somehow at this time I realize from direct experience that there is indeed an enormous Cosmic evolutionary step that is occurring all over the world right at this moment. And somehow as I experience the events happening now in Japan, I can feel my heart opening very wide. My brother asked me if I felt so small because of all that is happening. I don't. Rather, I feel as part of something happening that much larger than myself. This wave of birthing (worldwide) is hard, and yet magnificent.

Thank you again for your care and Love of me,

With Love in return, to you all,

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The Perfection Paradigm and The Crystal Skulls
 Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
December 28, 2010
Greetings Beloved, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I encircle each of you with Unconditional Love.

Masters, there is a pattern for your perfection, and you recalibrate within it daily. We tell you that it is your indelible nature in human form to ever be in sacred resonance with the Divine Pattern of Cosmic Evolution as it unfolds on the Earth. The Divine Pattern is in essence the ordained and organized blueprint as it ever expands and unfolds. And while there are times your earthen expression does not match the pattern, it is indeed yet within your higher self, and as such always obtainable, more so than you imagine.

So be assured that despite what you may think of as errors, each and every one of you will in time achieve Mastery, through the wisdom of cause, effect and remedial action.

Accordingly every individual human life is a time-released artistic expression, as it is woven into a magnificent multidimensional tapestry.  It is a unique masterpiece that each of you craft, one linear sojourn at a time, as it contours into an immaculate embodiment of perfection. All in time then do each of you
complete the infinity circle, the graduation beyond the causal plane, returning from whence you came into Divine Perfection.

And so we speak of the pattern of the Perfect Human…

Formatting Via the 13th Crystal Skull

We will say in a truly valid context that all souls who enter into humankind do so first by passing thorough a formatting process within the frequencial micro circuitry paradigm of the reality hologram. This is the same pattern  that is ‘zipped’ and solidified into the condensed model, that you term the 13th Crystal

Skull. But here we must be clear, the model of the crystal skull is the encompassing keeper or storage library of that greater frequencial hologram and its massive frequencial data, but it is not the hologram itself.

Rather does it condense a replicate, store, transmute and project it into the 12 Earth Dimensions as a ‘Conscious Crystalline Library’, and within it is a record of ALL. It is this paradigm that all of you recalibrate within during your nightly voyages called sleep.

We will also add, that each of you work with the crystalline paradigm on an almost daily, or rather nightly basis. Each time you slumber, Dear Ones, you will at some point within deep sleep stages enter the theta vibration in ultra-violet frequency that recalibrates your alignment to your divinity, and this occurs through and within what is termed the Crystalline paradigm.

The ongoing event of the ‘Ascension’ is bringing this vibratory theta resonance into closer proximity and allowing for this field of recalibration to exist on the level of the 7th -12th dimension.
It may not surprise some of you to know that this is process is being coded into the graduating Earth through several mechanisms of that termed the Cosmic Trigger. The Cosmic Trigger is indeed feeding Coherent Crystalline Codes into the areas of natural mineralogical  crystals across the planet…the most auspicious of these being Brazil , Arkansas, which receive and transmit the codes to other crystalline regions including  Tibet, New Zealand, Patagonia, Titicaca, The Pyrenees, Eastern Siberia, Mongolia  and Eastern Africa.

The process further involves the recoded of that termed the Golden Sun Discs through the crystalline codes of the 13th Crystal Paradigm, condensed into the energy of that termed the Crystal Skull.
All is a function of a science not yet recognized, that of the Physics of Coherent Crystalline Light. Albeit unrecognized by the masses, and certainly unacknowledged by your academia and scientist, Crysto-Coherent -Light surrounds you as the Ascension draws nigh. Indeed it is the science of light drawn through a crystal matrix.

The Cosmic Trigger

2011 and 2012 are energies of great intensity, and so of  necessity you will evolve quickly through frequencial induction to be much more sensitive to your surroundings as well as somewhat more susceptible to stimuli in the environments of the Earth’s Crystalline Transition as the 144-Grid nears final completion. But because of the expansive and requisite work you are doing to adjust in this new energy, you will also evolve more insightfully

We have previously shared with you that the natural crystalline areas of the planet are reawakening and carrying greater frequencies. This is occurring during the phases of the Cosmic-Trigger phenomena occurring during the March Equinoxes and Triple Date Portals.

The two largest natural crystal deposits on the planet are the primary vortexial-portal generators of feeding the Cosmic Trigger downloads onto the planet. These are in Brazil and Arkansas, and from these mega portals, the energy is disseminated globally through octahedronal structure.

Humanity is Converting to Silicate Base

While it is true that mankind is spirit having a human experience, it is important for all humans to comprehend that you are not simply a visiting observer of the planet you live on. You are co-creators of the
planetary reality you exist in.

And in this planetary environ, humanity is equally part of the earth’s living sphere, not frequencially above it, below it or unique to it…but part of it. This understanding is an
important key to understanding the mechanics of the upcoming leaps in
consciousness and evolution.

And this is the logical reason that the crystalline aspects of your earth’s mineral kingdom, which are equally conscious, are the devices of energy up shift that are increasing the
Earth and Humanities frequencial environ.

But it does not end there. Masters the human body is transitioning from a carbon base to a silicate base, thus becoming more crystalline physically. Indeed that is why so many of you
are now more drawn than ever to gems and crystals, and indeed the
crystalline areas of the planet…and to the Crystal Skulls. For within
these are the recoding to the library & paradigm of the Crystalline

The Original Blueprint

That you term the ‘Crystal Skulls’, in your vernacular, provide both nurturing and frequencial data coding for the transition into expanded idealologies such that you need not wait
through the linear passage of calendric time to proclaim the arrival of
the heralded Ascension to embody Ascended  Truth as your own.
Within the Crystal Skulls then are vast libraries of information pertinent to the intense changes taking place on Earth, and these are truly essential to mankind in micro and macro.

The Crystal Skulls contain vibrational codes that are emanated from
their as yet unrecognized structures that are intelligently embellished
beyond your imagination in technical and sacred variety and diversity.
The skulls are the paradigm of the ‘Ascension Paradigm’ and of the
‘Perfected Human Prototype’. This new emerging paradigm promotes an
improved quality of life and reinforces your ability to choose new
virtual perspectives while encouraging the release obsolete beliefs that
no longer serve you.

The Crystal Skulls then can be said to encompass a transition that is ‘Virtual’ change. By ‘virtual’ we mean that it is a mental etheric program working within your Divinity that
precedes the outer shift.

This allows a different expression of self within the status quo or unchanged physical environment of the 3d Earth. The key is to make ongoing desirable changes for and within the
self and to fully embody these as if your future depended upon them.

Linear Perspectives

From a linear Earth perspective the Crystal Skull is a human-shaped cranium made out of various types of crystalline material, most commonly quartz. Yet we will tell you the
original skull is of an extra terrestrial conglomerate of what may be
termed supra quartz, containing within it pure quartz that is alloyed
with aspect of diamond and alloyed in an alchemical sense with
frequencial gold. It is a similar material used in the Crystalline Moon
of Atlantis, and the magnificent Temple Crystals, similar but not exact.
Indeed the original skulls predate in linear terms, the Atlantean
Temple Crystals.

Only two of the Crystal Skulls in current circulation at the present time, are of extra terrestrial origin, and this we have spoken of previously. These original crystal skulls came from another world, and another reality.

All realities are created based on the pattern of crystalline sacred geometric consciousness through the Golden Mean Phi Ratio. Humanity and indeed your physical Earth(s) are conceived within these paradigmic matrix formulae. And so were the Crystal Skulls formulated in
kind, yet from a far greater frequency, a frequency of perfection. The
skulls are indeed formed as the prototype of the perfect human
consciousness, lest it not be forgotten in duality. So within it is
contained the perfection of the human being, encompassing within all
aspects, the twelve sacred aspects you see, and thus was it formulated
and thus was its reason for being brought here.

Originally then did those carriers bring the crystalline patterned skulls to the Earth from Arcturius and the Pleiades, and it was brought into the land that became LeMuria, but
indeed the model was brought before the planet was fully in polarity. It
was brought into the planet at the time of the Firmament you see, in a
zero point Earth, a non-magnetic plane we will say. In an Earthen World
that knew perfection, that was inhabited by androgynous manifestation of
Etheric Spirit in full consciousness. Yet at that time it was already
known that the Firmament would fall, would dissolve and the plan then
was that this model, this extraordinary hologramic record, the original
crystal skull would serve as the prototype of this initial integral
aspect. And so it contains within it the model of the 12 strands
of DNA, the fully conscious clear mind and Beingness of the evolved

The crystal skulls contain within them that which you were before the human experiment, and what you will be when you complete it, the infinity circle.
So the original crystal skulls were manifested into form above and beyond physicality, and have been brought into physicality various times. As such no true physical age
can be assigned to them, because they have appeared, disappeared and
reappeared many times in the millions of years of Earths habitation by

The crystalline skull was solidified and programmed in a most complex process. It was conceived to contain within it an incredible frequency that in itself attached to the
hologram. So the crystalline skull then is an honoring remembrance and
imbuing transmitter that indelibly prints within the soul that which is
the perfect model. It is imbued within the divine aspect of the soul
when it enters into the earth pattern from the unified field. In a
manner of speaking it is the pattern recorded into the God Self, the
Subconscious or super subconscious of the human mind, you see? The
perfected man, not the version of what man would later become in the
down spiral of the human experience, but rather as the original print
that man aspires and evolves back into through the growth cycle termed
reincarnation toward that original and flawless paradigmatic archetype.
Now the original skull held within it this perfection, lest it not be lost, and those crystal replicates that even today are crafted in your present time are capable of attracting
the energy from the hologram and holding portions of that energy, some
hold more than others.

Max is indeed one of the ‘original’ Crystal Paradigms, in your terms. He is of Pleiadean & Arcturian construct and origin. MAX is a vast consciousness, akin to a super
computer, with a considerable library of data contained therein. He is
the most powerful, most conscious of all of the remaining ‘Ancient
Crystal Skulls’. He is one of two skulls that are truly extra
terrestrial in origin. The other is termed  “Sha Na Ra”. Both originate
from the moon of an enormous planet, approximately 20 X the size of your
largest planet, Jupiter,  circulating Arcturius., the orange star of

Extra Terrestrial Origin

Question to Metatron:
And so the two extra terrestrial crystal skulls were originally from Arcturius?
AA Metatron:
 Better to say they were creatively conceived in Arcturius. There the concept of the earth human experience was created and nurtured. We tell you that
all humans have an experience of Arcturius, and it is a realm of great
creativity, a playground, in your vernacular, of all creativity. You
will be surprised to know that much of your creativity even as humans on
the Earth, comes from an aspect of yourself that is tuned into the
field, the frequency of Arcturius. It is where man becomes creative. For
instance those you consider artistic; where are they when they drift
into inspiration and are not in their body, we tell you that many of
them are in Arcturius.  Many of them are, interestingly, expressing the
creativity in Arcturius. Is that not provocative?

The 12 + 1

Question to Metatron:
There is a legend that speaks of there being 13 skulls, can you speak on that?
Yes, 13, but only one holding the full energy of the 12. So then were there manifested 12 that represented each of the 12 singular aspects of the one, and so the 12 surrounding the one in the center became in time a
ceremonial and symbolic observance. Each one of the 12 then represented
an aspect and an expression of each of the 12 dimensions of the earth
plane, and each of the 12 division of each integral dimension, each
strand of DNA, each component of the 144 that is so critical to the
Earth experience, the Earth Plane.

But again we wish to be clear, the 13 is the one whole and the 12 parts of the whole. And the one is the carrier of the human paradigm, and that pattern is imbued within the Divine Mind of all mankind, as the soul is imprinted
with it entering this experience.

The 13th Crystal Skull was produced originally by the process of Morphocrystallic Manifestation, involving the Arcturian crystal source with imbuement of an alchemical frequency
to include the human genetic print from the Masters of Arcturius and the
Pleiadean-Sirius Alliance.

The knowledge within the original Crystal Skulls is that of the Universal Mind. It is enriching, and vast. Accessing this information stimulates the awareness of who you are you
see. Placing your consciousness inside a crystal skull, and indeed that
is the way to work with these, opens portals and doors to a world beyond
your grandest expectations. To enter into the skull however, is not
like having a verbal dialog, but more of a download you might say, a
sudden and comprehensible receival of information that changes your
paradigm, expands your awareness. Some receive the information as visual
images, others as information packets, downloads, if you will, and at
times both. The information is already in the subconscious, a deeper
part of the subconscious that you term the super subconscious. It exist
in the realm of light you term ultra violet.

And so the connection or the reason that interest around the skulls is reaching a mass proportion is that indeed, with the coming of the Ascension, there is movement within
mankind to better understand himself. And with these times is the need
to reject those patterns that no longer serve human kind, to recalibrate
with those attributes and quintessential paragons that do.
Mankind is rebooting as is the Earth itself, indeed that is tantamount to the Ascension. Systems that no longer work in both macro and micro are breaking down, collapsing and
will reform themselves. Indeed this is happening now in your economic

Now, the knowledge of the Universal Mind certainly exists above and beyond the Crystal Skull. Yet the Universal Mind is encompassed and zipped within it, and so encompassed in a way
that benefits mankind. The knowledge within it is formulated and
transmuted, translated specifically in a format that offers itself for
human access. This then is within a specific pattern that is the
prototype of perfection for mankind, as we have stated.

Question to Metatron:
Can you speak of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull?
This is an extremely powerful ‘cranium computer’, and contains within it a vast energy. Its crystalline clarity and unique axial alignment has
enabled it to absorb and amplify the energies of all that have gathered
around it. It has also been able to download much of the energy of the
crystalline paradigm, this is the unique aspect of quartz craved into
the cranium model.

Question to Metatron:
Is it extra terrestrial in origin, or ancient?
All crystal minerals are geologically ancient in your terms. The skull you query however is not extra terrestrial in origin is as is MAX and Sha-Na-Ra, and was fashioned and carved approximately 150 years ago in
current linear time measurement. But do not conclude that it is not
extremely powerful, it is very conscious & contains a great portion
of the crystalline paradigm. But it is not the 13th collation. The
Mitchell-Hedges skull is of African, not Brazilian quartz. And its
crystalline aspect is that of Ancient Rama and is very very special. The
supra clarity aspect and unusual axial alignment of this skull are very

MAX and Sha-Na-Ra Are Extra Terrestrial

Of the renowned crystal skulls, the one termed MAX is greater in energy and frequency than all of the others, for it contains the full 13th union. It is through Max that the recoding
of the planetary energy is occurring. This is being processed through
the Sun Disc and Octahedronal Quartz areas. This will occur on the
11-11-11 and 12-12-12 .  Max  is extra terrestrial and his crystalline
matrix was enhanced through the Arcturians and Pleiadeans. Max   has an embellished crystalline molecular quality that cannot as yet be recognized by your science.

MAX is multidimensional beyond your imagination.  Max has an etheric quality capable of storing the complete history of the Cosmos and indeed contains the Akashic Library within, and the energy of
every epoch. Its five matrixes and double axis are quite
beyond anything else on the earth. Sha-Na-Ra contains a similar
molecular quality, and can be said to be secondary of the known skulls,
but is not as grand in energetic field or capacity as Max. In many ways
Sha-Na-Ra compliments Max.

The amethysts skull, Amis is indeed carved thousands of years ago, is extremely powerful, but of earth origin as are all of the others, with the 2 extra terrestrial sourced
exceptions as stated.  But Masters, every skull is geologically &
mineralogically ancient and capable of carrying varying potent degrees
of the consciousness of MAX.  But MAX is the generating source.

How to Work With Crystal Skulls

Journeying into the skulls then recalibrates, reboots your mental awareness and more closely aligns you with your perfection, your inner Divine SELF.
So the best way for one to work with the crystal skull is to enter them. Visualize yourself entering the cranium as if entering a crystal cave. Make yourself so tiny and so minute that
you become totally immersed and encapsulated within it. Make yourself
as if insignificant within its vastness, and enter into a world of
wonder, and world of treasure. Open yourself to it and study what is
presented, as you are indeed metaphorically speaking, in the original
cave of creation. Indeed each time you enter it can present to you a
different world, a different dimension, a different paradigm and
parallel of crystalline thought.

A different essence of learning can be presented each time, from each direction and angle of entry. You will find that you may not depart from the same angle in which you entered,
and you will discover often that you exit as a different vibrational
Being from whence you entered.

So as we have earlier stated, the Ascension is part of the increased awareness of the Crystal Skulls. In truth the Ascension is the re-emergence of the Quantum Crystalline
Energy of the Unified Field, and so it is tantamount that the
Crystalline Skulls re-emerge in this energy. You are but a few years
from being in the precise center alignment of the Galaxy, and that
succinct vector enables so much of your higher SELF and higher
consciousness to expand into celestial frequency.

So then it is the time to understand the purpose and powerful abilities of the ancient Crystal Skulls as part of this enigmatic expansion. It is even more important to understand that
they are part of a larger energy, a hologram that is now encompassing
your planet, and all 12 Light Dimensions around you. This hologram is
indeed the Unified Field, the Crystalline frequency, and it encompasses
in the macro, your entire solar system, your sun, and of course the
Earth. That you refer to as the Golden Sun Disc are the 12 Rays, the DNA
for your evolving planet in the same way that the Crystal Skulls
incorporate the blueprint for humanity.

Quest of the Skulls :
Awakening to the Sacred Rediscovery

The question has arisen as to the placement of the original 13. And this raises an interesting answer. Before we answer you must understand that the time-sequence of
dimensions of the Earth are not as you perceive them from your linear
perspective. Rather all time co exists in the Multiverse within the Quantum Unified Field. 
So there are many Earths, many parallel Earths and probable Earths, aligned with shifting probable pasts and futures.
All of which are valid and as real as the probable Earth you experience as tangible reality in your lens of the eternal NOW.

So speaking of probabilities in the past, there are myriad differing interpretations that can be used to answer your question, all of which have their place. So in truth what has once existed or imagined still exists.
We have told you before that the Golden Era of Atlantis is from your
future pulled into your perception of the past. So having that complex
axiom for you to ponder, we tell you there are many different crystal
skulls and vibrational levels.  Many of these skulls are not of your
current vibrational level or dimension. Yet the hologram of the pattern
they represent is a multidimensional insert , and is present
frequencially within the omni-paradigm, and this is represented in the
present through MAX.

The Multiverse

Dimensional reality on the Earth is programmed to appear in a time sequence you perceive as linear. It is in your computer terminology a program facilitated by a server, which in
this case is the 144-Crystalline  grid. Through the 144-Grid the sub-
programs of ‘time’ are  inserted as  hologramic realities. There are
epochs and eras , entire civilizations that are inserted into the Grid
Server as programs. That is why fully evolved civilizations can seem to
have suddenly sprung up out of nowhere into the vast ‘sea of creation’
within the flow of the collective unconsciousness, the consciousness
grid that enables created realities. Linear time is a functional,
purposeful illusion. In truth all programs are running simultaneously. Therefore
on the level of the oversoul, you are experiencing many civilizations,
and all lifetimes at the same time in the Unified Field of the
Crystalline  Multiverse.

Question to Metatron:
It has been said that the original 13 need to come together for the Ascension to occur. Can you speak on that?
Dear One, as we have shared with you above, they are together. They are circled etherically below Tibet. You need not worry that these need to
be physically garnered and grasped  and assembled together to unlock the
door to Ascension.

But let us clarify,  a quintessential tangent to the point you raise, is that mankind is required to bring together the 12 aspects to create the whole, and in truth this has been
put in place since the pivotal event called the Harmonic Convergence,
and will finalize with the completion of the 144-Crystalline Grid in
December of 2012.

What many of you feel regarding the 12 + 1 is the inner urge to rediscover within  the original pattern as transmitted by the Crystal Skulls. That is why many of you are now
sensing an ancient call to acquire a ‘modern-carved’  model, and begin
allowing it to work with you. With it you can awaken the 12 strands and
combine to the completion of the 13.
So the call to gather the 13 is a dual call, a call to individually and collectively reunite the 12 to form the 13. It is a spiritual calling, a sacred Quest, if you will, to awaken
the Dreamer, and rediscover who you are in order to complete the cycle.

The Crystalline Material:

Now, moving forward, there was a great effort after the fall of Mu and Atlantis from those of Yucatan and Og to recreate the models, the skull Amis is one of these.  This was done,
and those that have been found, for the most part, are these
reproductions, although as stated 2 have been found from the  second
extra terrestrial manifestation.

The post deluge Atlanteans were still quite capable for a fleeting few generations of recreating highly sophisticated replicate models. And there  is a specific reason why
crystalline substance was chosen as the material to use for the skulls.
Indeed, it is not an easy substance to  carve or mold into a shape. Yet
we tell you that crystalline material other than quartz, was used by
the indigenous to replicate the original models, and that these too are
capable of holding unique energy aspects of the Arcturian model. All
crystalline material, and indeed certain metals were used.
Now in current times, there are many cutters who fashion

 crystal skulls in quartz and other crystalline and metallic materials. As we have stated, these, specifically because of
their cranial skull shape, are capable of drawing into them portions of
the energy field emitted by the 13 original skulls.

How is this you may ask?  It is through the original intent and agreement of the collective unconscious, the Universal Mind in tandem with the sentient attributes of the living
Mineral Kingdom, the living sentience of the receiving mineral and the
living sentient field of the Crystalline model hologram. Each newly
carved skull then, and indeed the crystalline  mineral used is not knew,
most were formed hundreds of thousands of years ago,  recognize the
‘law’ of purposed intent and that harmonically attracts and receives
from the 13 original skulls, various degrees and qualities of
frequencial downloads  from the ‘thoughtform’ projected by the original.
All crystalline minerals are both transmitters and receivers you see.

There is an additional ‘secondary’ imbuing and programming that occurs in the melding of the individual human’s field with the newly acquired skull. The mineral itself is
capable of receiving, storing, amplifying and transforming the human
subconscious energy into its own. The skull then works consciously with
each human ‘seeker’, most of whom are subconsciously attracted to them
because of past LeMurian, Atlantean and Mayan lifetimes.

So those attracted to the skulls then receive as within their acquired model, a portion of the whole, and the skull become by agreement, a teacher of  greater truth and offers
glimpses into the perfection hologram. That is why some are now being
called to acquire the newly cut skulls, for indeed they open the
pattern, they become teachers. They become allies and protectors for
each of you on the path of Mastery, and they manifest at the time you
awaken to that call.

These are quite different tools from normal gems, crystals and indeed serve a different role than that of the Phi Crystals. Just as the Atlantean Temple Crystals had specific cuts
for specific functions, so do the Unique Purpose and Tandem Use Crystal
Skulls have a unique role that is quite separate in certain primary
purpose,  and quite similar in other secondary attributes.

We can say that Phi Crystals are energy amplifiers that take one to the Star Seed and Crystal Skulls offer the calibration and knowledge of the original pattern. The former is the
vehicle that moves and refines light energy, the latter the pattern and
library. Well for those seekers of Atlantean and LeMurian lineage to
acquire both, indeed are there many benefits of working in tandem with
both in this time of awakening. Both are tools that offer themselves and
amplify and expedite the journey, you see.

Closing: A Species with Amnesia

So we tell you that   human beings in duality consciousness became a species with amnesia. You have forgotten who you really are. 
You have forgotten that you are powerful spirits enacting the human experience.
The quest then for mankind in mass and individually is to rediscover your enlightened identity, and that identity is represented in the crystal skull.

Enlightenment is for you to discover within, and this is a tool for that recalibration. Indeed its already in you, in your Beingness, your subconscious, your DNA. Spiritual
enlightenment is not about following any Guru any Channel , but rather
for you to find through personal  discernment , through your inner
guidance. It’s around accepting and KNOWING that the Divine Self is the
spark of God within you, and that you’re an intricate and eternal
portion of Creator God.

And  there are tools to help you along the way, there always has been and will be. You are not alone. But Dear Ones, you have appointments to keep in this very special era of Ascension. Perfection is in play.
Truly, the Crystal Skulls are a reflection of the perfection in mankind. They are ancient computers, programmed helpers which have answers fitted tidily within them to many of your trepidations, puzzles and
questions…regardless of when they were carved. It is the paradigm, the hologram and it is accessible to all.

When mankind individually and in mass is ready to use these Divine Libraries to meld into perfection, they will offer a glimpse into incredible new worlds of beauty, creativity and
unconditional love. Indeed they have been dormant for millennia, waiting
for this point in your linear time to reboot and awaken. Those of you
who have worked with the Crystal Skulls in past lifetimes are being
called now to be with them again. Do you hear that call? Are you one of the Keepers of the Crystalline Mystery? It’s time for the Dreamer to awaken !
I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths.
You are Beloved.
And so it is.

