Multidimensional food for thought...


So you thought you wanted enlightenment? Thought that life would be all peachy and smooth sailing when the veils of illusion were lifted? Those who have become ‘dis-illusioned’ — and haven’t slid back into denial after seeing what was on the other side, or run in the opposite direction with their first taste of ‘enlightenment’ — realize that waking up is hard work!

So what is behind these veils of constructed reality, one might ask? To put it in succinct terms, what lies behind the social conditioning is this: “That our society is the product of an extraterrestrial race that moves and breathes — and even breeds — beneath the surface of all of human history.”

It’s much easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled — such is the nature of confirmation bias and other psychological tools of manipulation. Breaking free of the ancient, historical ‘constant’ of mind control is an ongoing process of waking up out of a state of denial. Spiritual emergence and awakening involves a physiological break from the consensus social agreements of our planetary cultures.

The realization that you have been fooled beyond belief can cause a great deal of inner turmoil to arise: utter dismay, a sense of humiliation, and a resulting backlash from friends and family who continually (and unconsciously) attempt to pull you back in line with the accepted ‘mainstream’ groupthink. In this process of breaking free from the enslavement of human consciousness, if you don’t have days where you completely question your sanity, I would suggest that you aren’t really waking up. Here is the only piece of advice that reflects the truth of this process: Get used to it!

There is no use asking agents of the Matrix to validate the truth of your awakening, for you will only end up being diagnosed and medicated. You are simply becoming sane in an insane world. Now, more than ever, it is time for those who have already lifted these veils of deception to assist others who need the ‘survival’ band-aid ripped off quickly. A considerably-revised history lesson with regards to our true human origins is in order for the majority of humanity. Access the information, educate yourself, grab the sword of truth, and start swinging.

We must be willing to take a very direct look at what factors are inhibiting and obstructing our ability to see how the currently-implemented planetary paradigm has emerged from a history of violence, bloodshed and oppressive regimes. When we take this journey of discovery, what we will find is that the mechanism which has been used – and still is –  to drive these agendas, is the unsavory, unholy topic of religion, and the manipulative God-imposters lurking behind the many branches of this despotic tree.

We are dealing with mind programming, brainwashing, phantasms, and memes that have been so deeply embedded into the collective human psyche from epochs ago, that breaking free of them takes a considerable (and ongoing) effort. Not only must we dissociate ourselves from the daily distractions which are designed to keep us oblivious to the bigger picture, but we must be prepared to do the homework in order to discover our true human origins and the ongoing agenda of social control which suppresses that ‘occulted’ (hidden) truth.


If you have been born on this planet, then you are (to some degree or another) suffering the effects of a society that has become pathologically obedient to religious programming, and even those who break free from this tyrannical mechanism are oftentimes subsequently trained to become tolerant of all religions, rather than encouraged to clearly identify this dis-empowering phenomenon as being one of the main contributing factors to humanity’s continuing enslavement.

It’s easy to become a target of accusations that involve loaded terms like “unloving” and “intolerant” when you pierce into the core of the foundational Mind Control Virus known as Religion. One of the 20th century’s most psychopathic dictators, “Chairman” Mao Zedong, coined the phrase ‘political correctness’ as a propaganda tool to train individuals into self-policing their thoughts and words – a far more effective method of keeping groups of people docile and subservient to the prevailing mind control directives than violent force and physical coercion. This social manipulation construct has become a powerful ally in counteracting the emerging groundswell of information and insights regarding the roots and impact of religious psychopathology – aiding and abetting a ‘tyranny of context-free tolerance’ that attempts to shame (and thereby silence) those who question the external authority-worshiping orthodoxy.

Most people on this planet have been born into their religious ideologies, and are so heavily addicted to the daily rituals that uphold their ‘follower’ identification (and unquestioning obedience to their religion), that they have little inclination towards actually questioning whether they have been fooled. For these “chosen faithful”, their ego attachment with religious programming is reactive in design – they become easily offended when you bring into question the truth of their religion, the superiority of their particular flavor of “God”, and the validity of the written words within religious manuscripts. For many, it is actually a punishable offense to bring into question their “God”s eternal and unyielding authority.

