514_400x400_NoPeel.jpg?region=name:FrontCenter,id:11911304,w:16The following was written by Wes Annac for the ongoing “planetary healing” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.

In my opinion, a big aspect of healing the planet is addressing the pollution our collective has allowed to run rampant with little thought or concern about it.

Our planet is being polluted every day in so many different ways, and while I can’t offer a concrete solution to solve the biggest pollution problems facing us, I can point out some of the things we can do in the Now to start creating a sustainable future.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that our current ways of sustaining ourselves hurt our planet, and as it turns out, we can embrace something that was once widely used and that provides stunning benefits for our society, but that’s been demonized and cast from most people’s perceptions.

We can utilize a quick-growing natural resource that was used for centuries without question until the late 1800s and early 1900s. Amidst researching this natural resource, I learned that various man-made problems that seem to have no solution or way out are easily solvable if we can see beyond our initial perceptions of it and see it for what it is.

As you may have guessed, I’m talking about the hemp plant.

I’m not talking about marijuana, which it’s commonly associated with, but the hemp plant itself and the various industrial uses it can provide for our society. Paper; plastic; food; the ability to fight deforestation in an incredibly sustainable way that can see us prosper; the hemp plant provides all of this and more for us.

For those who may not want to explore the subject of hemp because of marijuana, which has itself come to be known for some extraordinary medicinal benefits, be assured that this discussion is intended to delve into the uses hemp, a plant I think is underrated in our society, provides us instead of the marijuana subject.

Hemp-Guide.com is a great source to study up on hemp and the benefits it provides. To drive home the point I made above, I’ll post a snippet from that site about the difference between cannabis (marijuana) and hemp.

“[Cannabis and hemp] are related through the same genus of plant. While industrial-grade hemp is a rather helpful resource in the world, it lacks the stimulating power of the substance known as delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or for short, THC. It is this active chemical of THC that brings about the ‘high’ associated with marijuana.

Hemp contains 1.5% of this substance, while marijuana possesses between 4 % and 20%. In Canada, the legal amount of THC used to create products cannot exceed 0.3%. Overall, the plants are rather close in details, but supply very different functions for many dissimilar reasons, which especially shows through in the physical makeup of the two plants.

Hemp is much stronger than the marijuana variety, meaning it holds the possibility to create a wealth of raw materials. Marijuana is actually quite delicate, eliminating it as a contender regarding serving a purpose to benefit mankind in a manner acceptable by law (with the exception of medicinal uses).

Farming practices also dictate the amount of THC produced by the plant.”(1)

So we see that industrial grade hemp, and really hemp in general, doesn’t contain the psychoactive substance cannabis is known for. It may contain it in incredibly small doses, and even those doses can be regulated by the person growing it. I’d imagine that if you wanted to, you could grow hemp with no THC in it whatsoever.


The two are related ‘through the same genus of plant’ as the referenced source said above, but other than the fact that uses for both of them that were unheard of three decades ago are coming to light today (industrial for hemp and medicinal for cannabis) they share very little in common.

Understanding this, we can now delve into what the hemp plant as an independent contender can do for our planet. Before getting into a discussion of each of them, I’m going to name just a few of the things hemp can be made into that’ll vastly improve the manner in which we keep ourselves sustained as a species.

Hemp can be:

Used as a biofuel source

Made into paper to drastically reduce deforestation

Made into plastic that’s healthier for the planet

A great source of strong, durable and long-lasting fibers

A source of healthy seeds, rich in important nutrients

First, we’re going to explore how hemp can play a role in developing a biofuel that’s more efficient than what we get from corn and obviously better for the planet than using natural resources. In doing so, we should probably understand what biofuel is in comparison to fuel made from natural resources.

Hemp-Guide, which will be our main resource throughout this report, tells us about biofuel.

“With the sustained high price of oil and the resurgence of ecological [awareness] a ‘trendy’ aspect of society, a lot of research has gone into current alternative fuel source.