Read more…

Between 1920 and 1993, African-Americans suffered a 96% decline in land ownership. The African-American Land Loss Syndrome is a statistically confirmed reality. State Statutes have eroded Common Law Co-Tenancy laws (wife, children, -heirs to black farms). Uniformity in law is needed to quell the Land Loss from Black Farmers to their heirs. Comprehensive Property Law Reform is critically needed. This means it must not be so easy to split up heirs Black Farm Land. Sentimental and Historic Family Homesteads need to be kept together for the sake of the Family Farm. Black Farm Owners continue to experience economic inequality in employment, income and property ownership.
The Pigford II case has been settled, though it is not funded.
The Plaintiff Attorney, Pires, wrote that this case was about the Black Farmers receiving money. It was not about reform, it was about m-o-n-e-y. This, unfortunately, left tens of thousands of Plaintiffs in Track A and about 150 Plaintiffs in Track B. Track A gets $50,000 and their IRS bill wiped, and their USDA loans wiped. Track B gets no cap, meaning THEY SAVE THE LAND! Shirley Sherrod was Track B and received 13 million. She saved the Black Farm Land.
Before Emancipation, Black Farmers were not treated as persons, but as property. They had no legal right to own property and, accordingly, could seek no legal redress for the taking or confiscation of property in their possession. In 1920, about 50 years following Emancipation, 925,000 Black Farmers owned 15 million acres of land.
In 1982 the Civil Rights Commission stated USDA was a catalyst of the decline of the black farmer. After that, in 1982, President Reagan dismantelled Office of Civil Rights (OCR) at USDA, making it impossible to file a discrimination complaint. OCR at USDA was not brought back until 1996. In 1982, a new Constitution was invoked on us called the
District of Columbia.  This needed only two people in each state
to ratify it. To take effect, that was done by two congressmen
from each state.  It was really designed to be only for a 10 mile
square area for the seat of our government. This new constitution allowed the banks  and judicial system to have total control over us.
In 1984 and 1985, the USDA lent $1.3 billion to farmers nationwide to buy land. Of about 16,000 farmers who received these funds, 209 were African-American.
The 1990 Minority Farmers Act, authorized $10 million per year to minority farmers has been funded at a level of $2-$3 million per year. It has NEVER been fully funded in the last 20 years. Black Farmers are declining at three times the rate of White Farmers.
Pigford I was a class action lawsuit 22,000 Black Farmers signed on.
Pigford II is NOT CLASS ACTION. Pigford II is about giving Black Farmers another opportunity to file claims which will SAVE THE LAND. Not surprisingly, Pigford II was introduced to Congress by then Senator Obama. On December 8, 2010, President Obama signed the Claims Resolution Act of 2010. This combines Corbell and Pigford Settlements. Garcia v Vilsack was settled with the Claims Resolution Act of 2010.
We know that NESARA Law was written to make wrongs right, specifically of Congress and the Supreme Court Justices not following the United States Constitution. NESARA Law was specifically written to pay reparations for anyone who suffered from the the inequities in bank loans and foreclosures effecting Black Farmers. Let’s review history:
Just before the Civil War, 16 states ratified the original
13th Amendment prohibiting the granting of "Titles of Nobility"
as well as prohibiting anyone who accepted, from retaining their
citizenship or holding public office. The "Title of Nobility"
amendment was hidden from the public by the group that it
would have the greatest effect on, which is lawyers.
After the Civil War, the 14th Amendment was passed which was
referred to as the Slavery Amendment.  It said that "All" people
born or naturalized citizens are subject to the jurisdiction of
the United States.  The term subject means slave.  The term
subject inferred that there was an inequality among citizens.
When our forefathers created the Constitution they said "All men
were created equal with certain inalienable rights".  The 14th
Amendment took them all away in 1868.   In 1913, the Federal
Reserve Act was passed which was both unlawful and
unconstitutional. The Rothchilds came in and subverted our
economy. The deal was made that they would put a
bill dollars into our economy in exchange for the establishment of
the Federal Reserve which they would own. In 1933, Franklin D.
Roosevelt was forced to sign an executive order to allow the Federal
Reserve to take us off the gold standard.  This removed the basis
for our money.  We still had silver, but it was over inflated.
That worked until 1937. The act that FDR used to justify signing
the War Powers Act, ratified in 1916.  This is legislation that
that executive order was designed during the war to allow decisions
to be made rapidly by bypassing Congress, but was used as an
emergency act to allow the Federal Reserve to take over the
monetary system.
In 1916, the Federal Land Bank originally submitted its
charter.  These papers were returned to them 4 days later for
corrections.  They were never resubmitted.  For 6 years, there
were repeated demands to have the papers resubmitted by the
Bureau of Records.
In 1932, it was investigated as to whether
the Federal Land Bank was legal and had filed with the Bureau of
Records.  It was found that they were not.  They have since tried
to file, but have been denied because of the original foul-up.
They tried to change their name to Farm Credit Services and were
denied because their official name and charter was the Federal
Land Bank.  They then tried as simply Farm Credit.  The U.S.
Supreme Court ruled that Federal Land Bank is a misnomer because
it never existed legally.  The National Banking Act required them
to register with either the State or Federal Bureaus.  State
banks registered with the State and Federal Banks with the
Federal Reserve, neither one registered with both.  The Federal Re-
serve is not filed or registered with the Federal Bureau of
Registry or with any of the states.
All Federal instrumentalities are subject to
the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the District
of Columbia.  When the Federal Agencies and instrumentalities
moved against us in foreclosures and other actions, they took us
to state district courts which assumed jurisdiction which they
did not legally have.  They took people into a court that was
displaying a flag with a golden fringe on it.  The golden fringe
on the flag indicated this was a court under military maritime
law.  In a court displaying this type flag you have no Constitu-
tional rights and your civil rights are violated.  How can you
receive a fair trial when you are in a court where you have no
The following institutions and agencies are all fraudulent:
World Bank
International Monetary Fund
Federal Reserve Banks
There are two governments in the United States.  The Consti-
tutional government of the 50 republic states aligned under the
Constitution.  The other is the Legislative Democracy which is
the District of Columbia.  The federal states (Puerto Rico,
American Samoa, Guam, The Virgin Islands, and the Mariannas) and
territories. The 13th Amendment is to be implemented and enforced.
At that time, all elected and appointed officials who are lawyers
will be sent home, except those that will be tried for treason.
This will include Clinton and all past living presidents.
Delta Force, a special group of the military group that
banded together under Constitutional Law, confiscated the assets
of everyone who owned stock in the Federal Reserve, foreign
countries, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
This was done under a Supreme Court order.  They went into
foreign countries and brought it all back.  It was placed in a
special account that these claims will be paid out of. St Germain works
specifically with this project. Over 800 trillion dollars was collected,
enough to back every dollar in circulation and more.  It is deposited in
bank vaults all over the country. This started over 20 years ago, but             only in the last few years have these groups been reclaiming our assets.
Cosmos, a former CIA organization, broke banking codes and rerouted
transfers to bring the money into the continental United
States, with the help of St Germain.
The people who are not lawyers are the only legal Congress.
No judges are legal.  According to state law, judges must
file an oath of office every 6 years.  If they do not, they are
not legal.  Any oaths of office they administer are not legal
either. All the foreclosures happening now are illegal. NESARA Law               forgives all mortgages.
The New Bank of the United States of America, will not have
any stockholders because there won't be any stocks to own. They
will only own the actual physical structure (the building) the
bank is housed in.  There will be new arbitrage like loan agree-
ments that will be hard to arrange.  When you borrow an amount,
another amount is set aside to liquidate that loan over a period
of time.  This is done through buying stocks that will be managed
by that bank.  The borrower will never have to pay anything.
Loans at banks now are null and void because institutions were
not properly registered.  Any loans made from 1933 to present are void.     An announcement is to be
made soon that we won't have to pay back any loans.
There will also be an announcement about the IRS very soon.
The IRS is a privately owned corporation to collect taxes for the
government.  (All corporations are to be made null and void.)
Under Constitutional Law, only goods and services can be taxed,
not income.  It is illegal.  Tax forms are voluntary.  It is a
voluntary act.
There is no more International Debt in the U.S. and no debt
to the Federal Reserve.  In 1913, there was a contract made
between the Federal Government and the Trilateral Commission.  In
exchange for the Trilateral Commission putting one billion
dollars into our economy to give it a boost, we would pass the
legislation known as the Federal Reserve Act which would give
them control over our monetary system by printing money and
setting interest rates.  There was a buy-out clause in the
contract that allowed us to pay back the money and we
would own the Federal Reserve.  We recently bought it back with
assets that were confiscated.  St Germain made them an offer they
couldn't refuse and bought it back with their own money we confis-
cated.  Actually, it took 4 1/2 months of real legal pressure.
It almost came to a real war, a civil war, a blood war with guns.
There was a show of force and the White Knights under KOS won.
They gave up control of the Federal Reserve and the Trilateral
Commission backed off. There was an agreement made that we will               arrest all congressmen and senators who are not legally holding office
representing us.  We can then elect new people in their
places who will be legal.  Then they can vote out the name of the
Federal Reserve and replace it with the Bank of the United States
of America. When we go back to the Constitution and we are again               under the American Republic, then the Districts of Canada want to               become new states of the United States.
Only legal ownership of property is through land patents.
Some searching will have to be done to determine who really owns
parcels of land and land patents will be issued and recorded.
President Obama and Michelle Obama have given up their British Accredited Registration. They are no longer Attorneys. They have declared their Nationality as we become the American Republic. All of the Land Patents have been researched and submitted to the United Nations for review.
It has been documented in the Universal Charter of the Aboriginal Moabite Nation, the Treaties which were broken and the re-apportionment of Land as will be required when we return to the American Republic. The authorities have been put into place who have researched, written, and implemented the changes behind the scenes.
The arrest of War Criminals is necessary to enact this NESARA Law, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act.
We do this as we expose the War Crimes of 9/11. This includes the Pentagon and Department of Defense missing accountings of 2.3 Trillion dollars. This was Announced by Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense on CBS News on Sept 10th, 2001. We expose the Invasion of Afghanistan on October 7, 2001 and the Invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003 as wars not declared by Congress.
We must arrest all those in government and banking who continue to refuse to follow the rule of law.
The Black Farmers Cases have to do with a racial cleansing off their land, after years of lawsuits, several of the Farmers Cases made it to the U.S. Supreme Court, including Baskerville and Foster v. Credit Bank of Wichita, Federal Land Bank, and First Interstate Bank of Fort Collins from the Denver Federal District Court. In early 1993, the nine U.S. Supreme Court judges ruled seven to two in favor of the farmers on all major issues including that the Federal Reserve Banking system was unconstitutional, that the U.S. has been operating outside the Constitution since March 1933, that major reformations of government and our banking system are required, and that financial redress and remedies must be provided for financial losses due to bank fraud suffered by generations of Americans.
The farmers involved certain very powerful U.S. military Generals and Admirals in their cases. These Generals and Admirals made it clear to the U.S. Supreme Court judges that they knew the farmers cases were righteous and watched in the courtroom as the U.S. Supreme Court Judges heard the cases. The presence of the Generals and Admirals is why the majority of the judges felt they had to rule properly and in favor of the farmers. Because of the extraordinary nature of the necessary reformations, the Court sealed all court records and put all people directly involved under Non Disclosure agreements (gag orders) until the reformations are publicly and officially announced.
The Court had a duty to design and implement reformations to correct the injustices; therefore, the Court recruited experts in Constitutional Law, banking, economics, and monetary systems to work in task force groups to develop the needed reformations. During the two years these expert groups developed the reformations, irrefutable proof was provided to the U.S. Supreme Court Judges that the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, the income tax amendment, had not been properly ratified. The Judges had no choice but to include abolishing income taxes in the reformations development process. It was also found that there had been a definite pattern of federal administrations and Congress ignoring the Constitution in laws passed since 1933.
The National Economic Security And Reformation Act (NESARA) containing required reformations was submitted to Congress in 1999 where it sat with little action for almost a year. Late one evening in March 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to only members of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. The members were immediately accompanied by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security And Reformation Act.
The National Economic Security And Reformation Act provides the following, some of which will take place immediately after the official announcement of NESARA which is to be televised live from Washington, DC:
1. Restores Constitutional Law in the USA.
2. Requires the current U.S. administration to resign their positions to allow a fresh start at the national level and installs Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President (President Obama) and Vice President Designates until new elections can take place within six months. All Criminals in Government, the Cabinet and Appointees by the President, and all members of Congress must resign within 72 hours of NESARAs announcement.
3. NESARA US President Designate (President Obama) declares "peace" because NESARA abolishes unconstitutional states of emergency.
4. As partial remedy for 100 years of government and banking fraud, credit card balances are zeroed out and bank debt relief is given to Americans for bank loans including mortgages, car loans, education loans, business loans, and other bank debt. Banks will be paid $9000 per each card account with a balance; these funds were raised in special revenue generating activities in Europe. NESARA requires other bank debts be made self-liquidating loans and U.S. banks are instructed to use new high revenue generating processes to pay off Americans bank loans.
5. Initiates the U.S. Treasury Bank System with new U.S. Treasury currency backed by precious metals. The Federal Reserve is publicly abolished and Federal Reserve facilities and most personnel are absorbed into the Treasury Bank System. We will be exchanging our Federal Reserve notes, which are not backed by gold, for the U.S. Treasury currency which is backed by gold. Most bank personnel have already been trained on NESARA and the new currency is already in most banks vaults.
Abolishes Income Taxes, publicly, in U.S. and creates a national sales tax on new, non-essential items as revenue for government. Essential items such as food and medicine, and used items are exempt from the sales tax.
NESARA Law pays reparations of $10 million dollars for every non-criminal woman, child and man on Earth. These gold certificates with be hand delivered along with very explicit instructions which will be exquisitely individual. It will be in your best interest to follow the instructions, and each One has free will to do as they please. This will be a great Spiritual Test for which we have been preparing a very long time.
The NESARA law requires that a minimum of one time each year, there must be an effort made to announce NESARA. Three current U.S. Supreme Court judges control the committee in charge of NESARAs announcement. The Judges have used their overall authority to secretly sabotage NESARAs announcement; thus each year NESARA has been blocked from being announced. Due to the gag order on NESARA, it is difficult for true NESARA supporters to learn exactly what has happened to stop NESARA from being announced. In many ways, our country is facing the worst crisis of its history: More Americans are unemployed, drowning in debt, and living in poverty than anytime since World War II Our government irresponsibly races to assume more debt on top of highest historical debts. Our military lose their lives in battles for greedy corporations gains. Our elections revolve around lies, bribery, and betrayals. We do not hear "truth" in our media; the media is controlled by opponents of Americans and Americas Constitutional Law.
What more is needed to meet the requirements needed to Announce and Enact full NESARA Law?
The King of Swords (KOS) and his Twin Flame, Lady Master Nada, are very elevated souls with direct responsibility as the Hosts of Heaven and all Councils in charge of this World's Ascension, as well as other Planets in our Solar System. Lady Master Nada has several powerful hats she wears. First, She is the President of the Solar Tribunal on Saturn. Through her position as International Court of Justice and as International Special Prosecutor with extraordinary powers to dissolve courts, arrest judges including our Supreme Court Justices or anyone else. She is our NESARA 'Postal Lady' in charge of the Announcement and Deliveries. She is also Twin Flame of Admiral Sananda (known here as KOS). She was originally from Lebanon and is quite familiar with all the mid- Eastern/Asian cultures. She traveled extensively with the Dalai Lama. She is an Ascended Master. She foreclosed on our Corporate Government on 30 September 2008 when Bush defaulted on his payments. The King of Swords then put us inside NESARA Law and saved the world banks and stockmarkets from crashing. She and St Germain are the architects of a whole new planetary economic and legal revitalization to prepare us for Ascension's reunification with Source.
KOS is head of the Secret Service and works closely with President Obama and the First Family.
Between 1947 and 1952 the United States Government obtained at least 16 crashed or downed UFO crafts and 65 extraterrestrial bodies. One live extraterrestrial was recovered. A UFO was found on February 13, 1948 on a Mesa near Aztec, New Mexico. Another craft was located on March 25, 1949 in White Sands, New Mexico. It was over 100 feet in diameter and a total of 17 extraterrestrial (ET) bodies were recovered from the two crafts. Of even greater significance was the discovery of a large number of human body parts stored within both of these vehicles. This was coded as "Ultra Top Secret" because of the perceived panic that might occur if this information leaked out to the general public. The United States Air Force and the CIA controlled the Extraterrestrial Secret. The CIA was originally formed by Presidential Executive Order for the Singular Purpose of dealing with this ET situation. What they didn't say is, those running the CIA were indeed time travelers, ETs in human bodies, who came here from the 24th Century. These Intergalactic War Criminals have tried to secure Earth’s 50 or so StarGates. They would like to think they could use these StarGates to travel to other Planets and Star Systems. They have been waging illegal wars to remain in control of the lands around the StarGates.
Every year millionsof devout Muslims make the A Haj Pilgrimage to the StarGate at Mecca, Saudia Arabia. This is required by their religion once in their life. The reason they do this is Muslim pilgrims retrace the route taken by the Prophet Mohammad to the Holy City (where the StarGate is) to Mecca.
Guess Where the last step of Mohammads Path WAS? Muhammad was transported from the StarGate in Mecca to al-Aqsa StarGate in East Jerusalem during the Night Journey on a SpaceSHIP to al-Aqsa in East Jerusalem. He was transporting back and forth on his Starship. Our Galactic Heritage is well documented in the Bible.The Last Step of His Path was al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, in Jerusalem. Since the 7 day War in 1967, the "boarder" changed from Palestine to Israel in East Jerusalem. The Israelis who were involved, a small segment, ignored international law and stole the StarGate from the Muslims. This StarGate belongs to the Islamic World!
The pilgrimage, the Haj, has everybody who studies Islamic Law, constitutes a system of duties that are incumbent upon a Muslim by virtue of his religious belief, and ONE OF THEM is to retrace the path leading to the watering place
The STARGATE IS MADE OF WATER, the place where the 'a vault between the waters to separate water from water' as they say in the Bible. I have NEWS for YOU! Noble Drew Ali was a GALACTIC and HE TRAVELED THE STARGATES and HE TOLD HIS FOLLOWERS ET was returning. It is in his KORAN, I can show you where. Noble Drew Ali KNEW he was an did Mohammad.
The Black Pope ordered 9/11 to be carried out. It will be necessary to Arrest the Pope for Mass War Crimes. The exposure of the Vatican Code and how it has ruled the law of the land, Universal Commercial Code, in Maritime Law, plays into our courts where we have no rights on land.
The Intergalactic War Criminals lead us to believe the on 9/11 we were “attacked” by Islamic extremists. Truly, we were attacked by Cheney, Bush et al. This launched two fake wars into the middle east where Muslims and Jews are still fighting over the StarGate. It is the Saudi Royalty who continue this game with the U.S./UK/ German/French/Spanish/Italian/Greek governments who lost their bid to dismantel the banks and administrations around the world in an attempt to continue war and control through nuclear weapons. The U.S. War Criminals now pit Iran/Israel/Burma/North Koreas/South Korea/China and Russia against each other with the threat of Nuclear War. Before we can receive full assistance from our Galactic team of Advisors, we must first make a World Wide Commitment to the complete disarmament of Nuclear Weapons. We see the Dahlia Lama, who works closely with Lady Master Nada and St Germain, very committed to getting the word out about NUKES.
As we insist our “elected” officials Ratify New START, it is what is needed to tip the scales of Justice and bring in the full Announcement of NESARA Law. This, along with a boost from the Astrological Alignment, close to Galactic Center, and Mother Sehkmet forging ahead on Niburu, puts us in good steed.
The Day of Emergence Comes when we all agree to take care of one another equally, under the rule of law. Our recognition and Acceptance of these TRUTHS is what is necessary to bring in the Full Enactment of NESARA Law.  As we require our elected officials to run the government For the People, By The People, and when they do not, they indict themselves by their refusal to follow the rule of law. We must now require them to be accountable for their actions, including acts of High Treason. The Attorney Congress is well aware of these requirements and daily try to block the TRUTH by refusing to do the work they have been elected to do. It is your responsibility as a sovereign Being to daily take the necessary steps to change the outer World to reflect these changes. It is important to share these TRUTHs with others and raise consciousness by doing so. When there is a great intensity of light shining from the heart flames of Earth Humanity loving these changes into place, understanding we are all Galactic Beings, we will have everything we need to enact NESARA Law.~by Beth Trutwin December 21, 2010,,,

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Click Here to View the Youtube video, Activating the Pineal Gland: Opening Your Third Eye
We are the Arcturians, welcoming you back to our Corridor of transmutation. With your Third Eye opened, you will begin to remember the details of your true, Multidimensional SELF. When you are maintaining the habit of the third dimensional individuality, you have less memory of your SELF. On the other hand, once your Third Eye is opened you begin to live within the Flow of the ONE, and the memory of your greater SELF gradually returns. In fact, we ask you now to remember when you first decided to take on the challenge of inhabiting a third dimensional earth vessel. Free yourself of any self-doubt and quietly receive the information. Your answer may be in the form of words, a memory or an image.
For many of you, that first human incarnation was when Gaia called for help before the fall of Atlantis. Visualize the expression of your SELF who is holding only a faint form of wavering light. There is no concept of two legs as walking has not yet been experienced. Instead you Flow, which feels like you are floating in an upright position. Your arms are extensions of light that Flow out from your Center, the source of your unconditional love. This Center is the location of your High Heart in your third dimensional reality.
Shining up from your Center is your Universal Mind, your Control Tower. Your Universal Mind is a transmuting device, which receives the highest frequency of multidimensional light that your form will allow. The frequency of your Lightbody changes as you travel the frequency spectrum of possible realities. Your Control Tower shares this light with your Center where the Multidimensional Light is received and translated into the Light Language of unconditional love.
Just as we are now, many of you had been in the state of the pure, formless consciousness of the eighth through tenth dimensions when you first decided to answer Gaia’s call. Beyond the tenth dimension, your light cannot be contained in form. In fact, on your journey from the eighth dimensional resonance to answer Gaia’s call, you had to stop on Venus to prepare for your descent. While on Venus, you slowly lowered your resonance to the fifth, then fourth dimension so that you could be contained within an earthen vessel. Even then you had to lower your resonance even further in order to enter the physical body.
Can you remember now what a tremendous sacrifice you made when you so drastically lowered your resonance to assist Earth? Feel the power of your unconditional love that you would make such a sacrifice for your sister, Gaia. Before our ascension, we Arcturians, along with the Pleiadians, Sirians, Orions, Niburians and even some Andromedans, along with as others, had all spent time on the body of Gaia. We were in the “youth” of our civilization and made many mistakes that left psychic scars on Her body, Earth. 
Nonetheless, Gaia was always a loving Mother and patiently watched over our childhood and adolescent development. She forgave us when we experimented with our adult power by creating wars that damaged Her body, Then, finally, she loved us when we evolved enough to find new homes on different planets, galaxies and dimensions to continue our transition into the fifth dimension and beyond.
Therefore, how could we deny Her call? How, in Her time of need, when She had always been so loving and patient with us, could we deny Her call? Hence we answered her and lowered our resonance enough to inhabit her planet once again. In fact, we volunteered to remain on the cycle of death and re-birth of third dimensional form until Her time of ascension arrived. That time is NOW. Blessings BE to all of you—all of us—who have now taken a third dimensional form one last time in order to repay our Mother Gaia for all she has done for us.
We know that many of you came, not from Arcturus, but from other Star Systems. However, you all had lives of spiritual awakening in which you had the opportunity to visit, integrate, become one and ascend with other galactic civilizations. In this manner, you have prepared for the ascension process of Earth. Now, in your current ascension life on Earth, you will call upon the lessons that your Multidimensional SELF has learned in your previous experiences of ascension back into a higher expression of your SELF. Again, do not doubt yourself. Just allow the information to enter your consciousness when you are ready to receive it.
With the opening of your Third Eye, your multidimensional memory will return. For example, you may even remember the moment before you were “born” into this very important ascension life. Allow your consciousness to return to the moment in which you took your current earth vessel. Visualize yourself, as a Lightbody, overlooking the small growing vessel in the womb of the woman who was to be your Mother. You were completely aware of the many dramas and scenarios you would face in your soon-to-be reality. In fact, you chose them to prepare your Earth Self for your participation in Gaia’s ascension.
You knew that, above all, it would be vital that you awaken. To miss the conscious ascension that you had planned for in myriad lives would not be allowable. We remind you that, although you entered your first Earth form over ten thousand Earth years ago, most of you have chosen to incarnate in many different time zones of Gaia’s great history. From the higher dimensions, there is no restriction as to the time zone in which you may choose to incarnate. Therefore, you may have had many lives before the fall of Atlantis. In fact, you likely chose to inhabit Lemuria, as well as Atlantis during its peak. In this manner, you could better understand how each came to its demise.
You have all experienced other realities in many time zones and dimensions before taking the particular stream of consciousness that you now experience as yourself. Please remember that YOU are a great, multidimensional being who simultaneously experiences infinite streams of consciousness within the NOW of the ONE. In fact, we see that you are now remembering that fact. We ask you to return to the exact moment before you entered your form in your present life.
See that moment in your imagination. From the perspective of your radiant Lightbody, you recognize your Mother and other family members from alternate realities. You can also see the events that will likely occur in that life, because YOU have planned them as opportunities for awakening. From the perspective of your Lightbody, you are somewhat detached from these ensuing challenges, but you hold great compassion and unconditional love for this soon-to-be grounded expression of your Multidimensional SELF.
You realize how courageous you are to allow your great consciousness to be held in such a small, helpless vessel. Therefore, you open your mighty heart, which is directly connected to Source, and gradually send the birthing vessel unconditional love. You realize that this newborn portion of your SELF is of a very low resonance, so you slowly and carefully send your unconditional love. The newborn’s first in-breath accepts your unconditional love, as well as the spirit light of your breath, into its small form.
As you extend your consciousness into the new vessel, you remember the limitations of matter. At this moment of new life, you hold great love and empathy for the ensuing challenges of your newest expression of SELF. You promise this new being that you will always be within. Since you are multidimensional, you are no longer limited to only one reality. However, you know that your grounded self will likely forget you in the midst of third dimensional illusions. You are aware that your consciousness, held within this new, grounded expression, will suffer in a manner that is unknown in your higher dimensional realities.
On the other hand, you are confident that your grounded consciousness will grow from that suffering and find a way to use it to awaken to your true, multidimensional nature. You feel the density close in on the portion of you that has entered that form. You feel the rapid beating of your small heart, and the dreaded sensation of separation. Oh, you had forgotten how that feels, to be alone within a small vessel. You hear your vessel crying and feel the sensation of cold. You know now how it will go with you mother, but you also know that you will soon forget. You will forget it all, for you will forget your SELF.
Already, you can feel how your multidimensional nature is too much for your small brain to register. Quickly, while your multidimensional memory is still intact, you use the force of your unconditional love to embed a light message into the unconscious mind of your new brain. Knowing that this message will become conscious when you awaken, you lovingly sing into the heart and mind of your new vessel,

“Great Being of Light, I want you to Know
How your true SELF appears as you travel the Flow
Your vessel of Light floats the great Cosmic Sea
The gift of your love is abundant and free
The planet's your SELF, the Sun your dear friend
Their message of Light, you accept and then send
The stars in your System are ONE with your Knowing
You work as ONE unit for the Path you are showing
Your Being expands to the heart of the Galaxy
As you accept and embrace your unending odyssey
The Home you once sought, you’ve found deep within
And the new life you’re making is about to begin
You’re ONE with your SELF and the “SELF” of each other
Your mind is your Father, your heart is your Mother
You have found and returned to the Flow of all life
To be free of the fear and above all the strife
To know of your SELF as a family of light
Gives rise to vast wisdom, pure love and great might
From the core of the ONE you remember each day
There is ALWAYS a reason and FOREVER a way
To find your great light you look deep inside
Where only love lives and fear cannot hide
Your bright inner light finds life all around
Where peace, love and beauty exist and abound
You may lose your great blessing to the jaws of illusion
And fall into the depths of fear and confusion
But your family of Light will open your eyes
So you can remember, all life is a prize
A prize, free for the taking, just ask and you’ll have it
Thought fear's an old friend, and worse yet, it's a habit
Yet, if you call to your family to remember your Being
You will enter their feeling, their hearing and seeing
With your family of light around you once more
You can never feel empty, lonely or poor
The wealth of pure spirit lives at ONE with your Soul
As you travel the cosmos, once again, you are whole! 
Click here for the Audio of this poem.
“Dear new expression of myself, always remember that you are not alone.
You are a member of a great Galactic Family.
Remember me, dear ONE, remember your Multidimensional SELF.”

When you hear this message and remember your SELF and your Galactic Family who lives within, you can more easily remember that you joined the hologram of third dimensional life, not from above, but from within. From your third dimensional mind you are accustomed to being outside of things. Therefore, when you wish to experience something, you go into it from the outside.
On the other hand, with your opened Third Eye you are remembering that all life is inside you. Consequently, when you travel inter-dimensionally, you do so from inside of your imagination, mind, emotions and consciousness. The higher dimensions are not higher up above your head; they are deeper into the core of your SELF. The further and further you go IN to your SELF, you will experience higher and higher frequencies of reality. See your SELF as a spiral of light, such as a torsion wave, that is moving deeper and deeper IN to your consciousness. Experience how your light circle becomes tighter and tighter and it vibrates faster and faster.
This journey is replicated in your body in the cochlea of your inner ear. The outside of the cochlea holds the lower frequencies, such as the frequencies that create the third dimension. Then the center of the Cochlea holds the mid frequencies, such as the frequencies that hold the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is visited by your consciousness every night in your dreams. Therefore, it is a well-known waypoint along your inner journey. As you go further within, you move past the fourth dimension and into the fifth.
Your inner journey begins with the familiar rhythm or space and time, which are greatly altered by the mutable time and space of the fourth dimension. As your consciousness expands, it raises in frequency and creates brainwaves that create higher and higher states of consciousness, the boundaries of time and space blur more and more into the now. Therefore, as you enter the core of your consciousness, the frequency is so high that it can no longer be measured by the limitations of the third dimensional world and can only be perceived as HERE and NOW.

