Selamat Balik! We come with more exciting news to discuss with you. After 13 millennia of unopposed control, the Cabal finds itself struggling to adjust to a sudden surge in growth of consciousness. This new element scares them and is truly changing everything. As we reported in an earlier message, a new coalition of forces, to which we refer as 'the Alliance', has come together as a most compelling group that we have grown to respect. They continue to mystify the cabal, wreaking havoc on them in every way possible. The cabal remains bewildered as to why their arsenal of tried-and-true methods continually backfire on them.

We have been assisting the Alliance in a number of ways. First, we are complementing the forces they have assigned to the removal of the current US regime. Second, we are providing the necessary resources to allow the Alliance to put into effect a new hard-backed currency system on your world. Finally, we are expanding our liaison and diplomatic personnel so as to be ready to furnish the services required for a more harmonious reality on your world. Many events are about to manifest and become known. Your prosperity funds are being made ready. The magnitude of this step has prompted us to send out a special detail of ships to watch as this program unfolds. No major problems have been encountered thus far. Your world is poised for freedom!

We are delighted to report that your old reality is being shifted because it ultimately leads to disclosure, which makes it possible for us to move more quickly to the next step, an unprecedented global first contact with you. In previous years, we watched as the dark ones dashed the dawning of a new governance. Despite these early difficulties, we knew that you were eventually to triumph over the dark. The dark is slowly fading into historical oblivion. We have patiently watched as our Earth Allies and new Alliance friends suffered through their early growing pains. They have shaken off their hatred and wish only to propel the cabal out of power. New governance is to set the stage for our arrival. For far too long, surface humanity has been exiled from its extraterrestrial origins.

We also observe that your Sun has shown unusual activity. In part, this is due to the massive increase in inter-dimensional energies surging toward her from the galactic core. They affect your solar system, the entire galaxy, and beyond. These energies are causing an increase in the polar ozone holes and aberrant weather patterns around your globe. This can interfere with your radio communications and larger electrical power generators.

Nameste. We are your Ascended Masters. We arrive to be your spiritual mentors and to reassure you about what may appear to be a most bizarre series of events. Right now, new monetary systems are materializing. With them come edicts announced by new governance, including revelations about a cover-up of truly staggering proportions. As you can well imagine, these announcements are to change your reality forever, and we are here to be your loving guides during this most unparalleled transition.

Since your fall into limited consciousness, you have had extremely limited access to direct communications with your Higher Self, the Ascended Masters and the spiritual realms. This is to change forthwith. We encourage you to seek our guidance. We may come to you in dream time, or in your meditations. Set a time each day to connect with us. Talk to us as though you were conversing with a friend. The energies now available on your planet encourage clear communication with the spiritual realms. Break the lingering bonds of silence and trust we are here for you.

We wish to end this message with a word about kindness. The definition of kindness is "the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate." From this moment, may we all begin a growing and evolving relationship founded on mutual respect, kindness, understanding and open communication. Recognize and act on the inspiring expressions of charity and kindness that stir in your hearts. Learn to stand firm for the Truth while, at the same time, radiating kindness. Being gracious thus becomes the key: it sets the tone for whatever you see or say, and how you respond to the phenomenal and enduring reality you create for yourselves.

Today, we have discussed the events that are unfolding around you. These events are creating a new reality where, at long last, you are to see the restoration of full consciousness. With it will unfold the remaining potential of physical Creation. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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  • the internal society can be self managed to a give the illusion of freedom.. but the governments should go along with the rules of the bankers, corporations and US military, they need to sign trade deals that benefit the corporations,  go along ith US sanctions on other countries, impose austerity on their people, sell their minerals and oil cheap, vote the way the US wants at the UN, privatize the national holdings,  destroy the social system and keep wages low, etc.  Whenever there is conflict between groups in a country, this creates a distraction so the people do not focus on the real problems.. like in the US right now with all this right/let divide and fighting...conflict and worry about social issues like the immigrants ....nobody has noticed how the environmental regulations have been gutted to allow corporations a fre hand, th national parks ar being privatized and sold to corporations for mining, money is being funneled to the top 1% and the people have less and less, the unions have taken some heavy blows and the are trying to take all the money away from social security and medicare and the government is now using prisons for profit again.. 

