Andreas Botsaris's Posts (557)

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St. Germain Speaks about the New Violet Flame


St. Germain Speaks about the New Violet Flame


Through Nascia, Dec. 7, 2013

My Dearly Beloveds,

today I would like to speak about the Violet Flame, which has always been my Healing Flame for all and everyone who called on me.

Now I provided this Flame with the most intense energies, which had been given to me by my team partner CM and which characterize nothing other than our Creator Source of ALL THAT IS.

Beloveds, today I place It at your disposal; receive It’s emanating Force, perceive It with your Inner Eye by just thinking of It. Feel the energy that is flowing deep into your very BEING, your I AM, YOUR SELVES.

You are now ready to absorb these energies, as you have reached the point in time, where you will need those forces in order to ensure that you successfully pass the next few remaining weeks.

I have finally fulfilled all my assignments that have been given to me by CM and our Father.

I will be moving on, but the Violet Flame will stay with me as my emblem forever.

Some of you will proceed their common path with me.

We will meet again for new destinations which you will recognize as soon as the time has come.

Have Faith in your BEING.

Call my name, and the newly charged Violet Flame will be activated within you.

Oh, how much I do love you who can not yet fully comprehend the total extent of the revelation!

Oh, how pleased I am to welcome you here with me!

Together, we will celebrate extensively and cheerfully.

My Beloveds, stay close by my side for as always, I am reaching out my hands to you – take them!

My Blessings with the Violet Flame and my Love are certain to you.

St. Germain

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The Creator Writings : Self Pity

The Creator Writings

transcribed by Jennifer Farley

Self Pity


In the deep, dark hole of self-pity it is quite fun to bemoan the fact that others will not play nicely with you. Add enough negativity to the mix and NO ONE will play at all. Please remember that only you can keep you there. I know it is safe, it is comfortable and it is certainly much easier to stay there rather than change. However, if you give yourself a moment to say, “Yes, I will change”, change will come. It is and always has been completely up to you. ~ Creator

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Christ Michael Aton on Dec. 3, 2013




CM Aton on Dec. 3, 2013
Through Nascia

What is in your hearts? No confidence? Just a little bit of non-believing?
What is on your mind?

These questions that leave you wandering around in doubt…..what is it? Have you not learned to trust in Your Selves, so that you can trust in Us?

What do you think – are you helpful for Us, half-heartedly?

Do you feel it is a good choice for you to think of us and our plans only sparcely, just because we were forced to adjust our plans to the ever-changing circumstances, over and over again?

No, my dearest, dearest souls, who have laid upon their shoulders everything humanly possible.


Call for Our Light and let Us provide support for you, as everything that you look at in doubt can be transformed into Ultimate Light and Love.

It will happen so swiftly; time is very short now, so intend to tackle your doubts with the Light of Love We constantly surround you with.

With all My Blessings, Light and Love

Yours CM Aton

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Mind and Peace...

Mind and Peace..

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

 The mind is everything. What we think we become.”

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”Buddha



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The Final Battle: WE Are The Armour - Sekhmet

By through Shellee-Kim
Nov 13, 2013 - 12:53:08 AM


9 November 2013





Goodday all beloved Lightworkers on Planet Earth. We come to you today to announce an aspect of the new - shortly to be made known unto you.

In a few days or weeks of your time you are to have made available to you a wider range of your own innate qualities. Those which are considered aspects of your True Essence. These are the 'tools of the trade' which have been referred to in a previous message through this one, our Shellee-Kim.

These 'essence-tial' qualities are these each of you will enter the fray with and with which you will do battle. As Warriors of Light, your role is to cast Light on all and everything you encounter. Always taking into account your inner discernment first, of course.

You are to use your inner tools wisely and well. The linkup to Source and Christ Michael Aton for the benefit of this last part of the Dark War will provide the extra shielding required for your protection and confidence.

We would add a warning to this: during these short, frenzied and intense final moments prior to the onset of the 3DD, some will try to hold you messengers of the Light responsible for the (SK: I first heard the word 'calamitous') events that have unfolded on Earth. People will WANT to blame others [SK: I got a visual here typical of 'witch-hunting' women by groups during the Middle Ages].

This time of testing and final preparation of you all has and is being carefully monitored. You will NOT be entering this, the place and time of your final testing, alone.