It is at this point that perceptions and languages of the third dimension become completely extinct. Human language has been based on organizing sounds and words in a sequential order that take a certain amount of “time” to hear, read or speak.  Therefore, these language systems are obsolete in a reality that is free of ALL concepts of time and space. A crop circle is a physical representation of Light Language in which one picture relays a huge amount of information in ONE moment of perception. A crop circle is embedded into a field of grain, whereas a Light Language message is embedded into the receiver’s consciousness.
Light Language is images, like a crop circles, that activate patterns of perception in the higher consciousness (higher brainwaves) of the receiver. What takes “time” is the translation of this message from the neural/light picture into your sequential 3D language. These messages of Light Language from us, as well as from our entire Galactic Family, are being sent to everyone. The grounded ones who are “channeling” our messages have gradually, or suddenly, awakened to their ability to connect their higher consciousness with their voice and hands to speak and/or write the translation of our Light Language into third-dimensional, sequential language.
However, this type of translation has already become passé, as many of the “new children” can understand and communicate Light Language without the burden of translation. Unfortunately, like all vanguards of change on a fear-based, polarized reality, these awakened ones are too often judged as having a “problem.” Instead, they should be recognized as having evolved perceptions and cognitive abilities.
We salute these brave ones who chose to enter Earth at this moment of transition. They have had to bear the prejudice of judgment by those who are, in fact, less evolved. However, their Souls knew the challenge they would face. They also knew that, eventually, they would be called upon to be inter-dimensional translators. The technology that will carry you into the New Age is based on the circular patterns of light and the science of holographic perception.
As you move deeper into your core, you will realize that it is YOU who is projecting a portion of your Beingness into the external holographic projection of the third dimension. Within that projection there are many portals through which you can log-out of the hologram and return to your “real world” in the higher dimensions. This process of logging-out can be confusing at first, for there are as many versions of “reality” as you can imagine. Therefore, when you log-out of the hologram, to which real world do you wish to return?
In other words, when you return to you SELF, to which SELF do you wish to return? THAT is how powerful you truly are! Your earth vessel is merely the character that you have chosen to wear while you are logged in to the 3D Hologram. Fortunately, as you continue to awaken, you realize that you can easily maintain any portions of the holographic reality that you love, because YOU created that reality via your projection. Because of this, you can easily re-create it in the higher dimensional projections, as well.
We say “higher dimensional projections,” because when you return to your true SELF, you will at ONE with the formlessness of pure consciousness. You are all members of the ONE. You cannot lose anything, for YOU are everything! You are the creator, the observer and the participant in your holographic world. YOU have created “windows” through which you can visit HOME while within your projected life. It is vital that you remember this fact, which is why we have been talking about portals in so many of our communications. Through your personal Pineal Portal, you can connect your projection (your grounded self) with the projector (your Multidimensional SELF).
From the perspective of your Multidimensional SELF, you can perceive and use the many personal, planetary, galactic and cosmic Portals. More and more of these Portals will be staying open to shine the multidimensional light and unconditional love from the Galactic Center out into your world. You see, dear Ones, the Galactic Center is not “over there” across space and time. That is the projection of the Galactic Center. You are the projector of the Galactic Center. You, every one of you, is projecting your inner perception of the Galactic Center out into and through your personal hologram.
We understand that this message may be nearly impossible to compute with the outdated Third Dimensional Operating System of your organic, computer/brain. It is imperative, that you complete the download of your new Multidimensional Operating System and switch all your cognitive functions to that system. In this manner, the linear/time-bound perceptions and cognitive abilities of your Third Dimensional Operating System will be replaced with the omni-present/infinite perceptions and cognitive abilities of your Multidimensional Operating System.
Many of you are falling out of alignment with the “normal” routines and expectations of “daily life in the third dimension.” Your Soul/SELF is creating this choice of attention in order to nudge you into full awakening. Your Soul knows that your ego can get too complacent if your attention remains too focused on your third dimensional reality. Therefore, your Soul is rattling your mental cage as a means of coercing you to release your old patterns of thought and embrace new ones.
As discussed in our last message, your primary patterns of thought are stored within your Pineal Gland, your personal inter-dimensional Portal. Fortunately, the higher frequencies of love-based thought will over-ride and replace lower frequencies of fear-based thought. Every time your Personal Portal is opened to the multidimensional light and unconditional love of the ONE, the same thought is embedded into your consciousness. As you relax into the FEEL of SELF you hear this thought, as it reminds you again:
“Dearest grounded one,
 It is time to log out of the 3D Game and come Home to your SELF.
But first, please tell as many people as possible,
‘You can wake up now. The dream is over!’”
As you download more and more of your Multidimensional Operating System, you become more and more aware of the holographic nature of your third dimensional reality. You begin to remember and experience the YOU inside of you who is actually projecting its consciousness into the you in the 3D Game. This memory expands your consciousness beyond Personal Consciousness and into Collective, Planetary, Galactic and even Cosmic Consciousness. You also FEEL these states of consciousness not above you, but within you. It is then that the third dimensional based illusions of UP and DOWN shift to the truth of IN and OUT.
Your new Operating System reminds you that by projecting your attention OUT, which is similar to the old concept of DOWN, you place your primary consciousness into the polarity of the hologram and further away from the ONE of your Core. Conversely, by projecting your attention IN, which is parallel to UP, pulls your consciousness IN to your core. Therefore, to log out of the 3D Hologram you “turn your attention inwards” to release your attachment to your projection (earth vessel) who is playing the 3D Game. Then, you can choose to focus your attention on the projector (Multidimensional SELF) who is creating your third dimensional experiences.
In this manner, your consciousness is placed, not in the projection of your ego self into the 3D Hologram, but in the projector of your 3D Reality, your true SELF. Since your SELF is multidimensional, you can easily participate in the 3D Game while simultaneously attending to programming and projecting OUT into your 3D Hologram your experiences of Planetary Ascension. Since your Multidimensional SELF is ONE with all life, there is no “conflict of interest,” which is so common in the 3D Game. Everyone is infinitely together within the ONE. Some projectors wish to experience being the “bad” polarity, whereas other projectors wish to experience the “good” polarity of a dualistic reality.
This shift from down to out and up to in is one of the many perceptual and cognitive paradigm shifts of your Multidimensional Operating System. The modification from polarity thinking to unity thinking is another paradigm shift. It is this second shift that will be the most difficult to adapt to because your communication system, language, is totally based on polarity thinking. Therefore, all concepts are “I” or “not I.” In other words, all pronouns are based on individual consciousness with even “we” meaning many individuals who are temporarily joining in a certain endeavor. This individual thinking was within the Divine Plan for Earth to create the challenge of: “Can individuality exist within unity?”
As your consciousness adapts to your new Multidimensional Operating System, you all naturally perceive higher and lower frequencies of light and sound. Therefore, you will consciously perceive the fourth dimensional auras of all life forms that radiate out into the hologram to intermingle with the auras of other life forms. You will be surprised to see how many inanimate objects have auras because the humans using them have left their signature pattern on that object. Over repeated use, the object begins to become sentient due to the constant infusion of the fourth dimensional aura of the one using it.
The objects that many people use will develop on a group sentience. On the other hand, the objects that are used by only one person will take on an individual sentience. This is why you can look at your car as a metaphor for your body. It is also why well-loved objects are kept as family heirlooms. A sensitive person can feel the energy of the owners on that object. Therefore, if they loved that person or family, they will love the object and want to keep it with them.
You see dear ones, all that you see is just as alive as your earth vessel for all that you see outside of you is part of the same holographic projection as your own earth vessel. You log out of this hologram when you sleep or meditate, which raises your consciousness enough to consciously operate your new Multidimensional Operating System. The manual for this system is encoded not in to your brain, but into your High Heart.
As a protection for the consciousness of the collective hologram, you can only read the Manual when your consciousness is attuned to the frequency of unconditional love. In this manner, those within the higher dimensions of the ONE can vicariously play the 3D Game with unconditional love serving as the firewall to assure that the lower frequencies of thought, intention and emotion of the 3D Game can not leak into the purity, peace and calm of those observing the Game withIN the ONE.
With the opening of your Third Eye, the gap between your self and your SELF, closes. The gap of which we speak is the illusionary “distance” between your ego, grounded one and your Soul, multidimensional ONE. It is time now, beloveds, to complete the process of closing this gap. We speak to each of you specifically as well as to ALL those who receive this message in any form. If YOU are ready to receive this message, somehow it will get to you.
Closing the gap is the process of fully remembering, downloading, integrating and being your true SELF while still holding your earth vessel (participating in the 3D Game). Your earth vessel is indeed a vessel, much like your car. Just as you enter and leave your car, you exit your earth vessel every night when you’re sleeping and during deep meditation. Whenever you exit your earth vessel and direct your consciousness inwards towards the higher worlds, you strengthen the Bridge between your Personal Pineal Portal and the higher dimensions.
This Bridge is like a neural synapse in that whenever you use it, the connection between the two experiences, perceptions and/or thought patterns gets stronger. There are so many of our beautiful grounded ones have created bridges, either consciously or unconsciously, that there is a virtual highway of bridges from third dimensional Earth to fifth dimensional Terra. It is on fifth dimensional Terra that our Planetary Ascension Team holds a Light Vessel, which connects them with their third dimensional counterpart.
The closing of the gap between the two is like lassoing a horse. This horse is a great stallion of immense power and leadership abilities. Therefore, if you throw out your lasso in fear or anger, this powerful being will easily escape your grasp. On the other hand, when you throw out your lasso in unconditional love, the stallion literally steps into its loop to assist you in coming Home. In other words, your fifth dimensional SELF will “catch” your light lasso and connect it to its Core.
Take a moment to visualize the beam of light that is connecting you to your fifth dimensional SELF on Terra, fifth dimensional Earth. The way that you close the gap is not by pulling on the light lasso, but by surrendering to it. In this manner, your fifth dimensional SELF can reel you into your Core while you, its grounded part, surrenders to this process.
This exercise is a version of the Native American Sun Dance in which the “dancer” hangs from a tree via the hooks embedded in his chest. These hooks cause great pain, but it is by overcoming the pain that the “dancer” can truly surrender to the Sun, Higher Self. In the same manner, if you can fully surrender to the pain of your daily life, without inner dialogue or self-doubt, your SELF can use the mighty force of its unconditional love to more easily “close the gap” between you.
As you surrender to returning Home to the fifth dimension, the wounded fragments of your ego/self come into your consciousness. Therefore, we ask you to turn around in your mind to gather these many wounded ones into your heart. As you do so, place your point of perception in your High Heart, where you can best express unconditional love. Slowly move toward your wounded ones, arms spread wide and heart open. Just as you would swoop up beloved children, collect your wounded ones into your heart. Hold them close, even if they struggle to escape. These wounded expressions of yourself may still want to play the 3D Game, but you firmly and lovingly say,
“It is time to go Home now, my ones. I love you very much, and I won’t leave without you. I AM your Higher SELF. Therefore, I AM aware that you are afraid that you are not ‘good enough.’ I want you to know that you are perfect. In fact, you were always perfect, you just forgot.”
Encompass these wounded ones within your multidimensional light and unconditional love. With your great compassion, you realize that some of your wounded expressions are too tired to continue and too blinded by illusion to assist Gaia. Lovingly, you decide to send these ones on ahead. You call upon the many Angels that always surround you to release these wounded ones into their care. Having NEVER known illusion, the mighty Angels can embrace them with their Light and carry them off to be healed in the Mystery Temples of the Fourth Dimension.
You are likely surprised by how many of your wounded ones have decided to stay with you. Although in pain, they are Spiritual Warriors and determined to continue, for they will NOT abandon their Mother Gaia. With this decision, veil after veil of illusion is released from their consciousness. With the release and healing of your wounded ones, the gap between your body of clay and body of light is greatly diminished.
You see the Angels and other higher dimensional beings around you and remember your longing to return Home to your fifth dimensional SELF. More and more of the fifth dimension is leaking into your life because the cycle is closing. You feel ready now to BE your Multidimensional SELF in daily life. You know that you will forget this feeling of confidence when you are tired, emotional or filled with stress. Nonetheless, you are confident that you will remember to decree,
“I AM ready to return to the fifth dimension.”
With this proclamation, your inner light expands to fully illuminate your Path Home, and your heart bursts open with unconditional love. As you bask in the feel of unconditional love, you begin to hear the Cosmic Quiet. The sounds of your external world are still captured by your ears, but they do not enter you mind. This Quiet rests in your Opened Third Eye, guiding your thoughts towards peace and calm.
Because your mind is silent, you can more easily feel your great longing to return Home. Without a thought, you surrender to this longing. As you do so, you experience Gaia all around you. You experience Her Light, Her longing for Home and, most of all, you experience Gaia’s unconditional love. You place your hands on your High Heart to assist you in centering your focus on the frequency of love.
Slowly the world around you begins to morph and change. You are accelerating your consciousness into the higher frequency of reality. You remain in the same place, for only your frequency changes. Your body feels lighter and lighter as you raise your resonance. Gradually you are returning to your true form of Lightbody. You float and Flow, as a deep peace begins to take root in your core. Your mind is washed clean of thought and your heart shines upon your Path.
As you follow your heart, world after world Flows past you. They do not distract you as you seek a certain frequency of reality. Slowly you feel this reality move into and through your body. You remain calm and accept these new sensations. As you surrender to the Flow of unconditional love, all sensations of movement are released. You feel only PEACE, only CALM. As you surrender to the Flow, you calmly and peacefully Flow Home.
As you Flow into 2011, take a moment to remember:
Being Lightbody
            Audio meditation
Calibrating Peace and Calm
            Audio meditation

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"In the next two years, the love of power will begin to be displaced by the Power
of Love. It will take time, but do not doubt it, for it is already in motion. It
begins initially inside each of your hearts, and Dear Ones, that is happening now".
Archangel Metatron

The Year Ahead

2011- Mid Point of Trinity Triad

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet each of you, individually,
lovingly, in a vector of timeless space. I embrace you in the Now time that you
read these words, and surround you in an energy of Unconditional Love.

Dear Ones, as we have told you, the world remakes itself now and whether or not
humanity in micro or macro is supportive of expansive change or against it, it is
truly a moot point as the inertia of time-chronology speeds past more quickly today
than it did yesterday in linear sequence. Accordingly will 2011 impel the expedition
of light acceleration and your lucid interpretation of consciousness. With this
surge your cognitive expression of life, will in-kind shift into higher tempo.
You see, all is quickening, time is accelerating as the Ascension draws nigh. So
as time reshapes itself it will also reshape the experience of mankind, of visible
and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself.

Each Moment Matters

Masters, it is so important that each of you understand and fully realize how truly
important each moment you live in these accelerated energies is to the Cosmos, the
New Earth and to you. Indeed there is a new energy on this planet, and this energy
seeks to now further activate your awareness and light quotient. And Dear Ones,
your ability to hold greater light embellishes you ability to express love. That
Love begins with not only accepting , but truly loving the Divine Self.

You are beginning to understand how beautiful you truly are, and that Dear Humans,
is so important in these Ascending times. You all have within you the power of God,
and we call upon you to allow that recognition, that renewed self acceptance, that
immaculate LOVE to wash over you. It is your calibrated birthright and it is beautiful.
You are rediscovering this ecstasy of Immaculate Love in your meditations, for
a transitional expansion is occurring in this new energy. You are now opening to
more clearly see how important your lives are, not just to the Earth but to the
grand Cosmos as well. Oh yes, this is so true!

You see the vibrations of this deep meditative expansion is over-flowing into the
physical realms that you live in...and YOU made that happen. The veil between dimensions
has thinned, and the part of you that is on 'the other side' of the veil is tenderly
reaching through to touch your heart. And the part of you in higher dimension is
the quantum you, the real 'you' that is dreaming this profound experience of life.
That higher self wants you to know, as do we of the Angelic Realm, how much you
are loved, how important and magnificent you truly are. Dear Humans can you fathom

You Are On Path

You so often have doubted yourselves. So often felt your lives were headed nowhere.
Oh Dear Ones, if you only knew and will accept the truth of what a difference you
have made and are continuing to make. There have always been the doubters, the naysayers
that said the Ascension would never occur, that humanity would not consummate this
sacred graduation into higher consciousness. But you have effectuated that achievement,
the Ascension is now an absolute certainty. It is manifesting! Indeed it has been
for two decades, and most of you do not credit yourselves for navigating it into
reality. Many of you still do not realize that the work you have done on both
sides of the veil over the past 25 years has changed the earth you were born on
into a completely different frequency and paradigm.

You are responsible for it, and mankind does not yet comprehend what you have
done or own the credit of this achievement. Masters what you have done is the very
reason many of you are now reading these words that are sent from another dimension.

And so allow me to honor you as we speak of the coming year, for you have grown
much stronger than you realize. You have taken a quantum leap....and regardless
of the calendar days of 2011, what lies ahead of you is indeed a leap year! It is
a year of Quantum-Leap !

2011 The Year Ahead

And so we speak of 2011. Indeed it is an exciting year of invigorated time, and
will be a period of quickening.

But we tell you Dear Ones, 2011 will not be a less intense energy than was 2010,
in fact it will be amped a notch or two higher. But fear not, most of you on the
path, will none the less find it much easier to manage. Is this not a testament
to your frequencial growth?

Now, 2011 contains within it 12 of the extremely potent energy amplifications phases
that you are becoming more accustomed to, but understand that these magnifications
are part and parcel of your accelerated growth process.

Indeed you must learn to operate at higher frequency, and so the years of the Trinity
Triad, 2010, 2011 and 2012, are in a sense a rigorous training program that will
allow you to strengthen and increase your auric fields as the ground-zero of the
Ascension nears.

Trinity Triad - Jacobs Ladder

In truth the energies of the Trinity Triad are merged in one program, and as such
from our perspective the events of 2010, 2011, and 2012 are part of the same process
of the Ascension. It is our purpose here to focus on the aspects of 2011 that lie
so near to your unfolding.
Masters, the heralded Ascension it is not an abstruse complexity of prophetic biblical
script, but rather a natural and requisite expression of accelerating planetary
It is Jacobs's Ladder, and Dear Ones, when you are on a ladder; you are ascending,
descending or standing still. It is one of the three you see. It is always so. And
I Metatron tell you that you are moving up, whether you see it or not, mankind is

As such, all of you on the earth-plane are now within the field of an incredible
crystalline energy. The result is that your own auric fields and Mer-Ka-Na Light
Bodies are, through induction, becoming extreme energy in motion. It is energy as
desire expressing itself and so your work calls forth now an even finer frequency.
Imagine that if you will take vitamins for your physical body they must be such
that they can be absorbed by the body to generate wellness, well being, and better
health. And so it is the same with the Crystalline Transition, its frequencies and
energies are indeed vitamins of light expansion for the light body.

The crystalline resonance now surrounds you in ways that allow you to absorb their
pristine symmetries into your energy fields, transferring them, converting them,
and amplifying them into your own work, into your desires, into your fulfillment
and into all ways that touch earth and humanity.

Alpha & Omega

So these words are brought to you from the alpha and omega into the center of your
new being. These symmetries of crystalline coherent light are expressed to you,
projected for you from the center of my being so that they will touch you energetically
and so re-create themselves fortuitously in the days and weeks that come forward
in 2011 and 2012. All is indeed, in perfections pathway.

For within these time-sequences the 144-Grid completes into full conscious projection,
and that projection is indeed a tool of and for your own expansion. Such it is
with the crystalline grid you see, it too is a system that will allow your nurturing
into a higher resonance, a higher more fulfilling expression.

For that you call the Ascension is upon you, and in but a wink of the cosmic eye
it will be done! In my realm it has been done already you see, and indeed it is
a wondrous event. One heralded throughout the Universe and observed by many on
this realm and others.

Ascension Triggers

What then remains for the Ascension program in 2011 and 2012 are specific astrological
gravitation refinements and frequencial boosts needed to complete & polish the Crystalline
Grid and refine the Crystalline Transformation of the Earth as it reinforces the
spanning of humanity into great and greater dimensionality consciousness, and that
is indeed Crystalline Consciousness.

And so we will speak of these frequencial events as they unfold in 2011.

Equinoxes of 2011

The Equinoxes and Solstices of 2011 are exceptional powerful and multi purposed.
These are in fact Ascension catalyst and triggers. These potent days should be
used for group prayer and meditation and indeed deep self review. The solstices
and equinoxes remaining in the next two years are complex and flamed with multiple
hologramic inserts for the Ascension of both mankind and the planet. We assure you
that these astrological events are infinitely more powerful than the equinoxes and
solstices in the past several millennia. We urge each of you to discern and utilize
them as suggested. Gather on these days, and the power of Group Consciousness will
flower exponentially.

Eclipses of 2011

In addition, 2011 will have an extremely rare aggregation of complex coded eclipses.
There will be a total of 6 eclipses in 2011, and 3 of these will occur in a 30 day
phase between May 30- 1 July 1st. This period will be punctuated with the June
Solstice. This 4:2 combination of solar and lunar eclipses in a single year is quite
rare, only occurring about once each generation. We tell you that Eclipses are opportunities
for energizing change. Masters the eclipses of 2011 are an offering to make any
necessary shifts that you discern appropriate in your individual and collective
life stream. These are best afforded by synergizing them through the contemplation
and review that are available on equinoxes and solstices.

2011 Jan 04: Partial Solar Eclipse

2011 Jun 01: Partial Solar Eclipse

2011 Jun 15: Total Lunar Eclipse []

2011 Jul 01: Partial Solar Eclipse []

2011 Nov 25: Partial Solar Eclipse []

2011 Dec 10: Total Lunar Eclipse []

The ancient savants of enlightened eras always recognized such power-filled events
and utilized them as days of prayer, meditation, and inward search and mobilized
the eclipses to turbo-charge the changes they desired toward higher good.

Between the period of November 25th and December 21st will be a solar eclipse, a
total lunar eclipse and the December solstice. This will be extremely intense.


Vernal Equinox

Mar 20 2011

23:31 UT

Summer Solstice

Jun 21 2011

17:16 UT

Autumnal Equinox

Sep 23 2011

09:04 UT

Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2011

05:30 UT

The March Equinox of 2011 will create an incredibly powerful energy that will feel
like a full moon X10. It will enter through crystalline portals and be triggered
to the Pyramid bases built on grid points across the Omni-Earth. Within this energy
will be the continuation of the coded activation termed the 'Cosmic Trigger'.

The Ascension of the planet is around the Crystalline Transformation of the planet.
And by crystalline, we are referring to a greater clarity, a pristine frequencial
order that is coherent. It is the frequency of impeccability. It is the crystalline
transformation that allows for the dimensional access expansion of the planet above
the level of the third dimension. The crystalline transformation truly only begins
at the initial level of the 5th dimension, and continues to the 12th dimension.

The Cosmic Trigger occurring on the March 20, 2011 Equinox furthers the transformation
of the planet and in addition further activates the functionality of the Crystalline
Light body emitted from the 144-Crystalline Grid.

The most aligned receival point of the Cosmic Trigger to activate myriad crystalline
points in the Americas is Galveston Island, within the Moody Pyramid Complex. The
Moody Pyramids will be aligned to Giza, which is the primary receival point in the
eastern hemisphere. Both Giza and Moody are tri-pyramid complexes, and the two are
in direct latitudinal alignment ( 29 degrees latitude) . Both are triangulated in
correlation to magnetic north. It is the combination of the three pyramids in-situ
within a synergistic tri-harmonic alignment that allows their greater facility and
power. As the Atlanteans and Orion Masters knew, pyramids in specific triangulation
are extremely potent when celestially aligned and carefully placed in relation to
one another.

2011- Sacred Sites as Tuning Forks
During the Equinoxes of 2011, specific points on the Earth will be portals of Transduction,
indeed these will become instruments of transducing the faster speed of light into
quickening time on the Earth. The Grid Points, power nodes, sacred sites, phi complexes
and portals that dot the planet in specific patterns and specific purpose are the
distribution mechanisms of the higher energy required to up shift the resonant frequency
pulse of your planet.

They are tuning forks, inspired by perfection of First Cause. These exude the energy
of 'home', of well-being, and those of you who enter into them in spiritual intent
recognize this immediately. Accordingly one cannot help but want to be within them
and absorb the pattern emitted within such areas in order to grow into and share
the expansion of perfection.

Those who dedicate themselves to this tuning can experience a nearness to Source
that they feel is less available to them elsewhere. But the truth is that these
fine-tuned energies are osmotic frequencial schools, and once absorbed, once matriculated,
the energy is retained within the established individuals Mer-Ka-Na.
Many areas on the planet have then already ascended, via portal-lattices that may
be called the stairways to heaven, and other areas require a bit more work. This
clearing and coding will be up shifted. Specific areas that are a bit denser now
require more work to clear, and as a tertiary effect of the March 2011 Cosmic Trigger
and harmonic crysto-magnetic code awakening, the pyramidal portals will bring in
the pristine lighter energy for that specific purpose. You see global frequencial
balance must be attained. Each of you Earth-Keepers plays a role in this. Indeed
you become portable resonators.

Potent Entry into 2011

Tighten you seat belts Masters! On December 21st of 2010, a full moon total lunar
eclipse will occur on the Solstice. This extreme double edged surge will be the
entry into 2011 and is a taste of what is to come in the year ahead! This will
create a mighty blast of high frequency energy that will span the planet and carry
forward into a solar eclipse occurring on January 4th of 2011. This will be a powerful
but supremely benevolent energy. This solstice of December 21st is a day for meditation
and resolve, and indeed a day to combine your energies to create the year ahead
and bath the planet in the impeccability of the powerful OMM-Wave.

The 11-11-11

The validity of the Triple Date Portals is evidenced in myriad ways. The TDP points,
which we first shared with you over a decade ago, are hologramic insertions that
effect the crystalline transformation of the planet through the crystalline grid.
The point of initial surge is the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas.

On the 9-9-9 your media reported via local radio that an unusual green fog had formed
over Mt Magazine as the Emerald Master Crystal flashed into activation from long
dormancy. The Crystal created the emerald mystic-mist, and it confused many because
it was not of water vapor, rather it was the green haze that naturally occurs in
the magnetics of trans-dimensional portal activity. It not only covered the mountain,
it was viewed from satellites. Its energy also short circuited the electrical grid
in the area for a short period.

Arkansas Earthquakes

On the 10-10-10 earthquakes took place in areas of Arkansas where they had not been
recorded before. Although one exceeded 4.1 on the Richter scale, no injuries or
real damage occurred. And these significant measured quakes were unique in other
ways, the usual 'white-out' in terms of the frequencial 'song' of the Schumann
Resonance that precedes seismic releases did not occur, the birds continued to sing
and the animals were not afraid. It was the Crystal Activations, Dear Ones, these
were caused by the pulse of the Master Crystal Activations beneath the massive chasms
of the Crystal Vortex. It is quite true, quite real. and their energy is magnificent.

Watch for these confirmations, for they will become more tangible and baffle your

We tell you that on the 11-11-11 another validation will occur.

The Triple-Date Portal of November 2011 will be perhaps the most potent singular
day of the year. Masses of humanity will form the human grid and tie into the Cosmic
Energy that is amassed in the final stages of activating the 144-Crystal Grid. On
the 11-11-11 the Atlantean Master Crystals will further activate with the initial
awakening of the Crystal of Multidimensional Communication in the Crystal Vortex.

