I realized eventually that the terminology of ´all being one´is simply composed of three English terms, the terms ´all´, ´being´, and ´one´.

I didn´t get disappointed when I finally came to that conclusion - instead, I decided to go be ok with it.

The point being, that if the Universal Mind speaks English it´s understandable people find it so easy to create terms like ´oneness´and try to use it to define their lives.

The problem which this ´oneness´ideology creates is that eventually you confront the Terror of the Real - there is someone out there you simply don´t want to be one with.

Consider something like 5 or 10 people on this site who don´t want to be one with me.

One of them said that ´nazis like you´when referring to me, don´t belong to this site.

I don´t want to force this person to be one with me - what the bloody hell for?

When you begin to try to analyze the official explanation of what oneness actually is from a higher perspective you discover that there may be some truth, but that it has been muddied in the waters, so to speak.

If there is a universal oneness out there what´s the point merging with it?

No one is perfect and whatever dude said he didn´t wish to be one with me was right in their decision not to - who am I therefore to request him to be one with me, or her if it was not a he?

It can obviously be noticed that the whole idea that everyone should be one with everyone else, goes basically against most, if not all spiritual teachings presented on this and most other spiritual web pages.

And it´s not just spiritual web pages - perhaps it may be spirituality in general.

Consider Christianity - with Christians wishing to become ´one´with the Universal Judeo - Christian mind.

Can there be any idea as ridicilous - or is it just me not paying attention to things?

When are people going to start realizing, that maybe, maybe we don´t need to connect with this Universal Oneness?

I remember reading this book ´Universal Oneness´by David H. Lewis.

Not many of you have heard of him but his works are available at www.hiddenmysteries.com.

So here is the real deal - why do people need to merge with oneness when they´re spirits occupying bodies?

If we leave aside such talk, why do people need to merge with oneness in case of the possibility as some have explained, that it´s an abstract term, and one which may not necessarily relate to anything overtly real?

What the bloody hell for?



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  • Peace Love & Light James ;)
  • Being a part of the ONE, realizes that nothing is separate, you can run as far and as fast as you like and never "not" be a part of that oneness.

    You can choose not to be a part of that oneness, but it is only imagination that you are separate, which is part of the game we play here.

    It is hard to take in and realize that no matter what we see, hear or feel "out there" is apart of us. We may not want it to be, we may profess that we are not like that, but Oneness knows that yes that is us, yes we have done it all good and bad.

    It matters not that one individual does not believe or want to be a part of that oneness, because that oneness believes in him/her. It can not deny its oneness to you. For there is nothing else, Except the "game" of separateness, within the ONENESS.

    Our EGO game is not quite done exploring nor letting go of its separateness and when we see,hear or feel our Separateness, it is a QUEST-ion to ourselves, This or that group says in its threads, you are separate, you are this or that....it is they who wish to be/keep their separateness, for we know, no matter what we spew, we are not less than one, no more than the one

    No one within the game is perfect as this is not a perfect world, it is a world that explores all sides good and bad, it is separate in that it explores separation from the one, and yet we are perfection in the one.

    Accepting our oneness to one another does not condone this or that, it realizes that all is one, all is love, it can open its heart to Love as a universal situation,

    it can contain within its own oneness a love for itself, when it realizes that "IT" is Love, all on its own, and then to realize that no matter what we see, they are me and I am them, and to realize that in this oneness I am capable of loving them whole, loving them as myself.

    But I must LOVE myself first of all, find the love of oneness within before I can share it  and see it without.

    Until then, I will see mirrors, to the blocks within, that are not love, that are not a part of oneness.

  • Sungod Singer agreed
  • hey thanks for your reply Divina.
  • Whatever you may 'think', you still have to answer yourself those fundamental questions that I noted above in my previous post. You soul, your individual spirit self will never be satisfied with some smokey half-truths or with some delusional/illusional general solutions. You deepest core wants to know who you are, who is God, what is exactly His nature, what is your relationship with that Source Being, what is your place/position in His playful mind, what is the structure of this universe, how and why is it created, how does it function, what is energy, how many sorts of energies are there in action, who did you get here, what is karma, what is afterlife, etc etc etc...


    Unless you have all these questions answered, there is no way of being happy, let alone being completelly blissful and ecstatic, which is the very natural position of each individual soul, which cannot reached via any material means whatsoever. Unless you understand clearly what is matter and what is spirit there can be no talk of any sort of knowledge. This is called self-realization, and there is no teaching nor map on self-realization on this site whatsoever. On the contrary, everybody is given a lulaby to sing all day and night: we are one, we are one, we are, no need to realize anything..... This is dumbing down, folks, nothing else. 

