

For anyone on ACC, who is still skeptical about the reality of ET and cosmic civillisations I recommend research of the Rendlesham UFO case in particular, which offers much objective evidence to support it, along with professional eye-witness testimony...


To wet the investigative appetite I have placed a few pointers for you, above....Including the critical Lt. Col. Charles Halt tape and supporting Halt memo.


I have also provided several blogs already, which provide details of the case from the GFL perspective, something that has not been accomplished before...BUT, here I seek to simply place the earth human witness experiences, for your consideration and hopefully, further investigation.


Recently I have noticed an increase in disbelief of the ET reality, by certain salient and active contributors to ACC....Hopefully, by opening up details of the Rendlesham case I can offer some real assurance that ET is real and benign and indeed, has mercifully saved the planet from nuclear annihilation, without much in the way of planetary fanfare...


Obviously members will not simply believe in a subject, simply because a "channel" or telepath contactee, speaks frankly about it.....Nobody has to take my word for it, but I KNOW that the subject is real...I sincerely understand sceptics, who seek objective proof....Noting, however, that even when genuine contactees offer it, they are ridiculed as fake...One remembers Billy Meier's plentiful objective proof, which was believed in some quarters of serious and open-minded researchers, but dismissed by the rest...His family suffered much, as he went public. His son found his school life to be unbearable, because of the ridicule his father suffered. Attempts were even made on the lives of the Meiers.


Thus, modern contactees have been briefed by their GFL flight crew counterparts, not to present close-up shots of craft, nor photos of ET personnel....BUT, "UFO" cases, such as Rendlesham, involving "ordinary" people, have more than enough evidence from military witnesses.


Like policemen, the public generally trust the witness testimony of forces servicemen, more than witness testimony offered by a channel, abductee, or contactee.....

Civillians may carry video camcorders and cameras, but servicemen may carry, starlight scopes, notebooks, dictaphones and radiation counters, as well.


If civillians like George Adamski, Sheldan Nidle, or Billy Meier, offer proof, it will be ignored by many outside of the New Age movement...However, if senior USAF officers offer proof, the ears of the general public, perk up....

Thus my reason for placing such emphasis on the Rendlesham case, which, moreover, is of personal importance to me and a special location and operation, that I'm fully familiar with...


Thankyou for your interest and if you don't know much about the case, I can assure you, that with further investigation, you will find it to be of great value and confirm several questions and answers, as to the ET/ED reality.


Commander Drekx Omega

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  • Yes, we all have differing missions, which may overlap, sometimes and also range apart, as well...


    What many members don't appreciate here, is that Ashtar Sheran is currently trapped within the parallel universe of Dajansini Arg Lasergnoralin, (DAL for short) meaning a "creation as second born..."

    A planet called Timar, in the Akon star system...DAL universe.

    As such he cannot commuincate with ease, with this universe, we call DERN, which is 46 trillion sol years old...

    Dimensions are different to universes, in the way they inter-operate....under spiritual laws...


    That is why there are TWO images of "Ashtar." One is as he was before 1983, when he got trapped and the other is actually one of my Sirian contacts, called VASHTAR...notice the name similarities


    This is an image of Ashtar Sheran and note how he is not nordic, as some assume...



    This is Vashtar, who is a nordic Sirian...and often confused with "Ashtar."


  • No, not as yet...when they speak to me it's usually about more serious mission related topics, but not about beliefs, etc, yet they have mentioned ACC before, as a collective, rather than speaking of particular members....with one exeption, as she is a Sirian starseed, (see my ACC page) also, from our clan, we call the "Atars".....This Sirian clan is that of the spirit warriors, and was named after the aquilline Atar birds of a neighbouring Sirius B planet, who are considered sacred...Like Earth eagles, but much bigger and man-sized.

  • Yes, touch and very close...on scout ships, and used their onboard ship holographic learning devices, too...

  • Yes, exactly I have and please may I refer you to my numerous blogs and discussions, describing this....

    I'm primarily a Sirian starseed contactee, for a group of Sirians from Sirius B4, known to us as Samanet...

    The nordic beings I communicate with using telepathy and physical meetings, are:

    Samanet Sirians; Vashtar, Sandara, Kalestra, Mikala and also I have had dealings with a Plejare ET; Quetzel, as well as a Lyran Njsan called Taljda....

    As for non-huminoid ETs, an Arcturian named M'Zupa...