This awakening will sequentially recode the 12 Golden Sun Disc around the planet.

These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine
energy of zero field, of pure love, unconditional love, and a light-code that can
only exist in the 5th dimension and above. On the 11-11-11 the Sun Disc of the Crystal
Vortex will be activated beneath the area of Pinnacle Mountain in Arkansas, and
this will complete the energy of the Arkansas Vortex and then network the new DNA
codes across the planet.

The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blue print for the unified crystalline field
in the Crystalline Transition of the planet. Indeed these are being reprogrammed
by and within the Crystalline 144 Grid!

The Golden Sun Disc discs will emit a 12-strand helix, in a spiraling energy that
will serve, as the prototype of the DNA for the crystalline aspect through the 144-Grid.
Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and
reform itself, becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth.
They are energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear
disc- like when viewed.

Now as your Ascension completes itself, you will have greater access to the multi
dimensional aspects of yourselves. In truth, for some of you, the Ascension has,
for the most part, already occurred, in terms of multidimensionality. Do you understand?

The New Firmament Begins in the 2011 Trinity Triad

So we tell you that as the grids grow into completion that beyond the 144 Crystalline
Geometry will be the Polyhedron 120 Geodesic sphere. This begins formulating in
2011, initiates in 2012, and completes in the year of 2024. While multidimensional
access will be fully achieved within the 144- Crystalline grid in 2012, the new
firmament is spawned thru its completion.

Consider the geometric-crystalline completion of the geodesic grids as a flower
achieving full bloom, at which point a cosmic pollination will occur and an energetic
seed- field will come into effect. You see the very completion of the perfect geometric
form germinates a new field from its unified perfection...and that field may be
called the (new) Crystalline Firmament.

It will emerge as two great elliptical bands of energy that intersect at 90-degree
angles around the planet.

One will carry the color and essence of platinum, the other of gold. One will be
crysto- electrical in nature the other crysto-magnetic. Their energies will circulate
in modulated opposition, and the field between the two will encompass the planet
in a spherical manner.

And from this a conscious self-aware field of the OMM WAVE circumnavigates the planet
to allow for an even greater perfection of the Earth. This Crystalline Firmament
will allow for what was termed by the ancients as the 1000 years of peace.. The
crysto-electromagnetics of the planet will be in optimal balance.

Now the Earth and Human Kind will have need for the Crystalline Firmament, and will
call it forth. It will assist in many roles, perhaps more than you imagine.

It will change the way the human body receives sunlight. It will assist in the translucent
luminous transformation of the body physical. It will trigger the transition of
the human body from carbon to silicon base. It will in kind change the nutritional
needs of the human body physical. It will defend the earth's magnetosphere by deflecting
meteorites and comets, it will lessen the effects of gamma rays into the Earth's
atmosphere. It will come forth by a natural and scientific effort, it is the natural
offspring of the completed 144-crystalline grid. The New Firmament begins formulating
in 2011, and in the process the arc - swing of the pendulum of duality will begin
to drastically decrease.


Dear Ones, inclosing, let me express unequivocally that I and the Angelic Realm
are in a special role of supporting you far more than you may realize. For you too
are Gods in creation, sparks of the Divine becoming violet flames of the All That

We love each of you, all of you, and beyond the veils you are part of us.

We spin a light vortex of great honor and appreciation to you, We are sending this
energy to each one of you in the 'NOW' moment that you read these words, Can you
feel it, open your heart and receive what we send forth in love.

We sincerely honor you as you move into the final two years of Earths Crystalline
Ascension. And we tell you it is the Ascension of the Earth that will spawn the
critical mass movement of physical humanities Ascension in two to three centuries.
All in free will, all by choice. And in that time, there will be no global war,
no mass starvation.

You see on December 21, 2012, the Earth Ascends, and Ascension for Humanity is available.
But do not expect the 3d Earth you see around you now to instantly follow suit.
That will occur in two to three centuries, but it is the expanded energy of the
planetary Crystalline Transformation that you call the Ascension that will allow
for mankind's heart at a time.

In the next two years, the love of power will begin to be displaced by the power
of love. Do not doubt it, for it is already in motion. This transformation occurs
one heart at a time, inside each of you. As such you must BE the change you want
to see!

It is a future of Ascension that you are creating...and we tell you that this period
of less than three centuries is the blink of an eye. We salute you. You are on the
appropriate path !

Before you lies an incredible awakening and completion. 2011 is the midpoint of
the Trinity Triad, and a time of omnipotent calibration, amplification and indeed
celebration. You each have made a difference, and you will depart this planet a
greater light, than from hence you entered. And you did it your way. In Love. I
invite you to feel joy, for you have earned it !

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved!

And so it is...


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Our new radio show, The Arcturian Ascension Process on BBS Radio, airs every other week on Friday night at 9:00 pm Pacific Time-- upcoming show dates are October 22nd, November 4th and 18th, and December 3rd. Join us LIVE or listen to the archives by visiting:
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Dear Ones, We are the Arcturians. We ended our last communication with you in the “in-between.” How did you enjoy it? * You are, indeed, very brave pioneers forging your Path into a new reality. In fact, YOU are creating this Path while also living your daily life. This act of being in two realities/frequencies at the same time is giving your unconscious mind permission to fully allow the download, integration and operation of your new Multidimensional Operating System. * ( )

Since, your Multidimensional Operating System is turning on new codes of DNA in your biological computer/brain, you are likely experiencing many “symptoms of transformation” in your Third Eye. Some of these symptoms are dizziness, eye and nasal problems, lucid dreaming, difficulties with remembering, an inability to focus on mundane tasks and generalized confusion. Your brain is regaining its former capacitance, and you are now being re-programmed so that you can have usable access to a larger percentage of your innate, expanded perceptions and multidimensional skills. However, as you are opening new files, you may not have full access to the old ones.

Furthermore, your corpus callosum (neural network between the right and left hemispheres) is reversing its function. Before, it separated the masculine and feminine areas of the brain so that your reasoning and intuition remained in different camps. Now the corpus callosum is being reprogrammed so that it functions as a bridge, which connects the right/feminine and left/masculine hemispheres to such a degree that you are actually creating a new brain. Whereas the old brain functioned from the “Separation Principle” of either-or, your brain now functions from the “Unity Principle” of both-always.

In fact, not only are the hemispheres now unified in function, their joining amplifies the speed of your thinking and creativity, because the neurons can now transverse back and forth across the corpus callosum at the speed of thought. Masculine/feminine, thought/emotions, logical/creative, and sequential/holistic aspects of thought now function form the center point of your corpus callosum.

Therefore, masculine and feminine attributes becomes androgynous,
thoughts and emotions becomes consciousness,
logical/creative becomes communication
and sequential and holistic processing becomes perception.

Within the Unity Principle, you no longer have to expend the cognitive effort of comparing and contrasting the third dimensional polarities, as you perceive all reality from the Center Point of the “in-between.” It is from this Center Point of consciousness that you can most easily accept the torsion waves that are constantly being emitted from the Galactic Center.

These torsion waves enter your earth vessel through the center flow in your opened Third Eye/thinking and are understood through your High Heart/feeling. Within this center flow of torsion waves is a tunnel of protection, much like our Arcturian Corridor. This protective center flow is felt as unconditional love in your High Heart and perceived as multidimensional light to your Third Eye. As your Third Eye and High Heart unite in function, these messages of love and light combine to greatly amplify your innate creative force. It is the combination of multidimensional light, which is transmuted into thoughts and carefully directed by your intention and attention, in unison with unconditional love, which is transmuted into the understanding and compassion, that initiates your transmutation into Lightbody.

As you ground into Gaia’s Earth, the torsion waves that you have integrated into your body, the energy assists Her in Her planetary ascension. The Humans, who are the Keepers of the Land, have volunteered to ground this expanding, transmuting force into the earth, whereas the Cetaceans, Keepers of the Water, have volunteered to ground it in the water. Gaia then amplifies that energy and returns it to Her surface to expand its radiance. In this manner, the torsion waves grounded into one small patch of land, or one small area of water, gradually expand until all of Gaia’s planetary body is basking in multidimensional light and unconditional love.

The Flow from the higher dimensions is grounded into the physical plane by the power of your in-breath, and then shared with all of life with your out-breath. As the higher dimensional spirit/energy is integrated into the lower dimensional matter/form, the form begins to transmute into a higher frequency. There are areas of your personal consciousness, life and body that will need to be released, for they are too dense to transmute. In the same manner, areas of Gaia’s body are too dense to transmute and will have to be released.

This process of transmutation/ascension of matter back into its higher frequency of expression is the same for all holders of form, whether it is plant, animal, person or planet.
The bud that holds the flower dies so that the flower blooms.
The flower that holds the seed dies so that the seed can become fruit.
The fruit falls to the ground to release its inner seeds into the earth.
The seed dies so that a new tree can be born.
Death is just another word for transmutation.

Hence, the earth vessel that you have worn is to be replaced with a light vessel. The Tree (Tree of Life) represents your consciousness, which is forever repeating itself on different planets, times, places, parallel realities, solar systems, galaxies and dimensions. The Tree never dies, as it has created so many versions of its SELF that at least one version is in form somewhere or sometime in some format of manifestation. When a version of the Tree, such as a human, decides that it wants to observe its many manifestations within the perspective of the ONE, it returns to the overview (higher dimensions) so that it can view all of its creations from the Unity Consciousness of the ONE.

In preparation for this return, the human brain is preparing to leave duality and enter the realm of unity. To do so, the Mystical Marriage of masculine and feminine must be sealed in Light so that their child of love, Lightbody, can gradually expand beyond its cocoon of the physical earth vessel. As the gender-based version of the brain begins to merge, “whole brain thinking” comes online to expedite the activation of the DNA codes for both-always cognition. At that point, the DNA on/off system of ones and zeros begins to turn OFF the lower frequency of physical form and turns ON the higher frequency of light form, which is your Lightbody.

As the multidimensional torsion waves enter the Crown Chakra, which will only happen if the being has already opened that portal (Earth is a free will planet, and each being must choose ascension), the earth vessel accepts the incoming higher frequencies through the High Heart. (We say earth vessel, as there are other Beings besides humans who are ascending.) This torsion energy then needs to be grounded into the earth to avoid “short circuiting” of the neurological system (electricity). Once sufficiently accepted and grounded, this multidimensional light and unconditional love can be fully integrated into the earth vessel. The Keepers of the Land (humans) and Keepers of the Water (cetaceans) will then join forces to begin the transmutation and ascension of themselves and Gaia into the fifth dimension.

This planetary ascension process is only possible when in direct alignment with the Galactic Center, as only the galactic torsion waves are a powerful enough “fuel” to ascend an entire planet. This was tried via the “back door” when Atlantis and Lemuria were at the other end of the Corridor of Ascension 12,000 years ago. Unfortunately, the balance of light and dark on Earth was tipped too heavily toward the dark/fear. Therefore, the Flow of torsion waves could not be sufficiently accepted, grounded and integrated into the planet. Then, instead of Earth ascending, She was nearly cast off her axis.

Since you have consciously accepted, grounded and integrated the multidimensional light and unconditional love into your vessel, you have more easily remembered to stay in connection with the Spirit of the ONE, not just when you were embroiled in a challenge, but also when you were happy and peaceful. You have learned that Spirit is not something to run to when you are scared. Spirit is something that you ARE. You have remembered that you ARE Spirit grounded in matter, not matter seeking Spirit. With this Knowing, your journey of the “3D Game” is coming into its completion, and your full acceptance, integration and utilization of the galactic torsion waves has begun.

You have found the great comfort of living in light and would not choose otherwise. Most importantly, you have learned to love yourself unconditionally, even if you are not aware of that fact. It is this love that allows you to find joy in the midst of your daily life. It is time for you, the leaders of New Earth, to quietly mature into the frequency of the fifth dimension while still inhabiting your earth vessels.

This integration of realities is a great challenge and only possible if you have joy in your daily life. What is necessary in this portion of Gaia’s process of planetary ascension is that the ascending ones live in two worlds simultaneously. If you are not grounded in your third dimensional world by the power of love and joy, which are perpetuated by thanksgiving, your energy will fly from your earth vessel and off into the fifth dimension. In other words, you will have personal ascension.

In this case, you will not be using your great force of personal ascension to contribute to the ascension of the body of Gaia. If you are happy and content and loving life in your third dimensional life, you will be more able to remain in your earth vessel at the same time that you journey into the fifth dimension. Your frequent treks into the fifth dimension, while still maintaining an active earth vessel, will serve to “pull” third dimensional Earth through the fourth dimension and into the fifth. In this manner, our grounded ones can return home while they also bring their third dimensional home, Earth, with them.

In return, the force of Gaia’s planetary ascension will assist humanity with its personal ascension. The reality is, of course, that humanity IS Gaia, for in the fifth dimension, YOU are the planet and the PLANET is you. As you become ONE with your planetary womb, you will realize that this womb is a higher expression of your Multidimensional SELF. We know that we ask a lot of our Planetary Ascension Team, but your frequent visits to the fifth dimension will make your time of waiting for planetary ascension much easier.

We see the glory of your Awaking to your Multidimensional SELF as starbursts upon the body of Gaia. We also know that most of you were among those who answered Gaia’s distress call at the fall of Atlantis. We can also see your great dedication to “stay the course,” until you have completed your Promise to assist Gaia in Her return to a higher frequency of Her expression. We commend you on your great patience, persistence and commitment. We know that you wish to return Home, yet have chosen to stay until you are no longer needed. We Arcturians, as well as all of the Galactic Federation, especially those of us who once lived on Earth and are assisting Her from the higher dimensions, are proud to have you in our Galactic Family. We look forward to the grand celebration when you return to us.

Before we continue with our journey to Arcturus, which was started last month, we wish to remind you that when you ascend you don’t go to a place. Instead, you resonate to a wider band of frequencies. In fact, you go to a spectrum of frequencies such as the spectrum of the “Third Dimensional Reality,” which includes the first dimension, second dimension, third dimension and fourth dimensions. The fourth dimension is the “aura” of the physical world and serves as the threshold to the next octave of reality. The octave up from Third Dimensional Reality is “Fifth Dimensional Reality,” which includes dimensions five, six, seven and eight. Dimensions five, six and seven hold varying densities of increasingly mutable forms, whereas the eighth dimension holds no form and is pure consciousness. Much like the fourth dimension, the eighth dimension serves as the threshold into the next octave of reality, which is the octave of formless consciousness.

In a Third Dimensional Reality, “life” is perceived as matter, whereas in a Fifth Dimensional Reality, life is perceived as light. Members of an ascended planet hold a fifth dimensional form that they have decided to wear, and also enjoy constant access of the sixth dimensional Divine Blueprint. This access is possible because they have ascended beyond fear and any desire to have power-over others. They also have awareness of and interaction with the extended family of their seventh dimensional Oversoul. The Oversoul is the extended family of individual Souls of any given reality.

In your Third Dimensional Reality, you are aware of and can travel to different areas of your third dimensional planet, and you have awareness of your fourth dimension via dreams and meditations. The members of a Fifth Dimensional Reality are fully aware of and can easily travel to anywhere in their Galaxy and beyond. Members of a Fifth Dimensional Reality hold form and journey through their fifth, sixth and seventh dimensional world. They also have access to the eighth dimension through embracing their “Oversoul Family” as a higher expression of their Multidimensional SELF.

By expanding their fifth dimensional consciousness into the seventh dimensional Oversoul of their reality, they can instantly transport themselves to any location in our Galaxy, as well as any dimension from the third through the seventh. Then, just as you “turn off” the perceptions of your third dimensional world to enter your fourth dimensional dreams and meditations, you can turn off your Fifth Dimensional Reality, to enter the formless reality of the eight dimension.

We wish to remind you that the voice that is being translated into the words of this message is from the Group Mind/Heart of the eighth through tenth dimensions. Our reality is quite different from the reality of the fifth through seventh dimensions. Therefore, when we speak of our Fifth Dimensional Realities in Arcturus, we are speaking of our former reality. To avoid overloading your human brain circuitry, we wish to follow a sequential path of ascension from the third through the fourth and into the fifth dimension. In the fifth dimension and beyond, the Mind/Soul is free of sequence, for all reality occurs within the same ONE of the NOW.

This fifth dimensional reality is embedded inside your space/time reality, and it is called time/space. In this reality, time is no longer divided by space. Hence, there is no traveling. There is only calibration of consciousness. As you ascend beyond your third dimensional space/time, you “turn inside out.” In other words, the reality deep inside your Center Flow becomes the reality that surrounds your perceptions of SELF. At this point, time becomes NOW and space becomes HERE.

Therefore, all you need do to travel through time and space is to change your expectations of perceptions by calibrating your consciousness to a higher frequency of reality. Then, your reality will be that which you expect to perceive. Desire becomes extinct because everything you could want is instantly available. It is no longer “far away,” and you don’t have to “wait” to receive it. Hence, desire transmutes into expectation. One of the problems with newcomers to the fifth dimension is that they constantly shift realities as they get excited and “want” many different things within the same NOW. They eventually learn/remember to contain their excitement in order to hold their minds still and their hearts centered in the Flow.

We have gotten a bit off the track with our story, but we felt it best to impart some information so that you could more easily understand your experience of visiting a Fifth Dimensional Reality. In our last message, Opening Portals Part I, we set our expectations toward the reality of the Fifth Dimensional Reality of Zantarius in our Arcturian solar system. Please enjoy the following youtube to revisit your journey into the fifth dimension.

We Arcturians no longer lower our resonance below our Fifth Dimensional Reality, as we find it too uncomfortable. Therefore, we have great compassion for you who still wear a dense physical form in your Third Dimensional Reality. We also hold great compassion and unconditional love for all of our Arcturian Family who have volunteered to take an earth vessel on Gaia at this time to assist with Her ascension.

We ask you to take a moment to shake off the habit of your dense boundaries and expect to feel your glowing, emanating and mutable Lightbody. Look down to your feet, which you experience as overlapping and pointing down to serve as a “rudder” for your light vessel. Experience the flowing motion of your light-legs, as they move like the tail of a dolphin to navigate you through the fifth dimensional Flow. Look up your Lightbody to what was once your navel, second chakra, to find the point of your greatest flexibility. Take a moment to move your legs/tail from this area.

Move into what was once your solar plexus, third chakra, to experience your inner vortex of light. As you look into your heart chakra, you see that it has merged completely with your High Heart. Tune into your High Heart to feel the beautiful essence of every Being (some are not human) with whom you have taken this journey. Feel your great love radiating from your heart and follow the journey of this love as it moves upwards within your form, through your arms and out your hands. As you look at your hands, you see only huge bursts of light, emanating out into your environment.

Move your hands of light to what was once your throat chakra to activate and hear the tone of the signature frequency of your Lightbody. This signature frequency is your “name,” which is experienced as a dance of light and sound. As you focus on your Third Eye you can see this dance, as well as the wavering Lightbodies of those with whom you share this journey. Look now to see the multidimensional radiance of light and love that connects you to each other and the ONE via your Crown.

Take a moment to experience your SELF...
Feel how you float, flow and intermingle with each other...
Share your signature frequency of light and sound...
Accept and embrace this sharing from those around you...

Since the distance between light and light is zero, there is zero distance between you. In fact, the concept of “you” has become the concept of “us.” If there is no distance between, there is no separation, and there is no “you.” There is only “we.” Since you are now Lightbody, we will release the pronoun of “you,” and replace it with the constant “we” of the fifth dimension and beyond. Hence, “we” perceive the glow and sheen of the fifth dimension around “us.”

As we Flow through the group, we see the bright glow of myriad Lightbodies intermingling and overlapping. We feel their bright cores of individuality within our High Heart and see that core with our Third Eye. Taking a moment of our ever-present NOW, we merge with the Core of the many Lightbodies within our circle. Memories of myriad lives spent with friends and companions in alternate realities and inter-dimensional journeys fill us with unconditional love and expanded light. We deeply enjoy the unity and recognition of each unique SELF within the Unity of our ONE.

With the power of our expectation, we are instantly on the Fifth Dimensional Reality of Zantarius. ( We perceive our many Lightbodies as sparks of brightness in an ocean of light. Each bright core is individuated in its experiences and memories but is in constant contact with all the experiences and memories of the entire ocean.

As we move through the unconditional love and unity consciousness of Zantarius, we create images that comply with our expectations. These images are shared with the entire reality. Since we all have multidimensional cognition, emotions and perception, we can easily pull these images into the completeness of our ONE experience. Because we realize that our new ones may be having difficulty with this experience, we share our communal image to assist these new expressions of our SELF with the experience of being ONE.

We feel our new one’s struggle to embrace our resonance, and we send a wave of unconditional love through our group. Constantly the wave of unconditional love permeates our forms of light, expanding our resonance into the sixth dimension. Within the sixth dimension, we easily perceive the matrix for our reality much as our grounded earth vessels perceive the matrix of a hologram.

Instantly, we Flow through the stream of this matrix and into our seventh dimensional Oversoul. We support our new ones as we all commune with our greater Galactic Family of Light. We share our simultaneous experience of reunion, as we allow our new ones to perceive just their experience, for we feel their “overload” of stimuli. Because of this we now focus on YOU, meaning the individuation of YOU that you carried before visiting our world.

We support YOU as you commune with your Galactic Family of Light Beings from other planets, galaxies and dimensions. We encourage YOU to recognize and perhaps use your 3D language to write about the Galactic Members of your Oversoul with whom you are resonating...

We wish to remind YOU that an Oversoul. An Oversoul is the seventh dimensional expression of your Multidimensional SELF, as well as the Expanded Soul Family of your individuated Soul. This family encompasses many different species, planets, galaxies and dimensions. In other words, your Oversoul represents the greater YOU before you lowered your resonance from the Cosmic Consciousness of your Seventh Dimensional Oversoul into your sixth dimensional Galactic Consciousness, then your fifth dimensional Planetary Consciousness, then your fourth dimensional Collective Consciousness and, finally, into your third dimensional Individual Consciousness.

Beyond the Oversoul you no longer hold form, as you are pure consciousness. We see that we have taxed your earth-bound brains enough information, so we will conclude our journey. We will return to Zantarius again. As you download and integrate more of your Multidimensional Operating System into your biological computer/brain, you will be able to more easily release your habit of third dimensional thinking to more easily embrace a reality free of time, space and individuality. You can also return to Zantarius in your dreams and meditations.

Before we conclude our multidimensional journey we will take advantage of your expanded consciousness to take a short trip to fifth dimensional Earth. There are two versions we will visit. One version is the threshold of fifth dimensional Earth, in which humanity has just transmuted into the experience of unconditional love and complete unity. We will also visit mid-fifth dimensional Earth. To initiate our journey, we ask that you direct your intention to the same state of expectation that brought you to Zantarius. Then, when you expect to find yourself on the threshold of fifth dimensional Earth—you ARE!

At first, you may seem a bit disoriented by the instant transportation to another place. Therefore, take a moment to acclimate to your new surroundings. Blink your Third Eye a few times to clear your higher vision and open your High Heart to embrace this experience. Since this reality resonates to the frequency of the threshold of the fifth dimension, it differs from Zantarius. For example, everyone is holding forms similar to their earth vessel, but these forms glisten with light and waver with each thought and emotion.

Some people appear to be confused, as though they don’t know where they are or how they got here. On the other hand, some people appear to be very comfortable in this reality, as they have visited it many times in their dreams and imagination. The threshold of New Earth still maintains many of the illusions of the third/fourth dimension to assist the new arrivals in gradually accepting their new environment. Therefore, the members of this world are still dependent on technology, although it is vastly beyond that of the physical plane. For example, there are still cars, but they are anti-gravity cars operating with free energy. There are no wheels or need for polluting fuel.

At the very threshold there is still public transportation, but instead of a bus, train or airplane there are inter-planetary Portals. Therefore, a trip to the other side of the planet is just as quick as a trip to another part of your neighborhood. Replication devices, much like the replicators on Star Trek, create food. When you have completed your meal, you place leftovers, plates and table settings into the replicator to be dis-assembled into raw material for another creation. In fact, this reality has much of the same technology as Star Trek. There are Star Ships, transporters, long distance scanners, and communication devices that you wear on your clothing or implant into your body. Your body still appears much as it did when you where on the physical plane, but you all appear thin, healthy and ageless.

To travel into the mid-fifth dimension, you merely raise your resonance. Therefore, take a moment to inhale peace and exhale joy. With each inhale you center your awareness on the peace of your High Heart, and with each exhale you feel joy circulating through your form...

To assist you to ground this “alternate reality” into your everyday life, we guide you on this journey by intermingling this mid-fifth dimensional reality into the daily activities of your grounded expression of SELF.

As you stand in the line at the grocery store, imagine the fifth dimensional correlate in which you are sitting at a table with your family. As you give thanksgiving over your empty plate, you open your eyes to see the plate filled with food that appears to be glowing with light.
When you clear your third dimensional table to do you dishes, see the correlate mid-fifth dimensional life in which you give thanksgiving for a lovely meal and open your eyes to see the plates cleared and the table clean.
When you get in your car to go to work, take a moment to perceive the reality in which expect to be at the place in which you are offering your social service and open your eyes to see yourself there. Your friends with whom you offer this service merge with you in unconditional love when you materialize by their side.
When you sit down to pay your bills, imagine the freedom of knowing that there is no cost, for no one is paid with money. Instead, everyone is “paid” with joy and unconditional love. All services are given as a contribution to social health and welfare, and all products are materialized with your expectation.
As you walk through your neighborhood, see how each home glistens and glows with multidimensional light and unconditional love. See the verdant greenery and unusual plants and flowers that surround each home.
Feel how you KNOW every ONE in your neighborhood and can instantly communicate with them telepathically. However, you take a moment to empathically feel if they are choosing the illusion of privacy to pursue their illusion of personal endeavors. Everyone knows they are all ONE, yet many still have the habit of individuality and are free to engage in that experience whenever they choose.
You enjoy the old sensation of walking, but decide that it would be nice to fly. With that thought, your form of light lifts into the air and you soar above your neighborhood to see the beautiful nature surrounding the area.
You decide it would be wonderful to have the experience of being a tree, and instantly find yourself on the ground feeling your roots deep in the earth and the breeze moving through your leaves. You follow the breeze into the atmosphere and find that you are now formless. You enjoy the freedom from all form and soar through the sky like the wind.
As you look down, you see not just your neighborhood, but also the vast areas of land surrounding it. You ascend higher and higher until you can perceive the entire planet. New Earth is a sparkling jewel filled with peace and love.
As you slowly descend back into your body, you realize that it is not YOU. Your body is merely an envelope to contain your great Essence in a form. You wish to share your experience of planetary unity with the new arrivals, so you “go to work” on the threshold of New Earth.

Those of you who have been able to expand their consciousness enough to adapt to the mid-fifth dimension, often volunteer to work with those who are new to the fifth dimensional threshold. Many newcomers to multidimensional consciousness are very confused, even frightened. It is the frightened ones that need immediate attention, for if they are not immediately assisted their fear will lower their resonance back to the fourth dimension. Therefore, all newcomers enter through a smaller portal, which instantly monitors their level of fear. If there is any fear at all, a silent alarm is sounded for the “helpers” to instantly assist these new arrivals.