Whenever this topic arises, there will be those who claim that other forms of cultural entrainment (which fall outside of the orthodox religion sphere) are somehow beyond the reach of separation consciousness corruption, being justified as ‘philosophies’ or ‘indigenous’ ways of knowing. However, the pathological program of obedience (and the projection of authority outside of one’s own sovereign self) is extended to all cults of ‘belief’.

The truth of these matters was understood by Siddhartha, who pleaded with those who were drawn to his perspective to avoid worshiping his being, creating idols out of his form, or transforming his insights into laws. And what has transpired as a result? The religion known as Buddhism, which would (of course) like to claim it is not a religion, and yet holds hundreds of millions of people in thrall to an idolized replica of this long-deceased man.  Every day, a large percentage of Buddhists (throughout Asia in particular) get down on their knees and beg to the Buddha in the same way that the Christians beg to Jesus – this form of energy vampirism literally weakens the body’s central nervous system…

If you want to check in with yourself about whether you are acting out of love or fear, then see how often you censor yourself from speaking about, and sharing the truth regarding subjects that might challenge somebody else’s mind control conditioning, particularly when it comes to religion. Sharing the god-awful truth about religion is an act of love. It is a service to humanity. It is not a matter of being intolerant of people, nor has it anything to do with hatred, racism or bigotry. It is a matter of identifying the limiting religious programming running through the minds of humanity, which is acting like malware within the mainframe of human consciousness. If a computer has a virus running through it which is corrupting its operating system to the point of paralysis, you do not accuse it of being intolerant or a bigot – you simply identify the problem and install a program to clean out the virus.


Religion is the false panacea that so many are hopelessly dependent upon, to the point where a fair number of adherents will literally fight to the death to defend their false ideological territory. Religion is a form of Stockholm Syndrome – defined as “Feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor.”

In the case of those taken hostage by religious ideology, their captors are the alien planetary overlords who have masqueraded as Gods upon Earth, and most of their victims are not even aware ‘who’ or ‘what’ has captured them. The same pantheon of brutal, psychopathic, militant, inbreeding, pedophile, reptilian-being archetypes, are found scattered throughout various religions and cultures on Earth, going by different names throughout the competing sects of this divisive cult: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and on and on…a hierarchical ‘murderer’s row’ of beings that have been ‘cut and pasted’ (with slight variations) into the tapestry of various religions down through the ages, and amongst all cultures on Earth. These shadowy creatures are not simply the creative imaginings of a primitive people, nor can they be dismissed as mythological beings.  And – crucially – they have not left.

Their ancient and ongoing genetic engineering operations continue to perpetuate the programs of division, by playing upon ideas of racial superiority throughout the morphogenetic hive mind of humanity. This divisiveness is currently being stirred up to even-greater-than-usual degrees, so as to further the agenda of the overlords – an agenda which includes totalitarian global governance and completely-open human servitude. The wars of these god impersonators are being played out through their pawns: humanity.

What we are currently seeing with the creation and funding of terrorist groups by alphabet agencies and corrupt Governmental regimes, is the predetermined justification for total and endless warfare – and this is only the surface level reading of a much more sinister story. They are not playing this game within time-frames and life spans that human beings could comprehend, and they are using religious belief in such nihilistic concepts as “End Times”, “The Revelation”, “Judgement Day”, “The Rapture” or the “Apocalypse” as a handbook, a road map and a user guide towards an “End Game” scenario, making it seem as though prophecy is being fulfilled in a totally irreversible way.

Any face-value analysis of nationalistic political intrigue, misses out on a far more fundamental gameplan: a gradual, directed process of rearranging the chess pieces on the board, all in service of bringing about ‘unified’ global governance.

“The bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the behavior of Western Civilization” ~ Robert Anton Wilson

...The wishful thinking of New Age believers (inspired by Eastern religious solipsism/reality-bypassing programs) – and the spiritually/politically correct obedience puppets who are flying the flag of religious acceptance – would like the rest of us to believe that all religions share, at their core, a ‘code’ filled with “Spiritual Insights”. Perhaps it is supposed to be some type of ‘spiritual test’ to find such enlightening and uplifting insights hidden amongst the many and varied accounts of murderous, vengeful Gods who advocate religious terrorism, and who command the annihilation of cities, order the murder of children, demands the rape of virgin girls, afford no rights to women, and who orders plagues and famines to afflict humankind with? When reading religious texts, it becomes fairly obvious that we are not dealing with an all-loving benevolent being here, but rather, we are seeing the shell game of off-planet impersonators who display every characteristic of a psychopath.