  • Yes indeed, ETs are adept at using physical forms and will do so when needed.....This is a true union between matter and spirit...
    Although interdimensional in vectoring performance, the craft too are physical when necessary and will leave traces on the environment to prove it...
    Some members on ACC find this a difficult pill to swallow, but obviously you know it too, that ETs can be flesh and blood, and also may travel between dimensions....so both.
    I am a telepath, rather than a channel......Channels may get erroneous data from distant planes, but telepaths may received better data, from the physical aethers and astral, as well as dense physical face to face meetings, which as you suggest, are the best means to communicate...

  • I would like to clarify something mentioned by Peter Robbins in the vid, which relays a description made by Larry Warren of the ETs he saw on Capel Green, Suffolk...


    I have explained that these three ETs were Sirian humanoids and not Zeta greys, as has been speculated by some eye-witnesses....Note that Peter does suggest that there were differences in bodily build between these Rendlesham ETs and the typically slight builds of "Greys," and that was factual, as they were not in fact Zeta Greys.


    However, Warren understandably assumed them to be, on three observational grounds...


    1. Their small stature.

    2. Their apparent almond-shaped eyes.

    3. Their apparent large craniums.


    As I explained in an earlier blog that I wrote, on this particular case, the Sirians had scaled-down their sizes, for ease of physical mobility, during the extraction operation, within the base, as would be the usual method and something which all fully conscious beings are able to do...Namely, to change size.

    Noting that the natural average height of a Sirian is 7 foot tall, which would make them less then stealthy, during a dangerous operation, such as Rendlesham....


    Also, the scoutship itself had been scaled down for an easier T-Mat transfer, as the lesser the mass of an object being teleported and instantly retreaved, the less energy required to effect, thus the lesser the mass, the easier the instant transfer, in the event of hostile actions by the US military...


    This operation is dangerous, nevertheless, for all beings in the vicinity, including plants, animals, humans and the physical bodies of the ETs themselves...Thus, to avoid the medical problems (suffered by all the military witnesses,) as described by Warren, it was necessary for the size-down and scaled-down ETs, as they ventured beyond their scaled-down craft, at Capel Green (to meet Wing Commander Williams) to WEAR PROTECTIVE EYE PROTECTION....


    They were within protective exo-skeletal, personal hover-suits and wore a type of "wrap around" eye shade, of a style almost identical to the large eyes of the Zeta race, albeit, they wear black contact lenses over their naturally almond shaped eyes...The Sirians are humanoid and do not posses eyes as naturally large as the Zetas...Their "sun glasses" do cause earth witnesses to assume though, that they are of that well-known race, on occasion..


    Such a personalized roving device (a "veleto") for dangerous diplomatic missions, is bullet proof and explosion proof and used by reduced-size ETs...It has a helmet, which allows cybernetic control with it's occupant and will glide beyond the ship, to meet the military. That control helmet appeared to Warren, as if the three ETs had "vast craniums." Fellow USAF witness, Bustinza, did not assume this to be the case and recognised a little more of the actual detail, than did Warren.....


    In summary, note that unlike Larry Warren, Adrian Bustinza had noticed that the ETs he witnessed were humanoid and did not confuse them for Zeta Greys...

    Unlike an airborn teleport, T-Mat transfer allows a scout craft to land, without a delay in re-charging, for an instant jump out of the danger zone....as would have been the case if the US had recklessly attacked it..


    The plasma mist marks the target point in which the craft materialises and dematerialises, if necessary..Eye witnesses did witness this technology in operation, at close range and many suffered opti-retinal burns, to the cornea, in consequence, which would have been avoided if per chance, any of them were wearing wielding goggles, which of course, was unlikely...

    The craft was at the ready for instant jaunt and so it's luminance, on the ground, was far greater than would normally be the case....


    This technical supplementary data was relayed to me by Jschwjsch Vashtar, to aid in clarifying some of the raised anomalies and inconsistencies manifested among witness testimonies.

    Considering the scale of the electro-magnetic and electro-gravitic effects upon these military witnesses, it is amazing that so much was observed, albeit, with great difficulties for them...especially caused by high luminance (craft in readiness to jaunt) and the distracting static electricity upon their bodies...


    Hopefully, this will offer helpful light, upon some of the more obscured aspects of this unique "UFO" case... ;-)


    Note that "veletos" are deployed in threes, as the scouts, likewise, deploy in defensive triad formations..

  • In response to you, Barry I'd say that it does not really matter to me whether you believe me to be a sector commander within GFL Ground Crew, or not, as long as you recognise my passion for the Rendlesham case, as it is well known to me personally, as is the area itself and also within my current sector, so I'm privy to ET data about it, even though it occurred back in 1980...Time is relative, in truth...there is only the now..