You Ones have put up a trememdous fight and have overcome much. The Earth Mother herself is in tremendous gratitude to you ALL for that.
And this, beloveds, is just the beginning of her and your new cycle of journeying together *big smile*. Where you all get to finally fulfill your deepest dreams. And even those dreams which you have not even dreamed the possibility of, lying buried deep within you.

The culmination of this cycle bring the factions of Light together at last. And no more shall you know the loneliness of isolation. Together, you are a force to be reckoned with.

And it is together you shall be able to demonstrate to the world your skills and gifts of the Spirit. Your pledge to serve Source through Christ Michael's plan will be inspirational to others.

We would leave you with these words today and say how proud we all are of all of you.

Be you all richly blessed and know we watch you closely, guide and protect you.

I AM Sekhmet with the Hathors

Wishing you well.

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The Creator Writings :Something Special

The Creator Writings

Something Special 



Take a moment and think of all the times you told yourself, “I’m nothing special.” Now, ask The Universe to show you who/what/how you REALLY are. For every ‘nothing special’ moment you have ever had, there are a hundred moments that you have been something VERY special to someone or something. Whether near or far, there are people that recognized your Divine Spark and celebrated you for simply being the human being you are. Even when you do not feel it; you are, always have been and always will be something special! ~ Creator

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-Esu Sananda stated in His last message,that on 12/12/2013 ,the Final Great Portal is opening

for the Ascension of Gaia to the 5th Dimension.

He stated also that :  There is no Automatic Ascension process for humanity,either

individually or collectively.-


-The Ascension process,is one of the means of accomplisment of the evolving and expanding Devine  perfection,and manifestation of The Creator,s Dream,within time and space.-  
- Ascension is the chifting of human conciousness to Christ Conciousness.The birth of Christ,The One and Only One Son of God,The Eternal Son,within our heart,and rise into our conciousness-
  -Ascension is the chifting of human conciousness, both in personal and collective level,to Christ Conciousness,and therefore the new higher field of experiense,is the new higher state of Human - Christed conciousness.-




- Perfection lies within the ultimate dream of the Devine Intelligense.It is not a static conditioned condition,but an evolving and expanding condition,within the parameters and limitations,set out by The Creator Himself,within the Universes of time and space - .

 - Within this state of  continuous evolution and expansion of the Devine Intelligense,within the Universess of time and space,the Ascension process,is one of the means of accomplisment of the evolving and expanding Devine

perfection,and manifestation of The Creator,s Dream,within time and space.- 

- Ascension is the chifting of human conciousness to Christ Conciousness.The birth of Christ,The One and Only One Son of God,The Eternal Son,within ourheart,and rise into our conciousness -

It is very obvious,that unseen or invisible entities,acting for their own interests,they try to make us beleive,that we failed in everything so far,and so we are a complete failure.And that goes also to Lightworkers and Lightbearers.In my opinion,this is not true.

   For long time the main issue for channellers and channellings,is been the Ascension process and mass Ascension of the Collective to the 5th Dimension.

The given date, from very different but reliable sourcess, for this Great Event, for both Humanity and Mother Earth, was the 21/12/2012 .On 12/12/2012 all sacret crystall grids round the Globe, which have been deactivated during the fall of Atlantis,have been reactivated in full power.

   As AAMetatron stated in His channelled messagess,the whole issue in respect of the crystall grid,s activation process,was destined to change the energy fields,and help mother Earth and Humanity,to ascend to 5th Dimension.

  On 21/12/2012 nothing Big - atleast visible or noticable - happened in our 3D mode of experiense.We can say beyond any reasonable doubt,that the 21st of Dec.was the date of the Non - Event,and also of Non - Ascension,as is been expected by all of us.
But really nothing happened?
For those expecting to be relocated after Ascension,into a higher and better field of experiense,yes,nothing happened.

The Heaven let us down again...,Heaven failed to keep the promises and so on,are some of the comments !!

 For those believing that Ascension was and still is,a re-location of conciousness,many things happened.
From the very beginning it was stated by the Masters,that Ascension is awakening - awareness,mastering-graduation - Enlightment - Liberation.

  Ascension is the chifting of human conciousness, both in personal and collective level,to Christ Conciousness,and therefore the new higher field of experiense,is the new higher state of Human - Christed conciousness.

Change your dream,and everything you dream about,is going to be manifested as your new World and as the new Earth. 