    It is not just Trump, although he did many of these things through executive order, the whole system is corrupt.  Th good thing about Trump is that he brings out everyone´s shadow side, he is a trigger for both the right and the left  in the government and in the general population.....then we can see this and clan it up.  He is not doing this intentionally to save the world like some say, he is just being himself and is as much a pawn as the others.

    There is no longer a refugee crisis in europe, far fewer people are coming in this year and crime is down.  But the far right stirred up this fear and made it seem like the biggest problem in order to win elections.  NWO likes the right for they are always stirring up drama that takes the focus away from the real issues and real enemy....  I´m not only blaming the right, but they are gaining power everywhere now and it is worrying.    I see in Italy there is a big persecution of the gypsies just started by the government.....and the far right government in Ukraine is doing the same thing... burning their homes and killing gypsies.  The gypsies are mostly stateless people who originally came from India a few thousand years ago.(Hitler killed 5 million of them); I wonder which minority will be next and how long people will just sit by and say nothing..  Time will tell the truth of all things...I´m standing in unity with the people, all the people, I also have lots of friends on both left and right....was just talking about politicians here and how they contribute to the elites plans... even though most of them do not realize the outcome of their policies..   (I can also talk about things the left does that strengthens the elite...I´m not one sided on this)

    • How the elite control the internal societies is shown by the overthrow of the elected government in Ukraine in 2014 by the US... The US ambassador to Ukraine said the US had invested $5 billion in this and she also said who the US wanted in power...a far right Nazi government.  And the people were put in power that she named. 

      Ukraine did not exist before WW2, it was part of russia, germay and austria.  Then after WW2 these small parts of germany and austria were given to Russia; but the german part rmained very pro hitler and extrme right in their thinking.  Kiev was the capital of russia befor it moved to moscow.   When the coup put into place the ultra right government, one of the first things they did was to ban the use of the russian language, then the next thing they did was to begin bombing the russian speaking part of the country.  They began cracking down on human rights and selling their resources to foreign companies.  I see a similar trend with these right parties in europe, blaming and repressing minorities, passing laws to take away human rights, etc...this is why I am concerned....we can see this in the US states if we look at some of the laws they are passing or trying to pass.

      In the articles on the school of the americas it said that these corrupt dictators, military and police they train there always target minorities, indigenous peoples, human rights groups, environmental groups and activists.. ,It keeps the people suffering and fighting each other and distracted while the bankers and corporations plunder the country..

      There are two very different meanings to the word globalism and they are often confused.  The first is how the bankers and corporations, etc want to control the world..  They love war and use fake humanitarian issues to trick people...saying that we are bombing people to make them free and give them democracy..

      The second meaning of globalism is that this is one world and we all need to live together in peace and trade in a way that is fair for all....there should be sovereign nations that are prosperous so people do not need to run away and can live in safety.  There need to be some international laws  for things like human trafficking.. There is a lot of concern for human individual rights and freedoms in this mindset and an enjoyment of the diversity of peoples and their cultures......  Sounds like the ascension plan.....

      • One thing we need to consider more is why would the elite want to break up the EU..would they change tactics, sure they would..  They were for the EU at first as a way to have more control, but now they see more benefit in breaking it up...or  rather the division in the societies it will cause by people fighting over this issue.   I see the people divided on the EU issue about 50/50.  Then even if they vote to leave it would take several  years to work out the plans, during this time the bankers could steal more money, cause more pain and austerity... while the right governments take away the social system and human rights.  After a while europe would be in poverty and chaos and there might even be civil war.  This is how I see their plan for world domination...  To avoid this the people need to stand together and refuse to fall into hate and fear...and hate and fear based politics.   It is not the right against the left, it is the people against the top 1%..  The people being for the people,  actually wanting a good life for everyone...  It requires a shit in the thinking for we have been struggling against each other throughout history....a shift in consciousness... and this is what I´m expecting to happen...actually, it is already happening, but it is on the inside where we can´t see it...

  • the CIA is just one of many agencies they put in place....I agree, ...