    I did state that people such as yourself tend to prefer data from official "experts", rather than from contactees, such as myself and many others...That is OK and I can accept that, so don't mind what you think of me.....It's just that I am happy to furnish members with at least one case with objective evidence to support it....


    Contactees such as Meier, have attempted to offer physical proofs, but found themselves to be targets for assassination attempts, after doing so, by cranks, as well as the establishment itself, who have sought a UFO coverup, especially since 1947...


    Thus, as contactees, we are advised to not share actual photos of ET personnel, and/or ship interiors, or closeups, at this juncture...This protocol is being relaxed in stages, as the human elites lose more of their power....


    The Rendlesham incident happened in an era prior to official plans for FIRST CONTACT....So were experimental and sought to prevent mankind's destruction and test the waters of human suitablity for planetary advancement, or planetary initiation...

    Humanity passed that test, in spite of current appearances, and so the First Contact initative by the Federation's S&E Fleet, was activated in 1992....


    Cloaking of multiple ships has been scaled up a great deal since 1980....


    The fleets are located within Earth orbit, as well as Mars and Jupiter orbits...So, three tiers, or rings of security...This is aimed at exotic tech used by disruptive elements within the dark cabal itself, who have been placed under quaranteen...


    The so-called "bad" ETs left their lofty positions of overlordship, way back in 1995, allowing the new dispensation to offer the real possibility of a successful disclosure...The only resistance to that is from the human elites themselves, who fell out with their former allies within the Anchara alliance.....aka the "dark ETs."


    The GFL is now mostly in control, but will still require a programme of staged cultural assimilation, before an overt presence is made, by a mass landings process.....That will happen as soon as humanity has been freed from the dark oppression of our own kind, in powerful positions of politics and finance...Once the Cabal is gone, you will see a torrent of changes coming through....It is happening, so be prepared..

  • It's not really about me...it's about the GFL and it's activities within Earth history, official and unofficial, inner and outer Earth...

    I was made a Commander in the Spring of 2006, and agree that such a process was never recorded on film, nor furnished with physical documents, signatures and seals...etc..

    Akin to the process of initiation into the mysteries, granting a starseed commandership is a very private affair, between the master of ceremonies and the one who aspires to offer greater service..It is not a thing done in public...Any more than when you go for a job interview....You may show me a P60 cert of pay and tax, but of course, a sector commander within the Ground Crew does not require such documentation, as it is not in service to earth commerce, nor earth governance...It is a thing done upon a wholy different scheme of reality, albeit within a physical plane.

    Much done is Soul work, which relates to the incarnational lifeplan....Does one need to provide proof anent such matters...?? I say not....It is by the fruits they offer, that ye may know them....And I'm bountiful, if you took the trouble to notice...

    Frequently, the most highly placed persons in US military intel, with cosmic levels (42 above top secret) of security clearance, will know far less than humble starseeds within GFL Ground Crew command sectors.....Someone has to assume such responsibilities, as telepath interfaces between this planet and cosmos....I'm one of many. ;-)


  • Because the Rendlesham incident possesses the greatest volume of physical and eye witness evidence, it also receives the greatest amount of assault from the noisy negativist faction, of the Carl Saganesque school of "scientific reductionism."


    Such persons have been gnashing their teeth over this particular case for decades, as the physical evidence to support the ET reality is so overwhelming, it overwhelms the sensitivities of the reductionists....They normally enjoy the sport of baiting cases that lack objective evidence...those supported by eye witness testimony, only.....But, often flounder in the mire when confronted by the vast swaiths of objective and subjective evidence, supporting this particular and special case...

    One of the most lunatic attempts to debunk the Rendlesham case, was the Ian Ridpath "flying lighthouse" theory....which is laughably a case of debunkers being satisfactorily debunked by their own objective scientific methods....LOL

    I won't post any vids about the Ridpath theory, which is truly ludicrous, but will post a comment by Peter Robbins, the co-author of "Left At East Gate."






  • A radio presenter describes the book by Georgina Bruni....The title of the book derives from a meeting she had with Margaret Thatcher, at a charity function in 1997; "You Can't Tell The People.." These were Thatcher's words about the UFO subject, when questioned upon the matter...

    The comments made about back-engineering and "captured craft," DO NOT ACTUALLY APPLY in this particular case, however...None of the tetrahedral probes, spherical probes, nor scouts, were "captured" by the US military...
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