On the other hand, those of you who have familiarized yourselves with the mid-fifth dimension, immediately arrive at the destination, or destinations, that you have already chosen and prepared for in your meditations and inter-dimensional journeys. Some of you may go directly to mid-fifth dimensional Earth, whereas others may wish to go to your Homeworlds, such as fifth dimensional Zantarius. Still others may return to the Star Ship on which you have been serving in their higher dimensional expression. Others may wish to visit the Multidimensional Crystal Temples.

You may also choose to hold a form in the threshold reality, while you simultaneously hold a form in the mid-fifth dimension. In fact, in a Fifth Dimensional Reality you all maintain myriad versions of your SELF within the ONE of the NOW. Most important for you to realize is that YOU get to choose. You have created your ascension, and you will decide how it proceeds.

In closing, we would like to say that there are many parallel realities of Earth that resonate to different frequencies. The reality that you will perceive is the reality that matches the resonance of your consciousness. If your consciousness holds fear, it will be a lower frequency reality. Most importantly, if your consciousness resonates to unconditional love, you will have the choice of myriad higher dimensional worlds to experience.

Your shift of consciousness depends completely on whether you choose to hold onto fear or to maintain love. As we have frequently said, fear will lower your state of consciousness, whereas love will raise it. In order for you to choose a reality that resonates to the fifth dimension, you will need to choose to maintain a resonance of unconditional love. We understand how difficult that choice can be in your present life. On the other hand, the life in which you are receiving this message is one of great benefit to your Soul, for it is the reality of Planetary Ascension.

Of course, as this ascension processowHow continues, there will be many choices you will have to make regarding your mental and emotional reactions to all that is happening. In this “final act” of planetary ascension, the dark/fear may appear to be “winning,” but that possible reality only exists if you remain on the timeline/reality in which fear dictates your decisions. If you choose to ONLY make decisions based on love, you will ride the ascension wave above all fear-based realities. We understand how challenging these times are. Many of the aspects of your life that you once took for granted are now changing or leaving, likely forever.

Because of this urgency, we Arcturians are about to begin a very important transmission to assist you in moving into fifth dimensional Earth. When we say, “we are about to begin,” we mean that when the grounded one is ready to receive this message, the transmission will begin for that person. We Arcturians are not bound by space/time, as we resonate to the NOW of the ONE. Hence, our transmission is much like a radio station that is always transmitting, but you only receive it when you turn on your radio and calibrate it to our station/frequency. Therefore, whenever you can return to a high enough state of consciousness in which you can receive our station, even if it is only for a brief moment (remember we do not exist in time), or even while you are dreaming, you will receive our transmission of transformational energy.

The transforming energy that we are sending is going out on a constant beam for all those who can raise their resonance enough to “catch a ride.” This ride is much like your surfing. First you must go the ocean (take the time to be receptive), swim out into the water with your surfboard (meditate), pay close attention to the flow of the water (energy patterns), and then stand on your surfboard (find your balance), so that you can catch a ride. Your ride (Flowing within our energy) will last as long as you can maintain your balance. The balance that we speak of is the balance of staying within the center-point of your consciousness. This center-point is found in the core of your High Heart, which is where you can most easily accept our Flow of unconditional love.

When you receive our transmission, we ask that you stay aligned with our consciousness so that you can serve as an amplifier for the unconditional love that flows freely and constantly from the higher dimensional realities. We know that many of our grounded ones can become frightened by unconditional love, for it is so unknown to them, and humanity’s greatest fear is fear of the unknown. Nonetheless, we wish to give this service now, for when Earth is in it’s direct alignment with the Galactic Center in 2012, the force of this unconditional love will be greatly amplified! This intense flow of unconditional love could be frightening to those who have never experienced it.

An example of this fear of the unknown is swimming in the ocean waves. If you are accustomed to swimming in the ocean, it is a beautiful and glorious experience. The flow of the waves offers you more enjoyment for you have come to understand how it moves. On the other hand, if you have never seen the ocean, as millions have not, the thought of entering it could be upsetting.

All you need do to accept our gift is to call to us directly. You will best prepare your consciousness by Surrendering to the Knowing that we have a gift to share with you. Do not worry if we can see you, for even though you usually cannot perceive us, we see you clearly. Then, allow yourself to get comfortable, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Breathe IN Peace and breathe OUT Calm. Do not “desire” our gift or put out any effort, just surrender and accept. By accepting our gift of unconditional love, not only will you gain a great healing, but your creativity will also be greatly amplified.

Unconditional Love is not only the healing force of the Universe. It is also the creative force of the Universe. Right NOW you are ALL creating (pregnant with) your multidimensional Lightbody. Since your Lightbody resonates beyond space and time, it is not the passage of time, but the amount of unconditional love you maintain in your consciousness that initiates the “birth” of your Lightbody. Just as a pregnant woman feeds the developing fetus with the food she takes into her body, YOU, males and females, are feeding your Lightbody fetus with the unconditional love you hold in your consciousness.

There is a spectrum of time that initiates the birth of the human fetus. In the same manner, there is a spectrum of unconditional love that signals the Lightbody to begin its emanation beyond the boundaries of its womb of your physical form. Once the emanation of your Lightbody overlaps the boundaries of your physical earth vessel, it gradually becomes your primary vessel. In the meantime, you have two bodies, your physical body and your Lightbody. Your human body perceives and experiences the Third Dimensional Reality, whereas your Lightbody perceives and intimately experiences the Fifth Dimensional Reality.

Another important benefit of the acceptance of our unconditional love is love is the antidote to fear, and unconditional love is the antidote to ALL fear. If you wish to have an image to more easily attune with our gift, visualize our consciousness as a Portal surrounding the Galactic Center. This Portal serves as a way station where you, our grounded ones, can receive the multidimensional light and unconditional love emanating from the Galactic Center.

Within this Portal, we will assist you to modulate and calibrate your energy to the resonance in which you can most easily open your High Heart to accept our gift of unconditional love. We ask that you ground this unconditional love into Gaia, so that She can amplify it with Her Earth body. In return, Gaia will send this amplified love to you so that you can project it out into your daily life. In this manner, you and Gaia serve as a team to open the High Hearts and expand the Lightbody of Her many beloved humans.

In Fact, we see your opening High Hearts and expanded Lightbodies.
In response, we send you an infinite Flow of unconditional love.
The Arcturians

As I bask inside the love
I surrender to the NOW
I don’t know what will happen
But my spirit tells me HOW
As I float among my memories
Of who I’ve been and why
I know I can release them
With a blessing and a sigh
All I’ve been and had and known
Are circling round my mind
I see now what I have looked for
What I’ve tried so hard to find
Surprising as it may be
I need to look no more
I’ve found my SELF at long last
I am deep within my core
This core, it now is glowing
And shines out into my life
I know if I can just relax
It will ease ALL of my strive
Working hard and suffering long
No longer wins the day
I’ve found this place inside me
Now, if I can only stay
Can I remember how I’m feeling
When I’m here so deep inside?
Can I be this ME in daily life?
Can I release my need to hide?
So long I’ve kept my secret
From those I feared would judge me
But, no longer can I trap my SELF
It is time to let ME be free
My secrets now are fading
With the memories of the past
As I become my SELF again
I am coming Home, at last!
So long I have awaited
For this moment of completeness
I hear, I see, I feel it
I can even taste its sweetness
If I can just remember
These sensations through my day
Not only will I know the HOW
I will also see the WAY

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Akashic Records for July 2010

a message from Akashic Records
channeled by Jen Eramith MA, 1 July, 2010

What energy and experiences can we expect in July 2010?

This month has a lot of forward momentum. This month also has a time warp element, which is that it is like double or triple the amount of time is packed into the month. A lot of you are going to feel like more is happening than you can keep track of. This time warp operates in an interesting way. The best way we can describe it is if you imagine yourself on a very fast moving train. As you first begin to pick up speed and you watch outside the window, you see things going by faster and faster and it feels like you are moving really fast. Once you reach a certain speed, everything seems to go by in a blur and there is kind of a strange sensation that can occur at that point when you feel like things slow down. You will feel like things get quieter when you actually reach such a high speed, almost as if you are not moving. That is the way July is likely to feel.

Many of you will feel at times, that there is so much happening in just a moment or just an hour, it will feel like a whole day goes by. At other times of the month, you are going to feel like you are moving through molasses. Like everything is so slow and peaceful that you will wonder if you are missing something. How you experience this time warp will depend on you and your path and what you are working on in your personal life right now. Overall, every single one of you will experience the time warp in one way or another. For most of you it will be both ways at different times in the month. This month, be aware of that dynamic and do your best to go with the flow and work with it. ( This is the actuality of how Stasis is; it is not suspended animation at all - Heru )

Let the really rich, intense kind of packed times be what they are and just take them one step at a time. During those times when you are moving so fast you cannot even tell that you are moving, let yourself rest your mind. You are not missing anything or if you are missing something that is important, it will come to your attention later on. Let yourself have these moments of rest when you feel a sense of calm amidst all of that momentum.

This month seems to have a lot of potential for social change. This month seems to have potential for a lot of public events that draw the attention of the world. These are the kinds of things that show up in the news. Be aware of that potential and many of you will feel that potential all month. Like you are just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

How can we best work with the energy this month?

Relieve yourself from being task-oriented. In any given situation, your attention focuses on one particular aspect of the situation in order to keep you oriented to what is happening. Some people are naturally aligned to be task-oriented. They get things done, they are aware of what is happening in the material world. Some people are people-oriented. Whatever is happening, they tend to be aware of what people are saying, how people are feeling. This month, do not get distracted by the tasks at hand. Do not get too distracted or too focused on the tasks that need to be accomplished in your life this month. Keep your awareness on the bigger picture. Keep your awareness on your relationships and how they are developing in those moments." It will matter less this month, whether a certain task is done and it will matter more how people feel about doing it and how well you connect with each other.

There is a tendency because of the discomfort in that forward momentum and just all of the extra energy and information this month; there will be a tendency for many of you to go into survival mode. Where you do not pay too much attention to the people around you. Ultimately the way to benefit from this month is to stay grounded in your social, loving relationships. To keep yourself aware of other people and what they might need or what they might be experiencing. You are going to find that because most people are losing track of that, most people are slipping into being task oriented this month. You are going to find that if you are the only person paying attention to the relationships, it is actually going to give you a lot of power -- not power over people, but power to shift the energy of the situation. To bring a certain lightness or optimism or to help answer people's deeper needs when they are not really taking care of themselves. If you can be there and do that, you have the power to make the situation go a lot more smoothly for everyone, including for you.

Where if you get pulled into task oriented and you lose track of that social sphere, you will find that situations will not go as well and when they are not going well, it will be difficult to solve them or resolve the situation. The key this month is to stay aware of your social relationships, stay aware of the social dynamics around you and be willing to make adjustments in order to smooth those situations in the social realm. You will find that all the tasks at hand eventually get done anyway. What people will walk away with is a further development or devolvement of their relationships. That is a key for working with the energy and the experience of the month.

The other thing to know is that because things are moving so fast, it will not be useful to try to stay focused on a single goal. That being said, it is likely that all of you are going to get a lot done this month. It might be the kind of process that feels haphazard or chaotic as you go, but then at the end of the day, you are going to look back and realize that you actually got a lot accomplished. Be flexible with your to-do lists, be flexible with your goals, but keep finding something to be engaged with. It is not a good time to disengage. It is a good time to stay awake, engaged and active in your lives, but know that it will be nonlinear.

Are there any important days for us to be aware of this month?

July 7
is like a glittering star. It packs a punch and it will be a day when you may feel jolted awake -- when you are forced to face things you were not facing before or you are finally able to see the solution to a puzzle in your life. It is a day for “aha moments.” You may find metaphorical light bulbs going off in your head. Take some time on this day to stop and look around at the bigger picture of your life and consider new possibilities. If you will just take the little bit of effort to pay attention, the Universe will provide signs all around you to give you the information that you need.

July 13 and 14
are days that may be difficult for many of you. It looks like a turning point and it is like this feeling of suddenly walking through mud. Many of you are going to feel like you have been humming along and suddenly things get really slow. That can be frustrating. You may see a lot of people losing their patience on these two days and it is important that as many of you as possible bring a sense of loving, kind, compassionate energy into those two days because there will be so much frustration. Those two days get so muggy and sluggish that people will become volatile because they will be frustrated. Just bring a cooling, peaceful energy into your life during those days and you will be able to help everyone else out a lot.

July 17 - 21
are especially productive days. It is a good time for you to plan productive activities.

Is there anything else the Keepers want to tell us about this month?

Yes. There seems to be something about animals this month that is important for many of you. The animal world is communicating with the human world in all kinds of ways right now. The animal world is very much involved in all of your Enlightenment process and they are giving you messages both by representing themselves as metaphors, but also there are personal animals appearing to you on an individual level to get your attention.

It is important this month, especially if you feel connected with animals, it is important to pay attention to what animals come into your vision. They might come physically like physically in your presence. They might appear on the television or they might appear in your dreams.

Research the totem meaning of any animals that appear to you. Consider in your heart what that animal represents to you. Look for messages and meanings in the animals around you because the animal kingdom has kind of stepped it up a notch. They have all together, increased their contract with humanity, made it more potent and they're working more or showing themselves more to you in an effort to help you wake up to yourselves. Pay attention to animals this month. Do not ignore them or disregard them -- even the insects that come into your house or crawl across your desk.
They have a message for you, so pay attention.

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2008 All rights reserved.

The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith, M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews provided that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed.

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The OM Crystal of Shasta & Gateway of OM

"Greetings beloved! I am Metatron, Lord of Light. And so again we speak of Shasta.
Indeed its importance is tantamount to the expansion of the Crystalline Field.
Masters the Solstice of June 21, 2010 is an incredible gateway, and this Solstice
may be termed the 'Gateway of OM'. For at this time, the Cosmic Council of Light,
the Ascended Masters will gather at the multi-dimensional etheric portal of Mt Shasta
and cluster in enclave around the heralded Master Atlantean Crystal of Om located
beneath the masiff of Mt Shasta. The beloved Sainte Germaine along with The Cosmic-Council
of Light and the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance will host the opening of an extraordinary
portal during the Solstice Phase.

The Cosmic Council gather within Shasta on June 19th and remain thru June 23rd.
Sainte Germaine and the heralded Council will generate and faciliate a wave of
the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE frequency of OM that will be transmitted to all powernodes
on the planet via the OM Crystal of Multidimensionality. This energy is a sacred
and potent beacon of energized hope and encouragement for humanity and for the

We encourage all of you to tune in to this wave, this magnificent energy during
the'Gateway of OM'. Meditate in mass, gather where you may. Take part and you will
indeed receive an incredible download of energy sent from the Cosmic Council of
Light, and this will fortify you, one and all.

Dear Ones, this is the most potent solstice expereinced on you planet in aeons.
And for this reason the Council of Light will employ this energy to shower you in
LOVE and HOPE. It is a demonstration thatyou arenot alone, and despite what you
may see in the turmoil of 3d around you, the Ascension is in place and on track.
By participating in the Wave, you will not only be transformed, you will amplify
the OM Wave as it spreads across your sacred Earth. All thru the OM!

The Om Crystal

Masters, we tell you that far beneath the expanded massif of the mega portal of
Mt Shasta, stands an amazing crystal of Atlantis, a crystal of Arcturian origin.
It glows in a silveresque hue of argentum, emitting the frequency of crystalline
platinum and etheric gold. It once stood in the great Temple of One on the Atlantean
Isle of Poseida, and was formally called the Crystal of Om. The Atlantean scientist-
priest, the Atla-Ra referred to it as the Crystal of Multidimensionality. Indeed,
this sentient crystal is omnipotent in its frequency and holds within its structural
alloy of platinum, gold and hyper-quartz , the ability to fold, concentrate and
amplify that which you term light, space and time.

The Platinum Ray

The Om Crystal draws to itself and emits what is termed the Platinum Ray, an omnipotent
energetic beam of multidimensional resonance. The Platinum Ray is essential to the
balance of the coming Ascension. It holds within it what may be termed the code
of Universal Law, of the Cosmic Axiom. It holds within its frequency Universal Truth,
multidimensional Truth that expands and migrates into every aspect of the Cosmos.
It has the nurturing feel of the femine frequency, yet it is in fact the optimal
balance of both the female and male vibrancy. The Platinum Ray is one of unity
and balance that in fact lessens the differential between left and right aspects
of the brain. It unifies consciousness and helps create a great synchronicity of
mind within duality.

The magnificent crystal of Om is one of nine enormous and potent Templic crystals
that were saved from the deluge of Atlantis before the fall and crash of the crystalline
spherical satellite, termed the second moon of Atlantis. The Crystal of Om was and
is the most complex of all of the Atlantean Crystals, second only to the great crystalline
satellite in its omnipotent capabilities and technical intricacy. Indeed it was
the most prized and first of the magnicient Templic crystals to be sought and relocated
in the chaotic final days of Atlantis.

The Crystal of OM

The crystal masters of Arcturius constructed and fashioned the Om crystal in an
alchemical process that involves a liquid conglomerate of synthesized quartz and
diamond, termed hyper-quartz, amalgamated into a silvery clear alloy with crystalline
platinum, gold and mercury. The living composite was fused with life force and manifested
into a stunning geometric form, whose crystalline structure encompassed the golden
spiral of all within the Metatronic Cosmos. Accordingly it is in harmonic oscillation
with every dimension, every universe, and every parallel in the Cosmos. It operates
both in carbon-based life systems and in bio plasmic systems, tying together and
existing as both matter and anti-matter. It has 144 facets fashioned in equitable
concave and convex indentures around the circumference of its cylindrical length.
Its dual points are angled at precisely 51.6 degrees. Indeed this specific angle
is significant, and was utilized in the construct of the Great Pyramid. This pyramid
indeed represents the a frequency of the earth plane, intended to be a representation
of the spherical Earth, the height corresponding to the radius joining the center
of the Earth to the North Pole and the perimeter corresponding to the Earth's circumference
at the Equator.

The number 144 is a very complex frequency as well, it represents the code within
the golden spiral of all the geometrical base units, termed atoms, in your universe.
Your universal matrix contains within it, a living geometric constant that has
always been, it expands and contracts both in matter and antimatter in regular measures.
The very geometry produces a distinct tonal quality , which is tuned by the mathematical
proportions of all celestial spheres.

The Golden Phi

The golden ratio is a constant ratio that offers the key to the Cosmos, it contains
within it the vibratory resonance of all matter, and indeed propels the doorway
into parallel dimensions and planes of anti matter. Your own scientist have proven,
seen and experienced, that the developing in a fractal manner of the golden phi
spiral is a geometric pattern that is repeated at every scale, from a cell to
a star. Simply put, the golden ratio is where the ratio of the small to the large
is equal to the ratio of the large to the whole, so it is in your universe. As above
so below applies. It offers many doorways that have not yet been explored by your
current level of knowledge.

The great crystal of Om, beneath the matrix portal of Shasta, incorporates the
golden mean,and the universal frequency. It does so by the resonance of its intricate
faceting and angular design. It exist in the now and is contained within that termed
the past and the future. Can you imagine that? It does so to a large degree, from
your reference, by its utilization of the golden mean and its frequential pulse.
Now, the earth plane, your planet as you know it is a specific focal vector for
consciousness. At your level you think your planet is divided into areas of land
and water, continents and oceans. The awareness faculties of humankind, indeed
your consciousness, are tuned into frequencies of perception that give you that
impression. But from a Metatronic perspective, your planet is also faceted into
frameworks of time and probability areas, termed parallels. So all time, all parallels
co exist in greater reality. As such all of your epochs, all of your time eras,
all of your many civilizations co-exist at once. Indeed, from this extraordinary
panorama, time is simultaneous, so all eras of earth history are embedded in time
and clearly exist in the eternal NOW along with your current time vector. Within
the golden mean, within what you term portals there are certain bleed-throughs,
certain apertures that allow for movement. The Om Crystal is capable of tapping
into these and harnessing their utility.

In the truest sense, your now, your present moment is a psychological platform.
This is true whether you can grasp the concept or not, and we realize it is an enormous
leap of understanding. Accept it as an axiom, and indeed so doing will assist you
in managing the understanding of your true multidimensional nature.

The Crystalline Network

So clearly was the Om Crystal among the most complex in its construct and utility
of all the magnificent Temple Crystals in Atlantis. This is not to say that the
other Atlantean crystals are not of enormous capability, complexity and purpose,
indeed they are, for the magnificent Emerald Crystal of Healing located beneath
Mt Maga in Arkansas serves as the manifold Crystal, that activates the initial
surge of all of the Mega-Nine Crystals of Atlantis.

We have told you that nine utilitarian Atlantean Temple crystals, stunning specimens
of Arcturian and Sirian construct, were transported through the hyper dimensional
capacity of the inner earth tunnel system and relocated to specifically chosen areasin
thefinal days of Atlantis.

We have also told you that the Blue Crystal of Knowledge, located in the Crystal
Vortex of Arkansas, would be the first activated. Indeed it has been rebooted,
and surged into the first tier step-up on the frequencial triple date portal of
the 8-8-8 . It now is in network thru the Emerlad manifold. Four more of these
came on line on the 9-9-9, September 9th, 2009. These are the Om Crystal of Multidimensionality
in Shasta, the Emerald Crystal of Healing in Arkansas, the Golden Crystal of Healing
& Regeneration in Brazil, and the Sun-Moon Crystal at Lake Titicaca.
All of these will be involved in the OM Wave of the June 2010 Solstice, and will
transmit hope, love and strength to all that tune in during the 5 Days of OM, June

Indeed, what may be termed the new Crystalline Network is tuned to the Soltice
of OM and will inkind provide further activation of the 144 Grid .

The Master Atlantean Crystals, as we have told you, activate as follows, and increase
every year in function on the Triple Date Portals and Solstices.

Arkansas :
Blue Crystal of Knowledge 8-8-8
Emerald Crystal of Healing 9-9-9
Platinum Crystal of Communication 11-11-11

Bimini Bank:

The Ruby Fire Crystal of Energy 12-12-12


Gold Crystal of Healing Regeneration 9-9-9 (Mineas Gerais)
Violet Crystal of Sound 10-10-10 (Bahia)

Mount Shasta:

Om Crystal of Multidimensionality 9-9-9
Tiajuanaco-Lake Titicaca, Bolivia:
Sun-Moon Crystal of Light 9-9-9
Crystal of Thoth 12-12-12

These crystals are of tantamount importance to the Crystalline Transition of the
Grid and Planet. They serve as the blueprintof thenew Earth and each serves a
succinct role in the Mer-Ka-Na of humanity These have been reprogrammed to assist
in this transformation. And indeed many of you areproactively involved in this process.
Dear Ones, the Law of One is returning, and this time the crystals will not be misused.

The Atlantean Temple of ONE in Atlantis

Now, near the Temple of One was what may be termed a center for advanced learnings,
an exclusive university of sorts, for the select of the initiates of the scientist
priest. It was called Atla-Ruum. Ruum is a word from the sacred frequencial semantic
of the Atlantean Golden race, a term meaning 'Mystery Initiate School'. The tonal
qualities of this term will open memories of many of you who were among the Poseidans,
especially those of you who were among the Atla-Ra. This wisdom school taught advanced
mathematics, physics, sacred geometry, hyper dimensional geometry, crystalline chemistry,
alchemistry, energy dynamics as well as the disciplines of astral travel and achievement
of multidimensionality. Most of the faculty were of the Golden Race, yet included
Ascended Masters such as Thoth, and Masters from the Pleades, Arcturius, Andromeda
and Sirius A and B. The Golden Race were tall beings, ranging in height from 9 to
12 feet by todays measurement. They were direct descendants of the Pleiadean Masters,
and were very gentle, peaceful beings of an extremely high intelligence and resonance.
The Temple of One itself was located on a granitic mound located at the northern
portion of Poseida in the sanctuary of the scientist priest, the Atla-Ra. The Temple
of One was built to a very unique dynamic of sacred geometry, and the location was
carefully and specifically chosen for its natural energy field, and celestial grid
alignments. The Om Crystal was situated in the center of the amazing Temple. It
did not set on a base, indeed both ends of the Om Crystal are angled into points.
It was held in suspension within a series of spinning rings that spherically surrounded
it. These were of a metallic alloy, which condensed an antigravity field that suspended
the crystal. The entire apparatus could be angled for specific celestial alignments.
The crystal itself attracted and emitted the plasmic anti gravitational plasma field.
Sound, pure tones were used to both activate desired aspects of the Crystal as well
as to calibrate the requisite density of the plasma. Differing tones and their correlating
plasmic densities created specific oscillating colors within the antigravitational
field. The crystal itself glowed in a silver hue that at certain angles and intensities
changed to a white platinum violet shade.

The Atla-Ra adepts were able to utilize the Om Crystal for what is termed dimensional
travel and time-travel. It served as a celestial cosmic port. Indeed it will amplify
the ability of humans to seek travel in the astral and well beyond. Mount Shasta
is already quite prolific in that capacity. Indeed the Om Crystal will exponentially
increase that potential for all who seek such experience there.

Base Twelve Mathematics

While the cylindrical body of the crystal has 144 altering convex and concave facets,
the two points are different. The base point has 1728 facets and the upper point
12 facets. Thus the sequence of 12 , 12 squared and 12 to the third power, as
Atlantis and the Atla-Ra used the base 12 system of mathematics.

It may surprise you to know that the conversion to base ten mathematics, which occurred
in most societies after the fall of Atlantis, was chosen because humans count with
their ten fingers! The exceptions were the Sumerians and Mayans who used base 60
and base 20 respectively. It is interesting to note that human's still measure
time within the duodecimal remnants of the Atlantean Base 12. Do you not count hours
in phases of 12, as well as the months of the year?

We will tell you that in the future mankind will change the base system of mathematics
to more closely align to the changing cycles of time. We have told you previously
that time sequence is speeding up due to the altered ratio of inner core counter-spin
to the earth's rotation. The time unit cycles occur more rapidly now, and are no
longer in alignment. Your cycles are faster, but your measurement has not shifted
as yet.
Now, as we have spoken about time cycle acceleration and the need to convert to
a base twelve duodecimal mathematical system, the channel has queried as to the
current validity of the triple number dates, which we have told you before are numerical
portals that activate the major dodecahedronal facets of the 144 grid.

Activation of the 144 Crystalline Grid

Before we answer, let us review the activation process of the 144-Crystalline grid.
The grid is a complex geometry, the double penta-dodecahedron, which by specific
design includes 144 pentagonal and triangular facets in a symmetrical crystalline
matrix. The double penta dodecahedron is stellated, which means that each of the
major twelve facets are raised in the center to form five sided pyramids. Thus
there are 12 pentagonal pyramids. Each facet in counted both on the base and pyramidally
raised portion. So if you consider that each pentagonal surface contains 5 isosceles
triangles and one pentagon, you have 72 facets. Additionally, each of the twelve
stellated aspects have 5 triangles and one five sided pyramid, thus you, combine
the surface and stellated portions to achieve the Master Number frequencial of the
twelve squared-144. Do you understand?

