Sunday Call  8/23/2020    (Lord Sananda, OWS)

James & JoAnna McConnell






Sananda and One  Serves channeled by James McConnell

Shoshanna (Joanna’s Higher Self)


These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ  on August 23, 2020. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

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LORD SANANDA  (Channeled by James McConnell)


 I am Sananda.  I come at this time in relation to the various experiences that you are having in these moments. 


These moments that you continue to move higher and higher in vibration in all of the moments.  But know that as you continue to move higher in vibration, and your frequency continues to increase, so too does your consciousness. 


And as your consciousness increases, and the vibrations within you and around you, everything that can penetrate into you cannot any longer.  Nothing can penetrate through those higher vibrations, through those higher frequencies. 


So this is why all of you that are in this group, and many others who would resonate to my words at this time, are not being affected by this virus.  Because this virus brings nothing but fear.  And you are not affected by the fear because you are moving into those higher vibrations more and more.  More and more in every moment, you are doing so. 


Yes, of course, there are times when you fall back.  In your discussion earlier (during our Sunday conference call), you have spoken about that.  About being triggered in various ways.  About emotions coming up in various ways.  But also know that as these triggers come up, it is to help you to overcome them.  It is to bring these attachments to the forefront for yourselves so that you can begin to work on them. 


But it is not that you have to work on every single attachment.  That would be nearly impossible.  But you have to work on becoming neutral within yourself.  That is the main goal.  That is what this Ascension process is all about, is to find the neutrality within you in every given moment.  And as you find that neutrality within you, you have raised your vibration. 


And as you have raised your vibration, nothing outside of yourself can penetrate into you.  Nothing can harm you.  No virus, no bee sting, no anything can hurt you.  No sickness can befall you because you are in those higher vibrations.  And this is why those of you have not been affected by this virus that has gone around the entire planet.  But only those that are in the lower vibration in those moments are affected by this. 


This is what you must come to understand.  You are ascending.  You have not fully ascended yet.  You will know when you have ascended.  There is no way that you can not possibly know.  And yes, at that point, when you have gone through a full ascension, you will have mastered all of what has come before.  All of this illusion will become mastered at that point, and you can then consider yourself an Ascended Master. 


But also know that you have been masters before.  You and your higher dimensional selves have been masters before, each and every one of you, or you would not be in this group.  You would not be being prepared as you are in the ways that we are doing so.  So you have to know that you are in this Ascension process now.  And everything that you are doing is working toward moving you through this process. 


But as was said earlier, it is all a journey.  There is no final destination.  There is no final place to come to and where you can say you have finally arrived. 


Yes, you will come to the point long, long, long into the future, as you understand time, here, where you will consider yourself as arrived, because you will become a complete part of the God Self again.  This is beyond the Ascension that you are understanding now, and will continue to be a part of the great journey throughout. 


You have come from God.  You are a part of God.  You are that spark of God.  A spark of the Prime Creator himself/herself.  And you will return as that spark to Prime Creator again.  But in that time, you will be fully aware of who you are within that spark. 


And all of the experiences that you have accumulated throughout all of the journey that you have been on will be a part of your expression at that time.  But that is so far off, to not even begin to be able to think about it, or in any way be able to analyze this, or give it any kind of wording, because it is not possible at your third dimensional understanding and part of within this illusion yet, you cannot begin to understand even fully what Ascension is. 


We can tell you from our experience what it is.  But it is only for you to experience it itself for you to fully understand everything about it.  To understand what Ascension is, you have to be it.  You have to have done it.  And yes, when you do ascend, the memories will return to you.  They will come back to you, and you will remember possibly when you were ensouled in planets and solar systems, where you have been a Christ before to another civilization, where you have been the ones that have gone to various systems and have been those System Busters.  Many of you will remember much of this. 


But it will still not compare to what it will be like when you’ve realized your full ascension in that moment.  And in that moment, you consider yourself, at least at this part of your journey, to have arrived. 


Up until that point, you are in process.  You are working toward it.  You are working toward mastership.  Mastership of your Lower Self, what some call the Lower Ego.  You are working to master that, to master the lower chakra centers, to fully raise your Kundalini energy.  To raise your Kundalini energy to the highest level of expression that you at your current understanding could even begin to understand. 


You see, it is a great paradox.  Someone spoke of that earlier.  A great paradox, knowing that you have been masters before, and you are in the Mastership Program right now.  But it is a program.  It is a process.  So allow yourself to continue to move through this process.  And do not try to give it words.  Do not try to give it understanding, because it is not understandable at this point in your understanding. 