An alternative fuel such as biofuel comes from biological sources; the most commonly used example of a biofuel is E85 gasoline, which is a mixture of gasoline cut with 85% methyl alcohol.

The other broad [category] of biofuel is biodiesel, which is shown as a blend of biodiesel and regular diesel fuel, generally with a B prefix. B20 is 20% biodiesel and 80% petro-diesel. B100 is completely biological.” (2)

We’re then told about biofuel’s carbon footprint, which is less than that of fossil fuels.

“The appeal of a biofuel is that it supports agricultural sectors and is carbon neutral. While burning a biofuel still releases carbon into the atmosphere, the biomass used to process the fuel recycles the carbon through photosynthesis.

However, fossil fuels add to the carbon cycle because they have been sequestered by geological processes for thousands of years. Biofuels also naturally produce lower emissions, barely contain any sulfur and burns far less carbon monoxide during the burning process.

Another key concept of biofuels is that it offers a double solution – by making fuel out of the inedible parts of agricultural products, you can take a lot of material that would’ve otherwise ended up burned or turned into low value silage, and render it down into oils that can be used to run machinery.” (2)

So where does hemp fit into producing biofuel? I recognize that we’re getting into some complex territory here, but to understand this we’ll have to understand biomass, the key biofuel ingredient. Hemp-Guide explains.

“In order to reduce plant matter, we must first look at biomass which is the key ingredient in any biofuel. Biomass is the part of the plant that can be reduced into a biofuel format. The 4 criterion for judging biomass as a fuel source are rate of growth, environment it grows in, labor needed to make it grow, and ease of processing into fuel.

The ideal biomass for making biofuel would be a fast growing plant that doesn’t require as much cultivation as a food crop and which is readily ‘cooked’ down into a liquid fuel.

The main drawback of corn-driven alcohol is that every bushel of corn turned into fuel is a bushel of corn that isn’t used to feed someone somewhere, so it’s competing directly with food crops.” (2)

So we see that corn isn’t the best resource to produce biofuel, and as we’ll see below, switchgrass, rapeseed and sugar cane aren’t much better. This is where hemp “saves the day” as it’s easily the best contender.

“Switchgrass and rapeseed are two candidates that are gaining a lot of publicity now because they grow on land that’s otherwise used for cattle grazing; however, the volume of the plant that needs to be harvested per gallon of fuel means that it’s economically less viable than planting corn for alcohol.

Sugar cane is one of the best sources for an alcohol fuel source, but requires an equatorial climate to thrive and many crops are doused with harmful chemicals.

The ideal biomass as a fuel source is hemp – originally grown as a fiber for rope, hemp will grow in places where you can’t grow food, it grows quickly, and it grows in high density plots, making it easy to harvest. It also absorbs 5 times more carbon per acre compared to forests.” (2)

In exploring hemp as a potential helpful biofuel source, we see that utilizing it instead of natural resources can help us significantly reduce our carbon footprint. We also see that it grows in various conditions and climates most others can’t, and the best part is that it grows quickly enough to be a sustainable natural resource, which we’ll get into a bit later on.


(1)- Hemp-Guide: “Difference between Cannabis and Hemp” at:


(2)- Hemp-Guide: “Current Alternative Fuel Sources” at:


Image: http://images.cpcache.com/merchandise/514_400x400_NoPeel.jpg?region=name:FrontCenter,id:11911304,w:16

Continued in part 2 next week.

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    • Hemp can be recycled up to eight times, so this nonsense that using this valuable herb is "stripping the planet" is ludicrous.  Hemp and marijuana were outlawed in the U.S. by those saturated in greed (namely Standard Oil and a press run by William Randolph Hearst) and this same greed-influenced mania is being repeated today by the same individuals for the same reasons with attempts to outlaw coal and alternative currencies.  IT'S ALL ABOUT REMOVING YOUR COMPETITION SO YOU CAN MAKE THE MOST MONEY.  And this is accomplished with the help of a paid-off government that comes up with bu!!sh!t that is defined by them (AND NO ONE ELSE) as being "dangerous to society" or "dangerous to the Earth" or "terrorism."

