This is Important :)

With all that we have been going through during our changes and transformation, I wanted to draw some attention and energy towards the post that Achilles had created regarding A Public Announcement.  It really is something that needs to be heard right now, by us all, me included.  And is a call to start focusing on our Inner and Highest Self, and start finding what we have in common, instead of what we don't agree about.

None of us are going to totally agree with each other 100%.  We are all unique and amazing "manifestations" of the "Creator".  It is my "belief" and feeling that we are becoming something amazing.

These old games that people have played have become something of the past, but we are so afraid of looking within and seeing who we truly are, that we submerge ourselves in these Drama Illusions.

If you are part of the belief structure that nothing is happening on this planet, and are in tune and feel good about who you are inside, then it shouldn't bother you if someone believes something magical or "ultra-terrestrial" is happening.  It shouldn't matter if people seek guidance from other beings, because you feel your own peace within, because you know your "self" within and have a strong connection to it.

Ravenwallsdotter also brough up a great point too in the thread, I really think it strikes a harmonius chord that needs to be embraced in these times of chaos:

"This endless bickering is draining energy from everyone involved. Being at peace is so much easier way of living. I would wish for people to rather put their energy in pursuing their goals, instead of trying to change other people or convert them to their own ideology. Present information and let the other do with it what they please. Change comes from within and in the end, we will always be where we need to be on the road to ourselves and service to others."

So much static and so much change!  The more we can embrace each other without trying to change one another ~ the more smoothly these changes will be for us all.  We all have the right to develop ourselves in the way that feels right to us and our higher self.  

We are the masters of our reality.  We are learning to Master our "Self" as it is within and Shine like the amazing beings we truly are inside.  Some things that Sparkle are beyond Gold ~ We are all Gems filled with Infinite Light!

Namaste :) 

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  • Thanks, Delilah - great post :)

    Mucho love and light x

  • 'Being at peace is so much easier way of living'!

    Yes <3

    Thank you

    Love Love Love



    • Portals, I totally agree....and this graphic is sooo beautiful, brings peace just by viewing it...It is now my new screensaver....Love you

  • Thanks for the heads up, read his post and agree with trusting in loving each other unconditionally and coming together for what we do have in common. I believe his message is a good light to grow in. "Ain't no time to hate, barely time to wait.......every silver lining has a touch of gray," Jerry : )

    • Awesome lyrics and great song performed by a wonderful Spirit (Jerry) :) Totally agree Coyote :) 

      Barely time to wait or hate on anything, best to see the good in what we can and make any positive change we can along the way!

  • Thanks so much ~Starseed, Mayir, Feather Winger, and mustwakeselfup :-) 

    Just trying to smooth the energies over for everyone involved here. 

    I am continually "checking" myself because I know that I have a lot of inner work to do as well.  We all do.  So happy that this resonates even with a small group of people, because every change leads to something bigger!

    We are all great beings inside ~ and I want to take it to a higher level, and lift everyone up I can along the way.


  • Thats awesome

    great post blessings dear star sister

  • Things will unfold as they were meant to, no sense in worry. Love & Light.

  • I agree with you on this, and my thanks to Archilles too.  Heartfelt posts and thank you both so much for sharing.  Beautiful graphic too.  Light and blessings to all.

    • Blessings to you as well Marique :) 

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