So let it go, and just become.  Just BE who you are.  And realize as you become more and more of who you are, then you will find yourself to be at the fullness of who you are. 


I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace and love, to continue to enjoy the journey along the way, in each and every moment. 





ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.  


Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Our lovely, wonderful Shoshanna is back with us, and we are so overjoyed to have her with us again! 


And yes, you can unmute your phones now if you wish to ask a question.  We do not have message.  But we will entertain your questions if you have any, here.  Do you have questions for One Who Serves and Shoshanna?  


Is anyone out there?  Do you have your phones unmuted, or are there just simply no questions?  Well then, we ask:  is there anyone out there? 


Guest:   Yes.


OWS:   Yes.  Very good.  Would there be questions here?  Otherwise, we will release channel.


Guest:   Since no one is saying anything, I guess I’ll ask a question that I ordinarily wouldn’t ask.   But I have had all these dreams lately since I got home from the Advance about the Galactics.  James is with me in the dreams all the time, and JoAnna too, who is feeding me cakes and sweets all the time (giggles). 


It started out that I see the ships in the sky with James, in the first dream they were in the sky. 


Then the second dream the next night there was like a landing in the backyard.  In the backyard there is an ET, and nobody sees the ET.  Then someone in my ear says, “Oh, can you hear me?”  So that was kind of that dream.  Then I had a few more dreams. 


But this one dream I had, the Reptilians were all up in the sky shooting these lasers at us.  So I was scared, of course, running around these apartments.  Then these Pleiadians landed, and it was like a Council.  Part of the group was there.  We had to get ahold of James to come.  We were all standing there, and they gave us some sort of message.  And they said we could go with them.  So I started to run up the stairs to take a shower, but here comes James walking down the stairs, all ready to go in this regal, royalty outfit, with this long kind of dress coat to the floor, and he had a big crown on his head.  So he got to go on the ship.  I didn’t get to go (laughs).  He was back in a few minutes.  I saw a few more things. 


But could you just kind of maybe…?  I already have some thoughts of just the meaning.  But I wondered if you could say anything about it.


OWS:    We ask you first:  what are your thought of meaning, here?  Then we will go forth from that.


Guest:   In the first dream when we were seeing the ship, I kept saying, “I can’t quite see him.”  I could see him, but I was like, “I can’t see him.”  You know, throughout this whole time with you and James, I have often said, “I can’t see, I can’t see.”  When we do the multi-levels and stuff.  So I thought maybe it had something to do with that. 


Then the second one, when there was an E.T. in the backyard, and everybody was kind of scared, I said something about fear to everybody.  You know, that we just create our own fear. 


And then the next one with the reptilian, that just seemed like something that is in my subconscious maybe from a long time ago, and that I don’t really need to fear, because the dream ended up really good.  And also there was a reptilian child there, and the mother said, “Don’t say that!”  You know, about the reptilians, anything bad, saying that some of them are good.  So I thought, oh, maybe that’s something I need to think about.


And then the whole thing about James going on the ship, and me not going.  I thought, when I woke up, maybe it’s just vibrationally.  I think James has a higher vibration and would be able to go, and that he is some sort of royalty.  That was the most amazing part.


OWS:   First of all, we will say here that your concept of the James, and you mentioned also The JoAnna earlier, is not what it is.  It is not James.  It is not JoAnna.  It is your understanding of parts of yourself, here, and what The James represents here to you.  And that is what is occurring here.  And the idea that James, as a part of yourself, went on the ship and you did not, there is that dichotomy within you, as we find it, that feels like you are not worthy.  That James would be worthy in your understanding, here, but you are not.  That you would be left behind.  And we can assure you that that is not the case, Dear One.  Because you remember long ago when you had experience of being there as one to assist others in boarding the ships.  Do you remember this? 


Guest:   Oh, yes. 


OWS:   Yes!  You need to revisit that particular understanding.  Not the experience itself, so much, but that understanding. 


It is not a question of being worthy.  It is not a question of even being ready for it. 


You are all being prepared for this in various ways to be a part of this new expression as it comes forth here in terms of when the ships do come, when they do land, where you will be in this whole scenario, here.  And you are all to be a part of this in various ways. 


So it is not for one to be more worthy than the other.  So put that out of your mind, Dear One, okay?


Guest:   Yes.