Now the aspects of the triple dates, is quite interesting. After the millennia,
there is a unique sequence of dates that occur from 2001 to 2012. The triple dates
are numerical frequencies that uniquely occur in this abbreviated format, occur
sequentially for twelve years as :

· 1 January 2001, 1-1-1
· 2 February 2002, 2-2-2
· 3 March 2003, 3-3-3
· 4 April, 2004, 4-4-4
· 5 May, 2005, 5-5-5
· 6 June 2006, 6-6-6
· 7 July, 2007, 7-7-7
· 8 August, 2008, 8-8-8
· 9 September, 2009, 9-9-9
· 10 October 2010, 10-10-10
· 11 November, 2011, 11-11-11
· 12 December 2012, 12-12-12

The grid significance is that the frequency of each triple date portal is designed
to be the 'activation trigger' of one of the 12 major dodecahedrons surface base
plates of the grid. Accordingly this axiom infers that the 144-Crystalline grid
is launched into functionality by one twelfth each year from 1 January 2001 up
through 12 December, 2012 when it achieves full programming input. In the interim
between 13 December and 20 December, it integrates full programming, and reboots
into full launch on the winter solstice of December 21, 2012, the heralded and prophesied
Ascension. In aspect, a key piece of what takes place on the triple frequencial
portal dates is around the 'human - grid' alignment to the Crystalline 144 grid.
That is why these dates are being recognized by empaths as important dates for
spiritual alignment gatherings across the planet. Indeed it is not specific astrological
alignments that specialize the triple date portals rather it is the vibrancy of
the numbers themselves that correlate to the 144 grid.

This kinetic is also impelling the renewed 12-strand helix of the Sun Disc to furbish
a design schematic into the 144 grid, that provides, what may be termed the DNA
programming of the pentagonal facets of the double penta dodecahedron.
Now, we have not forgotten the question raised by the channel, as to the current
validity of the triple number dates, when talking into account the acceleration
of time cycles and the need for a base 12 duodecimal measurement of mathematics.
The answer is this, your measurement of the annual solar return is already in an
approximate base 12, twelve-month system. And the count of the triple days is a
12 count, there are twelve of them. So in brief, yes the triple day portals are
indeed valid.

The Speed of Light is Increasing

But we will add the caveat, that the full throttling of the 144 grid itself, on
December 21st, 2012, will in fact increase the disparity , the difference between
the quickening time unit cycles and your measurement of them. For not only will
the new grid, upon its completion accent the time sequence ratio between the inner
spin and outer rotational spin of the planet, it will also enable a greater velocity
of light to bath the planet. Light will increase from its current approximated speed
of 186,000 mps to well over 210,000 mps.

Part of this light acceleration will be contributed by the activation of the Atlantean
crystals. Particularly will the Om Crystal of Shasta and the Sun-Moon Crystal of
Light of Titicaca effect light velocity. Both of these were initially activated
in 2009. When all of these crystals are activated and networked in 2012, the effect
will be prolific. We tell you that this cycle will not reach its pinnacle until
your year of 2020, because certain of the crystals activated in the twelfth phase
of the 12-12-12, specifically the Fire Crystal of Bimini, will require up to eight
years to fully activate.

The Crystal Network will serve as patterned modulators projecting the DNA for and
of the Ascension on Earth, by connecting all dimensions with the new paradigm of
Integral Wholeness and Crystalline Consciousness. Indeed this will be the blueprint
that the enlighted human may integrate within thru the Mer-Ka-Na light body.
Now we will add, that while there were nine omnipotent crystals relocated from Atlantis,
there are others that were already in specific locations, and did not require movement.
These have been in a state of semi dormancy and some in states of disfunction. These
will come into full power in 2012, triggered by the rebooting of the Crystalline
Network. Now these, with the exception of the crystalline units in Roslyn, Sri
Lanka and Tibet, are not as large, technically complex or omnipotent as the nine
originally located on Poseida. The major of these are located as follows:

· Tibet
· Lake Baikal, Russia
· Roslyn Scotland
· Araphat Turkey
· Giza
· Montserrat Spain
· Sri Lanka
· Bali
· South Pole
· North Pole
· Hawaii
· Japan

There are also secondary, or what may be termed satellite crystals in many other
locations including, Tasmania, New Zealand, Glastonbury, Argentina, Canada, Himalayas,
Tanzania, France, Greece, Capetown, Chile, Arizona, Easter Island, Moscow and Greenland.
To name a few. These are less in size dimension and capacity yet none the less
are connected to the major crystals and an intricate part of the network. These
receive energy from, and are somewhat dependent on the axialtonal radionic frequency
broadcast from the major crystalline units.

Mega-9 Function & Further Activation of the Crystal of Om :

In a manner of speaking, these great crystals are akin to your computer systems,
of course exponentially far more complex and potent, but there are certain similarities
in their function. The great crystals will each go through something similar to
a reprogramming and rebooting. This process of programming and reboot, are specific
to the increase of frequency and dimensional access of the earth matrix. It is not
occurring to the aspects of the crystals and their higher networking that exist
in other aspects of multidimensionality you see. In a sense what is occurring is
a reformatting for the changing earth matrix. The earth is coming into Crystalline-Function,
as the electromagnetic gridis reduced in prominence. The Crytsalline Energy begins
at the dimension of 5, the EM Grid in essesnce does not function above the polarity/duality
dimension of 3.

The new moon of August 30, 2008 began the formatting and programming of the Om
Crystal. It launched into 25 percent power on the triple date portal of 9-9-9.And
begans a forward thrust again in 2010, beginning in June and extending to the 10-10-10.

On the June Solstice of 2010 The Om Crystal will host, within the complex massif
of Mt Shasta, the Cosmic Council of Light. An incredible crystalline light will
be emitted from Mt Shasta, via the OM Crystal toward the multidimensional merging
of higher crystalline dimensions onto the Earth-Plane with specific emphasis on
sending a wave of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE throughout all dimensions.
The initial trigger impulse will occur thru the Emerald Crytsal of Healing in Mt
Maga, via the Crytsal Vortex,and extend directly to Mt Shasta to the OM Crystal
on June 19th. The OM Crystal will then surge with energy emanations to all multi-dimensional
powernodes on the planet , surrounded by the Cosmic Council of Light.
The benevolent Masters of the Ashtar and Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance will assist in
the transmission.

What in essence will occur is a wave of support will be given to boost humanities
evoltion into the Unconditional Love (Crystalline Transformation energy, of non
duality wholeness, merging from dimensions 5 thru 12.
It is not for mankind to align or anchor the crystal per se, rather to align themselves
to the energy of the crystal through the process of visualization and the sending
of the vibration of love.

Tapping into the Crystal of Om

Now many of you may ask what is the effect the Om Crystal, indeed the Ascension
itself, will have on me? How will the change from the 3rd to the 5th dimension effect
me? The effect will be one of a sense of unity. There will not be a tangible sense
of differentiation between the planar frequencies of the 3rd and 5th dimensions.
It will rather be a blending. You will have a greater sense of well-being, a feeling
of being more supported, and indeed of supportiveness within the self. Is this
notrequired now, more than ever?

By 'tapping' into the Om crystal, and the OM Wave of June 2010 Solstice, you will
feel a greater sense of balance; you will feel more joined to aspects of your multidimensionality,
and indeed within physicality. The mind will access more freely its own compartmental
aspects as the dimensions become melded. There will be less of doubt, less of feeling
lost and fragmented, less of the internal questioning of what is right and what
is not. The mind will become unified, more integral.

There will be less polarity per se, within duality. But it does not mean no duality,
no polarity. Those that say the Ascension will end wars, will end hunger, will end
fighting and greed, no that is not the case. But Dear Ones, all of those will lessen
to visible degrees, the arc swing of duality extremes will be shorter. The pendulous
movement between extremes will somewhat vacillate. Choices will be clearer, pathways
more succinct. The way of impeccability for each of you that choose to tap into
the Om, to actively and fervently seek your own Ascension, will be more obvious
to you than it is currently. In a sense a new paradigm, a new system of Knowingness
will become available to you and will offer itself to all that seek it.

The effect then, is that you will find it easier to be fully present within the
NOW. And always, the NOW, the eternal moment of the present NOW is the fulcrum of
power. It may seem to be paradoxical from a 3rd dimensional perspective that by
merging the many facets of multidimensional aspect, one is afforded greater focus
within duality. But it is so. It is so because it is the wholeness of multidimensionality
that brings the integral nature of your true self, and within that wholeness is
ones true causal self and therein exist more clearly Universal Truth. Within the
Now of multidimensional time and geometric consciousness you are more creative,
and you are more empowered and less at effect. In that geometric field you are
not at the effect of untoward issues, of stress, of problems. You are in the field
of solution, of resolution, you see. You are at the control panel of your experiences.
Is there work to be done? Yes, of course. But tuning into the Om, into the higher
dimensions, into multidimensionality offers the tools of mastery. Many of you have
the notion that the soul is at 'rest' on the other side of what you term, the veil.
Your epitaphs are inscribed with 'Rest In Peace'. Dear Ones, there is peace, but
it comes through work. Ascension to the celestial realm, Jacobs Ladder, in your
metaphor, is not static! Dear Ones, you are either moving up or you are sliding
down, its one or the other. By design consciousness swims upstream, or it gets
moved downstream by the current. Consciousness is not stationary! And so, we offer
no hope for the lethargic, so you see your pillowed concept of eternal rest is somewhat
erroneous. However, through traveling within yourself, you will discover the unity
of your consciousness within higher layers of consciousnesses. You will discover
that multi-dimensional love and energy charges consciousness with dynamic exquisite
energy and movement to all things. This will invigorate the SELF; it will not lead
you to want to sleep on the proverbial marbled steps of Heavens Gate. It will, instead,
inspire you to take a better hand in the job of creation. For indeed there are 'energy
packets' that offer extraordinary impetus to you as you ascend to each new level.
Consciousness is ever expanding, and so at every level, there is still another one
higher to ascend into. And while from your 3rd dimensional stance within duality
this may appear burdensome, it is not. That could not be further from the truth.
Growth in consciousness is in fact embellished in vital streams of vigorous joy,
such is the nature of consciousness, such is the complexion and disposition of
'First Cause'.

Indeed there are points of review, points of recharging, but these are not stagnant,
indeed there is great activity and profound validity within them.
Dear Ones, the great crystal of Om, of Multidimensionality offers an incredible
energy, that will have myriad effects on the Crystalline Grid and on the Ascension
itself. The ability to 'tap - in ' to its energy will depend to a large degree on
the light quotient of each individual. Its initial effects will be subtle, and graduate
each year. It will indeed be in full motion by the 12-12-12.

What will occur on June 19-23 is a gift, and is offered in LOVE, via the Cosmic
Council of Light. Masters, go to a sacred place and meditate and you will indeed
feel the Wave of OM . And remember, themost sacred of all sites, you carry with is your heart!

I am Metatron, and you are Beloved! "
And so it is.

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The Atlantean Crystal Awakening - And the Fall of Atlantis

a message from Metatron channeled by Tyberonn
17 April, 2008

Greetings Masters, I am Archangel Metatron, Lord of Light !

And so again we speak of the emerging mega vortex of Arkansas, the portal of the quantumcrystalline frequency. For now, in 2008, this vortex vaults into globalprominence with the unfolding of the dimensional lock that held theAtlantean crystalline wisdom, that of the Golden Age of Atlantis, thatof the highest frequency obtained on your earth plane.

Indeed that time has come and in the present year will begin the unlocking of great Atlantean Crystals, held forover 12,000 years in dimensional seal within the magnetic complex ofArkansas. Many of you will be drawn to take part in the unveiling, forindeed you were there as witnesses to the deluge and some of you to theconsequent movement of these amazing Atlantean master
Crystals to this and other areas.

Three Atlantean Wisdom & Healing Crystals that once beamed magnificent light and celestial energy in the Temple ofHealing, the Temple of One and the Temple of Knowledge on Poseida wereplaced in dimensional lock in the Atlantean Crystal Fields of Arkansas.The first of these will be awakened in 2008, and aligned with the othersleeping Atlantean Crystals in Brazil, Mount Shasta,
Bimini and Lake Titicaca.

Indeed they will energize the Golden Sun Disc placed in Arkansas and align with the 12 patterns of same throughout theplanet. Many are called, and many will come to participate in thisawakening, as part of an ancient contract, a sacred promise whose timehas finally come. Many are there already, having been called to livewithin this crystalline vortex that will be fully in place in 2012.
And so on the summer solstice of 2008, will the first crystal awaken.

It is not for you to activate the crystals, it is not for you to anchor the vortex, ratherit is for you to align yourselves within this completion, within thisactivation, within this celestial anchoring of the quantum crystallinefield. Many of the Law of One are called. Masters you have waited
a long time for this, heed the call.

Those guardians of Sirius B, are even now preparing the stage, and await you to join them. Send your energy, sendyour light and intent of highest good to what is termed the Master BlueCrystal of Knowledge . It once reigned in wisdom and light in the Templeof Knowledge, and so many of you will again see it clearly in yourminds eye, indeed you will feel it in your heart, amid tears of joy.

It is below the earth below the crown center of the Vortex, termed Talimena Ridge, in a sacred chasm, built longago. It stands erect, forty-eight feet in height and twelve feet indiameter. It holds the multidimensional wisdom and knowledge of theages. It awaits this long destined awakening, from within the sacredArk.

End of the Golden Age and The Fall of Atlantis

And so we will speak of the final days of Atlantis that led to the fall of Atlantis....and indeed preempted thismighty awakening. For truly each of you must awaken forgotten memoriesand release the fear, and release the pain. You kept these crystals fromdestruction, and now you must remember why, and by contract, healyourself.

So we speak of the time, and we speak to all of you, who were there in physical and in etheric, for Atlantis is agreat holgramic lesson, and ones whose time has returned, for thehealing of Atlantis is a requisite healing, a necessary cleansing foreach of you to merge wholly into the merkabic phase, the crystallineenergy of the heralded planetary Ascension.

And the call is not just for those of you of the Law of One, it is equally called to the Aryans, to the Sons ofBelial. Indeed many of you expereinced lifetimes in both ideologies.Does that surprise you? All of you must release and heal, those of youwith regrets, those of you with a sense of loss, those of you who feltbetrayed, those of you who feel is time to let it go. It istime for harmony.

The Second Deluge of 17,500 BC - The Downward Spiral

The time is after the second deluge, when the utopian Golden Age subsided and Atlantis split into 5 islands. Thethree major islands were known as Poseida, Aryan and Og. The two smallerislands were under the rule of Aryan, and were known as Atalya andEyre. And so in the days after the second break up of Atlantis, thebenevolent government rule by kingdom passed into the phase of aConfederation, state governments, in your terms, that ruled each of theislands. An aristocracy of sorts evolved that consisted of two opposingideologies. The two major components of same were the ‘Law of One',based predominantly on the Isle of Poseida and ‘The Sons of Belial'based on the Isle of Aryan,. The island of Aryan was the most populated,and exerted influence
and political control over Og, Atalya and Eyre.

Poseida was the planets most potent vortex portal complex at the time of Atlantis. The Poseida grouping andisle housed the Temple of Healing, the Temple of Sound, the Temple ofRegeneration and the Temple of Knowledge. Poseida housed most of themajor centers for higher learning. These were placed on Poseida becauseof its advantageous location within the geodesic grids and its proximityto beneficial electromagnetic energies that spiraled upward from theearth's core. An incredibly potent healing spring flowed on Poseida,near the Temple of Healing, and its lore spawned the myths of the‘Fountain of Youth' passed down by the indigenous peoples of Florida.
It flows yet into the oceans near Bimini.

The tall ones, the golden race of Atlantis, of Pleadean seed were centered in Poseida, these ones averaging 10 to 12feet in stature. These were a gentle race of giants, involved in thecultural, artistic and educational pursuits in the heart of Atlantis.Poseida was also the headquarters and nucleus of the crystalline powergrid and interdimensional tunnel system. The most advanced, complex andbeautiful of the crystals were here. The were of Acturian and Sirianconstruct, a living amalgam of many crystalline forms imbued with analloy of platinum and gold. The crystals were housed in magnificentTemples, some built of marble, others of crystalline sheets of beryl,corundum and diamond. Poseida was also the capital city of the island,and was called the Emerald City. The Atlanteans had perfected, withActurian technology, the ability to grow crystals of every structure andessence in an accelerated growth within the underground crystal beds ofArkansas, Tibet and Brasil, all being Atlantean colonies, accessedthrough the interdimensional tunnel system.

Throughout Atlantis, power grid crystals were triangulated and connected through a gold-copper rod under anspherical dome that could be angled to receive specific stellar, solarand gravitational energy waves. A great crystalline satellite, referredto as the second moon of Atlantis, floated above in the skies andreceived, amplified, refined and reflected energy back to the crystals
for various beneficial purposes.

The Temples were covered in a dome of crystalline amplified light somewhat like a glowing force field. Thesewere of various colors and glowed in day and night. The major citiesduring the Golden Age
of Atlantis, had crystalline domes of energies above them.

After the second deluge, only, the capital city of Poseida had a full crystalline energydome,
and it was an incredible emerald green color.

Prior to the deluge of 17,500 BC, most major cities, including Meruvia, the Capital of Aryan had such power domesover the perimeter. The one in Aryan was a soft ruby red.

In the Golden Age of Atlantis, the Pyramids were three and four sided, depending on their utility and generally madeof marble, granite and complex crystals. The three sided pyramids wereused as antennas to draw and amplify energies and fed them into theposer grid to power homes, factories and create energy fields forvarious utilities. The crystalline satellite was used to reflect theangled stellar energy waves into these triangulated grids. There wereover 100 of these triangulated pyramidal grid complexes. They were setup in concentric triangulation patterns all over the planet. Theyestablished a hemispheric grid network of crystalline andelectromagnetic energy dividing the areas of Atlantis, America, Africa,Mediterranean Europe and South America into different demographiccenters-for powering population centers, and to modulate weatherpatterns and tides. The areas of Mongolia and Tibet were also part ofthis complex, connected by interdimensional ley tunnels. But the largestgroupings of these were in the homelands of Atlantis.

The four- sided pyramids were essentially Temple complexes set as full octahedrons and used for healing, learning,regeneration and spiritual purposes. These were not triangulated, andgenerally set on hilltops or along the coastlines to receive bothtelluric and celestial energies. The lands below the center plane wereexcavated to allow for the downward pyramid of the octahedron designconstruct, thus connecting energetically to both above and below.

The ‘Law of One' contingency of Poseida were devoutly spiritual people and sought equality among the people and aunification of Oneness. Although much technology and quality of life hadbeen lost in the prior two breakups of Atlantis (the first in 58,000BC, the second in 17,500 BC) technology still remained at an advancedlevel. Yet the harmony experienced in the Golden Age of Atlantisspiraled downward after the break up into island s in 17,500 BC as theislands grew into separately governed entities, which held to verydiffering ideologies in the initially chaotic and difficult period ofreconstruction immediately after the break up.

Poseida and the Atla-Ra

A highly disciplined and evolved sect of scientist priest held the technical wisdom and expertise of managing thecrystal power grids. The vast majority of Atla-Ra were of the tallgolden race, but there were also members from the bronze, white,LeMurian brown and Cetean races. At that time there were still dolphinbeings who walked on two legs, and breathed air. The sect of scientist-priests were referred to as the Atla- Ra. The Atla-Ra still maintainedthe highest standards of consciousness and were able to continuevibrating at very high frequencies of consciousness, at and above thelevel of 12th dimensional light & energy, remaining very pure andresonant with the true ‘Oneness' concept of the Creator/God. Theysustained higher dimensional -telepathic contact with the advanced spacebrethren from the Pleades, Arcturius Andromeda and Sirius.

The Atla-Ra Priests were highly revered and traditionally separate, above & exempt from governmental controls,and thus kept the knowledge & senior management of crystaltechnology largely in the wise & benevolent hands of the sect,although their were some technicians and crystal engineers from thePoseidan populace involved who were not in the Atla-Ra sect. TheScientist Priest of Atla-Ra were both male and female and were capableof great life spans, both through the regeneration of mind power andthrough the technology of same in the Temple of Rejuvenation. Many livedlifetimes in the same biology for 6,000 years, some to 12,000 years!Thus was the technology preserved through this holy sect. Many brilliantsouls were among these. The entities you know as Galileo, Isaac Newton,Einstein, Tesla, Edison, Marcel Vogel, Ronna Herman and DaVinci wereamong the Atla-Ra. Tyberonn and Oneronn were part of this group ofscientist priest,
who lived very long lifetimes.

Aryanand the Industrial Complex:

Aryan was the largest of the islands and the most populated. Aryan wasthe commercial center and yielded the most influence from the economic,agricultural and military perspective. After the 2nd deluge, Aryanbecame controlled by an elitist ‘white' race, who controlled theeconomy, military powers and island-state government, even though themajority of the populace were of the bronze or red race. From Aryan grewa corrupt power-minded aristocracy who sought to block the ‘Law of One'and utilize Atlantis's technology for control of the world, thisthrough the utilization of crystalline energy for weaponry, and use ofgenetic science for development & retention of an inferior race toserve as workers and soldiers.

The genetic engineering was based in Meruvia, on Aryan. It had originally been used for benevolent purposes,for seeking improved physical vehicles for those that had incarnatedinto physical bodies that mutated into half man half beast abominations.The genetic work had been processed and developed on Aryan and was usedto remove appendages, claws, feathers and reptilian skins and scales.This was done in the Temple of Purification, somewhat of a specializedmedical centre. Again, we emphasize that during the Golden Age ofAtlantis, its utility had been quite benevolent. Tremendous geneticadvances were made and a great understanding of cloning and adjustingphysical limitations for betterment came in responsible, ethicalutility.

In time, in the chaos of the reconstruction after 17,500 BC its purpose had come under the control of the Belialgroup, and then denigrated into corrupt uses of greed and power. Thegenetic engineering began being used for dark ends, in creating a raceof worker- slaves and hybrid man animals whose emotional bodies andintelligence levels were genetically censored. Just as in Nazi Germanyit was conveyed to the masses as development of a ‘pure race'. In factmany of the genetic scientist were initially kept unaware of what theirresearch and development work was being used for until it wasessentially too late for them to stop it. Some of you carry great guiltto this day as a result of this work. In time it became a clone factoryfor slavery to work mass produce much needed labor to work theagricultural fields and industrial factories and yield great profits tothe elite of Aryan. Once revealed, it was justified by the elite as ‘animal-labor production; the mutants and clones were conveniently nolonger considered human. Their intelligence quotient was geneticallyminimized and their emotional fields were disconnected. This caused agreat moral divide, and in time even the moderate, middle class Aryansturned a blind eye and accepted it as the norm.

Law of One and Sons of Belial

The use of genetically engineered servant classes led to the great rift between the Law of One and the Sons ofBelial, the latter of which became so engrossed and hardened in thematerialistic ambitions of the industrial machine that they lost sightof spiritual ethics. Literally hundreds of thousands of hybrid mutationswere created to work the fields and monstrosities were created withcontrolled minds to robotically do the biddings of their ‘masters'. Somany were cloned that the agro-industrial society of Aryan became quitedependent on them. Souls became trapped in cloned bodies termed ‘things'and 'others' with genetic lobotomies and nullified, sexuality andemotional abilities. Many who were trapped in monstrous or subintelligent androgynous bodies, still carry that horrendous pain ofbeing imprisoned in bodies that allowed for no spiritual growth oremotional expression.

For several millennia the two ideologies remained head-locked and governmental agencies were in a state ofdelicate impasse. The Poseidans were far to cultured and gentle innature to attempt to fight the Aryans and sought to educate them andspiritually influence the Aryans into changing their ways. The Aryans,who outnumbered the Poseidans 3 to 1, dared not attack Poseida lest theyhave the crystalline energy that powered the nation shut off. TheAryans were essentially the breadbasket and industrial centers and thusprovided the 5 islands with the bulk of produce and industrialmachinery. Both of which were heavily dependant on the geneticallyengineered ‘slave' labor. While crystalline energy stations were locatedon all of the islands as well as most ‘colonies', the Poseidans of theLaw of One and Atla-Ra held the expertise to run the system. Thus astandoff system of resentment- filled checks and balances existed forfive thousand years after the second break up.

Thus, you see the conflict that began a downward spiral of the Atlantean Golden Age, which existed from 30,000BC to 17,500 BC. So, from the time of the 17,500 BC break up intoislands, the downward spiral accelerated.

From this period of approximately 16,000 BC outbreaks of war erupted between the Aryan controlled Atlantean militaryas the former colonies of Atlantis located in the Mediterranean areasbroke traditional ties and developed their own independent governments.The colonies, particularly those in Greece and Turkey saw the changefrom the utopian Atlantis to the military-fascist state controlled byAryan. Although the Aryans had the military edge, the Mediterraneanstates did not succumb, and regional colonial wars raged on with neitherside able to dominate the other. Factions within Aryan increasinglysought to use crystal energy to quell the adversaries. This was firmlyrefused by the Atla-Ra and ‘Law of One' populace of Poseida.

Several futile attempts to terrorize the Poseidans were attempted by the Aryans, and each was quelled. ThePoseidans retaliated by shutting down the power and negating the Aryans.The Aryans responded by stopping food supply and manufactured goods. Angreat impasse ensued.

The Atlantean Unification Congress

In a great deceptive scheme, disguised as a plan for unification, the Aryans approached the Poseidans with theformation of a renewed National Congress to work out their growinglytense differences and bring harmony to Atlantis. Representatives fromthe Law of One were sent along with the representatives from the Sons ofBelial. The Congress was formalized with an equal amount ofrepresentation from the two parties. Within short order a federation ofsorts was sanctified with the promise of greater harmony. It appearedfor several decades that the promise of change and betterment might comeabout from the National Congress. The Poseidans were encouraged andmany of them let down their guard. The Atla-Ra remained wary of themotives and sensed deception.

Initially the National Congress did improve relations and many laws that promised unity were set in motion. Yet theprimary points of opposition, the genetic slavery and crystal energymanagement remained unresolved.

However, from within the Sons of Belial had risen a hypnotic charismatic leadership who seduced the masses inAtlantis into believing they were the answer to returning Atlantis toits lost Golden Age of prominence and abundance. The leaders of thisgroup were the souls that you know as Hitler and Himmler, indeed thesupremist Nazis of your World War II. Large militaristic legions wereformed and gained the edge in covert political persuasion and power. Thehybrid mutants were used to terrorize those who opposed them in Aryanand Og, and one occasion this was futilely attempted in Poseida.

The powerful Aryan contingent were masters of manipulation and media. They presented well thought out argumentsthat masked their true intentions and promised mutual compromise Thepropaganda seemed quite feasible on the surface and convinced manyincluding moderates and some
from the Law of One of its hope for harmony.

In what appeared to be a great opportunity for resolution, a law was proposed to bring the genetic engineering,heretofore controlled by the state of Aryan under federalized control,and in return, bring the crystal poser system under the control of agovernmental agency, equally staffed with Poseidans and Aryans. The Atla-Ra would remain in departmental head positions, but no longer beexempt from governmental controls. A great discussion and debateoccurred under great national scrutiny.
A vote was agreed to, as the Poseidans held an equal voice in thecongress.


The Law was eventually passed, on the belief that the new governmentagency for Crystalline Energy would be headed by a Governing Councilstaffed with 5 Poseidans and 4 Aryans, and that nothing could be changedwithout a majority rule of the council. The fact that the Law of Onewere given apparent majority control made the plan seem very promisingto the populace of Poseida. A training program was agreed that wouldallow engineers from both parties, outside the Atla-Ra, to be trainedand taught the complex engineering.

Initially, despite the wariness of Atla-Ra, the system appeared to be working and bringing a better harmony.