Far from promoting spiritual insights, religions are the breeding ground for conformity, psychopathy, and brainwashed militant fervor, playing upon the fear of death, punishment in the afterlife, and the salvation of those righteous believers who uphold “God’s” militant commands. These programs are designed to control and limit peoples mental faculties, modifying their behavior in the process. That is its function. Religion is a war on consciousness that was initiated in a time out of memory.

…It was only a few hundred years ago that millions of women in Europe were targeted and murdered after being accused by the Church of witchcraft. The psychic scarring that is carried within the genetic lineage of humanity’s feminine principle as a result of patriarchal religious dominance, is an ongoing global atrocity that serves to traumatize and disconnect individuals from the wisdom and guidance of this principle.

…You have to pull out the roots of evil rather than simply hack away at the branches. Without looking at the origins of religious servitude, and clearly identifying who these God imposters (that have farmed humanity for eons) really are – and instead focusing on simply identifying and blaming previous and current corrupt governmental models – you are only seeing the puppets dance, oblivious to the marionette pulling the strings. The Hebrew Bible story of human origins (known as the tale of Adam and Eve) is a false, misleading, and abbreviated version, derived from a far more ‘well-rounded’ rendition that originated in ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts. These recollected Sumerian accounts describe a space-faring species, known as the “Annunaki”, who genetically modified the human race and used them as slaves.

…The solutions to the global crisis are not going to arise from the level of consciousness at which they are currently being generated. Tolerating religion is a band-aid, “feel good” solution over a rotting wound. We need to electromagnetically and neuro-chemically dissociate ourselves from the level of consciousness wherein these dualistic games are repeatedly being played out. The cumulative memory around religious servitude – built up within the collective consciousness and thus embedded into the morphic field of the planet – must be transcended. Only when we can collectively remove ourselves from that morphic resonance bandwidth of the religion frequency that is limiting our direct connection to source,  will we be able to embody the true benevolence of creation, as fractal aspects of co-creative consciousness.

AsAbove... SoBelow

AsWithin... SoWithout

*read entire article @

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    AsWithin... SoWithout

  • tick, I totally agree about mainstream science and their approach to the world and how people believe in this blindly.  They have started with some wrong premises and limited understanding and therefore come to some wrong conclusions.  Sciece often works against things instead of working together with the whole; eg, big pharma medicine is like this, they try to kill disease instead of balancing the body back to natural health.  They have the same approach to the earth with pesticides, etc.

    I I do take notice when science mentions ideas that I know from the Timeless Wisdom texts or meditation, eg.   Sheldrake´s morphic field or the electric universe or when Nassim Haramein uses physics to calculate that the template of the universe can only be the Flower of Life. 

    Here is a link to one of my fav texts, the Spanda Karikas. (the Divine creative vibration) You will  notice how  the Hindu ´´gods´´ are cosmic principles..

    Btw., the Galactics have a plan for mass awakening that includes a multi-dimentional infusion of ´´certain nootropic elements and special ingredients for rapid awakening and accelerated brain re-patterning.´´  Sounds infusion of vibrations of these things...   Once we realize that we can work with the frequency of things and do not need the actual substance, there is truly no limitations...
    • :-) ...

  • ~As we continue to Spiritually Navigate toward authentic Self Realization… there is another corridor of the rabbit Hole that reveals itself to be yet another cul-de-sac: Mainstream Science! Which also functions an an alter that Humanity is expected to blindly worship at… & rarely question, lest we be quickly be put in our place by the Babylonian Priests adorned in their 'all knowning' white coats. ~TemetNosce247


    Mainstream Science Is A Religion

    by Makia Freeman

    Science is a religion. Mainstream science, despite all its claims of objectivity, and despite the fact it attempts to lay claim to the truth, is itself a religion. Science places itself on a pedestal and assures everyone it has dispassionately arrived at its conclusions. Meanwhile, however, it is full of assumptions, denials and limitations, and makes the serious mistake of presenting its theories as facts. The errors of mainstream science are gladly seized upon by technocrats, eager to use science and technology to further their own ambitions of control, and include forcing the vaccineGMO, surveillance, manmade global warminggeoengineeringSMART and microchipping agendas onto an unsuspecting public.