  - Reality is the outpicturing of the Devine Dream within Time - Space,and as a creation, is an extension of the Creator Himself,and it is also the means of experiense through what HE had created.-

  Christ Michael of Nebadon,the Creator of our Universe and our Creator is the 611,121st bestowal of the Eternal Son upon the universes of time and space, and he began the organization of our local universe about four hundred billion years ago. Michael made ready for his first bestowal adventure about the time Urantia was taking on its present form, one billion years ago.

  -  My experiential knowledge is obtained through you.  Just as my creations are extension of me, so I am an extension of the Creator Source. He experiences Nebadon through me as creator son, and you the inhabitants of my creation provide the information I use as creator at this level. Your free will to make decisions for yourself is limited to the parameters I have determined to be the design of the universe you inhabit. Similarly, my plans for my universe were approved to meet the vision of the Creator Source of all.-
   - It is time for my creations to understand my vision. It is time for Nebadon to fit within the vision of my Creator father.- Christ Michael of Nebadon.
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Esu Speaks on Criticism and Sexual Presumption


Esu Speaks on Criticism and Sexual Presumption

By Jess Anthony
Dec 5, 2013 - 11:48:25 AM

Esu, chat? I have issues with sexual attitudes I perceive and with my seeming lack of association with political concerns. I feel separate and view situations from a different perspective. I feel you don’t disagree or you would have made me be more conflicted. 

Yes, Jess, I’m here. You have been working through your own perceptions on many issues that you will be dealing with, quite frankly. I haven’t felt the need to interject in this process. I have trusted you to reach the most appropriate positions on these issues. We have observed your thought processes, and we have steered your ideas as appropriate.

I can say things, but I think you know what I will say. Your perception is one of more compassion than most tackling the issues. You are on the “other side,” as it were, and you see issues differently. This was the purpose of you constructing this incarnation. You saw the issues with gay men as a most crucial problem to work with, and you put yourself within the issues to be able to understand their intuitive nature. This lifestyle, as it is called, is by and large not a rational choice. It is a deep seated compulsion that has unfortunately manifested itself in physically disruptive forms.

I’m not going to say these choices were good or bad. I’m going to say they were less supportive of the physical design you were given to manifest your spiritual nature in this dimension. It comes down to decisions that ultimately are damaging to an individual.

I’m also not going to say that the most damaging decisions are universal. They also are not made by men uniquely in the gay spectrum. Nor are they as little understood as they were thirty years ago. So much research and understanding has been inspired by the AIDS breakout that man has raised his level of sensibility in many areas. Man has moved to a different place in terms of his understanding of the enormous field of sexuality and cultural perceptions of the function of sex. Historical attitudes have been examined. Spiritual merging with physical actions has become a common attitude in many. The nature of sexual understanding is more complex now.

I have told you that I don’t want to draw up a new list of prohibitions—even if actions create problems. I want to teach that there are better choices. I want to love the individuals and tell them that there are more spiritual ways to reach a higher level of awareness. I don’t want to condemn them and make them feel they are less than equal to anyone else just because they have become conditioned to a less than optimal set of behaviors. I’m not throwing the baby out with the bathwater, to use that phrase again.

You have lost patience with the time table for change. You feel the best thing to do is continue with the work you are involved with. You do have subliminal influence on those around you, even so. This is best for you at this point. You can’t honestly drop all your activities that are in motion. We are working on our plan. It is immense, and you don’t understand the levels of detail we must accomplish. The calendar seasons and fast-moving days are only in your perception, you must realize. We measure our accomplishments in terms of results, not days we have left. I know this is not a consolation, but it is an explanation.

I say don’t worry about politics. I understand your frustration with insensitivity and a refusal to view a broader perception of problems. Ego is a factor in most controlling decisions. The chaos is coming to the surface, and I would suggest watching the situations with detachment and even bemusement at the extent of people’s willingness to give up control. People have been taught not to think; only react emotionally. Their emotions have been manipulated, and people have crafted ideas they don’t understand are programmed into them.

I’ll speak also of anger. I know you feel constant criticism only feeds the anger towards some issue. Belittling the object of criticism is a common practice. There is a sense of power and superiority in finding fault with another. Ego concerns are placated by feeling better than someone else. The physical and emotional reactions a person goes through in the act of criticism are addictive. They allow a person to transfer personal responsibility to someone they can blame for their lack of satisfaction.