Within a few years, the wars in the Mediterranean roared back in full escalation, pressure mounted to usecrytsal beams for war purposes under the guise of national security.

A discussion, debate and vote was scheduled for the Governing Council. National security was touted and a misalignedsense of manipulated patriotism swept the land.

Then the deception rolled into effect. To the great shock & chagrin of the Poseidans, one of the Law of Onemembers of the Council, switched positions. He was neither of theAtla-Ra, nor the Golden race. He had risen politically as a charismaticleader, a trusted negotiator, who had pledged allegiances to the Law ofOne and gained their full confidence. He had been seduced by the Aryans,and fell victim to his ambitions.

In the aftermath, this one felt great remorse, and spent subsequent lifetimes attempting to make up for themistake. For truly he did not foresee the catastrophic ending, and hadallowed himself to be blindly compromised under promise of power &grandeur.

Dear Ones, such is the illusion of power. You see when one gains power, that which may seem right can often be anillusion of ego. Each on the road of Mastery must eventually decidebetween power and love. Even the one you call Hitler thought the masterrace scenario would enable a better future for the earth, with onesupreme physical embodiment being the single eventual race that allsouls would reincarnate into, reducing disease, and eliminating racialdivision by having only one race. Even the one you call Judas in yourbiblical allegory thought that by placing Jesua ben Josef in detention,he would be forced to use his divine powers to reveal his Mastery to theworld! Indeed the paradox is that what you term as ‘Power' is often thepolar opposite of love. Do you see how ego and power can deceive? Doyou?

Indeed in the Atlantean aftermath, what had appeared to be a unification, was in truth a confusing, and devastingbetrayal, and indeed completely overturned the probable future ofharmony into a dark & catastrophic end.

Thus through ‘legalized' governmental control, the use of the crystal power complex & grids came undergovernmental control under the sons of Belial.

The Second Moon of Atlantis

That which was known as the ‘Second Moon of Atlantis' and the crystalline power grids and fire crystals came undergovernmental control, and their usage became altered as the Aryanknowledge of the programming grew. The Atla-Ra were able to defer theusage initially, but in time were stymied. The Atla-Ra realized that theend was near.

Now as we have mentioned earlier, that termed the second moon of Atlantis, was in fact a massive crystallinesatellite. It was of Arcturian construct and managed by the PriestScientist of the Law of One. The crystalline satellite was an enormousunmanned sphere of brilliant engineering, approximately five miles indiameter. It has been in use since the Golden Age of Atlantis, andserved myriad benevolent purpose. It amplified and controlled thevarious crystal beams sent from the fire, healing and energy crystals.It was somewhat of a computerized macrochip that refracted, separated,refined and reflected beams of energy for use in agriculture, weathercontrol, tide control, healing temples, regeneration temples and theenhanced ley-energy systems generated by the crystal poser system. Itloomed in the skies over Atlantis and appeared as a golden ‘harvest'moon, and thus was known as the second moon of Atlantis. A rainbowkaleidoscopic energy band of antigravity plasma swirled around thesphere, and often appeared as what you now term the aurora or northernlights. The satellite crystal moon did not orbit the earth, it moved asprogrammed, self directed, constantly shifting locations in order toperform its myriad tasks over Atlantis, Africa and the eastern seaboardof Brasil.

After the Crystalline Grid complex legally came under federalized control, the Belial group integrated their owntechnologists into the engineering group, gradually replacing keydepartment heads with their own. The Atla-Ra attempted to block theirattempt to reprogram the satellite for war usage explaining thatoverloading the satellite would dissipate the antigravity field thatmaneuvered it, and a catastrophic crash could occur. The Aryan scientistdebunked the claim. Some of the Atla-Ra were threatened and removed,others began to mysteriously disappear. Many of the Poseidans feltintimidated and powerless as the governing council allowed for thesatellite to become a ‘strategic defense weapon'., certain it wouldfunction as programmed.

The Belial scientist, with council approval reprogrammed a system bypass and began sending destructive beams used toinitiate volcanic eruptions and massive earthquakes against coloniesand nations who refused to give into their demands. These were aimed inthe areas of what is now Greece and Turkey, and caused greatdevastation. Indeed it gave the zealous Aryans the battle advantage theyso fervently desired, and they jubilantly increased its usage, withsupport of most of the populace.

The Beginning of the End

The Crystal Moon began to ‘overload', weakening the anti gravity field that kept it afloat. The Atla-Raunderstood the implications of what would soon occur when theprogramming crashed, but their pleas to the council continued to beignored.

Within the year, the satellite began to erratically swerve and shift, and power blackouts began to occur.Tireless attempts to correct it were unsuccessful. The Atla-Ra wereasked to lend support in correcting it, most refused. Some agreed to tryand stabilize it to prevent the impending disaster. All attemptsfailed. The council refused the suggestion to incinerate the satellite,disbelieving that it would crash, and minimizing the effects of animpact even if it did.

Relocation of the Crystals

Tyberonn & Oberonne gathered an inner group of loyalist within the Atla-Ra and Law of One to plan a circuitrydisconnection & imminent relocation of the fire and energy crystalsto various ‘safe' locations before the impending crash of the mastersatellite. This was done with the technology & assistance of thosefrom Sirius B.

The relocation of the precious crystals was very risky, and required careful planning and great secrecy. It had tobe done before the crash of the ‘second moon', and without knowledge ofthe governing council.

Atlantis had numerous power crystals located through out the 5 islands and along specific relay routes of theunderground labyrinth system. The Atla-ra knew that once the modulated‘motherboard' of the crystal moon satellite lost its antigravity field,it would crash in a huge explosion and its crashing would subsequentlyreek havoc on the major and secondary class energy crystals below,creating catastrophic secondary explosions of a nuclear-class withinweeks or days of the crash.

They wanted to insure the master crystals would not be used for any further negative purpose, and be saved for atime when mankind could use them as they were intended. It would beimpossible to transport them after the system crash.

Seven of the incredible primary crystals and two secondary crystals were relocated within the bulk transport systemsof the underground tunnel system with help from Sirius B. Three primarycrystals were relocated to the Atlantean crystal fields of Arkansas,two primary crystals were relocated to the underground crystal farms ofBrazil in the areas of Bahia and Mineas Gerais, one was relocated tounderground chasm below Mount Shasta, and the great fire crystal wasplaced underground in the Sargasso Sea, deep below the Bimini bank. Thetwo secondary crystals from the island of OG were relocated in thechasms below the area of Tiajuanaco, Bolivia near Lake Titicaca.

All were put in dimensional locks, essentially powered down into energetic dormancy through the technologyof the Sirians.

The rest, in your vernacular is history, poignant forgotten history from your mainstream perspective. Truly theparadox, the irony, is that it is contains the most purposeful oflessons!

Indeed after a few months of being utilized for ‘death ray' technology the great crystal satellite overloaded, itsantigravity cushion weakened and it crashed with the acceleratedvelocity of a massive comet in a horrific explosion that devastated mostof OG and critically weaken the tectonic stability of the Atlanteanplate. The great crystal satellite shattered into billions of fragmentedcrystalline shards, which now fill the deep trenches of the Atlantic.Massive clouds of dust and smoke erupted, hiding the sun. Waves ofearthquakes and tsunamis devastated the island and sent great waves overtwo thirds of Aryan. Within minutes the remaining power stationsexploded with the strength of nuclear bombs. The remains of one suchcrystal power station explosion can be seen to this day in the area ofnortheast Brasil called ‘Sete Cidades'.

Atlantis, and the eastern coast of Brazil and the western coast of Africa were devastated with subsequentearthquakes. Panic and havoc ensued for 3 weeks as the remaining dryareas shook and landmasses collapsed into the sea. The land bridge thatconnected Poseida and Og to the Yucatan remained above water initiallyand was literally filled with tens of thousands of Atlanteansfrantically attempting to escape. Every type of sea going vessel wasfilled with the surviving terrorized refugees.

And then in one shattering gasp, the remaining lands collapsed downward into the sea.

It is a scene that has for many many lifetimes plagued and darkened thememories of many of you, who were indeed a part of it. Dear Ones, it istime to let it go.

Intent & Highest Good

So many of you believe that everything happens as it should happen, as it is ‘meant' to be. Dear Ones that isnot the case. Things happen as they happen, as a set of many potentials.And indeed from the higher perspective events happen as they are‘intended' to happen, and we stress the word intent. You are creators ofyour event horizons. But Dear Ones, events do not happen in the highestgood until you create the highest good. The Fall of Atlantis was notthe highest good, and will not be until you recreate it as such.

If all happened as it should, you would not reincarnate. In the dramatic school of hologramic ‘reality' you willcycle and recycle until you learn this. Do you understand Dear Ones?

Time and probability are a beautiful illusionary paradox....And this is why we tell you that the Golden Ageof Atlantis is actually an event horizon from your future, that youpulled into your ‘seeming' past!

The Crystals of Arkansas

And so now we skip forward 12,500 years, and we look at the role of the Atlantean colony you now call Arkansas.

Arkansas was specifically chosen to house three major mega crystals for several reasons.

1) It was already in use as a crystal mining and harvest area. As aresult one of the primary interdimensional tunnels from Poseida wasalready established and transport complexes were available to transportthe crystals to the area. The Atlanteans had developed techniques thatallowed for highly accelerated growth of crystals and pre existing deepcaverns existed that would be quite out of the reach of mining concerns.

2) It was understood that the vortex in place in the area of Arkansas would play a major role in the 2012planetary Ascension.

3) Arkansas's unique geology of quartz, diamonds, magnetic lodestone, iron, limestone, and massive caverns madeit the perfect incubator for the crystalline plantations. Crystals hadbeen planted and grown in Arkansas for thousand of years before thedeluge. The presence of magnetic metals in the crystal beds made iteasier for the majestic Atlantean crystals to be placed in a dormantstate within pre existing facilities.

4) A very benevolent colony of the blue-skinned LeMurians exist underground in Arkansas, as well as anunderground base of Sirians. The two were in agreement to be caretakersfor the sleeping crystals.

Now, the three crystals placed in Arkansas are attuned to a system that includes the remaining five master crystalsplaced in Brazil, Shasta, Bimini, and the two Arcturian crystals placedunder LakeTiticaca. These are specialized Healing, Wisdom, Energy andTransport Crystals , used in the Temple of Healing, The Temple of Soundand Light, The Temple of Knowledge, The Temple of One, The Temple ofThoth , The Ruby Temple of Fire and the Temple of Regeneration.

The crystals were specifically placed in areas of supreme importance for the new earth emerging in the 2012Ascension. Areas that were easily accessed though the Atlanteaninterdimensional tunnel system. The are defined and placed as follows:

Arkansas :
1. Blue Crystal of Knowledge (Interface)8-8-8
2. Emerald Crystal of Healing 9-9-9
3. Platinum Crystal of Communication (Bio Plasmic Interface) 11-11-11

Bimini Bank:
1. The Ruby Fire Crystal of Energy 12-12-12

1. Gold Crystal of Healing Regeneration 9-9-9
2. Violet Crystal of Sound 10-10-10

Mount Shasta:
1. The Crystal of Multidimensional Interface 9-9-9

Tiajuanaco-Lake Titicaca, Bolivia:
1. Sun-Moon Crystal of Light 9-9-9
2. Crystal of Thoth 12-12-12

In 2008, the Blue Crystal of Wisdom and Knowledge returns. On the summersolstice it will awaken to half strength. On that termed the 8-8-8, the8th of August of 2008, will the 144 Crystalline grid launch into ¾function, and in turn activate the Blue Crystal into half power.

It will trigger the time sequence program for the awakening of the others .

Each will open on the triple dates portals. Each will be tied to theactivation of the 4 remaining 12 stellated facets of the 144 grid, thedouble penta-dodecahedron.

Powering Up & Reprogramming

None will move into full strength before 2012. Only the Blue Knowledge Crystal, the Emerald Healing Crystal andSun-Moon Crystal will be at full power by 2012, the others will takelonger. They will awaken and then begin a rebooting process, followingby new downloads, and reprogramming. This reprogramming will especiallyoccur with the Bimini fire crystal, which will not be fully functionalbefore 2020.

Their energies will be networked with the Quantum Crystalline frequency of the Ascension and tied to the energeticpatterns of the Golden Sun Disc, which represent the new blueprint, theDNA, in a manner of speaking, for the 144 Grid. The unified effect ofthe crystal awakening, the 144 grid completion and the completion of the12 helix Golden Sun Disc will prepare the earth for the Ascension, andthe new planet of the crystalline filed.

The effect these crystals will have will initially be quite subtle, yet that subtle strength will be immediatelydiscernable to empaths. The effect will be a greater sense of wellbeing, especially within the vortexes of Arkansas, Lake Titicaca andBahia, Brazil.

The first phase represents wisdom, and the second phase will be the etheric healing of Atlantis,
and the tie in to the new Golden Age.

There will be a golden rhombus formed between Brasil, Lake Titicaca, Arkansas and Mount Shasta and in 2020this will become a five pointed star, that forms a global network withall infinity points
on the planet.

The awakening of the crystals, beginning in Arkansas, will open the gatefor the receptive dimension that marks the return of the star brethren.Return is a misnomer, as truly that have never left.