    The planned New World Order has a massive technocratic aspect. Materialism, the driving force behind mainstream science, has been shown again and again to lack the capacity to explain the world around us, especially in relation to idealism or other theories that account for the energetic nature of reality. Yet, despite this, we remain collectively bedazzled by materialism, because science is a religion that has induced a certain faith in us.

    Up until recently, it has still been difficult for society at large to accept the fact that the unseen energetic realms are more powerful and more primal than the material realms we can see and touch … but that is starting to change.

    Science is a Religion Going Back to Athens – Materialism vs. Idealism

    This is certainly not the first time we have struggled with the debate of whether the world can best be described by materialism. The ancient Greek philosophers and scientists thought long and hard about the issue. Materialism vs. Idealism is really the philosophical battle between the ideas that matter exists independently (and that consciousness doesn’t exist or is secondary), as opposed to the idea that consciousness, thought and energy are primary (and that matter is secondary). Democritus championed the first viewpoint (and his ideas were taken further by Aristotle), whereas Plato proposed the second with his famous theory of the World of Forms or World of Ideas. According to Plato, our materialist reality is an inferior copy of a more perfect world. This is exactly in alignment with what various cultures, shamans, religions and spiritual traditions have been saying about the preeminence of energy and mind over matter.

    Even many distinguished mainstream Western scientists over the last 100+ years have grasped the point that matter is not solid. Here are the very best and brightest of them alluding to the fact that energy is preeminent to matter:

    “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” – Max Planck

    “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

    “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla

    “The atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts.” – Werner Heisenberg

    “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense … there is no place in this new kind of physics for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality.” – Albert Einstein

    “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.” – Albert Einstein

    “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” – Niels Bohr

    Plato also wrote that the entire universe can be explained mathematically by numbers. This exactly aligns itself with the idea that we live in a holographic universe – a kind of computer simulation with digital numbers at its foundation…

    Science is a Religion Today: The Insane & Never-Ending Search for the Smallest Particle

    Fast forward to today, and it seems science is a religion like never before. What’s happening at CERN with the Hadron Collider’s search for ever smaller and smaller particles seems like materialistic mainstream science desperately trying to justify itself and its outmoded theory, like a dog forever chasing its tail in vain. Recently in November 2014 Dr, Brian Whitworth published a paper which contrasted the materialistic and idealistic views, which he framed as physical realism and quantum realism. When he matched them to data, he found the quantum realism (simulation) model fit the observations and facts much better. He writes:

    “The Higgs boson is the virtual particle created by an invisible field to explain another virtual particle created by another invisible field to explain an actual effect (neutron decay). Given dark energy and dark matter, it explains at best 4% of the mass of the universe, but the standard model needs it, so when after fifty years CERN found a million, million, million, millionth of a second signal in the possible range, physics was relieved. There is no evidence this “particle” has any effect on mass at all, but the standard model survives.

    By piling fields upon fields, the standard model now has at least 48 point particles, 24 fitted properties, 5 overlapping invisible fields and 14 virtual particles that pop in and out of existence on demand, anywhere, anytime. And it isn’t finished yet, as each new effect needs a new field, e.g. inflation needs an inflaton field. If this approach, founded on physical realism, is preferred, it isn’t because of its simplicity, as it is hard to imagine anything more complicated! Chapter 4 suggests that while the fitted calculations work, their interpretation is a mythology on a scale not seen since Ptolemy’s epicycles.”