People are not to blame for your discomfort. You are the responsible one. You allow yourself to be open to issues that you know will pull certain triggers. Rather than calmly teaching a better way of being aligned with the creative concept and allowing all to work together on spiritual progress, most people ignore their own role in this dialogue and blame others for being the cause of discomfort. 

It is very possible that the other person’s decisions were made with no intention of harming you. You are affected only because you haven’t resolved personal issues that are irritated by other’s actions. Piling on fault is not a way to resolve your own problems.

Defuse these situations. Don’t exacerbate them.

This advice is particularly appropriate when you are faced with situations that have developed into serious imbalances. Gay issues are troublesome, but you can’t approach them by feeling superior and condemning those caught up in that lifestyle. You are not better than they. You are more aware, in some cases. You should not presume you know all, nor should you presume you can judge. Your work will be helping by being supportive and compassionate. You will not be judgmental and elitist. You must understand any situation before you address it. And you must have an open mind to be able to recognize the good elements within situations that are hopelessly imbalanced. There is good in all. This is Christ Michael’s Aton’s creation. He is in control. He has not allowed others to create evil within it, even if the attacks by some have manifested the negativity to such an extent there is now a war going on to wrest control.

Man still has the ability to make choices within this incarnation on Earth, although his choices have been hampered by the decision to remove direct connection with spiritual sources. The glimmer of Christ Michael’s nature that has remained within individuals is easily ignored and misinterpreted. This myopia has caused the degree of darkness that has had to be lifted. This is being done. Light is stronger each day in terms of spiritual awareness. The physical manifestation the dark has created, however, is uniquely challenging to overcome. It will not win, but it is a difficult adversary. Man learns as he experiences. We learn as man experiences.

The end result is already determined. There is no chance of failure. The only unresolved issues that remain determine the direction the progression moves toward the predetermined goal. Man continues to create ideas, and we must work with the ever-changing shape of manifested creation. Progress is made continually, even if you don’t recognize the accomplishments.

My final advice is to seek balance and compassion. Avoid being manipulated by others—whether by other’s ideas or by their direct actions. Defuse situations and teach alternatives by example or by actual teaching. The time is coming when this will be the norm, rather than the exception. I will be guiding you in this transformation. 


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Target to our Readers and the Dark Brotherhood

By CM, Esu and Ancient of Days

Dec 6, 2013 - 11:56:53 PM
To OUR readers: It is time to check and double check your preparations for the Shit to Hit the Fan beloveds... There is little time left....And also prepare yourself spiritually over the next short weeks to fully support this project,, or not, because I cannot have people I cannot depend on to know the WHAT IS.
To the dark brotherhood: Enough of the ISON games already.  This is a dead comet for all practicable purposes.  It is not going to move over and run into earth nor will earth be in any debris field..  There is NOT going to be a catastrophe of this magnitude and the games to convince people they have no choices will end.... We are  HERE, you know this, and I remind you the Judge and his team know everything you are up to.. NOW YOU WILL change your tune about the idea of any incoming debris or objects that are going to hit the earth,,, or roll it over.
Now the Ancient of Days will speak briefly: KNOW That THE POWER OF HEAVEN is fully engaged and you cannot overcome that which is chosen to be. We do not err.

Esu: This comment is to our support base, you the long time readers and members of AbundantHope and anyone else who comes across this piece.  YOU MUST GO INTO Clear SPIRITUAL MEDITATION AS NEEDED beloveds, so that you can hear.  Be about learning to relax your bodies and then forget them very quickly so you will be able to discern whoever is contacting you.. Meditation, the seeking of quiet is not difficult and you must be able to nearly instantly seek this when there are issues of intensity going on .  Your various guides are there to assist you in this.  Be practicing NOW.  So you are ready when you need of it. 
OK there is a thread I am teaching in,,, just worked out that way on TALK IT UP, in this thread which announces our anniversary celebration... There were questions so I started answering them.  Now I am not going to copy and paste that here... YOU CAN READ it in that thread, the discussion starts around post 17 or so in it.  You can READ perhaps easier there if you make the membership which allows you to select HOW you want to view the forum.  I may check the back end and see if there are any settings that will make it better.  When I as a member log in, I see the latest page first for instance and when I go in under my alternate account which is not an admin account,, the order is quite different and I think the largest page number is the newest page... You can set your account to read the newest post also on top which is my personal preference rather than scrolling down thru 30 or 40 posts to see the latest.  MAKE AN ACCOUNT, it costs you nothing to do so, except a few minutes of your time. And an email address is required too.  You need that and a password and a user name.  Preferably your user name ought to reflect your real name in some way.  If your name is John,, you may need to make yourself John A,, if John is taken.
As to the password, please write it down, because the software does not record it to OUR view.  You cannot write me and ask what it is... if you forget it... You are stuck making a new one and you cannot yourself change your user name either, so be careful in making that because I do not have time and neither to the few of us that moderate and are admin have time to change your user name if you decide you don't like it.  So like it before you complete your registration.  And don't then write me and tell me that  you are really asd123 from the old forum or email.. I don't like to memorize such and have to know you twice by two or more names , in other words. That is why you should use your name....