OWS:   Do not think about it in those terms. 


Now, for that of the reptilian that appeared to you, and there was fear.  Of course there would be fear.  At this point now, if you were to see a reptilian, you would run in fright from that one, even if that one was not to be feared in any respect. 


So this is why the full contact has not happened yet, because the surface population here is not quite ready for this yet, because there would be fear.  Even ones that would come in ships and would not be the reptilians, but you would not know that necessarily at first, many would be frightened because of your various movies and the depictions of what the E.T.’s would be like, here, as little gray beings, or whatever monstrosities your movies have come up with in the past, here. 


You are all working through this process here to be prepared, as we say here, to be those that would welcome the ones coming from the skies, that would be there to assist in that process in various ways, as we say, here.  Okay?


Shoshanna, do you have anything you can add here?


Shoshanna:   We can share on this.  May we share, Dear Sister? 


Guest:   Of course.


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, our perspective is this, that there are two programs that run within you for many lifetimes.  It is a pattern.  And One Who Serves has delineated this.  But we will give you the remedy. 


So first of all, you must recognize that you have a dense program running called ‘the left behind program.’  This is a program where you and your own worthiness is diminished.  So you have this program. 


You also have the second program that you have that is running, and we apologize, but you have given us permission to share our perspective.  The second program is the program of ‘comparison.’  That others are better than you, have a higher vibration than you, have advanced further than you.  And even if this is true, it is not relevant.  It is not a relevant thing in this life. 


So we must give you the remedy now.  The remedy is, Dear Sister, for you to choose to recreate the dream.  So we ask you if you wish to conquer these insidious programs that keep running in your life, then you must decide to recreate the dream.  So in your times of just before you sleep, you must request that the dream be changed.  And we would ask you that in the dream that you change that you are the royal one!  You are the one with the waistcoat, you are the one with the crown, and you are entering the ship!  You must see yourself that way, and this will in many ways obliterate the program that you are living through, you see.  So you must see yourself as advanced.  Does this make sense to you, Dear Sister?


Guest:   Yes.  I have been told this before about the programs.  I guess I needed to hear it again.  And I will practice that.  Thank you so much, Shoshanna.


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, may we continue?


Guest:   Yes.


Shoshanna:   The most important message that we have here is that you begin to recreate your dreams.  That when you experience a battle, that you win it!    That you overcome it.  As you recreate your dreams, your dreams will recreate you in this reality.   Namaste.


OWS:   Very good.  And this goes out to all here that are listening here, and will read these words after, and that you are all being prepared in various ways here, working with the energies and vibrations, and all of this, to be the ones who would be able to board those ships, and all of this, would be the ones that are in the First Wave of Ascension as we have been speaking of, and ones that are showing the way, the Wayshowers.  We’ve called you that many times previously.  You are the Wayshowers.  And in order to be the Wayshowers, you have to be prepared for this.  And this is what this entire process:  these calls, these Advances that you have from time to time, it is all about being prepared for what is yet coming, here.  Okay? 


Guest:   I have a question.  I don’t know if you can answer this question, One Who Serves and Shoshanna, because it is kind of a personal question in a way, so don’t answer it if you can’t.  We know our dogs and cats protect us psychically from outside influences.  And I really appreciate the protection from my dogs.  My one dog, Zorra, has been acting a little sad, but still active.  She doesn’t really want to eat very much.  And I haven’t noticed her go to the bathroom, any fecal passing, for at least a week. 


My Energy Worker worked on her last night and said she had a lot of cords attached to her spine, and she removed some of the cords.  She was protecting me psychically from any ethereal negativity out there that’s going on in the Collective, which I understand. 


But I also want to make sure it’s nothing physical.  I did take her to the vet.  They did x-ray.  She said there was still some food in her stomach.  So I don’t know if her digestion is not working, and if I need to do further tests, or if it is more like a psychic/psychological/emotional issue. 


OWS:   Shoshanna, do you …?


Shoshanna:   We can share on this.  May we Share?


Guest:   Yes, Sister.


Shoshanna:   Our Dear Sister, this being known to you as Zorra, is completely attached to you and completely attached to your emotions.  We recall that we have given you this message in the past.  And this one will emulate your emotions, you see.  She will be depressed when you are depressed.  She will feel sad when you are sad.  She is completely attached to you psychically and emotionally.  Do you recall this, Dear Sister? 


Guest:   Oh yes I do, Shoshana.  Yes, yes. 


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, may we continue? 


