


The 5 Principles Of Co-Creation By Solara An-Ra & The Pleiadian Councils Of Light
🌈 The very happiest of Equinoxes dearest Light Tribe of Gaia!

I offer here a gift from the Pleiadian Councils of Light ... as usual they are delightfully playful - and at the same time their guidance is truly profound. Love and thank you thank you for the ongoing presence and grace of the Star People in our lives! 🙏

 ✨Five Principles of Co-Creation ✨

The Pleiadian Councils of Light

Greetings of love dearest people of Gaia! We are feeling into this blessed now-moment as the March Equinox portal opens - and we notice that, although you Awakeners know full-well that you are in charge of your own reality, you still sometimes lose faith in your ability to manifest that for which your heart longs! And so we are going to play a mnemonic game with you - as you know, we Pleiadians like to both teach and learn through games.

Our games entertain our children, certainly – but they are not only for their benefit, for we like to have fun while we are teaching! This is a principle that will aid the new schools that are manifesting on your planet – your teachers must check in to see if they are enjoying a lesson as much as the children, for all aspects of wisdom transmission should be deeply nourishing.

It is also important that the elders are brought into the classroom, and that the parents are with the children when the wise elders are passing on their wisdom. All 3 generations must learn from each other - that is what makes for a healthy society. And now we will speak of the art of co-creation, which you may also call ✨Magic Manifestation.✨

The key principle for effective manifestation is


We will divide the word into its five letters - which begin five words - which in turn describe five essential principle for effective manifestation.


You could compare this to remembering the sequential colours of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet – by memorising the sentence: “Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain.”


This is a trick that many of you were taught as children, is this not so? The mnemonic we offer you here, however, has more depth and meaning within its design.

✨F – for Free Will
✨A – for Action
✨I – for Imagination
✨T – for Trust … and last but not least
✨H – for Harmony.

Video Link: New Earth Light Code Stabilization & Energy Upgrade By Solara An-Ra - https://youtu.be/qBPNCBs32QM?si=zLS3lUQb81xt08y5


And so we begin.

✨ F is for FREE WILL. An essential part of the Grand Experiment was to grant human beings absolute freedom to make their own choices at any and all stages of their lives.


The essential point here is that you are in charge - of every aspect of your lives! No other person, group, organisation or indeed government has any control over your personal reality, other than you allow it. Claim your divine sovereignty dear ones!


Stop whinging about what anyone else has done or is doing and make your own, individual, free will choices that are in integrity and also feel exciting and stimulating - and this is not possible unless you embrace change!

✨ A is for ACTION. No wonderful thing can be manifest in your life without you taking action. Whether that is in the form of affirmations, proclaimed joyfully every day, or writing a plan with the steps needed to realise a dream - steps must be taken!


Action is activated through your WILL - your solar plexus chakra – which in many of you is operating at the bare minimum power because of procrastination and laziness. Initiation onto your Path of Light & Purpose comes from the very first move on your part. Get off the sofa!

✨ I is for IMAGINATION. The power of your ability to visualise what you desire is a sacred key in the manifestation of your dreams. It is a fifth dimensional skill that is re-birthed as a Way of Power on your planet.


Visualise what you desire as if it is already manifested - and it will thereby be birthed in the etheric world. You have permission to lay in the bath and day-dream, dear ones! This is not what we mean by laziness, for when your frequency is high and you are visualising the highest possible outcome of what you desire, it is always productive.

✨ T is for TRUST, which is equal to having faith. Trust in yourself; trust that the unfolding of your life has purpose; trust in your power to change the world!


Let go of the insecurity that would lead you to believe that you are not worthy of the best. Allow the emotions of curiosity, excitement and delighted anticipation to dissolve fear and resistance to change.


Move into trust, right here, right now, that you are in the perfect place, in the perfect body, at the perfect time, receiving the perfect guidance needed for your personal expansion.

✨ H is for HARMONY. It is your free-will choice, in every given moment, to choose peace over conflict and drama. Life invariably has it's highs and lows, for duality is ever present. But when you step away from drama, so that a bird's eye view is attained, it allows for the grander perspective wherein harmony may reign. Choosing love, kindness & cooperation in your thoughts, words and actions always leads to peace within yourself and harmony for mankind.

The 5 principles of co-creation will assist you in keeping track of your progress on a daily basis – to check if you are implementing all 5 in your daily lives. If you check at the close of each day for evidence of the principles in action in your everyday life, you will very rapidly see where you are in the flow and where you are stuck.


Without judgement or self-criticism around the areas where you may be blocked, simply pay attention and make small steps to self-correct – choosing always joy over pain.

We will close by elaborating on the term Co-creation. This is an expression that refers to a collaboration between two or more different teams or individuals.


When we use it in the context of birthing the New Earth, it implies collaboration between all parties concerned – firstly, between you, the human race – and your planet, the conscious being Gaia.


Secondly between humanity and the plethora of Star Beings who are playing an integral role in your evolution and assisting you to achieve your goal.


And thirdly, between you as an individual – and your Soul-Star Family in the higher dimensions and on the planet, with whom you are in permanent connection, consciously or unconsciously.

Really feel into this dear people of Terra – feel into the idea we are presenting here, that your role of joyful service is only truly activated when you stop trying to do it on your own. You cannot do it alone!


Through all dimensions and universes, it is known that at the time of transition, the people of Terra will remember the importance of working together as a tribe in order to co-create your chosen reality.


As your consciousness opens to see the bigger picture, you recognise that the most important decisions you make concern not only what humanity does, but also what thoughts and beliefs are needed to propel humanity into the New Earth timeline.

You, the Awakeners, are in each other’s energy as you open your consciousness into the new reality. It is a natural result of this that larger and larger groups of Star-Soul Family come together, whether in person or online. Take heed of this and make the effort to join others in these years of the Rainbow Bridge to New Earth.


All of you will find yourselves shifting away from personal evolution into this collective birthing – for this is the moment where it is natural for you to do this! It is a spontaneous occurrence as your consciousness expands. We love you, dear Earthlings. We are with you on this journey - never for a moment doubt it! Namaste.

✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

From Solara: You may have spotted a reference in the above channelling to my new book: Rainbow Bridge to New Earth. For those of you patiently awaiting its publication, more patience is needed!


When they gave me the mission last October, they led me to believe it would be easy-peasy. Instead, it has led me down a couple of rabbit holes - but I have re-emerged triumphant!


Of COURSE birthing a channelled book was going to be a re-birthing for ME, how could it not be? I am very grateful for the twists and turns it has led me through - I needed a spiritual kick up the butt to be honest! Challenges always lead us forwards and upwards - when we embrace change and trust in synchronicities.

It's coming, slowly slowly! I hesitate to promise a date second-time around but I can say with confidence that it WILL be manifested in this half of 2024!

With love love love as always,

✨Solara An-Ra✨

Magic Weaver & Frequency Keeper for Gaia



Video Link: Pleiadian Star Mothers 12 Strand DNA Activation By Solara An-Ra - https://youtu.be/vloB2xtsCPU?si=ooKI7FhTWS3eENV9




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