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Consolidation of Energetics Upgrade Process leads to Formation of the next Gaia Energetic Protocol


Consolidation of Energetics Upgrade process leads to formation of the next Gaia Energetic Protocol for expansion of hu-manity and Hue-Manity consciousness.
Such Protocol establishes prime “responsibility” with each Hue-Being for Ascension steps.
All restraints have been removed.
All obstructions are now eliminated.
All complexities of the New Protocol are handled.
Gaia Ascension is assured.
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Contact Your State Legislators
and Ask Them to Pass Similar
Legislation to Protect You
From the Unconstitutional
Provisions of the NDAA!

Alexandra Bruce
December 4, 2013

May 30th 2013, the California Assembly voted to pass Assembly Bill 351, which effectively states that no agency within the state of California will knowingly cooperate with the unconstitutional provisions of the NDAA, which is the Federal law that says you can be locked up forever with NO due process of law. No judge, no jury, no lawyer, no phone call, no trial, no charges ever filed, just YOU ROTTING IN A PRISON CELL forever because somebody somewhere decided you MIGHT be a bad guy.

Thank you, California Assembly, for affirming that this is NOT Constitutional and NOT OK.

California Governor, Jerry Brown passed into State Law in Late October, 2013.

Full text of AB 351 and background information can be found here:

Contact your state legislators and ask them to pass similar legislation to protect you from the unconstitutional provisions of the NDAA!

To join the effort to affirm the supremacy of the US Constitution, and to tell the Federal government it does NOT have the power to write laws that erase our Constitutional rights, join the Tenth Amendment Center:

Original custom Intro Graphics by Mark Somerville

Original custom Intro Music by WhistlersBrother
- See more at:

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15 Signs That We Are Near The Peak Of An Absolutely Massive Stock Market Bubble


The economic collapse – One of the men that won the Nobel Prize for economics this year says that “bubbles look like this” and that he is “most worried about the boom in the U.S. stock market.”  But you don’t have to be a Nobel Prize winner to see what is happening.  It should be glaringly apparent to anyone with half a brain.  The financial markets have been soaring while the overall economy has been stagnating.  Reckless injections of liquidity into the financial system by the Federal Reserve have pumped up stock prices to ridiculous extremes, and people are becoming concerned.  In fact, Google searches for the term “stock bubble” are now at the highest level that we have seen since November 2007.  Despite assurances from the mainstream media and the Federal Reserve that everything is just fine, many Americans are beginning to realize that we have seen this movie before.

We saw it during the dotcom bubble, and we saw it during the lead up to the horrible financial crisis of 2008.  So precisely when will the bubble burst this time?  Nobody knows for sure, but without a doubt this irrational financial bubble will burst at some point.  Remember, a bubble is always the biggest right before it bursts, and the following are 15 signs that we are near the peak of an absolutely massive stock market bubble…

#1 Bob Shiller, one of the winners of this year’s Nobel Prize for economics, says that “bubbles look like this” and that he is “most worried about the boom in the U.S. stock market.”

#2 The total amount of margin debt has risen by 50 percent since January 2012 and it is now at the highest levelever recorded.  The last two times that margin debt skyrocketed like this were just before the bursting of the dotcom bubble in 2000 and just before the financial crisis of 2008.  When this house of cards comes crashing down, things are going to get very messy

“When the tablecloth gets pulled out from under the place settings, you’re going to have a lot of them crash and smash on the floor,” said Uri Landesman, president of Platinum Partners hedge fund. “That margin’s going to get pulled and everyone’s going to have to cover. That’s when you get really serious corrections.”