      The corporate lobbyists are having the most significant influence in Washington D.C. with this "greed is good" narcissistic attitude.  But the good news is that people are starting to get fed up with it, since lack of competition means less jobs.  And the skyrocketing numbers of U.S. citizens in their twenties living with their parents is proof of this.

      "Competition is a sin." - J.D. Rockefeller

  • So basically it's one problem to the next. Let's save the trees and those ecosystems involved, but let's cut down and kill all the hemp plants and ruin all those ecosystems because in our greed we think we need all this stuff. 

    Maybe this sounds harsh but I really do think the real answer to saving the planet is population control or at least the destruction of societies, technology and greed, or perhaps the invention of a technology that does not harm the planet and its ecosystems.

    It doesn't matter if you switch fuels to something more natural, you're still going to ruin the sugar cane habitats. The real answer is get rid of everything you need the fuel for, invent better things maybe, or just learn to live a minimal happy life without stuff. 

    Same as the bamboo subject, it amazed me when I saw on water bottles "good for the evironment and saving the trees because this bottle is made from 98% bamboo". But what about the Bamboo? Here in Canada everyone is obsessed with Bamboo products now, it's going to wipe out all the bamboo just like we did with the first growth forests.

    No, the real problem is there are too many greedy people.

    Also, not meaning to be the grammar police here, but has anyone else noticed the fact that the website spelled environment wrong in the category title? LoL. 

    • Thunderseed...Hemp is a 1 year plant....it dies every year anyhow so cutting it down does not destroy an ecosystem.  Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the earth, it is a kind of a grass.  It is OK to use bamboo as a renewable resource.

    • The problem with "population control" is that sex is more fun than dying is.  If you really believe that population control should be brought up as an issue in any manner whatsoever, maybe you and your loved ones can volunteer yourselves and permanently remove yourselves from the general population. 

      • … ;)) that’s just shows the ‘value of human being’ … the word itself: depopulation … unbelievable …  unless it’s natural disaster … or natural cataclysm … but when mortal man speak of it and justify it … now that’s something else … this planet can support more then 7 billion … there is so much land available … I would say it’s poor ‘management’ and absence of knowledge how to utilize than looking for a ‘quick fix’ … it would never work … take China … the law of one child population control … as the country of traditions, to have a boy is more preferable, than a girl have brought China to a very sad predicament … China biggest problem – too many man … According to the latest census, an average of 150 boys are born for every 100 girls, the greatest imbalance in the world – how ironic … ;))

        • Although they could probably fix that problem quite easily by simply banning gender based abortions. :)

  • WES: some of the following is a repeat of what you presented. I'm not trying to eclipse you in anyway. I thought you may be interested in this article, as this article had some additional stuff about hemp and its usefulness from MANY perspectives. Hemp has a reported 50,000 uses. And it scares the hell out of the pharmaceutical industrial complex and the petroleum industrial complex. The military industrial complex is currently very scared of marijuana because it tends to make people peaceful and pleasure seeking, as opposed to "getting into the mood for a good conflict" with a good belt of alcohol (which tends to make people very assertive and willing to take dangerous risks).

    Thanks for putting out this info. Money addict William Randolph Hearst played a big role in getting hemp illegal in the United States as doing such allowed his stock holdings in timber companies to skyrocket in price. Here's more info about the wonders of hemp; I'm convinced it significantly helped my G.E.R.D. health problem:

    “The Hemp Plant, Humankind's Savior - 50,000 Uses and Counting”

