I posted this picture in another thread but i thought if i make a new one maybe a few more would see this picture.....
Ok! My friend called me Monday (10/9-2012) night and said that the moon was red and i was like okey send me a picture, So my friend took a picture with his samsung galaxy S II. i was amazed since the moon/planet is red... and this was not on any news the day after.. so my thoughts is was there anyone else that saw this or knows something about this????
I saw this too, but didn't take a picture at the time. A couple of weeks ago on my way home from work around 6:30am EST I looked in the rear view mirror in my car and saw a large red orb in the sky the size of the moon, but it wasn't the moon and I saw it in the west. The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. I stopped my car and looked again and it was still there. I have not heard of anyone else seeing this either. I see, feel, and hear many things that your average unawakened person doesn't see.
@Jaque well that must be a BIG banana :D hehe thank you guys for the info so my friend wast right after all :) was just curious.. :D love to you all :) Peace
@renas the reason this wasnt on the news is because the moon can appear red almost anytime it is low in the sky because of refractive properties of the atmosphere, it is also how the moon changes size and appears larger at the horizons than at its peak.
If people spent an hour or so they could easily learn when and where the moon is in their local sky to avoid this sort of misunderstanding. A couple of years ago people were freaking out that the moon was tilting, even had people claiming to be taking astrophysics and such saying it was tiling, except that it ALWAYS appears to be tilted from left to right as it traverses our skies.
I saw that blue hallo the other night as well.
Are we seeing banana bombs like in worms, coming soon to 5d realms!