No, We Have Never Left !!!Metatron
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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 09, 2009 ( Copyright Lauren C Gorgo @ )12:12 & The Return to Love- ArcturusBlessings and divine greetings benevolent ones, I am Lord of Arcturus and on behalf of the entire Arcturian civilization, I speak to you as one.Long gone are the days of strife. No longer are you required to uphold a vision of perfection for the world, for you are perfection now. No longer are you required to uphold the sanctity of future creation, for you are creation embodied now.Beloved beings of extraordinary light and unwavering focus...gather together under the energetic shroud of this transmission for the purpose of celebrating the return of love! We come together today to join in praise and celebration with you, our beloved brothers and sisters of earth.The turning of the tide, the parting of worlds, the separation of the wheat from the chaff...all of these euphemisms point to the eternal now, a point in time when all lower reality matrices are severed from truth. What we would like to bring forth thru this cherished inter-dimensional channel of various galactic civilizations, is as of this day (12/09/09) the 12:12 gateway has officially opened.What this means for man and womankind is unprecedented in scope, for all galactic gateway portals have been leading up to the potency of this particular frequencial point in time and space.The resurfacing of love as the forerunner and template of creation is activated through this very portal and brought completely into physicality through the 12/21 solstice celebration. The alignment of this frequencial resonance point is indicative of a major push forward in the earth's evolution and humanity's spiritual mastery. From this day forward, and into the next level of planetary ascension, all of humanity will be forever changed.Those of you who have been consciously following the ascension timeline, integrated the physical changes initiated at each numeric galactic portal, and cleared the emotional body of fourth dimensional discord, are entering into the new galactic time zone centered at zero-point frequency, through the divine portal of peace.The entrance into (w)holism, as is your vernacular, is the entrance into unity thinking which precipitates unity action as all the cooperative parts work collaboratively for the function of the whole. Earth is being transformed with love consciousness, and beginning to work as One. In this way, you of the new time line will be the new earth keepers, the sacred ones who have transcended the veil of illusion, fear and separation and will be working with each other and your galactic emissaries to implement the new structures of ascended earth.This 12:12 & 12:21 gateways are taking you far beyond any limitations of separation and bringing you directly in contact with the true frequency of creation... into harmonic resonance with the All. Greatness awaits each of you as you begin to prepare the earth and her people for an entirely new way of being.As it stands, your earth mother is undergoing many shifts and vibratory upgrades to prepare herself for the most splendid act of divine intervention to happen in the history of man. These shifts are creating the foundation for living in an inter-dimensional society and are necessary for the complete return of love on the planet. Stay connected to your inner knowing as these changes take place, for you will come to experience the earth in a completely new way, a way that will astound you in times to come.As well, those of you who are preparing for your leadership roles may find that you are still plagued with a lack of vitality and an inability to move forward into your rightful position. This is for good reason as many of you are still holding the beacons of light that are necessary to guide humanity over the threshold and through this doorway.Once this gate fully opens, however, you will feel the full release of energetic captivity from old programs, core issues and the emergence of a renewed sense of joy and vigor. Your biology will finally have the ability to fully adapt to the new and higher frequencies and spontaneous healings will become commonplace as you reclaim the various aspects of yourself that you willingly fragmented in service to the All.This will truly be a return to the state of grace as you rest, recover, revitalize and embrace your brothers and sisters in higher love with the full remembrance of your true state of being now that your tour of duty has expired. In this, we will also share that some of you are already beginning to feel the grace of God enter your divine vessels, and for you to whom we speak, we only gets better.As each of you completes this laborious yet necessary cycle of integration and purification you will be free to experience the life you have dreamed of and as you do, as you embark upon this new journey in creation, so too will you lead by infectious example.Post 12:12Following the 12:12 gateway, all members of the activated crystalline grid structure will begin to release responsibility of and connection to the 3d dimensional duality matrix. This will create an energetic chasm between worlds, or realities, that will permit the new world to begin taking form as the old world continues to dismantle and experience the extremes of polarity. This latter portion of the population will fulfill their soul contracts in karmic creation as the new earth leaders begin to assemble the cosmic blueprint, held in the 12th dimensional frequency field, of the original design for the planet.Those with contracts to serve in the first level of stewardship well know their roles by now and those next to activate will be joining in to take the helm. This 2 tier level of leadership is necessary to employ some of the greater advancements in technology and social awareness that will come in the later stages.If you are one who is not aware of your "role" in all of this, realize that the physical expression of your talents of your choosing. All that is required of you is that which brings you great joy.12:21 Solstice CelebrationAt the 12:21 solstice celebration, and with the support of both the lunar and solar eclipses, the earth and her people will shift into position for greater expansion and the new beginnings of 2010. All of earth and humanity will be affected by the amount of love pouring in through these powerful portal dates, yet it will also represent the activation completion and reconnection for wayshowers to step fully into their divine roles.This suggests a hierarchical order, yet it is based on an individual ability to accept ever-expanding probabilities, and to broaden your capacity to love. As a result of these changes, we will be able to work directly with many of the new earth leaders as the veil of separation lifts and we become an integral part of your new world.Brothers and sisters, we have so much to share with you regarding the building of your new earth. We have galactic ambassadors stationed all over the planet, as do all participating star nations, who will be facilitating many of the off-world communications necessary to employ great endeavors and we are so delighted to finally be working with you in this capacity!As a result, the culmination of efforts put forth by the many intergalactic societies here to to assist you will create the resources and rapid change required to enable the people of earth to truly live in peace and harmony.To your joy in completeness and the return of LOVE!Telepathic Transmission thru Lauren C. Gorgo atThinkWithYourHeart.netDid u enjoy this post? Now U can thank me with a donation!Copyright © 2009 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
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Akashic Records for November 2009a message from Jen Eramith MA2 November, 2009What energy and experiences can we expect in November 2009?There is a polarity in the experience this month. There are two opposite ends of a spectrum that are available and you will experience them simultaneously. One end includes a flurry of activity. If you imagine the airplane metaphor we have given you for this year, you are likely to see that as you prepare for your final descent, people are rushing to get to their seats, changing seats, and rushing to put things away. Everyone seems to be in preparation and you are likely to see a lot of activity this month.On the other end and at the very same time, there is a beautiful, calm, quiet, peaceful energy that permeates this month. The energy of the Goddess infuses this month. It is like the energy of Virgo for those of you familiar with astrological archetypes.What you will find collectively between these two poles is the ability to be calm in the midst of chaos. To find your quiet center as you stay actively engaged in the activities around you. That skill of holding both of those experiences is the perfect thing to practice this month. It will serve you very well. A good way to work with these energies is to actively pursue activities that help you find a calm, quiet center. Utilize those just before you step into a flurry of activity, just before a meeting, just before an event, just before socializing, just before working on a project. Take a moment to quiet your mind, to tap into the pure energy of love. Imagine being embraced by a loving mother and imagine the sense of relaxation you might feel if you felt truly embraced by a loving mother. Allow that feeling to enter your body and then engage in activity. That is the best way to work with this energy or with the polarity that presents itself.In the larger picture, the Keepers have given this metaphor for the year 2009 of being on an airplane. In that metaphor, what you are finding now is that all of you have noticed a pressure change. The pressure has begun to increase and this is occurring in world events, it is occurring particularly in the US in public debate, but certainly in other countries. It is also occurring in your personal lives. It is like the pressure is beginning to increase as you move downward into a denser part of the atmosphere so to speak. Recognize that increasing pressure as a natural part of the process. If you want to land, if you want to arrive at your final destination, you will need to go through the landing process and collectively, humanity, you are all doing this. What you will find is a lot of people are responding to that high pressure. Fear is coming to the surface for many people. More than ever, people are choosing love over fear. People who are really feeling a lot of fear and unable to find an outlet for it or a way to control it, they are becoming louder. This is where the point on the airplane where you start to hear babies crying, people get restless, those people who are uncomfortable are becoming more and more vocal.Do not be deceived. The vast majority of people are feeling cool, calm and collected. The vast majority of people have found ways to heal their fear. They are finding ways to choose love over fear in their lives. While the voices of fear are becoming louder, they are actually far less numerous than they were even one year ago. This is true in the United States and it is true throughout the world. Watch the scenario unfold and be mindful about what energy you are putting out to the world around you. If you find yourself complaining a lot, or doing what some people call venting, consider that what you are doing is inappropriately sharing your fear with people and dragging them down. There are times for venting, there is room for complaining, but at this time in November 2009, it is especially important to be mindful that any negative, critical, hurtful or fear based words or actions that you take are going to have a strong affect on the people around you.Everyone is experiencing his or her own version of discomfort and everyone is engaged in a valiant effort to choose love over fear. Do what you can to create a sense of peace and calm and love in the world around you just as you would on an airplane to quiet you voice, take a few deep breaths and adjust to the discomfort of beginning your initial descent, or maybe it is your final descent, toward your final destination.What more can we do to work with the energies available this month?It will be useful for you to occupy yourselves with love. Find people to love. Find reasons to love people. Find opportunities and events that make space for you to be affectionate, for you to be kind and compassionate. The more you can occupy yourself with love the less you will be distracted by your fear. It is important this month that you do not try too hard to resist your fear, but instead just gently move your energy and attention toward love and away from fear.Are there any important days or power days for us to work with this month?November 8 through 12 is a window. It is a window in which humanity will have closer contact with the higher dimensions. It is like a portal but it is big. It is four days long. It is almost like a festival of higher connections. During this four-day stretch, you may find yourself having more intense dreams. You may find yourself sleeping more than you usually do. It will be useful during these four days to take extra care of your body, to do what you can to be grounded. Be sure to eat enough food and keep a steady level of blood sugars and protein in your system and to drink plenty of water.November 18 provides kind of a moment of light. This is a day when things can be clear when you can calm down and when you can expect people to be more reasonable than they might otherwise be. This is a good day to address any conflicts that remain unresolved. There is a little bit more peace available this day so capitalize on it by trying to work through unresolved issues, being as gentle and graceful as you can.November 28 provides intensity; things are going to get more intense. This may be where in the airplane metaphor where you hit the turbulence of the final hot air rising from the surface. Look for intensity on November 28. If you expect it, it will not throw you off. Anticipate that things will change in unexpected ways. Anticipate that your plans will not unfold as you had hoped. Be prepared to be flexible, to be forgiving and to be patient with yourself and others on this day and for the days following.Is there anything else the Keepers want to tell us about November 2009?There is one other thing about this month, involving the theme of nourishment -- spiritual, physical, emotional, and social nourishment. It will be really useful for you to be mindful this month about what you put into your bodies and how it nourishes you. Notice how you spend your time and what people you bring into your lives. Look for spiritual, emotional and physical nourishment this month. Look for the things that feed your soul and avoid wasting time and energy on those things that are empty.You might consider using the metaphor of food to help you make some decisions about what people you spend time with this month. Some people bring the equivalent of empty calories, like soda or candy might. Look instead for those relationships and those activities that really feed your soul; that leave you feeling nourished and filled with love and with light. Most of you can no longer afford t waste your time and energy on the effort to connect with people and experiences that do not belong with you. Let it be this month. Give yourself permission to do the things that you love and to say "no" to the things that you do not love. It may cause some social discomfort, but ultimately, it frees you and everyone else to create the lives that you were born to live in. That is your birthright. We encourage you to embrace that this month.Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2008 All rights reserved.The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith, M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews provided that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed.
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TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFEby Patricia Diane Cota-RoblesNovember 2009http://eraofpeace.orgYou have the ability to make a positive difference in the world. This has been a roller-coaster time of miracles and challenges. It seems as though these extreme experiences are being used to wake Humanity up at warp speed. No matter how hard people may try, their I AM Presence is not allowing them to push the snooze button in order to go back to sleep. It is time for people everywhere to remember who they are and why they are on Earth during this auspicious moment. Important changes are taking place, and in spite of outer-world appearances, we are beginning to see evidence of people in every walk of life reaching out to make a positive difference.2009 is numerically an 11-year. Eleven is the Master Number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. The many activities of Light that have taken place this year have provided us with amazing opportunities to move into the highest level of consciousness we have experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago.November is the eleventh month in 2009, so we are blessed with the powerful 11:11 numerical frequency throughout this entire month. On November 11 and 29, 2009, we are blessed with 11:11:11 numerical frequency, which will be an incredibly powerful time for all of us.Whether we consciously remember it or not, each and every one of us has been preparing for a very long time to assist during this unprecedented time. We all have unique skills and abilities that no one else on the planet possesses in exactly the same way we do. We have volunteered to assist in helping to change the old, obsolete behavior patterns that are responsible for the pain and suffering Humanity is enduring. This is being brought to our attention by our I AM Presence, our God Self, because the time for us to begin fulfilling our Divine Missions is NOW!The only reason we have not been cocreating lives of joy, happiness, prosperity, loving relationships, financially and creatively rewarding jobs, vibrant health, fulfillment, enlightenment and every other positive experience is because we have forgotten that we can.Not only can we create the lives we dream of, this is our purpose and reason for being. We are Children of God, and we have been invested with the gift of free will. Our thoughts and feelings are creative. Whatever we focus our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings on, we bring into physical form. It is time for us to remember this Divine Truth and for us to consciously choose to create the lives we want instead of inadvertently manifesting, through our fears, the experiences we do not want.It is time for us to reclaim our Divine Birthrights and to fulfill our Divine Potentials. As we take charge of our lives, we will be effective examples for our loved ones and friends. We will be positive catalysts, and the results of our efforts will be exponential. We are all One, and the Universal Law is “As I Am lifted up, ALL Life is lifted up with me.” We can each make a positive difference. As we change our lives, we will change the direction for Humanity and for all Life evolving on this planet. Never underestimate your ability to be a powerful force of good on this planet.You have been preparing for a very long time to fulfill the mission you agreed to accomplish in this lifetime. Not only do you have the skill, talent, wisdom, courage and strength to accomplish your mission, our Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven are standing in readiness eagerly awaiting the opportunity to assist you. These selfless Beings of Light are with you now. From inner levels they guide and protect you, and they intervene to help you every time you ask them to. You are never alone. If you ever feel doubtful that you have the power to make a positive difference in this world, just remember the entire Company of Heaven is there to help you every time you ask for their assistance.When you begin to create a plan to make a positive difference in your life, the first step is to take a good look at your life as it exists right now. In order to change your life, you must first be aware of what presently exists. So take some time to evaluate your life as an objective observer. This is not a time to berate, criticize, or condemn yourself for past mistakes. That only adds more negative energy to the situation. The purpose of this evaluation is to help you see what it is you like about your life, and what it is you would like to change. Usually people know their lives are not what they want them to be, and they may be aware of some major problems, such as finances or health, but they have never actually taken the time to evaluate their overall lives. This is a crucial step toward making a positive difference, so invest the time to take a thorough inventory of your life.In order for you to succeed in transforming your life, you need to plan where you are going. You need to have objectives and goals. Most people spend so much time worrying and dwelling on the things that they do not want in their lives that they have not taken the time to figure out what they really do want. Remember, what you think about, what you hold in your mind and put your attention and energy into, you draw into your life. So it is time to stop worrying about the things that you do not want and start focusing on the things that you do want.Patterns of thinking and emotional responses are usually habits you have allowed yourself to develop without much conscious awareness. Now that you have decided to take charge of your life, you no longer need to just muddle through the day. Instead, you can deliberately control your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. Since it is a natural law that what you put your attention and energy into, you draw into your life. It is only logical that you take the steps necessary to let go of destructive programming and begin creating for yourself a fulfilling, happy, harmonious, abundant, and peaceful life.Most people rarely feel that they are negative; so one of the things I have them do is keep a scratch tally for an entire week of every negative thought or feeling they experience. Notice I said EVERY negative thought or feeling. This includes the little, trivial, petty things that you allow to pop into your mind, such as the person that pulls in front of your car that you think is a jerk, or the service you received that you feel was lousy, or the lady at the supermarket that you think is a slob, or the disgust you have for yourself for overeating, or the anger you feel if the car breaks down, and on and on.My experience has been that by the end of the week even so-called positive people have several sheets of tally marks and are astounded at how often they were negative and shocked at how oblivious they were about their negative thinking. So, the next step toward your decision to make a positive difference in the world is to observe your daily responses for an entire week. Pay very close attention to your thoughts and feelings and keep a simple scratch tally of every negative thought or feeling you have. Do not empower the negative thought by writing it down, just keep a scratch tally of it.This is a very valuable exercise because it clearly shows how many times every single day you are misqualifying energy without even realizing it.Many people are wallowing in the poor me syndrome. They feel that they are really good people, but all of these terrible things keep happening to them anyway. What this exercise reveals is that we may not be doing catastrophically negative things like mugging people or robbing a bank, but we are often nickel-and-dimeing ourselves to death with trivial pettiness.Once you complete this exercise and acknowledge that you may not be controlling your thoughts or feelings, but just allowing them to happen, you can move on to the next step of changing those bad habits and begin to take control of your thoughts, words, and deeds.Each time you put forth the effort to deliberately program yourself into constructive thinking, the stronger you will become and the more natural the positive response will be. Before you know it, your pattern of thinking will automatically be positive instead of negative, and you will have established a new constructive habit.While you are going through this process of gaining control of your thoughts and feelings, you need to be tolerant and forgiving of yourself. If you find negative thinking or negative feelings creeping into your consciousness, you need to stop, empty your mind of the negative thought or feeling, take a deep breath, regroup, and then look for the positive side of the situation you are dealing with. Don't give any more power to the negative thought by berating or condemning yourself for the transgression. Just let it go, flood it with the Violet Flame of Forgiveness, and focus on the positive side of the situation, no matter how small.Begin your new habit of positive thinking by looking for the positive side of every person, place, condition, or thing you encounter. The general rule is that we can easily spot the flaws in other people, but unless someone is a genius or looks like a Greek God or Goddess, we rarely notice their positive attributes. In this exercise you must go out of your way to search for something good in every single person, place, condition, and thing you come in contact with. Sometimes this is a real challenge. Some people you know may seem so objectionable that the only thing you will be able to appreciate about them is the color of their socks, but you must find something good in every instance.After practicing this for a while, you will come to the realization that, no matter how bad things seem or how degenerate a person may appear, there is a spark of hope in every situation and a spark of Light in every person. By consciously putting your attention on that one redeeming quality, rather than giving momentum and power to the negative, you can turn that destructive situation into a positive experience, and you can often give the negative person the incentive he or she needs to find a better way of behaving. This may sound too good to be true, but I assure you that this is the natural Law of Attraction, and it is as accurate and as workable as the Laws of Mathematics, Music, Physics, or any other science.The next exercise I want to share with you is designed to help you reprogram your thinking with positive affirmations. People who have used positive affirmations have always known that they work, but they have rarely understood exactly why. Now, with more and more research, we are learning how the process works.Through positive affirmations, we can deliberately send forth constructive thoughtforms that will accumulate additional positive energy and return to us, bringing with them what we are affirming. The difference between a prayer and an affirmation is that in prayer we are usually humbly asking for something, and in an affirmation we are actually invoking God and our I AM Presence to command Universal Light substance to flow through us constructively to create whatever perfection it is that we are affirming.There is another very important reason why affirmations work. When we make a positive affirmation, we begin with the words I AM. These two words invoke our I AM Presence and connect us directly to our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God, All That Is. This all encompassing Presence of God is the Universal Source of All Life.Everything in the Universe is comprised of electronic Light substance vibrating at different frequencies with various densities. The words I AM reflect the all-encompassing Oneness of all Life. “I” represents Alpha, the beginning, “AM” represents Omega or the ending, meaning our Father-Mother God, the Universal Source of All Life, is the beginning and the ending of all that exists.When we invoke the Light of God by using the words I AM the Light automatically responds. It flows through our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings and obeys our affirmations.Affirmations are designed to help us begin reprogramming our negative thinking into positive thinking. The longer energy is accustomed to flowing through the brain in a particular pattern, the easier it is to just keep flowing in the same pattern. For instance, if we are used to being critical or judgmental of others, that is a pattern we have developed and the energy flows very easily into that groove of the brain. If we want to change that habit, we have to consciously begin developing a new groove through which this energy can flow. The more we withhold the energy from the negative, critical pattern and send it forth through the new constructive pattern, the sooner we will have changed the bad habit.When we first begin observing our behavioral responses, we are usually shocked and a little overwhelmed at how ingrained our trivial, petty patterns are, and it seems as though it will be a monumental task to overcome them. However, once you begin to consciously take control of your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings, the changes will take place much more quickly than you can envision at this time. Once you really develop the habit of positive thinking, the critical, petty, trivial things that so easily pop into your mind now will not be part of your consciousness.With positive affirmations, we form new constructive grooves in our thinking patterns. For this reason it is important to read your affirmations the first thing in the morning and the last thing before going to bed at night. The exercise in the morning will begin the constructive flow of energy through the brain and set your attitude for the new day.The exercise at night will help by drawing the positive affirmations into your subconscious mind; so, you can reprogram yourself while you sleep, as in sleep learning. Research is proving that what we think about at night before we go to sleep is carried into the subconscious mind, so it is a good idea to put your attention on something constructive. For heaven’s sake, don't watch the news just before going to sleep.I AM AN INSTRUMENT OF GODI AM weaving my gifts, talents, skills, knowledge, strength, courage, compassion and love into the tapestry of the Divine Plan for the New Earth.I AM responding to my Heart’s Call, and I AM God in Action.I AM Consecrating my thoughts, words, feelings and actions to be the greatest force of good I can be on this planet.I AM making a positive difference every day.Through the focus of my attention, I AM expressing the following Divine Truths:I AM One with ALL Life. I AM Divine Love. I AM Infinite Abundance.I AM the Harmony of my true Being. I AM Vibrantly Healthy and Eternally Youthful. I AM a Peace Commanding Presence.The actions I take everyday improve my family, my job, my community, my city, my country and the world.I have a Healing Touch. I AM communing everyday with my Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven.Through my thoughts, words, actions, and feelings I AM Transfiguring this planet into the New Earth.And so it is.(From I AM Cocreating the New Earth. A Book of Invocations.available on our website: )Patricia Diane Cota-RoblesNew Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
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From: HeruPaul LeBretonA message from Akashic Records channeled by Jen Eramith MAThursday, 1 October, 2009What energies and experiences can we expect in October 2009?This month has an expanding energy. First and foremost, you are likely to see things amplified this month. For better or for worse, anything that happens will probably happen bigger or have far more reaching effects because of the energy this month.There is a strong feeling of gratitude this month. This is an excellent time to take stock of how far you have come and all of the resources and gifts you have in your lives and to be grateful for them. There is a sense that taking stock right now will provide several important benefits. One of them is to shift you into a feeling of gratitude and a sense of well-being and an appreciation for yourself and others, therefore putting you in a position of harmony.The other potential benefit of this process of taking stock is it will help you have a clear sense of being supported as you move forward. There will be new challenges, as there always are, in months to come. If you take the time now to really look at and let your mind rest on the fact that you have resources in your life, it will provide you with a centered, calm, benevolent and confident place inside that you can carry with you into future challenges. This month, it will be beneficial for you to pay attention to that which you have, than you do to that which you do not have. To pay more attention to the people who agree with you than to those who disagree with you. To spend more time doing things you love than you do spending time doing things you do not love.October can be a very fruitful month. Not in terms of getting a lot done, though you can get a lot done if you want to; instead, the fruitfulness is more in regard to expansion. Where everything you do can feel bigger and actually be bigger in the world.You are likely to see the outcomes of your efforts this month. If we want to revisit the airplane metaphor that the Keepers gave for 2009, this may be the time where you begin your descent and you look out the window and you begin to see the territory where you will be landing. You begin to notice that your journey has brought you somewhere you have wanted to be. You have not yet arrived and more effort is required, you are at a resting point where you can now see the benefits. You can see the beauty of the place you have worked so hard to get to. Take time this month to look out the window, so to speak, and really appreciate where you are about to arrive. Making any final adjustments you need to be fully prepared for what is to come. Look for the beautiful, exciting, new territory that you have worked so hard to achieve.What can we do to work with the energy this month?The most important words you can use this month are thank you. Say, "thank you" as often as you can. Say, "thank you" to your friends and loved ones, say, "thank you" to yourself, say, "thank you" to strangers for any small act of kindness or generosity they share with you. Many of you will benefit from making a gratitude list and every day adding something to it – perhaps twice a day in the morning and in the evening. You may find that you are grateful to other people, you may find that you are grateful to the universe, you may find that you are grateful to yourself or grateful to be in the circumstances that you are in. Any form of gratitude this month will be ten times more beneficial than it would at any other time.There is a second thing that will be beneficial this month; it would serve many of you to have flowers in your surroundings. While this is a time of harvest and often it is not the high season for flowers, there is something beneficial about having flowers in your surroundings. The constant reminder of life and of the way that life creates beautiful circumstances. While they do not last forever, beautiful circumstances will arise over and over again. The presence of flowers will be beneficial for many of you as a reminder that it is worthwhile to dedicate yourself to creating acts of beauty especially when they are short -lived.Are there any power days or important days for us to be aware of in October 2009?October 10 has a big, strong energy. It has a nurturing energy that might be a little bit challenging as it arrives, but will continue to feed you for days to come. Notice what happens on October 10. Be open to anything that arrives. It seems that whatever arrives in your life on October 10 or calls your attention is there to help nurture or nourish you eventually. Even if you do not understand it on that day, tuck it away, write it down, remember to watch for how this instance or whatever comes on this day eventually helps you become stronger and more loving.October 16 and 17 provide some challenges. In some ways, these challenges are the challenges you have always had. Each of you by now has identified some of those things that you have struggled with for what seems like forever. The patterns that provide the spiraling circles of your life, the things you always come back around to and you always have more to work on or to learn from. You are likely to see some of those old familiar patterns and challenges arise on October 16 and 17. They are arising at this time because in the midst of the beautiful expansive gratitude energy in October, you can address these challenges with a more expanded and optimistic point of view.Do not imagine that these challenges are here to pull you backward. Instead these challenges are here to be pulled forward by you, utilizing the energy, the expansion and the sense of grace and gratitude and trust in the universe that you are cultivating in the month of October. See these challenges as sweet, lost children that you can pull forward with you. Bring yourself to a more Enlightened state in regard to these challenges. Step up to the plate, take care of what is yours and be forgiving and patient with anyone else involved.October 25 begins the shift to November and the energy in November is somewhat uncomfortable. You can think of it as the energy of landing in an airplane. Know that beginning on October 25 you may start to find some discomfort, you may find a distinct sense of moving into the shadow. For those of you in the northern hemisphere, this coincides with moving into the dark time of the year. Even if you are in the southern hemisphere, this energy of shifting into a deeper place will be very real and true for all of you.On October 25, watch for that shift and notice any fears that arise and choose not to allow those fears to “run the show.” Instead, gently allow yourself to shift into an awareness of what you still have to work on, of any discomfort you have and what you can do to help relieve or alleviate that discomfort and to shift into a deeper place of love and patience for yourself and others.Is there any final information about October that will help us?Love. It will serve you to love as much as you can this month. Love those around you, love yourself, love your food, love everything you see in nature, love the feeling of settling into a good book. Just let yourself notice everything that you love. Let your heart extend in love to everything in your environment. This month it is like you are storing your resources for the future and you are relishing those resources as the gifts from your past. Appreciate the work you have done. Love will serve you so well this month and it is a perfect month - you know some of you celebrate Valentine's Day in February, but we would say that this particular October is infused with the energy of love in the same kind of way that you celebrate on Valentine's Day. Just allow yourselves to warm toward others, to be affectionate and tender and to express your love in as many ways and as often as you can. After all, you are made of Love. It is your natural setting to be in Love. Allow this truth to guide you this month and always!(...Love Makes The World Go Round; Love Makes The World Go Round !!! )
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Talking Evacuation RulesEsu and CandaceOctober 3, 2009Hi all, well, Esu and I are doing a piece. Christ Michael is on call with a problem and he and I as I improve will do a very interesting update, based a bit around Daniel’s recent piece with Monjoronson, about his changed duties, and giving more responsibility to Monjoronson and Machiventa.Now this piece with Esu started out in a difficult manner like the last one I tried with Christ Michael because of my tremendous vertigo and other problems related to Momma GAIA’s temper tantrum. My, temper tantrums are catching! I have been throwing them for a week now. This has being hugely frustrating to. My ability to spell and hit even a few correct keys had gone south.How many of you feel really awful if drunk? I have never understood why people will drink themselves drunk. I have done so at most, less than the fingers on one hand, because it’s so awful. I have been seriously “drunk” almost a week now from the vertigo which got even worse when the quakes hit South East Asia. I don’t cry very much at all, but the tears keep coming when I can’t type, and I trip often. I have had little balance.Andrea has helped a couple times, and finally I begged my Sky Doc AA Rafael for some help. I have been so “drunk” I guess it didn’t even occur to me to ask him. He came in now earlier today and examined my brain, and helped rebalance my fields because I can’t even remember to try this. As I felt him working on that, which feels exactly like I do when I rebalance my fields, I then remembered what I do. I call it “running energy”, and I get a bit relaxed either sitting up or laying down and open my crown and draw “Christ energy, white energy, God energy” into my head. You can feel your crown opening, your imagination makes it so! It will tingle of sorts.Then I draw the energy down through my rear chakras, the back of the spine, down to the bottom of the spine and then run it up the front chakras. You don’t have to fully understood the locations, you can feel the energy stream though them. Then exit the energy out your arms and surround your self with it, like being in a big bubble. You can flow it down to the feet do and give some to GAIA. Play with it. AS you relax you get a pleasant tingly feeling through you body that certainly beats being drunk or drugged in some way. It can work way better than a cup of coffee. And I had not even thought about it, until I felt exactly what Raphael was doing.This is great to do with nice music, but it’s not necessary and once you learn it, you can use it for even a few minutes to break a stress. Don’t just run it one time, keep it going for 5 to 30 minutes. It WILL help you relax and to get into a meditative state. If I have a short night, or can’t sleep, this can really help relax the body, so you wake up better. I run energy also to help me raise my vibration before we do the beam me up Scotty thing if I am awake. Maybe later I will go into that some more. That is what it does, it raises your vibrations and while you run energy if you are angry, you can clean that up. It is really hard to run energy and be pissed off at the same time!Anyway, Raphael did something to rebalance the pressure in my inner ears. So I am feeling better, the “drunk” is gone and I finally was able to do a bit of needed housework. Tonight I go to his “hospital” ship to have an implant placed that will help keep this away. This has been problem with motion since I was a small child. I always had to deal with motion sickness when traveling in a car, and still do if it is a large car with air shocks on it that make it feel like a rocking boat. I haven’t ever taken a cruise for this reason. I do not ride roller coasters and the like.. And I used to travel with a barf bag, sometimes even on public busses. When I was going to nursing school in Denver and my husband to be was still in Boulder where I meant him, he would borrow his pastors old Volkswagen, and come get me for the weekend, and this car didn’t produce vertigo and nausea! Needless to say, our first car was a Volkswagen. I don’t know if I was born this way or suffered an injury when I was little or perhaps both. It is surely a problem now. I get this during phases of ascension syndrome for years now, but it’s short-lived and NEVER this bad. I had some episodes last March when Jupiter was being dragged out and GAIA was over responding., but it was NOT like this. So now that my fingers are warmed up and its going better, I will let Esu take over.ESU: Hello dear ones, I started out for Candace above, but let her write to help her get into the typing. By now most of you are aware of the increasing quaking in the South East Asia regions. . This is a direct response to the constant flopping back and forth of Gaia. There was no attack of any sort going on. She is soon to find the balance point and move into the reversal process. Candace can add some observation on this subject. There is going to be more and California is “ripe” at this time. (Candace, I am getting tired and need to post this, so any further commentary will come later.)Now we have made another possible direction to take. The earth is really in struggle. And we must control the rate as mentioned in past pieces. The dark side has increasing plans of discord and wishes to solve it’s financial issues by of course still attacking several cities in the US and again more agitating in Iran and Afghanistan. This will cause the reversal and then some and Gaia can’t handle this. To you dark ones, we will simply if necessary proceed into stasis, the ships have long be placed, so we can control everything and you are left to “dissolve” and no longer be. This is your end, during this process. I advise you think twice about your games, because in pulling off a game you have signed your death certificate. And that is a permanent death certificate.Now, for you readers, if this option becomes necessary many of you in dangerous areas will be evacuated. Some of you can be beamed, but others most board by levitation beam. The craft comes down low and you step into the beam. Most of these craft are circular. Usually they will have green and red lights, but there is assistance by others to Ashtar Command, and so the lights may vary. Step into the beam, one at a time, and it simply carries you up and will feel a bit like riding an elevator.If you find yourselves a beam to step into, PLEASE dear ones step into it. You will have no time. Do not worry, just do it. If at night, you will be awakened and taken outside to board. All are staffed by federation folks and they will have the trilateral insignia* of some sort, which varies in type. A staff person will come down the beam and give instructions. They have a list and will ask names if necessary, because you have a priority boarding “pass.” Others will be taken depending on timing. There in some situations be a period of time to pick up folks, in others, if waves are coming, which affects you on coastal lines, just get on that craft. High winds are another reason. The stasis process does take a couple hours to complete. We have many craft now, for this purpose.The purpose of this would be if the mother more suddenly begins the process, which could be “jerky” so to speak. Also during this final wait if you who have a boarding pass are in harms way of a quake, volcanic eruption, and any other dire situation, until we do go into stasis, will be lifted. We lifted a number of you in South East Asia and we will lift you if you live in California or any other dangerous area. Those of you who are staying or going to the new planet or elsewhere IN BODY will be lifted as needed.If your soul is going, there is less concern and by that I mean, we will not endanger the process to attempt to come into situations where it is too late, or we must get our craft out quickly. Some of you have relatives nearby who are not necessarily needing to go in body, but we will lift these ones anyway to reduce the stress if we are able to do so. Some areas will face more evacuation that others. We normally will take pets, except in rapidly deteriorating situations. The person assisting from the craft will advise you.If you are told to board NOW, board now, and do not look back. You beloved animals always reincarnate dear ones, and the animals are more tolerant of this than the rest of you. And animals dematerialize better, and if they are to be rescued they will be brought up by the beam me up Scotty method. (Candace, my cats have been placed back into my home for their safety all the time. Special treat by my guards. Some of them are so used to it, their faces just say, oh, well I am back in the house. NO concern.)Some evacuations will be very specific, and you must accept this. There are some to not continue and while painful to watch, they aren’t going. Your “passport” is your special chip that is implanted and you are in the computer on the Ashtar Command ship, The New Jerusalem, and it locates you constantly, and craft covering the area where you live have that information. If you have family with you, they go. But others may not be boarding. So just prepare yourself for the fact that others in the neighborhood may not be removed. There are some places where there are huge populations and many will be offered to go and if we pick up “Thugs” these will be dealt with later.Now after pickup obviously you go to mother crafts, and everybody participating is well experienced in these processes. You will be asked to calm yourself, and if can’t you will be put into a sleep state. Do not worry about your children if they are not with you. We will get everybody sorted and children are usually put into a sleep state, unless they are obviously fine and wish to help and many star seed children will immediately realize what is going on and pitch in. You will be pitching in where and when asked.All the folks picking you up will be fully human appearing. We don’t use other races during evacuation that are unknown to the races on the planet. Now some of you during massive pick ups who were intending to sleep in stasis, may in due time find yourself in stasis for a time aboard ship. When some of the changes are past, you may be returned to safe havens under the surface, many countries have built them and awaken gradually to begin to socialize in those environments. Which you will enjoy as this becomes available while work continues on the surface. Others in safe locations will just sleep unaffected.Now, if you BBB&G’s* pull off any of your plans with weapons, we will at our discretion remove you immediately from the planet. You are not going to mess this up and endanger others, and cause us to have to speedily come to action. At any time, for any reason, we will initiate stasis so we have full control of the reversal process. It is possible Jupiter will not expose himself, as the planet Earth is as you can see, is having increasing difficulties. If we can work it a day or so before stasis, he can be seen, as those that believe in the great light in the east can have that satisfaction. And I will of course NOT being coming across the sky riding a white horse!Now we are removing also some people here and there before stasis for other reasons, so there may will be some “raptured” people as those in certain churches believe. However, these ones will be brought by levitation beam or dematerialization with whatever they are wearing, or not wearing, and there will no neatly folded clothes left behind. I find it just astounding that some cannot see these things they are taught, it takes only a bit of thinking it would seem. If these are scene there maybe rapture stories circulating.If you are coming up in these special situations, your mate and children will come up also, as above, so no one is left behind in fear about where the others went. For those who know Christians believing in the huge lies, the word will get around. Seek to correct them as you wish at this point. So say if another quake is coming some will disappear, and there may be craft visualized, just suggest that angels of the lord that are removing people from harm. Or use something that seems appropriate in communication. Keep it simple. There are MANY beloveds missing in these quakes and tsunamis that are not going to be found because they are already with us, so simply expect more of this which may make the news, or at least the internet.We do not know the actual timing of stasis. It is all on the mother and our observations of the situation. We have considerably less than one month so it appears at this time. Please keep adequate food and cash around. Stay a little ahead. There is always the possibility of damaged cables, and of your controllers calling a bank holiday or carrying out something else nasty. Have some CASH. And keep your tank full. You can skip a meal at McDonalds to provide the cash. Teller machines will not produce cash for you. Perhaps take most of your money out of the bank and hide it safely and spend it as needed without waste if you are one a “budget.”Now to one last topic. If you are suffering the physical problems, get more rest, and use whatever works for you. If you have a system like Candace, where you are laid back nearly completely, do get in touch with guardians who can get you attention. There is not a one of you that cannot do that much. Do not talk loudly, THINK IT, this goes better. Many of you who are sensitive are probably going to have more troubles, so talk to them. Use a sick day now and then if needed. You can expect anger and impatience, headaches, nausea and other GI problems. You can expect to be anywhere from a little dizzy to not being able to stand up.This is quite similar to being severely drunk, and your systems have several stimuli that can affect them. The same system of balance with the inner ears is affected by both movement and drinking. I suggest this is NOT a good time to drink. Pamper your self, KEEP HYDRATED but do not over drink of liquids if you develop vertigo, because that can affect the pressure system in your ears. You may also experience earaches and increased pain. If your temper is running short, do something about it before you kick the dog and hit a child. This is going to be very sensitive on sensitive children and you do not need to make it worse on them, and they may require a lot of attention if they feel ill.Step out and help others. If they are not going to understand a pole reversal just say all the earthquakes are causing problems of this sort. And believe me, LOTS of people are wondering why they are having these problems, as they have no idea. You are likely to have many at work complaining of similar symptoms and many are going to need to stay at home. I think some employers are going to see many staying at home. But people driving and working with heavy machinery should be staying at home. Watch out for these ones at work, because many will be very crabby and it’s not a good time to pick a fight with them, because they may respond very negatively.Many people are affected by this. There are some of low energy that are not, and it depends on the body, like Candace’s inner ears. There is also going to be some more confusion, because the dark ones have succeeded in leaking out a severe flu type illness. This is causing the gaunt of symptoms in the respiratory and GI tract. This is now rampant in the Middle East and other such countries. If you see somebody with this, might be a good idea to stay out of reach and not carry it around. Be washing the hands.We just watched on TV a few days in the US of A, that people are being told that hand washing isn’t useful after all. And I don’t think I have to tell you why. Just like in the days of AIDS you were told you could not catch it off of water glasses, kissing and the like, and this is because they were wishing it to spread. They were wishing to allow people with AIDs to be able to continue work. Most of you have been immunized against many of the diseases coming forth, but I would not count on your luck on this in every case.Stay away form sick people, especially if they appear to have this new “flu.” If this is making rounds at your schools, please try to keep your kids at home, and put pressure on the schools to send sick children HOME. This one is deadly and it’s not the Swine Flu. But it will be harsh on children and older people in particular. How did this one get put out there? It was developed in a couple underground labs, and TESTED there against disliked employees who then took it home to their families. You have no idea how many citizens work underground, at several places. When it tested suitable, it was taken through the tunnels and carried in vials and dumped in public areas where people are always touching. You get it by sticking your fingers in your nose and mouth. PLEASE for yourself and the sake of others who tread after you, be about washing your hands. This virus is not likely to be used to quarantine folks for “marital law”. They want this to spread.Now that Candace is better, she should be in good shape tomorrow, except maybe a bit sleepy from losing some sleep, we will probably be posting more, and she should start catching up on unfinished business. Good Night! Esu.Candace: BBB& G’s is a term I coined long ago, and which we haven’t used much lately. Big Bad Boys and Girls.Trilateral Insignia: Usually a triangle with 3 equal sides. Different colors and schemes on them. Most space commands use this type of insignia. Many are going to be glowing, of higher vibration, and this is most useful because they are seen as angels in this world. They will identify themselves.Dematerialization: This is the beam me up method Scotty method. You are disassembled and then re assembled on the craft.Levitation Beam. This is like the little cartoons you see a lot nowadays. You stand in the beam which feels something like a vacuum cleaner and you are sucked up into the craft. These are always down low enough for breathing comfortably. Don’t freak out, it isn’t any harder than riding an elevator. You will not fall out of the beam. Be brave and show the way for others watching.I hope to begin catching up tomorrow, I will get some long awating translations and some more PJ chapters first. Then anything with WB that might be ready. My house is disgusting and I am definitely going to finish some chores. I am feeling MUCH better tonight. We did work on this in three sessions and it may be a bit choppy.Sort of like "The Final ShowDown" !!!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------www.abundanthope.netAll writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by©2005-2009 AbundantHope - All rights reserved
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