    Written By: Jeff Meints


    The hemp plant was one of humankind's first cultivated plants and there is quite a lot to educate oneself about this greatly historical plant. With the help of the hemp plant we, as a society could eliminate smog from current fuels, create a cleaner energy source that can replace nuclear power, remove radioactive waste from the soil, and eliminate smog from our skies in more industrialized areas. The hemp plant could assist in eliminating non-biodegradable plastics and cars by reintroducing Henry Ford's 100 year old dream of building cars made from hemp with a plastic hemp car body that can withstand a blow 10 times as great as steel without denting, weighs 1 thousand pounds less than steel, hence improving gas mileage, can run on a vegetable oil based all natural hemp fuel, and has a completely biodegradable body. Nationwide hemp production could eliminate deforestation by converting current paper to hemp paper which can be recycled up to 8 times where as our current wood pulp is only recyclable up to 3 times, and we could thrive from eating hemp seeds and feeding it to our animals and livestock.

    Industrial hemp can make our future roads, highways and freeways from hemp based concrete, which lasts for centuries. Society can benefit from the hemp plant's attributes such as oxygen production, hemp's dense root structure, and hemp's nutrient and nitrogen production back into the soil. Chemicals in cannabis can be used in medicines and are estimated to treat around 250 diseases and illnesses, from which studies have shown inhibits the growth of cancer cells in rats, as well as a long list of other ailments. Finally, we could make an estimated 50,000 products ranging from building composites, cellophane, dynamite to shampoo, textiles, twine and yarn. If the US grew industrial hemp it could stop wars, save the environment, boost our economy, improve general health and well being, virtually end our reliance on any foreign entity, and save humankind from itself. But wait, wait, wait. I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning.

    Studies have shown that hemp's biomass can be converted into energy and could replace nuclear power and our current fossil fuels.[Belle, Mika] Just by farming 6 percent of the US's acreage this could be achieved. "Hemp grown in biomass could fuel a trillion-dollar-per-year industry, while at the same time create more jobs, clean our air, and distribute wealth to our communities and away from centralized power monopolies." Hemp's biomass can be converted into gasoline, methanol, and methane at a fraction of the current cost of oil, coal, or nuclear energy.

    An article from Montana State University states, “When burned in a diesel engine, bio-diesel replaces the exhaust odor of petroleum diesel with a smell something akin to french-fries. Bio-diesel is 11 percent oxygen by weight and contains no sulfur, so instead of creating sulfur-based smog and acid rain as by-products, it produces 11 percent oxygen instead. Bio-diesel can be made from domestically produced, renewable oilseed crops such as hemp.” The hemp grown through government farming and regulation is called “industrialized hemp” and contains no more than 0.03 percent THC content, which is not a high enough percentage for drug use. Canada, China, and England are examples of countries who have never prohibited, but instead have responsibly grown, produced, and thrived off of industrialized hemp [Hemp].

    Imagine being able to dump our nuclear waste somewhere that wouldn't have any adverse effects on the surrounding environment. The hemp plant can help with that as well. A nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, Russia had a meltdown April 1986 and experiments have shown that the hemp plant can help remove the toxicity in the soil. “There is an estimated 30,000 sites in the United States are estimated to be needing hazardous waste treatment” and the hemp plant is the answer to this terrible environmental issue.[The McGraw Hill Companies].

    Henry Ford had a dream of “cars made from the soil” and created the first bio-fueled car and also, a car made from hemp. The body of the car was made out of veggie-plastics made from flax, wheat, hemp, and spruce pulp.[Davis, Richard M] As an experiment, Ford struck the door with an ax in the dead of winter and it didn't leave a dent. The material was “ten times” stronger than steel and yet one-third the weight, hence saving on gas mileage. “Popular Mechanics Magazine, Vol. 76, No. 6, December,1941. Title: Auto Body Made of Plastics Resists Denting Under Hard Blows.“[Carver, George Washington] Henry Ford's dream was saving American lives, human lives. The car was completely bio-degradable and so with that Henry Ford achieved his dream of “a car made from the soil.”[Malmo-Levine, David] Fords cars were in my definition: the poor person's car. A car you could sustain on your own, distilling your own alcohol, or hemp and creating your own fuel in your own backyard while saving your family thousands of dollars per year. Hemp oil was even used, as grease to lubricate parts within the car's engine. [Malmo-Levine, David]