    Science is a Religion: We are Basically Blind to The Electromagnetic Spectrum

    Materialism places so much stock in what we can apprehend with our 5 senses, especially sight, since it is the dominant sense for most people. Yet, of what we know exists in the full electromagnetic spectrum, we can only see a tiny range from approximately 700 nanometers (abbreviated nm) to 400 nm, between the infrared and ultraviolet rays. According to this short video clip, if the electromagnetic spectrum were a reel of film 2500 miles long (stretching from California to Alaska), then the band of visible light would be around 1 inch! According to my calculations, if these numbers are correct, that means that we only perceive 0.00000000631313% of what is really there. So why does mainstream science place so much faith in our 5-sense reality and disregard the unseen as fantasy or imagination, when we are so blind?…

    Conclusion: Science is a Religion Which Requires Faith

    Mainstream scientists will probably feel aghast to hear it, but the truth is that science is a religion with its own high priests – they just wear white coats rather than black gowns. It requires belief (faith) in its theories (doctrine) which can never ultimately be proven (Evolution, Relativity, Big Bang) because they are full of assumptions and contradictions. There is always at least one question that can never be answered, and constantly redefining terms, omitting numbers or inventing new factors becomes, at a certain point, like twisting facts to suit theories, rather than twisting theories to suit facts, as the fictional character Sherlock Holmes liked to say.

    Terrence McKenna humorously put it like this:

    “Modern science is based on the principle: ‘Give us one free miracle, and we’ll explain the rest.’ The one free miracle is the appearance of all the mass and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it in a single instant from nothing.” – Terence McKenna

    Materialist science has tried to convince us that everything can be explained with solid atoms, but as various experiments have proven, only theories which account for consciousness, energy, non-locality and other phenomena make sense. Particles are probability distributions, not little hard things. Materialism falls short again and again in describing and predicting our world. We actually live in a holographic universe – a computer simulation which looks and feels real but which is composed of stuff which is not solid.

    Mainstream materialistic science is a religion – and the time is long overdue to give up the faith.

    *read entire essay @

  • Just saw something funny....

    Televangelist Jim Bakker is now selling real estate in Heaven.


    Televangelist Jim Bakker has been urging his followers to make monthly $85 donations to ensure they will get a good place to live in heaven.“I’m urging people to make these regular donations so we can offer up special prayers to guarantee their homes in heaven,” the pastor said. “People need to look at this like a down payment on their heavenly mortgage.”

    Heaven has all kinds of property, ghettos, shacks, apartments, starter homes and mansions,” Bakker said. “Send in your love offering to ensure you have a palatial mansion in heaven. You want to make sure you are in a good heavenly neighborhood.”

    You can´t make up stuff like this....truth is always quirkier.   They put him in jail once and the people did not learn... perhaps he is only a reflection of the problem.. 

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  • Stick, thank you for  your insights on this topic.   I never had blind faith or blind nationalism, I was always more scientific and more interested in philosophy and wondered about the nature and purpose of evil in the world.  I didn´t live in India in search of spirituality...more a search for better drugs and Goa parties..  The problem is that the bigger the party, the stronger the sense of alienation.   But, the funny thing about alienation, once we realize that everyone has it, then it gives one a feeling of connectedness.

    I used to blame religion for wars and many bad things in the world, then I blamed the government, next the NWO, Lizzies, etc.  The thing is that never changed anything.   Then I noticed my own ignorance and archonic thinking/shadow/pain body and Bingo got ya......I finally saw the root of all this.   The world is a mirror and breaking the mirror does not cure the ugliness that it is reflecting.     Sure, it is OK to point out the ugliness in the world, but just destroying  religion and this and that does not fix the problem.

    I see the life as a ripening process, a daily evolution...and I see religion as part of the process for most people.  In the natural process I see religion evolving into spirituality.   The archonic influence has come in and blocked this process....but then even being lost is part of the process.    I am lucky to have been initiated into several of the mystery schools currently on and off planet.   I never went searching for this, they came looking for me, therefore,  I see this whole evolution/ascension process as being natural and controlled from within.   I am very hopeful and confident that under all the chaos and confusion, everything is really OK...better than OK....Magnificent is the word that come to mind...

    The lotus grows in the mud and is never dirty.  The human race grows in the steamy swamp of war, poverty and injustice...and we are Magnificent.

