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15 plane accidents in 16 days. The Cabal must be using DEW or mico-wave weapons in the Final battle but we wont find outtil we win this War!
"Peace plan talks are ongoing between Trump and Putin regarding Ukraine. Dark Cabal member Zelensky excluded from the talks. The warmongers are not too happy about this lol."
"Speaking of orange orb-like objects this one was seen down in Hays County near Austin, Texas, two years ago."
"Speaking of orange orb-like objects this one was seen down in Hays County near Austin, Texas, two years ago."
"Cool sighting here. I count 5 or 6 maybe 7 orange orb-like objects."
"Cool sighting here. I count 5 or 6 maybe 7 orange orb-like objects."
How Trump, Musk, and a team of coders revolutionized government efficiency in just weeks
02/12/2025 // Cassie B. //…
Do Mexicans still call it the Gulf of Mexico-…
Above photo is the police and bomb squad arriving at a medical center in Shreveport, Louisiana (in 2022) after a patient threatened to bomb the hospital over an argument concerning narcotic pain medication…
Its so true Katrina, it `s so beautifull ~ over there. I am a visitor of outher / otherworlds since i was a little child. The buildings / temples are magnificent. I don` t or can` t find the right words for it. Some of them are dwelling on islands, just like the trees and forests. There ar a lot of geometric figures (Merkaba, etc.). On the outsite the buildings seem just normal, but when you go insite you become overwhelmed by the great expansion of it.There are a lot of different beings. The high priests and priestesses (look like that) are hughes, in fact their energy is hughes (i compare their energy with angels) and you are overwelmed with the feeling of being loved for what you realy are. I was even invited into the akasha library. I was goning down a tremendous hughes stair and at the bottem of it was a pedestal and there was my book opened, with information about me. It was laying there in front of me, but i choose not to read it. I felt it as a invitation that if I really wanted it i could have read it. I can also send my drift itself. I already met several people who have same memories like me of their travels and they can discribe them in the smallest details indenpendetly of eitchother. Even though i have never meet these people. Thats why i love it here on this site/forum, because there ar al lot of similarities and recognitions together. Even although I believe that everyone has their own truth
I have that experience to that guides, counselors, light beings (or how you want to call them) have a great sense of humor and they are occasionally a little naughty and indeed a bit mischievous hahaha, And that makes them very human :)))
I am a realistic person, living in the now and I'm very well grounded. I always check myself because I want everything to do with the right intention and energy. This is not something that i do in a dream state. I am fully conscious and aware. I dont know how its manifasting to you, it`s different for everyone, but i only have to connect and ask. I am convinced that we as multidimensional spiritual beiings all possess the same skills, but that each one of us must find ways to work with them for itself at the right time (for you) and with the right tools which belongs to you.
Thats why i believe in the power of simplicity.
One of my guides is also a native indian chief :)))
Can you see/feel the change/shift in this 3D world?
Hi Catrina,
I`m a traveler into other dimensions.
It`s easy for me to leave my body and sometimes i ask for guidance and they ask me to come with them :))
The first time i asked them if some of them would stay with my physical body and they did.
4 of them stayed en i was going allong with the other 2.
I can write books about these experience.
I have from childhood on also 2 wolves near me and they protecting the home of my soul.
1 is a adult wise wolf and the other is a younger wolf who challenge me to come out to play :)))
I`m aware that i raise my vibration in a natuaral way (i think they call it in 3d kundalini).
I do everything intuitive and i`ve never read a book about spirituality what so ever (maby i should/or will do in the future ^^).
I even have openings/portals in my home and my youngest child can also see them, the oldest is in puberty so the spiritual asspects are more on the bachground, because of other priorities.
The portals are all kind of colours, but the golden/violet colour is almost always affable.
All beings can come in and out and if i want i can close it.
Simple (simlicity) is a powerful word :)))
It's not been a typical journey for me however. I had certain restrictions in place upon my etheric body and I found that bodywork like massage and rolfing were helpful for me to be more present in my body. From there I could sense that certain things were not right with me energetically. I would sometimes have very amazing experiences with shapeshifting and being on other worlds but I could not do it at will. I had a gamut of etheric implants that I'd taken on for the most part and some were not in alignment with my will but there were layers non the less that I had to clear in order to gain more consciousness. Most of that work was done with energy workers because my I could not always see these implants but I could sense them. It took years but I have gained a lot of information from the experience.
I'd imagine you do have some past in the Orion system. There are many beautiful places there. Amazing wonders in fact.
You sound like quite the traveler. I would be very clear in what you want to connect to and try to stick with maintaining that connection. It's not a place to wander about, chasing stimuli. I am fortunate to have a partner who is a fellow traveler and it opens a whole new way of being to share in the dream walk. Makes for very interesting conversations.
You are a multidimensional being and are tuning into other aspects of your being. Some people will experience this as having other bodies or having a sense of knowing other beings but not fully understanding that in your 3D body. Try to connect to the higher levels of 5D as 4D can run the gamut of entities and while it can translate more powerfully into this reality you can get into issues there as well. Trust in your Higher Self.
...Yep ....Nice Reply....Orion Jedi.....:).......x....