    Ford's dream materialized before me, as I learned how he made a car grown from the soil, a car made out of and run off of hemp, and a plastic that is scientifically documented to be ten times stronger than steel and one thousand pounds less in weight. If this were our implemented into current day driving would be like bumper cars and getting into a crash might no longer be such an intensive insurance matter. If all the cars on the road were made with hemp the injuries and deaths would become considerably less. Industrial Hemp must again become our main crop producer and be used in the making of every single car produced in America. The hemp plant could saves millions of American lives. “Car accidents involving other moving vehicles accounted for the large majority of accident deaths in California in 2004 with 1,336 deaths due to collisions with other vehicles. This accounts for about 35% of all fatal car wrecks throughout the state. Telephone poles, palm trees, street signs and other stationary objects accounted for another 1,072 auto accident deaths in 2004.” [Resource 4 Accidents]

    Despite Industrial Hemp having 50,000 uses, Dupont, Rockefeller, Hearst, Mellon and their constituents cornered the industrial and medicinal market with political propaganda. Dupont created Nylon, owned General Motors and was “one of the top ten U.S. based petroleum and natural gas producers and refiners.”[DuPont] Rockefeller owned Standard Oil and was soon known as the “richest man in modern history.”[Rockefeller] This is a political science paper and can be viewed at one of my Blogs here at http://marijuana-tax-act-1937.blogspot.com/. But lets not get off topic, so big business and capitalistic politics thrived and outlawed the hemp plant that had sustained the United States of America, since the days of our founding fathers and all for someone else's selfish monopolistic goals.[Malmo-Levine, David] Henry Ford achieved his dream, but he was denied any true public recognition and any further industrial hemp progression. Every citizen of America was denied Henry Ford's hemp dream of a car made from the soil.

    In 100 BC, hemp paper was invented in China using hemp and mulberry. Since 100 AD, when the Romans wrote a guide to farming hemp it has since been farmed all over the known world. From the Germans, Franks, Vikings, Chinese (who have never prohibited the use of hemp all-throughout history), English, Canadians, Egyptians, and even Americans all grew, produced, and thrived off of hemp. In 1150 AD, Muslims created the first paper mill and for the next 700 years hemp paper was what most civilizations wrote upon.[Schaffer, C.] Civilizations around the world and for example; during the Napaleonic Era, ship’s sails, ropes, and sailor’s clothing were made from hemp.

    Hemp paper can be recycled up to eight times while the current pulp wood fiber can only be recycled three times. By farming hemp throughout the United States and even the world it could assist in reducing deforestation by 50 percent, or more.[Hemphasis] George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were two examples of historical spokespersons for growing hemp and in 1619 the Virginia Company made hemp cultivation mandatory, which increased commerce with England and helped the American economy thrive. Our Declaration of Independence was drafted on hemp paper and our first American Flag was made out of hemp. [Schaffer, C.] These historical economical and industrial concepts and examples can easily be applied to present day.

    “Hemp seeds contain beneficial omega fatty acids and amino acids, more than any other source.” The seeds can be used in a number of food dishes in baking, prepared as tea, any type of food like ice cream, and milk. Cultures all over the world have consumed hemp seeds in times of famine to prevent starvation which has saved millions of lives.[Saunders, Clare] The nutritional facts astounding, for example; hemp seeds contains 20 percent complete and highly digest-able protein.[Earth Friendly Network] Canadian Hemp seed exports surged 300 percent a few years back and China, and other eastern countries have to this day never prohibited hemps cultivation and use it extensively. [Hemp]