Guest:   Yes.


Shoshanna:   You must work very hard to overcome these emotions that you are feeling.  And as you overcome them, she will overcome them, you see.  We also find that if you search for a remedy for the battle for this animal, which she is a god, she is not an animal, she is a god.  But if you wish to search for a remedy, there will be a remedy that will cause her to physically expel what is in her stomach.  You must look for this.  We also find, and you may already be doing this, that giving her liver will cause her to empty her stomach.  This is the advice that we have.


Guest:   Cooked liver?


Shoshanna:   Yes, Dear Sister. 


Guest:   Cooked liver?  Okay.


Shoshanna:   Yes.  And you must be careful with this, because this can cause a reaction that you don’t wish to have.  But if you begin to offer her one to two tablespoons of cooked liver in her diet, she will expel the contents of her stomach more easily, you see.  This is what we wish to offer to you, Dear Sister.  And we wish to ask you to give Zorra our love.  We love her!   Namaste.


Guest:   Thank you.  Quickly, phosphorus is supposed to be good for digestive issues.  Do you feel that phosphorus homeopathic might be good for her? 


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, may we share? 


Guest:   Yes.


Shoshanna:   We find that you must try the liver first.  And if this does not do the trick, then you can offer her small amounts of this as well as a homeopathic remedy.  You must try different things with her.  However ,the most important thing is that you continue at all odds to raise your vibration around her, as she will respond to that.   Namaste.


OWS:   And we add here, not only for this one who asked the question, but for all here that have their animals, their pets, and all of this:  you have to understand that your vibration matches their vibration, or vice versa, their vibration will match your vibration.  So when all of you are gifted with these various pets that come into your life, they are going to be at your vibration.  And if they are at higher vibration when you find yourself in a lower vibration, they will react to that lower vibration and have difficulties within it.  What we are saying is be aware of your vibration at all times around your pes, because they will be affected by it. 


You will notice, for instance, if you are in an argument of some type with your spouse or with another individual, and your pets will response to that anger that you are showing, that lower vibration that you putting off, here.  So it is important for you to maintain your neutral state as much as you possibly can, not only for those pets that you have, but for yourselves certainly as well. 


Would there be any other questions? 


Guest:   I want to ask another quick question, if I may.  Just going to the other question and discussion that you just had about being prepared, I find myself attracted to scary videos of entities, and so on for some reason.  I just wondered if that was a way I was preparing myself to meet up with something that is not as usual to look at.


OWS:   What are you speaking of, horror movies?  Or what are you speaking of? 


Guest:   Real videos that were caught on cameras, and so on, and people in their houses and somebody will accidently catch an entity scooting by, or people chasing down or coming across ghosts, or not necessarily positive-looking entities, but these are so-called real videos that people post on the internet.


OWS:   Yes.  We understand now.  What we would say to you is in some respects, yes you are being prepared for what is yet to come, as we have spoken of before of those glimpses into those other dimensional frequencies, we will say.  And even to the point where some of you will begin to see those which are what you would call ‘on the other side,’ here.  Or what we have said before, ‘you will begin to see dead people.’  And that is just a part of your Ascension process, here, as you move through this.  Nothing to be concerned about.  But in some respects you are being prepared, here. 


But now, we would also say to avoid any kind of fear type of emotion that comes as a result of this.  If you watch these videos, or these movies, and it brings up fear within you, then that is very detrimental to you, and we would say to not be a part of that. That goes for various of your horror movies, and things of this nature, which brings the fear impulse, here.  And we would say that is very detrimental to your emotional well-being, and to your Ascension process.  We would say to stay away from all of that as much as you possibly can.  And actually, we would say just simply stay away from it completely.  Okay?  


Shoshanna, do you have other perspectives to share, here?


Shoshanna:   We can share.  You have given a full answer and appropriate answer for this one.  But we would like to share a perspective.  May we share?


Guest:   Yes, please.  Thank you.


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, may we ask you a question?


Guest:   Yes.


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, do you feel fear when you are viewing these videos? 


Guest:   No, I am kind of excited to look at them.  And if I do start to feel that, I stop watching them, and I don’t watch them in the middle of the night or late at night.  But I seem to get kind of a thrill of watching them and not being afraid, I guess.


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, may we continue?


Guest:   Yes, please.


