So - called ´toy police´are now being discussed by fellow academics in Iceland after a police brutality incident occured in a country where persons had been arrested for feeding the homeless in an effort to make the homeless feel they´re worthless and excempt from police and state protection.

The idea is to reduce the probability that police will regress to police brutality, by controlling whom they do sex with.

Policemen will in some cities around the world no longer be able to control who they do sex with and if they are found guilty of doing sex with women who are more agressive than they are - the result might be banishment from that city or at the very least, losing the job.

If all goes well, plans might be introduced which would result in a stricht behavior modification programme which would override existing modification programmes, where police are encouraged to seperate themselves into agressive and non - agressive individuals, and where agressive individuals have agressiveness bred out of future generations by controlling whom they do sex with.

If we look at what happened in Greece and Syria, you get my point.

The police there regenerated into little more than ´schaeffers´ (term based on the name of serial killer Schaeffer who used his status as a policeman to inflict women and others with police brutality).

This resulted in policemen and security who had no faith in their job and no real desire to protect their citizen but mostly empty buildings and dams and such, and whose level of intelligence had reduced significantly.

The program would involve upgrading the police genetically, by removing or deprieving them of agression in those areas where police brutality is simply not necessary, because when you leave police unable to perform their job effectively they return to brutality and that is why we have police brutaliy incidents.

The bad news is, this could take place in something like nearly 800 years.

In foxes, it takes mostly 8 to 15 years to create a generation which can live among humans.

And if we can do it with foxes and with dogs, why not police?

´Well, this is a question which needs to be adressed further and brought media attention´says Hildur in Studentarad or The Students´Council at the University of Iceland.

´Our current assessment of this matter is that this should be discussed with the federal government but most probably it´d rather be discussed with the police themselves and with those who would be likely to consider themselves to be expert breeders - who could start a breeding program involving breeding into future generations of police the best qualities required to be in the city and protect people there´.

They could of course enter and leave the city, and the agressive policemen would have their genetic map used whenever it is required - most probably by their own or the other party´s creed.

The behavior programme will result in agressive policemen and nonagressive policemen split from each other, and splinter groups forming who in turn make way for the arrival of future generations of less agressive policemen.

But in Iceland, a more cheap solution has been offered - reduce the number of police, and you reduce the number of police brutality incidents.


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  • rune in terms of some politicians being reptilians judging by your use of this term - I believe that that´d have to be the business of human rights organizations to determine if such individuals could keep jobs as police.

    And of course some law makers. I am a student of philosophy and not law........

  • It's not the individual, it's the power to do as they please, always has been corruption, all around the world.

    When I was a teenager I had my jaw broken by police for answering one question.

    "What's your name son"?

    "Leo Atkinson sir"

    Next thing, crack, I was hit in the mouth with a big torch while the cop/pig/c*nt yelled " you're lying"!

    Despite the fact they had my license and knew I was telling the truth.

    My crime, I was with the wrong person at the wrong time, other than we two, no one was hurt, nothing serious.

    At least now with video security the scum mongrels can't get away with it.

    I have always said, the only good cop is a dead cop!

    I understand they're a necessary evil and it would be a horrid world without some form of control but they mostly think they are Gods and untouchable.

  • If they take out the police oficers who are of the (Reptilian) Hybrid race, then its good.

    Shapeshifters in uniform is not for the best of society..

  • Well Vangelis we tried that solution already in my country - reduction of the number of police = less police. Less police = less police brutality.

    Toy police would be able to defend themselves if provoked though.

  • ok Vangelis.....
  • lol... bullshit... the best and simple solution is, to no need to have police, in the first place.... other than that, Iceland is in a good way, but u cant just reduce the number of police, if it is needed to be there....

  • i like the final statement.   Very clever Iceland
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