    “Only 1 acre of hemp is said to produce more oxygen than 25 acres of current forest.” [Bryon, Alan D.] Theoretically, if our cities had greenhouses on top of all the office buildings, like in Los Angeles, filled with hemp then the massive output of oxygen would be a massive intake of carbon dioxide. This in turn should make our cities skies once again blue, healthy and smog free. Methane is one of the main producers of green house gases and one of the many major causes for dramatic global climate change. [Hopwood, Nick, and Jordan Cohen] Therefore, our farmers can grow hemp in our cow pastures, so the hemp plants can have first hand absorption of methane gases via cow farts, and burps. The cows can also eat directly from the hemp plants around them, which would eliminate the need to use hormones and steroids, due to hemp's nutritional facts.[Earth Friendly Network]

    Hemp has a superior connection with the earth compared to other plants. When you plant hemp in an area that is infested with Canadian Thwack Grass, or Canadian Thistle Grass, the hemp plant's dense root structure will smother out these invasive weeds and make that land again arable.[West, D.P.] Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to Congress back when the colonies were first founded that requested that the government grow hemp instead of tobacco.[Hemp] Tobacco drains all nitrogen and nutrients from the soil, which leaves the land less arable, or harder to farm upon. Hemp restores nutrients and nitrogen back into the soil. [Davis, Richard M.]Another attribute is that hemp is drought and disease resistance, which gives hemp the added advantage of being able to be grown in even the most dry to wet climates and has little-to-no need for pesticides, because the hemp plant is highly resistant to plant diseases, illnesses, and pests. Hemp's dense root structure helps prevent mudslides, erosion, and natural catastrophes. The hemp plant is one of the only plants that can be harvested year-around in states like California, or Florida for example, due to the harsh climates in those regions.[Davis, Richard M.]

    In France there are bridges centuries old made out of a mixture of hemp and lime. This process is called Iso'Chanvre and is another great example of possible industrial innovations regarding the hemp plant.[Rawganique] Society could build roads and bridges that wouldn't require continuous repairs and wouldn’t require endless tax payer dollars each year. Clothes, pottery, shoes, jewelry, shampoos, pies and so much more can be made from hemp and no part of the plant would go unused. From hemp’s roots, stems, leaves, and even what might be considered waste from the hemp plant can be produced into any of the estimated 50,000 products.

    Our current education doesn’t teach us that Columbus sailed across the Atlantic with the rope on his ships, the caulking and rigging, and yes the sails, all were made from hemp.[Schaffer, C.] There was also no mention in our history books of the endless crates of hemp seeds Columbus and the other ships brought with them. Not only did they survive by eating the hemp seeds, but they planted the seeds in America and overtime, hemp now creates an estimated 50,000 products.[Carver, George Washington] The hemp plant's most common product is it's fiber, especially the bast fibers which are extremely strong and durable.

    Hemp can also be used in building composite material such as beams, studs, fire resistant building materials, fiberboard and even such things as paint, varnish, ink and carpet. There seems to be a consensus that hemp building composite materials are stronger, more durable and flexible than our currently used wood pulp composite building material. “In 1935, two years before being outlawed, 116 million pounds of hemp seed were used in the United States to produce paint and varnish.”[Robbins Pet Care] Is there anything hemp can't be made out of? Hemp wood composite is fire durable, which would benefit those who lived in fire sensitive areas.

    Regarding marijuana: You can avoid the whole problem of growing hemps psychoactive counterpart cannabis aka marijuana by growing the plants in a controlled environment and exposing the female plants to male plants. When the female plants are pollinated by the male plants their (THC) or Tetra-hydra-cannibanol level begins to drop. The longer the plants are held in these pollinating and harsh conditions, the THC level will continue to drop and you can maintain the THC percentage to stay below 0.03 percent making it impossible to use the plant as a drug.[Innvista] If other countries can responsibly produce and cultivate hemp for industrial uses then there is no reason why America cannot responsibly produce and cultivate the hemp plant too. Unless we aren't a responsible nation?