Shoshanna:   We find that you as a being in this life have a high degree of curiosity.  You have always been curious.  You have always been curious of other-worldly things.  This is just a continuation of your curiosity so that you can add to your understanding of what is out there beyond this common third dimension, you see.  So you may fulfill your curiosity, as it is part of your education of moving forward.   Namaste.


Guest:   Namaste.  Thank you both.


OWS:   Very good.  Are there any further questions, here?


Guest:   Yes. 


OWS:   Yes. 


Guest:   And this is directed to Shoshanna.  There is something that has been on my plate most of my life where I get excited about something new, like a new lesion, a new teaching.  It lasts for a short time, and then I lose interest.  And so what I am noticing now with all the changes that are happening within and without that it’s kind of perplexing because I was very energetic, I set my mind to something, and I would do it.  But now it seems like my energy has leveled out.  Goals have never really been a bit part of my life or my interest.  So I feel like I have been floating around from place to place, thing to thing, throughout my life.  And I have really no idea what’s going on other than it might be something energetic in my field, past life, or in my chakras.  So I am asking for an insight in this.  I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one that’s experiencing these things.  So thank you.


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, do you wish to ask a question, Dear Sister, or do you wish our perspective? 


Guest:   Your perspective, please.


Shoshanna:   We will share our perspective.  May we share? 


Guest:   Yes, Darling.


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, you as a being have a long and arduous lineage as a native.  You have been a native, like an Earth Spirit.  We cannot say that have a long lineage as a Native American, but as a native of many realms.  And as a native, you wish to wander.  You wish to experience.  You wish to partake in many experiences.  This is completely appropriate for your path. 


What you are confused about is that perhaps others have told you this is not so appropriate, you must settle down.  We find that often the message to many that are wanderers that wish to partake of multiple experiences are told more and more and more that they must choose one path, they must settle down.  This is a third-dimensional concept that is irrelevant to you and to others. 


So what you must do is accept who you are.  Not so much change who you are, except that this is how you roll, you see.  And, the fact that you will try something and then you will decide to discard it after trying it is simply because you already know the content of it.  You already understand it, so there is no more to explore, and you move on.  You may not realize that about yourself that you have already experienced what is being given, and you decide it is time to move on.  This is the spirit whisperer in you that says, “Move on, this is not a relevant teaching for you at this time,” you see. 


So this is truly in your nature to be a wanderer to move on, to experiment, and to partake in a way where you taste things instead of eat the entire meal.  Does this make sense to you?


Guest:   Yes, entirely.  And also explains my level of curiosity.  I’m always curious and wanting to experiment and check things out, and at times I get a little lost.  But yes, I understand.  That’s the best thing I’ve heard in a long, long time, if ever.  Thank you, so much.


Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, may we continue?


Guest:   Yes, Baby.


Shoshanna:   We wish to tell you that you are following you path, and no one can tell you otherwise, you see.   Namaste.


OWS:   We will add here, not just for this one who asked the question, but for all of you, that you are all in a somewhat similar circumstance in that you are following the ‘road less traveled,’ we will say, here.  And you are the ones that are ‘on the fringe, the ones that are the crazy ones.’  Many of your family think you are crazy in your belief systems, and all of this.  But you are all together in this.  You are all working through this entire process.  And again, you are the ones that are going forward, the ones that are showing the way.  So be who you are in showing the way.  Do not try to capitulate to those various expressions that others think should be meant for you, because they are not meant for you.  You are not meant to capitulate.  You are meant to be the System Busters.  Okay?


Would there be any other questions, here before we release channel? 


No, then we are ready to release channel.  Shoshanna, do you have parting message, here?


Shoshanna:   We do not have a message.  But we will contribute our perspective at this time.  May we contribute?


OWS:   Yes, please do. 


Shoshanna:   To all those that find themselves in a very strange land, you are strangers in a strange land.  And the way that you operate as strangers in this third-dimensional strange land (to yourselves) will be completely different than others.  You must not see this as something that is wrong with you.  You must see this as this is right with you.  This is your preferred path.  This is what you designed your life to do. 


So more than anything, we ask all of you to work on self-acceptance.  Accept that this is what you chose.  And this is what you will fulfill in this lifetime.   Namaste.


OWES:   Very good.  And we would just simply say, continue on your road to mastership at this point.  You are working to bring yourself to a higher expression within yourself, and do so in all opportunities that you have.  And continue to move toward that becoming a master once again.  You have been masters once before.  You are working on becoming masters again.  Masters of yourself—that is what you are working on, here. 


We release channel now.   


Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.   


Channeled by James McConnell

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