#3 Since the bottom of the market in 2009, the Dow has jumped 143 percent, the S&P 500 is up 165 percent and the Nasdaq has risen an astounding 213 percent.  This does not reflect economic reality in any way, shape or form.

#4 Market research firm TrimTabs says that the S&P 500 is “very overpriced” right now.

#5 Marc Faber recently told CNBC that “we are in a gigantic speculative bubble”.

#6 In the United States, Google searches for the term “stock bubble” are at the highest level that we have seensince November 2007 - just before the last stock market crash.

#7 Price to earnings ratios are very high right now…

The Dow was trading at 17.8 times the past four quarters of earnings of its 30 components, according to The Wall Street Journal on Friday. That was up from 13.7 times its earnings a year ago. The S&P 500 is trading at 18.7 times earnings. The Nasdaq-100 Index is trading at 21.5 times earnings. At the very least, the ratios are signaling that stock prices are rich.

#8 According to CNBC, Pinterest is currently valued at more than 3 billion dollars even though it has never earned a profit.

#9 Twitter is a seven-year-old company that has never made a profit.  It actually lost 64.6 million dollars last quarter.  But according to the financial markets it is currently worth about 22 billion dollars.

#10 Right now, Facebook is trading at a valuation that is equivalent to approximately 100 years of earnings, and it is currently supposedly worth about 115 billion dollars.

#11 Howard Marks of Oaktree Capital recently stated that he believes that “markets are riskier than at any time since the depths of the 2008/9 crisis”.

#12 As Graham Summers recently noted, retail investors are buying stocks at a level not seen since the peak of the dotcom bubble back in 2000.

#13 David Stockman, a former director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan, believes that this financial bubble is going to end very badly

“We have a massive bubble everywhere, from Japan, to China, Europe, to the UK.  As a result of this, I think world financial markets are extremely dangerous, unstable, and subject to serious trouble and dislocation in the future.”

#14 Bob Janjuah of Nomura Securities believes that there “could be a 25% to 50% sell off in global stock markets” over the next couple of years.

#15 According to Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge, the U.S. stock market is repeating a pattern that we have seen many times before.  According to him, we are experiencing “a well-defined syndrome of ‘overvalued, overbought, overbullish, rising-yield’ conditions that has appeared exclusively at speculative market peaks – including (exhaustively) 1929, 1972, 1987, 2000, 2007, 2011 (before a market loss of nearly 20% that was truncated by investor faith in a new round of monetary easing), and at three points in 2013: February, May, and today.”

As I mentioned at the top of this article, this stock market bubble has been fueled by quantitative easing.  Easy money from the Fed has been artificially inflating stock prices, and this has greatly benefited a very small percentage of the U.S. population.  In fact, 82 percent of all individually held stocks are owned by the wealthiest 5 percent of all Americans.

When this stock market bubble does burst, those wealthy Americans are going to be in for a tremendous amount of pain.

But there are some people out there that argue that what we are witnessing is not a stock market bubble at all.  That includes Janet Yellen, the new head of the Federal Reserve.  Recently, she insisted that there is absolutely nothing to be worried about…

“Stock prices have risen pretty robustly,” Yellen said. “But I think that if you look at traditional valuation measures, you would not see stock prices in territory that suggests bubble-like conditions.”

We shall see who was right and who was wrong.  Let’s all file that one away and come back to it in a few years.

So where are stocks going next?

If you had the answer to that question, you could probably make a lot of money.

Yes, the current bubble could burst at any moment, or stocks could continue going up for a little while longer.

After all, the S&P 500 has risen in December about 80 percent of the time over the past thirty years.

Perhaps that will be the case this December as well.

Perhaps not.

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The Creator Writings : Understanding

The Creator Writings

transcribed by Jennifer Farley




In this moment, you may not understand all of what you are learning. But, one day very soon, everything will click and all of those unintelligible things that seemed so distant will find a home as a part of you. This is the reason The Universe is always teaching and, in turn, learning from you. ~ Creator

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The Creator Writings: Shame

The Creator Writings




Shame is defined as a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.  Just for today, look very closely at any shame you are holding.  Is it necessary?  Is it Self or Other created?  How does it serve you?  If it is an internally generated, be gentle with and forgive yourself.  If it is external, think on how much of it is really yours.  Please remember; you do not have to feel shame to identify with those around you.  Release it and grow! ~ Creator

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“Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”

Og Mandino 


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