    Archaeologists have found evidence linking hemp and its psychoactive counterpart marijuana back to 8,000 BC when agriculture and hemp textile industries began in Europe and Asia [Medical Cannabis]. By 3725 BC, Shen Nung Pen Ts'ao of China wrote of cannabis in the world's first medical text and Ts'ao declared cannabis as “a superior herb.”[Schaffer, C.] Cannabis sativa have been used for medicinal purposes for 4,800 years and has been prescribed for over 250 illnesses and diseases, for example: Asthma, insomnia, often used to treat pain in childbirth, migraines, used for AIDS and Cancer patients allowing them to have an appetite, glaucoma, relieves anorexia in Alzheimer's patients, mental health, it can be used as suppositories for relieving the pain of hemorrhoids, and depression are just a few examples of the many conditions that cannabis alleviates.[Medical Cannabis] Recent studies in Italy have shown that a chemical found in marijuana, inhibits the growth of cancer cells in rats. THC pills, or Marinol, synthetic THC, are made with the ingredients necessary for the specific treatment of those disease, or illness, but some patients cannot swallow these pills, due to their condition and that is when smoking the plant is applied. There are countless other examples of marijuana’s beneficial medicinal properties, but here are two final and thought provoking examples to contemplate over: Medicinal marijuana is used to treat alcohol addiction and other drugs such as heroin and is used to treat post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in war veterans.

    With the facts and knowledge acquired, it is apparent that hemp is humankind's savior and that hemp must be re-implemented into our countries way of life. General George Washington stated, “Grow it everywhere, hemp is greatly viable for winning the war and sustaining a future fantastic for America.”

    Are we at war with nature, or perhaps is nature at war with us? Hemp is grown by almost every civilized country and hemp benefits those countries economies and their countries citizen’s health. To not take the scientific approach in making the decision to legalize and produce industrial hemp is dooming humankind to more needless sufferings and perhaps even another Ice Age. Our current dramatic, devastatingly, unpredictable weather breaks records each year and these violent weather patterns are the first signs of nature's end means. If the icebergs of the world melt, the sea level will raise by 20 feet, or more and force extinction upon millions of animal and plant species, and kill and displace millions of human beings worldwide. The Philippines, Hawaii, Florida and countless other countries, cities and homes will all be underwater if this were to occur.[Climatecrisis.net] Can you imagine watching the sunset with your child and as the low tide rolls out it reveals the rooftops of houses now underwater.

    Only by the legalization of Industrial Hemp and its removal from Schedule 1 of The Controlled Substance Act, can we start working immediately towards the one thing that can save humankind from itself.[110th Congress] America would have a cleaner fuel and energy source, we would dispose of nuclear waste more efficiently, we'd create cars that could reduce traffic fatalities and are completely biodegradable, we'd have a paper product that can be recycled up to 8 times, instead of just 3 times, we'd reduce deforestation by 50 percent nationwide and eventually, worldwide, we'd have an endless supply of food products, livestock bedding, livestock feed and the benefits of the endless nutritional facts backing hemp. imagine roads, freeways and highways that wouldn't require monthly repairs and endless taxpayer dollars, preventing landslides and improving our farming industry by using hem, as a crop rotator, having an estimated 50,000 industrial bio-degradable products, and regarding medicinal marijuana, having over 250 medicinal uses that could ease the suffering of so many people who simply can’t afford the proper care, or treatment.

    The facts and history of hemp show boldly how important it is to humankind that we should all support hemps production and usage for our countries economical and health related benefits. With the debate of global warming over and as I like to call it, “dramatic global climate change” fast approaching we need someone, or something to save us from humankind's destination. There are many facts and products that haven’t been discussed here and there is so much more relating to the history and benefits of the hemp plant for humankind. Only with relentless and patient education and constant communication can society overcome the propaganda and misperception surrounding the hemp plant. These fallacies have masked the history and extraordinary uses and benefits of the hemp plant. We, as a society, must continue learning and teaching others about the hemp plant and we must always network what we learn to others. If you've learned something from reading this article that you hadn't known before you can help by spreading this knowledge of hemp to anyone and everyone. Can you imagine the gold mine waiting in everyone's backyards, or empty fields, or, those thousands of acres of unused land nationwide, or along the sides of our freeways and highways?