    • *For me, the question of ‘blame’ is a significant, multidimensional entry point that can help in deconstructing the roots of this ancient, Spiritual war. Who’s at fault, the parasite or the host? The invader or the defender?… Does it even matter? Especially given that their ‘separate’ stories have become so enmeshed that they exist as reflections of each other; the actual origins of mainstream everything’s destructive intent less clear to fully discern. Is the wicked development in the Human story an Archontic implant, or a necessary aspect of ‘self’ that is being worked through/purged on the global stage? It’s a complex discussion… but for me, one that can’t evolve, if we don’t take radical action against the machinations of the shitstem (& the Babylonian prison guards who maintain it), which yes, includes organized religion. We simply can’t change what we don’t acknowledge. The parasite is real… as is the wound that we’ve been effectively programmed to co-create with it. Healing the wound requires removing the parasite…  the example of a tick infecting a host with lime disease (which also affects the mind) serves as a powerful metaphor for the current state of Human affairs. Many of the thoughts that have us defending our own mental enslavement are not our own… blaming, forgiving, accepting, blessing, identifying with the parasite makes little difference. Only through harnessing our Authentic Intent, our Authentic Selves, will we reclaim our Spiritual Freedom… which is ultimately the only driving force I recognize as absolutely worth the fight. Half measures avail us nothing! We stand on the cusp of remembering who, & what, we really are. Thank you for being You, Feather. ~InLight555 


      You Are Part of the Collective Shaman

      by Phillip J. Watt

      The role of the Shaman in the original peoples is to resolve issues of the tribe that other members were unable to rectify themselves. They heal, they influence, they transform, otherwise known as the art of magic.


      Traditional and contemporary shamans do this by consciously venturing into the non-physical realm – a practice called ‘journeying’ – to dance with the spirits of their ancestors and their land to find answers to their current affairs, and assist the energetic rivers to flow in more desired directions.

      However, as the Western world became so-called ‘civilised’ over the course of several millennia, they tore the role of shamans and other energetic workers out of their societal infrastructure. Tribal peoples were labelled as primitive and undeveloped. Magicians hid in the shadows. Witches were burned. Organised religion stepped up to dictate their version of the divine to the masses, eventually leading to the secularization of large portions of society, including their managerial structures.

      Entire cultures progressively lost their connection to themselves, each other and nature, as well as their personal exploration of esoterica. The war on metaphysics advanced. A philosophical disease called materialism took a toxic grip after industrialization, consumerism and the technological explosion saturated people’s minds and hearts with predominately mundane and destructive conceptions of reality.

      Communities were now highly fragmented and the majority of people were sucked into urbanized enslavement. But then the internet was created. An unprecedented moment occurred in humanity’s (known) history where information was being shared instantaneously to all areas of our planet, resulting with a significant amplification of cross-cultural ideas and behaviors. A human culture, not an ethnic or regional one, was being birthed (or simply remembered).

      Amongst all this dualistic madness and magic, spiritual traditions and sacred practices were being increasingly revitalized in the shadows of our collective dialogue… Nevertheless, the shamanic role has only slightly recovered. Or put another way to circumnavigate appropriation arguments, the process of working with spirits, information and energy for the benefit of the entire community is rare, compared to that process actioned for the benefit of the individual implementing it…

      As much as this concept still remains resilient in a world characterized by greed and competition, it’s not given the respect or the celebration it should, especially in complementary health disciplines. Put simply, people who help others should be ‘consciously’ doing it for not just for their client and the development of their own knowledge and skills, but for the human tribe too.

      Regardless, the role of serving the tribe has now evolved. Enter neoshamanism. This is necessary given that the clan is no longer made up of a few hundred or a few thousand individuals, as it did for most of our history, it’s now a highly integrated human community made up of over 7 billion people.

      There’s no one shaman that can fulfill that role. Therefore, a collective shaman is being necessarily nurtured. It’s always been there, functioning as a result of the archetypal expression and informational evolution of the collective, but this is a potent time to recognize and honor it because we’re at the fork of choice between control and freedom.

      What we will collectively choose is yet to be determined. In any case, every single one of us inputs our own energy, our own processing of information, into the greater grid. Regardless if it’s conscious or subconscious, we’re all asking the collective shaman for help as a member of the human tribe, and we’re all contributing to the energy that the collective shaman provides.