  • the elite want chaos and fighting between the people...they do not want unity;  right now breaking up the EU and putting in ulta-right governments is the best way to assure this.  I am definitely not a fan of the EU, but this is how I see it. The one world government has been being put into place by the CIA for many years, by helping to overthrow elected governments and putting in puppet governments around the world.....this is partly what the war on drugs was about....and look at the role NATO has played in this in recent years.

    For central and south america the US has been training dictators, military and police for these countries and this explains the violence and resulting poverty in these countries.  They are trained at the School of the Americas in ft benning Georgia, USA.

    ´´The School of the Americas was established in 1946 in the Panama Canal Zone (originally called the "Latin American Training Center - Ground Division"). It was relocated in 1984 to Fort Benning, Georgia. Due to negative publicity, the School in 2001 was cosmetically renamed the "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation." Since the School first opened, it has trained more than 59,000 military, police, and civilian officials from twenty-three Latin American and Caribbean countries. Many went on to disappear, torture, and murder their people. In fact, according to a 1995 Los Angeles Times editorial, "it is hard to think of a coup or human-rights outrage that has occurred in [Latin America] in the past 40 years in which alumni of the School for the Americas were not involved."

    The elite want whatever causes the most chaos and suffering...divide and conquer....  .  It is a plan to hold power by keeping everyone else weak and divided.  Whatever causes hate, division and fear benefits the elite.  Whatever causes unity and brings people together is the resistance. 

    Teaching Torture at the School of the Americas by Marjorie Cohn :: SSRN
    A few years ago, the author of this article visited the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Old women carrying large photographs of their dead…
  • CNN: Migration 'make or break' issue for Europe, warns Germany's Merkel

    What's next?

    Migration 'make or break' issue for Europe -- Merkel - CNN
  • I agree, this is how I see it as well..  I figured if there was any money, it would be used to rebuild countries or put in clean water in africa, things like that.    I never expected any money in my bank account.  It sees that many of the channels that were OK years back have been compromised and give dis-info.. 

    I have seen so many people lose so much time waiting for money and the galactics to make things better instead of working to make a better life for everyone and clean up the planet.  It is not money that will make a better world, it is kindness, sharing and creative thinking..  The galactics will help, but it is a co-creative mission... they will provide some ideas and information, but, we have to do the work.  To work with them begin by helping those around you and they will contact you;  people have been working with them for many years, no need to wait for them to land.

  • RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - June 25, 2018

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

    The Alliance's dismantling of the European Union is underway.

    All European nations will have their own currency as required by GESARA law.

    All requirements for the RV are complete.

    Transactions completed, paperwork received, funds were deposited and cleared.

    The exchanges/redemptions will begin once the green light is given.

    There will be multiple ways to receive your appointment once it begins.



  • That is very true.  The solution to how to end all the violence and   and people becoming more  extreme in this  is that we need to be more friendly and inclusive instead of fearful and exclusive.    All this thinking and politics based on fear just alienates people and leads to unjust and inhumane laws and does not find real solutions to the problems.  The war on terrorism created so much extreme thinking.  It´s simple, unity and celebrating the diversity is the solution ... like we have been hearing forever, but never seem to understand.  Fear is the thing stopping this.

    you changed the meaning o the word there...first you mentioned radicalization in the sense of violent extremism....then you mentioned Tesla, etc in the sense of radical as being an open free thinking..

  • Tree Hugger,,hi....the banks here really trashed some countries like Italy and Greece, people have a reason to be angry. The banks made a lot of money doing this, I just heard that a german bank made 2.5 billion recently on this.  The same way the banks in the US made billions by kicking over 7 million people out of their homes and helping create the homeless problem.

      Also the governments handled the refugee situation badly, mainly because some wanted to fight against the refugees instead of address the cause of the problem.  Their ideas were to build fences and one guy even wanted to bomb the refugee boats.  Sending them back is not a real solution either for the US is still bombing there while also supporting terrorist groups on the ground.  There were not refugees from N Africa before UK, US, France and Italy bombed Libya. now it is real chaos.

    About the conference, I don´t know much about it.  If it is like most of these things then not much gets resolved...we will see what happens..perhaps things are bad enough that people can put aside their differences and work together..  The question always is whether the governments represent or care about the people...or do they care more about the banks and corporations..

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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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Ashtar, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY via James McConnell

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