    The hemp plant is humankind's savior and the more society knows, the sooner we can put into action what we have learned and the better off our future generations will be. There are an estimated 50,000 industrial uses that can benefit every aspect of our daily lives from this one humble and misunderstood plant, and the facts can't be denied any longer. I think I see a light at the end of this long, dark tunnel.

    So remember to Seek the facts, Confront the truth, and Pass it on.

    Why Hemp is Confused With Marijuana.
    This paper was written in Political Science class and details the accounts of how Industrial Hemp and Marijuana came to be illegal through Political…
    • "Hemp's biomass can be converted into gasoline, methanol, and methane at a fraction of the current cost of oil, coal, or nuclear energy."

      I'd like to know where you've heard that.
      I'm also mighty interested in knowing how you believe one can turn hemp biomass into gasoline, cost effectively?

      • ACUTE OBSERVER: hemp ethanol will cost $0.15 per gallon, will be more friendly to the environment, will not have cancer issues associated with refining,  but will have less delta G than octane (AND THUS WILL NOT BE GOOD FOR FERRARI OR CORVETTE SALES), Hence,  observe acutely...

        Hemp ethanol will only cost 15 cents per liter or 50 cents per gallon!

        I was just watching Jodie and Marc walking through the hemp field and I thought it would be a good time to share my hemp ethanol research with y'all!

        In this day of oil wars, peak oil (and the accompanying soaring prices), climate change and oil spills such as the Exxon-Valdez, it's more important than ever to promote sustainable alternatives such as hemp ethanol.

        Hemp turns out to be the most cost-efficient and valuable of all the fuel crops!

        And as it turns out, the whole reason for hemp prohibition - and alcohol prohibition - may have been a fuel monopoly!

        So check out my hemp ethanol research ... and leave your comments here so I can find out what you think!

        Here's the link: http://hemp-ethanol.blogspot.com/

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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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Ashtar, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - YOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITY via James McConnell

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Drekx Omega left a comment on Music for your soul.
"Kano - Turn it Up (Italo Disco-Funk 2021)👏🏻🌞
-- Backing Vocals – Benedetta "Benny" Dupré Pulga*
Lacquer Cut By – AC* Mastered By – Alessandro Cutolo Performer – 2bgood Orchestra Producer – Claudio Donato

8 minutes ago
Drekx Omega replied to Drekx Omega's discussion The Soul of Mother Russia Resonates With The Incoming Aquarian Ray - Like Attracts Like
"Elina Bakunova provides members with detailed information, about life in the MOST SANCTIONED COUNTRY in the World: RUSSIA......

And when you watch this, you will realise how insane the western elites are, in their globalist frenzy, to punish this…"
15 minutes ago
Drekx Omega replied to Drekx Omega's discussion Russia Celebrates Victory Day Over Fascist Evil...
"Russians celebrate the Victory Day parade in Moscow, 1945-2024...And this was a victory over fascism, remember, which we in the west should also mark, in similar ways.... "Экипаж - Одна Семья"

PEACE WITH RUSSIA....Our allies......Not enemies.....👏😁…"
27 minutes ago
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
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rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
| SourceDear ones, we want you to clearly understand the current events unfolding on Earth amidst widespread disinformation. You may be unaware of the impending changes.Solar activity is intensifying, leading to more frequent and powerful solar…
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AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
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RichRaelian replied to AlternateEarth's discussion AI Systems Have Already Learned How To Lie To and Manipulate Humans
"Hello! Just ignore the AI propaganda nothing good will come of it."
4 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
 ...JESUS: EASTER – THE OPEN HEARTBY YAEL & DOUG POWELLWe have chosen today because it is between Good Friday and Easter. In the symbolism of the death process, this would be the time of the Bardo.The Bardo is the appearance of all of your heart's…
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