There is an hallucogenic field, deliberately put, around humans, or lets say hallucogenic field being Projected towards humans, who call themselfs lightworkers. Your being told your awakened, its partly true:lets say awakened to 50% - its still a lot of sleeping giving place to dispowermental illusions, even tho being more awake than so called ordinary humans are. ET´s lie, yes they DO, perhaps not all, not all, but many enough..

We live at an exciting time, at an exciting place, far more important for other dimensions than we tend to be aware of, in our daily activities!

Aliens are A.LIE .  This lack of ability to understand humans, shown in this example with B. Goodchild proves they´re NOT emotionally evolved. We think we´re so under evolved, but so we live in probably the densest place of all dimensions, it takes GODS to go through that, The other so CALLED races havent done that, they havent had physical incarnations, They are curious about us, they want something we´ve got to offer: they want our love. Some want to surpress it while others wants to take it from us, or duplicate it. Get your hands off from these (horse crap) federations, get out of the hypnagogic state you´re in..

YOU are the gods youve been waiting for. Why the heck would it be so DAMN important to find out about THEM, to put them on piedestals? You ALREADY got all if you so choose it is time..!! They pretend being so highly evolved! HOW COULD they be? This universe is still young, they havent had any physical incarnations can count me on this one:


We have the power already, we really do, WE have to decide it!

Im not saying everone is necessary evil, no, im saying they´re not what they "supposed" to be!!

Who/what the hell does anyone needs saving from? From our OWN illusions. But no outside entity can do it for us!

We, you, I, have to keep finding and calibrating ourselfes with OUR OWN power, doing that we cant only call ourselfs lightworkers - thats like going 50% of the way, we must incorporate both our own dark as well as light, We need to know, to FEEL, OUR power, that way!! (i dont equal light with love or dark with hate, for your information by the way, that way of looking at is part of this projected illusion designed to keep us from our soul awareness)

The rest is fuc*ing bullshit designed to keep us from our own self awareness!

Dont you realise they are only there cause we dont trust our selfs? They fill that vaccum that occurs when we are playing the game of being separated.

Somewhere along the way we all have to DECIDE, to make up our minds, that WE are the enlightened ones. Decide for it and universe will re-organise it self to serve this new decission. Yes, give it time friends, we get it in an appropriate speed of course. We are not alone, we do have strong, strong help and service, like gas stations every 3rd mile or so, so to the power of the arch angels, who are really just an reflection of who WE truly Are, but we´ve forgotten this...

Re-aligning with our souls love and wisdom, our own divinity, our POWERFUL totems and accessing the TRUTH of " WE ARE GODS ALSO" is our Only way to ascension, in fact that IS ascension!

Walk in peace, brothers and sisters of divine heritage!

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  • Thank you for your response, Masteroflight. It's the most measured one I've seen in a long time. We shall see, shall we? I am turning 50 tomorrow. I've got a long time to see what happens. 