      However, there are many advanced healers and energy workers who play a more prominent role in the collective shaman. Many are conscious of it, many aren’t… So for all of you who a raging fire in a world of mostly embers, process your experience – your connection to spirits, symbols, patterns, information and energy – as it relates to you, as well as how it relates to your human family. Ensure you don’t neglect one or the other either, as both are equally important in our dualistically-connected construct.

      In addition, feeding humanity’s collective unconscious with healthy and evolutionary vibrations is but one layer of the interconnectedness that exemplifies our reality, so remember the biological, planetary, galactic, cosmological and interdimensional aspects too… the re-spiritualization of our species is a grand thing, a necessary thing, particularly because it will be a primary driver for finally bringing some sanity, justice and healing to our sick social system.

      Moreover, the more conscious we are of both our separateness and connectedness, as well as how their paradoxical dynamics play and dance with each other, the greater role we have in contributing to the collective shaman and its task of helping our human tribe to prosper.You should remember it, in all that you think, feel and do.


      • Stick.....I do agree that religion, in the sense of blind belief in dogma, must end.  My problem comes from all the people who want it banned and all the churches, cathedrals ad temples destroyed (I hear this on this site and others all the time).  ...because of this, I put myself in the ungodly position of defending religion from time to time.  What I´m really doing is defending billions of good, true, kind and tolerant people who practice these religions. I´m also defending diversity.    I´m in favor of giving everyone a raise in vibrations and taking them to the next level and then the dogma should fall away by itself.  Something like banning religion would make people feel excluded instead of included; so. I see it as a two step process...first bring the religions together as friends (not as one world religion) and then the dogma falls away by itself quickly.

        The same problem arises with the we ban them and hate them or does this just push them underground and make them more intolerant..   In  ´´ Life After Hate´´  the ex skinhead Nazi said that the thing that changed him was people being kind to him.....small random acts of kindness..

        I keep coming back to the same conclusion.....the only solution is to spread love instead of working against hate and evil.  Not saying it is wrong to point out some of the sickness in the society and government, for we need to see there is an illness before we can cure it; but, we need balance in this.   I´ve seen too many people who spend their life ´´exposing the Illuminati, the Zionists, the Jesuits the Lizzies, religion, etc  and really what they are doing is spreading more hate and fear..   I´ve also seen that many people who hate religion do not understand about the Mystery Schools and want to destroy everything.   Just letting you know where I´m coming from, since my position on this might seem a bit odd.  I got a lot of odd looks lately when everyone was hating on the neo-Nazis and I said ´´we need to give them a hug and make them feel loved and accepted.´´   (as human beings, we do not need to accept their ideology).   The only way out of the matrix, for anything else becomes too painful, is to align with our True Self and a shift in consciousness..

        ..Btw, enjoyed the analogy with the tick.  What do we do?..kill all ticks?  Wait, there is a ´´good tick´´ spreading around the makes one allergic to meat....yes, this is true. ..  This could be helpful  for making people change to a healthier diet.   Perhaps we should cure the Lyme disease in the ticks.  But, the diseases one gets depends on the issues in our pain body.  The homeopathic medicine that keeps mosquitoes and ticks from biting one is the same medicine for abuse...perhaps  victim mentality?  Once again the finger point back at me...clean my own mind and align with the Divine..

        • ~I think we're more in alignment with this subject than it may seem... I completely resonate with what you've written, & tho are tactics may differ a bit, I believe our Intent lies in the same healing arena of the Divine. I would never condone banning religion, everyone has to follow the dictates of their own path as they see fit... & I certainly would rail against destroying temples, churches etc. As an example, though it's beyond clear that the Vatican is the center point of the Reptilian hive on the Gaian Matrix... I would never want to see it's incredible feats in architecture & artistic genius destroyed... despite much of the esoteric symbology, the works are fu#king incredible! & yes, within the shadows & agendas, there is real Alchemical Gold to be excavated. Sh#t, as much of a contradiction it may sound like... I would love to check out the Vatican. My adventures in Florence & Venice when I was in my twenties still leave a smile on my face ;-) Again, thank you for sharing your insight & wisdom, Feather. Your experience in these multidimensional matters has added depth & weigh to my path. ~TemetNosce247

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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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Ashtar, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS  Sunday Call 3/20/2022 (Ashtar, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY Ashtar and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages were given during…

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