    Before I attained state of consciousness beyond anything I ever dreamed of, that is: consciouss re-connection with God/Source/Home and re-discovering my original position therein, I was living under the spell of illusion that I am god/goddess of everything and that everything is just *me* and I believed that I am omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and that everything is possible for me. Guess what: I nearly freaked out with this idiotic philosophy!!!! And that's exactly what 'new-age' agenda propagates so widely. :) This is complete nonsense! For example: if I can't fly right now with this body, and if I can't immediatelly manifest anything I want, how the heck can I to say to myself: I am omnipotent, I can do anything I want?? Who am I fooling with this? See your limits and limitations and admit it and start INQUIRY why is it the way it is... All I can say about this 'Secret'-mania is that it is complete idiotism! You can do only what is allowed by your karma. 

    You left Home/Source/God because you wanted it. Alas, the moment you fell into material creation (world of mirages), you received convenient material body with which you ignorantly identified your-self, and you immediatelly forgot your connection with the Source and you forgot the way back Home. And yet, you unconsciously look for a way back Home all the time since you left, but you're looking for it in all the wrong places: material creations. Since you are originally pure spirit soul, your home can never be any material planet or universe. And yet, most of you here believe their home is some planet or some star system.

    If you really knew where you are, you would become very very serious because you'd also know how did you get here, and you'd know that there is nothing fun or funny about it.... Because you're covered with thick veil of illusion which feeds your long-term oblivion, you don't feel the extreme pain, so you think everything is just fine, we're all one, everyone is so nice, we are all so beatiful, etc. etc. = Dumbing down the pain!!!!!!


  • be one. don't be one . It's up to you.

    Well, your dangerous.  So, its understandable, I think.

    But, you were merely their scapegoat.  They are afraid of what you represent, which is an aspect of Truth which they are afraid to accept. 

    Well, that is my interpretation, I may very well be wrong.

    Personally, it doesn't matter to me what anyone else does.  Which...essentially, is a Lie.  It goes back and forth.  It doesn't matter to me what others do until it is right there in front of my face...and stirs something within me.  I'm learning to back off though.  Well, accept and be ok with it more than back off.  Back off was the wrong thing to type.


    Others can search for what they want, Onenesss or whatever else.  But, if Oneness is what they search for, they will end up confronting some terrifying things.  But...maybe I'm wrong with this (as well (?))

    I'm searching for healing and freedom.  And I will go wherever that brings me.  And if Oneness is where I go, then I guess that I will find Oneness...

    To be honest, Oneness, when I stop to think about it (when I do...as long as I do), terrifies me.  Absolutely...terrifies...  Which I'm slowly getting over.  That first post which I made on this site, was the first time I was truly ok with this idea of Oneness.  But, it goes back and forth.

    And, I'm going to add my personal opinion, a counter to those others; personally, I think you are a necessary...and some other word...integral(?), member of this site.  This site would be very off balance if members like you were not here.  The Red Kapala painting is probably my favorite thing that I have seen posted on this site.

    And...I think that I have more to post, but I can' think of it.

    And I hope that this was not too disconnected.

  • Your already one with all, as humans we just forgot for the time being.
  • What the bloody hell for?  Maybe to put us off the scent so to speak, keep us chasing our tail, always chasing but never really finding the truth.


    I totally agree with you Apis - there a many, many who I do not want to become one with.


    I am ME an INDIVIDUAL.  


    My experiences and perceptions, likes and loves and dislikes are different to everyone else's 100% of the time.  Thank God we are all different imagine how boring life would be if we were all the same.  Many times I have been to a live band or the movies or camping with a group of friends and not once has the experience been the same for every person in the group, we all have our favourite moments, or songs or funny story to tell, some good some not so good, but we were all at the same concert, movie or camping ground, so how is it that we can have such different experiences, if we were one then surely we would have the same experience?


    Its like a relationship that goes bad - the stories are always different, he said she said, but  very rarely is their story the same because they perceive the same relationship in different ways because they are not one they are individuals.


    I believe that we are eternal souls having an individual human experience.  We come back over and over again to repeat the process and every time we do, we learn a different perspective because of the different experiences we have.


    With Love Karen

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