  • I can relate to the original post. I'm more of the opinion that I need proof, real proof, not just subjective observations, that there are highly advanced beings trying, in some way, to help us to reach a higher level. I just went to the library and got some very dated books, from the 1980s and 1990s, essentially saying the same things that I have read in the multiple channeled messages on this site in our day. Specific events were prophesied that did not occur in the slightest way. I have also been left with the impression that this particular spiritual movement is primarily American-slanted, with most of the believers being average but desperate Americans who have been looking for deliverance from something "out there", other than relying on our own selves to get away from negative experiences that, if you believe in reincarnation or any of the New Age info, we all signed up for to improve ourselves spiritually so we can advance higher. Do I believe that anything remotely Ascension-like is going to happen to us and Earth? No, I don't believe it. I felt that it is necessary to let you know that. Have I had experiences in my life with other beings that can't be explained by modern science? Most definitely! Do I believe in other life forms in this universe? Absolutely! But, as hard as I try, I still cannot believe in the channeled messages I have read. I have known since childhood that I have to love myself and others, having been taught that in church and at home. I don't need to hear it repeated time and time again. If these channeled messages are actually coming from advanced beings to help us, why are they so elementary? Shouldn't they be telling us something more advanced that can be proven in some way, in a concrete way? Anybody can come on this site and other sites and claim to be channeling an Ascended Master or Archangel or Jesus or anybody. The one thing that I have learned as an adult is not to take everything merely by faith. The veracity or truth of the speaker is extremely important. Another important thing that I have learned is there is no easy way out of situations in our lives. Our lives are meant to be lived to the fullest, and we're supposed to be fully engaged in it, no matter what we are going through. I feel very sorry for those who truly believe that they are going to be airlifted to another place or dimension by the end of this year. All of this Ascension talk and Ascension symptoms and all of that is purely subjective and wide open to interpretation. What if you're just sick? People get sick every day. Ascribing spiritual reasons for illness has always left me curious as to why, when we're being poisoned by most of what we ingest every day, especially if we are too poor to obtain healthy organic food and drink, which is the condition of most people on this planet. Even our air makes us sick. So no, I'm not looking for anyone to save me from my very human condition. In every way that I can spread love I do so, even if it means not opening my mouth when someone angers me. I'm not trying to escape anything; I'm trying to learn from it. We'll see what this year does or does not bring. I just hope that I will not see what I anticipate when nothing happens; back-pedaling, telling us it's our fault that it didn't happen, and a new date way out in the future to await something. I will be very disappointed if that happens. That's the usual route that follows the disappointment of no new beginning. I was going to end there, but I also want to point out that people on this site give the impression of being elitist because they are having these types of spiritual experiences. If I see the words "beloved" and "dear ones" again I will scream!

  • Well , I do not agree that it has nothing to do with  'ego' . For me everything in this dimension and this world has a lot to do with it...but of course that's my point of view. 

    This dimension is in duality and as it is, that's not the problem if we would  enjoy this diversity...but how we got lost in the parts of this dimension, loosing the knowing of being the whole, not only a part of it.....this identification with what we think we are, what we think we should be or become, protecting the ideas and emotional reactions that fit to this patterns of what we claim to be...I call it the ego.Then we are fighting the others, and in fact fighting ourselves,,,, rather insane if you ask me....but that is what we are going through...

    If we can take distance again, see the whole again and simply enjoy diversity again...just as it is, just be there, centered, full of power, playing with extremities. It is simple, just do it right now...

    Yes we are HERE to be HERE and NOW !!!   And see.... be the whole, not just a fragment ! 

    Live !

  • Hi Marianinia, You've written a lot I wanted to say too..,  Hi, Sungod-singer and everyone,

    I find this very interesting ! And I respect all of your views on this matter, here are  mine...

    I'm a believer  about aliens,and a lot of other beings ....I know  I'm from the Sirian constellation although I am a real human being at this moment !!!...( I am since the second fall of Atlantis)

    As for me , yes, we are all God's as we are one and whole from the source !  I never felt like I had to be, or feel lesser than aliens, angels or archangels,because I feel we are part of eachother... We are beings living in different dimensions, yes.And every dimension has it's own natural laws....Sometimes, they help me/us and  I help them....

    I do put  questions on channeled information, one must know it is information given through and more or less colored by someones personality ...It is also good  to put questions when reading the newspaper or listening the news ...and to feel what is truth for you, what is making you feel whole or what is tearing you apart...? 

    I don't wait for 'them' to change my life , because waiting is living in the future and the only moment of power is now... here and now ! 

    I experienced also that we are truly creators of our own life ! So I do agree with Sungod-singer : don't give away your power to whatever being or idea that wants to bring you down...but also see carefully that you are not taking the power of others..?.If connected to your deep self, in connection with the source, the energy is flowing so abundant, you don't have to fear that there is'nt enough...there is always more and more and more.....If we would al be convinced now, the world would look a very different way. :))   Just  imagine !?

    I do believe we can make it that way, I believe in humanity, living in unity with whatever is existing,  here and  now.

    I experience ... We are all one, all united in this universe, with the quantum mechanics this is even proved scientifically !!. I pray every day  we all  get cured from the mind  desease called ego-thinking , which creates fear  (for "others") , anger, wars ....and all the pain , disbalances and conflicts in ourself and this world. I 've seen that enough does'nt make us just tears us apart from the inside and the outside.

    This is our job now, to cure ourselves, to be real, not been taken over by  thoughts and emotions, repeting the same things in our lifes over and over again. (I admit it still happens to me ,  but more easily, I see trough this,I feel the essence inside  who is waching all this of what is going on in the mind,  body and emotions ... the game that is going on....I don't fight  it anymore, I stopped fighting and strugling , just let it all be, let it be .and it looses it's power of dominating in life!!! it melts away.....I explore this point of zero from where one can just be , connected with all, and therefore not in need of anything else than to be, It gives strenght in dayly life, peacefull joy, to give support ,to be  love and calm around to a lot of kids, to face the chaos of this  changing world...

    Namaste !

  • yes, we have forgot  how to become gods oursheft. let open our hearts and find the spark inside us that make human,.

    peace and love , thanks for this !!!

  • This has really resonated with me!! So many posts sound great but conflicted with my belief that we ARE GOD'S!!! Giving our power away to ET's Aliens etc is no different to giving our power away to religious clergy, medical scientists, politicians etc. We have FOUGHT for our right to think for ourselves, empower ourselves, find our own truth - only to give it away to spiritual (or otherwise) aliens??? I don't think so!!! Thank you for this post!!


  • Depends on which aliens you're talking about.
    You can tell the two apart by using your Heart for discernment. Heart always knows the truth.
    Your emotional guidance system would say which aliens were who they say they are, which ones are highly evolved, and which ones aren't.

    But make no mistake, there are None of them that are Ascended Masters. Its not like there's some planet or society out there in the galaxy where a bunch of Ascended Masters hang out. The very definition of ascending means You're Not Here in the physical world anymore - it means you've outgrown the need to have a physical existence.

    So at best the other ETs out there are just highly advanced societies full of like 7th - 10th dimensional people, and while very wise and loving they're still not perfect.
  • Well I don't agree with most of this, in fact most of this to me is a big load of ego baloney lol I absolutely believe the Federation are good guys, I believe they are spiritually advanced beings, maybe not the most advanced, but definitely more advanced than most Earth humans. And I don't see anything wrong with respecting them and aspiring to reach their level...I mean that's smart.

    Just like if you're a basketball player and you see Michael Jordan, you aspire to get to his level. Obviously as a soul he's not better than me, we're all equal with equal potential, he just developed his skills to a point of greater perfection than I have. And that's how I look at the Federation. I don't revere them or worship them, but I do respect them, I aspire to be like them, in terms of spiritual and intellectual development, even physical development lol And I don't see anything wrong with that, I don't feel less than them, they're just more evolved than I am and I'm perfectly okay with admitting that.

    Obviously they shouldn't get a free pass, and we should question them and critique them and hold them to standards...but we do it respectfully. And if they indeed show that they were fronting and aren't the evolved beings they made themselves out to be, then we should call them out on it. But I don't feel that's gonna happen, I think they will prove themselves and then some, and people like you are going to feel very silly for doubting them lol

  • Yes your points are very valid;

    Realising our divinity and aligning to LOVE is the path to ascention.

    Earth school is the toughest school to master at the moment, so yes it takes a lot of courage to master Godliness here. Its a respected school for the BEST.

    However you cannot categorise all aliens as being a LIE... they are very much real TRUTH and a part of the cosmic galactic history; some lie, some cheat, some just wanna have fun (love) !

    This hallucegenic field can be overcome... anything can be overcome with Love and spiritual protection.

    One Cant blame all the ET's for that problem.

    Just as you cannot say all ET's are emotionless and liars. A very few aliens give the good one's a bad bad name down here on earth, lol

    Its not really important what they are doing; as long as we stay focused and not distracted on our spiritual path nothing else matters.

    Infact its probably a good idea to understand and educate oneself towards such things, with LOVE considering these entities are part of this universe, whether they are good/bad/ugly is irrelevant really. 

    They exist and have been here for a long time... you say they have NOT had physical incarnations here... I personally disagree...the good the bad and the ugly have all been here...including angels... (sometimes in human form) lol 

    Now nobody panic...just focus on LOVE... the only master here... is YOU and your connection to God force will solve that fear panic of nasty alien entities.

    there is no "enemy" aside from the one you believe in your mind...don't fear nobody or nothing... dont worry for anything... LOVE is the key and your body suit to GODLINESS.


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